Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

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1 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

2 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, February 6, :30 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am + Jozef Gasienica 8:30 am + Jean Berngen Tuesday, February 7, :30 am + For Parishioners 7:30 am + Stanislaw Wysocki 8:30 am + Ray Mrquez Wednesday, February 8, :30 am - Denise Marek for successful surgery + Gerard Ryan 7:30 am + For Parishioners 8:30 am + Anthony Lonski, -Parish Purgatorial Society Thursday, February 9, :30 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am + Jan Kowalczyk 8:30 am + Marian Mehring 7:00 pm - PARISH HOLY HOUR (in the Adoration Chapel) Friday, February 10, :30 am + For Parishioners 7:30 am + For Parishioners 8:30 am + Salvatore & Rosaria Sturino + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino Saturday, February 11, :30 am - Bernadetta - Birthday Blessing 8:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino 5:00 pm + Gertrude Trlak, + Mary Rod + Salvatore Imbarrato, + James F. Eret Sunday, February 12, :15 am + Stanislaw & Ludwina Lukanus + Jan & Maria Obrochta 7:30 am + Henry Borkowski 9:00 am + Irma Cantu - Birthday Remembrance, + Arthur Diez + John Kulach 10:30 am + Jan Strama, + Kazimierz Laz - Lilianna Molek, 1st Birthday Blessing 12:00 pm + Marian Mehring 1:30 pm + Pawel Szpundow, - Tyrala Family - Blessing 5:00 pm - For All Parishioners - Blessing 6:30 pm + Leonor Silva 4 Death Anniv. - Grupo Guadalupano - Blessing SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Day for Consecrated Life; Boy Scouting Sunday Monday: St. Paul Miki and Companions Wednesday: St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita Friday: St. Scholastica; Tu B Shvat (the Jewish new year of trees) begins at sunset Saturday: Our Lady of Lourdes; Blessed Virgin Mary; World Day of the Sick Page 2 St. Albert the Great Sacred Heart of Jesus Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open 7 days per week 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Parishioners are needed to commit ONE HOUR per week for a year. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When the custom of the stational liturgies was revived in the city of Rome in the early days of the twentieth century, the papal liturgy for Good Friday was appropriately housed in the stational church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. The church is off the tourist track today, but true pilgrims would never miss it. It stands on the grounds of the Sessorian Palace, the home of the Empress St. Helena, mother of Constantine. She dedicated her life to finding the true cross of Christ in Jerusalem, and desired to found a church in Rome for people who could not make the long and dangerous trip to the Holy Land. Eventually, it came to house relics of the cross. When the pope fled the city of Rome for Avignon, the religious institutions of Rome collapsed and the church was abandoned. Centuries later it was given into the care of monks. Amazingly, it concealed a forgotten treasure. In 1492 repairmen took down a brick wall and discovered a niche with the inscription Title of the Cross, and within, an ancient wooden tablet on which was carved the inscription dictated by Pilate for the cross of Christ in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. No one is certain that this is authentic, although its discovery was enough to give the church great prestige among pilgrims. The veneration of the relic of the cross located here was a factor in shaping our restored Holy Week. Rev. James Field, Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. GIVING When you give, see that you give that which multiplies in giving. Raymond Lull Let Us Pray for the Sick Edward Olalde, Elaine Ziobro, Joe Ferreri, Marilyn Buchalski, Leo Weber, Mike & Debbie O Hara, Ken Shipman, Frank Hernandez, Karen LoRusso, Denise Marek, Denise & Rich Jandura, Imelda Gomez, Alice Dulce, Shirley McVane, Carl Demma, Mary Owens, Margaret Geinosky, Bernice Hylaszek, Theresa Stanislawek, Joshua Szymanek, Karen Hock, Lefteri Prvett, Linca Mazgaj, Bartel Amato, Tom Grogan, Smykowski, Sally Busee, Daniel Gabala, Bernadine Hainswoth - Miller, Sarah Busse, Dorothy Rapacz, Flora Mortell, Rubio, Rev. Thomas Mescall, Nancy & Wayne Kinzie, Marie King Doyle, Johanna Pusateri, Marilyn Buchalsk, Bernice Ciszek, Diane and Robert Juris, Salvatore Bottari, Theresa Lonski, Alex Silverman, Hedderman Family, Cheryl Korosa, Mary Ann Riccio, Marcel Pineda, Rosemarie Flanagan. For the Deceased: Stephen M. Bernitt, Joseph P. Heneghan, Ronald R. Lapniewski Sr.

3 Dear Friends! From the Pastor s Desk The daily life of our parish community is very intense and full of many events. We have almost five thousand faithful praying in our church on Sundays. We celebrate several Masses during each week, hold daily Eucharistic Adorations and attend many parish group meetings. In addition, our parish participates and supports appeals and campaigns on behalf of the Archdiocese of Chicago. As you know, every year the Archdiocese conducts the Annual Catholic Appeal. This year the Appeal will begin on the weekend of February 11th & 12th, and its theme will be Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. During each Mass, we will listen to a special message from Cardinal Blase. Together with the priests of our parish, I ask you for a zealous support of this important cause. During the weekend of February 18th and 19th, we will distribute in church pledge envelopes, which could be filled out in the pew or at home. During the last and most important weekend of the Appeal (February 25th and 26 th ), parishioners who did not get the chance to make their financial pledge in the previous weeks will be able to do so. The financial goal designated for our parish by the Archdiocese of Chicago is $54, Additional funds collected during the Appeal will be forwarded to St. Alert Parish and will be used for renovations in the church, school, and the parish buildings. I believe that together, through prayers, commitment and sacrifice we can meet our assigned financial goal, fulfill our pledges and make our dreams for the St. Albert parish come true. Every day we receive from you so much support, kindness, understanding, and love. Through your deeds shines love that you have for our Lord Jesus Christ, your concern for His Church, the parish, priests, and nuns. I thank all of you for this from the bottom of my heart. For all this, let Jesus be glorified! Jesus, I trust in You! Fr. Mariusz Just so, our ight must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. Let the light of your love shine upon your marriage by attending a WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend on February 17-19, 2017, April 7-9, 2017, or June 9-11, 2017, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/ information, call Jim & Kris at or contact us through We are collecting last year s palms for the upcoming Ash Wednesday. Please place them in plastic bins provided in the church vestibule and by the south and north exits. Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays St. Albert the Great Seniors (60 or over) meet 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Rogers Hall. Please come, meet your neighbors, make new friends, play Bingo. St. Albert the Great Holy Name Society members meet 2nd Monday after 2nd Sunday of the Month in Rogers Hall at 7:30 p.m. Pro Life Group meets every 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please Join them! Play Bingo every Tuesday Night. Door open at 4:00 p.m. Books only $ Come Hungry! Full kitchen - Hot Dogs, hamburgers, Chicken, Nachos, Tamales, Soup, Soda, Coffee and more! Wednesdays Bible Study in the Administration Building Happy St. 57th Joseph Wedding Room 10:00 Anniversary a.m. Matt & Ann Kopp and Ron & Mary Jane Shehane St. Vincent de Paul Society meets second Wednesday of every month at 5:45 p.m. in the Administration Building St. Joseph Room. 1 hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Church begins at 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 481 meet every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Albert Room. Fridays Cub Scouts Pack 3481 meets on Fridays at 6:00 p.m. in the St. Albert Room (off for summer) Saturdays St. Albert the Great Prayer Group meets every Saturday in the Administration Building St. Joseph Room at 1:30 p.m. Page 3

4 St. Albert the Great School One Faith, One Family, One Future! STOP BY TODAY FOR AN OPEN HOUSE FEBRUARY 5th 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM SCHEDULE A TOUR We invite you to learn more about St. Albert the Great. Come experience the energy and excitement of faith based academic excellence. Schedule your tour by calling the School office at or fill out a request on our website. ALUMNI St. Albert the Great Catholic School is looking for their Alumni. If you are an Alumni of SATG please us at or with your name, address and the year of your Graduation. Let s reconnect! * * Facebook: StAlbertTheGreatCatholicSchool Join Us! For Fish Fry Fridays Starting March 3rd through April 7th from 4:00pm to 7:30pm in Rogers Hall POPULARITY Avoid popularity if you would have peace. Abraham Lincoln Page 4 Parish Group Guadalupano invites everyone to patricipate in a RAFFLE to win a set of 3 large pots (ideal for cooking pasta or tamales) made by the Princess House Company. Donation per ticket is $3.00. Drawing will be held on Sunday February 12 after the 6:30 pm Mass in Rogers Hall. In celebration of the Valentine s Day, Sunday, February 12th Group Guadalupano will also have a MEXICAN FOOD SALE Thank you in advance for your participation. February 12, 2017 we will have a Second Collection for the Church Sanctuary Renovation Fund. May God reward Your concern and generosity. Our Weekly Offering JANUARY 29, 2017 $15, :00PM $2, :30PM $ :15AM $ :30AM $1, :00AM $1, :30AM $2, :00PM $1, :30PM $1, :00PM $1, :30PM $ Mail In $ Children Envelopes $ Latin America $2, Thank you to all who support our parish!

5 Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza Drodzy Parafianie! Każdy dzień, tydzień i miesiąc jest bardzo intensywny w życiu naszej wspólnoty parafialnej. I nie chodzi mi tylko o to, że mamy bardzo rozmodlonych parafian (bardzo duża ilość Mszy Świętych, nabożeństw, adoracji i spotkań grup parafialnych), ale również nasza parafia jest bardzo żywa i dynamiczna pod względem przeprowadzanych akcji diecezjalnych i parafialnych. Jak już wiecie co roku w naszej Diecezji Chicago prowadzona jest akcja pod tytułem: Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka. W tym roku przeprowadzona ona będzie pod hasłem: Kochaj bliźniego swego jak siebie samego. Tę doroczną akcję Diecezji Chicago rozpoczniemy już za tydzień (11 i 12 luty). W czasie wszystkich Mszy Świętych wysłuchamy specjalnego orędzia naszego Kardynała Błażeja, również my księża będziemy was zachęcać do gorliwego i pełnego zaangażowania się w tę akcję. Tydzień poźniej (18 i 19 luty) każdy z was otrzyma w czasie Mszy specjalną kopertkę wraz z finansowym zobowiązaniem, które będzie można od ręki wypełnić lub wypełnić w domu. W następny i zarazem ostatni weekend (25 i 26 luty) osoby lub rodziny, które nie złożyły tych kopertek wraz z zobowiązaniem finansowym będą mogły to uczynić wrzucając je do niedzielnej składki. Naszym tegorocznym celem wyznaczonym nam przez Diecezję Chicago jest zebranie: $ 54, Dodatkowo zebrane fundusze w 100% zostaną w naszej parafii i zasilą nasze konto parafialne oraz wspierać będą nasze prace prowadzone wewnątrz naszego kościoła i szkoły oraz wokół naszych budynków parafialnych. Wierzę, że wspólnym modlitwami, siłami, zaangażowaniem i ofiarnością uda nam się zrealizować ten cel oraz zrealizować nasze parafialne cele i marzenia. Wiem, że kochacie Jezusa i Jego Kościół, kochacie naszą parafię, księży i siostry zakonne. Codziennie doświadczamy od was wiele przejawów wsparcia, życzliwości, zrozumienia, dobroci i miłości. Za to wszystko niech Jezus będzie uwielbiony! Za to wszystko wam dziękuję i z serca wam błogosławię. Jezu, ufam Tobie! Ks. Mariusz Złote Myśli św. Jana Pawła II Piecza nad chorymi i cierpiącymi jest ściśle związana z życiem i misją Kościoła. Kościół od początku wyznaje, że został powołany przez Chrystusa, który nałożył nań obowiązek opieki nad biednymi, słabymi, bezbronnymi, cierpiącymi i tymi, co płaczą. Oznacza to, że gdy walczycie o ulżenie cierpieniom i staracie się je uleczyć, to również w ten sposób dajecie świadectwo chrześcijańskiemu pojmowaniu cierpienia. Także w walce z bólem może znaleźć swój wyraz przekonanie o celowości życia i śmierci, która jest jedną z podstaw światopoglądu opartego na wierze chrześcijańskiej. (Homilia Los Angeles, r.) ADORACJA NAJŚWIĘTSZEGO SAKRAMENTU W KAPLICY NAJŚWIĘTRZEGO SERCA PANA JEZUSA 7 DNI W TYGODNIU 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM Samotni Ale Nie Sami (SANS)! Zapraszają na spotkanie co 2-gi czwartek o 6:00 pm w parafii Św. Alberta w sali Św.Tereski od Dzieciątka Jezus (biuro parafialne i kaplica Adoracyjna Najświętszego Sakramentu). Jeżeli nie masz rodziny, znajomych, przyjaciół, bliskich przyjdź do nas teraz już nie będziesz sam sama. Po więcej informacji dzwoń do Elżbiety Page 5

6 Saint Albert the Great Parish REV. MARIUSZ NAWALANIEC, PASTOR, REV. JAMES BEATH, ASSOCIATE PASTOR, REV. LESLAW PREBENDOWSKI SCh., ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. WOJCIECH OLEKSY, ASSOCIATE PASTOR, IRVIN A. BRYCE, JR., PERMANENT DEACON RAYMUNDO DIAZ DE LEON, PERMANENT DEACON, MISSIONARY SISTERS OF CHRIST THE KING: SR. WERONIKA ILNICKA, SR. MARIA NIWA, SR. AGNIESZKA KORTIAK PARISH OFFICE....(708) BIURO PARAFIALNEpo polsku....(708) For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, parish registration, convert instruction, prolonged illness at home. PARISH WEBSITE PARISH BOUNDARIES North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett South-87th St. (Cicero to Austin) 83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett) MINISTRY OF CARE. (708) Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr. PRAYER NETWORK...(708) Mrs. Marlene Rybicki ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL.(708) West State Road Mrs. Jodi McLawhorn, Principal ST. ALBERT THE GREAT LANGUAGE PROGRAM FR. IGNACY POSADZY.(708) CCD OFFICE...(708) West State Road, Burbank, Il. MASSES SATURDAY 5:00 PM Sunday Obligation (English) SUNDAY 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM (English) 10:30 AM (English-Polish) 6:15 AM, 1:30 PM and 5:00 PM (Polish), 6:30 PM (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM (English), 7:30 AM (Polish) SATURDAY MASS 7:30 AM ( Polish) 8:30 AM (English) SACRED HEART ADORATION CHAPEL Open 7 day a week from 8:30AM to 8:30 PM FIRST FRIDAY Bilingual Confessions 4:30-6:00PM, 6:00 PM Mass (Polish) HOLY DAYS Please refer to schedules printed in the bulletin prior to the Holiday. Vigil Mass - 7:00 PM (evening before Holy Day) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM Baptismal Preparation Class Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM Parish registration and attendance at the Baptismal Preparation Class are required prior to Baptism. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All wedding arrangements must be made with a parish priest at least 6 months prior to scheduled date. Times of marriages are as follows: Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM, Sunday - no weddings Perpetual Blue Candles are located in front of the Holy Family, on the left side of the main altar. If you are interested in burning a candle with an inscription of your loved one s name for a period of one year - please contact the parish office. The donation for one year is $ TREE OF LIFE is located in the back of the church at our Lady of Czestochowa Shrine. You can establish a beautiful memorial to a loved one by inscribing a leaf with his or her name. The donation for a leaf is $ Donation for a larger memorial leaf is $1, The money collected is used for the maintenance of the church property. More information and order forms are available in the parish office. ST. ALBERT S RECYCLES There are four bins in the carnival parking lot behind the school for people to place paper in for recycling. Please use them to discard your unwanted newspapers and magazines. We are still collecting used printer cartridges, and copier cartridges (not the powder toner). THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE As children we sang the lively song This Little Light of Mine. The words, of course, are based on today s Gospel, in which we are called as disciples to be salt and light for the world. Children are uninhibited about sharing their faith. It s only when we grow older that we prefer to hide our light under a bushel basket because our culture tends not to emphasize discipleship. The message in this week s readings is clear: in order to give glory to God through our discipleship, we must show the light of Christ in our words and deeds. Not an easy thing for inhibited adults. Often we may think of salt and light in terms of what we do for others, but it can be just as important not to do something, such as getting angry with the stranger on the road, or telling an offensive joke. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

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Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 10, 2017 6:30 am - Connie Myers - Blessing for health 7:30 am - Special Intention 8:30 am + Ercole

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, February 20, 2017 6:30 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am + Maria Chlebek 11 Death Anniv.

Bardziej szczegółowo

MASS INTENTIONS. WEDDING BANNS III - Brian Liescke & Karolina Zelek III - Markanthony Solis & Mayra Vasquez. Let Us Pray for the Sick

MASS INTENTIONS. WEDDING BANNS III - Brian Liescke & Karolina Zelek III - Markanthony Solis & Mayra Vasquez. Let Us Pray for the Sick MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, May 28, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino, + Charlotte Lagodny + Max & Alice Gajos 9:00 am + Paul V. Koll, + Souls in the Purgatory

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19th Sunday in ordinary time August 13, 2017

19th Sunday in ordinary time August 13, 2017 19th Sunday in ordinary time August 13, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 of un- MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 13, 2017 6:15 am + Jan Szczypta 7:30 am

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Saint Albert the Great Parish


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MASS INTENTIONS THE 2017 MASS BOOK IS OPEN PLEASE STOP AT THE PARISH OFFICE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RESERVE MASS INTENTIONS. Let Us Pray for the Sick MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 16, 2017 6:30 am + Ledesma, + Camins & + Bagasam Families 7:30 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 8:30 am - Parish Purgatorial Society Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:30 am

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Saint Albert the Great Parish


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Saint Albert the Great

Saint Albert the Great Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Palm Sunday of the passion of the lord, march 25, 2018 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord MASS INTENTIONS PASSION

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HOLY TRINITY POLISH MISSION 1118 N. Noble Street Chicago, IL tel fax

HOLY TRINITY POLISH MISSION 1118 N. Noble Street Chicago, IL tel fax 11 czerwca 2017 HOLY TRINITY POLISH MISSION 1118 N. Noble Street Chicago, IL 60642-4015 tel. 773. 489. 4140 fax 773. 489. 5918 June 11, 2017 Dear Parishioners and Friends of the Holy Trinity

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, July 30, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - Ercole & Innocenza Sturino, + Max

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, July 30, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - Ercole & Innocenza Sturino, + Max

Bardziej szczegółowo

MASS INTENTIONS. St. Albert the Great, Pray For Us.

MASS INTENTIONS. St. Albert the Great, Pray For Us. - MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 14, 2016 6:30 am - Parish Purgatorial Society 7:30 am + Wojciech Para 8:30 am 6:30 pm - Polish Devotions Tuesday, November 15, 2016 St. Albert the Great 6:30 am 7:30

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 23, 2017 6:30 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing

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Many God s Blessings in the New Year to all Parishioners and Visitors of St. Albert the Great Church

Many God s Blessings in the New Year to all Parishioners and Visitors of St. Albert the Great Church Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Mary, the Holy Mother of God January 1, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 2, 2017 6:30 am - Parish Purgatorial Society 7:30

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, June 18, 2017 6:15 am + Grazyna Ciszek 7:30 am + Marietta & Carmine Cesario + Salvatore & Rosatia

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Nineteenth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 7, 2016

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 Thirty second Sunday in ordinary time NOVEMBER 6, 2016 My steps have been steadfast in your paths, my feet have not faltered.

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, June 11, 2017 6:15 am + Anna Kwak, + Stanislaw Bafia 7:30 am + Mary Jane Marino 9:00 am + John Kulach,

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Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 17, 2017 Monday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 am + Joseph & Theresa Strezo 7:30 am - Michal

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 6, 2017 6:15 am + Jozef Gasienica, + Anna Kwak + Janina Szarek 4th Death Anniv. 7:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino,

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 20, 2017 6:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am + Kazimierz Perkowski 8:30 am + Samuel

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 3, 2017 6:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - Special Intention 8:30 am + Veronica

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Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 3, 2016 6:30 am + Fr. Dudley Day 7:30 am - 8:30 am + Edmund, Mary, Patrick & Fr. Gerry Roche

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 27, 2017 6:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - Special Intention 8:30 am - Souls in

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February 18, 2018 6:15 am + Jan & Jozefa Konopka, + Stanislaw & Anna Michniak 7:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, October 1, 2017 6:15 am + Anna Kwak 7:30 am + Shaughnessy & Mearna Families + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino,

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 6, 2017 6:30 am - Parish Purgatorial Society 7:30 am + Jozef Gasienica, + Zofia & Wojciech Zieba

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 24, 2016 6:30 am - Parish Purgatorial Society 7:30 am - 8:30 am - ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 8, 2017 6:30 am - Erwin Abad - Birthday Blessing 7:30 am + Wojciech & Anna Tylka 8:30 am + Denise

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons. - Mark 1:34 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February

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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 20, 2016

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 20, 2016 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 20, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 21, 2016 6:30 am - For Parishioners 7:30 am - For Parishioners, + Wojciech Para 8:30 am + Vincent Geraci,

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st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 25, 2017

st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 25, 2017 st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 25, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, June 25, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing

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Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God

Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Thirteenth Sunday in ordinary time - June 28, 2015 REV. MICHAEL L. ZOUFAL, PASTOR REV. ANTHONY BROOKS, SCh. ASSOCIATE PASTOR

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Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, September 3, 2017 6:15 am + Anna Kwak 7:30 am + Salvatore & Rosaria Sturino + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino, + Max & Alice Gajos

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 s. Linder ave., BURBANK IL

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 s. Linder ave., BURBANK IL Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 s. Linder ave., BURBANK IL. 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, June 4, 2017 6:15 am + Anna Kwak 7:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino + Marianne Viverito 9:00 am + Frank &

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st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS FOURTH Sunday of advent, December 18, 2016

st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS FOURTH Sunday of advent, December 18, 2016 st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 FOURTH Sunday of advent, December 18, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 19, 2016 6:30 am + Louis & Adeline Bal 7:30 am

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February 11, 2018 6:15 am + Jan & Jozefa Konopka, + Stanislaw & Anna Michniak + Zofia Fasiczka 7:30

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DODATKOWE ĆWICZENIA EGZAMINACYJNE I.1. X Have a nice day! Y a) Good idea b) See you soon c) The same to you I.2. X: This is my new computer. Y: Wow! Can I have a look at the Internet? X: a) Thank you b) Go ahead c) Let me try I.3. X: What

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, September 24, 2017 6:15 am - 7:30 am + Dorothy Marek, + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino + Max & Alice Gajos

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, a sacramental people of

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20th Sunday in ordinary time August 20, Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

20th Sunday in ordinary time August 20, Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 20th Sunday in ordinary time August 20, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing

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13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY 2, 2017 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY 2, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, July 2, 2017 6:15 am + Anna Kwak 7:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino, + William Olsen 9:00 am + Edward Olalde, + Frank Kulach 10:30 am

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CYTAT MIESIĄCA. " Nadzieja zawiera w sobie światło mocniejsze od ciemności, jakie panują w naszych sercach." Św. Jan Paweł II

CYTAT MIESIĄCA.  Nadzieja zawiera w sobie światło mocniejsze od ciemności, jakie panują w naszych sercach. Św. Jan Paweł II CYTAT MIESIĄCA " Nadzieja zawiera w sobie światło mocniejsze od ciemności, jakie panują w naszych sercach." Św. Jan Paweł II 6 Maj - Regularne Zajęcia MATURA USTNA DLA KLASY XI. 7 Maj- Regularne Zajęcia

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Tychy, plan miasta: Skala 1: (Polish Edition)

Tychy, plan miasta: Skala 1: (Polish Edition) Tychy, plan miasta: Skala 1:20 000 (Polish Edition) Poland) Przedsiebiorstwo Geodezyjno-Kartograficzne (Katowice Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Tychy, plan miasta: Skala 1:20 000

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Zakopane, plan miasta: Skala ok. 1: = City map (Polish Edition)

Zakopane, plan miasta: Skala ok. 1: = City map (Polish Edition) Zakopane, plan miasta: Skala ok. 1:15 000 = City map (Polish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Zakopane, plan miasta: Skala ok. 1:15 000 = City map (Polish Edition) Zakopane,

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish It is [Christ] whom we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. Colossians 1:28b Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish You have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God. Hebrews 12:22a Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 TWENTY - second SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459


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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS SECOND Sunday in OF LENT MARCH 12, 2017

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS SECOND Sunday in OF LENT MARCH 12, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 SECOND Sunday in OF LENT MARCH 12, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 13, 2017 6:30 am - Parish Purgatorial Society 7:30 am

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, a sacramental people of

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish [Jesus] endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 TWENTIETH

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Psalm 90:12 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Eighteenth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, a sacramental people of

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE November 26, 2017

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE November 26, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE November 26, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, November 26, 2017 6:15 am + Jan & Jozefa

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. I can do all things

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Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God. All saints - November 1, 2015

Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God. All saints - November 1, 2015 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 All saints - November 1, 2015 REV. MICHAEL L. ZOUFAL, PASTOR REV. ANTHONY BROOKS, SCh. ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. MARCIN SZCZYPULA,

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Test sprawdzający znajomość języka angielskiego

Test sprawdzający znajomość języka angielskiego Test sprawdzający znajomość języka angielskiego Imię i Nazwisko Kandydata/Kandydatki Proszę wstawić X w pole zgodnie z prawdą: Brak znajomości języka angielskiego Znam j. angielski (Proszę wypełnić poniższy

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ALA MA KOTA PRESCHOOL URSYNÓW WARSAW POLAND ALA MA KOTA PRESCHOOL URSYNÓW WARSAW POLAND Ala ma kota is a network of non-public education preschools which are entered into the register of non-public schools and institutions of the Capital City of

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Third Sunday OF EASTER APRIL 30, 2017 Ablahad, Julian Aguallo, Asia Almeraz, Christian Alvarado, Abigail Alvarez, Natalia Angulo,

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, September 17, 2017 6:15 am + Jozef & Karolina Wilczek 7:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 9:00 am

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Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition)

Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition) Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition) J Krupski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama

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MaPlan Sp. z O.O. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

MaPlan Sp. z O.O. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Mierzeja Wislana, mapa turystyczna 1:50 000: Mikoszewo, Jantar, Stegna, Sztutowo, Katy Rybackie, Przebrno, Krynica Morska, Piaski, Frombork =... = Carte touristique (Polish Edition) MaPlan Sp. z O.O Click

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

Saint Albert the Great Parish Strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed. Hebrews 12:12 13 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, a sacramental people of

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Zadanie 1. Zadanie 2. Zadanie 3.

Zadanie 1. Zadanie 2. Zadanie 3. Zadanie 1. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, w zadaniach 1.1. 1.3. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl literę A lub B. 1.1. Chłopiec dzwoni do

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RECREATION ZONE Fall-Winter RECREATION ZONE Fall-Winter 2017-2018 Program Sports program Cultural program Day camp $10 /person 6 New! Semi Private Learn to Skate Lessons: Adults Interested in learning how

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st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS First Sunday of advent, November 27, 2016

st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS First Sunday of advent, November 27, 2016 st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 First Sunday of advent, November 27, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 28, 2016 6:30 am - For Parishioners 7:30 am + Wojciech

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:15 am + Jan & Jozefa Konopka, + Stanislaw & Anna Michniak 7:30 am - For All Parishioners

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Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK ILLINOIS AUGUST 27, 2017 TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 AUGUST 27, 2017 TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 27, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - Ercole

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EGZAMIN W KLASIE TRZECIEJ GIMNAZJUM Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO POZIOM PODSTAWOWY KWIECIEŃ 2014 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY. miejsce na naklejkę z kodem Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2013 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z kodem EGZAMIN W KLASIE TRZECIEJ

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Robert Respondowski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie:

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, July 9, 2017 6:15 am - For All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am - For All parishioners 9:00 am + George

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Jak zasada Pareto może pomóc Ci w nauce języków obcych?

Jak zasada Pareto może pomóc Ci w nauce języków obcych? Jak zasada Pareto może pomóc Ci w nauce języków obcych? Artykuł pobrano ze strony Pokazuje, jak zastosowanie zasady Pareto może usprawnić Twoją naukę angielskiego. Słynna zasada Pareto mówi o

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Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition)

Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Piotr Maluskiewicz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Miedzy

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HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday: 7:30 AM Polish Tuesday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 6:30 PM Polish Wednesday: 6:30 PM English

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Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY miejsce na naklejkę z kodem

Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY miejsce na naklejkę z kodem Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2013 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z kodem dysleksja EGZAMIN W KLASIE

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Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God

Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - July 5, 2015 REV. MICHAEL L. ZOUFAL, PASTOR REV. ANTHONY BROOKS, SCh. ASSOCIATE PASTOR

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st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459

st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 st. Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue, BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, May 21, 2017 6:15 am - Fotr All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am + Paola Vaniglia, + Silvio Cesario

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Stargard Szczecinski i okolice (Polish Edition)

Stargard Szczecinski i okolice (Polish Edition) Stargard Szczecinski i okolice (Polish Edition) Janusz Leszek Jurkiewicz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Stargard Szczecinski i okolice (Polish Edition) Janusz Leszek Jurkiewicz

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, 2019 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Psalm 90:12 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Robert Respondowski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie:

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Odpowiedzi do zadań zamieszczonych w arkuszu egzaminu ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego 17 KWIETNIA 2019 opracowane przez ekspertów Nowej Ery

Odpowiedzi do zadań zamieszczonych w arkuszu egzaminu ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego 17 KWIETNIA 2019 opracowane przez ekspertów Nowej Ery Odpowiedzi do zadań zamieszczonych w arkuszu egzaminu ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego 17 KWIETNIA 2019 opracowane przez ekspertów Nowej Ery UWAGA: W zadaniach otwartych eksperci przygotowali odpowiedzi

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Extraclass. Football Men. Season 2009/10 - Autumn round

Extraclass. Football Men. Season 2009/10 - Autumn round Extraclass Football Men Season 2009/10 - Autumn round Invitation Dear All, On the date of 29th July starts the new season of Polish Extraclass. There will be live coverage form all the matches on Canal+

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Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God

Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, NOVEMBER 29, 2015 REV. MICHAEL L. ZOUFAL, PASTOR REV. ANTHONY BROOKS, SCh. ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. MARCIN

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to be angry with somebody gniewać się na kogoś Czy gniewasz

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Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, September 10, 2017 6:15 am - All Parishioners - Blessing Gregory Oleksy - Blessing for Health 9:00 am + Frank Kulach, + John

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ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS.

ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS. ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS. Strona 1 1. Please give one answer. I am: Students involved in project 69% 18 Student not involved in

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, March 18, 2018 6:15 am + Jan & Jozefa Konopka, + Stanislaw & Anna Michniak 7:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, NOVEMBER 5, 2017

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, NOVEMBER 5, 2017 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, NOVEMBER 5, 2017 St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great

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Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God

Welcome. Saint Albert the Great Parish south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS All are. In this House of God Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Eleventh Sunday in ordinary time - June 14, 2015 REV. MICHAEL L. ZOUFAL, PASTOR REV. ANTHONY BROOKS, SCh. ASSOCIATE PASTOR

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Robert Respondowski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie:

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UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY BADANIE DIAGNOSTYCZNE W KLASIE TRZECIEJ GIMNAZJUM Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO POZIOM PODSTAWOWY GRUDZIEŃ 2011 Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2011 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z

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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459

Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, September 15, 2019 6:15 am + All Souls in Purgatory 7:30 am - God s blessing for Parishioners & Gustes

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1. PRESENT SIMPLE CZASY TERAŹNIEJSZE. Czasu Present Simple używamy: 1.Dla wyrażenia zwyczajów, sytuacji stałych i powtarzających się:

1. PRESENT SIMPLE CZASY TERAŹNIEJSZE. Czasu Present Simple używamy: 1.Dla wyrażenia zwyczajów, sytuacji stałych i powtarzających się: CZASY TERAŹNIEJSZE 1. PRESENT SIMPLE Czasu Present Simple używamy: 1.Dla wyrażenia zwyczajów, sytuacji stałych i powtarzających się: We get up at 6 a.m. I always visit my family on Sundays. He often drinks

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Pielgrzymka do Ojczyzny: Przemowienia i homilie Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II (Jan Pawel II-- pierwszy Polak na Stolicy Piotrowej) (Polish Edition)

Pielgrzymka do Ojczyzny: Przemowienia i homilie Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II (Jan Pawel II-- pierwszy Polak na Stolicy Piotrowej) (Polish Edition) Pielgrzymka do Ojczyzny: Przemowienia i homilie Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II (Jan Pawel II-- pierwszy Polak na Stolicy Piotrowej) (Polish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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