Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

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Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church. 325 Washington Blvd. Stamford, Connecticut August 3 rd, 2014 Eighteen Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Mailing address: 4 Pulaski Street Stamford, Connecticut 06902 RRRRRRRRRRRRRR: 203.323.4967 FFFFFF: 203.327.2229 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC: 203.323.4546 Pastor Rev. Fr. Paweł M. Hrebenko Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Tomasz Przybył Coordinator of Religious Education Daria Opolski Trustees Peter Sebastian Zygmunt Zajkowski Parish Secretary Daria Opolski Custodian Krzysztof Sajdak Parish Council Chairman Grzegorz Rus Parish Finance Chairman Magdalena Domka domkamagda@gmail.com August 6 th, 2017 The Transfiguration of the Lord Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 AM (Eng. in Convent Chapel), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Wednesday: 12:15 PM (Eng. in church), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Saturday: 8:00 AM (Pol. in Convent Chapel), 5:00 PM Vigil Mass (Eng.) Sunday: 7:00 AM (Eng.), 8:30 AM (Pol.), 10:00 AM (Eng.), 11:30 AM (Pol.) 6:30 PM (Pol.) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays in the Church: 6:00 6:45 PM. Confession Schedule: Fridays 6:00 PM 6:45 PM and Saturdays 4:00 PM 4:45 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: Sun. after 11:30 AM Mass. Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. Call Fr. Tomasz to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Godparents: non-parishioners need a sponsor certificate of recommendation from their parish stating they are registered and practicing Catholics. Marriage: Plan your wedding by contacting Fr. Pawel at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Be sure the wedding date and time are set before other commitments are arranged. Our Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 12:30 PM 4:30 PM, Wednesday: 1:00 PM 5:00 PM. Religious Education Students and Parents are required to attend Sunday Mass Weekly. Our Church is handicapped accessible. Email: info@holynamestamford.org. You can also find us at www.holynamestamford.org

August 6 th, 2017 The Transfiguration of the Lord MASSES AND INTENTIONS SATURDAY 08/05/17 5:00 PM Witold Stępkowski od siostry z rodziną SUNDAY 7:00 AM Barbara Krajewska from brother 08/06/17 8:30 Wacław, Marianna, Antoni Radziewicz od siostry z rodziną 10:00 For God s Blessings and good health for Mirek from family 11:30 Msza Dziękczynna za Teresę i Tadeusza z okazji urodzin 6:30 PM Marian Popielarczyk, Stefania i Stanisław Śnietka MONDAY 8:00 AM Paul Troy Holy Name Athletic Club 08/07/17 7:00 PM Jadwiga, Katarzyna i Stanisław Szewczyk od Marii i Michała Dąbek TUESDAY 8:00 AM All Souls in Purgatory 08/08/17 7:00 PM Wacława i Tadeusz Geca WEDNESDAY 12:15PM Anna i Jakub Hlywa from daughter and family 08/09/17 7:00 PM W intencji próśb i podziękowań do M.B. od Cudownego Medalika THURSDAY 08/10/17 8:00 AM 7:00 PM All Souls in Purgatory O zdrowie i Boże błogosławieństwo dla rodziny Bogu wiadomej FRIDAY 8:00 AM For God s Blessings for Rev. Pawel Hrebenko from Pulaski Parade Committee 08/11/17 7:00 PM Boże błogosławieństwo w 15-tą rocznicę ślubu dla Anny i Piotra SATURDAY 08/12/17 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Za Polaków którzy walczyli i polegli w bitwie Warszawskiej All Souls in Purgatory SUNDAY 7:00 AM 08/13/17 8:30 Maria Gibek od rodziny 10:00 For all deceased members of Roche & Dervil family Rose Roche 11:30 Janina i Stanisław Czyżewscy od rodziny 6:30 PM Jan i Janina Wądołowscy od rodziny Please notify an usher when a Mass is being celebrated in memory of a loved one to be a gift bearer at offertory. PARISH DEVOTIONS FATIMA ROSARY CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION: 13th of each month following 7:00PM Mass (May through October) ROSARY SOCIETY PRAYER GATHERING: Every First Saturday of the Month at 6:00 PM. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Every Monday at 7:00PM Mass. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA: Every Tuesday at 7:00PM Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Every Wednesday at 12:15PM Mass. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET NOVENA every Friday at 8:00AM English Mass and 7:00PM Polish Mass. TODAY S READINGS First Reading I saw one like a Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven (Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14). Psalm The Lord is king, the most high over all the earth (Psalm 97). Second Reading Be attentive to the prophetic message, as to a lamp shining in a dark place (2 Peter 1:16-19). Gospel Jesus was transfigured, and his clothes became white as light (Matthew 17:1-9). ALTAR SERVERS Sunday, August 6 th, 2017 8:30 AM Alexander Bochenek, Julia & Izabell Geca, Adam Górski, 10:00AM Kacper & Mateusz Dziemian, John, Michael & Paula Frankowski, Ramee Twal 11:30 AM, Jakub Bester, Konrad Dziedzic, Szymon Perlak, Mateusz Zalewski, Sebastian Saba, Peter Wojciechowski, Szymon Sajdak, Rosa Makarska 6:30 PM Amanda Krzewski, Nathalee Połącarz,

OFFERTORY/ KOLEKTA July 23, 2017 Regular Offertory $3,684.00 Diocese Assessment/ Podatek Diecezjalny ($1,946.00) Net Retained / Pozostaje $1,738.00 rd 2nd Collection - Maintenance & Repair SPONSORS/SPONSORZY $2,629.00 Our Weekly Goal is $7,000 to meet our operating expenses Your understanding and generous response to the many needs of our parish is very much appreciated. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać za Waszą ofiarność. Diocesan Assessment As of July 1, 2017, the formula for the annual Diocesan ( Cathedraticum ) Assessment has changed. The assessment given to each Parish is used to cover the cost of Diocesan operations and school. The formula is now based on a combination of Offertory, Investment Income, Leases and Rentals, Gifts, Fundraising and Miscellaneous Income. For our fiscal year July 1, 2017- June 30, 2018, the annual Cathedraticum Assessment is $60,243.00. That equates to amonthly payment to the Diocese of $5,020.00. This represents an annual increase of $9,168.00 from the prior year. Podatek Diecezjalny Od 1 lipca 2017 Diecezja zmieniła sposób naliczanie podatku diecezjalnego. Podatek diecezjalny z każdej parafii pokrywa koszty funkcjonowania Diecezji oraz szkół katolickich. Kwota podatku obliczana jest na podstawie kolekty, przychodów z inwestycji, dzierżawy i wynajęcia budynków parafilnych, donacji, oraz wszystkich innych przychodów. W bieżącym roku fiskalnym od 1-go lipca 2017 do 30-go czerwca 2017 cała suma podatku dla naszej parafii wynosi $60,243.00 co jest równoznaczne z miesięcznymi opłatami wysokości $5,020.00. W porównaniu z zeszłym rokiem podatek diecezjalny w naszej parafii wzrosł o $9,168.00. Each summer as our parishioners go on vacation, the weekly collection goes down but our parish expenses remain the same. Perhaps those who travel might consider making up for the weeks they are away in order to help us keep up with parish expenses. This would be a great help to the parish as we continue to keep our finances in good order. Many thanks for your generosity! Każdego lata, kiedy wielu naszych parafian wybiera się na wakacje, nasza kolekta jest znacznie niższa przy czym nasze rachunki pozostają takie same. Zwracam się do tych, którzy być może wyjechali na kilka niedziel aby w miarę możliwości nadrobili swoją nieobecność i pomogli parafii w zapłaceniu naszych bieżących rachunków. Byłaby to dla parafii ogromna pomoc w utrzymaniu naszych parafialnych finansów w dobrej kondycji. Bóg zapłać za Waszą pomoc!

SILENT AUCTION SPONSORS APB Tax and Accounting - Aneta Podsiadlo BA Skin Lab LLC Barbara Aquino Boga Davidson Photography Chelsea Pierce Essential Oils Marzena Bossone Hair and Make Up by Monika Dzierlatka Hair by Agnes - Agnes Tomczak Justyna Masajlo Monika Satur Photography Sylwia Janik Photography Websolution Thank you for your support! Our parish is currently collecting prizes for silent auction at our annual harvest festival Dozynki. Do you know anybody who would like to donate their service please call rectory office (203) 323-4967 or call/text Daria at (914)325-7921. Po raz pierwszy podczas tegorocznych dożynek odbędzie się SILENT AUCTION. Serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim którzy już zaoferowali swoje usługi. Jeśli znasz kogoś kto chciałby zareklamować swoje usługi zadzwon do biura parafialnego (203)3234967 lub Darii (914 325 7921. Komitet Parady Pułaskiego w Stamford serdecznie zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w 80 Bankiecie Polonii w Hotelu Mariott Marquis, na Time Square w NY w dniu 23 września 2017 r. Początek balu o godz. 6:00 pm. Cena biletu: osoby dorosłe $275, studenci $200, dzieci $100. W trakcie balu: prezentacja Marszałków Parady, Miss Polonii, Junior Miss Polonii oraz występ Edyty Górniak. Obecni będą również: Konsul RP w NY i przedstawiciel Rządu RP Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Komitet Parady Pułaskiego zachęca do zapisywania się na wyjazd na Paradę Pułaskiego w dniu 1 X 2017. Po paradzie w Central Park odbędzie się koncert. Wystąpią: zespół Wilki, Kamil Bednarek, Anna Wyszkoni, zespół Bracia i inni. Cena biletu na koncert: miejsce stojące $50, miejsce siedzące $80, miejsce VIP $250. Bilety będą do nabycia już podczas Parafialnych Dożynek na stoisku Parady. Zapraszamy! 10 13 sierpnia grupa młodzieżowa z ks. Tomaszem wyrusza na Pieszą Pielgrzymkę do Amerykanskiej Czestochowy. Pragniemy zaprosić młodzież naszej parafii, która ukończyła 16-ty rok życia. Dołącz do nas i przeżyj wspaniałą przygodę z Bogiem. 28-go sierpnia odbędzie się wycieczka do parku rozrywki Six Flags dla ministrantów. Prosimy o zgłaszanie chętnych do biura parafialnego w godzinach urzędowania (203) 323 4967 lub Ks. Tomasza. Please remember in the charity of your prayers the soul of: Francis Piatek who was buried from our parish. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Please remember the sick and homebound in our parish: Helen Jablonska, Wiktoria Marchlewicz, Msgr. Thaddeuss Malanowski, Grażyna Gorczyńska, Michael Gonzales, Bernadette Jachimczyk, A. Michael Vagnone, Halina Bieleń, Genevieve Karwoski, Mary Oscar, Teresa Rogoski, Marian McConnan, Roseanne Malanowski, Iracema Galvani Quinete, Henry Niewinski Jr., Asia Galas. May the Healing Hand of the Lord comfort them. Dozynki Raffle tickets will be sold after Masses, I ask you for your help with this important and biggest fundraiser for our Parish. I thank you in advance for supporting this raffle. We have very attractive prizes! BAKE SALE DONATION: We are asking all parishioners to contribute their homemade baked goods for Bake Sale during our harvest festival. If you have an y questions please call Mrs. Krystyna Gibek (203) 359-4790 or rectory office (203) 323-4967. LOSY NA LOTERIĘ DOŻYNKOWĄ będą sprzedawane po Mszach Św. w przedsionku kościoła. Bardzo prosimy o zakupienie losów oraz o pomoc w ich rozprowadzaniu. Mamy bardzo atrakcyjne nagrody, promujcie naszą imprezę wsród swoich rodzin i znajomych. Za Waszą pomoc w sukcesie tej akcji z góry serdeczne Bóg zapłać. PIECZENIE CIAST: zwracamy się z ogromną prośbą o wsparcie prafialnych dożynek w formie upieczenia ciast, które będą sprzedawane podczas imprezy. Wszyscy chetni chcacy upiec ciasta proszeni sa o kontakt z Pania Krystyna Gibek (203) 359-8991 lub biurem parafialnym (203) 323 4967. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać. Our Parish office will be closed on August 9 th 11 th, 2017 9-go do 11-go sierpnia nasze biuro parafialne bedzie zamknięte. UPCOMING EVENTS 8/07/17 8:00 PM Nauki przed-chrzcielne / 8:30 PM Pre-Baptismal Class 8/10-13/17 XXX Piesza Pielgrzymka do Amerykanskiej Czestochowy 08/19-20/17 - Dożynki