Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

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Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church. 325 Washington Blvd. Stamford, Connecticut August 3 rd, 2014 Eighteen Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Mailing address: 4 Pulaski Street Stamford, Connecticut 06902 RRRRRRRRRRRRRR: 203.323.4967 FFFFFF: 203.327.2229 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC: 203.323.4546 Pastor Rev. Fr. Paweł M. Hrebenko Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Tomasz Przybył Coordinator of Religious Education Daria Opolski Trustees Peter Sebastian Zygmunt Zajkowski Parish Secretary Daria Opolski Custodian Krzysztof Sajdak Parish Council Chairman Grzegorz Rus Parish Finance Chairman Magdalena Domka magdadomka@gmail.com February 5 th, 2017 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 AM (Eng. in Convent Chapel), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Wednesday: 12:15 PM (Eng. in church), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Saturday: 8:00 AM (Pol. in Convent Chapel), 5:00 PM Vigil Mass (Eng.) Sunday: 7:00 AM (Eng.), 8:30 AM (Pol.), 10:00 AM (Eng.), 11:30 AM (Pol.) 6:30 PM (Pol.) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays in the Church: 6:00 6:45 PM. Confession Schedule: Fridays 6:00 PM 6:45 PM and Saturdays 4:00 PM 4:45 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: Sun. after 11:30 AM Mass. Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. Call Fr. Tomasz to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Godparents: non-parishioners need a sponsor certificate of recommendation from their parish stating they are registered and practicing Catholics. Marriage: Plan your wedding by contacting Fr. Pawel at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Be sure the wedding date and time are set before other commitments are arranged. Our Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 12:30 PM 4:30 PM, Wednesday: 1:00 PM 5:00 PM. Religious Education Students and Parents are required to attend Sunday Mass Weekly. Our Church is handicapped accessible. Email: info@holynamestamford.org. You can also find us at www.holynamestamford.org

February 5 th, 2017 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES AND INTENTIONS SATURDAY 02/04/16 5:00 PM Aleksandra & Jan Rysz from loving son and family SUNDAY 7:00 AM Władysław i Zofia Lupiński- from loving son and family 02/05/17 8:30 Janina & Henryk Dąbkowscy- od dzieci 10:00 Stephanie Dervil from Rose Roche 11:30 Bronisław i Wanda Gorczyńscy, Wacław i Zofia Spałek oraz Jan Gierus 6:30 PM O Bożą pomoc w rozwiązywaniu życiowych problemów dla Henryka Dudy MONDAY 8:00 AM 02/06/17 7:00 PM Stanisław Zera od córki z rodziną TUESDAY 8:00 AM For Parishioners/ Za parafian 02/07/17 7:00 PM O Boże błogosławieństwo i opiekę M.B. Częstochowskiej nad naszą Ojczyzną Polską Komitet Parady Pulaskiego WEDNESDAY 12:15PM Henry Skibinski from loving wife Winnie and children 02/08/17 7:00 PM W intencji próśb i podziękowań do M.B. od Cudownego Medalika THURSDAY 02/09/17 8:00 AM 7:00 PM All Souls in Purgatory Antoni Brakoniecki from family FRIDAY 8:00 AM Jacek Szarek from loving wife 02/10/17 7:00 PM Za wszystkich Polaków którzy zgineli w zesłaniu na Sowiecką Syberię SATURDAY 02/11/17 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Halina & Stanisław Czubeszek od córki z rodziną SUNDAY 7:00 AM Fr. Robert Onze from Peter Sebastian 02/12/17 8:30 Daniel Pawlik od przyjaciół 10:00 Glen Dombroski from grandma 11:30 Jerzy Wronowski, Helen Bastek, Stanisław Miecznikowski 6:30 PM Tomasz Kowalski od brata Grzegorza z rodziną PARISH DEVOTIONS FATIMA ROSARY CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION: 13th of each month following 7:00PM Mass (May through October) ROSARY SOCIETY PRAYER GATHERING: Every First Saturday of the Month at 6:00 PM. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Every Monday at 7:00PM Mass. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA: Every Tuesday at 7:00PM Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Every Wednesday at 12:15PM Mass. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET NOVENA every Friday at 8:00AM English Mass and 7:00PM Polish Mass. TODAY S READINGS First Reading If you share your food with the hungry, provide housing for the homeless, then light shall break forth upon you (Isaiah 58:7-10). Psalm The just man is a light in the darkness to the upright (Psalm 112). Second Reading My message to you, says Paul, was not clever words of wisdom but the proclamation of Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). Gospel You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. In your good deeds your light shines before others, leading them to glorify God (Matthew 5:13-16). ALTAR SERVERS Sunday, February 5 th, 2016 8:30 AM Alexander Bochenek, Adam Górski, Julia Geca 10:00AM Sebastian Siemiński, Mateusz Dziemian, Kacper Dziemian, John Frankowski, Paula Frankowski, Ramee Twal 11:30 AM, Jakub Bester, Szymon Perlak,.Peter Wojciechowski, Szymon Sajdak, Konrad Dziedzic, Jakub Wszołek, Sebastian Saba

OFFERTORY/ KOLEKTA January 29 th, 2017 Regular Offertory $3,817.00 2 nd Offertory $2,036.00 Our Weekly Goal is $7,000 to meet our operating expenses RESTORATION FUND In loving memory of Maria Szulimowski From Bob & Chris Landefeld $100.00 From Bethy Faski & Ed Mehan $50.00 Please remember in the charity of your prayers the soul of: Nikodem Kowalewski, Janina Kowalczyk, Maria Szulimowski, Mary Bankowski, who was buried from our parish. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Please remember the sick and homebound in our parish: A. Michael Vagnone, Michaela Frymus, Halina Bieleń, Genevieve Karwoski, Mary Oscar, Teresa Rogoski, Marian McConnan, Roseanne Malanowski, Iracema Galvani Quinete, Henry Niewinski Jr., Asia Galas. May the Healing Hand of the Lord comfort them. Jeśli ktoś z parafian nie otrzymał kopert na Nowy Rok 2017, prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny z biurem parafialnym w godzinach urzędowania If you have not received your offertory envelopes in the mail, please contact the rectory office during regular business hours (203) 323 4967 UPCOMING EVENTS 02/04-05/17 Sprzedaż pączków / Donuts Sale 02/04/17 11:30AM Msza Dziecięca / Children Mass 02/04/17 Spotkanie Grupy Młodzieżowej po Mszy o 18:30 / Youth Group Meeting after 6:30PM Mass 02/06/17 8:00 PM Nauki przed-chrzcielne / 8:30 PM Pre-Baptismal Class 02/11/17- Spotkanie ministrantów z rodzicami o godz 13:00 / Alter Servers meeting at 1:00 pm. 02/11/17 - Zabawa Walentynkowa 8:00 P.M. 03/01/17 - Środa Popielcowa /Ash Wednesday SŁOWO OD KS. PROBOSZCZA Drodzy Parafianie, Nasza Diecezja w poprzedni weekend rozpoczeła tegoroczny Apel Katolicki, który jest głównym źródłem finansowania diecezjalnych programów pastoralnych, edukacyjnych i dobroczynnych. Dzieki Waszej ofiarności, 2017 Dobroczny Apel Katolicki pod hasłem: Dzielenie się Bożymi darami i przemiana naszego życia umożliwi pomoc w kształceniu i wychowaniu naszych dzieci w wierze. Najubożsi i pokrzywdzeni otrzymują pomoc w postaci podstawowych środków do życia, nasi księża emeryci otrzymają należytą opiekę, nasi klerycy są przygotowywani do posługi Ludowi Bożemu a nasze parafie otrzymują potrzebne wsparcie. Nasz cel parafialny w tym roku wynosi $42,000.00 dolarów. Serdecznie wszystkich proszę o hojne wsparcie naszej parafii w zebraniu naszej sumy na ile pozwalają nam nasze możliwości finansowe. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać za Wasze wsparcie. W Chrystusie, Ks. Pawel M. Hrebenko CONVIVIO HIGH SCHOOL CONGRESS Convivio is an annual High School Congress that has been held internationally for over thirty years. It is a weekend event where students from grades 9 through 12 come together to reflect upon contemporary society, to share their experiences, thoughts and interests, and to propose explanations and answers to the problems and challenges that we experience in today s world. It is an opportunity for youth to have a profound encounter with themselves, with others, and with the Lord Jesus, so that from this authentic encounter they can give deep and meaningful answers to all those in the world who need their help. March 3-15, 2017 at Sacred Heart University. More information at www.convivio.org/ct Jesli ktoś z parafian chciałby otrzymać roczny raport z dokonanych darowizn za rok 2016, prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym w godzinach urzędowania. If you would like to receive contribution statements for the year 2016, please call the rectory office during regular hours.

Baptism/Confirmation Sponsorship Certificate When asked to be a sponsor, a certificate is needed from your home parish. If the parish priest does not know you personally, or by sight, the only other way of knowing you as practicing catholic is by tracking your contributions by check or envelope. Jeśli chesz zostać chrzestnym lub świadkiem do bierzmowania, potrzebujesz zaświadczenia o byciu praktykujacym katolikiem. Aby uzyskać takie zaświadczenie musisz być zarejestrowanym w Parafii i regularnie uczęszczać do kościoła. Jeśli nie znamy Cię osobiście, jedynym sposobem zweryfikowania praktykujacego katolika jest używanie kopert do składanych darowizn. Przypominamy, że wszelkie zaświadczenia o przynależnosci do parafii wydajemy tylko osobom zarejestrowanym w parafii od minimum 6 miesięcy. Dotyczy to również udzielania Sakramentu Małżeństwa oraz Sakramentu Chrztu. Prawo do wszelkich zniżek w opłatach za naukę w szkołach katolickich oraz do odpisów podatkowych posiadają tylko aktywni parafianie. Pre-baptism class/katecheza przed-chrzcielna FROM THE PASTOR S DESK Dear Parishioners, Last week we began the 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal to provide the funds for the pastoral, educational and charitable ministries of the Diocese of Bridgeport. This year s theme, Sharing God's Gifts, Transforming Lives, calls us to come together as a people of God to live and share the faith we profess as we carry forth the mission of Jesus Christ. When you receive your Appeal mailing this week, please take time to read the information thoroughly, how you can help and give prayerful consideration when contemplating your sacrificial gift to the campaign. Our Parish goal is $ 42,000. Please support our Parish in reaching its goal and give generously according to your means. Thank you. In Christ, Fr. Pawel M. Hrebenko SICK PARISHIONER VISITS While you or your relatives are in hospital in Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich or home and would like to have a Priest visit from our church, please inform one of the priests or call rectory office. HOME MADE PACZKI SALE February 4 th & 5 th Come and enjoy before the Lent! (0 kcal :) Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. They usually take place on the first Monday of the month after 7:00 PM Mass. Call to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Katecheza przed-chrzcielna jest wymagana dla rodziców z pierwszym dzieckiem. Spotkanie zazwyczaj odbywa się w pierwszy Poniedziałek miesiąca po wieczornej Mszy sw. Prosimy rejestrować się telefonicznie w naszym biurze parafialnym przynajmniej miesiąc przed narodzinami dziecka. DOMOWE PĄCZKI Zapraszamy w sobotę 4-go i w niedzielę 5-go lutego. Ostatnia szansa na te wspaniałości przed Wielkim Postem!!! Ks. Tomasz zaprasza na spotkanie wszystkich ministrantów wraz z rodzicami, w sobotę 11-go lutego o godz 13:00 w kościele, zaraz po zajęciach w polskiej sobotniej szkole. There will be mandatory meeting for Altar Servers and their parents on February 11 th, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. after Polish Saturday school in the church.