Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

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Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church. 325 Washington Blvd. Stamford, Connecticut August 3 rd, 2014 Eighteen Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Mailing address: 4 Pulaski Street Stamford, Connecticut 06902 RRRRRRRRRRRRRR: 203.323.4967 FFFFFF: 203.327.2229 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC: 203.323.4546 Pastor Rev. Fr. Paweł M. Hrebenko Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Tomasz Przybył Coordinator of Religious Education Daria Opolski Trustees Peter Sebastian Zygmunt Zajkowski Parish Secretary Daria Opolski Custodian Krzysztof Sajdak Parish Council Chairman Grzegorz Rus Parish Finance Chairman Magdalena Domka magdadomka@gmail.com December 25 th, 2016 The Nativity of The Lord Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 AM (Eng. in Convent Chapel), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Wednesday: 12:15 PM (Eng. in church), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Saturday: 8:00 AM (Pol. in Convent Chapel), 5:00 PM Vigil Mass (Eng.) Sunday: 7:00 AM (Eng.), 8:30 AM (Pol.), 10:00 AM (Eng.), 11:30 AM (Pol.) 6:30 PM (Pol.) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays in the Church: 6:00 6:45 PM. Confession Schedule: Fridays 6:00 PM 6:45 PM and Saturdays 4:00 PM 4:45 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: Sun. after 11:30 AM Mass. Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. Call Fr. Tomasz to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Godparents: non-parishioners need a sponsor certificate of recommendation from their parish stating they are registered and practicing Catholics. Marriage: Plan your wedding by contacting Fr. Pawel at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Be sure the wedding date and time are set before other commitments are arranged. Our Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 12:30 PM 4:30 PM, Wednesday: 1:00 PM 5:00 PM. Religious Education Students and Parents are required to attend Sunday Mass Weekly. Our Church is handicapped accessible. Email: hnameofj@optonline.net. You can also find us at www.holynamestamford.org

December 25 th, 2016 The Nativity of The Lord MASSES AND INTENTIONS SATURDAY 12/24/16 5:00 PM NO VIGIAL MASS SUNDAY 12:00 AM PASTERKA/ MIDNIGHT MASS 12/25/16 8:30 Edward Skiendziel od rodziny 10:00 Frances Niewinski loving son and family 11:30 Helena Bastek, Jerzy Wronowski, Stanisław Miecznikowski 6:30 PM NO EVENING MASS MONDAY 8:00 AM Ann Duda 12/26/16 7:00 PM Antoni, Antonina Połącarz i wszyscy zmarli z rodziny Połącarz i Toporków TUESDAY 8:00 AM Zygmunt Ujek 12/27/16 7:00 PM Bolesław Kleszczewski i Wiesława Waldzińska WEDNESDAY 12:15PM In thanksgiving for 48th years of God s blessings for Zygmunt & Linda Zajkowski 12/28/16 7:00 PM W intencji próśb i podziękowań do M.B. od Cudownego Medalika THURSDAY 12/29/16 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Za dusze w czyśćcu cierpiące Antoni Milewski od żony z dziećmi FRIDAY 8:00 AM For parishioners/ Za Parafian 12/30/16 7:00 PM Bartłomiej Pałosz od rodziców SATURDAY 12/31/16 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Jan Dzikowski od rodziny NO VIGIAL MASS SUNDAY 8:30 Maria Gibek- od rodziny 01/01/17 10:00 Bertha Ryba from children 11:30 Helena Bastek, Stanislaw Miecznikowski i Jerzy Wronowski PARISH DEVOTIONS FATIMA ROSARY CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION: 13th of each month following 7:00PM Mass (May through October) ROSARY SOCIETY PRAYER GATHERING: Every First Saturday of the Month at 6:00 PM. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Every Monday at 7:00PM Mass. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA: Every Tuesday at 7:00PM Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Every Wednesday at 12:15PM Mass. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET NOVENA every Friday at 8:00AM English Mass and 7:00PM Polish Mass. TODAY S READINGS First Reading All the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God (Isaiah 52:7-10). Psalm All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God (Psalm 98). Second Reading God has spoken to us through the Son, the very imprint of God s being (Hebrews 1:1-6). Gospel The Word became flesh; from his fullness we have all received grace (John 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]). ALTAR SERVERS Sunday, December 25 th, 2016 8:30 AM Alexander Bochenek, Zofia Chmiel, Adam Górski, Julia Geca 10:00AM Sebastian Siemiński, Mateusz Dziemian, Kacper Dziemian, John Frankowski, Paula Frankowski, Ramee Twal 11:30 AM, Jakub Bester, Szymon Perlak, Peter Wojciechowski, Szymon Sajdak, Konrad Dziedzic, Jakub Wszołek, Sebastian Saba

OFFERTORY/ KOLEKTA December 18 th, 2016 Regular Offertory $3,496.00 Religious Retirement Fund $2,559.00 Our Weekly Goal is $7,000 to meet our operating expenses Please remember in the charity of your prayers the soul of: Antoni Brakonecki, Janina Stanek, Tomasz Kowalski, Winifred Skibinski, who was buried from our parish. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Please remember the sick and homebound in our parish: Al Koproski, Michaela Frymus, Halina Bieleń, Mary Bankowski, Genevieve Karwoski, Nick Kowaleski, Mary Oscar, Teresa Rogoski, Marian McConnan, Roseanne Malanowski, Iracema Galvani Quinete, Henry Niewinski Jr., Asia Galas. May the Healing Hand of the Lord comfort them. SICK PARISHIONER VISITS While you or your relatives are in hospital in Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich or home and would like to have a Priest visit from our church, please inform one of the priests or call rectory office. WIZYTA CHORYCH W SZPITALU LUB W DOMU Jeśli przebywasz w szpitalu w Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich lub w domu i chciałbyś, aby odwiedził Cię kapłan z naszej parafii poinformuj nas o tym dzwoniąc do kancelarii parafialnej. UPCOMING EVENTS 12/31/16 - Sylwester/ New Year s Eve Party 12/31/16 22:00 Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu 10:00 P.M. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 01/08/17 Spotkanie Grupy Młodzieżowej po Mszy o 18:30 / Youth Group Meeting after 6:30PM Mass 01/09/17 8:00 PM Nauki przed-chrzcielne / 8:30 PM Pre-Baptismal Class 01/22/17 Parafialny Opłatek o godz 13:00 Annual Parish Oplatek Dinner 1:00 P.M. SŁOWO OD KS. PROBOSZCZA Drodzy Parafianie, Dobry Bóg poprzez narodzenie w Betlejem przypomina nam, że jest Bogiem bliskim. Ten, który jest początkiem wszystkiego umie być jednym z nas. Niech bliskość dobrego Boga zbliża nas do siebie, niech czyni nas prawdziwymi dziećmi Bożymi. Niech Jego obecność uczyni nas zdolnymi do czynów wielkich, mądrych i odważnych. Niech nie zabraknie nam dziecięcej ufności. Maryjo, czuwająca nad swoim Wszechmogącym Synem, daj nam Twe oczy, byśmy patrzyli na Niego z wiarą, daj nam Twe serce, byśmy wielbili Go z miłością. Z całego serca życzymy Błogosławionych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, pokoju w sercu, radości i nadziei. Ks. Paweł M. Hrebenko Ks. Tomasz Przybył W sylwestrową noc 12/31/16 zapraszamy wszystkich parafian do naszej świątyni na godz. 22:00, gdzie podziękujemy przed Najświętszym Sakramentem za wszystkie otrzymane łaski w mijającym roku, oraz będzimy prosić o kolejne na nadchodzący Nowy Rok 2017. Zakończenie Adoracji błogosławieństwem Najświętszego Sakramentu o północy, po czym złożymy sobie noworoczne życzenia. 1-go stycznia przypada Uroczystość Świętej Bożej Rodzicielki Maryi, jest świętem nakazanym. Zapraszamy na Msze św. w języku polskim o godz. 8:30 i 11:30, w języku angielskim o godz. 10:00.

Jeśli ktoś z parafian nie otrzymał kopert na Nowy Rok 2017, prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny z biurem parafialnym w godzinach urzędowania. Nasza Kancelaria Parafialna będzie zamknięta od poniedziałku 26-go grudnia do poniedziałku 2go stycznia, 2017. Serdecznie zapraszamy na nasz Parafialny Opłatek, w Niedzielę 22-go stycznia, 2017 o godz 13:00. Będziemy serwować kulinarne wspaniałosci polskiej kuchni w cenie $30.00 za osobę. Zaproście w imieniu parafii swoich krewnych i znajomych. If you have not received your offertory envelopes in the mail, please contact the rectory office during regular business hours (203) 323 4967 Our Parish office will be closed Monday, December 26th, 2016 until Monday, January 2nd, 2017. Our Annual Parish Oplatek dinner will be held on January 22, 2017 at 1:00 PM. Selection of delicious foods will be served. Entrance is $30.00. Invite your family and friends to join us for this festive occasion FROM THE PASTOR S DESK Dear Parishioners, Our good God through the birth in Bethlehem reminds us, that He is God close to us. The One, Who is the origin of everything, is one of us. Let the closeness of our good God make us close to each other and make us true children of God. Let His presence makes us able to do great things, wise and full of courage. Mary, keeping watch on her Almighty Son, give us the ability to look at Him with faith and adore him with love. We wish You a Blessed Christmas, with hearts full of peace, joy, and hope. Rev. Fr. Paweł M. Hrebenko Rev. Fr. Tomasz Przybył Please join us on New Years Eve for the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to thank the Lord for all received graces in 2016 and ask for His blessing in 2017. Adoration will begin at 10:00 PM and end at midnight with the benediction. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God January 1st it s a Holy Day of Obligation 8:30am (Pol.) 10:00am (Eng.) & 11:30am (Pol.)