Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

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Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church. 325 Washington Blvd. Stamford, Connecticut August 3 rd, 2014 Eighteen Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church


Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Mailing address: 4 Pulaski Street Stamford, Connecticut 06902 RRRRRRRRRRRRRR: 203.323.4967 FFFFFF: 203.327.2229 CCCCCCCCCCCCCC: 203.323.4546 Pastor Rev. Fr. Paweł M. Hrebenko Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Tomasz Przybył Coordinator of Religious Education Daria Opolski Trustees Peter Sebastian Zygmunt Zajkowski Parish Secretary Daria Opolski Custodian Krzysztof Sajdak Parish Council Chairman Grzegorz Rus Parish Finance Chairman Magdalena Domka domkamagda@gmail.com April 15 th, 2018 Third Sunday of Easter Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 AM (Eng. in Convent Chapel), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Wednesday: 12:15 PM (Eng. in church), 7:00 PM (Pol.) Saturday: 8:00 AM (Pol. in Convent Chapel), 5:00 PM Vigil Mass (Eng.) Sunday: 7:00 AM (Eng.), 8:30 AM (Pol.), 10:00 AM (Eng.), 11:30 AM (Pol.) 6:30 PM (Pol.) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays in the Church: 6:00 6:45 PM. Confession Schedule: Fridays 6:00 PM 6:45 PM and Saturdays 4:00 PM 4:45 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: Sun. after 11:30 AM Mass. Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. Call Fr. Tomasz to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Godparents: non-parishioners need a sponsor certificate of recommendation from their parish stating they are registered and practicing Catholics. Marriage: Plan your wedding by contacting Fr. Pawel at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Be sure the wedding date and time are set before other commitments are arranged. Our Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 12:30 PM 4:30 PM, Wednesday: 1:00 PM 5:00 PM. Religious Education Students and Parents are required to attend Sunday Mass Weekly. Our Church is handicapped accessible. Email: info@holynamestamford.org. You can also find us at www.holynamestamford.org

April 15 th, 2018 Third Sunday of Easter MASSES AND INTENTIONS SATURDAY 04/14/18 5:00 PM Felix Gościeński from daughter Helen SUNDAY 7:00 AM Irena Król from daughter 04/15/18 8:30 Marianna, Antoni, Wacław Radziewicz- od córki z rodziną 10:00 Bolesław, Rozalia, Michael, John, Nancy Bogdanski - from Estelle & Elizabeth McCauley 11:30 O Boże Błogosławieństwo dla Ireny i Wacława z okazji urodzin od dzieci 6:30 PM O dary Ducha Św. i wypełnienie się woli Bożej dla Doroty Śleczka. MONDAY 8:00 AM For God s Blessing for Fr. Tomasz Holy Name Athletic Club 04/16/18 7:00 PM Julia Szewczyk od Marii i Michała Dabek TUESDAY 8:00 AM For God s Blessing for Fr. Tomasz 04/17/18 7:00 PM Paweł Wadolowski od Reginy i Kazimierza Wadolowskich z rodzina WEDNESDAY 12:15 PM Ludwik & Józefa Majkowski Peter Sebastian 04/18/18 7:00 PM W intencji próśb i podziękowań do M.B. od Cudownego Medalika THURSDAY 04/19/18 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Teodora & Zygmunt Stanisław Szewczyk od Marii i Michała Dabek FRIDAY 8:00 AM For God s Blessing for Fr. Grzegorz Herman 04/20/18 7:00 PM Krzysztof Ochonski od rodziców i dzieci z klasy Ia SATURDAY 04/21/18 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Krzysztof Ochonski Carolyn & Mel Goldberg Pawel Wadolowski from family SUNDAY 7:00 AM Emily Symeon from brothers 04/22/18 8:30 O zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo dla rodziny Bogu wiadomej 10:00 Fortune & Pauline Roche Rose Roche 11:30 Józef Pawlik w 4-tą rocznicę śmierci od rodziny 6:30 PM Helena, Jan & Antoni Paciorek od córki z rodziną Please notify an usher when a Mass is being celebrated in memory of a loved one to be a gift bearer at offertory. PARISH DEVOTIONS FATIMA ROSARY CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION: 13th of each month following 7:00PM Mass (May through October) ROSARY SOCIETY PRAYER GATHERING: Every First Saturday of the Month at 6:00 PM. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Every Monday at 7:00PM Mass. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA: Every Tuesday at 7:00PM Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Every Wednesday at 12:15PM Mass. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET NOVENA every Friday at 8:00AM English Mass and 7:00PM Polish Mass. TODAY S READINGS First Reading The God of our fathers has glorified his servant Jesus (Acts 3:13-15, 17-19). Psalm Lord, let your face shine on us (Psalm 4). Second Reading The way we may be sure that we know Jesus is to keep his commandments (1 John 2:1-5a). Gospel Jesus stood in their midst and said to them, Peace be with you (Luke 24:35-48). ALTAR SERVERS Sunday, April 15 th, 2018 8:30 AM Alexander Bochenek, Julia & Izabell Geca, 10:00AM Kacper Dziemian, John, Michael & Paula Frankowski, Ramee Twal 11:30 AM, Jakub Bester, Konrad Dziedzic, Szymon Perlak, Sebastian Saba, Peter Wojciechowski, Szymon Sajdak, Rosa Makarska

OFFERTORY/ KOLEKTA April 8 th, 2018 Regular Offertory $4,024.00 2nd Offertory $2,243.00 Diocese Assessment/Podatek Diecezjalny (-$1,946.00) Net Retained / Pozostaje $4,321 Our Weekly Goal is $7,000 to meet our operating expenses Your understanding and generous response to the many needs of our parish is very much appreciated. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać za Waszą ofiarność. Please remember in the charity of your prayers the soul of: Emily Symeon, Pawel Goliszewski, Krzysztof Ochonski, Joan Fontarsiero, Patricia Bogacz, who were buried from our parish. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Please remember the sick and homebound in our parish: Anna Dabek, Loretta Kondziela, Dianne Aquirre, Helen Jablonska, Wiktoria Marchlewicz, Msgr. Thaddeuss Malanowski, Grażyna Gorczyńska, Michael Gonzales, Bernadette Jachimczyk, A. Michael Vagnone, Genevieve Karwoski, Teresa Rogoski, Marian McConnan, Roseanne Malanowski, Iracema Galvani Quinete, Henry Niewinski Jr., Asia Galas. May the Healing Hand of the Lord comfort them. SŁOWO OD KS. PROBOSZCZA Drodzy Parafianie, Serdecznie pozdrawiamy Was z Ziemi Świętej w której obecnie przebywam z grupą naszych Parafian. Pamiętam o Was wszystkich w moich modlitwach i również proszę Was o modlitwę o nasz bezpieczny powrót do domu. W weekend 28-29 w parafiach naszej diecezji będzie przeprowadzona zbiórka ofiar na Apel Katolicki podczas wszystkich Mszy św. tzw. in pew aby wszyscy parafianie, którzy nie mieli jeszcze okazji wesprzeć Apelu mogli to uczynić w ten weekend. Prosimy o wsparcie dorocznego Apelu Katolickiego, który jest głównym źródłem finansowania diecezjalnych programów pastoralnych, edukacyjnych i dobroczynnych. Dzieki Waszej ofiarności, 2018 Dobroczny Apel Katolicki pod hasłem: Dzielmy się Darem Radości w Chrystusie umożliwi pomoc w kształceniu i wychowaniu naszych dzieci w wierze. Najubożsi i pokrzywdzeni otrzymują pomoc w postaci podstawowych środków do życia, nasi księża emeryci otrzymają należytą opiekę, nasi klerycy są przygotowywani do posługi Ludowi Bożemu a nasze parafie otrzymują potrzebne wsparcie. Nasi parafianie złożyli dotychczas 107 donacji w wysokości $23,163 co stanowi 55.15% naszego parafialnego celu $42.000 dolarów. Serdecznie wszystkich proszę o hojne wsparcie naszej parafii w zebraniu naszej sumy na ile pozwalają nam nasze możliwości finansowe. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać za Wasze wsparcie. W Chrystusie, UPCOMING Ks. EVENTS Pawel M. Hrebenko 4/15/18-13:00 Parafialna Święconka/ 1 pm Annual Dinner 4/27/18- Bierzmowanie/ Confirmation 5/5/18 Komunia Św./ Holy Communion 5/5/18 11:30AM Msza Dziecięca / Children Mass 5/6/18 8:00 PM Nauki przed-chrzcielne / 8:30 PM Pre-Baptismal Class 5/13/18 Nabożeństwo Fatimskie

Baptism/Confirmation Sponsorship Certificate When asked to be a sponsor, a certificate is needed from your home parish. If the parish priest does not know you personally, or by sight, the only other way of knowing you as practicing catholic is by tracking your contributions by check or envelope. Jeśli chesz zostać chrzestnym lub świadkiem do bierzmowania, potrzebujesz zaświadczenia o byciu praktykujacym katolikiem. Aby uzyskać takie zaświadczenie musisz być zarejestrowanym w Parafii i regularnie uczęszczać do kościoła. Jeśli nie znamy Cię osobiście, jedynym sposobem zweryfikowania praktykujacego katolika jest używanie kopert do składanych darowizn. Przypominamy, że wszelkie zaświadczenia o przynależnosci do parafii wydajemy tylko osobom zarejestrowanym w parafii od minimum 6 miesięcy. Dotyczy to również udzielania Sakramentu Małżeństwa oraz Sakramentu Chrztu. Prawo do wszelkich zniżek w opłatach za naukę w szkołach katolickich oraz do odpisów podatkowych posiadają tylko aktywni parafianie. Pre-baptism class/katecheza przed-chrzcielna Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. They usually take place on the first Monday of the month after 7:00 PM Mass. Call to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. FROM THE PASTOR S DESK Dear Parishioners, Join us for Our Annual "Święconka Dinner" on April 15 th, 2018 at 1:00PM. Admission is $30.00 for adults and children are free. All proceeds benefit the church. On weekend of April 28-29 we will have our in pew weekend during which all parishioners who have yet to make their gift are asked to give prayerful consideration about making their gift or pledge to the Appeal. Support for the Appeal is a tangible way to place a share of our blessings at the service of others, especially those most in need. Please support the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal, your generosity to the Diocese of Bridgeport is a beacon of hope to the people of Fairfield County and I am grateful for your support. Your sacrificial gifts assist the working poor, elderly and homeless through Catholic Charities; they enable the existence of nationally recognized Catholic schools; support ongoing religious education; nurture vocations; and care for our retired priests. Our parish raised 114 gifts worth $23,163.00 from 107 donors bringing the parish to 55.15% of our $42,000 goal. Please support our Parish in reaching its goal and give generously according to your means. Thank you. In Christ, Fr. Pawel M. Hrebenko 2018 WEDDING JUBILEE MASS Katecheza przed-chrzcielna jest wymagana dla rodziców którym urodziło się pierwsze dziecko lub dla nowo zarejestrowanych parafian. Spotkanie zazwyczaj odbywa się w pierwszy Poniedziałek miesiąca po wieczornej Mszy św. Prosimy rejestrować się telefonicznie w naszym biurze parafialnym przynajmniej miesiąc przed narodzinami dziecka. On Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 3:00pm at St. Theresa Parish in Trumbull (5301 Main St, Trumbull, CT 06611), Bishop Caggiano will be celebrating the 2018 Wedding Jubilee Mass. This Mass is for couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50+ year wedding anniversaries. Photos with Bishop Caggiano will take place at 2:30pm before Mass begins. Every couple that participates will receive a complimentary photo sent via US Mail to each parish for distribution. As a special gift to those celebrating anniversaries, the Mass will be immediately followed by a concert by the Diocesan Youth Choir. The concert is free and will be presented immediately following the final blessing at Mass. A reception will follow the concert for all couples, their families, and choir members. Space is limited, so please RSVP by April 18, 2018! For any questions, feel free to contact us at 203-416-1670