The Ascension of the Lord May 20, 2012 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Mark 16:16

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1 Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music Director Ms. Joanna Koziar, Bulletin Editor RITE OF RECONCILIATION: (Confession) 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, Saturday or by appointment. Weekday Confession daily starting at 7:45 A.M. until morning Mass. PARISH REGISTRATION: At the rectory during office hours. Regular Office hours 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM daily. MASS SCHEDULE WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM Mass in Polish: Wednesday & Saturday 8:30 AM HOLY DAY MASSES: 7:00 PM Vigil Mass, 8:00 11:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM 7:00 PM (Polish) WEDDINGS: Arrangement must be made with one of the priests at least six months before the date of the wedding. Confirm desired date at the church before making other arrangements. At least one of the engaged persons (or their parents) must be a registered and active parishioner of St. Priscilla. Weddings are not scheduled on Sunday. BAPTISMS: English Baptisms will be held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Polish Baptisms will be held on the first and third Sundays. Attendance at Baptismal Preparation class is mandatory. Register by calling Rectory. Rectory: 6949 W. Addison, Chicago, IL Fax: The Ascension of the Lord May 20, 2012 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Mark 16:16

2 Page Two May 20, 2012 Spiritual Reflection PERSEVERANCE Life would be so much easier for us if Jesus were still walking the earth among us. It would eliminate so many arguments and provide undeniable proof that Jesus lived, died, and rose again. But what would his physical presence mean to us? There would indeed be benefits: we really could ask the question, What would Jesus do? and get an answer! But there would also be enormous temptation to expect him to solve all life s problems directly. Jesus, please stop the war in..., Lord, please find me a new job, I beg you, Lord, to cure my friend. We might want to spend countless hours in his presence, neglecting our personal vocation and responsibilities. Jesus commanded his disciples to proclaim the good news to every nation. He promised that the power of the Holy Spirit would be given to them to help them persevere. This power would also help them do extraordinary things in his name. Then Jesus disappeared from their sight, and returned to his place at the right hand of God. We have never had the grace of knowing Jesus in human form. The disciples were promised they would be clothed with power from on high; by the same token we received a white garment at our baptism and were told we were now clothed in Christ. For those of us who were baptized as infants, the idea of being clothed in power meant nothing at the time. But this power was indeed given to us, to be nurtured and to come to fulfillment in our adult lives. For us to persevere as followers of Jesus we continually need the power of the Spirit. Let us set aside a time each day, as the first disciples did, to seek out the Spirit s power in prayer as we approach the feast of Pentecost. Copyright 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. May is the month during which Mary, Most Holy, Queen of the Rosary, is venerated. Please remember to take time out of your busy days to pray this Marian prayer! TRZEBA IŚĆ DALEJ Liturgia Słowa dzisiejszej niedzieli nawią zuje bardzo wyraź nie do Wniebowstąpienia, a równocześnie wybiega do Uroczystości Zesłania Ducha Świętego. Istotną treść liturgii dzisiejszego dnia można oddać słowami św. Augustyna: Jak bowiem nasz Pan wstąpił do nieba, lecz nie oddalił się od nas, tak również i my tam razem z Nim przebywamy, chociaż jeszcze w śmiertelnym ciele dokonuje się to, co zostało nam obiecane. Gdy Chrystus wstępujący w niebo zniknął z oczu uczniów, znaleźli się oni w trudnej i kłopotliwej sytuacji ludzi, którym nagle urwała się droga, zanim osiągnęli cel. Zaskoczeni tym wszystkim patrzyli bezradnie w niebo, wyczekując jakby wytłumaczenia tego, co się stało. Z nieba zaś dochodzi głos: Czemu stoicie...? Ten głos mówi im, że droga wcale się nie skończyła i że trzeba iść dalej. Sytuacja współczesnych chrześcijan, nas ludzi końca XX wieku jest identyczna, jak w tamtej chwili. Sytuacja każdego z nas jest dalszym ciągiem sytuacji młodego Kościoła z czasów Chrystusa, kiedy On szedł do Ojca. Mamy ciągle świadczyć o Chrystusie - o tym, któregośmy nie widzieli, nie słyszeli, nie dotykali bezpośrednio. Mamy świadczyć, jakbyśmy Go widzieli, dotykali, rozmawiali z Nim. Nie wolno nam zapominać, że ON jest, że umęczony i zmartwychwstały, że ON żyje! ON chce nieustannie wstępować pomiędzy nas i szuka serc, w których byłaby miłość. ON czeka na ludzi, którzy umieją przyjąć Ducha Świętego i pozwalają przypominać sobie wszystko, cokolwiek ON powiedział, w niczym nie fałszując Jego zbawczej prawdy. ON szuka serc, które mają odwagę dochować wierności słowem i życiem, czynem i w prawdzie. Droga wcale się nie skończyła. Droga do nieba i brama do nieba jest najbliżej tam, gdzie stoisz! Kierujmy więc nasze serca tam, gdzie są prawdziwe radości. Jeśli słuchamy nauki Apostołów i ich następców, nie błądzimy. Słuchamy tej samej nauki, której kiedyś słuchały rzesze żydowskie, którą żyły pierwsze wieki chrześcijaństwa i która dziś jest dla nas drogą, prawdą i życiem. Ks. Idzi

3 Ascension of the Lord Page Three ASCENSION OF THE LORD (20) 8:30 God s Blessings for Fr. Idzi on his 37th Anniversary of Priesthood +Jan Drzymala Birthday Rem. & 12th Death Anniv. (Wife & Sons) +Mr. & Mrs. John Engel (Mr. & Mrs. William Engel) +Joseph Mohar 14th Death Anniv. (Dolores & Family) +Dolores Nielsen +Deceased Members of Heiberger & Grossmayer Families (Nick Grossmayer Family) +Helen Dauffenbach Birthday Remembrance (Dan Pulchinski) 10:30 O Boże bł. dla ks. Prob. Idzi Stacherczak w 37-mą rocz. święceń kapłańskich O opiekę Matki Bożej i potrzebne łaski dla Teresy Koziar i Hanny Kurzątkowski z racji urodzin O odnowienie miłości ku Bogu wśród młodzieży i powołania do służby Bożej oraz za dusze w czyśćcu cierpiące Prośba do Matki Bożej o opiekę i łaskę zdrowia dla Pawła Dziura (Żona i Córka) Za poległych i zmarłych żołnierzy 5-tej Kresowej Dywizji Piechoty z racji 68 rocz. Bitwy pod Monte Casino O opiekę Matki Bożej i bł. Boże dla Gabrysi, która wczoraj przyjęła Komunie Św. O szczęśliwy powrót z Polski O radość w wieczności dla: +Stefania Bąk 5-ta rocz. śmierci +Victor Burzyński (Rodzice) +Zbigniew Nosek +Antoni Rogiński 32 rocz. śmierci +Józef Zachwieja 4-ta rocz. śmierci +Edward Kowal +Helena Jasek 12:15 Patrick A. Hoffman that he returns to the family +Henryka Kuklińska (Arlene Palac) +William Sessler 7th Death Anniversary (Family) 6:00 +Bogumiła Ewko 4-ta rocz. śmierci (Syn z rodziną) +Wanda Wardzała zmarła w Polsce (Córka Monika) +Józef Kozioł 8-ma rocz. śmierci MONDAY (21) Easter Weekday 8:00 +Oskar Ziaja Birthday Remembrance (Parents) TUESDAY (22) Easter Weekday 8:00 +William McGlynn (Rose Ferina) WEDNESDAY (23) Easter Weekday 8:00 +Anna Mae R. Kinsella 3rd Death Anniversary (Daniel G. Manczak Family) 8:30 +Stanley, Maria & Steve Gogolewski (Joanna-Synowa) THURSDAY (24) Easter Weekday 8:00 +William McGlynn (Mary Garvin) +Mary Kay Cademartrie Birthday Remem. (Evelyn) FRIDAY (25) Easter Weekday 8:00 +Mary Hazel La Cour (Arnone Family) SATURDAY (26) Saint Philip Neri, Priest 8:00 +Paul Tawech 8:30 +Bogumiła Ewko 4-ta rocz. śmierci (Rodzina) 4:00 +Phyllis Scully (Brother Joseph Tiritilli) +Michele Cosentino (Family) +Debbie Grams (Lorrie Kraft) +Mary Sanders (Religious Education Teachers) PENTECOST (27) 8:30 +Józef, Mieczysław Gajda; +Zofia & Leon Owca +Jane Kroll Birthday Remembrance (Family) +Casimer Gaik (Kormele Lamkos) +Stefan Lorenc (Mizera Family) +Mary Sanders (Barbara Taschler) 10:30 O odnowienie miłości ku Bogu wśród młodzieży i powołania do służby Bożej oraz za dusze w czyśćcu cierpiące Prośba do Matki Bożej o opiekę i łaskę zdrowia dla Pawła Dziura (Żona i Córka) O Boże bł. i potrzebne łaski dla Jana Cioch z racji urodzin (Polska Grupa) W int. przyjaciół z podz. za ich modlitwy i otrzymane łaski (Andrzej Plizga z rodziną) O radość w wieczności dla: +Stanisław Tymiński (Rodzina) +Bogumiła Ewko (4-ta rocz. śmierci) +Walentyna Harla (Córka z rodziną) +Janusz Bulwin I-sza rocz. śmierci +Irena Siwek 6-ta rocz. śmierci +Zbigniew Nosek +Victor Burzyński (Rodzice) 12:15 St. Priscilla Parishioners: #16 6:00 +Wanda Wardzała zmarła w Polsce (Córka Monika) +Bogumiła Ewko 4-ta rocz. śmierci (Rodzina) Mark S. Mieczkowski Frederick A. McKinstry May 6, 2012 Currency $ 3, Checks $ 4, Loose Coin $ Total $ 7, Weekly Goal $ 10, Budget Year to Date $440, Collections Year to Date $314, Under Budget $<125,382.40> Thank you for your generosity and support of our Parish.

4 Page Four May 20, 2012 Please remember that if you would like to request an intention for a weekend, you must request it AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE the scheduled date. Prosimy pamiętać, aby zamówić intencję na Mszę św. w niedzielę, należy przyjść do kancelarii parafialnej przynajmniej tydzień wcześniej. W sytuacji nadzwyczajnej, należy bezpośrednio załatwiać intencję z Księdzem w zachrystii przed Mszą św. George Adamick - Ann Aitken - Sandra Anderson - Joe Bargi - Lorraine Belokon - Dorothy Castronovo - Rosemary Cursio - Jan Drożdż - John Greco - Nick Grossmayer - Dorothy Heck - Jennifer Hebda - Andrew Jennings - Carrie Kacen - Marie Kane - Janet Kaplan - LaVerne Kmiec - Giuseppe Lamanna - Dolores LaValle - Maria Lech - Peter Leyden - Mary Lund - Mary Lynch - Michael Manczko - Barbara McDonald - Gwen Moncada - Mike Muka - Antoni Nierzejewski - Carol Niewinski - Henry Orry - Augusto Sandoval - Norbert Schultz - Genowefa Solak - Mary Spiewak - Gina Swensen - Patricia Tytro - Roger Vlasos - Stanley Wcislo - Jola Wolfe - Katie Young If you have not yet done so and would like to have your name added to our Parish Pray For list, please call the rectory at ext Thank you! LITURGICAL SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY AND May 26th & May 27th MINISTER(S) SATURDAY 4:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 6:00 P.M. LECTOR Kathleen Leahy Rich Mizera Ryszard Koziar Krystian Zyszczynski Maria Raźniak COMMENTATOR Wacław Rzeszutek Marian Raźniak EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS As scheduled As scheduled Teresa Koziar Roman Harmata As scheduled Ryszard Janusiak Maria Raźniak

5 Ascension of the Lord Page Five WEDDING BANNS If anyone knows of cause or just impediment why these persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, they must contact the Pastor. II. Christine Graf & Corre Lipp Jeśli ktoś wie o przeszkodach uniemożliwiających zawarcie Sakramentu Małżeństwa przez te osoby, prosimy o powiadomienie księdza proboszcza. Zreszenie Amerykańsko-Polskie ogłasza zapisy na kursy zawodowe przygotowujące do uzyskania licencji stanowej pomocy pielęgniarskiej i rehabilitacyjnej Kursy trwają trzy miesiące, prowadzone są w ję zyku angielskim w mał ych ziesięcioosobowych grupach. Po uzyskaniu licencji oferujemy pomoc w znalezieniu pracy. Po więcej informacji proszę dzwonić pod numer (773) wew. 401 oraz 403. Scouting News St. Priscilla Boy Scout Troop 803 will be holding their Annual Pancake Breakfast THIS WEEKEND on Sunday, May 20th, from 8:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. in McGowan Hall. We will be serving pancakes, nalesniki (Polish crepes), sausage, juice and coffee. The costs for tickets will be $7 for adults and $5 for children, children under 5 eat free. Please come out and support the Boy Scouts! Harcerze Zastęp 803 przy naszym Kościele Św. Pryscylli zapraszają na tradycyjne Śniadanie z Naleśnikiem w ten weekend - w niedzielę, 20 maja, od 8:00 A.M. do 12:30 P.M. w Sali McGowan Hall. Serwujemy pyszne, domowej roboty naleśniki, amerykańskie pancakes, kiełbaski, soki, kawa. Donacja dorośli - $7, dzieci - $5, dzieci poniżej 5 lat - za darmo. Prosimy o przybycie po każdej Mszy świętej i wsparcie naszych harcerzy.

6 Page Six May 20, 2012 CAPITAL RENOVATION COLLECTION As we begin the year 2012, I would like to continue to thank all of you for contributing to our Capital Improvement Collection. The funds received from this collection stay within our parish and help us offset the costs of the increasing repairs that are coming up on our buildings and grounds. We are grateful for each of your generosity and support of our parish. Thank you for helping keep St. Priscilla Parish vibrant - both spiritually and physically! *The donations reported in today s bulletin are from May s Capital Improvement Collection.* $125 Casey Czochara $100 Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Richard Bonk, Marion Ward $75 R. Zyszczynski $54 Sophie & Anna Oracz $50 Wladyslaw Bielen, Stephen Jaskolka, Eunhi Kim, Adam & Jadwiga Kokot $45 Melvin Spejcher $40 Emily Sloan $35 Nick Grossmayer $30 Anonymous, Evelyn Cademartrie, LeRoy Grochocki, Helen Grzymajlo, Richard Hujar, Julian Malkiewicz, Manuel Reyes, Zofia & Duane Wendolowski $25 Anonymous, William Balog, Betty Cullen, Robert Drzewiecki, William Duffy, Rosemary Ferrier, Philomena Greco, Cathy Ann Grossmayer, Chester Kmiec, John Masters, James Miketta, Peter O Grady, Olivia Pamatmat, Edwin Peszek, Albert Schorsch, III, Concetta Serio, Victor Szatkowski, Chester Wijas, Virginia Zyburt $20 Wieslaw Adamowski, Carlito Avanzado, Richard Bargi, Anna Bartolon, K. Czarnota, Nadine Czekaj, Marcin Dylag, Karen A. Engel, Bogdan Hanek, Patrick Haugh, Maria & Waclaw Hryniewiccy, Elsie Hum, Mieczyslaw & Krystyna Jasek, Bennett Klauba, Josefa Kobylarczyk, Jan Kocon, Hanna Kolodziejska, Grzegorz Kraus, Josef Lata, Antoni Lipka-Chudzik, Wladyslaw Molek, Salvatore Morreale, George N. Mueller, Eryk Piecha, Tadeusz Samolyk, Antoinette Sanders, Donald Schultz, Ryszard Snopko, Adam Sochacki, Soltyszewski Family, Zbigniew Stepek, Krystyna Swiderski, Zbigniew Sycz, Barbara Taschler, Geraldine Timmreck, Kazimierz Tokarski, Wach Family $15 Michael Busse, Jr., Farkas/Strusinski, Anthony Felau, Marian Henaghan, Antoinette Kapusta, Frank Mizera, Krzysztof Plaza, James Warrender, James R. West, Wronke $10 Anonymous, Nicholas Alleva, Angelo Alongi, Martin Barrett, Joy Belluomini, Robert Blicharz, Sr., Geraldine Bobula, Stanley Cmiel, Franciszek Cudzich, Jerzy Czarnik, TJL Czarnik, Edward Czerwinski, Mario Dayag, Ryszard Domusiewicz, Andrzej Domszy, Corinne-William Donohue, Kasper & Luise Doppel, Lorraine DuPlantis, William Engel, Jack S. Ferina, Russell Ford, Jozef Gajda, Krzysztof Glowinski, Zofia Godlewska, John Griffin, Krzysztof Harbarszewski, Evelyn/Carol Hoffman, Artur Hryniewicki, Lech Izbicki, Marian Janowski, Tadeusz Jaworecki, Krzysztof Kadzielawa, Mieczyslaw Kalisz, Virginia Knight, Leroy Knowles, Danuta Kowal, John Koziara, Stephanie Koziara, Kucharski-Olvera-Yuza, Wladyslawa L. Kulaga, Joseph Kurzatkowski, Janina Kwasnik, Edward Lach, Roy Lacour, Nancy Lee, Joseph LoPiccolo, Edward Luby, Catherine McDermott, John P. Mescall, Wladyslaw Mikina, Jozef & Elzbieta Mikos, Lillian Miller, Wieslaw Mroczkowski, Frances Muka, Elizabeth Nelson, Adam Niewiadomski, Patricia Novey, Kazimiera Nowak, Stefan Nowik, Andrzej Ostojski, Adam Pawlak, Antoinette Pusateri, Florence Pytka, Frank Reckmann, Jose A. Rodriguez, Stanley Ryczek, Joseph Santelli, John Santoro, Piotr Skobelski, Victoria Slowak, Mieczyslawa Smagacz, Estelle Sonnenberg, Jozef Sopek, Jeffrey Stanek, Jaroslaw-Marek Stankiewicz, Rogelio Tiongco, Richard Tomal, Helen Toporek, Ronald Tralka, Richard T. Vana, Antoinette Viola, Eugene Emil Warta, Jozef Wieczorek, Lucjana Wilczewska, Steven Zachar, Mieczyslaw Ziobro $7 Jose Mejia $6 Jan Wawiorko $5 Janice Arnet, Daniel Barsella, Barbara Bess, Marzena Blaut, Piotr Bradlinski, Krzysztof Bryk, Adolf Burzynski, Joseph Catanzaro, Ellen Coleman, Ryszard Czarnik, Joseph Day, Jr., Eugenia Denisiuk, Michael DeSimone, Stefania Drzymala, Gorny Family, Alina Grzegorczyk, Gerardo Gutierrez, Tony Inacay, Artur Iwan, D. & R. Johnson, Iza Juzkiewicz, Jay Klasek, Tadeusz & Jadwiga Kochanski, Michele Kolak, Marek & Ewa Kowalczyk, Zuzanna Krupa, Jesse Kulaga, Zbigniew Kwasnik, Dolores LaValle, Zdzislaw Lech, Joann Maass, Angelo Martino, Roewen Masacupan, Albert Mazur, Janet May Mazzio, Lucyna Misiaszek, Piotr & Zofia Modla, G. Nabor, Stanislawa Naumczyk, David Neris, Renato Nucup, Andrzej Oleksy, Oniskiewicz/Olszewski, Stanislaw Parczewski, Wladyslaw Pater, Kazimierz Pikul, Thomas Pollina, Marian Prazuch, Prorok, Edward Radziszewski, Melecio Rodriguez, John Sherrod, Zdzislaw Siemionko, Stanislaw Slonina, Stephen Sodergren, Antoni Stanula, Marcin Stepek, Boguslaw Stypula, Tadeusz Sutowski, Stanislaw Tolwinski, Henryka Turczynska, Clarence Waldock, Marek Wenc, Helena Wincenciuk, Irena Wisniewski, Yuza Family, Tadeusz Zalewski, Barbara Zeman, Stanislaw Zuber $3 Joanne Gogolewski, Ewa Jamrog, Zygmunt & Hanna Kosobudzki, Helen Mueller, Edgar Pelegrino, Steve Sobieraj, Andrzej Zareba $2 Balaz/Favia, Guillermo Bermudez, Harriett Borkowski, Mieczyslawa Bubiak, George Fenn, Ann Grybos, Jan Hapunik, Manuel Hilado, Stanley Joswiak, Mark Nowakowski, Jean Ribaudo $1 Donato Allegretti, Angela Arnet, Ryszard Kokitko, B. Plucinski, Mario Pontarelli, Rose Sardena-Soto The total was $4, I thank you all again! -Fr. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor-

MASS SCHEDULE. First Sunday of Lent March 9, 2014

MASS SCHEDULE. First Sunday of Lent March 9, 2014 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. The Baptism of the Lord January 10, He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

MASS SCHEDULE. The Baptism of the Lord January 10, He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Fourth Sunday of Lent March 18, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Lent March 18, 2012 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2012 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:4

Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2012 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:4 Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Pentecost Sunday May 19, [I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. 1 Corinthians 12:13a

Pentecost Sunday May 19, [I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. 1 Corinthians 12:13a Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

Bardziej szczegółowo

Third Sunday of Easter April 22, You alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling. Psalm 4:9

Third Sunday of Easter April 22, You alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling. Psalm 4:9 HAPPY EASTER! Wesołych Świąt! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Priscilla #512005 6949 W. Addison Chicago, IL 60634 TELEPHONE 773 545-8840. CONTACT PERSON Joanna

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Priscilla #512005 6949 W. Addison Chicago, IL 60634 TELEPHONE 773 545-8840. CONTACT PERSON Joanna CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Priscilla #512005 6949 W. Addison Chicago, IL 60634 TELEPHONE 773 545-8840 CONTACT PERSON Joanna SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Windows XP Home Edition PRINTER

Bardziej szczegółowo

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

Bardziej szczegółowo

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 19, 2012

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 19, 2012 Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

Bardziej szczegółowo

Second Sunday of Lent February 24, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? Psalm 27:1

Second Sunday of Lent February 24, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? Psalm 27:1 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

Bardziej szczegółowo

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 22, 2012

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 22, 2012 Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

Bardziej szczegółowo

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 13, 2012 It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 13, 2012 It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

Bardziej szczegółowo

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 10, The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD.

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 10, The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

Bardziej szczegółowo

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

Bardziej szczegółowo

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 14, The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword.

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 14, The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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WEEKEND MASSES: 4:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Sixth Sunday of Easter May 5, 2013. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! Psalm 67:6

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 5, 2013. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! Psalm 67:6 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 5, Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 5, Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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Easter Sunday April 24, When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:4

Easter Sunday April 24, When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:4 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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Reflecting on God s Word

Reflecting on God s Word Page Two May 17, 2015 Reflecting on God s Word These days most corporations and churches have vision and mission statements. Often they begin with a model vision that the institution strives to live up

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Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 24, I rejoiced because they said to me, We will go up to the house of the LORD.

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 24, I rejoiced because they said to me, We will go up to the house of the LORD. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. Pentecost Sunday June 8, There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.

MASS SCHEDULE. Pentecost Sunday June 8, There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Eugene Gratkowski, Weekend Assistant Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna

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Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2011 The greatest among you must be your servant. Matthew 23:11

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2011 The greatest among you must be your servant. Matthew 23:11 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 21, 2012 Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many. Isaiah 53:11b

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 21, 2012 Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many. Isaiah 53:11b Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Palm Sunday of the Lord s Passion March 28, The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. Isaiah 50:7a

Palm Sunday of the Lord s Passion March 28, The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. Isaiah 50:7a Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary

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Fourth Sunday of Lent March 10, 2013

Fourth Sunday of Lent March 10, 2013 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 9, 2012

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 9, 2012 Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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First Sunday of Lent February 17, The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. Romans 10:8

First Sunday of Lent February 17, The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. Romans 10:8 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Third Sunday of Lent March 3, The LORD secures justice and the rights of all the oppressed. Psalm 103:6

Third Sunday of Lent March 3, The LORD secures justice and the rights of all the oppressed. Psalm 103:6 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Third Sunday of Lent March 27, 2011 While we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Third Sunday of Lent March 27, 2011 While we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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Easter Sunday March 31, When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:4

Easter Sunday March 31, When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:4 Happy Easter! Wesołych Świąt! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 22, The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. Mark 1:15

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 22, The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. Mark 1:15 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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ST. PRISCILLA CHURCH 6949 W. Addison Ave. Chicago, IL (773)

ST. PRISCILLA CHURCH 6949 W. Addison Ave. Chicago, IL (773) ST. PRISCILLA CHURCH 6949 W. Addison Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 (773)545-8840 Page Two January 4, 2014 Reflecting on God s Word What are the major attractions in your area? Are they natural

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MASS SCHEDULE. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27, All things work for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28a

MASS SCHEDULE. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27, All things work for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28a Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, All kings shall pay him homage, all nations shall serve him. Psalm 72:11

The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, All kings shall pay him homage, all nations shall serve him. Psalm 72:11 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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The Ascension of the Lord May 12, God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the LORD, amid trumpet blasts. Psalm 47:6

The Ascension of the Lord May 12, God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the LORD, amid trumpet blasts. Psalm 47:6 Happy Mother s Day! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music Director

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Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 16, The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. Isaiah 50:7

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 16, The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. Isaiah 50:7 Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 22, 2013. God... wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 22, 2013. God... wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary

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Sixth Sunday of Easter May 9, May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! Psalm 67:6

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 9, May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! Psalm 67:6 Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary

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SSW1.1, HFW Fry #20, Zeno #25 Benchmark: Qtr.1. Fry #65, Zeno #67. like

SSW1.1, HFW Fry #20, Zeno #25 Benchmark: Qtr.1. Fry #65, Zeno #67. like SSW1.1, HFW Fry #20, Zeno #25 Benchmark: Qtr.1 I SSW1.1, HFW Fry #65, Zeno #67 Benchmark: Qtr.1 like SSW1.2, HFW Fry #47, Zeno #59 Benchmark: Qtr.1 do SSW1.2, HFW Fry #5, Zeno #4 Benchmark: Qtr.1 to SSW1.2,

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The Most Holy Trinity June 3, 2012 We are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.

The Most Holy Trinity June 3, 2012 We are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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MASS SCHEDULE. Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014

MASS SCHEDULE. Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Easter Sunday April 8, I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Psalm 118:17

Easter Sunday April 8, I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Psalm 118:17 HAPPY EASTER! Wesołych Świąt! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious

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Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) April 7, Once I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever.

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) April 7, Once I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. Second Sunday of Lent March 16, 2014

MASS SCHEDULE. Second Sunday of Lent March 16, 2014 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11, 2014

MASS SCHEDULE. Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11, 2014 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us.

MASS SCHEDULE. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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St. Priscilla Church MASS SCHEDULE

St. Priscilla Church MASS SCHEDULE Page Two July 17, 2016 St. Priscilla Church Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Maciej Galle, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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Fourth Sunday of Lent April 3, 2011 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

Fourth Sunday of Lent April 3, 2011 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, Turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving.

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, Turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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MASS SCHEDULE. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. 1 Corinthians 6:19a

MASS SCHEDULE. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. 1 Corinthians 6:19a Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 7, May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 6:14

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 7, May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 6:14 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Test sprawdzający znajomość języka angielskiego

Test sprawdzający znajomość języka angielskiego Test sprawdzający znajomość języka angielskiego Imię i Nazwisko Kandydata/Kandydatki Proszę wstawić X w pole zgodnie z prawdą: Brak znajomości języka angielskiego Znam j. angielski (Proszę wypełnić poniższy

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 16, I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 16, I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20 Happy Father s Day! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music Director

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 15, Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Matthew 10:8b

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 15, Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Matthew 10:8b Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor Fred & Adeline Spitzzeri, Deacon Couple Mrs. Linda Noonan, School Principal Paul (Pawel)

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Pentecost Sunday June 12, There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.

Pentecost Sunday June 12, There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 14, 2013. Christ Jesus... is the head of the body, the church. Colossians 1:15, 18

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 14, 2013. Christ Jesus... is the head of the body, the church. Colossians 1:15, 18 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Third Sunday of Advent December 16, 2012. The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear.

Third Sunday of Advent December 16, 2012. The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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MASS SCHEDULE. Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 8, 2015

MASS SCHEDULE. Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 8, 2015 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, All you who are thirsty, come to the water! Isaiah 55:1a

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, All you who are thirsty, come to the water! Isaiah 55:1a Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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MASS SCHEDULE. Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016

MASS SCHEDULE. Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Second Sunday of Advent December 5, The earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as water covers the sea.

Second Sunday of Advent December 5, The earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as water covers the sea. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious

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MASS SCHEDULE. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2015

MASS SCHEDULE. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2015 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 17, They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 17, They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 8, 2010 Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 8, 2010 Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20 Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna

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Reflecting on God s Word

Reflecting on God s Word Page Two May 24, 2015 Reflecting on God s Word Sighs allow us to sit there for a moment or two without breathing just being there at peace and without whatever it is that we just exhaled, without our worry

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Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary

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St. Priscilla Church. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. Register by calling the Rectory.

St. Priscilla Church. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. Register by calling the Rectory. Page Two April 9, 2017 St. Priscilla Church Welcome to St. Priscilla! Fr. Maciej D. Galle, Pastor Fr. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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First Sunday of Advent November 28, 2010 You... must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.

First Sunday of Advent November 28, 2010 You... must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30-9:00-12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla Parish! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko,

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15, 2010 Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15, 2010 Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Stan Tabor, Associate Pastor Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna

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PONIEDZIAŁEK r. NMP Matki Kościoła.

PONIEDZIAŁEK r. NMP Matki Kościoła. PONIEDZIAŁEK 21.05.2018 r. NMP Matki Kościoła. 7.3o + Rodzice: Helena, Stanisław, siostra Stefania (k) i zmarli z rodzin z obojga stron 7.3o 9.oo + Barbara Cierlecka w 1 rocz. śm., Zofia, Jan Maruszczak,

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St. Priscilla Church. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. Register by calling the Rectory.

St. Priscilla Church. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. Register by calling the Rectory. Page Two January 14, 2018 St. Priscilla Church Welcome to St. Priscilla! Fr. Maciej D. Galle, Pastor Fr. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna

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Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 6, Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us.

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 6, Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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WEEKEND MASSES: 4:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Szczypuła, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2011 Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2011 Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business

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CHRZTY: Chrzty odbywają się w soboty i niedziele. Rejestracja w kancelarii parafialnej.

CHRZTY: Chrzty odbywają się w soboty i niedziele. Rejestracja w kancelarii parafialnej. Page Two January 13, 2019 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Fr. Maciej D. Galle, Pastor Fr. Daniel Kusa, Associate Pastor Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Office Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music Director Mrs. Anna Harmata, Pastoral

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St. Priscilla Church MASS SCHEDULE

St. Priscilla Church MASS SCHEDULE Page Two July 10, 2016 St. Priscilla Church Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Maciej Galle, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski,

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PONIEDZIAŁEK r. ÂÂ PONIEDZIAŁEK 04.03.2019 r. ÂÂ 7.00 + Stanisława (k), Andrzej, Lucyna 7.00 + Wanda Ziółkiewicz w dniu urodzin 8.00 + Mieczysława (k) Borowska - 4 Msza św. Gregoriańska 8.00 + Stanisława (k) i Zenon Rzepeccy

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MASS SCHEDULE. Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, Behold, God s dwelling is with the human race. -- Revelation 21:3

MASS SCHEDULE. Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, Behold, God s dwelling is with the human race. -- Revelation 21:3 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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MASS SCHEDULE. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. -- Galatians 2:20

MASS SCHEDULE. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. -- Galatians 2:20 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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Second Sunday of Lent March 4, 2012. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31b

Second Sunday of Lent March 4, 2012. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31b Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MASS SCHEDULE. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. Fifth Sunday of Lent March 13, 2016

MASS SCHEDULE. Fifth Sunday of Lent March 13, 2016 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Gładysz, Associate Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap,

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MASS SCHEDULE. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2014

MASS SCHEDULE. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2014 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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MASS SCHEDULE. Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014

MASS SCHEDULE. Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014 Welcome to St. Priscilla! Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to be angry with somebody gniewać się na kogoś Czy gniewasz

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DODATKOWE ĆWICZENIA EGZAMINACYJNE I.1. X Have a nice day! Y a) Good idea b) See you soon c) The same to you I.2. X: This is my new computer. Y: Wow! Can I have a look at the Internet? X: a) Thank you b) Go ahead c) Let me try I.3. X: What

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