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ST. HEDWIG S R.C. CHURCH One Depan Avenue Floral Park, New York 11001





St. Hedwig s Church One Depan Avenue Floral Park New York 11001 Website: E-mail: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 21, 2013 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Tel. (516) 354-0042 Fax: (516) 327-2458 Mon. - Fri. (secretary) 9 AM - 12 PM, 12.30pm 2.45pm, 3.15pm 5.00pm 5-7 PM (priest on duty) Sat. (secretary) 1.30pm 5.00pm 9 AM - 12 PM (priest on duty) Sun. No Sunday Evening Hours MASS SCHEDULE DAILY MASSES: 9:00 AM (English) SATURDAY EVENING MASSES: 5:00 & 7:00 PM (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 9:30 AM (English) 11:00 AM (Polish) 12:30 PM (English) 6:30 PM (English) EVE OF HOLY DAYS: 7:00 PM (English) HOLY DAYS: 9:00 AM (English) 5:00 PM (English) 7:30 PM (Polish) NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Saturdays after 8:00 AM Mass (Polish). Wednesday at 3:00 PM, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Immediately after, Novena to Divine Mercy followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in English. NOVENA TO GOD THE FATHER: Every first Sunday of the month after 12:30 PM Mass. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays: 4:00-5:00 PM and 6:30-7:00 PM. Holy Days: Confessions before every Mass. FIRST FRIDAY: 9:00 AM Mass in English and 7:30 PM Mass in Polish to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Exposition, Adoration & Blessing. Confessions 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM. BAPTISMS: Make arrangements at least 6 weeks ahead of time. Baptisms are held every Sunday at 11:00 AM (Polish) and 12:30 PM (English). MARRIAGES: Arrangements to be made at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. No Marriages on Sunday after 5:00 PM & on Saturdays after 3:15 PM. SICK CALLS: Any time - Day or Night. Call the Rectory. CHURCH SUPPORT ENVELOPES: All permanent parishioners are urged to use our Church Support Envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR/PASTOR: Rev. Piotr Rozek cell (516) 776-5486 PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. Msgr. Edward Wawerski cell (516) 984-9716 SECRETARY: MORNING Barbara Schaefering (516) 354-0042 SECRETARY: AFTERNOON Magda Rosada (516) 354-0042 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTOR: Peggy Woltering (516) 578-5164 EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY: Daniel Mahony (718) 831-1949 LECTORS MINISTRY: Carol Peise (718) 347-7970 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Danielle Auguste (516) 437-2472 ORGANIST and CANTOR: Ted Gerwatowski (516) 998-5086 POLISH SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Dorota Kaczmarzyk (516) 851-0523 CYO: Richard Teleski (516) 328-1334

TODAY S READINGS First Reading Abraham shows hospitality to three visitors (Genesis 18:1-10a). Psalm He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord (Psalm 15). Second Reading The mystery hidden from generations past has been manifested; it is Christ in you, the hope for glory (Colossians 1:24-28), Gospel Jesus converses with Martha and Mary about service and contemplation (Luke 10:38-42) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20: 1-2, 11-18 Tuesday: Ex 14:21 --- 15:1; Ex 15:P8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5,9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20: 20-28 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15; Mt 13:24-30 Sunday: Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3,6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVENCES Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Mary Magdalene Tuesday: St. Bridget Wednesday: St. Sharbel Makhluf Thursday: St. James Friday: Ss. Joachim and Ann Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary MARY MAGDALEN One of the three women, the first three persons even to learn about the empty tomb of Jesus, was Mary Magdalen. Later Mary Magdalen was granted the first sight of the Risen Jesus. On Easter day she was weeping outside the tomb. She turned round and, through her tears saw someone she supposed to be the gardener, who asked why she was weeping. Mary Magdalen replied, Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him and I will come and take him. This man was Jesus. He spoke to Mary in their own tongue, saying her name, Mary. She replied Rabboni, which means Teacher. Jesus would not let Mary Magdalen cling to him, saying he must ascend to his Father and her Father, his God and her God. He told her to go and tell these things to the disciples, and Mary Magdalen obeyed him. The accounts of Jesus crucifixion show Mary Magdalen watching. She saw him die and then alive again. Her emotions on seeing the Risen Lord described by St. Matthew as fear and great joy are intensely human, intensely moving. MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2013 05:00 pm +Carmela Ciavattella by Son 07:00 pm +Anne & Michael Murphy by Son, John SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2013 07:00 am +Diane Filbry by Grandmother, Rose Ziemski 08:00 am +Anna i Henryk Trojanowski od Syna z Rodzina 09:30 am +Emile Auguste by Danielle 11:00 am +Bronislawa Panek od Ala i Mietek Ulicki 12:30 pm +Mary Amato by Andrea & Joe Crupi 06:30 pm +Walter Conrad MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013 07:00 am +Patrick Needham by Family 08:00 am +Wladyslaw Chmura od Corki 09:00 am +John Matusik by Wife & Children TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013 07:00 am +Larry Probst by Dan Mahony 08:00 am Mieczyslaw Ulicki od Genorseka i Piotr Kurdziel 09:00 am +Ellie Kiernan by Family WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2013 07:00 am +Catherine Gleason 08:00 am +Mieczyslaw Ulicki od Emilia i Mark Maj 09:00 am +Luz Caban by Lynn & Lucy Cannizzaro THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2013 07:00 am +Paola Galizia by Christine D Alessandro 08:00 am Do Dzieciatka Jezus z Pragi od Mary Constant 09:00 am +Dr. Jose Mercado by Trina M. Valdez & Family FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013 07:00 am In Thanksgiving to all the Saints by Enese Jean 08:00 am +Mieczyslaw Ulicki od Tony Cuntia 09:00 am +Elizabeth A. Loughlin by John Moloughney

SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2013 07:00 am +Estefania C. Valdez by Trina & Family 08:00 am +Janina Kempska od Rodziny Kielbiowski 09:00 am +Vincent Duch by Duch/Olszewski Family 05:00 pm +Anne & Michael Murphy by Son, John 07:00 pm +Richard Kane by Family 07:00 pm +Charlie Debono by Eugenia & Frank Muscat 08:00 pm Italian Mass in Honor of Padre Pio SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2013 07:00 am +Diana Filbry by Halina & Marian Wojdak 08:00 am +Maria Piotkiewicz od Rodziny Trojanowski 09:30 am +Marion Wesoly by Ron & Theresa Dluginski 11:00 am +Anna Bogun od Rodziny Surdyka 12:30 pm +Mary Amato by Palagonia/Thomas Family 06:30 pm +Joseph Milianta by Kay Albiez DOMINICAL PARISH LITURGICAL SERVICES July 20 Saturday 05:00 pm Lector: H. O Driscoll Eucharistic Ministry: A. & J. Collins P. Woltering 07:00 pm Lector: M. Villegas Eucharistic Ministry: V. Stevenson July 21 Sunday 07:00 am Lector: A. DiMarco Eucharistic Ministry: P. Hildebrandt 08:00 am Lector: K. Dreszel-Cacharani 09:30 am Lector: N. Bartkus Eucharistic Ministry: C. Dziomba Bar. Luger 11:00 am Lector: I. Kosiorek 12:30 pm Lector: C. Peise Eucharistic Ministry: R. McBride 06:30 pm Lector: H. O Driscoll Eucharistic Ministry: L. Mudryk COMMUNITY INFORMATION Sacrificial Giving for the weeks of July 7, 2013 $4,675.00 Additional Peter s Pence Collection $87.00 BANNS OF MARRIAGE Third Banns Michael Seaman of Blue Point & Nicole Piwowarski of Holbrook SICK LIST: Fr. Francis Filmanski, Maria Latopolski, Dolores Collins, Nolan Andrew Keegel, Michalek Kownacki, Jo Depowski, Angel Martinez, Bronislawa Potocka, Suzanne Shea, Edward Szumega, Bogdan Pawula, Helen Zalewski, Bozena Zurawska, Peter Dowd, Jadwiga Zasada, Walter Kalinoski, Sean Brady, Anthony Garcia, Donna Dziomba Ragan, Imelda Mendoza, Sandra Romano, Marion Brzozowski, Jennifer Smyth, Barbara Bigda, Jane Zwilling, Anthony James Murphy, James Christopher Burzynski, Olga Colon, Andrew Hildebrandt, David Tavakoli, Irene Stachecki & Dina Hoffmann. If anyone wishes to put names on the sick list or delete names, please call the rectory and speak with Barbara or one of the priests. Atlantic City bus trips on the second Wednesday of the month. Bus will leave at 8:00am from Linden Avenue. Call Santy Pallisco at 354-4616 for information and reservations. PLEASE JOIN US! As part of the celebration of this YEAR of FAITH, please consider participating in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. The date of the pilgrimage is Saturday, September 28, 2013. Cost is $20. Please contact Magda at (516) 354-0042 or by email at for more information on this wonderful event and to reserve a seat on the bus. Please join us! ATTENTION EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Eucharistic Ministers are needed at Long Island Jewish Hospital. If you can give one or two hours, one day a week to distribute Holy Communion to the patients,, Please call Carol at 718-343-1799 for information.

FAITH AND FORMATION NEWS Give your child the Gift of Faith. It s the most important gift you will ever give them. New registration only on Sunday, August 4, 2013 from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Must have a copy of the child s Baptismal certificate. FEES FOR REGISTERED PARISHIONERS as follows: $75.00 one child; $110.00 two children; $140.00 three or more children FEES FOR UNREGISTERED PARISHIONERS as follows: $90.00 one child; $140.00 two children; $170.00 three or more children SACRAMENTALS: GRADE 2 & 8 REGISTERED PARISHIONERS: $135.00 UNREGISTERED: $160.00 All other children s registration will be mailed to their homes at the end of August. First class will be held on September 18 th. Classes are on Wednesday for Grades 1 thru 5 at 5:00pm and Grades 6 thru 8 at 6:30pm. FOR YOUR INFORMATON: Due to the fact that we have only two priests in our parish, the following is Father Piotr s schedule: Monday, Father is available by appointment. Tuesday, his day off. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00 to 11:00am and 6:00 to 7:00pm. We encourage you to call for an appointment at these times. WAŻNE INFORMACJE. Jak dobrze wiemy, mamy tylko dwóch księży w naszej parafii. Podajemy godziny w których Ks. Piotr będzie w biurze parafialnym: poniedziałektylko po wcześniejszym umówieniu się; wtorek dzień wolny; środa, czwartek, piątek 10:00-11:00 oraz 6:00-7:00pm. Proszę ustalać godziny spotkań w tym czasie. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MUSEUM 1 State Street, New Haven, CT The Knights of Columbus Museum is excited to announce the opening of our newest exhibit Windows into Heaven: Russian Icons & Treasures. This exhibit contains over 225 Russian icons along with liturgical and devotional items. Icons have been called windows into heaven because they are said to give a glimpse of the eternal realm. Many of the icons are more than 100 years old, predating the Bolshevik Revolution. Windows into Heaven: Russian Icons & treasures will run until April 27, 2014. Admission and museum parking are free as a public service of the Knights of Columbus. If you have any questions or need additional information please call Kathryn E. Cogan, Deputy Director at 203-865- 0343. Trwają zapisy do Polskiej Szkoły Dokształcającej im. Św. Jadwigi we Floral Park na rok szkolny 2013/14. Rodziców lub opiekunów prosimy o kontakt z Dyrektorem szkoły Panią Dorota Kaczmarzyk pod numerem tel (516) 851-0523 PILGRIMAGE TO MEXICO NOVEMBER 9-16, 2013 $1.650 Highlights: Shrine of Guadalupe, Teotihuacan Pyramids, Mexico City, Taxco. Price includes airfare, breakfast, dinner, double occupancy at the hotel, tips to waiters and hotel porters. For more information call Tita Mel (347) 426-4294 (646) 645-3694 PILGRIMAGE TO HOLY LAND OCTOBER 15-OCTOBER 23 2013 $2.850 Highlights of the trip: Tel Aviv, Caesarea, Haifa, Nazareth, Mount Beatitudes, River Jordan, Cana, Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Mount Zion. Price includes round trip air from New York, transfers and sightseeing, an accommodation in first class hotels, tour guide through the journey, entrance fees. For details call Tita Mel (347) 426-4294. Our Lady of Peace Lay Carmelite Community Invites you to the Solemn Commemoration of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Tuesday Evening, July 16 th 7:00 pm Evening Prayer Mass Immediately Following There will be an opportunity to be invested in the Brown Scapular. After Mass, all are welcome to join us for refreshments in the Fr. Larry Penzes Auditorium. For information call Karen-Lee Pizzo at 516-593-2265. FORGIVENESS To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that the prisoner is me. -Anonymous

Imagine you notice two couples. To your right is a young couple who is not saying a word, and aren t even looking at each other, seemingly because they re upset. In the other direction you notice an elderly couple. They don t speak to each other not because they don t want to but because they don t need to. They understand each other so well, that they can see and hear things about each other without the need for words. In the Gospel, we see two persons who are in the presence of Jesus, but in very different ways. Let s say that Martha is the younger sister: even though she s physically in the same house as Jesus, when He speaks, she s not listening to him. Martha is in the presence of Jesus, but she s not present to Him. In other words, Martha is doing something for Jesus, but is not doing what Jesus wants. Imagine this portrait of Martha is a mirror. Do you see yourself in Martha? Are you sincere in doing what you do, but nonetheless, not doing what Jesus wants? Here s a misconception that s clarified by today s Gospel passage: namely, that if we are sincere in what we do, we are doing God s will. This is the misconception that sincerity is the measure of fidelity. In fact, this is not true. But how can we know whether our lives reflect fidelity to the Will of God? We cannot know this until we become like Mary. Mary is the wiser of the two sisters. Mary is in the presence of Jesus, and is also present to Him. Mary seated herself at the Lord s feet and listened to his words. That is to say, there was no conversation between the two. There was no dialogue. It was not two-way communication. The words flowed in only one direction: from Jesus, to Mary. And Mary listened. Mary listened to Jesus words: this is the better part, if not the only part, of prayer. Wyobraź sobie, że spacerując, zauważasz dwie pary. Po prawej stronie jest młoda para, która nie mówi do siebie ani słowa, nie patrząc nawet w swoim kierunku, prawdopodobnie ponieważ gniewają się na siebie. W przeciwnym kierunku można zauważyć dwoje starszych ludzi. Oni nie rozmawiają ze sobą, ale nie dlatego, że nie chcą, ale dlatego, że nie muszą. Rozumieją się tak dobrze, że są w stanie się porozumiewać, bez konieczności słów. W Ewangelii widzimy dwie osoby w obecności Jezusa, ale w bardzo różny sposób. Powiedzmy, że Marta jest młodszą siostrą: mimo, że fizycznie znajduje się w tym samym domu co Jezus, nie słucha go. Marta jest w obecności Jezusa, ale nie jest obecna w Nim. Innymi słowy, Marta robi coś dla Jezusa, ale nie robi tego, co Jezus chce. Wyobraź sobie, że portret Marty jest w lustrze. Czy widzisz siebie w Marcie? Czy jesteś szczery w tym, co robisz, jednak nie robisz tego, co Jezus chce? Owe nieporozumienie, jest wyjaśnione we fragmencie Ewangelii, a mianowicie, że jeśli jesteśmy szczerzy w tym, co robimy, czynimy wolę Bożą. Błędne przekonanie, że szczerość jest miarą wierności. W rzeczywistości nie jest to prawdą. Ale skąd możemy wiedzieć, czy nasze życie odzwierciedla wierność woli Bożej? Nie wiemy tego, dopóki nie stajemy się tak jak Maryja. Jest mądrzejszą z tych dwóch sióstr. Maryja jest w obecności Jezusa, jest również obecna w Nim. Maryja usiadła u nóg Pana i przysłuchiwała się Jego słowom. To znaczy, że nie było rozmowy między nimi. Nie było dialogu. To nie była dwukierunkowa komunikacja. Słowa płynęły tylko w jednym kierunku: od Jezusa, do Maryi. A Maryja słuchała. Słuchała słów Jezusa: a to jest lepsza część, jeśli nie jedyna część modlitwy.