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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing. on the study program: Administration

Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

PROJECT. Syllabus for course Techniques of negotiations and mediations in administration. on the study program: Administration

PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE. Negotiation techniques. Management. Stationary. II degree

Projektowanie Wnętrz Interior Design. Industrial Design 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)


MODULE DESCRIPTION Modue code Modue name Modue name in Engish Vaid from academic year 2013/2014 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Termodynamika Thermodynamics Subject Leve of education Studies profie Form and method of conducting casses Speciaisation Unit conducting the modue Modue co-ordinator Mechanics and Machine Design 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) Genera (genera / practica) Fu-time (fu-time / part-time) Road Vehices and Tractors The Department of Automotive Engineering and Transport Prof. Andrzej Ambrozik, PhD hab., Eng. Approved by: MODULE OVERVIEW Type of subject/group of subjects Modue status Language of conducting casses Modue pacement in the syabus - semester Subject reaisation in the academic year Initia requirements Examination Number of ECTS credit points 4 Method of conducting casses Basic (basic / major / speciaist subject / conjoint / other HES) Compusory (compusory / non-compusory) Engish 5 th semester Winter semester (winter / summer) No requirements (modue codes / modue names) Yes (yes / no) Lecture Casses Laboratory Project Other Per semester 15 15 15 a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00

TEACHING RESULTS AND THE METHODS OF ASSESSING TEACHING RESULTS Modue target The aim of the modue is to famiiarise students with the principes of converting therma energy into mechanica energy in possiby most effective manner (on the basis of physica fundamentas of thermodynamics). Other aims of the modue incude: famiiarising students with the current and future state of knowedge concerning thermodynamics and preparing them to anayse and design therma processes (aso creating the fundamentas for the studies on designing, perfecting and expoiting energy machines and devices taking piston therma engines into consideration). Lecture casses cover basic principes and aws concerning therma and fow phenomena, which is iustrated with numera exampes. Indispensabe knowedge on the subject incudes the foowing: basic understanding of physics and chemistry, knowedge of differentia cacuus, integra and differentia equations. Knowedge acquired during the casses is usefu in studying as we as earning other subjects taught with respect to Mechanics and Machine Design for the Vehices and Tractors speciaisation. Effect symbo Teaching resuts Teaching methods (/c//p/other) Reference to subject effects Reference to effects of a fied of study W_03 W_04 W_06 W_07 A student is famiiar with the cassification of thermodynamic phenomena and the vaues describing them and their units of measurement. Moreover, a student knows state parameters and the functions of state concerning thermodynamic systems. In addition, a student is famiiar with the aw and Avogadro number (together with the concusions resuting from this aw). A student is acquainted with the types of pressure and temperature scaes (together with the Reichmann aw and Joue s experiment). Additionay, a student knows the equations of state concerning idea and rea gases (incuding an equation appied in chemica thermodynamics). A student knows the notions of interna energy and static enthapy (together with extensive and intensive parameters of state). A student aso knows the types and methods of energy transfer. A student knows the reationship concerning cacuating absoute works and technica thermodynamic transformations (together with their physica interpretation); furthermore, a student can prepare diagrams concerning these works in p-v and T-s coordinates. A student knows the types of equations concerning the first aw of thermodynamics (together with their physica interpretation). A student knows the poytropic equation and is abe to cacuate absoute and technica work (together with the heat of this transition). A student is famiiar with the principes of the second aw of thermodynamics as we as circuar engine / / a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00

W_08 W_09 W_10 U_04 U_07 U_09 and cooing circuations. In addition, a student is acquainted with the Carnot cyce, its diagram in the work system and a formua for its efficiency. A student understands the notions of the free energy as thermodynamic potentias. A student knows diagrams in the system of work and heat: generaised engine cyce; Joue, Otto, Diese, and Sabathe cyces (together with their efficiency formuas). A student knows the types of chemica reactions and their effects. A student knows the structure and principe of operation as regards a caorimeter. Furthermore, a student knows the principe of creating heat baances. A student has skis concerning the cacuation of vaues characterising gas mixtures and its properties. In addition, a student is abe to cacuate and interpret physica properties of heat typica as regards gases; a student aso knows their reationship with temperature. A student can cacuate changes in interna energy an enthapy. A student can prepare the diagrams of thermodynamic changes in the system of work and heat. A student can make a ogarithmic transformation of the diagram concerning poytropic transition. A student can cacuate the exponent of poytropic transition and its proper heat as we as absoute and technica work (together with heat exchanged during this transition). A student can cacuate enthapy change of the thermodynamic system. A student knows and understands the second aw of thermodynamics and is abe to make an entropy baance for open thermodynamic systems. A student can make cacuations of typica parameters and vaues which characterize the work of piston compressor. Moreover, a student can cacuate the efficiency and power of compressor drive. A student can cacuate theoretica work and mean theoretica cyce overpressure as we as mean unit fue consumption. A student can cacuate the stechiometric air voume to combust fue; furthermore, a student is capabe of cacuating the voume and composition of fumes which are created as a resut of the combustion process in the engine. / / /c /c /c /c /c /c /c /c a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00

A student can determine caorimeter constant of a soid body. A student has competences as regards thermodynamics in industry as we as machine and technica device expoitation. A student is aware of utiising knowedge on therma technoogy in engineering and technoogica activity (taking safe and rationa energy consumption into consideration). /c/ K_K01 T1A_K01 /c/ K_K02 T1A_K02 InzA_K01 Teaching contents: Teaching contents as regards ectures Lecture number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Teaching contents Thermodynamics and its methods. The division of phenomenoogica thermodynamics. Matter, its features, and a thermodynamic system. The function of state and the principe of conservation of energy. Basic physica vaues (together with their units), the number of substances and the Avogadro number. Pressure and its types. Temperature and its scae. The zeroth aw of thermodynamics, the Reichmann aw, and the Joue experiment. The equations of state concerning idea, semi-idea gases, and rea gases. The mixtures of idea gases and the vaues determining their composition. Active pressure and other mixture components. The Daton aw and gas constant of the mixture. Proper heat of idea as we as rea gases; their types and units of measurement. System tota energy. The aw of conservation and transition of energy. Thermodynamic equiibrium transformations as we as energy baance of a thermodynamic system. Interna energy and static enthapy. The methods of directing and reeasing energy. Thermodynamic change heat. Cacuating the mean vaue of proper heat of thermodynamic change. Absoute, usefu, and technoogica work of thermodynamic change. The first aw of thermodynamics and the equations expressing it. Entropy, its physica interpretation as we as entropy gain. Work and heat diagrams as we as their interpretation. Poytropic changes of idea gases. Absoute and technoogica work; poytropic change heat. Proper heat of the poytropic change. Logarithmic transformation of the poytropic change. The properties of poytropy and the reationships concerning the cacuation of the exponent and poytropy proper heat and heat exchanged during this change. Wire-drawing and its types. The notion of entropy and its physica interpretation. Absoute temperature. The concept of entropy gain and formuating the second aw of thermodynamics by Ernst Schmidt. Irreversibe adiabatic changes in cosed and open thermodynamic systems. The appication of the second aw of thermodynamics to anayse and evauate circuar, engine, and cooing thermodynamic cyces. Verba formuation of the second aw of thermodynamics. Engine Carnot s cyce and its efficiency. The concept of exoergy and its types. Thermodynamic potentias, i.e. the Hemhotz and Gibbs potentia. Reference to teaching resuts for a modue W_03 W_04 W_04 W_06 U_04 W_06 W_07 12 Piston compressors. Theoretica work, theoretica output and exchanges heat U_07 W_08 a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00

13 14 15 during the poytropic compression process. Theoretica and rea compressors. The infuence of harmfu area on the work of compressor and boundary compression ratio. Gas transport osses and eak osses in piston compressors. Gradient compressors and the seection of pressure between compressor degrees. Compressor efficiency. Thermodynamic engine cyces and the conditions of obtaining the argest vaue of cyce work (together with theoretica vaues of a thermodynamic engine cyce). Mean overpressure of an engine cyce, theoretica engine power and theoretica unit fue consumption. Generaised, theoretica, and thermodynamic cyce of a four-stroke combustion engine and its efficiency. Theoretica engine cyces: Joue, Otto, Diese, and Sabathe (together with their efficiency). The fundamentas of combustion processes. Exothermic and endothermic reactions. The types of engine fue and their composition. Tota and compete combustion. The amount and composition of fumes. The coefficient of air excess. Energy baance at combustion and theoretica combustion temperature. W_09 U_09 Teaching contents as regards casses Cass number Teaching contents 1 The equations of state of idea and semi-idea gases (together with their properties). Basic thermodynamic changes and the methods of cacuating them. 2 The properties of idea gas mixtures and the Daton aw (together with the methods of cacuating their basic thermodynamic parameters). 3 The types of proper heat vaues, their units and the methods of cacuating heat and work. 4 The appication of the first aw of thermodynamics to cacuate processes and circuar thermodynamic cyces. 5 Poytropic changes of idea gases and their appication to cacuate thermodynamic cyces. 6 7 Cacuating the efficiency and mean theoretica generaised overpressure as we as thermodynamic engine cyce. The fundamentas of the combustion processes; the methods of cacuating the amount and composition of products of absoute and tota fue combustion. 8 Obtaining a credit for audit casses. Reference to teaching resuts for a modue U_07 U_04 U_09 Teaching contents as regards aboratory casses Laboratory cass number Teaching contents Reference to teaching resuts for a modue 1 Introduction to aboratory casses. Discussing the subject matter. Presenting the requirements concerning aboratory casses. Discussing the - a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00

methodoogy of preparing reports and presenting the obtained measurement resuts. 2 The definition of temperature. Expressing temperaturę in various scaes. The cassification and construction of thermometers and thermoeectric coupes. 3 The definition of pressure; static, dynamic, and tota pressure. Pressure units. The devices to measure pressure and their cassification. The structure and the principe of operation concerning a oad-piston manometer. 4 The definition of an open and cose identification diagram. Determining a temporary vaue of cyinder capacity. Determining the engine induced indicators. W_07 5 Measuring the heat of fue combustion and their heating vaue. W_10 6 Determining the coefficient of cyinder fi and the coefficient of air excess. W_10 7 Making and anaysing externa heat baance of a combustion engine. W_07 8 Obtaining a credit for aboratory casses. - The methods of assessing teaching resuts Effect symbo Methods of assessing teaching resuts (assessment method, incuding skis reference to a particuar project, aboratory assignments, etc.) - W_10 - - A written examination. Assessing a student s invovement during aboratory casses; a discussion with a student during aboratory casses. Observing a student s invovement during the casses and tutorias. STUDENT S INPUT Type of student s activity ECTS credit points Student s workoad 1 Participation in ectures 15 2 Participation in casses 15 3 Participation in aboratories 15 4 Participation in tutorias (2-3 times per semester) 5 5 Participation in project casses 6 Project tutorias 7 Participation in an examination 2 8 Participation in a fina test on aboratory casses 9 Number of hours requiring a ecturer s assistance 52 (sum) 10 Number of ECTS credit points which are aocated for assisted work (1 ECTS credit point=25-30 hours) 2 11 Unassisted study of ecture subjects 5 12 Unassisted preparation for casses 10 a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00

13 Unassisted preparation for tests 7 14 Unassisted preparation for aboratory casses 5 15 Preparing reports 10 16 Preparing for a fina test on aboratory casses 17 Preparing a project or documentation 18 Preparing for an examination 15 19 Preparing questionnaires 20 Number of hours of a student s unassisted work 52 (sum) 21 Number of ECTS credit points which a student receives for unassisted work (1 ECTS credit point=25-30 hours) 22 Tota number of hours of a student s work 104 23 ECTS credit points per modue 1 ECTS credit point=25-30 hours 4 24 Work input connected with practica casses Tota number of hours connected with practica casses 67 25 Number of ECTS credit points which a student receives for practica casses (1 ECTS credit point=25-30 hours) 2 2.6 a. Tysiącecia Państwa Poskiego 7 25-314 Kiece te. 41-34-24-209, e-mai: d.siwinska@tu.kiece.p Projekt,,Poitechnika Świętokrzyska uczenia na miarę XXI w. na podstawie umowy z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkonictwa Wyższego UDA POKL.04.01.01-00-381/10-00