Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium

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Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium

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Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium

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Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium

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Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium Mission Statement Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and nurturing the spirit of service. Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God. LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Sunday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. (Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. (Polish) Holy Day Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Holy Day 6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.; 7:00 p.m. (Polish) Weekdays 6:30 a.m. (Mon-Fri); 7:00 a.m. (Tue, Fri, Sat) CONFESSIONS - SPOWIEDŹ Saturday: after the Mass at 7:00 a.m. and at 3 p.m. First Friday: 6:30p.m. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday - Office Is Closed! Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest. PARISH PERSONNEL Rector:... Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki Associate Pastor... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski Weekend assistance..rev. Charles Borowski Financial Secretary... Ewa Mamro Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj Sacristan...Thomas Liro RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office. BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call to make arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation. MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage requires one year s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment. MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation. PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to become part of St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory. SAKRAMENT CHRZTU W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej katechezy. SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA Narzeczeni powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu. SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię. ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej. SAINT JOSEPH PARISH 53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570 Phone: 508-943-0467 Fax: 508-943-0808 e-mail: SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL 47 Whitcomb Street, Webster Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581 Principal... Mr. Michael Hackenson Secretary... Mrs. Cynthia Belanger RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/RCIA Phone: 508-943-0467 e-mail: FELICIAN SISTERS Phone: 508-943-2228

Page 2 June 11, 2017 11 czerwca 2017r.. Masses for the week Msze Św. w Tygodniu Sunday Vigil - 4:00 r.s. Stephen and Sophie Ciabaszewski - int. Daughter and family Sunday - June 11 Holy Trinity 7:00 ś.p. Rozalia (11r. śm.) i Jan Bialik (7 r. śm.) - int. z rodziną 8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica 9:30 r.s. Emily Jajko (2nd anniv.) - int. Daughter Diana and granddaughter Angela 11:00 W duchu dziękczynienia Bogu za 25 lat pożycia małżeńskiego Małgorzaty i Jana Sudyka z prośbą o błogosławieństwo Boże na następne lata - int. matka i córki: Joanna i Jessika Monday - June 12 6:30 For all remembered in Wypominki 2:00 Brookside Nursing Home Tuesday - June 13 6:30 r.s. Mary Jaskolski - int. Holy Rosary Sodality 7:00 r.s. Genowefa Brzozowska - int. Msgr. Czrnecki Wednesday - June 14 6:30 Z wdzięcznością za otrzymane łaski -int. Andrzej z rodziną 7:00pm ś.p. Zenon Darmetko - int. siostra Małgorzata Thursday - June 15 6:30 r.s. Stasia A. Murzycki - int. Rose Rekowski & family 8:30 r.s. Carol Molinari - int. SJS Faculty and Staff Friday - June 16 6:30 r.s. Maria Kucharski - int. Daughters, Mary Kowalczyk and Ann Van Nort 7:00 r.s. Robert Pietrowicz - int. Msgr. Czarnecki Saturday June 17 7:00 r.s. Felix Grzych - int. Virginia Woznicki and family 4:00 r.s. Raymond Noga - int. Wife, Ellie and family Sunday - June 18 - Corpus Christi -Fathers Day 7:00 ś.p. Krystyna Orbik oraz zdrowie dla Jana Denert - int. córka z rodziną 8:15 ś.p. Karol Gago - int. żona z dziećmi i wnukami 9:30 r.s. Joseph Baldowski - int. Son, George and family Baptism Samantha Eldred 11:00 ś.p. Franciszek Turowski - int. córka Ewa If you want to note an announcement in the June 18th bulletin, information must be sent to the rectory by Noon, June 12th! NO BINGO ON FRIDAY JUNE 16TH I-25 Club Winner for 12th week #16 - Mark Dowgiewicz SHARING OUR BLESSINGS - June 4, 2017 Weekly $3,886.12 Diocesan Obligations $55; Energy $1,761; Ascension $90 Weekly Budget $7000 Bóg Zaplać for supporting St. Joseph Parish! Stewardship Note: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.... Is your love conditional? Is there a price others have to pay to receive your love? Are you generous with your time, money and possessions? If you give someone something, do you expect something in return? Do you give your time freely or do you :fit it in when it s convenient for you? Pray for a grateful and generous heart. SANCTUARY VOTIVE CANDLES For the week of June 11 through June 17 MAIN ALTAR Candle I In thanksgiving for favors received from St. Anthony Given by Dottie Hanc Candle II In remembrance of Peter Gwózdz, Aunt Agnes Klys, Agnes (Gwóżdz) Morgan & Victoria (Gwóżdz) McLaughlin Given by Theresa Gwóżdz SACRED HEART ALTAR Candle I For deceased members of the George & Mary Makara Family Given by Dottie Hanc THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 11, 2017 God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. - John 3:16a THE INEXPRESSIBLE MYSTERY The God of the universe is mysterious. Science has not been able to solve the mystery of how the universe came into being or explain exactly what continues to give it creative energy and masterful design. No religion asserts that it has found words to name fully the ineffable mystery of God, for no matter what name we use, God always transcends our limited ability to understand. God is a mystery to be believed, not known. And yet, we Christians believe that our name for God best expresses that inexpressible mystery: God is the Most Holy Trinity of three persons united in a communion of love, pouring forth that creative, saving, sanctifying love into the world. Today s scriptures celebrate the mystery of the Trinity and give us clues for living that mystery in our lives. Second collection is for Parish Obligations to the Diocese. Next weekend s second collection is for the Catholic Communications Campaign. FATHERS DAY Next Sunday, June 18th across our country we will observe Father s Day to celebrate their role in our family. In the present situation of our country there is a desperate need for stability in the family and leadership of a father. On this day we appreciate their sacrifices and their help on behalf of their family and their role in shaping the Christian ideology in the lives of their children. Suggestion - you could treat Dad to the Chicken BBQ at our Festival on Sunday at noon or buy him a lucky July Cash Calendar.

Page 3 CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN At the heart of the mission of the Church is Evangelization. It means inviting those who are still outside of the church to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. In virtue of our baptism we are commissioned to communicate the Gospel message to those in the workplace and offices to share the good news. Next weekend 6/17 & 18 there will be a second collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign. PARTNERS IN CHARITY APPEAL Thank you to all our parishioners who have made their gift to our 2017 Appeal. We have collected $24,073 or 77% toward our goal of $31,300. We feel the need to share our resources and give with others. This charitable appeal offers the opportunity to become a mercy partner in supporting various needs of our Diocese. You may contribute by filling out a commitment envelope located in the pews. CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION On Tuesday, June 13th at 7:00pm we will come together for the traditional outdoor candlelight procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima in this Jubilee Year. We kindly ask that our school students, Children of Mary, Altar Servers, Members of our Parish Organizations and Parish Ministries join our parishioners to pay tribute to Our Lady on this special evening. Flowers before the Blessed Mother Altar in honor of Our Lady of Fatima are IMO of Frank Kasierski by his wife, Dottie. CONGRATULATIONS REV. THOMAS TOKARZ On Sunday June 11th, Father Tokarz will celebrate his 40th Anniversary of Priesthood at St. Joseph the Good Provider Church, Berlin, Ma with Mass at 10:45am. A native of Webster and an alumnus of St. Joseph School, Fr. Tokarz served in many parishes in the Diocese of Worcester in his forty years of ministry. We wish Fr. Tom God s continued blessing as he serves his parishioners in Berlin Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) - will be celebrated on Sunday, May 18th with Mass at 11:00am followed by a procession from the Basilica rectory, to the Altar at the corner of Cutler & Whitcomb St. ending at the Emmaus Center followed by an ice cream treat for the children. Please plan your day so as to take part in this solemn procession. We invite parishioners, members of our parish ministries and organizations carrying their banners and emblems as well as the First Communion Class, Children of Mary, Altar Servers and Boy Scouts to join us. ARE YOU READY FOR FESTIVAL 44? To Do List - Return Money Raffle Tickets ($5,250 in prizes) Bake your best recipes for Pastry Booth Buy special gift tickets (over 80 prizes) Determine times you can volunteer for set up Buy your Sun. Chicken BBQ tickets at rectory Sign up form for Cornhole Tournament Wheelbarrow of Cheer donations We ask that volunteers come to the school cafeteria on Mon., June 12th at 8:00am to begin the preparation of food. Many hands are needed to make our Festival a success. School and Parish Gym-major school activities and progress on the school gym are posted daily on the Facebook page. Go to @stjosephwebster. VOTIVE MASS AND NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPH Every Wed., parishioners and friends come together at 7:00pm to celebrate the weekly Novena to St. Joseph. This devotion offers an opportunity to obtain needed graces for all those who seek his intercession. Members of the St. Joseph Women s Club will carry our Patron s statue into the Sanctuary. Please legibly note your special petitions on forms available in the Chapel which will be read during Mass. We appreciate your donations. SCHOOL NEWS On Thurs., June 15th at the 8:30am Liturgy all the students of SJS will participate in a Mass of thanksgiving for a successful 2016-2017 academic year. We wish all of them a restful and safe vacation and look forward to their return to St. Joseph School for the fall semester. May God Bless and Protect the Children of St. Joseph School! CLASS OF 2017 COMMENCEMENT Special Awards: Caleb Adams, Math Olympiad Certificate; Jack Colebourn, End of Year Honor Roll-Credit; Edward Doering III: Academic Excellence in Language Arts, End of Year Honor Roll-Honors; Adriana Duby: End of Year Honor Roll-Honors; Christopher Mahlert: End of Year Honor Roll- Credit; David Mankarios: Overall Outstanding Academic Accomplishments, End of Year Honor Roll-High Honors, Math Olympiad Certificate and Embroidered Patch; Abigail Mulry: Principal s Recognition Award; Jonas Poirier: Academic Excellence in Literature and Social Studies, End of Year Honor Roll-Honors; Edison Rosario: Academic Excellence in Mathematics, Religion, Science and Vocabulary, End of Year Honor Roll-Honors and Mackenzie Valliere: End of Year Honor Roll - Honors. Recipients of Msgr. Czarnecki Scholarships are: Jack Colebourn, Christopher Mahlert, David Mankarios, Alexander Montione and Edison Rosario. The Christian Discipleship Award Winner was Caleb Adams. Our Class of 2017 will further their education at: Bay Path Regional Voc. Tech. HS-Caleb Adams and Adriana Duby St. John s HS - Jack Colebourn and Edison Rosario Shepherd Hill Reg. HS-Edward Doering III & Abigail Mulry Holy Name HS-Christopher Mahlert & Alexander Montione Marianapolis Preparatory-David Mankarios Worcester Technical HS-Jonas Poirier Lincoln HS-Mackenzie Valliere We are proud of all our graduates for a job well done! Reminder: St. Joseph Women s Club - Annual Banquet to be held on Tues. June 13th at the Lodge Restaurant at 5:30pm

Page 4 CASH CALENDARS July Cash Calendars will be available at the entrance of our Basilica from our dedicated volunteers Pat Parslow and Dottie Kasierski or contact your favorite seller. You have 31 chances to win daily prizes ranging from $25 to the grand prize of $500 to be drawn on July 31st. Your $10 investment offers you a very good return and at the same time benefits our parish. OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Now is the time to register your sons/daughters for the Fall Religious Education Classes. Registration fee is $40 for one child and $70 for two or more children. An additional $5 will be charged after July 1st. Forms are available at the entrances of the Basilica. UPCOMING EVENTS Free Fellowship Meal - sponsored by Blessed Backpack Brigade on Wed., June 14th at the Webster American Legion from 5-6:00pm. Menu-hamburgers & hotdogs, macaroni salad, baked beans, ice cream, donuts, juice, coffee, tea, water and jello. Summer Bible Study - at St. Joseph Church, Charlton, MA on Tues. at 7:00pm or Wed. at 9:00am - facilitated by Seminarian Living Waters Coffeehouse Ministry in Webster - invites you to an evening of praise and worship on June 17 from 7-9pm at Sacred Heart of Jesus Hall. All ages are welcome to this free event. Doors open at 6:30pm Bible Study at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, in Webster, on Wednesdays at 10-11:30am or 7:30-9:00pm on the Gospel of Matthew. Cost to cover materials is $25. Contact parish office at (508) 943-3140 for details. Fortnight For Freedom - The Sixth Annual Fortnight for Freedom will take place nationwide from June 21 through July 4th. All are invited to join Bishop McManus for a special Mass for the Protection of Religious Freedom at 7:00pm on Thurs., June 22 at St. Paul s Cathedral. The Mass will be followed by a light reception in the Cenacle with a presentation on this year s theme, Freedom for Mission. Contact Respect Life Office at (508) 929-4311 for more information Men s Cursillo - will be held at the Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center, Putnam, CT on June 22-25. For more information, check out 32nd Annual Picnic - at Christ the King Church, Ludlow, MA on Sun., June 25th from noon until 9:00pm. Polish - American Food, bake sale, ice cream booth, games, raffles and much more. Open to the public with free admission and free parking. Public Square Patriotic Rosary in Webster - all are welcome to join the Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners in prayer on Sat. July 1st at 10:30am to recite the Rosary at The Square, Webster Town Hall 350 Main St. Our Nation, our First Amendment rights, our Religious Freedom and our Faith remain under attack. KRONIKA PARAFIALNA NIEDZIELA TRÓJCY PRZENAJŚWIĘTSZEJ 11 czerwca 2017 Tak bowiem Bóg umiłował świat, że Syna swego Jednorodzonego dał. (J 3, 16a) Niełatwo uznać tajemnicę, która nas przerasta. Aby choć trochę dotknąć prawdy o Trójcy Świętej, potrzeba pokory wobec Boga, którego nie jesteśmy w stanie ogarnąć i pojąć. Przyjmujemy z wiarą, co nam objawia Syn Boży, dajemy się przeniknąć Jego Duchowi: miłości udzielającej się między Osobami Trójcy, czujemy wdzięczność za okazane nam miłosierdzie. Ale bez wiary, bez modlitwy, bez działania łaski pogubimy się tylko wśród martwych formuł. Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na Zobowiązania Diecezjalne. Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na Catholic Comunication Campain. DZIEŃ OJCA W następną niedzielę w całym kraju będziemy obchodzić Dzień Ojca. W obecnej sytuacji w naszym kraju istnieje ogromna potrzeba stabilności w rodzinie oraz ojca jako lidera. W tym dniu okazujemy im szczególną wdzięczność za poświęcenie i wysiłek włożony w wychowanie oraz wsparcie dla swoich rodzin i troskę o przekazywanie i utrwalanie wartości chrześcijańskich u swoich dzieci. NABOŻEŃSTWO FATIMSKIE We wtorek, 13 czerwca spotkamy się na comiesięcznym Nabożeństwie Fatimskim, na które zapraszamy wszystkie organizacje parafialne, a w szczególności Dzieci Maryii i ministrantów. Matka Boża w Fatimie wybrała właśnie dzieci, aby im przekazać zwoje orędzie. Sam Jezus zachęcał swoich uczniów by stawali się jak dzieci. Zatroszczmy się zatem, aby w najmłodszych z pośród nas dziecięca niewinność nigdy nie zaniknęła, a sami byśmy dzięki uwielbieniu Maryi tę niewinność w sobie odkrywali i odnawiali.

Page 5 PARTNERS IN CHARITY Dziękujemy wszystkim parafianom, którzy złożyli swoje ofiary na tegoroczną zbiórkę Partners in Charity. Do chwili obecnej zebraliśmy $24073 czyli 77% sumy, o którą zostaliśmy poproszeni. Bardzo prosimy tych wszystkich, którzy jeszcze przyłączyli się do zbiórki, aby w sercu rozważyli swoje możliwości wsparcia potrzebujących w naszej diecezji. Dzięki zebranym środkom funkcjonuje 28 różnorodnych programówwspierających najuboższych i najbardziej potrzebujących. BOŻE CIAŁO Za tydzień przypada Uroczystość Bożego Ciała. Po Mszy św. o godz. 11:00 wyruszymy w tradycyjną procesję, którą zakończymy przy centrum Emmaus w parafii Sacret Heart. W tak ważnym dniu, kiedy uroczyście i publicznie okażemy nasze nabożeństwo do Jezusa Eucharystycznego, w procesji nie powinno zabraknąć żadnego z parafian. Jezus powiedział w ubiegła niedzielę: Idźcie i nauczajcie wszystkie narody. Procesja Bożego Ciała to doskonała okazja aby nauczać tych, którzy Jezusa nie znają, albo Go ignorują. FESTIWAL Czy już jesteś gotowy na Festiwal? Jak się przygotować? - Zwrócić zakupiony kupon na loterię ($5250 w nagrodach), - Upiec ulubione ciasto do Pastry Booth, - Zakupić Special Gift Ticket (ponad 80 nagród), - Pomóc jako wolontariusz przy przygotowaniach, - Upewnić się, że masz bilet na niedzielnego kurczaka z grilla Zapisać się do udziału w Cornhole Tournament - Ofiarować coś do Weelbarrow of Cheer. Potrzebni są wolontariusze w poniedziałek, 12 czerwca do przygotowywania jedzenia na Festiwal. Przyda się każda para rąk. SALA GIMNASTYCZNA Prace przy konstrukcji sali gimnastycznej dynamicznie posuwają się do przodu. Naga konstrukcja metalowa powoli pokrywa się ścianami, a gdy tylko zostanie ukończony ten etap budowy, robotnicy przeniosą się do konstruowania dachu. Postępy prac budowlanych można śledzić na bieżąco na Facebooku. GRATULACJE Dzisiejszej niedzieli ksiądz Tomasz Tokarz obchodzi 40 rocznicę święceń kapłańskich. Uroczystości jubileuszowe rozpoczną się o godz. 10:45 w Parafii św. Józefa w Berlinie. Ksiądz Tomasz urodził się w Webster i ukończył Szkołę św. Józefa. W ciągu 40 lat posługi kapłańskiej pracował w wielu parafiach w naszej Diecezji. Życzymy mu wielu błogosławieństw i dalszej satysfakcji z pełnionej posługi na niwie chrystusowej. NOWENNA DO ŚW. JÓZEFA Wszystkich przyjaciół i parafian zapraszamy na środowa Nowennę do św. Józefa. To wieczorne nabożeństwo połączone z Wotywną Mszą św. jest wspaniałą okazją do wypraszania wstawiennictwa naszego św. Patrona. Św. Józef uczy nas celebrowania wiary, czystości, pobożności i szacunku dla wszystkiego, co piękne. Podążajmy wszyscy za Jego przykładem. W tym tygodniu w procesji z figurą świętego Józefa pójdą członkinie St. Joseph Women s Club. ST. JOSEPH WOMEN S CLUB W najbliższy wtorek, 13 czerwca odbędzie się doroczny bankiet organizowany przez St. Joseph Women s Club. Początek spotkania o godz. 17:30 w Lodge Restaurant. CASH CALENDAR Kupony na lipcową edycje Cash Calendar są dostępne przy wejściach do Bazyliki. Za jedyne $10 można wygrać 31 nagród od $25 do $500. Dochód loterii jest przeznaczony na potrzeby parafii. RELIGIA Bardzo prosimy o zapisywanie dzieci na zajęcia katechetyczne w przyszłym roku szkolnym. Opłata wynosi $40 za jedno dziecko, $70 za dwoje lub więcej dzieci. Po 1 lipca do zapisów będzie doliczane dodatkowe $5. Formularze zapisowe są dostępne przy wejściach do Bazyliki.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Basilica #511990 53 Whitcomb Street Webster, MA 01570 TELEPHONE 508 943-0467 CONTACT PERSON Fr. Gregory Chodkowski 508 612 8526 EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 6 Windows XP PRINTER HP Laserjet 5P TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 11:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION November 13, 2011 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS