PRZYSZŁOŚĆ NAUCZANIA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH NA UCZELNIACH WYŻSZYCH. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Moniki Srebro, Elżbiety Typek, Lidii Zielińskiej

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Redakcja: Monika Srebro Elżbieta Typek Lidia Zielińska Recenzenci: Katarzyna Jaśtal Marcin Kleban Copyright by Studium Języków Obcych Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, Kraków 2015 ISBN: 978-83-65173-12-6 (książka w oprawie miękkiej) ISBN: 978-83-65173-13-3 (on-line pdf) Wydawnictwo: Fundacja Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków

SPIS TREŚCI Monika Srebro, Elżbieta Typek, Lidia Zielińska Teaching Foreign Languages at the University Level Prospects for the Future CZĘŚĆ I. ADAPTACJA UCZELNI WYŻSZYCH DO ZMIENIAJĄCYCH SIĘ WARUNKÓW SPOŁECZNO-GOSPODARCZYCH Agnieszka Kościńska, Magdalena Łubiarz Formy doskonalenia zawodowego lektorów języków obcych oczekiwania a rzeczywistość Bożena Lasoń, Dorota Zawadzka Lektoraty języków obcych na uczelniach wyższych w aspekcie wielojęzyczności Anna J. Piwowarczyk Lektorat jako płaszczyzna rozwoju kompetencji komunikacji międzykulturowej studentów. Możliwości i uwarunkowania Lidia Zielińska Content and Language Integrated Learning approach in Teaching Foreign Languages at the University Level CZĘŚĆ II. SPOSOBY I METODY ZAPEWNIANIA JAKOŚCI KSZTAŁCENIA Małgorzata Held Czego pragnie pracodawca? Czyli rzecz o wymaganiach wobec pracowników i kandydatów w dziedzinie języków obcych oraz umiejętności komunikacyjnych Piotr W. Parczewski Dekonstrukcja Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji krytyczna analiza wpływu Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji na poprawę jakości nauczania języków obcych w polskich szkołach wyższych Jolanta Regucka-Pawlina How to change university classes into effective real-life professional communication using examples from General Business English and English for Tourism classes level B1 and B2

Magdalena Sowa Ewolucja programu kształcenia na filologii romańskiej w świetle wyzwań rynku pracy i Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji Grażyna Strzelecka Wirtschaftsdeutsch für Germanistikstudenten: Eine Gratwanderung zwischen Praxis und Ideal CZĘŚĆ III. NOWOCZESNE METODY I TECHNOLOGIE W NAUCZANIU JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH Witosław Awedyk Foreign language needs of young Polish professionals on the example of students at Poznan School of Logistics Elżbieta Gajek Projekty międzynarodowe online w akademickim kształceniu językowym Ryszard Kalamarz Uczelniana platforma teraźniejszość i (najbliższa) przyszłość nauczania języków na uczelniach wyższych Urszula Majcher-Legawiec Gra miejska jako forma treningu międzykulturowego w perspektywie podejścia zadaniowego i włączającego Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska Projekty zespołowe nakierowane na nauczanie języka technicznego w środowisku e-learningowym CZĘŚĆ IV. KONCEPCJA LIFELONG LEARNING (LLL) UCZENIA SIĘ PRZEZ CAŁE ŻYCIE W NAUCZANIU JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH Agnieszka Kłos-Dacka Blended Learning-Your Ally in Supporting Learner Autonomy Sławomir Maskiewicz Kursy języków obcych w ramach Uniwersyteckiego Systemu Nauczania Języków Obcych oraz Uniwersytetu Otwartego jako dwa modele organizacji kształcenia językowego na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim Agnieszka M. Sendur Egzaminy certyfikujące z języków obcych ogólnych i akademickich oraz języków obcych dla potrzeb zawodowych porównanie sprawdzanych umiejętności, sprawności i kryteriów oceny


Agnieszka Kościńska, Magdalena Łubiarz Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie FORMY DOSKONALENIA ZAWODOWEGO LEKTORÓW JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH OCZEKIWANIA A RZECZYWISTOŚĆ At first glance, a variety of professional development forms for teachers of foreign languages may be considered as more than sufficient. Publishing houses enable teachers to participate in conferences, and the very educational market is full of educational institutions with a wide range of professional development forms. Only after a more thorough analysis does it become obvious that the target group for these forms of professional development are teachers employed in primary or secondary schools. There are not many offers for teachers working at universities, though. Certain changes that are the result of introducing National Qualifi cations Framework have forced teachers of foreign languages employed at universities to teach LSP. Hence, not only are these teachers required to be familiar with discipline-related vocabulary, but also to exploit various teaching materials as well as continuously broaden their knowledge as far as the range of their vocabulary is concerned. The aim of the article is to present what these teachers expect as far as their professional development is concerned and to compare the adequacy of available professional development forms to the teachers needs. The article also includes a description of a training session especially designed for this particular group. The training session is based on the needs analysis and the analysis of professional development forms currently available on educational market. Keywords: teachers professional development, language for specific purposes, foreign language teachers, National Qualifications Framework, online training

Bożena Lasoń, Dorota Zawadzka Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie LEKTORATY JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH NA UCZELNIACH WYŻSZYCH W ASPEKCIE WIELOJĘZYCZNOŚCI In the twenty-fi rst century European institutions advocate multilingualism. The Council of Europe calls for providing every European with an opportunity to learn at least two foreign languages in the course of institutionalized education alongside their mother tongue. The authors attempt to answer the question to which extent universities are involved in the implementation of this idea. The number of foreign language classes offered by universities has been reduced over the last years. The decree passed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in November 2011 stipulates that each graduate of Bachelor studies should attain B2 level (CEFR) and a graduate of Masters studies should reach B2 + level. These conditions are not conducive to promoting multilingualism in higher education. Most students are forced to choose English to reach the prescribed B2 level. Yet the labor market wants graduates with a good knowledge of at least two foreign languages. The conducted surveys indicate that the students themselves would prefer to pursue acquisition of two foreign languages within the framework of both Bachelor as well as Master studies. Keywords: multilingualism, foreign language classes at universities, communicative competence, CEFR levels, labour market

Anna J. Piwowarczyk Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie LEKTORAT JAKO PŁASZCZYZNA ROZWOJU KOMPETENCJI KOMUNIKACJI MIĘDZYKULTUROWEJ STUDENTÓW. MOŻLIWOŚCI I UWARUNKOWANIA The study hypothesis is that learning foreign languages has a signifi cant contribution to the development of intercultural competence of students. The aim of the paper is to show how, through learning a foreign language, students learn the culture of the country. This in turn has an impact on the appropriateness and effectiveness of their communication with the representatives of foreign cultures. The study undertakes the problem of shaping the intercultural communication competence of students. It explains the term culture and it presents the elements of culture which are discussed during the process of teaching of a foreign language. The category of language which is understood as a system, and is the key to understanding the culture, is shown in the article. The paper describes the nature and development of intercultural communication competence. The last chapter discusses how intercultural communication is expressed in glottodidactics. In this way the author tries to show how learning a foreign language culturalize communication. Thereby it makes it less technical and more appropriate and embeds it in specifi c cultural conditions. Keywords: intercultural communication competence, higher education, culture

Lidia Zielińska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING APPROACH IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AT THE UNIVERSITY LEVEL The role of teaching foreign languages at universities needs to be redefi ned and this relates to the process of globalization and constantly changing conditions in the job market. Students should have an opportunity to acquire necessary tools for their job and, consequently, to learn a foreign language inseparably connected with their subject areas, with the assistance of new technologies. In my article I will try to consider the following thesis: teaching of foreign languages at universities will be connected with the departure from teaching general language to teaching specialized language. A teacher also needs to fi nd space for soft skills in the syllabus, as they are of pivotal importance for future employers. In order to meet the needs of students and also the suggestions of lecturers who teach subject courses, content-based language courses have been developed for the last couple of years at the Foreign Languages Department, at Cracow University of Economics. They refl ect such an approach to teaching a foreign language which takes into account the students subject areas and the needs analysis of their language requirements. This is caused by the reality of living in the globalized world in which fast integrative processes of particular elements of acquiring knowledge are the norm. Our work at university might consist in cooperation between subject teachers and the teachers of foreign languages. In my article, I will try to show that such a support is possible and describe what conditions have to be fulfi lled to realize such a task. Apart from that, I will outline what methodological approaches seem to be the most effective, all of this based on my long experience in teaching and preparing ESP language courses. Keywords: CLIL (content and language integrated learning), ESP (English for Specific Purposes), content-based language courses, language teacher, subject teacher


Małgorzata Held Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie CZEGO PRAGNIE PRACODAWCA? CZYLI RZECZ O WYMAGANIACH WOBEC PRACOWNIKÓW I KANDYDATÓW W DZIEDZINIE JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH ORAZ UMIEJĘTNOŚCI KOMUNIKACYJNYCH In today s world, on the one hand, a lot of accusations towards the educational institutions can be heard, such as universities do not prepare students for working life ; on the other, various organizations conduct research trying to understand specifi c requirements on the part of the employers. This article tries to present some data on how the employers see the knowledge of foreign languages among the university graduates and what requirements they have concerning this fi eld. To form conclusions on what the employers really want and how universities can respond to the needs, data has been collected using a specially prepared questionnaire and similar research done by various organizations. Keywords: foreign languages, employer expectations, questionnaire, analysis, skills

Piotr W. Parczewski Politechnika Koszalińska DEKONSTRUKCJA KRAJOWYCH RAM KWALIFIKACJI KRYTYCZNA ANALIZA WPŁYWU KRAJOWYCH RAM KWALIFIKACJI NA POPRAWĘ JAKOŚCI NAUCZANIA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH W POLSKICH SZKOŁACH WYŻSZYCH The paper presents a critical discussion of the concept, mode of implementation, and implications of National Qualifi cations Framework (NQF) for the teaching of foreign languages in Polish higher education institutions. The analysis of the basic aims of NQF, the imposed way of its implementation in universities, and the juxtaposition of the understanding of teaching and quality assurance implied by NQF with the contemporary concept of foreign language learning, teaching and assessment lead to the conclusion that the Framework does not lead to the improvement of the quality of university education, thus inhibiting rather than stimulating improvement of foreign language teaching. Keywords: National Qualifications Framework, neoliberalism, bureaucratic education, taxonomy of educational objectives, individual differences

Jolanta Regucka-Pawlina Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie HOW TO CHANGE UNIVERSITY CLASSES INTO EFFECTIVE REAL-LIFE PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION USING EXAMPLES FROM GENERAL BUSINESS ENGLISH AND ENGLISH FOR TOURISM CLASSES LEVEL B1 AND B2 The main purpose of ESP classes at universities is to improve students language and business abilities so that they can effectively communicate in their future professional environment. Language tutors can take advantage of the materials and activities from relevant course books as well as design their own teaching materials using authentic texts and resources, where communication always has a defi ned purpose and participants have to adjust to the imposed roles. The choice of the suitable medium, format, style, tone and register contributes to the successful outcome of the communication process, but students should be aware that they need to demonstrate a more fl exible approach and adjust their style to the changing communication context. Some tried and tested activities will be demonstrated in the paper. Keywords: business and tourism, effective communication, language and business skills, authentic materials, practical activities

Magdalena Sowa Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II EWOLUCJA PROGRAMU KSZTAŁCENIA NA FILOLOGII ROMAŃSKIEJ W ŚWIETLE WYZWAŃ RYNKU PRACY I KRAJOWYCH RAM KWALIFIKACJI The aim of the article is to provide system solutions in the fi eld of education of Romance philologists, based on the example of the Institute of Romance Philology at KUL (IFR KUL), presented in the context of constantly changing economic and educational conditions. Discussion of the solutions used in the philological curricula is preceded by an analysis of the factors that underlie the changes in education in philological studies. In particular, the following issues are considered: the expectations of employers and labor market requirements, the candidate s profi le, the National Qualifi cations Framework and changes in the education system. Based on a sketched background, the author presents solutions adopted by IFR KUL to adapt education to the economic and educational needs while maintaining a high level of education of Romance philologists and meeting the expectations of internal stakeholders. Keywords: educational program, Romance philology, labor market requirements, National Qualifications Framework

Grażyna Strzelecka Uniwersytet Warszawski WIRTSCHAFTSDEUTSCH FÜR GERMANISTIKSTUDENTEN: EINE GRATWANDERUNG ZWISCHEN PRAXIS UND IDEAL The paper presents an outline of a standard course on business language at the Institute of German Studies, University of Warsaw. It focuses on the problem of how to combine two important academic goals: to teach economics and specialized business vocabulary, on the one hand, and to practise various communication skills, on the other. Special consideration is given to the curriculum of the MA study programme at the Institute. Profi ciency in language use is required from graduates looking for a job in business and economics nowadays. Also students expect to refi ne their language skills in practice during the course. The teacher must, therefore, not only teach German, but also lecture on economics and encourage students to study both, theoretical and practical aspects of the fi eld themselves. The question is how to fulfi ll the task successfully. It is argued here that an academic lecturer should be prepared to critically asses the scope of material together with his students. Such constant and mutual assessment of the course contents can, hopefully, provide the balance between the practical language study and creative analysis of texts concerned with theoretical problems of economy. Keywords: business language, business vocabulary, communication skills, academic lecturer, creative analysis


Witosław Awedyk Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEEDS OF YOUNG POLISH PROFESSIONALS ON THE EXAMPLE OF STUDENTS AT POZNAN SCHOOL OF LOGISTICS This paper attempts to discuss the issue of foreign language instruction for a highly specialized group of students. Subsequently, the current article will touch upon the problem of language awareness among young logisticians in Poland on the example of Eurologistics students at Poznan School of Logistics (WSL). In addition, this paper shortly outlines the present status of English in Europe, principally in relation to the growing presence of English lexical borrowings in European languages, especially in their professional jargons. Some attention will also be devoted to the views held by logistics practitioners towards their perception of English as an indispensible tool in their professions. For the purpose of the present paper a written questionnaire has been devised, the fi ndings of which will also be discussed here. Keywords: lingua franca, language awareness, English loanwords, Greek-Latin neologisms, specialist language courses

Elżbieta Gajek Uniwersytet Warszawski PROJEKTY MIĘDZYNARODOWE ONLINE W AKADEMICKIM KSZTAŁCENIU JĘZYKOWYM The article discusses the role of an international project in language teaching at tertiary education. Interationalization is introduced to higher education mainly through Erasmus programme in which students and academic staff participate. However, it can be also introduced into daily teaching practice via online projects. Both students communication needs and Bologna Process recommendations infl uence the need for modifi cations of language teaching aims at tertiary level. The change of the aims introduces changes in the language teaching techniques. Moreover, the use of Information and Communication Technologies allows for international cooperation, developing of various competences such as linguistic, communicative and intercultural competences in academic project work. The online project also enables the introduction of constructivist didactic principles into the teaching practice. The article presents fi ve projects in which Polish students cooperated with students of American colleges (two projects), a Chinese university, a Russian Polytechnique and a Hungarian university. Chinese project was awarded European Language Label. Various digital tools were used in the online projects, for example email, chats, communicators (Skype, QQ), tools for presentations, photoessays and fi lms. The results of the analysis show factors which enables success in the projects such as close contact of the students, comparable knowledge of the partner s culture, important reasons of participation in the project, and autonomous settings. Factors which decrease the effects of the project are the following: too much teacher control, lack of engagement, too high expectations, and technical problems. The analysis shows that well-planned and well-performed online project may be effective for language teaching at tertiary level. Keywords: project, international cooperation, teaching foreign languages, tertiary education

Ryszard Kalamarz Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach UCZELNIANA PLATFORMA TERAŹNIEJSZOŚĆ I (NAJBLIŻSZA) PRZYSZŁOŚĆ NAUCZANIA JĘZYKÓW NA UCZELNIACH WYŻSZYCH Can we imagine the present day university without the e-learning platform? Ten years ago this would not have sounded like a rhetorical question at all. Although there are quite a few sceptics, Moodle and other tools are an indispensable part of the academic environment. The university foreign language teaching and its organization benefi t a lot from this one, uncomplicated and, importantly, especially nowadays, inexpensive tool like the popular Moodle system. The presentation of some of its practical applications at the University of Silesia Foreign Language Teaching Centre, from the placement test to the key competences, leaves no doubt. Keywords: Moodle, foreign language teaching, university foreign language classes, e-learning

Urszula Majcher-Legawiec Uniwersytet Jagielloński GRA MIEJSKA JAKO FORMA TRENINGU MIĘDZYKULTUROWEGO W PERSPEKTYWIE PODEJŚCIA ZADANIOWEGO I WŁĄCZAJĄCEGO A location-based game for foreign students of Polish in Poland is an educational activity, a form of intercultural training carried out in real time, within the city space, according to a pre-established scenario including tasks for players to complete using their own ideas as solutions. The goal of such a game is to activate processes supporting development of the student s communicative competence in intercultural situations. While teaching, the instructor may make use of tasks which simulate natural situations and are to be carried out in the classroom, but he or she may also prepare tasks to be completed outside the classroom, in contact with natural users of the language. The general direction of these tasks is planned, but the way they are to be completed is not. The fi rst group of tasks represents general cultural training, preparation for contact with the culture being introduced through the use of the language being learned, but such training is done using a randomly assembled group of people representing various cultures in the safe space of the classroom. The second group of tasks designs real communication situations in real intercultural space, which are carried out by the student in contact with a natural user of the language and in a situation where communication noise and genuine emotions play a part. Tasks in this group not only represent training in communication in an inter- and multicultural situation, but are also real activities and even their own form of evaluation of the student s linguistic competence. They can be considered from the perspective of a task-based and integrative approach. In this presentation, types of tasks making up the location-based game are presented, which not only represent training in communication or a test of communicative and intercultural competence, but as tasks carried out in the city space, with the participation of Polish-speakers met by chance and who represent various attitudes towards foreigners and who are invited to complete a task (the initiative here always lies with the student of the foreign language) falling within the limits of the students sociolinguistic and cultural competence which also represent a spontaneous and natural communicative act in an intercultural situation. Keywords: a location-based game, intercultural training, perspective of a taskbased and integrative approach

Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska Politechnika Gdańska PROJEKTY ZESPOŁOWE NAKIEROWANE NA NAUCZANIE JĘZYKA TECHNICZNEGO W ŚRODOWISKU E-LEARNINGOWYM Students learning technical English in a constructivist, constructionist and connectivist e-learning environment have the chance to develop the necessary skills to co-operate and collaborate effectively. Working together, a group of students can considerably improve their language and non-language skills and achieve the aims of the course. Co-operative and collaborative activities enhance students performance as they encourage them to handle diffi cult and complex tasks, and to make a greater effort. A virtual learning environment, such as Moodle, promotes selfdirected as well as collaborative and co-operative learning. It offers Web 2.0 tools such as wiki, blog, workshop, survey and discussion forum, which allow students to communicate, share ideas, build knowledge and participate in projects. The paper shows how collaborative work affects a traditional classroom-based course with an e-learning component that focuses on technical English. Keywords: language teaching and learning, collaborative projects, e-learning, Moodle


Agnieszka Kłos-Dacka Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II BLENDED LEARNING-YOUR ALLY IN SUPPORTING LEARNER AUTONOMY Helping students to develop linguistic and learning skills that are likely to meet the requirements of the job market poses a challenge on the part of language teachers. Students in one language group often display mixed linguistic competence and are very often barely at CEF A2 level. It is highly recommended for students to study specialized vocabulary related to their particular line of studies. Still very frequent scarcity of proper LSP materials and the length of university language course ( only 120 hours) complete the gloomy picture. In this article I wish to share my experience of an attempt to develop and support learner autonomy in my students through a learner-centred approach, which is going to help them adjust to the requirements of the constantly changing world. Blended learning solutions I employ in my work and which are currently easily accessible and appreciated by the students are a great ally in that struggle. Keywords: lifelong learning, learner autonomy, blended learning, teacher s role users of a foreign language.

Sławomir Maskiewicz Uniwersytet Warszawski KURSY JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH W RAMACH UNIWERSYTECKIEGO SYSTEMU NAUCZANIA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH ORAZ UNIWERSYTETU OTWARTEGO JAKO DWA MODELE ORGANIZACJI KSZTAŁCENIA JĘZYKOWEGO NA UNIWERSYTECIE WARSZAWSKIM The paper focuses on language teaching at University of Warsaw. Open University and University System of Language Provision apparently targeted at different students share many elements that make up a versatile model preparing students for contemporary challenges on the labour market. They offer language courses that fulfi l the idea of lifelong learning and meet the needs of both the professionals as well as those that will soon seek employment. The author also discusses key factors in systemic solutions when creating language provision systems. Keywords: language teaching; university; labour market; lifelong learning; adult education

Agnieszka M. Sendur Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego EGZAMINY CERTYFIKUJĄCE Z JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH OGÓLNYCH I AKADEMICKICH ORAZ JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH DLA POTRZEB ZAWODOWYCH PORÓWNANIE SPRAWDZANYCH UMIEJĘTNOŚCI, SPRAWNOŚCI I KRYTERIÓW OCENY A vast array of language certifi cates that prove the holder s profi ciency in LSP is currently available on the educational market. At the same time representatives of a number of vocations do not have the possibility to obtain a certifi cate of language abilities in their particular profession. Should these professionals wish to obtain a language certifi cate at a particular level of profi ciency, they have no other choice than to take a general or academic language exam. Are the skills and abilities tested using general or academic language examinations the same as those assessed in LSP tests? What are the differences between the various kinds of exams? Do the results of general and academic tests give a fair description of a candidate s language profi ciency in a particular profession? The author tries to answer these questions on the basis of three ESP certifi cate examinations available in Poland. Keywords: language certification, assessment, exams, languages for specific purposes