Zasady realizacji przelewów w walucie rubel rosyjski (RUB) 2012-02-22

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Zasady realizacji przelewów w walucie rubel rosyjski (RUB) 2012-02-22 1

Ważne informacje dotyczące realizacji przelewów w walucie rubel rosyjski (RUB) W związku z coraz większym zainteresowaniem Klientów realizacją przelewów w walucie rubel rosyjski, pragniemy przypomnieć Państwu o specyficznych zasadach formatowania poleceń przelewu w tej walucie. PŁATNOŚCI WYCHODZĄCE Zgodnie z wymogami Centralnego Banku Rosji, zleceniodawca powinien bezwzględnie wskazywać: w polu Nazwa banku beneficjenta - numer BIC banku beneficjenta. Jest to 9-cyfrowy numer banku beneficjenta np. 046577795. Numer powinien być wskazany niezależnie od tego, czy wskazany jest przez Państwa adres SWIFT banku beneficjenta; w polu Detale płatności - typ transakcji walutowej operacji - VO i kod transakcji walutowej, np. 01 010. Wymogi Centralnego Banku Rosji nakładają również na zleceniodawcę płatności następujące obowiązki odnośnie zawartości instrukcji płatniczej: kod identyfikacyjny płatnika podatku np. kod INN (9-12 liter) musi być wpisany w pole Nazwa beneficjenta (przed nazwą beneficjenta). Jeśli beneficjent jest osobą fizyczną należy wskazać nazwisko, imię i drugie imię beneficjenta. Nazwa beneficjenta może być wpisana również w polu Adres beneficjenta. Jeżeli odbiorcą płatności jest Oddział Centrali rosyjskiego banku, dane powinny być wpisane zgodnie z poniższymi zasadami: nazwa oddziału powinna być wpisana w pole Bank beneficjenta ; numer rachunku korespondenta oddziału rosyjskiego banku, powinien być wpisany w pole Bank beneficjenta, po nazwie banku beneficjenta; nazwę Centrali Oddziału banku beneficjenta należy wpisać w pole Bank beneficjenta ; kod Centrali Banku beneficjenta np. adres BIC/SWIFT powinien być wpisany w pole Bank beneficjenta, po nazwie banku korespondenta; numer rachunku korespondenta Centrali Banku beneficjenta powinien być wpisany w pole Bank beneficjenta, za kodem BIC/SWIFT banku beneficjenta. Obowiązkowe jest również wpisanie następujących informacji w detalach płatności: szczegółowy tytuł płatności (nazwy towarów lub usług); numery i daty faktur lub kontraktów; kwotę zapłaconego podatku VAT. Jeżeli towary lub usługi są zwolnione z VAT należy wpisać tekst BEZ NDS. szczegóły płatności winny być podawane w języku rosyjskim lub angielskim. 2

Wszystkie powyższe detale Klient powinien uzyskać od beneficjenta płatności. Brak któregokolwiek z powyższych elementów może przyczynić się do zwrotu lub opóźnień w realizacji płatności. PŁATNOŚCI PRZYCHODZĄCE Klienci Banku Handlowego w Warszawie S.A., którzy chcieliby otrzymywać na swoje rachunki płatności w walucie rubel rosyjski, powinni poinformować swoich kontrahentów, aby na instrukcjach płatniczych były podane następujące detale: nazwa i adres beneficjenta; numer rachunku beneficjenta; nazwa banku beneficjenta (Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.), adres (Senatorska 16 Str., 00-923 Warsaw, Poland) i adres SWIFT (CITIPLPX); numer rachunku Banku Handlowego w Warszawie S.A. w banku korespondenckim Citibank Moskwa 30231810700400072019; numer rachunku korespondenta w Settlement Authority of the Russian Central Bank 30101810300000000202; kod identyfikacyjny Citibank Moskwa: BIK 044525202; numer identyfikacyjny płatnika podatku INN 7710401987; Brak lub niekompletność powyższych detali może przyczynić się do opóźnień lub niedostarczenia płatności przez bank rosyjski do Banku Handlowego w Warszawie S.A. 3

LISTA KODÓW VO PRZYKŁADY NAJCZĘŚCIEJ SPOTYKANYCH Poniżej znajdą państwo listę najczęściej spotykanych kodów VO lista w języku angielskim: Transaction code Category of payment Indicator of conducting the transaction with the use of a special a/c 10010 Granting by a non-resident to a resident a commercial credit in the form of prepayment in the export of commodities, listed in Sections XVI, XVII and XIX of the Commodity Classification for Foreign Economic Activity (an advance payment) 10020 Granting by a non-resident to a resident a commercial credit in the form of prepayment in the export of commodities under a contract for the performance of the construction and contract works (an advance payment) 10030 Granting by a non-resident to a resident a commercial credit in the form of prepayment in the export of commodities, except for the payments with codes 10010 and 10020 (an advance payment) 10040 Non-resident's settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of up to three years in the export of commodities, listed in Sections XVI, XVII and XIX of the Commodity Classification for Foreign Economic Activity (the payments after the export of commodities from the customs territory of the Russian Federation) 10050 Non-resident's settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of over three years in the export of commodities, listed in Sections XVI, XVII and XIX of the Commodity Classification for Foreign Economic Activity (the payments after the export of commodities from the customs territory of the Russian Federation) 10060 Non-resident's settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of up to five years in the export of commodities under a contract for the performance of the construction and contract works (the payments after the export of commodities from the customs territory of the Russian Federation) 10070 Non-resident's settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of over five years in the export of commodities under a contract for the performance of the construction and contract works (the payments after the export of commodities from the customs territory of the Russian Federation) 10080 Non-resident's settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of up to 180 days in the export of commodities, except for the payments with codes 10040 and 10060 (the payments after the export of commodities from the customs territory of the Russian Federation) 4

10090 Non-resident's settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of over 180 days in the export of commodities, except for the payments with codes 10040-10070 (the payments after the export of commodities from the customs territory of the Russian Federation) 12010 Non-resident's settlements and transfers for the sea fishing products a resident catches and realizes to the non-resident outside of the customs territory of the Russian Federation 12030 Non-resident's settlements and transfers for the air, sea-going and river ships a resident sells to the non-resident outside of the customs territory of the Russian Federation 12050 Non-resident's settlements and transfers for commodities a resident sells to the non-resident outside of the customs territory of the Russian Federation without their import to the customs territory of the Russian Federation, except for the payments with codes 12010 and 12030 13010 Non-resident's settlements and transfers for commodities a resident sells to the non-resident on the territory of the Russian Federation 20010 Granting by a non-resident to a resident a commercial credit in the form of prepayment for the construction and contract works the resident carries out outside of the territory of the Russian Federation (an advance payment) 20020 Granting by a non-resident to a resident a commercial credit in the form of prepayment for the works, the services and information and for the results of an intellectual activity, including the exclusive rights to them, which a resident performs, renders and hands over, except for the payments with code 20010 (an advance payment) 20030 Non-resident s settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of up to five years for the construction and contract works the resident carries out outside of the territory of the Russian Federation (the payments after rendering services) 20040 Non-resident s settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of over five years for the construction and contract works the resident carries out outside of the territory of the Russian Federation (the payments after rendering services) 20050 Non-resident s settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of up to 180 days for the works the resident has performed, for the services he has rendered and for information and the results of an intellectual activity he has passed, including the exclusive rights to them (the payments after carrying out works, rendering services and passing information and the results of an intellectual activity, including the exclusive rights to them) 20060 Non-resident s settlements and transfers as a resident grants to the non-resident a postponement in the payment for a term of over 180 days for the works the resident has performed, for the services he has rendered and for information and the results of an intellectual 5

activity he has passed, including the exclusive rights to them (the payments after carrying out the works, rendering the services and passing information and the results of an intellectual activity, including the exclusive rights to them) 20070 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in payment for the services a resident has rendered to the non-resident in the extraction and realization of the sea fishing products outside of the customs territory of the Russian Federation 30010 Non-resident s settlements and transfers for the immovable property, sold by a resident to the non-resident outside of the territory of the Russian Federation 30030 Non-resident s settlements and transfers for the immovable property, sold by a resident to the non-resident on the territory of the Russian Federation 35010 Settlements and transfers between a resident and a non-resident, involved in the return of the erroneously computed sums and of the sums on the non-executed contracts 35020 Settlements and transfers between a resident and a non-resident on other transactions, involved in the foreign trade activity and not named directly in the above-said Groups 10-30 of the present List, except for the payments with code 35010 41010 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in granting credits and loans for a term of over three years 41020 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident on granting credits and loans, except for the payments with code 41010 F, R1, V2 43010 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the repayment of loans (the principal debt) 43020 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the repayment of the delayed indebtedness on loans (the principal debt) 43030 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in making the interest payments 43040 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in making overdue interest payments 43050 Other settlements and transfers between a resident and a nonresident, connected with the non-resident s fulfillment of liabilities for the attracted loans 50040 Non-resident s settlements and transfers for the shares, deposits and partner shares in the property (in the authorized or the summed up capital, or in the partner share fund of a cooperative) of the created resident legal entity, acquired from a resident legal entity, as the nonresident makes deposits under a contract of simple partnership with the resident 50050 Non-resident s settlements and transfers for the shares, deposits and partner shares in the property (in the authorized or the summed up 6

capital, or in the partner share fund of a cooperative) of the created non-resident legal entity, acquired from the resident, as the nonresident makes deposits under a contract of simple partnership with the resident 50060 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in payment for the shares, deposits and partner shares in the property (in the authorized or the summed up capital, or in the partner share fund of a cooperative) of the created resident legal entity, as the non-resident makes deposits under a contract of simple partnership with the resident 50080 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident, as the non-resident legal entity is liquidated 50090 Payment out of the dividends (incomes) from the deposits in the form of capital investments 51010 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired bonds, issued on behalf of the Russian Federation 51020 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired shares, with the exception of the primary placement (issue) of shares 51030 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the primary placement (issue) of shares 51040 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired partner shares of the partner share investment funds 51050 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the issue by the resident of bonds, the redemption of and the payments on which are supposed to be made in the first three years as from the date of issue S A A A O 51060 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the issue by the resident of bonds, the redemption of and the payments on which are not supposed to be made in the first three years as from the date of issue 51070 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired bonds of residents, the redemption of and the payments on which are supposed to be made in the first three years as from the date of issue 51080 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired bonds of residents, the redemption of and the payments on which are not supposed to be made in the first three years as from the date of issue 51090 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired bonds of non-residents, the redemption of and the payments on which are supposed to be made in the first three years as from the date of issue 51100 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired bonds of non-residents, the redemption of and the payments on which are not supposed to be made in the first three O O O O 7

years as from the date of issue 51110 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the other acquired internal emission securities 51120 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired bills 51130 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident for the acquired non-emission internal securities, except for bills 51140 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the payment of the arrears (a fine, a penalty) on transactions corresponding with internal securities 51150 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a broker onto a special broker s account V2 V2 Special accounts or bank account of nonresident S, A, O 51160 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the payment out of the interest (coupon) incomes and dividends on internal securities, and of the incomes on the investment partner shares of the partner share investment funds 51170 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the remuneration of commissions and in the recompense for the outlays on the acquisition of internal securities with the use of a special bank S, A, O, V2 account, except for the repayment of the outlays of the authorized bank on the performance of transactions on a special bank account 54050 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the issue by the resident of bonds, the redemption of and the payments on which are not supposed to be made in the first three years as from the date of issue 54150 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the payment of the interest (coupon) incomes and of the dividends on the external securities 55070 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the fulfillment by the non-resident of the liabilities for bonds, the redemption of and the payments on which are made in the first three years as from the date of issue 55080 Non-resident s settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the fulfillment by the non-resident of the liabilities for bonds, the redemption of and the payments on which are made after an expiry of three years as from the date of issue 55090 Non-resident's settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the fulfilment by the non-resident of the liabilities for the other emission securities 55100 Non-resident's settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the fulfilment by the non-resident of the liabilities for bills, issued by the non-resident 55110 Non-resident's settlements and transfers in favour of a resident in the fulfilment by the non-resident of the liabilities for the other non- 8

emission securities, issued by the non-resident, except for bills 60010 Transfers from a non-resident's account in the currency of the Russian Federation onto the special bank account of the non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation 60020 Transfers from the non-resident's special bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation onto the non-resident's bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation 60030 Transfers from the non-resident's special bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation onto the non-resident's special bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation 60040 Transfers from the non-resident's special bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation in the entry of the sum of the reservation 60050 Transfers from the non-resident's bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation in the entry of the sum of the reservation 60070 Transfers from the non-resident's bank account onto the nonresident's bank account 70010 Payment by non-residents of the sums of the taxes, the duties and the other fees to residents 70030 Payment out by non-residents to residents of the sums of the alimonies, pensions, inheritance, allowances, grants, gifts and donations 70050 Payment out by non-residents to residents of the sums of wages and of the other kinds of the remuneration of labour, of the author's and of the other fees under the civil law contracts 70070 Other payments by non-residents in favour of residents in noncommercial transactions 99010 Settlements and transfers, involved in the return of the erroneously entered or written off sums 99020 Settlements and transfers in favour of the authorized banks for the performance of transactions on an account 99090 Settlements and transfers on the transactions, not indicated in groups 01-70, as well as with the exception of payments with codes 99010-99080 9 Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. Citi Handlowy jest zastrzeżonym znakiem towarowym należącym do podmiotów z grupy Citigroup Inc. Niniejszy materiał reklamowy został wydany jedynie w celach informacyjnych i nie stanowi oferty w rozumieniu art. 66 Kodeksu Cywilnego. Bank 10 Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Senatorska 16, 00-923 Warszawa, zarejestrowany w rejestrze przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod nr. KRS 000 000 1538; NIP 526-030-02-91; wysokość kapitału zakładowego wynosi 522.638.400 złotych, kapitał został w pełni opłacony.