St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago

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July 30, 2017 30 de Julio de 2017 30 Lipca 2017 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimoseptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 17 Niedziela Zwykla St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago Kościół Św. Turibiusza Rzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago Let hearts rejoice who search for the Lord. Seek the Lord and His strength, seek always the face of the Lord. Que se alegren los corazones que buscan al Señor. Buscad al Señor y su fortaleza, buscad siempre la faz del Señor. Niech się weseli serce szukających Pana. Rozważajcie o Panu i Jego potędze, zawsze szukajcie Jego oblicza.

From the Pastor s Desk Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I invite you to take some quiet time and meditate on the following reflections and prayers from St. Augustine. LIVING IN UNITY Brothers and sisters dwell together in unity not by their own strength or their own merits but by God s grace, like dew from heaven. This dew comes from Christ. All you who wish to dwell in unity, desire this dew and be moistened by it. Otherwise you cannot hold firm what you profess. -Commentary on Psalm 132, 10-11 (773) 581-2730 ext. 129 PRAYER Lord, You are my helper and the helper of anyone who reaches out to You. Indeed, You are my Redeemer for the very purpose of enabling me to reach out to you. -Commentary on Psalm 18, 15 LOVE REACHES OUT Moreover, this is the rule of love: the good that we desire for ourselves we desire for our neighbor also; and the evil that we are unwilling to undergo we wish to prevent from happening to our neighbor. All who love God will have such a desire toward everybody. -True Religion 87 PRAYER O Lord, my God, let my soul praise You that it may love You. Let it recount to You Your mercies that it may Praise You for them all. -Confessions 5,1 Rev. William Lego, OSA (773) 581-2730 ext. 115 St. Turibius Parish Festival St. Turibius Parish Festival will be held this year on Saturday, August 19th after the 4:00PM Mass. Games, bingo, raffles, food will be sold, beer garden, etc. Come and spend the evening with friends and family. (773) 581-2730 ext. 114 Parish Information Masses 4pm Saturday 6:45 am and 11 am Sunday Confessions 5-6pm Saturday Telephone: (773) 581-2730 Show Your Pride St. Turibius Parish is selling fleece jackets, polo shirts, t-shirts and hoodies with our new Parish Logo. Order forms and samples are in the back of church on display. Please complete an order form and either drop it in the collection basket or return to the rectory. What a wonderful way to show your St. Turibius Pride as our Parish Family celebrates our 90th Anniversary this year. We are planning to replace the Church rug and have major work done on our Church organ. This fundraiser hopefully will defray some of the cost. Thank you for your continuous support! WE SHARE CHRIST S LIGHT AND OUR FAITH IS DEEPENED AS WE CELEBRATE THE DIVERSITY OF OUR PARISH.

Del Escritorio del Párroco Estimados Hermanos/as en Cristo, Les invito a tomar un tiempo tranquilo y meditar en las siguientes reflexiones y oraciones de San Agustín. VIVIR UNIDOS Hermanos y hermanas viven juntos en unidad no por sus capacidad o por sus méritos, sino por la gracia de Dios que es como rocío del cielo. (773) 581-2730 ext. 129 Información Parroquial Sacramentos en Español Misas 8:00AM 1:00PM los domingos Reconciliación 5:00PM los sábados Bautismos el segundo domingo de cada mes a las 2:30PM. Tiene que registrarse en la oficina parroquial. Celebraciones de Bodas y Quinceaños tiene que hacer una cita con un sacerdote para arreglar su boda o su misa de quince años. Favor de no reserve un salón antes de hablar con el sacerdote. Teléfono (773) 581-2730 Este rocío proviene de Cristo. Todos los que desean vivir unidos, desean este rocío y el humedecidos. De lo contrario, no podrá mantener firme lo que profesa. -Enarraciones sobre el Salmo 132, 10-11 ORACIÓN Señor, tú eres mi ayudador y el ayudante de cualquiera que te llegue. De hecho, Tú eres mi Redentor con el propósito de permitirme alcanzarte. -Enarraciones sobre el Salmo 18, 15 EL AMOR VA MÁS ALLÁ Es decir, esta es la regla del amor: el bien que deseamos para nosotros, también deseémoslo también para nuestro prójimo. Y el mal que no queremos soportar, deseemos evitarlo también a nuestro vecino. Todos los que aman a Dios tengan tales deseo hacia todos.-la verdadera religión 87 ORACIÓN Oh Señor, mi Dios, haz que mi alma te alabe para que pueda amarte Haz que cuente tus graciaspara que pueda alabarte. -Confessions 5,1 Pd. Guillermo Lego, OSA St. Turibius Parish Festival El Festival Parroquial de St. Turibius se celebrará este año Sábado, 19 de agosto Después de la Misa de las 4:00 PM. Juegos, bingo, rifas, comida será vendida, Jardín de cerveza, etc. Venga a pasar la noche con amigos y familiares. Show Your Pride La Parroquia está vendiendo chaquetas, polos, sudaderas y camisetas con nuestro nuevo logotipo de la parroquia. Los formularios de pedido y las muestras están atras de la iglesia en exhibición. Por favor complete un formulario de pedido y colóquelo en la canasta de la colección o regrese a la rectoría. Qué maravillosa manera de mostrar su Orgullo de San Toribio como nuestra Familia Parroquial Celebra nuestro 90 aniversario este año. Estamos planeando reemplazar la alfombra de la Iglesia y realizar un trabajo importante en nuestro órgano de la Iglesia. Esta recaudación de fondos con suerte nos ayudara con algunos de los costos. Gracias por su continuo apoyo! REFLEJAMOS LA LUZ DE CRISTO Y PROFUNDIZAMOS NUESTRA FE CUANDO CELEBRAMOS LA DIVERSIDAD DE

Od proboszcza biurka Drodzy Bracia i Siostry w Chrystusie, Zapraszam do spokojnego czasu i medytacji na temat następujących refleksji i modlitw św. Augustyna. ŻYCIE W JEDNOŚCI Bracia i siostry mieszkają razem w jedności, nie z własnej siły, ani z własnych zasług, ale z łaski Bożej, jak z nieba z nieba. Ta rosja pochodzi od Chrystusa. Wszyscy ci, którzy pragną zamieszkać w jedności, pragną tej rosy i zwilżyć ją. W przeciwnym razie nie możesz trzymać się tego, co wy wyznasz. -Komentarz w Psalmie 132, 10-11 (773) 581-2730 ext. 129 Informacje Parafialne Msza Sw 9:30am w każdą niedziele Spowiedz 3-cia sobota w miesiącu 17:15 do 6:00 p.m. Sakramenty w języku polskim chrzest, slub itp. Prosze dzwonic na plebanie Telefon (773) 581-2730 MODLITWA Panie, Ty jesteś moim pomocnikiem i pomocnikiem każdego, kto się do ciebie dotrze. Zaprawdę, Ty jesteś moim Odkupicielem, abyś mógł się z tobą skontaktować. -Komentarz w Psalmie 18, 15 MIŁOŚĆ WYSTAWIA Co więcej, jest to zasada miłości: dobro, które pragniemy, pragniemy także naszego bliźniego; I zło, których nie chcemy doświadczyć, chcemy zapobiec wydarzeniu się bliźniemu. Wszyscy, którzy kochają Boga, będą mieli takie pragnienie wobec wszystkich. -True religia 87 MODLITWA Panie, Boże mój, niech moja dusza chwali cię, aby cię miłowała. Niech opowiada Ci Twoje miłosierdzie, że może Cię chwali za wszystkich. - Obchody 5,1 Ks. William Lego, OSA St. Turibius Parish Festival Festiwal Parafialny św. Turibiusa odbędzie się w tym roku w sobotę, 19 sierpnia, Po Mszy św. O godzinie 16:00. Gry, bingo, loterie, jedzenie będą sprzedawane, Ogródek piwny itp. Przyjdź spędzić wieczór z przyjaciółmi i rodziną. Show Your Pride Parafia św. Turibiusa sprzedaje kurtki z nazwa naszej parafii, wykonane sa z polaru oraz koszulki polo i t-shirty. Formularze zamówień i próbki znajdują się na odwrocie biuletynu. Proszę wypełnić formularz zamówienia i wrzucić na Mszy Swiętej razem z ofiarą lub zanieść do plebanii. Co za wspaniały sposób na pokazanie "St. Turibius Pride "jako nasza Rodzina Parafialna Świętuje naszą "90. rocznicę" w tym roku. Zamierzamy wymienić dywany w kościele i przeprowadzić remont organów kościelnych. Ten fundraiser mamy nadzieję, że będzie w stanie pokryć niektóre z tych kosztów. Dziękuję za ciągłe wsparcie! DZIELIMY SIĘ ŚWIATŁEM CHRYSTUSA I NASZA WIARA POGŁĘBIANA JEST POPRZEZ ŚWIĘTOWANIE RÓŻNONARODOWOŚCI W NASZEJ PARAFI

Intentions for the Week Saturday - July/Julio/Lipca - 29th 4:00PM MASS: + Eleanor Conff (Family) + Art Wittbrodt (Family) 1st Anniversary + Dolores Maza (Family) 27th Anniversary Health & God s Blessings for Tony Strocchio (Delaney Family) Health & Birthday Blessings for Joseph Janik on His 90th Birthday (Family) Sunday - July/Julio/Lipca - 30th 6:45AM Mass: + Arlene Peters (Family) 8:00AM Mass: Health & God s Blessings for Our Parishioners 9:30AM MASS: + Wanda Podgorni (Husband) 11:00AM MASS: Health & God s Blessings for Joe and Char Sparks and Family 1:00PM MASS: + Socorro Acosta (Mariscal Family) Health & Birthday Blessings for Deacon Oscar Monday - July/Julio/Lipca - 31st 8:00AM MASS: Health & God s Blessings for Ellen Nicholson Tuesday - August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 1st 8:00AM MASS: + John Radovich (Wife & Son) + Ann Osowski (Family) 7th Anniversary + Agnes Kusek (Family) Wednesday - August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 2nd 8:00AM MASS: + John Dybas (Family) Thursday - August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 3rd 8:00AM MASS: God s Blessings for the Strocchio Family 8:00AM MASS: For Neighborhood Peace Friday - August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 4th Saturday - August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 5th 4:00PM MASS: + Thomas & Dolores Maza (Family) + Richard S. Hyerczyk (Family) Health & God s Blessings for Bill and Judy Delaney & Family Anniversary Blessings for Arlene & Steve Culen on Their 60th Wedding Anniversary We are all God s Family! Somos todos los familiares de Dios! Wszyscy jesteśmy rodzina Boga! Intentions for the Week Sunday - August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 6th 6:45AM Mass: + Arlene Peters (Family) + John Deskovic (Daughter) + Phil Bakakos (Wife) Birthday Blessings for Ana Velcic (Family) 8:00AM Mass: Health & God s Blessings for Our Parishioners 9:30AM MASS: + Wanda Podgorni (Husband) + Stanislaw Pajerski (Wife) + Anna & Franciszek Dabrowski (Stanley & Maria Gal) 11:00AM MASS: + Frank Kouba (Family) 1:00PM MASS: + Miguel Cantellano (Family) 1st Anniversary + Aucilio Rojas (Family) Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Bingo Michael Nicholson, Jim Nicholson, Maggie Dybas, Ellen Nicholson, Sister Barbara Ann Bosch, Connie Bromer, Florence Kois, Esther Zenari, Jeanne Prokopec, Paul Mazzocco, Bernadette Baran, Henryk Dynia, Patricia Pavlica, Dolores I. Janik & Joseph E. Janik, Sister Ann Mary Wundrach, Sister Rosemarie Morowczynski, Joan Szczublewski, Tony Strocchio and Bill Delaney. TODAY S READINGS First Reading Solomon prays for an understanding heart (1 Kings 3:5, 7-12). Psalm Lord, I love your commands (Psalm 119). Second Reading All things work for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28-30). Gospel The one who knows of the kingdom of heaven brings new and old from the storeroom (Matthew 13:44-52 [44-46]). Listen To Your Dreams God visits Solomon in a dream, and the scripture story nowhere tells us that Solomon awoke to have this conversation with God! So, still in his dream, Solomon answers God s question about what he desires most, and God grants his request for wisdom in abundance. In our waking hours, we are much distracted by work, home, family, traffic, entertainment, and many worries. When we try to think about what we really want out of life, we have trouble even imagining what that might be. But deep inside, our real longings dwell, known to God and to the Holy Spirit. Our dreams, unencumbered by defenses, may hold clues to what our deepest needs are, or what bothers us most. They could be God speaking. HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A PARISHIONER OF ST. TURIBIUS PARISH? WE SHARE CHRIST S LIGHT AND OUR FAITH IS DEEPENED AS WE CELEBRATE THE DIVERSITY OF OUR PARISH.

Reading for the Week July/Julio/Lipca - 30th Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimoseptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 17 Niedziela Zwykla 1 Kings/1 Reyes/Krolewskiej 3: 5, 7-12 * Romans/Romanos/Rzymian 8: 28-30 * Matthew/Mateo/Mateusza 13: 44-52 or 13: 44-46 July/Julio/Lipca - 31st Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Loyola Memoria de san Ignacio de Loyola Exodus/Exodo/Ex. 32: 15-24, 30-34 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 13: 31-35 August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 1st Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Mary Liguori Memoria de san Alfonso Maria Ligorio Exodus/Exodo/Ex. 33: 7-11,; 34:5b-9, 28 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 13: 36-43 August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 2nd Ordinary Time XVII Tiempo Ordinario XVII 1 John/1 Juan/1 Jn. 5: 1-5 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 5: 1-12a August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 3rd Ordinary Time XVII Tiempo Ordinario XVII Exodus/Exodo/Ex. 40: 16-21, 34-38 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 13: 47-53 August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 4th Memorial of Saint John Mary Vianney Memoria de san Juan Maria Vianney Leviticus/Levitico/Lev. 23: 1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 13: 54-58 August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 5th Ordinary Time XVII Tiempo Ordinario XVII Leviticus/Levitico/Lev. 25: 1, 8-17 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 14: 1-12 August/Agosto/Sierpnia - 6th Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Fiesta de la Transfiguración del Señor Przemienienie Panskie Daniel/Daniel/Daniela 7: 9-10, 13-14 * 2 Peter/2 Pedro/Piotra 1: 16-19 * Matthew/Mateo/Mateusza 17: 1-9 Question of the Week St. Vincent de Paul ST VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD OF THE MONTH CLUB Once again, we're running low on one of the favorites in our food pantry. Seems like the kids just can't get enough of these. So, during the month of August, we are asking for your help with donations of the following food items. CANS OF SPAGHETTI-Os Your donations can be placed in the box located in the vestibule of the church when you come to Mass, or they can be taken to the Rectory during normal business hours. Please take this opportunity to help all the needy families in our parish. Thank you for your donations and may God Bless You for your generosity. Honor Roll Students Congratulations to our Alumni Students who graduated from St. Turibius School and went to a Catholic High School. These students listed below are on the A+ Honor Roll for the 4th quarter of classes. You make our Parish Family very proud. Keep it up! Marist High School Sasha De La Cruz Giselda Melendez Mother McAuley High School Monica Kaczmarczyk De La Salle Institute Nicholas Daniel Cruz Mariana Conception Gramajo Juliana Hernandez Maximiliano Martinez We only publish Catholic High School Students and only if they send to us. If I forgot someone please contact me and I will add the announcement to next weekend s bulletin. Thanks! COMPASSION If you love the justice of Jesus Christ more than you fear human judgment, then you will seek to do compassion. In a world divided by economics and education, social status and political opinions, race and religion, what can I do this week to bring people together? HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A PARISHIONER OF ST. TURIBIUS PARISH? Remember to go onto our Website and fill out your tesimonial...what St. Turibius means to me... PRAY If you pray you are sure of saving your soul. If you do not pray you are just as sure to lose your soul. We are all God s Family! Somos todos los familiares de Dios! Wszyscy jesteśmy rodzina Boga! REFLEJAMOS LA LUZ DE CRISTO Y PROFUNDIZAMOS NUESTRA FE CUANDO CELEBRAMOS LA DIVERSIDAD DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA.

July - 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monday, July 31 8:00 PM: Men s Spanish Prayer Group (Rectory B) Tuesday, August 1 No Meetings Scheduled Wednesday, August 2 7:00 PM: Legion of Mary (Rectory B) Thursday, August 3 7:00 PM: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (CH) 7:00 PM: Circulo Vigil (Rectory C) 7:00 PM: Block Mass - 4149 W. 58th Pl. Friday, August 4 7:00 PM: Youth Group Meeting (LCH) Saturday, August 5 5:00 PM: Confessions (CH) 7:00 PM: Circulo de Oracion (CH) Sunday, August 6 11:00 AM: 1PM Mass Choir Rehearsal (Rectory A) 4:00 PM: Doors open for Bingo (LCH) 6:00 PM: Bingo Games Begin (LCH) Bingo News HAPPY BIRTHDAY BINGO SUNDAY JULY 30 ALL JULY S BIRTHDAYS WILL PLAY A FREE GAME JUST FOR THEM PLUS... FREE DOUBLE CARDS IN ALL COMPUTERS CELEBRATE THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 BRING A PICTURE OF YOUR DOG FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A CASH PRIZE HAPPY BIRTHDAY BINGO WILL BE PLAYED SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 FREE DOUBLE CARDS IN COMPUTERS CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND WITH US SEPTEMBER 3 SUPER BINGO END OF SUMMER RAFFLE 5-$500.0 GAMES -- LIVE ENTERTAINMENT -- OVER 20 DOOR PRIZES AND MUCH MORE DON T FORGET WE ALSO HAVE A FULL KITCHEN FEATURING DELICIOUS SPECIALS EACH WEEK DOORS 0PEN EACH SUNDAY AT 4PM GAMES START 6PM Prayer For Our Neighorhood St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen. Treasures From Our Tradition The achievement of the late 1960s and early 1970s in enriching the euchology or words of thanksgiving available in the Church s prayer is important on many levels. Ecumenically, it means that the Latin Rite now reflects the wealth of the East in having more than one prayer available to the Church. Pastorally, it actually acknowledges the place of the assembly in prayer, which is particularly clear in the Masses with Children. In fact, the traditional prayers of the Eastern Church served as models for our new prayers. In the East, what we call the Eucharistic Prayer is called the anaphora, and there are three main families of anaphora. Each family has a different recipe for arranging the usual parts of these prayers. All anaphora have intercessions included, but the Churches of Antioch place them toward the end of the prayer, Alexandria prefers them at the beginning before the Holy, Holy, and Syria puts them at the very end. One branch of the Syrian family is unique in not mentioning the words of Jesus at the Last Supper. The Roman Canon we once prayed exclusively has some connection with the Alexandrian family, but once the signal for creativity was given, all the wealth of every prayer tradition was on the table, and our Sunday Mass has been greatly enriched. With love in our hearts, we will approach God with humility, others with compassion, and ourselves with respect and honor. St. Anthony of Padua HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A PARISHIONER OF ST. TURIBIUS PARISH? Remember to go onto our Website and fill out your tesimonial...what St. Turibius means to me... DZIELIMY SIĘ ŚWIATŁEM CHRYSTUSA I NASZA WIARA POGŁĘBIANA JEST POPRZEZ ŚWIĘTOWANIE RÓŻNONARODOWOŚCI W NASZEJ PARAFI

SWOP SERVICIOS OFRECIDOS: 1. Rastreo de Antecedentes Penales con el FBI 2. Rastreo de Antecedentes Inmigratorios con Autoridades de Inmigración y Apelaciones (FOIA) 3. Petición de Ciudadanía (N-400) 4. Renovación de Tarjeta de Residente Permanente Legal (I-90) 5. Petición de Hijos Ciudadanos para sus Padres 6. Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia y Renovación (DACA) Iris Gutierrez Berrios (773) 471-8208 ext. 129 Endowment Fund + For the Deceased Members of the Conff Family + For the Deceased Members of the Delaney Family + For the Deceased Members of the Sosa Family + Steve Twardosz + (My Parents) - Dolores & Stanley Gliwa + Aunt Florence + For All My Deceased Relatives & Friends + Mr. Donald Russell + Elaine Kozlowski + For the Deceased Members of the Sokolowski Family + For the Deceased Members of the Szamocki - Budny - Hayes - Brodowski Families + Bill Collard + Mary Sutkowski +Abel & Elena Pulido + For the Deceased Members of the Dorantes-Olmedo Family + Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carter & Daughter + Lenardine Bochenek + Stefan & Julia Culen + Arlene Peters + Donna Baniewicz + Roy F. Peters + Wanda Wrobel + Diane Clark + John Burbatt + For the Deceased Members of the Garcia Family + For the Deceased Members of the Jania Family + For the Deceased Members of the Jurich Family +For the Deceased Members of the Burauer Family More Intentions in next week s bulletin! Proudly Serving Our Country SPC Anne Marie Archer, USA - MAJ John Costanzo, USA LCPL Aaron J. Godinez, USMC -SGT Michael P. Gorski, USA CPL James R. Guarino, USMC - SPC Ricardo J. Guerrero, USA SPC Luis A. Guerrero, USMC - CORP James A. Kilkelly, USMC MSTR SGT Arthur R. Parr USMC -Airman Galo Rodriguez, USN SGTJulio Cesar Roman, USMC - PFC Hector Rueda, USA SGT Daniel S. Ryan, USMC - LTCOL TimothyTocwish, USMC PFC Joe Doyle Ryan,USMC - Jordan A. Kopf, HN-USN LT Brian Koll, USN - PFC Javier Pineda, USA Rafael Murillo, USA Army - Mathew Harjung,USA Army SWOP OFFERED SERVICES: 1. FBI Criminal Background Search 2. Immigration Background Search through FOIA and appeals 3. Citizenship Application (N-400) 4. Legal Permanent Residence Renewal (I-90) 5. Family Petitions from Citizen children for their Parents 6. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Iris Gutierrez Berrios (773) 471-8208 ext. 129 Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima The Morning Rosary Group of St. Turibius Parish is extending an invitation to all parishioners to join us in the recitation of the rosary celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Apparition of Fatima in 1917. The rosary will be said on the 13th of August, September and October of 2017 at 6:00 PM in church. On August 19, 1917, Our Lady of the Rosary asked I want you to continue praying the Rosary every day. The Morning Rosary Group has been saying the rosary in church for the past 43+ years after the weekday morning Mass. Please join us as we continue to follow Our Lady of the Rosary s request. Little Company of Mary For Adults - Living: When a Loved One Has Died. Six consecutive Wednesdays, beginning on October 4, 2017 from 6pm to 8:30pm. Support Groups formed specific to loss. Registration is required. A seventh gathering called Coping with the Holidays will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 with guest presenter, Father Jim Heneghan. For Children - The Heart Connection Eight Consecutive Mondays, beginning on September 25, 2017 from 6pm to 7:30pm. The program is for children ages 3 to 21 years old who have lost a loved one. Program includes dinner free of charge. Early registration is required. For further information or registration please call the Pastoral Care Dept. at (708) 229-4299. Monday thru Friday, 9am - 4pm. Remember to go onto our Website and fill out your tesimonial...what St. Turibius means to me... HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A PARISHIONER OF ST. TURIBIUS PARISH? WE SHARE CHRIST S LIGHT AND OUR FAITH IS DEEPENED AS WE CELEBRATE THE DIVERSITY OF OUR PARISH.

Act of Entrustment To Mary Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, with renewed gratitude for your motherly presence we join in the voice of all generations that call you blessed. We celebrate in you the great works of God, who never tires of lowering himself in mercy over humanity, afflicted by evil and wounded by sin, to heal and to save it. Accept with the benevolence of a Mother this act of entrustment that we make in faith today, before this your image, beloved to us. We are certain that each one of us is precious in your eyes and that nothing in our hearts has estranged you. May we allow your sweet gaze to reach us and the perpetual warmth of your smile. TOTAL DONATIONS $6,961.21 Sunday Collections July 9, 2017 $5,003.50 $3,211.00 in 240 Envelopes $1,792.50 Loose 4:00 PM: $946.00 $856.00 in 60 Envelopes $90.00 Loose 6:45 AM: $510.00 $395.00 in 40 Envelopes $115.00 Loose 8:00 AM: $883.00 $410.00 in 35 Envelopes $473.00 Loose 9:30 AM: $565.00 $565.00 in 32 Envelopes $245.00 Loose 11:00 AM: $937.00 $732.00 in 32 Envelopes $205.00 Loose 1:00 PM: $937.50 $273.00 in 28 Envelopes $664.50 Loose Rectory: $225.00 13 Envelopes Other Donations $1,957.71 Guard our life with your embrace; bless and strengthen every desire for good; give new life and nourishment to faith; sustain and enlighten hope; awaken and animate charity; guide us all on the path to holiness. Teach us your own special love for the little and the poor, for the excluded and the suffering, for sinners and the wounded of heart. Gather all people under your protection and give us all to your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus. Amen. ACT DE ENTREGA A MARÍA Virgen María de Fátima, con renovada gratitud por su presencia materna que se unen en la voz de todas las generaciones que llaman bienaventurada. Celebramos en que las grandes obras de Dios, que no se cansa de bajar a sí mismo en la misericordia sobre la humanidad, afectados por el mal y herida por el pecado, para sanar y para guardarlo. Aceptar con la benevolencia de una madre este acto de entrega que hacemos en la fe hoy, antes de que esta imagen, querida para nosotros. Estamos seguros de que cada uno de nosotros es precioso a los ojos y que nada en nuestro corazón se ha distanciado. Podemos permitir que su mirada dulce para llegar a nosotros y la calidez de su sonrisa perpetua. Proteger nuestra vida con su abrazo; bendecir y fortalecer todos los deseos para el bien; dar nueva vida y alimento a la fe; sostener e iluminar la esperanza; despertar y animar la caridad; guíe a todos en el camino a la santidad. Enséñanos su propio amor especial por los pequeños y los pobres, por los excluidos y los que sufren, por los pecadores y los heridos del corazón. Reunir todas las personas en virtud de que la protección y nos dará a tu amado Hijo, nuestro Señor Jesús. Amén. AKT ZAWIERZENIA MARYI NMP Fatimskiej, z odnowioną wdzięczność za matczyną obecnością możemy przyłączyć się do głosu wszystkich pokoleń, które nazywają cię błogosławionym. Świętujemy w was wielkie dzieła Boga, który niestrudzenie obniżając się w miłosierdzie nad ludzkością, dotknięte przez zło i rannych przez grzech, aby uzdrawiać i aby go zapisać. Zebrane z życzliwości matki ten akt zawierzenia, które wykonujemy w wierze dzisiaj, przed tym obrazie, ukochany do nas. Jesteśmy przekonani, że każdy z nas jest cenny w oczach i że nic w naszych sercach jest w separacji ciebie. Możemy umożliwić słodkie spojrzenie, aby dotrzeć do nas i wieczyste ciepło twojego uśmiechu. Strzec naszego życia ze swoim uścisku; błogosławić i wzmacniać każde pragnienie dobra; dać nowe życie i pokarm dla wiary; podtrzymywać i oświecić nadziei; obudzić i ożywić jałmużnę; poprowadzi nas na drodze do świętości. Uczą nas swoją szczególną miłość dla małego i ubogich, dla wykluczonych i cierpienia, za grzeszników i rannych serca. Zbierz wszystkich ludzi pod tobą ochrony i dać nam wszystkim do swojego umiłowanego Syna, naszego Pana Jezusa. Amen. A Very Special Thank You to the Parishioners of St. Turibius! Un muy Especial Agradecimiento a los feligreses de San Toribio! Serdeczne Podziekowania dla parafian Sw. Turibiusza! Other Donations Vigil Lights: $214.71 Building Conditions: $820.00 St. Vincent de Paul: $923.00 DZIELIMY SIĘ ŚWIATŁEM CHRYSTUSA I NASZA WIARA POGŁĘBIANA JEST POPRZEZ ŚWIĘTOWANIE RÓŻNONARODOWOŚCI W NASZEJ PARAFI

Saint Turibius Parish Pastoral Staff Directory PHONE: (773) 581-2730 FAX: (773) 581-5396 Rev. William (Guillermo) Lego, O.S.A, Pastor...x129 Rev. Jack Dowling, O.S.A, Associate Pastor...x115 Rev. John Sotak, O.S.A...x114 Deacon Thomas Christensen, Judy Christensen Deacon Javier Pineda, Irma Pineda Sr. Mary Beth Bromer, DRE...x 134 Sr. Eliana Remiszewska,CRE...x134 Religious Education Sr. Eliana Remiszewska...x123 Ms. Kathy Zyla, Parish Secretary...x110 Email: Mrs. Elvira Villaseñor, Office Assistant...x111 Email: Music Ministry Ms. Jolanta Ziemba, Polish and English Music Minister El Coro Agape: San Turibius -Spanish Choir Tiempo de Dios: Charismatic Choir Alejandro Morelos: 8:00 a.m. Mass Parish Addresses (Chicago, Illinois 60629-4441) Rectory: 5646 South Karlov Avenue Convent: 4125 West 56th Place...x123 We Are One Family, Encircled by God s Love! Parish Mission Statement We Believe that God is Love, and when we live in love we live in God and God lives in us! Therefore we, the Parish Family of Saint Turibius, dedicate ourselves to living out Christ s Great Commandment: we will love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and we will show our love for God by the way we love and care for one another. To this end, we will respond to our baptismal call, strengthened by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As a Family of Faith that has an Attitude of Gratitude for the gifts God has given to us, we will share our time, our talent and our treasure with each other. We welcome into our parish family all people, because we believe that together we are the Body of Christ and together we can bring the love, peace, forgiveness, healing, and joy of Christ into our community in ways we never could have if we were to remain apart. May all who meet us, who worship with us, who work and play with us, know we are Christians by our love! Rectory Hours 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday, Monday Website www. Email Parish: Like Us on Facebook St. Turibius Parish, Chicago Baptisms Call or stop by the parish office to register for a baptismal preparation class and/or a baptism for your child. Baptisms are offered ONLY on Sundays and once a month in English and once a month in Spanish at 2:30pm. 1st Friday Devotions English: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass Marriages Contact one of the priests at least six (6) months in advance to make an appointment. Sick Calls Please contact the rectory office (x10) to arrange for visits to the sick and homebound. The priests and our ministers of care will make every effort to visit parishioners in the hospital, at home, and in nursing homes. After Hours Emergency (773) 581-2730 Ext. 155