28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA Phone: Rev. Robert Będziński S.Chr. Rector

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Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978 744 1278 www.jpiidivinemercyshrine.org Rev. Robert Będziński S.Chr. Rector

22 ND SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 ST, 2019 Saturday, August 31 st 8:00 AM + Louis and Genevieve Wilczenski from daughter Felicia Sunday, September 1 st 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 22. Niedziela w Czasie Zwykłym World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 10:00 AM + Ks. Kan. Ferdinand Slejzer (17. rocznica śmierci) od rodziny Konarskich 12:00 PM God s blessings upon Benefactors Shrine Monday, September 2 nd Holy Mass + Franciszek Haberek in death anniversary from children & Tuesday, September 3 rd NO MASS Wednesday, September 4 th Thursday, September 5 th First Thursday Pierwszy Czwartek Friday, September 6 th First Friday Pierwszy Piątek 12:10 PM + 7:00 PM + Kazimierz, Eugeniusz od rodziny D. Kantorisiński Saturday, September 7 th First Saturday - Pierwsza Sobota 8:00 AM + Sunday, September 8 th 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 23. Niedziela w Czasie Zwykłym 10:00 AM + Grzegorz i Małgosuia Janusz for blessings on their marriage from Mike and Debra Bencal 12:00 PM + Barbara Miller from Plecinoga family \ Please pray for those who are sick that they may receive strength and healing: Nancy Davidowicz, Frank Kowalczyk, Paul & Cheryl Murphy, Marie Kolar, Genevieve Sobocinski, Caroline Ouelette and Edna Kobierski. Offertory Totals: August 25th 1 st Collection $ 1,315.00 2 nd Collection Church Renovations $ 414.00 Weekly Donations $ 53.00 St. Jude (8/19) $ 58.00 Thank you and Bóg zapłać! SUNDAY (September 1 st ) 9:45 AM Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego 11:30 AM Rosary with the Holy Rosary Sodality MONDAY (September 2 nd ) 7:00 PM + THURSDAY (September 5 th ) First Thursday Pierwszy Czwartek 6:20 PM Prayers for Priests and Vocations FRIDAY (September 6 th ) First Friday Pierwszy Piątek SATURDAY (September 7 th ) First Saturday Pierwsza Sobota Różaniec Fatimski po Mszy Św. o godz. 8:00 SUNDAY (September 8 th ) 9:45 AM Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego 11:30 AM Rosary with the Holy Rosary Sodality Program Nauki Religii Serdecznie witamy wszystkie dzieci po wakacjach i zapraszamy do udziału w lekcjach religii, które rozpoczną się, 15 września, Mszą Świętą o godzinie 10:00. Zapraszamy Was także, Drogie Dzieci, do udziału w Nabożeństwie PIERWSZEGO PIĄTKU. 6 września o godzinie 18:00 będzie możliwość spowiedzi a o godzinie 19:00 rozpocznie się Msza Święta. Postarajcie się znaleźć czas, aby przyjść i rozpocząć nowy rok katechetyczny oraz szkolny z Panem Jezusem w sercu, który umocni Was i będzie Wam błogosławił w codziennym życiu.

Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus! Myślę, że już wszyscy odpoczęliśmjy troszkę po ostatnim festynie i pełni mocy i energii zmierzamy się z naszą codziennością, jak i następnymi, przyjemnuymi wydarzeniami, które niedługo będa miały miejsce w naszym sanktuarium. Mam na myśli rejs po nabrzeżu Salem, gdzie będziemy się zachwycać, jak zwykle u nas, dobrym jedzeniem, muzyką, zachodem słońca i bezsprzecznie miłą atmosferą. Później 28 go września - myślę bardzo ważne sympozjum, prowadzone przez egzorcystę, który urzekł wszyskich swoją łatwością przekazu, jak i fachowością, znajomością tematu. Ks. Dennis McManus ma opowiadać o sposobach zawładnięcia człowieka przez szatana, jak i odpowiadać na nasze pytania, które wcześniej powinniśmy sobie przygotować. Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy przybyli na nasz festyn, byli zaangażowani w przygotowania, jak i prowadzenie festynu. Wielu ludzi na nowo przyszło do naszego sanktuarium, wielu było pierwszy raz, ale dowiedziawszy się od znajomych, jak i ogarnieci siłą reklamy, przybyli mam nadzieję, żeby powrócić. Fakty, w postaci zdjęć na naszym facebooku, mówią za siebie, wiele twarzy, co najważniejsze uśmiechniętych i zadowolonych. Mam nadzieję, że ten festyn, jak i następne wydarzenia, pomoga zarobić nam pieniądze na rozwój naszej świątyni, na zainstalowanie windy, która pomoże szczególnie ludziom starszym i chorym cieszyć się pięknem górnego kościoła. Proszę więc serdecznie o popieranie naszych wydarzeń, bo to właśnie dzięki nim nasza światynia może wzrastać, aby nas i innych prowadzuć na spotkanie z Bogiem. Ks. Robert Będziński Marriage Convalidation Ceremony with Bishop Mark O Connell Are you or someone close to you married but not with the blessing Church? Would you like to be married by a bishop? Bishop Mark O Connell has organized a group wedding, for those in the North Region Archdiocese of Boston, on Friday, October 4th at 6:00 pm at Saint Anthony of Padua Parish, 250 Revere Street, Revere. The ceremony will be designed for couples not married in the Church to validate their marriages before Bishop O Connell. During the wedding ceremony, each couple will say their vows separately before him and their two witnesses. To sign up, each couple should contact their parish and be endorsed by their parish as free to marry and adequately prepared. Please register ahead of time with the Office Regional Bishop, North Region at 978-531-1013 or northregion@rcab.org. There will be no cost to the couples. Dress as you are comfortable. Praised be Lord Jesus Christ! I think that we are all rested a little after the last Sunday s festival and full of power and energy. We are facing our everyday life, as well as the next pleasant events that will soon take place in our shrine. I mean a cruise on the Salem harbor, where we will enjoy, as usual, good food, music, sunset and an undeniably nice atmosphere. Later - on September 28th we will have, I think, a very important symposium, led by an exorcist who captivated everyone with his ease of communication as well as professionalism and knowledge subject. Fr. Dennis McManus is going to talk about the ways of Satan's capture of man, as well as answer our questions that we should prepare beforehand. Thank you to everyone who came to our festival, was involved in the preparation and helped in so many different ways. Many people have come to our shrine again. Many came the first time, but having learned from friends and from our advertising, they arrived - I hope to return. The facts, in the form of photos on our Facebook, speak for themselves, many faces, most importantly smiling and satisfied. I hope that this festival, as well as the next events, will help us to earn money to develop our shrine, to install an elevator that will help - especially the elderly and the sick to enjoy the beauty upper church. So, I am asking you to support our events, because it is thanks to them that our temple can grow, to lead us and others to meet God. Fr. Robert Będziński SZKO A JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO rozpocznie rok szkolny w sobotę, 14 września o godzinie 10:00. Uroczysta Msza Św. rozpoczynająca nowy rok szkolny odbedzie się 15 września o godzinie 10:00.

Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street Salem, MA 01970 Intencje żywego różańca na WRZESIEŃ Papieska intencja ewangelizacyjna: Aby politycy, naukowcy i ekonomiści wspólnie pracowali na rzecz ochrony mórz i oceanów na świecie. Intencje parafialne/ lokalne: (podawana co miesiąc przez Kapłana prowadzącego Zmiankę Różańcową). 1. O rozwój naszego sanktuarium i budynku szkolnego. 2. Za chorych i cierpiących z naszych rodzin. 3. O pokój na świecie i w naszych rodzinach. 4. O Boże błogosławieństwo i rozwój dla grup, działających w naszym sanktuarium. 5. O zaprzestanie procesu aborcji i za wszystkie dzieci nienarodzone. 6. O opiekę św. Stanisława nad młodzieża. 7. O Boże błogosławieństwo dla sympozjum organizowanego w sanktuarium. LIVING ROSARY APOSTOLATE The intentions of a Living Rosary for the month, of SEPTEMBER The Pope s intention of evangelization: The Protection Oceans. That politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world's seas and oceans. Parish/ Local intentions: (given every month by the priest leading the Living Rosary Group). 1. For the development of our shrine and school building. 2. For the sick and suffering in our families. 3. For peace in the world and in our families. 4. For God s blessing upon groups in our shrine. 5. To stop the abortion process for all unborn children. 6. For the protection of Saint Stanisław over the youth. 7. For God s blessings upon symposium organized in our shrine. HOLY MASS Sunday 10:00 AM () 12:00 PM () Monday Healing Mass 7:00 PM () Wednesday, Thursday 7:00 PM () Friday 12:10 PM () 7:00 PM () Saturday 8:00 AM () Holy Days, Holidays & Special Masses are announced STATIONS OF THE CROSS Monday Saturday - 3:00 PM (except Tuesdays) ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday Friday from (except Tuesdays) Saturday 3:00 4:00 PM ST. JUDE NOVENA Mondays Following the 7:00 PM Mass CONFESSIONS Monday Friday at 6:00 PM ( & ) (except Tuesdays) Also by appointment BAPTISM Contact the Shrine office for details MARRIAGES AT THE SHRINE By special permission. Please contact the Shrine office for Rector s initial assessment. Arrangements at least six months in advance BIBLE STUDY/ SPOTKANIA BIBLIJNE: 3rd Sunday Month after 12:00 PM Mass in 1st Friday Month after 7:00 PM Mass in RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (in ) Sundays after the 10:00 AM Mass SHRINE OFFICE HOURS Monday and Friday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM and by appointment.

TAKE A STAND FOR LIFE Join us from September 25 through November 3rd! You are warmly invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public sidewalk in front Cummings Center, Route 62, Beverly (Health Quarters abortion clinic is located on the premises), and also, to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you would like more information and especially if you would like to volunteer to help, please visit our website: 40daysforlife.com/Beverly or contact John Kwiatek: at 40days4lifebev@gmail.com or Fr. Paul McManus at padrepaul@comecast.net. Please help in saving precious lives!!!

Shrine of Divine Mercy - Salem, MA SUNDAY MONDAY TUE WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 22 nd SUNDAY Miłosierdzisa 11:30 AM Holy Rosary 8 23 rd SUNDAY Miłosierdzisa 11:30 AM Holy Rosary Grandparents Day 15 24 th SUNDAY Miłosierdzia 11:30 AM Holy Rosary Rozpoczecie Roku Szkolnego i Katechetycznego Catechetical Sunday Niedziela Katechetyczna 2 N.S. Labor Day 9 St. Peter Claver 16 St. Cornelius & Cypria N.S. 3 St. Gregor y the Great 4 10 11 17 St. Robert Bellar mine 18 Patriot Day 5 First Thursday NS 6:20 Prayers for Priests & Vocations 12 The Holy Name of Mary Imienia Maryi N.S. 6:20 Prayers for Priests & Vocations 19 St. Januarius NS 6:20 Prayers for Priests & Vocations 6 First Friday 12:10 PM Mass in Cross & Msza Św. w j.polskim i Po Mszy św. - Spotkanie Biblijne 13 St. John Chrysostom 12:10 PM Mass in Cross & Msza Św. w j.polskim 20 Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Ha-sang & Companions, martyrs 12:10 PM Mass in Cross & NS Msza Św. w j.polskim 7 First Saturday Pierwsza Sobota 8:00 AM Mass in Różaniec fatimski 3:00 4:00 PM 14 Exaltation Holy Cross Podwyższenie Krzyża Św. 8:00 AM Mass in 3:00 4:00 PM of the Cruise 6:00-9:00 PM 21 St. Matthew 8:00 AM Mass in 3:00 4:00 PM of the

22 25 th SUNDAY Miłosierdzisa 11:30 AM Holy Rosary Klasy Religii po Mszy Św. o godzinie 10:00 29 26 th SUNDAY Miłosierdzisa 11:30 AM Holy Rosary Klasy Religii po Mszy Św. o godzinie 10:00 23 St. Pius of Petrelcina (Padre Pio) N.S. Autumn begins 30 24 25 26 Saints Cosmas and Damian NS 6:20 Prayers for Priests & Vocations 27 St. Vincent de Paul 12:10 PM Mass in Cross & NS Msza Św. w j.polskim 28 St. Wenceslaus, St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions 8:00 AM Mass in 3:00 4:00 PM of the SYMPOSIUM starts 5:30 pm This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 15, 2019. The 2019 theme will be "Stay With Us." Those who the Community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER 2019 THE NEW ALTAR and IMPROVEMENTS IN OUR SHRINE Plans are underway for the new altar at our shrine. The Shrine has been blessed by the financial support from many donors. An amount of $60,000 has been raised to cover the cost altar. We also received a donation to cover the cost two images on either side altar. Currently the altar is being constructed in Poland and it will be sent here by ship. There s also an HVAC system in our plans to make the upper church more comfortable and also to fight with moisture in the upper church. We are also thinking about an elevator/lift to make our upper church available for everyone where the main altar with all the relics will be installed. We want it to be available for everyone so the next step is to make handicap bathrooms accessible. In the meantime, there is work to be done in preparation for the new altar. The masonry outside the church has been repaired as well as several small roof leaks. New gutters have been installed on the rectory. The inside walls behind the altar have been sealed and painted. The presbytery will have to be painted before the altar is installed. These repairs and renovations are costly and we need to raise funds for this purpose. You may also notice new insulated windows in the assembly room and the upper sacristy. These are a great improvement which will save on heating and cooling costs. There is also new fencing in front church. We are also in the process of looking to reopen our school building. This is a daunting task as the building needs major renovations. There are many men in the shrine community who have offered their time and skills to complete these projects. We would only have to pay for materials. In order to have heat and water in the school the pipes need to be repaired. The Archdiocese will cover this cost through insurance; however, we must have the asbestos covering the pipes removed. Asbestos removal is also necessary on the boiler and in the cafeteria. The second collections are presently held for this reason. I am grateful to those who, through spiritual and physical help, engage in the development of our church and school buildings. We wish to have the shrine attract many people who will find spiritual fulfillment and become disciples sharing the word of Christ to others. Thank you again for your kindness, prayers and financial support. May God bless you all.

All Creatures Veterinary Hospital Dr. Elizabeth Bradt and Associates 978-740-0290 www.creaturehealth.com 20 Commercial St., Salem. Medicine. House Calls. Surgery. Dentistry. Birds. Reptiles On the North River opposite the Dog Park SHOP LOCALLY. HELP KEEP THE LOCAL ECONOMY VIBRANT. Bonnie Rynkowski Voice Lessons SING for your HEALTH Relax, Breath, Improve Posture Free 30 minute voice Evaluation Lessons held in the convent 508-331-2733 brynk@comcast.net Rosaries from Flowers Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One www.rosariesfromflowers.com Jesus Wept. John 11:35 841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876 (978) 851-9103 Healthier Priests. Stronger Communities. The strength of our communities depends on the well-being of our priests who tirelessly serve others. SPECIAL SEPTEMBER COLLECTION Supports our priests in good standing 978-744-3927 Senior Discounts Available 20% Discount for Senior Citizens FAST CASH FOR YOUR HOME Any Size Big Or Small Any Condition We Buy Them All Downsizing House Needs Repairs Life Transition No Home Inspection Inherited Property Close In as Few as 5 Days Call NOW for a As Seen On FREE Evaluation of Your Home 781-819-5100 www.garmourgroup.com AD SPACE AVAILABLE 617-779-3771 Online Bulletin Delivery Mail Parish Bulletin To your inbox Sign Up at www.pilotbulletins.net/sign-up Receive your Parish Bulletin in your inbox every week. 617-779-3770 // www.pilotbulletins.net For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy, Salem, MA 1144