St. Ladislaus Parish

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1 St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel Fax: Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Pastor: Rev. Marek Janowski, S.J. Associate Pastor: Rev. Damian Mazurkiewicz, S.J. Support Staff: Business Manager : Miss Monika Wawrzyniak Bulletin Editor/Secretary: Ms. Marsha Geurtsen Youth Minister: Mrs. Laurie Becker Religious Education: Mrs. Olga Kalata, Telephone Bulletin Submissions: Due Friday, by noon, two weeks prior to publication. Please call parish office for holiday schedule.

2 Orszak Trzech Króli / The Three Kings Parade PODZIĘKOWANIA Składam najserdeczniejsze podziękowania wszystkim, którzy wzięli udział w czwartym Polonijnym Orszaku Trzech Króli. Pomimo mroźnej pogody, około tysiąca osób wzięło udział w tym wydarzeniu. Szczególne podziękowania składam działającemu przy naszej parafii Klubowi Polskiemu z panią prezes Czesławą Giedrojć na czele. Dziękuję za smacznie i obficie przygotowany poczęstunek, za miłą atmosferę i prawdziwie polską gościnność. Dziękuję naszym sponsorom: Montrose Deli, Laramie Bakery, Tony s, Chicago Roman Band, Lowell Foods. Dziękuję radiu Deon za patronat medialny, Mirkowi Niewińskiemu oraz zespołowi muzycznemu z Lombard z Jackiem Krępulcem na czele za śpiew i piękną oprawę muzyczną. Bogu niech będą dzięki za wszystkich, którzy w jakikolwiek sposób pomogli w organizacji i sprawnym przebiegu orszaku! Do następnego roku i kolejnego orszaku! A SPECIAL THANKS I offer heartfelt thanks to all who participated in the fourth annual Parade of Three Kings Parade. Despite the cold weather, about a thousand people took part in the event. A special thanks to our parish Polish Club and their President Czesława Giedrojć. Thank you for the delicious and abundant refreshments prepared, for a pleasant atmosphere and a truly Polish hospitality. Thank you to our sponsors: Montrose Deli, Laramie Bakery, Tony's, Chicago Roman Band and Lowell Foods. Thanks to radio "Deon" for patronage, Mirek Niewiński and the musical team of Lombard with Jack Krępulec leading the singing and beautiful musical setting. Thanks be to God for all who helped in any way in the organization and smooth running of the procession! Fr. Marek o. Marek

3 MONDAY - JAN WEEKDAY. 8:15 MOST FORGOTTEN SOUL IN PURGATORY - A. MRAVEC 7:00PM W INTENCJI PARAFIAN TUESDAY - JAN ST. ANTHONY, ABBOT. 8:15 SAFETY & PROTECTION OF ALL UNBORN BABIES - A.MRAVEC 7:00PM W INTENCJI PARAFIAN WEDNESDAY - JAN WEEKDAY. 8:15 BLESSINGS FOR BENEFACTORS OF ST. LADISLAUS PARISH 7:00PM O BŁOGOSŁAWIEŃSTWO DLA DOBROCZYŃCÓW NASZEJ PARAFII THURSDAY - JAN WEEKDAY. POLISH CLUB MEETING/ZEBRANIE KLUBU POLSKIEGO : Every Second Monday of the Month- -New Members Are Welcome Każdy Drugi Poniedziałek Miesiąca -zapraszamy Nowych Członków ADORATION/ADORACJA: Every Tuesday after 8:15 mass. Benediction: 7pm Wtorek po Mszy o 8:15.Błogosławienstwo :7pm. SECOND COLLECTION/ DRUGA SKŁADKA January 16- Martin Luter King Jr. Day - office closed January 29 - Latin America/Kościół w Ameryce Łacińskiej 8:15 SAFETY & PROTECTION OF ALL UNBORN BABIES- A.MRAVEC 7:00PM W INTENCJI PARAFIAN FRIDAY - JAN WEEKDAY.ST. FABIAN, POPE & ST.SEBASTIAN 8:15 FOR THE PARISHIONERS 7:00PM W INTENCJI PARAFIAN SATURDAY- JAN ST.AGNES. 8:15AM SAFETY & PROTECTION OF ALL UNBORN BABIES- A.MRAVEC 5:00PM STELLA KOCHANSKI - SON SUNDAY - JAN. 22-3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. 7:30 W INTENCJI PARAFIAN 9:00 IN MEMORY OF MITCHELL J.& FLORENCE T.ZIELINSKI HELEN KOZIKOWSKI - 7 YEARS - NEPHEW TOM 10:30 ANNA MARIA I JAN SWIDEREK-CORKA DANUTA Z RODZINA TED POMYKALA -SIOSTRA ALFRED BRONKOWSKI-10 ROCZ.SMIERCI-B.BRONKOWSKA 12:00 CECILIA VALENT - FAMILY 1:30PM O POWROT DO ZDROWIA I OPIEKE M.B. NIEUSTAJACEJ POMOCY DLA STEFANII KAPLON 7:00PM W INTENCJI PARAFIAN This week the Votive Candles in front of Our Lady of Częstochowa burn for HEALTH & GOD`S BLESSINGS FOR PAMELA WEEKLY FINANCES - January 8, 2017 Budget/ Weekly Goal... $ 5, /08/17 Collection. $ 5,218. (Deficit) Income..$ (128) ************************************************* Saturday Mass 5PM.....$ 418 Mass: 7:30AM.. $ 997 9:00AM..$ :30AM..$ 1,140 12:00PM...$ 446 1:30PM... $ 1,143 7:00PM...$ 391 Thank you for your generosity! Please remember St. Ladislaus in your will. Proszę pamiętaj o Parafii Świętego Władysława w swoim testamencie.

4 INFORMACJE PARAFIALNE: Godziny pracy biura parafialnego: Od poniedziałku do piątku: 9:00a.m.- 5:00p.m. Msze Święte: Od poniedziałku do piątku: 8:15 a.m.- angielska, 7:00 p,m.- polska Sobota: 8:15 a.m. dwujęzyczna (angielsko / polska) 5:00 p.m. angielska (msza z formularza niedzielnego) Niedziela: 7:30 a.m.polska, 9:00 a.m. angielska, 10:30 a.m. polska; 12:00 p.m. angielska, 1:30 p.m. polska, 7:00 p.m. polska Sakrament Pojednania: Niedziela: Przed każdą mszą świętą. Poniedziałek - piątek: przed mszą o 8:15 am i od 6:30 pm Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: od 6:00 p.m. Sobota: przed mszą o 8:15 a.m. i od 4:30-5:00 p.m. Chrzest: I niedziela miesiąca - po mszy o godz. 1:30 pm - w języku polskim. II niedziela miesiąca - po mszy o godz. 12:00 pm - w języku angielskim. Rodzice, dla których jest to pierwsze dziecko, powinni uczestniczyć w spotkaniu przygotowawczym. W celu umówienia się na spotkanie prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym: Sakrament Małżeństwa: Ustalenia muszą być dokonane co najmniej na cztery miesiące przed. Proszę umówić się na spotkanie z jednym z kapłanów, aby rozpocząć proces. Odwiedziny chorych: W każdym przypadku poważnej choroby lub wypadku należy wezwać księdza. Komunia Święta zostanie przyniesiona do chorych na żądanie. ADORACJA NAJŚWIĘTSZEGO SAKRAMENTU: wtorki od 8:45 a.m. do 7:00 p.m. KORONKA DO MIŁOSIERDZIA BOŻEGO: wtorki o 6:45 p.m. NABOŻEŃSTWO DO ŚW. JÓZEFA: środa (po mszy o 8:15 a.m) NOWENNA DO MATKI BOŻEJ NIEUSTAJĄCEJ POMOCY: środy o 6:45 p.m. NABOŻEŃSTWO DO JANA PAWŁA II: czwartki o 6:45 p.m. PARISH INFORMATION: Parish Office Hours : Monday to Friday : 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Masses : Monday - Friday: 8:15a.m. English; 7:00p.m. Polish Saturday : 8:15 a.m. Bi-lingual (Polish/English) 5:00p.m. (Vigil Mass) English, : 7:30a.m. Polish, 9:00a.m. English, 10:30a.m. Polish 12:00p.m. English, 1:30p.m. Polish, 7:00p.m. Polish Vigil Mass (Anticipated) on previous day as scheduled. Sacrament of Reconciliation: : Before each Mass Monday - Friday: Before 8:15a.m. Mass; and 6:30-7:00p.m.. On First Friday from 6 p.m. Saturday: Before 8:15 a.m. Mass and 4:30 p.m p.m. Baptism: First of the Month - Polish, after the 1:30 p.m. Mass Second of the Month - English, after the Noon Mass First time parents should arrange to attend a preparation session prior to the celebration of the sacrament. Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least four months in advance. Please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the process. Sick Calls: In all cases of serious illness or accident the priest should be called at once. Holy Communion will be brought to the sick upon request. ADORATION: Every Tuesday following the 8:15 a.m. Mass. Benediction at 6:45 p.m. followed by Polish Mass at 7p.m. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m. DEVOTION TO ST. JOSEPH: Wednesdays (after 8:15 Mass) OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA - Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. DEVOTION TO ST.JOHN PAUL II: Thursdays at 6:45 p.m. LITURGICAL SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 & 5 Saturday 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm 7:00pm Commentator Lector M. Kreczmer E. Czupryna J. Janocha A. Baros A. Rybołowicz J. Kubas Youth Mass T. Wilczek A. Wilczek M. Jabłońska D. Poniatowska Eucharistic Ministers N/A L. Michno A. Baros Z. Czarny A. Baros X. Chiriboga L. Lagos Altar Servers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WITAMY / WELCOME Jeżeli jeszcze nie jesteś zarejestrowany w parafii św. Władysława, lub jesteś zarejestrowany ale potrzebujesz wprowadzić jakieś zmiany, prosimy o wypełnienie poniższej formy i wrzucenie jej do koszyka lub wysłanie listownie do biura parafialnego. / If you are not registered at St. Ladislaus, or are registered and need to make changes, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. IMIĘ/NAME) MAŁŻONEK(SPOUSE) TEL./PHONE ) ADRES/(ADDRESS) MIASTO, KOD/( CITY, ZIP CODE) ( ) Nowy parafianin ( ) Nowy adres ( ) Nowy numer telefonu ( ) Przeprowadzka, proszę o skreślenie z listy ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Address( ) New Phone Number ( ) Moving, please remove from parish membership N/A N/A

5 Eucharistic Adoration takes place in our parish every Tuesday beginning after the 8:15 a.m. Mass. Benediction is at 6:45 p.m. followed by a 7:00 p.m. Mass in Polish. Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu w każdy wtorek po Mszy świętej porannej zakończona nabożeństwem do Miłosierdzia Bożego i błogosławieństwem Najświętszym Sakramentem o godz. 6:45pm Please pray for all our sick parishioners, family members, friends and loved ones. Wizyta duszpasterska / Kolęda Po Bożym Narodzeniu i po Nowym Roku rozpoczyna się czas wizyt duszpasterskich w naszych domach, czyli tak zwanej kolędy. Podstawowym celem kolędy jest modlitwa księdza wraz z parafianami w ich domach, poświęcenie domu oraz błogosławieństwo dla rodziny na cały rok. Ponadto jest to okazja do bliższego poznania się między kapłanami i parafianami, rozmowy na tematy rodzinne i duszpasterskie oraz przedstawienie programu duszpasterskiego na najbliższy rok.w celu umówienia wizyty księdza w domu prosimy o kontakt z księżmi pod numerem Podtrzymajmy naszą polską tradycję i już dziś zaprośmy księdza do domu! Helen Shulda Frank & Maria Wietrzak Emil Walat Kazimiera Wasyliw Please call the parish office if you would like to add a Parishioner`s name to the sick list. You must be a member of the immediate family. ************************************************ Proszę poinformować biuro parafialne jeśli pragniecie Państwo dołączyć imię chorego parafianina do listy chorych. Osoba zgłaszająca musi być członkiem najbliższej rodziny. W CZWARTEK WIECZOREM, GRUPA DZIECI WRAZ Z RODZICAMI WYBRAŁA SIĘ DO NAVY PIER BY OBEJRZEĆ WIDOK NA MIASTO Z FERRIS WHEEL, WZNOSZĄCE SIĘ PRAWIE 200 STÓP PONAD ZIEMIĘ. GRUPA BIBLIJNA Zapraszamy na spotkanie grupy biblijnej w poniedziałek, 23 stycznia o godzinie 7:45 pm w sali na plebanii. OFFICE CLOSED FOR OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY - MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH

6 TO TEACH WHO CHRIST IS CAMPAIGN UPDATE / AKTUALNOŚCI KAMPANII UCZYĆ KIM JEST CHRYSTUS Our goal at St. Ladislaus Parish is $390,000. We will receive 60% of the funds raised. We will also receive 100% of any funds raised if we exceed our goal. This means our parish will receive a minimum of $234,000 for our local needs when we reach our goal! Our share of the funds will be directed to improving :to install elevator and repair floor and pews in the church. Naszym celem w parafii Św. Władysława jest zebranie $390,000. Jako parafia otrzymamy 60% zebranej sumy. Otrzymamy również 100 % wszelkich funduszy zebranych ponad nasz cel. Oznacza to, że minimalna kwota, którą otrzyma nasza parafia na zaspokojenie lokalnych potrzeb, jeśli osiągniemy wyznaczony cel, wynosi $234,000! Fundusze, które pozostaną w parafii będą przeznaczone na: instalacje windy i remont podłogi i ławek. We have raised in pledges more than $332,273 thanks to the early commitments from 121 of families. Dzięki wcześnie złożonym zobowiązaniom 121 rodzin zebraliśmy dotąd kwotę $332,273. (Czupryna, Dawood, Bazan, Giza, Mikol, Sas, Kreczmer, Michno, Modrzejewski, Zimon, Kulik, Ziętek, Lenart, Tracz, Thompson, Szostak, Bierut, Sobkowicz, Michniowski, Skorupa, Garwacki, Zygula, Spink, Napora, Bieszke, Czajka, Kocon, Fedczuk, Kwec, Kowalski, Kosmowski, DiMarca, Jaje, Machnik-Slowik, Ryczek, Malek, Kulpa, Kenar,Fryc,Wojtach, York, Gargul, Lota, Bozecki, Wilczek, Cyrwus, Dimarca, Zinkiewicz, Gajek, Baran, Beda, Bojko, Chmiel, Chudoba, Dziekonska, Holuj, Kusiak, Lech, Łukasik, Moseby, Siemieniuk, Sikorski, Sobczyk, Tachała, Witek, Chmielowiec, Danner, Gola, Golik, Kopeć, Rodziewicz, Woinska, Stokłosa, Makarenkov, Pupik, Łukasik, Meyer, Zieliński, Jaskowiak, Dabrowski, Wilczek, Gorobeis, Meyer, Serafin, Chmiel, Czarny, Rosinski, Gajek, Wesley, Wrobel, Pilat, Banat, Konica, Gorny, Halon, Zajac, Gawor, Krempa, Wielgus, Wierzbicki, Bronkowska, Maziarz, Sadko, Schlueter, Lech, Kocon, Krawczyk, Dorniak, Niewinski, Chiriboga, Smigielski, Kucia, Puszko, Sobczyk, Zieba, Rozkuszka, Jablonowski, Kuzar-Sedlak and 3 anonymous Families). Thank you for your enthusiasm, generosity, and prayers! Dziękujemy za entuzjazm, hojność i modlitwę! PARISH GOAL/CEL PARAFII : $390,000 TOTAL PLEDGED/KWOTA DOTĄD ZADEKLAROWANA: $332,273 PERCENT OF GOAL/PROCENT KWOTY DOCELOWEJ: 85% NUMBER OF PLEDGES/ LICZBA ZOBOWIĄZAŃ 121 OPŁATEK PARAFIALNY Klub Polski serdecznie zaprasza na Opłatek w niedziele 22 stycznia o godzinie 2:30pm w Sali Parafialnej kościoła Świętego Władysława (3343 N. Long Ave).Oprawę muzyczną zapewnia Roman Band a jedzenie zapewnia restauracje Allegra Banquets. Donacja $35 od osoby a dzieci do lat 12- $15. Do dyspozycji tzw. Cash Bar czyli bar otwarty. W programie wiele atrakcji oraz loteria fantowa. Wszelki dochód będzie przeznaczony na projektor do naszego kościoła. Serdecznie zapraszamy! OPŁATEK PARAFIALNY (Christmas Dinner) The Polish Club of St. Ladislaus Parish invites you to their Opłatek on, January 22th at 2:30 p.m. in our church hall (3343 N. Long Ave). Music will be provided by the Roman band. Dinner will be provided by Allegra Banquets. We will also have an Cash Bar (wine and beer) for our guests. There will be many attractions and a raffle during the dinner. Cost: $35 per person; Children 12 and under, $15.Proceeds go to benefit the church ( for projector )All are invited. REZERWACJA BILETÓW; / FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TICKETS PLEASE CALL: PANI CZESŁAWA : PANI ELŻBIETA : PANI JANINA: ORAZ W BIURZE PARAFIALNYM / AND PARISH OFFICE

7 SPOTKANIE OPŁATKOWE PARAFIALNYCH GRUP ROŻAŃCOWYCH. W niedzielę 8 stycznia odbyło się spotkanie członków wszystkich rożańcowych grup parafialnych: Koła Żywego Różańca, Dziecięcego Koła Rożańcowego oraz Męskiej Wspólnoty św. Jana Pawła II. Wieczór spędziliśmy w bardzo serdecznej atmosferze zaczynajc od wspólnego różańca, potem składając sobie życzenia i łamiąc się opłatkiem, śpiewając kolędy i prowadząc miłe rozmowy. Doświadczyliśmy jak modlitwa różańcowa potrafi nas zjednoczyć we wspólnym świętowaniu. Dziękujemy wszystkim za udział i organizację wydarzenia!

8 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Ladislaus Church # W. Roscoe Street Chicago, IL TELEPHONE CONTACT PERSON Marsha Geurtsen SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 11.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Ricoh CL 2000 PCL 5c SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 15, 2017 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish January 29th, 2017 4th in ordinary time St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish WWW.STLADISLAUSCHURCH.ORG St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish The nativity of the lord St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago,

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Easter Sunday of the resurrection of the lord March 27, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 St.

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish 2nd Of Advent December 4, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago,

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish:

St. Ladislaus Parish: Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: Church address: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Parish/Office Hours:

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish May 7th, 2017-4th of Easter St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish 1st Of Advent November 27, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave,

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish WWW.STLADISLAUSCHURCH.ORG January 22nd 3rd in ordinary time St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave,

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St. Ladislaus Parish:

St. Ladislaus Parish: Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: Church address: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Parish/Office Hours:

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish ST. LADISLAUS PARISH: 5345 W. ROSCOE ST. CHICAGO, IL TEL. 773 725 2300 WWW.STLADISLAUSCHURCH.ORG OPŁATEK PARAFIALNY Klub Polski serdecznie zaprasza na Opłatek w niedziele 22 stycznia

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish fourth of Easter April 17, 2016 Jesus said: My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out

Bardziej szczegółowo

St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish 3rd Of Advent December 11, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave,

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Bardziej szczegółowo

Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish of divine mercy April 3, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago,

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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HOLY TRINITY POLISH MISSION 1118 N. Noble Street Chicago, IL tel fax

HOLY TRINITY POLISH MISSION 1118 N. Noble Street Chicago, IL tel fax 11 czerwca 2017 HOLY TRINITY POLISH MISSION 1118 N. Noble Street Chicago, IL 60642-4015 tel. 773. 489. 4140 fax 773. 489. 5918 June 11, 2017 Dear Parishioners and Friends of the Holy Trinity

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish May 14th, 2017-5th of Easter St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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Extraclass. Football Men. Season 2009/10 - Autumn round

Extraclass. Football Men. Season 2009/10 - Autumn round Extraclass Football Men Season 2009/10 - Autumn round Invitation Dear All, On the date of 29th July starts the new season of Polish Extraclass. There will be live coverage form all the matches on Canal+

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Żniwo wprawdzie wielkie, ale robotników mało; proście więc Pana żniwa, żeby wyprawił robotników na swoje żniwo. Idźcie, oto was posyłam jak owce między wilki. Łukasz 10:2 The harvest

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish ST. LADISLAUS ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2015- JUNE 30, 2016 SPRAWOZDANIE FINANSOWE PARAFII SW. WŁADYSŁAWA OD 1 LIPCA 2015-30 CZERWCA 2016 Ordinary Income/Expense Income St. Ladislaus Church

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Mass Intentions: Sunday Liturgy 4 th Sunday of Advent 4 Niedziela Adwentu. 214 December 13, rd Sunday of Advent

Mass Intentions: Sunday Liturgy 4 th Sunday of Advent 4 Niedziela Adwentu. 214 December 13, rd Sunday of Advent 214 December 13, 2015 3 rd Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions: Monday December 14 8:00 A.M. (P) Józefa Sroka; syn z rodziną Tuesday December 15 8:00 A.M. (E) - Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sylvester

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish NABOŻEŃSTWA MAJOWE: OD PONIEDZIAŁKU DO PIĄTKU PO MSZY ŚWIĘTEJ WIECZORNEJ I W NIEDZIELE O GODZINIE 6:30PM sixth of Easter May 1, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago,

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Parafia pw. Świętego Józefa Rzemieślnika w Swarzędzu

Parafia pw. Świętego Józefa Rzemieślnika w Swarzędzu INFORMATOR PARAFIALNY 2019 Porządek Mszy Świętych Niedziele i święta: 8.00, 10.00, 11.30,19.00 Dni powszednie: poniedziałek, środa: g.8.00 wtorek, czwartek, piątek, sobota: g.18.00 Porządek Mszy Świętych

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish April 23, 2017 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish God, our Father Bless these men, that they may find strength as fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them

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St. Ladislaus Parish


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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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CYTAT MIESIĄCA. " Nadzieja zawiera w sobie światło mocniejsze od ciemności, jakie panują w naszych sercach." Św. Jan Paweł II

CYTAT MIESIĄCA.  Nadzieja zawiera w sobie światło mocniejsze od ciemności, jakie panują w naszych sercach. Św. Jan Paweł II CYTAT MIESIĄCA " Nadzieja zawiera w sobie światło mocniejsze od ciemności, jakie panują w naszych sercach." Św. Jan Paweł II 6 Maj - Regularne Zajęcia MATURA USTNA DLA KLASY XI. 7 Maj- Regularne Zajęcia

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HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH TH ROAD MASPETH, N.Y www. Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00 PM Polish Wednesday: Saturday Morning: Saturday Eve: Sundays:

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HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday: 7:30 AM Polish Tuesday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 6:30 PM Polish Wednesday: 6:30 PM English

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Tenth in ordinary time JUNE 5, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave,

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish 4th Of Advent December 18, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave,

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish 17th in ordinary time July 24, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave,

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Palm of the passion of the lord March 20, 2016 St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343

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RECREATION ZONE Fall-Winter RECREATION ZONE Fall-Winter 2017-2018 Program Sports program Cultural program Day camp $10 /person 6 New! Semi Private Learn to Skate Lessons: Adults Interested in learning how

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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The Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2014

The Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2014 Rectory, Parish Office: 5345 W. Roscoe St., Chicago, Illinois 60641 Tel. 773 725 2300, Fax. 773 725 6042, Church: 3343 N. Long Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60641 School: 3330 N. Lockwood

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish September 1, 2019-22nd in Ordinary Time St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL 60641 Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Chciałem wyrazić moją ogromną wdzięczność za Wasza liczną obecność podczas uroczystych prymicji oraz poszczególnych Mszy Świętych, na których mogłem udzielić Wam papieskiego błogosławieństwa.

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HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00 PM Polish Wednesday: Saturday Morning: Saturday Eve: Sundays:

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Parish Rectory and Office Rev. Marek Janowski, S.J., Pastor Rev. Damian Mazurkiewicz, S.J., Associate Pastor

Parish Rectory and Office Rev. Marek Janowski, S.J., Pastor Rev. Damian Mazurkiewicz, S.J., Associate Pastor School: 3330 N. Lockwood Rectory, Parish Office: 5345 W. Roscoe St., Chicago, Illinois 60641 Tel. 773 725 2300, Fax. 773 725 6042, Church: 3343 N. Long Ave. Chicago, Illinois

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CALLED BY NAME. Bulletin Inserts (page 1 of 3 - POLISH) January 7-8, 2012

CALLED BY NAME. Bulletin Inserts (page 1 of 3 - POLISH) January 7-8, 2012 (page 1 of 3 - POLISH) (You may wish to use these images instead of the text found in the Bulletin Announcement on the previous pages. These images are available in electronic format on

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new to our

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH TH ROAD MASPETH, N.Y www. Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00 PM Polish Wednesday: Saturday Morning: Saturday Eve: Sundays:

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 Parish/Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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3. We wtorek wspomnienie św. Bazylego Wielkiego i Grzegorza z Nazjanzu Biskupów i Doktorów Kościoła.

3. We wtorek wspomnienie św. Bazylego Wielkiego i Grzegorza z Nazjanzu Biskupów i Doktorów Kościoła. Ogłoszenia Parafialne Święto Świętej Rodziny: Jezusa Maryi i Józefa B oraz Nowy Rok 2018 31 grudnia 2017 i 1 stycznia 2018 roku. 1. Dzisiaj przypada Święto Świętej Rodziny: Jezusa, Maryi i Józefa. Podczas

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Pastor`s Letter / List Księdza Proboszcza Drodzy parafianie i goście, Dear parishioners and guests, Bracia Machabejscy ponoszą śmierć męczeńską, nie dlatego, że nie chcieli jeść szynki,

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ARABIAN HORSE GALA 2017, JANÓW PODLASKI, POLAND ARABIAN HORSE GALA 2017, JANÓW PODLASKI, POLAND PROGRAM OF EVENTS AUGUST 11 th -14 th, 2017 AUGUST 11th, 2017 (Friday) Warsaw 9:00 am Bus departure from Warsaw Polonia Palace Hotel to 12:00 noon Bus departure

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Pastor`s Letter / List Księdza Proboszcza Kochani parafianie i goście, U końca roku liturgicznego, czytania wprowadzają nas w atmosferę końca świata. Pan Jezus przypomina nam, że wszystko

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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St. Ladislaus Parish

St. Ladislaus Parish St. Ladislaus Parish Thirteenth in ordinary time JUNE 26, 2016 Happy Anniversary Fr.Marek Fr.Damian Fr. Pawel St. Ladislaus Parish: 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax:773 725 6042

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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Saint Ladislaus Parish

Saint Ladislaus Parish Saint Ladislaus Parish WELCOME! At St. Ladislaus, Merciful Jesus is the center of our lives and in His mercy we find strength and peace. We meet Jesus, at the celebration of the Eucharist. If you are new

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