St. Ladislaus Parish

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Saint Ladislaus Parish



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St. Ladislaus Parish Parish Rectory and Office 5345 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL 60641 Tel. 773 725 2300 Fax. 773 725 6042 Church address: 3343 N. Long Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 XXVII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 4, 2015 XXVII NIEDZIELA ZWYKŁA 4 PAŹDZIERNIKA 2015 Pastor: Rev. Marek Janowski, S.J. Associate Pastor: Rev. Damian Mazurkiewicz, S.J. Support Staff: Office Manager : Sr. Michaeline Kwit, C.S.F.N. Bulletin Editor/Secretary : Ms. Marsha Geurtsen Website Manager: Mr. Marek Rutkowski Youth Minister: Mrs. Laurie Becker, Parish and Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Religious Education Coordinator of Religious Education : Olga Kalata, -Telephone 773-230-2731

Nearly 59.4 million of our brothers and sisters are suffering displacement and death from the internal conflicts of their countries. Please pray for peace as they seek safety and help, in the midst of the civil and economic strife in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Please pray and consider donating generously to help CRS strengthen their response to the migrant and refugee crisis in the Middle East. Please consider donating to Catholic Relief Services at:

Mass Intentions MONDAY - October 5 - Weekday ( Świętej Faustyny) 8:15 Most Forgotten Soul in Purgatory - A. Mravec 7:00PM +Anieli, Józefa i Sławomira Czabaty o wieczna światłość duszy - M. Nowak +Edward Pawelko - H. Valent TUE. - October 6 - Weekday 8:15 Safety & protection of all unborn babies-a. Mravec +Teofila Żółtowski - grandson Tom 7:00PM +Anieli, Józefa i Sławomira Czabaty o wieczna światłość duszy - M. Nowak WEDNESDAY - October 7 - Our Lady of the Rosary 8:15 Blessings for Benefactors of St. Ladislaus Parish 7:00PM O błogosławieństwo dla dobroczyńców naszej parafii +Anieli, Józefa i Sławomira Czabaty o wieczna światłość duszy - M. Nowak +Stanisław Suchocki - Ms. Stella THURSDAY - October 8 - Weekday 8:15 For the Parishioners 7:00PM +Rodzina Suchocki - Ms.Stella FRIDAY - October 9 - Weekday ( Bł. Wincentego Kadłubka) 8:15 Safety & protection of all unborn babies-a.mravec 7:00PM +Rodzina Lewkowicz - Ms.Stella SATURDAY - October 10 - Weekday 8:15 Safety & protection of all unborn babies-a.mravec +Rodzina Lipski - Ms.Stella 5:00PM For the Parishioners SUNDAY - October 11-28th in Ordinary Time 7:30 O powrót do zdrowia i opiekę M.B. Nieustającej pomocy dla Stefanii Kapłon +Ludwik Majewski-o wieczna światłość duszy - żona 9:00 +Pauline & John Kulach - daughter +Antoinette & Leo Warsmundzki - niece +In memory of Mitchel & Florence Zielinski - M.& D. 10:30 +Czesław Wierzbicki -o pokój Duszy i miłosierdzie Boże -H. & E. Mikowski +Stanisława i Jan Charchut - H. Brzostowski +Marianna i Marian Książek - T. Małek +Maria & Antoni Luber & + Romuald Odrowski - family - za byłych chórzystów śpiewających w św. Władysława - za wstawiennictwem M.B. Różańcowej prosząc o zdrowie i dary ducha Świętego dla członków Kolek Żywego Różańca i wspólnoty zakonnej oraz dla całej parafii a dla zmarłych wieczna radość 12:00 For the Parishioners 1:30 W intencji Parafian 7:00PM W intencji Parafian WEEKLY EVENTS: TODAY - Second collection: Renovation Fund Baby Bottle project starts today. DZISIAJ - druga składka na Fundusz remontowy naszej Parafii. Zaczynamy dzisiaj projekt Baby Bottle TUESDAY - Eucharistic doration /Adoracja WTOREK - Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu SUNDAY - October 11th - Second collection: CRS emergency appeal NIEDZIELA - 11Pazdziernik - druga składka CRS emergency appeal na pomoc dla chrzescijan w Syrii God Bless you! Thank you! Weekend collections -September 27 Taca niedzielna - 27 września $4003.01 THANK YOU! BÓG ZAPŁAĆ! Please remember St. Ladislaus Parish in your will. Proszę, pamiętaj o Parafii Św. Władysława w swoim testamencie. This week the Votive Candles in front of Our Lady of Czestochowa burn for +Stanisław Mucha, Julia Mucha, +Christine Kogol Our Sanctuary Lamps burn from October 4th through October 10th for +O zdrowie dla Pawła Wrony May this light which reminds us of Jesus True Presence in the Sanctuary welcome them into eternal peace. Niech to światło, które przypomina nam Prawdziwą obecność Jezusa w Świątyni Przyjmuje ich do wiecznego pokoju.

Twenty-seventh in Ordinary Time THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM The disciples were trying to be helpful. In the Temple of Jerusalem, only priests could enter the Holy of Holies, the men could enter the sanctuary, while women and children only got into the vestibule. So the disciples knew that children never approached the Rabbis. To show their respect for Jesus, they tried to turn the children away. But Jesus saw this as a chance to teach the disciples about the kingdom. As they tried to send the children back to their parents, Jesus changes the rules. He invites the kids to come to him and even makes an example of them: accept the kingdom of God like children or you won t get in at all. So what do we learn from this? Children don t make themselves look important. They haven t learned to brag about their accomplishments, or how to offer a bribe to get what they want. They simply accept what is given to them. In a culture where we are expected to make a good impression, where we compete to get scholarships and jobs, we may be more like the disciples than we think. A young man falling in love may be tempted to show what a great athlete he is, or how he plans to get a high paying job after graduation. Yet all he really needs to do is tell the girl that he loves her. We cannot make ourselves look important to God; we can t bribe Him with good works or change His mind with promises to avoid sin. We can be sorry for our sins, and tell Him we love Him, and ask for help with our weaknesses. Children also have great faith. Not the deep faith that comes with adult experience, but a faith that sees goodness in everyone. If we can keep that faith in God s goodness, while developing a deeper faith that is not discouraged by sin and evil, we are on the way to the Kingdom. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The old world of what we call canonical penance, or the extraordinary one-time public repentance of sinners, began to collapse with the conversion of Constantine in the early fourth century. It tottered for a hundred years or so and then virtually disappeared. It served an isolated and persecuted church well, but once people began seeking baptism for economic and political privilege, a real pastoral crisis exploded. There were more lukewarm Christians afoot, and some "barbarians" rampaging through the ruins accepted baptism just because their leaders did. As the old structures collapsed, people who still sought some sort of public conversion scampered off to the desert to live in monastic isolation. Penance disappeared from the parish scene, and the old bench where hungry penitents used to beg for prayers was empty. Some bishops faced the crisis by inventing alternate means of discipline, all more private than public. A person might be asked to refrain from receiving Communion for a time, or even to accept some sort of corporal punishment (the pedigree of the stocks and scarlet letters of colonial America). This had the effect of separating the sinner from the prayerful intercession of the gathered church, and made an already bad situation worse. Before long, the pastoral system of penance was in a shambles, and sadly irrelevant to ordinary Christians. WELCOME A warm welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether visitors, long-time parishioners, or newly arrived in the parish. If you are not registered at St. Ladislaus, or are registered and need to make changes, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. (If you are a new parishioner, you will be contacted for additional information.) NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Address ( ) New Phone Number ( ) Moving, please remove from parish membership

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The eyes of all look to you, Lord, and you give them their food in due season. Come visit Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Eucharistic Adoration takes place in our parish every Tuesday beginning after the 8:15 a.m. English Mass. Benediction is at 6:45 p.m. followed by a 7:00 p.m. Mass in Polish. OUR FAITH Please pray for all our sick parishioners, family members, friends and loved ones, especially: Bach, Elaine Kulesza, Anna Marconi, Kiona Orama, Ramina Behnke, Mildred Raptis, Mary Cobitz, Kay Wietrzak, Frank & Maria Pekala, Helen Kreczmer,Ron Cobitz, Kay Wnek, Elaine Doherty, Joan Wnek, Dorothy Dmuchowski, Bill Walat, Danuta & Emil Gorski, Grace Please call the parish office if you would like a name listed. (You must be a member of the immediate family.) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jon 1:1 -- 2:2, 11; Jon 2:3-5, 8; Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130:1b-4ab, 7-8; Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86:3-6, 9-10; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Ps 9:2-3, 6, 16, 8-9; Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Lk 11:27-28 : Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90:12-17; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 [17-27] Pro-Life Quotes: "Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother. Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers." ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta The Women s Center Bulletin Announcement for October, 2015 October is a month in which we honor our heavenly mother, Mary, in a special way, especially by saying the Rosary. October has also been designated Respect Life Month. Please honor Mary and also help The Women s Center by offering your rosaries for the mothers who come to us for help during their pregnancies. In our over 30 years we have enabled 39,000 mothers to give birth to their babies through our counseling, prayer, and material assistance. Our Christmas Wreath sale is on the weekends of 11/28 and 11/29 and 12/05 and 12/06. If a Parish or Respect Life Group would like to participate call Janet at 773-685-2531. We need strong men to help unload and deliver wreaths. Contact or phone 773-794-8807. Save the date: Saturday, February 13, 2016 is the date for our 31st Life Banquet. We are excited to announce our keynote speaker is Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director, now 100% pro-life. Looking for service hours, building your resume, meeting super nice people, or just wanting to make a difference for the pro-life cause? The Women s Center (pregnancy resource center) is looking for new volunteers to join us Mondays-Fridays at our Cicero Ave location. 1) We are looking for someone with a flexible open schedule to cross-train on the Front Desk and 3 rd Floor reception, greeting and directing visitors, answering calls, and doing office projects. 2) We are looking for generous folks to host a baby shower for us to provide NEW baby boy and girl outfits, sleepers, onesies (0-3 month and 3-6 month), and size NB diapers to our clients. 3) We are looking for a volunteer to cover our office phones Wednesdays 9am-12noon. 4) We are looking for reliable, warm-hearted, self-starter volunteers for call forwarding to answer after-hours calls and book appointments Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday 5pm till 9am the next day. 5) We are looking for a strong volunteer on Mondays to pre-sort and haul received donations upstairs. 6) We are looking for a regular volunteer to make layettes, bundles of used baby clothes, and hygiene bags. 7) Thinking ahead a few weeks, we will have an opportunity (for up to four at a time) to prepare baby bottles for our spare change campaigns. If you are interested in finding your place in our mission, please connect with Paige at 773.794.8807 or

Jesus reminds us that when God joins together man and woman in holy matrimony the two become one flesh. Husbands and wives do you work at this oneness and love one another as Jesus commanded? Gain the tools to truly love your spouse and receive all the joy that oneness can bring. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on October 16-18, 2015, December 11-13, 2015 or February 12-14, 2016, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through Monday, October 12th (Columbus Day) will be a historic day in the City of Chicago as we will welcome the body of St. Maria Goretti to St. John Cantius Church. The 11-year-old Maria Goretti died July 6, 1902, after being stabbed 14 times in an attempted rape. Her last words on her deathbed were of mercy towards her 20-year-old attacker: I forgive Alessandro Serenelli and I want him with me in heaven forever. The unrepentant Serenelli famously reported receiving an apparition of his victim within his prison cell, some 6 years into his 30-year sentence. That occasion began his dramatic transformation from a violent and ruthless brute to that of a gentle and renewed soul intent on spreading devotion to God and his saintly victim. In his words, Maria s forgiveness saved me. St. John Cantius Church in Chicago s River West neighborhood will be the first location in Illinois and the only location within the city to host the remains of this immensely popular saint. The glass-sided casket with her skeletal remains encased in wax will be on display for a full 24 hours from 6 a.m. on Monday to 6 a.m. on Tuesday. Parish Information: Parish Office Hours : Monday to Friday : 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Masses : Monday - Friday: 8:15a.m. English; 7:00p.m. Polish Saturday : 8:15 a.m. Bi-lingual (Polish/English) 5:00p.m. (Vigil Mass) English, : 7:30a.m. Polish, 9:00a.m. English, 10:30a.m. Polish 12:00p.m. English, 1:30p.m. Polish, 7:00p.m. Polish Holy Days: 8:15a.m. English, 10:00 a.m. Polish; 7:00p.m. Polish, Vigil Mass (Anticipated) on previous day as scheduled. Sacrament of Reconciliation: : Before each Mass Monday - Friday: Before 8:15a.m. Mass; and 6:30 p.m. before 7:00p.m.Mass. On First Friday 6 p.m. before 7 p.m. Mass Saturday: Before 8:15 a.m. Mass and 4:30 p.m. before 5:00p.m. Mass Baptism: First of the Month - Polish, after the 1:30 p.m. Mass Second of the Month - English, after the Noon Mass First time parents should arrange to attend a preparation session prior to the celebration of the sacrament. Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least four months in advance. Please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the process. Sick Calls: In all cases of serious illness or accident the priest should be called at once. Holy Communion will be brought to the sick upon request. Adoration: Every Tuesday following the 8:15 a.m. Mass. Benediction at 6:45 p.m. followed by Polish Mass at 7p.m. Every First Friday of the month from 6 to 7 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet - Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena - Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. Liturgical Schedule for Saturday and, October 10 and October 11 Saturday 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm 7:00pm Lector commentator Eucharistic Ministers M. Kreczmer K. Burnside D. Chruszcz C. Setlak A. Baros M. Kulik A. Kulik Youth Mass N/A L. Michno N/A Z. Czarny X. Chiriboga L. Lagos Polska Szkoła N/A E.Gandy R.Bazan Altar Servers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Wedding Banns III Anna Stachulak and Rafal Kubas III Halina Fejtlowicz and Atanasio Sombrano I Stanislawa Michalska & Marek Kalmuk I Daria Motylewska & Adam Harris Anegdoty Papieskie Jan Paweł II był pierwszym w historii papieżem, który zasiadł na trybunach stadionu jako piłkarski kibic. Było to 29 października 2000 roku, kiedy to ponad 60 tysięcy sportowców z całego świata spotkało się z papieżem na Stadionie Olimpijskim w Rzymie. Po tym, jak Jan Paweł II celebrował mszę świętą, podczas której wygłosił kazanie, na stadionie odbył się mecz piłkarski Włochyreszta świata, z udziałem największych gwiazd światowego futbolu. Jan Paweł II obejrzał cały mecz, mimo że początkowo miał opuścić stadion po pierwszych 45-ciu minutach gry. Znając sympatię papieża do piłki nożnej, piłkarski klub FC Barcelona co roku przesyłał mu karnet wstępu na mecze.

Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu Adoracja odbywa się w każdy wtorek początek po mszy angielskiej o godz. 8:15 am., aż do błogosławieństwa o godz. 6:45 pm., po którym następuje Msza w języku polskim o godz. 7:00 pm Adoracja odbywa sie w kazdy pierwszy piatek miesiaca w godzinach od 6-7 pm. Bóg jest pierwszym źródłem radości i nadziei czlowieka. Czwartki są w naszej Parafii dniem poświęconym Świętemu Janowi Pawłowi II i Jego nauczaniu. Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy do pogłębiania i umacniania swojej wiary. Z 'Dzienniczka' św. Siostry Faustyny Cytat z "Dzienniczka" nr 464 W jednej medytacji o pokorze przyszła mi ta dawna wątpliwość, że tak nędzna dusza, jak moja, właśnie nie spełni tego zadania, którego żąda Pan. W tej samej chwili, kiedy rozbieram tę wątpliwość, kapłan, który daje rekolekcje, przerywa wątek tej nauki i mówi właśnie to, w czym mam wątpliwość, mianowicie, że Bóg wybiera przeważnie najsłabsze i najprostsze dusze za narzędzia do przeprowadzenia swoich największych dzieł i to jest prawdą niezaprzeczalną, bo spójrzmy, kogo wybrał na Apostołów, albo spójrzmy w historię Kościoła, jak wielkich dzieł dokonały dusze, które były najmniej zdolne do tego, bo właśnie w tym się okazują dzieła Boże, że są Bożymi. Kiedy mi zupełnie ustąpiła wątpliwość, kapłan wrócił do dalszego tematu o pokorze. Zapraszamy wszystkich na wtorkowe wieczory miłosierdzia w naszym kościele. WITAMY Serdecznie witamy wszystkich, którzy uczęszczają do naszego kościoła, zarówno gości jak i długoletnich parafian, oraz nowoprzybyłych do naszej parafii. Jeżeli jeszcze nie jesteś zarejestrowany w parafii św. Władysława, lub jesteś zarejestrowany ale potrzebujesz wprowadzić jakieś zmiany, prosimy o wypełnienie poniższej formy i wrzucenie jej do koszyka lub wsyłanie listownie do biura parafialnego. (Jeżeli jesteś nowym parafianinem skontaktujemy się z tobą w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji.) IMIĘ: TEL: ADRES: MIASTO/KOD ( ) Nowy parafianin ( ) Nowy adres ( ) Nowy numer telefonu ( ) Przeprowadzka, proszę o skreślenie z listy

INFORMACJE PARAFIALNE INFORMACJE PARAFIALNE: Godziny pracy biura parafialnego: Od poniedziałku do piątku: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Msze Święte: Od poniedziałku do piątku: 8:15 am - angielska, 7:00 pm - polska Sobota: 8:15 am. dwujęzyczna (angielsko / polska), 5:00 pm angielska, Niedziela: 7:30 am polska, 9:00 am angielska, 10:30 am polska; 12:00 pm angielska, 1:30 pm polska, 7:00 pm polska Dni świąteczne: 8:15 am angielska; 10:00 am polska; 7:00 pm polska Msza z dnia poprzedniego: 5:00 pm angielska Sakrament Pojednania: Niedziela: Przed każdą mszą świętą. Poniedziałek - piątek: przed mszą o 8:15 am i o 6:30 pm oraz przed mszą o 7:00 pm. Pierwszy piątek miesiąca godz. 6:00 pm przed mszą o godz. 7:00 pm. Sobota: przed mszą o 8:15 am, 4:30 pm i 5:00 pm Chrzest: I niedziela miesiąca - po mszy o godz. 1:30 pm - w języku polskim. II niedziela miesiąca - po mszy o godz. 12:00 pm - w języku angielskim. Rodzice, dla których jest to pierwsze dziecko, powinni uczestniczyć w spotkaniu przygotowawczym. W celu umówienia się na spotkanie prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym: 773-725-2300 Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego - we wtorki o 6:45 pm. Nowenna do Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy - w środy o godz.6:45 pm. Nabożeństwo do Jana Pawla II - w czwartki o godz. 6:45pm. Sakrament Małżeństwa: Ustalenia muszą być dokonane co najmniej na cztery miesiące przed. Proszę umówić się na spotkanie z jednym z kapłanów, aby rozpocząć proces. Odwiedziny chorych: W każdym przypadku poważnej choroby lub wypadku należy wezwać księdza. Komunia Święta zostanie przyniesiona do chorych na żądanie.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Ladislaus Church #000486 5345 W. Roscoe Street Chicago, IL 60641 TELEPHONE 773 725-2300 CONTACT PERSON Marsha Geurtsen SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 11.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Ricoh CL 2000 PCL 5c SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 4th, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS