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LIST OF MONETARY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE ACCESSION COUNTRIES FEBRUARY 2004 In 2004 all ECB publications will feature a motif taken from the 100 banknote. This paper can be downloaded from the ECB s website (

European Central Bank, 2004 Address Kaiserstrasse 29 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Postal address Postfach 16 03 19 60066 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Telephone +49 69 1344 0 Website Fax +49 69 1344 6000 Telex 411 144 ecb d All rights reserved. Reproduction for educational and non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged. As at end-december 2003. ISSN 1680-8088 (print) ISSN 1725-3330 (online)

Contents Section 1 Overview Foreword... vi Definition of terms...viii MFI sector analyses: Chart 1: The AC MFI sector by country and by category... ix Chart 2: Percentage share of the AC MFI sector by country...x Chart 3: Percentage share of the AC MFI sector by category...x Chart 4: Foreign branches by country of residence and head office location... xi Chart 5: Development of the AC MFI sector by country... xii Section 2 List of MFIs in the accession countries Bulgaria...1 Cyprus...2 Czech Republic...9 Estonia...11 Hungary...12 Latvia...16 Lithuania...18 Malta...20 Poland...21 Romania...31 Slovakia...32 Slovenia...33

Abbreviations Accession countries BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT MT PL RO SK SI Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia Others ECB EU MFIs NCBs n/a European Central Bank European Union Monetary Financial Institutions national central banks not applicable

Section 1 Overview

Foreword Background The List of Monetary Financial Institutions in the accession countries ( List of AC MFIs ) is published by the European Central Bank and is the fourth publication in the series. The initiative which led to the first publication, entitled Provisional list of Monetary Financial Institutions in the accession countries ( Provisional list ) 1 was agreed at the inaugural money and banking statistics seminar with the national central banks (NCBs) of 12 accession countries 2 held at the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt am Main on 15 and 16 December 1999. The legal framework for the collection of information on Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) in the euro area is set out in Regulation ECB/2001/13 of 22 November 2001, as amended, concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector, and in Guideline ECB/2003/2 of 6 February 2003, as last amended, concerning certain statistical reporting requirements of the ECB and the procedures for reporting by the NCBs of statistical information in the field of money and banking statistics. Although the ECB s main tasks relate to the euro area, the ECB also has responsibilities under the Treaty establishing the European Community towards Member States of the European Union (EU) which are not yet participating in the euro area. 3 In particular, in order to ensure that monetary statistics are accurate at the time Member States join the euro area, it is acknowledged that the preparatory work should begin well in advance. Within this context, therefore, the production of this series of the List of AC MFIs is seen as a particularly important step in the preparatory work necessary for accession countries to join the EU, and eventually the euro area. Aim The ECB is currently collecting information in the form of a list of MFIs in the euro area in order to facilitate the production of a comprehensive and consistent balance sheet for the money-creating sector in the euro area and to ensure that the information on the statistical reporting population is as complete, accurate and homogeneous as possible. The aim of the List of AC MFIs is to produce a comprehensive list of institutions for statistical purposes. In order to achieve a high degree of consistency and comparability of information, all contributing accession countries adhere to the harmonised definition of MFIs 4 as far as this is possible within their statistical frameworks. This publication relates to the MFI sector of the accession countries as at end-december 2003. 1 2 Published on 19 October 2001 with reference date as at end December 2000. Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. 3 4 Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. See "Definition of terms" below. vi

Structure The List of AC MFIs provides a listing of all the MFIs resident in each accession country. This publication is available only in English, with translations being left to the discretion of the NCBs of the accession countries. The list is arranged first by country (using the alphabetical order of the country names in their national languages), then by category 5 and, finally, by alphabetical order of the registered name of each institution resident in that country. February 2004 For each listed institution, eight qualitative variables are specified which aim to identify and classify each individual MFI. Status of the publication The List of AC MFIs is available to the general public from the NCBs of the accession countries. Copies may also be requested from the NCBs of the EU Member States or from the ECB at the following address: European Central Bank Press Division Kaiserstrasse 29, D-60311, Frankfurt am Main Fax: +49 69 1344 7404 The List of AC MFIs is also available under the item Publications in the Monetary Financial Institutions part of the MFIs and Eligible assets section on the ECB s website ( 5 The categories are: central bank, credit institutions, money market funds and other MFIs. vii

Definition of terms The terms used in this publication for the categories and attributes of MFIs are defined below: Term Definition EU Euro area Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Central banks Credit institutions Money market funds Other institutions Foreign branch MFI ID NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CITY European Union The 12 countries of the European Union participating in Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union, namely Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland. It should be noted that Greece joined the euro area on 1 January 2001. These comprise resident credit institutions as defined in Community law, and other resident financial institutions whose business is to receive deposits and/or close substitutes for deposits from entities other than MFIs and, for their own account (at least in economic terms), to grant credit and/or make investments in securities. (In the accession countries, Community law has not been fully implemented in national legislation). The 12 national central banks of the accession countries. Any institution falling under the definition contained in the Banking Co-ordination Directive 2000/12/EC of 20 March 2000, as amended by Directive 2000/28/EC of 18 September 2000 (including the exempt credit institutions), whereby credit institution shall mean (a) an undertaking whose business is to receive deposits or other repayable funds from the public and to grant credits for its own account; or (b) an electronic money institution within the meaning of Directive 2000/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions. (For accession countries, national legislation may differ from the EU Banking Co-ordination Directives.) Collective investment undertakings, the issued units of which are close substitutes, in terms of liquidity, for deposits and which primarily invest in money market instruments and/or in MMF shares/units and/or in other transferable debt instruments with a residual maturity of up to and including one year, and/or in bank deposits, and/or which pursue a rate of return that approaches the interest rates on money market instruments. (For accession countries, it should be noted that the applicable national legislation may differ from the provisions of ECB Regulation ECB/2001/13, as amended). Other resident financial institutions which fulfil the definition of an MFI, irrespective of the nature of their business. This refers to an institution falling under the definition contained in the Banking Co-ordination Directive 2000/12/EC of 20 March 2000, i.e. a place of business which forms a legally dependent part of a credit institution and which carries out directly all or some of the transactions inherent in the business of credit institutions; any number of places of business set up in the same Member State by a credit institution with headquarters in another Member State shall be regarded as a single branch. (For accession countries, national legislation may differ from the EU Banking Co-ordination Directives.) The ID code is a unique identifier for each MFI. The full registration name of the MFI. The name of the street and the number of the building. The postcode. The town or city of location. This consists of two parts: The country in which the head office is located, given as a two-digit ISO code (for foreign branches only). The full registered name of the head office (for foreign branches only). viii

MFI sector analyses As at the end of December 2003 Table 1 The AC MFI sector by country and by category All MFIs Central Bank Category Credit Institutions Money Market Funds Other Institutions Number % of all % of all % of all Number Number MFIs * MFIs * MFIs * Bulgaria 36 1 35 97.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Cyprus 409 1 408 99.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Czech Republic 86 1 77 89.5% 8 9.3% 0 0.0% Estonia 24 1 7 29.2% 5 20.8% 11 45.8% Hungary 238 1 222 93.3% 15 6.3% 0 0.0% Latvia 52 1 23 44.2% 0 0.0% 28 53.8% Lithuania 73 1 71 97.3% 1 1.4% 0 0.0% Malta 21 1 16 76.2% 4 19.0% 0 0.0% Poland 661 1 660 99.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Romania 40 1 39 97.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Slovakia 30 1 22 73.3% 7 23.3% 0 0.0% Slovenia 34 1 33 97.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Total 1704 12 1613 94.7% 40 2.3% 39 2.3% * Refers to % of all MFIs in the national MFI sector. ix

Chart 2 Percentage share of the AC MFI sector by country RO 2% SK 2% SI 2% BG 2% CY 24% PL 40% CZ 5% EE 1% MT 1% LT 4% LV 3% HU 14% Chart 3 Percentage share of the AC MFI sector by category Money Market Fund 2% Other Institution 2% Central Bank 1% Credit Institution 95% x

Chart 4 Foreign branches in the accession countries by country of residence and head office location Total Accession Countries Head office location BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT MT PL RO SK SI Euro area EU15 Noneuro area BG 6 4 0 2 CY 25 1 3 2 19 CZ 9 1 7 1 0 ROW Country of residence EE 1 1 0 0 HU 0 0 0 0 LV 8 1 3 1 3 LT 3 1 2 0 0 MT 2 0 0 2 PL 1 1 0 0 RO 8 7 0 1 SK 3 1 2 0 0 SI 1 1 0 0 Total 67 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 31 4 27 Note: Non-euro area Member States are: Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom ; ROW: rest of the world. Bulgaria has 6 resident foreign branches, of which 4 are incorporated in the euro area Member States and 2 are incorporated in the rest of the world. Bulgaria has no foreign branches incorporated in other accession countries or in the non-euro area Member States. xi

Chart 5 Development of the AC MFI sector by country 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT MT PL RO SK SI Dec-00 47 406 129 18 241 40 52 26 759 42 24 93 Dec-01 36 407 107 25 234 46 55 22 715 43 24 70 Dec-02 35 409 98 25 244 50 69 20 667 41 23 51 Dec-03 36 409 86 24 238 52 73 21 661 40 30 34 xii

Section 2 List of Monetary Financial Institutions in the accession countries

ECB LIST OF MONETARY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE ACCESSION COUNTRIES End-December 2003 MFI ID BULGARIA Central Banks BG0661 Bulgarian National Bank 1, Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Sq. 1000 Sofia Total number of Central Banks : 1 Credit Institutions BG0898 BG0440 BG0160 BG0250 BG0561 BG0888 BG0170 BG0470 BG0199 BG0190 BG0230 BG0260 BG0310 BG0660 BG0621 BG0920 BG0790 BG0480 BG0220 BG0240 BG0300 BG0620 BG0150 BG0800 BG0145 BG0890 BG0120 BG0130 BG0155 BG0320 BG0400 BG0350 BG0545 BG0195 BG0200 Alpha Bank S.A., Sofia Branch 11, Narodno Sabranie Sq. 1000 Sofia GR BNP Paribas, Bulgaria 2, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. 1000 Sofia Bulgarian-American Credit Bank 16, Krakra Str. 1504 Sofia Citibank N.A., Sofia Branch 2, Knyaginya Maria-Luiza Blvd. 1000 Sofia US Commercial Bank Allianz, Bulgaria 79, Knyaginya Maria-Luiza Blvd. 1202 Sofia Economic and Investment Bank 2, Slavyanska Str. 1000 Sofia Eurobank 43, Cherni Vrah Str. 1407 Sofia First East International Bank 81-83, Todor Alexandrov Blvd. 1303 Sofia National Bank of Greece S. A., Sofia Branch 96, Rakovsky Str. 1000 Sofia GR Piraeus Bank S. A., Sofia Branch 3, Vitosha Blvd. 1000 Sofia GR Procredit Bank 131, Christo Botev Blvd. 1233 Sofia Tokuda Bank 13a, R. Daskalov Str. 4000 Plovdiv West-East Bank 36, Dragan Tsankov bvd, World Trade 1057 Sofia Centre Interpred, block B, N 105 "Biochim" Commercial Bank 1, Ivan Vazov Str. 1000 Sofia Bulbank 7, Sveta Nedelya Sq. 1000 Sofia Bulgarian Post Bank 1, Bulgaria Sq. 1463 Sofia Central Cooperative Bank 103, Rakovsky Str. 1000 Sofia Commercial Bank of Greece (Bulgaria) 4, Laiosh Koshut Str. 1606 Sofia Corporate Commercial Bank 10, Graf Ignatiev Str. 1000 Sofia Demirbank, Bulgaria 8, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. 1000 Sofia DSK Bank 19, Moskovska Str. 1000 Sofia Encouragement Bank 1, Dyakon Ignatii Str. 1000 Sofia First Investment Bank 10, Stefan Karadzha Str. 1000 Sofia "Hebros" Commercial Bank 37, Tsar Boris III Obedinitel Blvd. 4018 Plovdiv ING Bank N.V., Sofia Branch 12, Emil Bersinski Str. 1408 Sofia NL International Bank for Trade and Development 2, Ivan Vazov Str. 1000 Sofia Investbank 155, Rakovsky Str. 1000 Sofia Municipal Bank 6, Vrabcha Str. 1000 Sofia Raiffeisenbank, Bulgaria 18-20, Gogol Str. 1504 Sofia Roseximbank 4-6, Dondukov Blvd. 1000 Sofia SG Expressbank 92, Vladislav Varnenchik Blvd. 9000 Varna T. C. Ziraat Bank, Sofia Branch 19, Sveta Nedelya Sq. 1000 Sofia TR Texim Private Enterpreneural Bank 107, Knyaginya Maria-Luiza Blvd. 1202 Sofia Unionbank 10-12, Damyan Gruev Str. 1606 Sofia United Bulgarian Bank 5, Sveta Sofia Str. 1000 Sofia Total number of Credit Institutions : 35 TOTAL number of Monetary Financial Institutions in Bulgaria : 36 Alpha Bank, S.A. Citibank N.A. National Bank of Greece, S.A. Piraeus Bank, S.A. ING Bank N.V. T. C. Ziraat Bank BULGARIA page 1 of 33 pages

CYPRUS Central Banks CY000001 Central Bank of Cyprus 80, Tzon Kennenty Avenue 1076 Nicosia Total number of Central Banks : 1 Credit Institutions CY130001 CY110001 CY130002 CY120001 CY130003 CY130006 CY130032 CY110002 CY130007 CY130009 CY130010 CY130011 CY130033 CY130012 CY151414 CY110003 CY153010 CY155039 CY156050 CY151030 CY153009 CY151004 CY151018 CY154028 CY151073 CY155055 CY155015 CY156057 CY155077 CY151044 CY155005 CY155011 CY151016 CY155038 CY155069 CY155078 CY154029 CY155037 CY155012 CY155095 CY154006 CY151043 CY155016 CY151053 CY155007 CY151002 CY153001 CY155029 CY155041 CY154033 CY151031 CY154011 CY151047 Allied Bank SAL 276, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 3105 Limassol LB Alpha Bank Limited 1, Prodromou Street 1095 Nicosia Arab Bank plc 1, Santaroza Avenue 1075 Nicosia JO Arab Bank plc 1, Santaroza Avenue 1075 Nicosia JO Arab Jordan Investment Bank SA 23, Olympion Street 3035 Limassol JO Bank of Beirut and the Arab Countries SAL 135, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 3021 Limassol LB Bank of Beirut SAL 6, Griva Digeni Street 3106 Limassol LB Bank of Cyprus Ltd 51, Stasinou Street, Strovolos 2002 Nicosia Banque Européenne pour le Moyen - Orient SAL 227, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 3105 Limassol LB Banque SBA 8C, Tzon Kennenty Street 3106 Limassol FR Barclays Bank plc 88, Digeni Akrita Avenue 1061 Nicosia GB BLOM Bank SAL 26, Vyronos Street 3105 Limassol LB BNP Paribas Cyprus Ltd 319, 28 Oktovriou Street 3105 Limassol Byblos Bank SAL 1, Archiepiskopou Kyprianou Street 3036 Limassol LB Co-operative Building Society of Civil Servants Ltd 34, Dimostheni Severi Street 1080 Nicosia Co-operative Central Bank Ltd 8, Grigori Afxentiou Street 1096 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Acheritou (Vrysoules) Kosti Elia, B2, Agios Georgios, Vrysoules 5522 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Agias Fylaxeos 296, Agias Fylaxeos Street, Agia Fyla 3117 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agias Marinas Agia Marina Chrysochous 8881 Pafos (Chrysochous) Co-operative Credit Society Agias Marinas Agia Marina Xyliatou 2772 Nicosia (Xyliatou) Co-operative Credit Society Agias Napas 54, Tefkrou Anthia Street, Agia Napa 5330 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Agias Varvaras 7, Papastavrou Papagathangelou Street, 2560 Nicosia Agia Varvara Co-operative Credit Society Agion Trimithias 18, Georgiou Griva Digeni Street, Agioi 2671 Nicosia Trimithias Co-operative Credit Society Agion Vavatsinias Agioi Vavatsinias 7711 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Amvrosiou 14, Parthenonos Street, Aglangia 2101 Nicosia Keryneias Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Amvrosiou Agios Amvrosios 4710 Limassol Lemesou Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Athanasiou 13, Anoikodomiseos Street, Agios Athanasios 4104 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Dimitrianou 60, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, 8549 Pafos Polemi Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Dimitriou Agios Dimitrios 4842 Limassol Lemesou Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Epifaniou 21, Kavazoglou & Misiaouli Street, Agios 2610 Nicosia Oreinis Epifanios Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Georgiou Agios Georgios 4740 Limassol Lemesou Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Ioanni (Agrou) Agios Ioannis (Agrou) 4871 Limassol Co-operative credit Society Agiou Ioanni (Nicosia) 2, Kyriakou Matsi Street, Agios Ioannis 2611 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Konstantinou Agios Konstantinos 4561 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Mamantos Agios Mamas 4741 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Pavlou Agios Pavlos 4562 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Theodorou (Larnakas) Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Theodorou Agrou (Lemesou) 29, Kyriakou Chatzikoumi Street, Agios 7730 Larnaka Theodoros Agios Theodoros Agrou 4870 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Therapontos Agios Therapontas 4711 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agiou Tychona - Amathountas Co-operative Credit Society Agkleisidon 9, Onisilou Street, ZOE Holiday Apartments, Agios Tychonas - Amathous 5, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, Agkleisides 4532 Limassol 7571 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Aglangias 2, Aglangias Avenue, Aglangia 2108 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Agridion Agridia 4872 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Agrokipias 2, Tasou Markou Street, Agrokipia 2617 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Agrou 67, Agros Avenue, Agros 4860 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Akakiou 43, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, Akaki 2720 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Akanthou 35, Stylianou Lena Street 6021 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Akrotiriou 1, Spartis Street, Akrotiri 4640 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Akrountas Akrounta 4522 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Alaminou 5, Lazarou Georgiou Street, Alaminos 7572 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Alampras 37, Grigori Afxentiou Street, Alampra 2563 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Alethrikou 12, Eirinis Avenue, Alethriko 7570 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Alonas Alona 2751 Nicosia Allied Bank SAL Arab Bank plc Arab Bank plc Arab Jordan Investment Bank SA Bank of Beirut and the Arab Countries SAL Bank of Beirut SAL Banque Européenne pour le Moyen - Orient SAL Banque SBA Barclays Bank plc BLOM Bank SAL Byblos Bank SAL CYPRUS page 2 of 33 pages

CY156030 CY154012 CY151042 CY156011 CY156061 CY155035 CY155051 CY155020 CY154016 CY155031 CY156048 CY151039 CY156032 CY156019 CY156034 CY155004 CY155017 CY151026 CY155082 CY151027 CY154001 CY153005 CY155019 CY156021 CY154022 CY156055 CY156051 CY151051 CY151019 CY151062 CY153006 CY155062 CY155013 CY155060 CY154032 CY156027 CY156053 CY156062 CY155057 CY156033 CY151065 CY155071 CY156010 CY155040 CY151032 CY155014 CY151050 CY151017 CY155023 CY155026 CY155081 CY153008 CY151034 CY156015 CY156049 CY151063 CY151021 CY155068 CY156013 CY156035 CY156037 CY151008 CY156056 CY151033 CY151054 CY154005 CY156004 Co-operative Credit Society Amargetis Amargeti 8642 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Anafotidas Anafotida 7573 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Anagyias 1, Dimocratias Street, Anagyia 2640 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Anarytas Anaryta 8502 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Anavargou 13, Aristoteli Kyriakou Street, Anavargos 8025 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Anogyras 8, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, 4603 Limassol Anogyra Co-operative Credit Society Apaisias Apaisia 4541 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Apsious Apsiou 4542 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Aradippou 11, Michalaki Karaoli Street, Aradippou 7104 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Arakapa Arakapas 4583 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Archimandritas Archimandrita 8603 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Arediou 47A, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, 2614 Nicosia Arediou Co-operative Credit Society Argakas Argaka 8873 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Arminou Arminou 8625 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Armou Armou 8522 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Arsous (Lemesou) Arsos 4770 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Asgatas 8, Georgiou Katsari Street, Asgata 4502 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Aska Askas 2752 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Asomatou Asomatos 4645 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Astromeriti 4, Griva Digeni Avenue, Astromeritis 2722 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Athienou 1, 9 Iouliou Street, Athienou 7600 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Aygorou 65, Karion Street, Aygorou 5510 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Chandrion Chandria 4875 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Chlorakas 2, Eleftherias Avenue, Chloraka 8220 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Choirokoitias Choirokoitia 7741 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Choletrion 22, Ellados Street, Choletria 8526 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Choulou Choulou 8552 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Daliou 2, Evangelistrias Street, Dali 2540 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Defteras 37, Archiepiskopou Makariou Street,Pano 2460 Nicosia Deftera Co-operative Credit Society Deneias Deneia 2675 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Deryneias 12, Filias Street, Deryneia 5380 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Dieronas Dierona 4564 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Doras Dora 4774 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Dorou Doros 4750 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Dromolaxias 2, Solonos Street, Dromolaxia 7020 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Drouseias 4, Synergatismou Street, Drouseia 8700 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Drymou Drymou 8742 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Drynias Drynia 8743 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Dymon Dymes 4873 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Empas 62, Nikolaou Ellina Street, Empa 8250 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Episkopeiou 17, Griva Digeni Street, Episkopeio 2642 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Episkopis (Lemesou) 2, Faneromenis Street, Episkopi 4620 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Episkopis (Pafou) Episkopi 8524 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Eptagoneias 2, Michail Karaoli Street, Eptagoneia 4506 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Ergaton 5, Grigori Afxentiou Street, Ergates 2643 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Erimis 14, Nikou Georgiou Street, Erimi 4630 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Evrychou 57, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, 2831 Nicosia Evrychou Co-operative Credit Society Farmaka 22, Agias Eirinis Street, Farmakas 2620 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Fasoulas Fasoula 4551 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Foinikarion Foinikaria 4530 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Foiniou 18, Archiepiskopou Makariou Street, Foini 4814 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Frenarou 4, Archangelou Michail Street, Frenaros 5350 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Fterikoudiou Fterikoudi 2758 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Fytis Fyti 8748 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Galatarias Galataria 8645 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Gerakion Gerakies 2861 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Geriou 3, Athalassis Street, Geri 2201 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Germasogeias 74, Agias Paraskevis Street, Germasogeia 4044 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Geroskipou 20, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, 8210 Pafos Geroskipou Co-operative Credit Society Giolou Giolou 8720 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Goudiou Goudi 8850 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Gourriou 34B, Grigori Afxentiou Avenue, Gourri 2615 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Ineias 28, Platia Petrou Argyrou Street, Ineia 8704 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kaimakliou 66, Agiou Ilarionos Street, Kaimakli 1026 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kakopetrias-Galatas 19, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, 2800 Nicosia Kakopetria Co-operative Credit Society Kalavasou 13, Souliou Street, Kalavasos 7733 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Kallepeias 14, Irakli & Evangelias Dimitriou Street, 8541 Pafos Kallepeia CYPRUS page 3 of 33 pages

CY154034 CY151040 CY151068 CY151060 CY151057 CY156069 CY151012 CY155053 CY156001 CY155045 CY151038 CY155064 CY156058 CY155046 CY151035 CY156014 CY155022 CY156017 CY156025 CY154026 CY151007 CY155003 CY156054 CY156020 CY151005 CY155024 CY156029 CY153007 CY151041 CY155072 CY154004 CY156026 CY156064 CY156045 CY155018 CY151028 CY151023 CY155066 CY156039 CY151055 CY151076 CY154017 CY151058 CY156067 CY156003 CY155001 CY151049 CY153004 CY155085 CY151009 CY156005 CY151006 CY153011 CY155075 CY151020 CY156041 CY155061 CY156043 CY154030 CY151067 CY154003 CY151014 CY156044 CY155021 CY156066 CY156068 CY155067 CY155033 CY155008 Co-operative Credit Society Kalou Choriou (Larnakas) Co-operative Credit Society Kalou Choriou (Oreinis) Kalo Chorio 7643 Larnaka 3, Agiou Georgiou Square, Kalo Chorio (Oreinis) 2616 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kampion Kampia 2644 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kampou - Tsakistras Kampos 2863 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kannavion & Agias Kannavia 2834 Nicosia Eirinis Co-operative Credit Society Kannavious Kannaviou 8746 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kapedon 14, Griva Digeni Street, Kapedes 2645 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kapileiou Kapileio 4544 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Kathika 34, Georgiou Kleanthous Avenue, Kathikas 8573 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kato Amiantou Kato Amiantos 4810 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Kato Monis Kato Moni 2776 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kato Mylou Kato Mylos 4874 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Kato Pafou 4, Minoos Street, Kato Pafos 8041 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kato Platron Kato Platres 4815 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Katydaton 29, Agias Paraskevis Street, Katydata (Solea) 2835 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kedaron Kedares 8626 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kellakiou Kellaki 4500 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Kelokedaron Kelokedara 8628 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kissonergas 78, Christou Keli Avenue, Kissonerga 8574 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kitiou 2, Synergasias Street, Kiti 7550 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Klirou 83, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, 2600 Nicosia Klirou Co-operative Credit Society Koilaniou Koilani 4776 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Koilineias Koilineia 8646 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Koilis 7, Panagias Chryseleousis Street, Koili 8543 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kokkinotrimithias 33, Griva Digeni Street, Kokkinotrimithia 2660 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Kolossiou 8, Panagias Tamana Street, Kolossi 4632 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Konnion 51, Georgiou Griva Digeni Street, Konnia 8300 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Konteas 68, Stratigou Timagia Avenue 6051 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Korakou 8, Apostolou Andrea Street, Korakou 2836 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Korfis Korfi 4545 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Kornou 9-11, Dimokratias Street, Kornos 7640 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Kouklion 16, Apostolou Louka Avenue, Kouklia 8500 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kritou Marottou Kritou Marottou 8747 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kritou Teras Kritou Tera 8724 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Kyperountas 20, 1 Apriliou Street, Kyperounta 4876 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Lagouderon Lagoudera 2753 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Lakatameias 2, Makariou III & Athinas Street, Lakatameia 2310 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Laneias Laneia 4744 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Lasas Lasa 8740 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Latsion 89, Lemesou Avenue, Latsia 2235 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Lefkonoikou 1D, Nikokreontos Street 1066 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Leivadion 2, Ezekia Papaioannou Street, Leivadia 7060 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Leivadion - Alithinou Leivadia 2754 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Lemonas Lemona 8545 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Letymvou Letymvou 8546 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Limnatiou Limnatis 4546 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Linous - Flasou 7, Arch. Makariou Street, Flasou 2843 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Liopetriou 1, Petraki Giallourou Street, Liopetri 5320 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Louvara Louvaras 4560 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Lympion 25, Grigori Afxentiou Street, Lympia 2566 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Lysou Lyso 8800 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Lythrodonta 2, Griva Digeni Avenue, Lythrodontas 2565 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Makrasykas 68, Griva Digeni Avenue 6046 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Malias Malia 4777 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Mammari 3, Andrea Zakou Street, Mammari 2679 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Mamonion Mamonia 8600 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Mandrion (Lemesou) Mandria 4778 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Marathountas Marathounta 8520 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Maroniou 5, Grigori Afxentiou Street, Maroni 7737 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Mathiati 3, Markou Drakou Street, Mathiatis 2568 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Mazotou 2, 28 Octovriou Street, Mazotos 7577 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Menikou 22A, Agiou Kyprianou Street, Meniko 2728 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Mesa Choriou Mesa Chorio 8290 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Mesa Geitonias Makedonias and Kallitheas Avenue, Mesa 4001 Limassol Geitonia Co-operative Credit Society Mesanon Mesana 8631 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Milious Miliou 8726 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Monagriou Monagri 4746 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Monagrouliou Monagrouli 4524 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Moniati 3, Archiepiskopou Makariou Street, Moniatis 4747 Limassol CYPRUS page 4 of 33 pages

CY155043 CY155094 CY154025 CY151052 CY151029 CY156024 CY156059 CY156036 CY151037 CY156063 CY154007 CY155084 CY154020 CY154024 CY154002 CY151015 CY155002 CY156076 CY151001 CY151013 CY155083 CY151048 CY155028 CY156052 CY156047 CY156031 CY155010 CY154009 CY155036 CY153003 CY155096 CY155056 CY155042 CY156022 CY155025 CY155073 CY156012 CY151010 CY151011 CY155065 CY151069 CY156040 CY154019 CY155030 CY151003 CY155074 CY156002 CY156009 CY151066 CY151025 CY156028 CY151064 CY151045 CY155047 CY155059 CY155054 CY155044 CY155079 CY154035 CY154010 CY151046 CY154014 CY154021 CY156077 CY155050 CY156023 CY151022 CY155006 CY156060 CY151070 Co-operative Credit Society Monis Moni 4525 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Morfou 120, Agkyras Street 3042 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Mosfilotis 8, Dimokratias Street, Mosfiloti 7647 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Moutoulla Moutoullas 2866 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Mylikouriou Mylikouri 2864 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Natas Nata 8525 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Neon Dimmaton Nea Dimmata 8880 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Neou Choriou (Pafou) Neo Chorio 8852 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Nikitariou 39, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, 2777 Nicosia Nikitari Co-operative Credit Society Nikokleias Nikokleia 8505 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Odous Odou 7718 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Omodous "O Timios Omodos 4760 Limassol Stavros" Co-operative Credit Society Oras Ora 7719 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Ormideias 5, Konstantinou Kavafi Street, Ormideia 7530 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Oroklinis 1, Anexartisias Street, Oroklini 7040 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Orountas 68, Eirinis Avenue, Orounta 2779 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Pachnas Pachna 4700 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Pachyammou Pachyammos 2961 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Palaichoriou Kentriki Plateia, Palaichori 2740 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Palaiometochou 14, Anexartisias Street, Palaiometocho 2682 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Palaiomylou Palaiomylos 4845 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Pallouriotissas 7, Kyriakou Kolokasi Street, Pallouriotissa 1622 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Palodeias Palodeia 4549 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Panagias 1, Anexartisias Avenue, Panagia 8640 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Pano and Kato Kato Akourdaleia 8722 Pafos Akourdaleias Co-operative Credit Society Pano Arodon Pano Arodes 8703 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Pano Kividon Pano Kivides 4715 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Pano Lefkaron 2, Ammochostou Street, Pano Lefkara 7700 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Pano Platron Pano Platres 4820 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Paralimniou 21, Protara Street, Paralimni 5288 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Paramaliou Paramali 4604 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Paramithas Paramitha 4540 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Parekklisias 5, Papagianni Street, Parekklesia 4520 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Pegeias Vrysi ton Pegeiotisson Square, Pegeia 8560 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Pelendriou 15, Archiepiskopou Makariou Street, Pelendri 4878 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Pentakomou Pentakomo 4528 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Pentalias Pentalia 8650 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Pera Choriou 16, Eirinis Avenue, Pera Chorio 2572 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Pera Oreinis 1, Kosta Stavrinou Sottou Street, Pera 2650 Nicosia Oreinis Co-operative Credit Society Pera Pediou Pera Pedi 4779 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Peristeronas (Nicosia) 7, Arch. Makariou III Street, Peristerona 2731 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Peristeronas (Pafou) 18, Eleftherias Street, Peristerona 8810 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Perivolion 44B, Ezekia Papaioannou Street, Perivolia 7560 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Pissouriou 16, Platias Street, Pissouri 4607 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Platanistasas 1B, Griva Digeni Street, Platanistasa 2755 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Polemidion 14, Dromos Ar. 1, Polemidia 4157 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Polemiou 60, Archiepiskopou Makariou Avenue, Polemi 8549 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Poleos Chrysochous 1, Kyproleontos Street, Poli Chrysochous 8820 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Politikou 1, Tamassou Avenue, Politiko 2651 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Polystypou 2, Arch. Makariou Street, Polystypos 2756 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Pomou Pomos 8870 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Potamias 4, Pyroiou Street, Potamia 2573 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Potamiou 57, Agiou Georgiou Street, Potami 2780 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Potamious Potamiou 4780 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Potamitissas Potamitissa 4879 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Prastiou (Avdimou) Prastio, Avdimou 4601 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Prastiou (Kellakiou) Prastio, Kellakiou 4505 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Prodromou Prodromos 4840 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Psematismenou Psematismenos 7743 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Psevda Psevdas 7649 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Psimolofou 2, Griva Digeni Street, Psimolofou 2630 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Pylas Pyla 7080 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Pyrgon Pyrga 7648 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Pyrgou (Tillirias) 1, Nikola Pilidi Street, Kato Pyrgos 2940 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Pyrgou-Lemesou 13, Andrea Nikolaou Street, Pyrgou 4529 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Salamiou Salamiou 8620 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Sias 7, Griva Digeni Street, Sia 2574 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Silikou Silikou 4742 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Simou Simou 8812 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Sina Orous Sina Oros 2839 Nicosia CYPRUS page 5 of 33 pages

CY154023 CY155076 CY153002 CY155090 CY151056 CY155080 CY156016 CY156007 CY151024 CY156008 CY151061 CY154018 CY156038 CY156065 CY154031 CY155052 CY156018 CY156042 CY155032 CY155048 CY154008 CY156006 CY155063 CY155058 CY154027 CY155009 CY151036 CY154015 CY154013 CY151077 CY155027 CY155034 CY154205 CY153201 CY151240 CY151211 CY155213 CY151219 CY151213 CY151217 CY151229 CY151223 CY151224 CY151228 CY151212 CY151233 CY151220 CY155207 CY151208 CY155209 CY151215 CY151231 CY151225 CY151206 Co-operative Credit Society Skarinou Skarinou 7731 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Sotiras (Lemesou) Sotira 4633 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Sotiras Ammochostou 3, Eleftherias Square, Sotira 5390 Famagusta Co-operative Credit Society Souniou-Zanakias Souni-Zanakia 4717 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Spilion Spilia 2841 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Spitalliou Spitalli 4550 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Statou - Agiou Fotiou 3, Stadiou Street, Statos-Agios Fotis 8651 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Stroumpiou 2, Dionysiou Street, Kato Stroumpi 8550 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Strovolou 80A, Archiepiskopou Kyprianou Street, 2059 Nicosia Strovolos Co-operative Credit Society Talas 12, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, Tala 8577 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Temvrias Temvria 2842 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Tersefanou 2, Archiepiskopou Makariou Street, 7562 Larnaka Tersefanou Co-operative Credit Society Theletras Theletra 8723 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Timis Timi 8507 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Tochnis Tochni 7740 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Trachoniou 47, Konstantinou and Evripidou 4651 Limassol Avenue,Trachoni Co-operative Credit Society Trachypedoulas Trachypedoula 8608 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Tremithousas Tremithousa 8270 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Trimiklinis 64, Panagias Eleousis Street, Trimiklini 4730 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Trion Elion Treis Elies 4846 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Troullon 2, Plateia Agiou Mama,Troulloi 7505 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Tsadas 2, Eleftherias Square, Tsada 8540 Pafos Co-operative Credit Society Vasas (Koilaniou) Vasa Koilaniou 4771 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Vasas-Sanida Vasa Kellakiou 4504 Limassol (Kellakiou) Co-operative Credit Society Vavatsinias Vavatsinia 7712 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Vouniou Vouni 4772 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Vyzakias 2A, Anexartisias Street, Vyzakia 2774 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Xylofagou 17, 1 Apriliou Street, Xylofagou 7520 Larnaka Co-operative Credit Society Xylotymvou 101, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street, 7510 Larnaka Xylotymvou Co-operative Credit Society Yialousas 1A, Ypatias, Strovolos 2014 Nicosia Co-operative Credit Society Ypsona - Lofou 73, Arch. Makariou III Street, Ypsonas 4180 Limassol Co-operative Credit Society Zakakiou 239, Fragklinou Rousvelt Street, Zakaki 3046 Limassol Co-operative Organisation "Women's Initiative" 30, Pavlou Valdaseridi Street 6018 Larnaka Cyprus Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Achnas Ltd Griva Digeni Avenue, Dasaki Achnas 5523 Famagusta Co-operative Savings Society Agias Marinas, 8, Agiou Marona Street 1010 Nicosia Kormakiti, Karpaseias, Asomatou (AMKKA) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Agiou Dometiou Ltd 10-12, Grigori Afxentiou Street, Agios 1311 Nicosia Dometios Co-operative Savings Society Customs Clearers Limassol Harbour 3302 Limassol (SY.T.EK.) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society CYBARCO 10, Tefkrou Anthia Street, Dali Industrial Area 1511 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society CyBC Employees CyBC, RIK Avenue, Aglangia 2120 Nicosia Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Airways 21, Alkaiou Street, Egkomi 2404 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Army 8, Efesou Street, Aglangia 2112 Nicosia Members Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Banks 8, Prevezis Street 1065 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Civil 2, Viantos Street 1080 Nicosia Aviation Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Civil 8E, Foti Pitta Street 1065 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Electricity 13, Atho Street 1087 Nicosia Authority Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Employees 14A, Simonidou Street 1045 Nicosia (STEK) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Grain 15, Kypranoros Street 1061 Nicosia Commission Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Hotels 41B, Thessalonikis Street 3303 Limassol Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Policemen 2, Lefkonos Street, Aglangia 2122 Nicosia Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Port 3302 Limassol Authority Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Prison 2, Norman Street 1702 Nicosia Guards Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Private 11, Strovolou Avenue 2018 Nicosia Sector Employees (SYTIEK) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Public 19, 28 Oktovriou Street, Strovolos 2012 Nicosia Hospitals Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus 12, Stasandrou Street 1060 Nicosia Shopowners Ltd CYPRUS page 6 of 33 pages

CY151227 CY151210 CY151214 CY151222 CY155210 CY151234 CY151216 CY151306 CY151204 CY155201 CY153202 CY153203 CY155208 CY151237 CY151236 CY151209 CY154203 CY154201 CY154202 CY154204 CY151232 CY155203 CY155202 CY155206 CY155205 CY155204 CY153301 CY151201 CY151207 CY151235 CY151205 CY151230 CY151221 CY156202 CY151202 CY155304 CY151238 CY151203 CY151239 CY155212 CY151218 CY154206 CY156070 CY156075 CY156073 CY155086 CY155088 CY155093 CY155091 CY155087 Co-operative Savings Society Cyprus Tourism Organisation Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society CYTA Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Egkomis (Nicosia) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society EME Employees and Workers Ltd Co-operative Savings Society ESEL Employees (STYEL) Ltd 19, Lemesou Avenue, Aglangia 2112 Nicosia 24A, Foti Pitta Street, Strovolos 2015 Nicosia 38, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, 2430 Nicosia Egkomi 1A, Kyriakou Matsi Street 1082 Nicosia 13, Gladstonos & Agias Fylaxeos Street 3022 Limassol Co-operative Savings Society Estate Agents Ltd 40, Evagorou Avenue 1097 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Greek Secondary 7, Grigori Afxentiou Street 1504 Nicosia Education Teachers (STELMEK) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Kalianon Ltd Kaliana 2832 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Kalopanagiotis Ltd Kalopanagiotis 2862 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Kaminarion Ltd Kaminaria 4843 Limassol Co-operative Savings Society Karpaseias Ltd 12, Apostolidou & Agias Elenis Street 6021 Larnaka Co-operative Savings Society Kato Varosion Ltd 16-18, Archiepiskopou Kyprianou Avenue 6016 Larnaka Co-operative Savings Society KEO Workers & 1, Fragklinou Rousvelt Street 3602 Limassol Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Keryneia Civil 5, Agiou Kendea Street, Archangelos 2055 Nicosia Servants Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Kythrea Area Ltd 18, Andrea Souroukli Street, Dasoupoli 2024 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Laiko Kafekoptio 1, Ipparchou, Kaimakli 1037 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Larnaka American Grigori Afxentiou Avenue 6301 Larnaka Academy Teachers Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Larnaka Civil Kilkis and 13 Kosti Palama Corner 6307 Larnaka Servants Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Larnaka Council 6300 Larnaka Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Larnakas Ltd 7, Thessalonikis Avenue 6035 Larnaka Co-operative Savings Society Lawyers Ltd 4, Annis Komninis Street 1060 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Lemesou Ltd 97, Gladstonos Street, Agia Zoni 3032 Limassol Co-operative Savings Society Lemithou Ltd Lemithou 4844 Limassol Co-operative Savings Society Limassol - Paphos 11A, Gladstonos and Mykinon Street 3022 Limassol Co-op Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Limassol Civil 42, Agias Fylaxeos Street 3025 Limassol Servants Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Limassol Council 23, Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 3036 Limassol Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Lysis Ltd 9, Perikleous Street 6021 Larnaka Co-operative Savings Society Nicosia Civil 23, Florinis Street 1065 Nicosia Servants Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Nicosia Co-op 8, Grigori Afxentiou Avenue 1389 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Nicosia Custom 15C, Androkleous Street 1061 Nicosia Agents (STATEPEL) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Nicosia Municipal 1500 Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society of Employees of the 131, Prodromou Street, Strovolos 1419 Nicosia Department of Land Consolidation Ltd Co-operative Savings Society of Petroleum 14-18, Vasilissis Freiderikis Street 1066 Nicosia Companies Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Pafos Hotels 13, Tepeleniou Street 8010 Pafos Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Pedoula Ltd Pedoulas 2850 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Pelendriou Ltd 15, Archiepiskopou Makariou Street, Pelendri 4878 Limassol Co-operative Savings Society Polyteknon Ltd 7, Stasandrou Street 1060 Nicosia Co-operative Savings Society Primary Education 18, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 1065 Nicosia Teachers Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Scientist Engineers 8, Kerverou Street 1016 Nicosia Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Self Employed 20, Louki Akrita Street 3030 Limassol (S.T.A.E.) Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Water Board of 84, Athalassas Avenue, Strovolos 1515 Nicosia Nicosia Employees Ltd Co-operative Savings Society Young's People 1, Vasileos Evagorou 6030 Larnaka Support Ltd Co-operative Society Agiou Georgiou Paphou Agios Georgios Kelokedaron 8607 Pafos Refugees Co-operative Society Agiou Ioanni Paphou Agios Ioannis, Salamiou 8621 Pafos Refugees Co-operative Society Agiou Nicolaou Paphou Agios Nikolaos 8623 Pafos Refugees Co-operative Society Alektora Refugees Alektora 4602 Limassol Co-operative Society Avdimou Refugees Avdimou 4600 Limassol Co-operative Society Gerasas Winery Gerasa 4543 Limassol Co-operative Society Kalou Choriou Lemesou Kalo Chorio 4566 Limassol Vinegrowers Co-operative Society Kantou Refugees Kantou 4631 Limassol CYPRUS page 7 of 33 pages

CY154036 CY154039 CY154038 CY156071 CY154040 CY151075 CY151074 CY151071 CY155089 CY156074 CY156072 CY155092 CY130014 CY130015 CY130016 CY130013 CY110013 CY110004 CY130017 CY130018 CY110005 CY110006 CY130019 CY130020 CY130021 CY130029 CY130030 CY130022 CY130034 CY130031 CY130023 CY110007 CY110008 CY120002 CY156201 CY110014 CY130026 CY130027 CY140001 CY130028 CY110009 CY140002 CY110012 CY110010 CY110011 Co-operative Society Kellion Refugees Kellia 7503 Larnaka Co-operative Society Kivisiliou Refugees 2, Griva Digeni Street, Kivisili 7575 Larnaka Co-operative Society Kofinou Refugees Foti Pitta, Kofinou 7735 Larnaka Co-operative Society Mandrion Paphou Refugees Mandria 8504 Pafos Co-operative Society Meneou Refugees 56, Akropoleos Avenue, Meneou 7000 Larnaka Co-operative Society of General Services Mitserou1, Archangelou Michail Street, Mitsero 2622 Nicosia Co-operative Society of General Services Tseriou 40, Strovolou Avenue, Tseri 2480 Nicosia Co-operative Society of Kotsiatis-Marki Refugees Kotsiatis 2564 Nicosia Co-operative Society Sinikismos Kolossiou Refugees 29, Ammochostou Street, Sinikismos Kolossiou 4636 Limassol Co-operative Society Stavrokonnou Refugees Stavrokonnou 8601 Pafos Co-operative Society Timis Refugees 2, Kato Vrysi Street, Timi 8507 Pafos Co-operative Society Zoopigis Vinegrowers Zoopigi 4565 Limassol Credit Libanais SAL 206, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 3030 Limassol LB Credit Suisse First Boston (Cyprus) Ltd 199, Christodoulou Chatzipavlou Street 3036 Limassol DePfa Investment Bank Ltd 178, Athalassis Avenue 2025 Nicosia Emporiki Bank 58-60, Digeni Akrita Avenue 1061 Nicosia GR Emporiki Bank - Cyprus Ltd 4, Ionos Street, Egkomi 2406 Nicosia Euroinvestment and Finance Ltd 20, Agias Paraskevis Street 2002 Nicosia Federal Bank of the Middle East Ltd 90, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 1077 Nicosia TZ First Investment Bank Ltd 39, Dimofontos Street 1075 Nicosia BG Hellenic Bank Ltd 92, Digeni Akrita Avenue 1061 Nicosia Housing Finance Corporation 41, Themistokleous Dervi Street 1066 Nicosia HSBC Bank Plc 7 Dositheou Street 1071 Nicosia GB Industrial Commercial AvtoVAZbank 249, 28 Oktovriou Street 3035 Limassol RU Joint-Stock Commercial Agroindustrial Construction Bank "JSC ASB Bank" 9, Ammochostou Street 3021 Limassol RU Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Promsvyazbank" 224, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 3030 Limassol RU Jordan Kuwait Bank PLC 28 Oktovriou Street 3728 Limassol JO Jordan National Bank plc 1, Anexartisias Street 3036 Limassol JO JSC Kazkommertsbank 3734 Limassol KZ Kommunalkredit International Bank Ltd 25, Spyrou Araouzou Street, Limassol 3036 Limassol Lebanon and Gulf Bank SAL Grigori Afxentiou and Archiepiskopou 6017 Larnaka LB Makariou III Avenue Mortgage Bank of Cyprus Ltd 51, Stasinou Street, Strovolos 2002 Nicosia National Bank of Greece (Cyprus) Ltd 15, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 1065 Nicosia National Bank of Greece S.A. 15, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 1065 Nicosia GR Pafos Greek Co-operative Savings Society Ltd 5, Kennenty Square 8101 Pafos Pancyprian Finance Corporation Ltd 66, Griva Digeni Avenue 1080 Nicosia Privatbank Commercial Bank 3, Kallipoleos Street 1055 Nicosia UA Russian Commercial Bank (Cyprus) Ltd 2, Amathountos Street 3105 Limassol Safra Bank (Cyprus) Ltd c/o KPMG Peat Marwick, Certified Public 1065 Nicosia Accountants, 10, Mnasiadou Street Société Générale Cyprus Ltd 7-9, Griva Digeni Avenue 1082 Nicosia Société Générale Cyprus Ltd 7-9, Griva Digeni Avenue 1082 Nicosia Société Générale Financial Products (Cyprus) Ltd 224, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 3030 Limassol The Cyprus Development Bank Ltd 50, Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue 1065 Nicosia The Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd 154, Lemesou Avenue 2025 Nicosia Universal Bank Ltd 85, Digeni Akrita Avenue 1070 Nicosia Total number of Credit Institutions : 408 TOTAL number of Monetary Financial Institutions in Cyprus : 409 Credit Libanais SAL Emporiki Bank of Greece S.A. Federal Bank of the Middle East Ltd First Investment Bank Ltd HSBC Bank Plc Industrial Commercial AvtoVAZbank Joint-Stock Commercial Agroindustrial Construction Bank "JSC ASB Bank" Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Promsvyazbank" Jordan Kuwait Bank PLC Jordan National Bank plc JSC Kazkommertsbank Lebanon and Gulf Bank SAL National Bank of Greece S.A. Privatbank Commercial Bank CYPRUS page 8 of 33 pages