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STAFF & ORGANIZATIONS PARISH AND SCHOOL STAFF Mr. Bogdan (Don) Pieniak, Parish Administrator Mrs. Deborah Martin, St. Stanislaus School Principal Mr. Dan Kane Jr., Business Manager Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy and Music Mrs. Denise O Reilly, St. Stanislaus School Secretary Mr. Fred Mendat, Maintenance & Social Center Manager PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Mrs. Susan Halamek, Pastoral Council Chairperson Ms. Celeste Suchocki, Finance Council Chairperson Mrs. Sophie Wasielewski, Golden Agers President Mr. Charles Janowski, Jr., Dads Club President Mr. Rick Krakowski, C.Y.O. Coordinator Mr. Matt Zielenski, St. Vincent DePaul Society Ms. Jane Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis Mr. Rob Jagelewski, Parish Historical Committee Mrs. Nancy Mack, MANNA Coordinator Mrs. Grace Hryniewicz, Shrine Shoppe Manager Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Alumni and Development Mrs. Denise Siemborski, Fr. William Scholarship Mr. John Heyink, Building and Grounds Committee Sister Mary Alice Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship Committee Ms. Marianna Romaniuk, PORADA Director Luis Ramirez, Lil Bros President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: 7:00 & 8:30 (no 7:00 on Sat.) Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday English Masses: 8:30 & 11:30 Sunday Polish Mass: 10:00 Holy Day English: Refer to Schedule Holy Day Polish: 5:30 PM National Holidays: 9:00 DEVOTIONS Daily Morning Prayer: 8:00 (exc. Sunday) Saint Anthony Novena Tuesdays after Mass Rosary for Life Tuesdays and Fridays after Mass Avilas prayer for vocations, second Monday of the month OFFICE HOURS The parish office is open from Monday through Friday, 7:30 to 5:00 PM. SACRENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. SACRENT OF BAPTISM Ordinarily on Sundays at 1:00 PM. Alternate times must be arranged with a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions are necessary in advance. SACRENT OF MARRIAGE All arrangements must be made with one of the priests of the parish six months in advance. GODPARENT AND SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Those who wish to be sponsors for Baptism or Confirmation must be registered and practicing members of the Catholic Church. If you attend St. Stanislaus but you are not registered, please contact the parish office so that you can be listed as a parishioner here. FUNERALS Arrangements are made through the funeral home. INQUIRY CLASSES (R.C.I.A.): Contact any member of the Pastoral Team. CHURCH HOURS Church is open daily 30 minutes before and after all Masses. For tours or private prayer please call the rectory. FRANCISCAN FRIARS Fr. Michael Surufka, OFM, Pastor Fr. Leonard Stunek, OFM, Friary Guardian, Parochial Vicar Fr. Placyd Kon, OFM, Parochial Vicar Br. Justin Kwietniewski, OFM, Pastoral Ministry DIRECTORY Rectory & Parish Office 216-341-9091 Parish Fax 341-2688 St. Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307 Central Catholic High School 441-4700 Pulaski Franciscan CDC 789-9545 PARISH WEBSITE E-MAIL PHOTO ALBUM The artist s sketch on the right depicts the original building with the spires. Corner Stone laid in 1886, and church dedicated in 1891. MASS INTENTIONS FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT March 29, Marca, 2009 Sat 5:00 PM +Lottie Gronowski Sun 8:30 +Daniel Witczak 10:00 Sp. Int. Alexandra Bartosik 11:30 Sp. Int. Parishioners of St. Stanislaus Mon Mar 30 Lenten Weekday 7:00 +Joseph Camloh 8:30 +Sabina Monzell Tue Mar 31 Lenten Weekday 7:00 +Genevieve Tarkowski 8:30 +Florence Boback Wed Apr 1 Lenten Weekday 7:00 +Beth Ann Kucinich 8:30 +Regina Sokolowski Thu Apr 2 Lenten Weekday (St. Francis of Padua) 7:00 +Henry Jarosh 8:30 +Connie Schoeb 7:00 PM +John Paul II (for his beatification) Fri Apr 3 Lenten Weekday 7:00 +Felix and Helen Yeskulski 8:30 +Florence Bogacki Sat Apr 4 Lenten Weekday 8:30 +Cecelia Tegowski 2:00 PM + Michalina Staszewska PALM SUNDAY Apr 5, Kwietnia, 2009 Sat 5:00 PM +Stanley Krakowski Sun 8:30 +Patrick Horan 10:00 +Olga i Władysław Chomka, Weronika i Stanisław Tracewski 11:30 Sp. Int. Parishioners of St. Stanislaus

MUSIC FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT ENGLISH MASS Processional Offertory: Communion: Recessional: Kyrie eleison Hosea #191 Agnus Dei Lord Jesus Christ (3X) SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Su 3:00 PM Gorzkie Żale (Lamentations in Polish) 6:00 PM Vespers in church. PARISH MISSION BEGINS with Fr. Roch Mon 7:00 PM Vespers Parish Mission Tue 7:00PM Vespers Parish Mission Wed 8:00 PM A.A. & Al-Anon in the social center. Thu 3:00 PM Church Cleanup Crew works until 5:15. Fri 5:30 PM Rekolekcje Wielkopostne Droga Krzyżowa i Spowiedź św 6:30 PM Stations of The Cross 7:00 PM Adult Faith Sharing in the Rectory. POLSKA MSZA ŚWIĘTA Procesja Ofiarowanie: Na Komunię: Zakończenie Kyrie eleison Jezu Chryste #94 Agnus Dei Jezu Tyś jest światłością mej duszy (3X) Sat 2:00 PM Rekolekcje Wielkopostne Gorzkie Żale i Spowiedź św 4:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation in church until 4:45. Sun 3:00 PM Palm Sunday Concert by the Brecksville/Broadview Hts. High School Orchestra and Chorus 6:00 PM Vespers in church. Mon 6:30 PM Rekolekcje Wielkopostne Spowiedź św 7:00 PM Rekolekcje Wielkopostne Msza św A Season of Celebration and Inspiration As the season of Lent approaches its conclusion and we prepare to enter into the festive season of Easter we will see this space blossom with an array of scents, sounds and colors which manifest aspects of our faith in a style peculiar to the Shrine Church of St. Stanislaus. This Sunday we will begin quietly with our Parish Mission. As we have sung the words of Psalm thoughout this Holy Season, Create in me a clean heart. O God, our Mission Preacher will further dwell on the heart and it s relevance in our relationship with God. At Vesper services the evenings of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday he will concentrate on different stages of the blossoming of a heart drawn back to God. On Palm Sunday at 3 p.m. we will host the Brecksville/Broadview Hts. High School Choirs and Orchestra as they perform Ernest Bloch s Sacred Service. (The proceeds from this concert will go toward the ongoing drive to save our deteriorating pipe organ). Other orchestral and choral works will be featured as well, all prior to the group s departure for their performance in New York City. Easter Sunday needs no introduction. Alleluia says it all. Smacznego jajka! Divine Mercy Sunday culminates the octave of this great feast. We will have our annual Mass of Anointing of the Sick that afternoon. The final chaplet of the Divine Mercy novena will be prayed immediately afterward. The day will end with our first major solo concert on our recently acquired Steinway grand with a concert by Julia Kociuban winner of Poland s 2008 Chopin Competition. The event is sponsored by the prestigious Kosciuszko Foundation. On Sunday, May 26th, we will be blessed to hear some of the most beautiful and melodic music including two Latin Masses as performed by the MasterSingers, Inc. The concert includes some newly commissioned sacred works as well. The first Sunday of May celebrates the Mother of God with Her coronation and cascade of rose petals falling from the heavens at 4 p.m., an opportunity to display your love for the Mother of Jesus and our heavenly Mother. The next Sunday, being Mothers Day, we have decided that the evening prior, Saturday, May 9th, we will celebrate the 5th anniversary of CityMusic Cleveland with another great Mass, Schubert s Mass in G Major for orchestra, soloists and choir!! That will be a great event!! AND it s FREE!!!!! The next few Sundays will be filled with many family celebrations, First Communions, Graduations and Memorial Day. As has always been our tradition, the real ending to this festive time will occur at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, June 14th, the feast of Corpus Christi, with our grand procession through the neighborhood. Do we know how to celebrate and live or what???? David Krakowski SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS Palm Sunday, April 5, Kwietnia 2009 Sat 5:00 PM Corpus Rob Christi Jagelewski Sunday, May 25, Maja 2008 Sat 5:00 PM Mike Wilks, Rob Jagelewski Chris Wisniewski, Mike Potter, Connie Aliff Sun 8:30 Michael Karen Wilks, Neuman Stan Witczak, Marge & Andrew Flock Sun 8:30 M. Mosinski, Marcia & Chris Don Luboski, Stech, Alice Alice Klafczynski, Klafczynski, Yolanda Ray Tegowski Kane 10:00 Alice Klafczynski, Asia Sychla M. Mosinski, Adeline Nadolny, Sharon Kozak 10:30 Ewelina Teresa Ejsmont, Cyranek, W. Sztalkoper, Bill Bobowicz Tom Monzell, Marcie Sladewski 11:30 Eucharistic Don Ministers Pieniak to be scheduled NO 11:30 Frank Greczanik, MASS Terry ON CORPUS Kopania, Stanley CHRISTI Koch, SUNDAY Angela Revay PARISH SUPPORT Last Sunday s Collection 5:00 PM Vigil (97).......$1,220.00 8:30 (85)........$1,633.00 10:00 (78)........$1,049.00 11:30 (66).........$1,119.00 Mailed in (31)......$643.00 Total (357 envelopes) $5,664.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY

PASTORAL MESSAGE MARCH 29, MARCA 2009 WATER, WATER, WATER In the Book of Genesis we read how God separated one body of water from the other; and how God separated water from dry land. The water was called the sea and the land was called the earth. Both are essential to the growth and survival of all living beings, especially, human beings. Water is frequently mentioned in the Scriptures. The Spirit of God is described as hovering over the immensity of the waters; the wise person is described as a tree planted near running water; as a deer yearns for running water, so our soul yearns for the living water the presence of God in our lives. The woman mentioned in the gospel episode seeks to draw water from the well. She had a bad reputation, stayed away from other women, came at the least opportune time of day noon when it was the hottest. She did this everyday. She was shocked that Jesus a Jew, a man, would dare to speak to her in public. She got not only the cool refreshing water from the well, but more importantly the received the Living Water that gushes unto Eternal Life, namely, Jesus. Jesus used water which he changed into the most delicious wine at the marriage feast at Cana. Jesus himself stepped into the Jordan River to be baptized. He commanded the apostles and their followers, to use water at the rite of baptism. Water reminds us of how God invites us to closer union with himself in Christ. At the Easter Vigil we hear the whole account of Creation, including water. We dip the Paschal Candle into the newly blessed water. In the past years, parishioners were invited to take home a container of the newly blessed water at the Easter Vigil, or even longer ago, at the rite celebrated on Holy Saturday morning. Holy Water founts mounted by the main doors of a house, and even at the door of every bedroom were a common tradition. We were taught to bless ourselves with holy water every time we left and returned home. The same was true at the grade school and at church. And the Asperges me at Mass. A constant reminder of our baptism into Christ and our commitment to the message of His Gospel. To sit at the shore of a large lake, or even more awesome, to be seated on the beach of the magnificent ocean at either coast of our country what a thrilling and spine-tingling, mindboggling experience to know that this is the handiwork of our loving God, our Provider and Friend, to Whose Eternal Home we have all been invited. Saint Francis addressed water as Sister. She would quench our thirst, cleanse our body, nourish growth and development among the living creatures. So important is the existence of water, that most of the face of the earth is graced with water. Our eco-system is heavily dependent on clean, life-sustaining water. What effect does water have on me? Do I respect it? Do I use it prudently? Do I thank God for the abundance of water that has been given to me? Does the water of baptism draw mc loser to God? To Christ? Do I, like the woman at the well, yearn more strongly for the water of everlasting life? Does thirst help me to appreciate God s special care and concern for me? Do I share this good fortune with those who have and enjoy less than I? It is right and just to give thanks to God always and everywhere!! Fr. Len Krzyż Jezusa Dzisiaj przeżywamy już piątą niedzielę Wielkiego Postu. Tradycyjnie nazwana jest ona Niedzielą Męki Pańskiej. Te ostatnie dwa tygodnie przed Wielkanocą to druga część Wielkiego Postu. O ile w pierwszym okresie, czyli od Środy Popielcowej do 5 niedzieli Wielkiego Postu czytania liturgiczne podkreślały konieczność naszego osobistego nawrócenia, zmiany życia, walki z grzechem przez dzieła pokutne, tradycyjne streszczone jako modlitwa, jałmużna i post, - tak teraz - przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie dzielące nas od Wielkanocy, nasza uwaga skoncentrowana jest na Męce Jezusa. Tradycyjną czynnością w kościołach katolickich jest zasłanianie krzyża. Jaki jest sens tego symbolu? Bardzo podoba mi się wyjaśnienie, które poznałem przez o. Bronisława Mokrzyckiego, jezuitę z Starej Wsi, koło Brzozowa. On tłumaczy to w ten sposób: Z krzyżem mamy do czynienia na co dzień. To, co widzimy codzienne, powszednieje. Nie chodzi tylko o to, że widok krzyża może się nam znudzić. Chodzi raczej o to, że patrząc na krzyż, często zatrzymujemy się na powierzchni. Zasłonięcie krzyża to zaproszenie do wejścia w głębszy wymiar. W czasie Gorzkich Żali śpiewamy: W przepaść męki Twej wchodzę. Właśnie takie było zadanie pierwszej części Wielkiego Postu, aby nas oczyścić i uzdolnić do tego zadania. Zawsze jest jednak prawdziwe, że jakkolwiek nasz osobisty wysiłek jest niezbędny, zbawienie jest darmową łaską Pana. Druga część Wielkiego Postu, która koncentruje się na Męce Zbawiciela, mówi nam o tym, że nawet, gdybyśmy czynili bardzo wielką pokutę, nawet gdybyśmy cały Post spędzili na modlitwie, nie przyjmując innego pokarmu i napoju oprócz chleba i wody, i wszystko rozdali na jałmużnę, to i tak nie bylibyśmy w stanie zbawić samych siebie. To Jezus jest Zbawcą. On zbawił nas przez swoją mękę i śmierć krzyżową. I dlatego teraz, nie rezygnując z modlitwy, jałmużny i postu, chcemy z większą intensywnością patrzeć na krzyż Jezusa. A ponieważ jest zasłonięty, chcemy z Boża pomocą przenikać w głębiny Męki Pana. Św. Faustyna zanotowała w swoim Dzienniczku, że jedna godzina rozważania Męki Jezusa jest więcej warta u Boga, niż długie biczowanie. Tutaj może zrodzić się pytanie: Co to znaczy - przenikać do głębi Męki Pana? Myślę, że dobrą odpowiedź daje o. Maciej Zachara, MIC: Począwszy od piątej niedzieli Wielkiego Postu, Kościół coraz bardziej koncentruje uwagę na tajemnicy krzyża. Czyni to jednak nie po to, byśmy współczuli cierpiącemu Jezusowi i litowali się nad Nim, ale byśmy przyjęli owoce Jego męki i śmierci. Jezus zapowiada swoją mękę jako wywyższenie, gdyż to właśnie w krzyżu nastąpił tryumf nad szatanem i jego dziełami oraz najpełniej objawiła się Boża miłość do każdego człowieka. Jeśli wierzymy tej miłości i pozwalamy się jej ogarnąć, stajemy się zdolni do tego, by rozpoznać i ukochać doświadczenie krzyża również w naszym życiu. A wtedy będziemy w nim widzieć już nie samo cierpienie, ale drogę, która przez umieranie dla siebie prowadzi nas do wydania plonu na życie wieczne. o. Placyd

ST. STANISLAUS Rekolekcje Wielkopostne 2009 o. Piotr Blajer OFM Tematem tegorocznych rekolekcji są przypowieści Pana z Ewangelii według św. Łukasza Nauki: 3 kwietnia (piątek) 5:30 PM Droga Krzyżowa; 4 kwietnia (sobota) 2:00 PM Gorzkie Żale; 6 kwietnia (poniedziałek) 7:00 PM Msza św. Spowiedź św. 3 kwietnia (piątek) po nabożeństwie Drogi Krzyżowej; 4 kwietnia (sobota) po Gorzkich Żalach; 6 kwietnia (poniedziałek) 6:30 7:00 PM. DADS CLUB HOLY HOUR The St. Stan s Dads Club will hold its Annual Holy Thursday Holy Hour on Thursday April 9th at 9:30PM until 10:30PM. All men of the parish are invited to join them. Brecksville/Broadview Hts. High School Chorus and Orchestra "Sacred Service" by Ernest Bloch Chuck Valley, Director The Brecksville/Broadview Hts. High School Chorus and Orchestra will perform Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch, along with Brandenburg Concerto #3, The Journey and St. Paul's suite (3rd mvt.). Palm Sunday, April 5, 2009 3:00 PM Freewill Offering LB CAKES AND NUT ROLLS Order your Lamb Cakes and Nut Rolls Now! Funds to be used to upgrade the security and safety of our church. The orders are being taken by the Manna Card Personnel in the rear of the church. The pick up day for completed orders is Good Friday or Holy Saturday at the Shrine Shop. The cost of the Lamb Cake with or without coconut is $15.00 and the whole nut rolls are $10.00 As always volunteers are needed and appreciated. If you can help call John Sklodowski at 216-225-5708 CLEVELAND, OHIO PARISH LENTEN MISSION THIS WEEK We are very blessed to have a wonderful and engaging preacher for our Parish Lenten Mission. Fr. Roch Niemier, OFM, is a friar from our province and internationally known for the breadth and depth of his knowledge in Franciscan spirituality. The mission will be part of a prayerful sung vespers, and will last a little over an hour each evening. Please try to come to any or all of the three evenings: Sunday at 6:00 PM, Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 PM. A special guest on Tuesday evening will be Fr. Leslie Hoppe, OFM, our Provincial Minister, who will be visiting the friars. ST. STAN S HISTORICAL FACT by Rob Jagelewski St. Joseph s Church on Woodland Avenue and East 23rd near downtown Cleveland was the site where our Parishioners worshiped from 1879 1881. At this time our community did not have a church of their own. They would build a two story wood structure, which served as a church and school in 1881. Our community worshiped at St. Joseph because they were under the care of Father Wolfgang Janietz OFM of the Sacred Heart Province. St. Joseph was put under Franciscan care in 1868. Soon the Friars built a chapel and friary. An old frame church was demolished in 1871. The new brick St. Joseph Church was dedicated on October 5, 1873. This was the year our community of St. Stanislaus was born. St. Joseph Church s interior was similar to ours with darker tinted wood. There were intricate wood carvings and impressive stained glass windows. Father Janietz continued to care for our community until 1883. St. Joseph s served many other ethnic groups in the same capacity as it served the Poles. Other ethnic groups that used St. Joseph for worship were the Slovaks, Czechs, and Italians. Due to a dwindling congregation and urban sprawl, St. Joseph Church was closed and deconsecrated in 1986. Sacred objects from the church were disbursed throughout the Diocese. At St. Stanislaus, the stained glass windows of St. Joseph, St. Francis, and St. Claire in our sacristy are from St. Joseph Church. A REQUEST FROM A PARISHIONER To all Parishioners Please do not forget about church cleaning on every Thursday afternoon. We all share the benefits of our clean church but many do not seem to volunteer their time! It is from 3PM to 5PM. Please give the aging cleaning crew a hand. It is truly a wonderful way to help build the kingdom of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. The work is not difficult - it is just dusting and sweeping and mopping. PLEASE GIVE A HAND TO THE CLEANING CREW ON THURSDAYS. BRING YOUR OWN DUST CLOTHS AND DUST YOUR FAVORITE PEWS! Also once a month, after cleaning, enjoy the fellowship with the crew. It is truly a TREMENDOUS AND MARVELOUS WAY TO END THE DAY. THANK YOU. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! FILIES. Connie Aliff ST JOSEPH CHURCH WOODLAND AVE. 1973

COMMUNITY NEWS MARCH 29, MARCA 2009 Four Eagle Award If you were at the Four Eagles Event last year you would have had a chance to bid on this AWESOME trip to Cabo San Lucas! We did, and what a wonderful time was had by all! We are all looking forward to this year s event. Mark your calendar for Friday, May 8th. For more information call the rectory at 216/341-9091 or Sharon Kozak at 330/467-8532. BOY WANTED AT MAGNIFICAT HIGH SCHOOL Spring production set for April 23-26, 2009. (ROCKY RIVER, OH) - The Performing Arts Department of Magnificat High School presents the comedy Boy Wanted Thursday through Sunday, April 23-26, 2009 at the Magnificat Center for the Performing Arts. All performances are at 7:30 PM except for the Sunday 4:00 PM matinee. INFANTS AND TODDLERS OF SLAVIC VILLAGE Reaping the rewards of her generosity to the Infants and Toddlers of Slavic Village is Ann Bielecki winner of the 2009 Entertainment Book! Thank you kindly for your donation! YOU can be a winner of $25.00 Manna Gift Card in the drawing on April 19th. By donating needed items in the baskets in the rear vestibule fill in an entry form and deposit in the box. There will be two winners two $25.00 Manna Gift Cards will be given! Please be mindful of their needs! The Four Eagle Awards Banquet and Silent Auction is quickly approaching. We ve already asked you to save the date for Friday, May 8, 2009. In the next few weeks, you will be receiving an invitation. This year we are proud to honor the area funeral homes as recipients of the Four Eagle Award: Bican Brothers Funeral Home, Fortuna Funeral Home, Golubski Funeral Home, Komorowski Funeral Home, and Mosinski Funeral Home. Please join us in recognizing their special ministry and commitment to the St. Stanislaus Community. LENTEN SCHEDULE Gorzkie Źale Niedziela 3:00 PM (z wyjątkiem Niedzieli Palmowej) Droga Krzyżowa Piątek 5:30 PM Rekolekcje Wielkopostne O. Piotr Blajer, OFM 3 kwietnia, 5:30 PM 4 kwietnia, 2:00 PM 6 kwietnia, 6:30 PM Stations of the Cross Fridays at 6:30PM. Adult Faith Discussion Group Friday evenings after Stations, in the rectory. Solemn Vesper Service Every Sunday 6:00PM Franciscan Parish Lenten Mission Fr. Roch Niemier, OFM March 29, 6:00 PM March 30, 7:00 PM March 31, 7:00 PM Communal Penance Service Spowiedź Parafialna April 8, Wednesday AT 7:00 PM English, i po polsku ELEVEN PRIESTS AVAILABLE FOR CONFESSION DADS CLUB EASTER H GIVEAWAY The St. Stan s Dads Club is having its first Easter Ham/Dave s Gift Certificate Raffle. Twenty (20) Gift certificates worth $20.00 will be given away at Dave s Supermarket to the lucky winners. You can get 3 tickets for a dollar from any Dads Club member. Call Ron Grams at 216-581-1943 for tickets, or stop at the rectory during normal business hours. The drawing will be held at the Dads Club meeting on Tuesday April 7th. SACRED TRIDUUM SCHEDULE April 9, Holy Thursday Morning Prayer at 8:30 ; Liturgy of Our Lord s Last Supper at 7:00 PM, followed by Procession to the Repository with Adoration until Midnight. April 10, Good Friday Morning Prayer at 8:30; Stations of the Cross at Noon; Liturgy of the Lord s Passion at 2:00PM; Outdoor candlelight Stations of the Cross in Polish at 7:00PM. April 11, Holy Saturday Morning Prayer at 8:30 ; Blessing of Food Baskets at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 Noon, 1:00PM, and 2:00PM; Easter Vigil Mass at 9:00PM. April 12, Easter Sunday Resurrection Mass with Procession at 6:30 in Polish; Mass in English at 8:30 and 11:30; Mass in Polish at 10:00. April 19, Sunday Easter Octave Mass for anointing the Parish Homebound at 2:00PM.