Sprawozdanie z posiedzenia Rady IPEX

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Bruksela, dnia 20 lipca 2014 r. Sprawozdanie nr 69/2014 Sprawozdanie z posiedzenia Rady IPEX Wilno, 27 czerwca 2014 r. W dniu 27 czerwca w Wilnie odbyło się kolejne posiedzenie Rady IPEX. IPEX to Międzyparlamentarna Wymiana Informacji w Sprawach UE. Na stronie internetowej IPEX można znaleźć m.in. stanowiska parlamentów narodowych nt. projektów legislacyjnych Komisji Europejskiej a także szereg interesujących informacji nt. aktywności parlamentów w sprawach europejskich oraz spotkań międzyparlamentarnych - zarówno tych organizowanych przez aktualną prezydencję, jak i przez Parlament Europejski. www.ipex.eu 1. Powitanie i zatwierdzenie porządku obrad Pan Jonas Milerius, przewodniczący Rady IPEX i Sekretarz Generalny Sejmu Republiki Litewskiej, przedstawił porządek obrad. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła porządek obrad, po uwzględnieniu uwagi pani Christine Verger, dyrektor Dyrekcji ds. stosunków z parlamentami narodowymi Parlamentu Europejskiego, że chciałaby, jako drugi punkt w porządku obrad, porozmawiać na temat nazewnictwa Konferencji Międzyparlamentarnej utworzonej na bazie art. 13 Traktatu o stabilności, koordynacji i zarządzaniu w unii gospodarczej i walutowej. 2. Zatwierdzenie konkluzji z ostatniego posiedzenia Rady IPEX, które odbyło się w dniu 25 kwietnia 2014 roku w Wilnie Sekretarz Generalny Milerius poprosił panią Loretę Raulinaityte, dyrektor Departamentu Komunikacji Biura Sejmu Republiki Litewskiej, aby przedstawiła projekt konkluzji z posiedzenia Rady IPEX, które odbyło się w dniu 25 kwietnia 2014 roku. Pani Raulinaityte poinformowała, że problem, który był omawiany w punkcie Sprawy różne a dotyczący nazewnictwa Konferencji Międzyparlamentarnej utworzonej na bazie art. 1

13 Traktatu o stabilności, koordynacji i zarządzaniu w unii gospodarczej i walutowej (ang. Interparliamentary Conference under Article 13 of TSCG) pozostał nierozwiązany podczas poprzedniego posiedzenia Rady IPEX. Pani Raulinaityte zauważyła, że do tej pory zostały złożone różne propozycje przez: Parlament Europejski, Radę Federalną Austrii i Sejm RP w sprawie nazewnictwa tej Konferencji Międzyparlamentarnej na stronie IPEX poświęconej konferencjom międzyparlamentarnym UE. Simon Patrick z brytyjskiej Izby Gmin i Birgit Von Pflug z niemieckiego Bundestagu poinformowali, że nie zgadzają się na zmianę nazewnictwa i zaproponowali pozostawienie nazwy konferencji międzyparlamentarnej w wersji obecnie używanej na stronie internetowej IPEX, a mianowicie, Konferencji Międzyparlamentarnej w sprawie zarządzania gospodarką i finansami UE. Dyrektor Verger podkreśliła, że Parlament Europejski zaproponował powołanie Konferencji Międzyparlamentarnej na bazie artykułu 13 TSKZ (ang. Interparliamentary Conference of Article 13 TSCG) i dlatego będzie obstawał przy takiej nazwie. Z uwagi na brak konsensusu pani Raulinaityte zasugerowała, że Rada IPEX powinna pozostawić na stronie IPEX nazwę konferencji, która jest obecnie, tj. Konferencja Międzyparlamentarna w sprawie zarządzania gospodarką i finansami Unii Europejskiej, do czasu podjęcia ostatecznej decyzji przez Konferencję Przewodniczących Parlamentów Unii Europejskiej, która ma się odbyć w 2015 roku. Zaproponowano, aby przy tytule zaznaczyć, że ma on charakter tymczasowy i stanowi odzwierciedlenie tytułu pierwszego posiedzenia Konferencji Międzyparlamentarnej, które odbyło się w dniach 15-16 października 2013 r. w Wilnie. Rada IPEX zgodziła się, aby z powodu braku konsensusu w Radzie, tytuł konferencji pozostał taki, jak do tej pory, czyli Konferencja Międzyparlamentarna w sprawie zarządzania gospodarką i finansami UE. Rada IPEX przyjęła konkluzje z posiedzenia Rady IPEX, które odbyło się w dniu 25 kwietnia 2014 roku. Konkluzje stanowią Załącznik 1 do tego sprawozdania. 3. Zatwierdzenie składu Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX (ang. Central Support) na rok 2014 Sekretarz Generalny Milerius poinformował Radę IPEX o nominacji czterech nowych członków Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX. Są to: - Pani Regina Wąsowicz, Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej; 2

- Pani Tania Tennina, Izba Deputowanych Luksemburga; - Pani Katharina Stourzh, Rada Federalna Austrii; - Pani Loreta Raulinaityte, Sejm Republiki Litewskiej. Ponadto, pan Milerius przypomniał, że Zgromadzenie Republiki Portugalii wyznaczyło panią Alexandrę Graca na nowego członka Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX i Rady IPEX, która zastąpiła dotychczasową przedstawicielkę - Marię João Costa. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła nowy skład Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX, włącznie z jej nowymi członkami. Skład Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX jest dołączony do sprawozdania jako Załącznik 2. 4. Proces rekrutacji urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX (ang. IPEX Information Officer) Pan Milerius przypomniał, że podczas poprzedniego posiedzenia Rady IPEX powołano grupę roboczą w celu przygotowania propozycji w sprawie nowej procedury zatrudniania urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX. Przewodniczącą grupy roboczej została przedstawicielka Senatu belgijskiego, pani Iuna Sadat. Pani Sadat przedstawiła propozycję, opracowaną przez grupę roboczą, wraz z dokumentami dodatkowymi załączonymi do propozycji, a mianowicie składem grupy roboczej i propozycją listu o zamiarze uczestnictwa w finansowaniu urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX. Rada IPEX podziękowała grupie roboczej i jej przewodniczącej za ich pracę i zatwierdziła wniosek grupy roboczej, wprowadzając do niego kilka dodatkowych poprawek. Rada IPEX zwróciła się do pana Mileriusa, jako przewodniczącego Rady IPEX, aby zwrócił się do sekretarzy generalnych parlamentów narodowych UE z prośbą o poinformowanie litewskiego Sejmu, czy akceptują propozycję Rady IPEX i z zaproszeniem do przesłania belgijskiemu Senatowi listu intencyjnego ws. ich udziału w dofinansowaniu urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX, do dnia 26 września 2014 roku. Ostateczna decyzja w sprawie zwrócenia się do belgijskiego Senatu z prośbą, aby zatrudnił urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX, zostanie podjęta na najbliższym posiedzeniu Rady IPEX w dniu 14 listopada 2014 w Brukseli. Propozycja grupy roboczej, dotycząca procedury rekrutacji urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX, stanowi Załącznik 3 do tego sprawozdania. 3

5. Modyfikacja Wytycznych IPEX: ostateczny projekt Sekretarz Generalny Milerius zauważył, że podczas poprzedniego posiedzenia Rady IPEX uznano, że grupa robocza ds. zmian wytycznych IPEX, pod przewodnictwem pana Richarda Mongina Forresta z duńskiego Folketingu, zakończyła swoją pracę. Zwrócono się do członków Rady IPEX, aby przedstawili poprawki redakcyjne do projektu wytycznych IPEX do dnia 9 maja 2014 roku. Pan Mongin Forrest przedstawił Radzie IPEX ostateczny projekt wytycznych IPEX z kilkoma poprawkami redakcyjnymi. Pani Von Pflug zaproponowała zmianę nazwy art. 3 Wytycznych z Rady IPEX na Zadania Rady IPEX. Zaproponowała również przeniesienie postanowień przewidzianych w artykule 6 do artykułu 3, ponieważ ich treść jest ze sobą powiązana. Pani Raulinaityte zaproponowała, aby przenieść zawartość artykułu 6 do artykułu 3, ale zostawić tytuł artykułu 3 niezmienionym. Rada IPEX zgodziła się z tymi propozycjami. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła zmodyfikowany projekt Wytycznych IPEX i podziękowała grupie roboczej, jak i panu Forrestowi, za doskonale wykonaną pracę. Rada IPEX zwróciła się do pana Mileriusa, jako przewodniczącego Rady IPEX, aby zwrócił się do sekretarzy generalnych włoskiego Senatu i Izby Deputowanych, z prośbą, by umieścili w porządku obrad kolejnego Posiedzenia Sekretarzy Generalnych Parlamentów Unii Europejskiej, które odbędzie sie w Rzymie na początku 2015 roku, punkt dotyczący przyjęcia nowej wersji Wytycznych IPEX. Nowy projekt Wytycznych IPEX stanowi Załącznik 4 do tego sprawozdania. 6. Modyfikacja Wytycznych ws. sekcji Aktualności IPEX (ang. IPEX News) Pan Milerius zauważył, że podczas ostatniego spotkania Rady IPEX postanowiono zaktualizować Wytyczne ws. sekcji Aktualności IPEX, w celu uregulowania kwestii wykorzystywania urzędowych nazw państw członkowskich UE i krajów kandydujących. Wówczas postanowiono również o napisaniu odpowiedzi do Ambasadora w Stałym Przedstawicielstwie Turcji przy Unii Europejskiej, dotyczącej stosowania nazwy Byłej Jugosłowiańskiej Republiki Macedonii. Przewodniczący poinformował Radę IPEX, że litewski Sejm przygotował dwa dokumenty i przekazał je członkom Rady IPEX drogą e-mailową. Komentarze do tych dokumentów 4

zostały przesłane przez niemiecki Bundestag, Parlament Europejski i urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX. Wziąwszy pod uwagę ww. komentarze, litewski Sejm przygotował wersję kompromisową Wytycznych ws. sekcji Aktualności IPEX oraz list do tureckiego ambasadora. Pan Milerius przedstawił kompromisową wersję. Pani Von Pflug i pan Patrick zaproponowali kilka poprawek redakcyjnych. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła zmienione projekty Wytycznych ws. Aktualności IPEX i listu do Ambasadora w Stałym Przedstawicielstwem Turcji przy Unii Europejskiej. Zmodyfikowane Wytyczne ws. Aktualności IPEX stanowią Załącznik 5 do tego sprawozdania. Projekt listu do Ambasadora w Stałym Przedstawicielstwem Turcji przy Unii Europejskiej stanowi Załącznik 6 do tego sprawozdania. 7. Propozycja dotycząca Centrum Zasobów nt. Pomocniczości (ang. Subsidiarity Resource Centre) Pan Gérard Hilbert z Parlamentu Europejskiego przedstawił dwa wnioski dotyczące Centrum Zasobów nt. Pomocniczości w ramach IPEX, które odnoszą się do: 1) oznaczania dokumentów, które osiągnęły pewien wymagany próg; 2) udoskonalenia konkretnych operacji wyszukiwania uzasadnionych opinii i dat ich przekazania. Pan Hilbert zauważył, że te dwie propozycje mogą być wdrożone niezależnie od siebie. Koszt realizacji pierwszej propozycji będzie wynosił około 2.000 a koszt drugiej - około 3.000. Obie propozycje zostały uznane za przydatne i warte realizacji. Jednak w przypadku, gdyby okazało się, że możliwe jest jedynie zrealizowanie jednej z nich, pierwsza propozycja została wskazana jako priorytetowa a druga może być zrealizowana na późniejszym etapie. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła dwie propozycje PE dotyczące Centrum Zasobów nt. Pomocniczości w ramach IPEX. Dyrektor Verger obiecała dowiedzieć się przed następnym posiedzeniem Rady IPEX, czy byłoby możliwe, aby PE jednocześnie zrealizował obie propozycje. Projekt wdrożenia propozycji, dotyczących Centrum Zasobów nt. Pomocniczości w ramach IPEX, stanowi Załącznik 7 do tego sprawozdania. 8. Harmonogram prac IPEX w 2014 r. 5

Pan Milerius przedstawił zaktualizowaną wersję harmonogramu prac IPEX na rok 2014. Wobec braku innych kandydatur, litewski Sejm zgodził się zorganizować najbliższe posiedzenie Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX w dniu 9 października 2014 r. oraz coroczne posiedzenie korespondentów IPEX w dniu 10 października 2014 roku w litewskim Sejmie w Wilnie. Pan Milerius poinformował członków Rady IPEX o gotowości parlamentu austriackiego do organizacji spotkania korespondentów IPEX w 2015 roku w Wiedniu. Odnotowano również fakt, że Jednostka Wsparcie Centralnego IPEX odbędzie swoje posiedzenie w dniu 26 września 2014 r. w formie telekonferencji. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła zaktualizowaną wersję harmonogramu prac IPEX na 2014 r. Postanowiono zorganizować następujące wydarzenia w następujących terminach: Spotkanie Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX w formie telekonferencji w dniu 26 września 2014 roku. Spotkanie Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX w dniu 9 października 2014 r. w Wilnie. Spotkanie korespondentów IPEX w dniu 10 października 2014 r. w Wilnie. Spotkanie korespondentów IPEX w 2015 roku w Austrii. Harmonogram prac IPEX na 2014 r. jest ujęty jako Załącznik 8 do tego sprawozdania. 9. Sprawy różne Pani Raulinaityte poinformowała Radę IPEX o wynikach posiedzenia Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX, które odbyło się w dniu 26 czerwca 2014 roku. Jednym z zagadnień omawianych podczas spotkania Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX była propozycja zorganizowania konferencji dla użytkowników IPEX. Grupa robocza pod przewodnictwem pana Forresta (duński Folketing) przygotowała propozycję w sprawie terminu, miejsca, listy prelegentów i uczestników konferencji. Pan Forrest przedstawił propozycję, mającą na celu promowanie korzystania z witryny IPEX i poprawę jej efektywności. Zaproponowano, aby zorganizować konferencję w Senacie belgijskim w styczniu 2015 roku. Duński Folketing zobowiązał się do pokrycia kosztów konferencji dla maksymalnie 120 uczestników. Pan Milerius zaproponował, aby uczestnicy konferencji rozpowszechnili informację na jej temat w swoich parlamentach. Zgodnie z jego propozycją, po konferencji każdy z 6

uczestników konferencji zostanie poproszony o zorganizowanie seminarium na temat strony internetowej IPEX w jego / jej instytucji. Rada IPEX wsparła organizację konferencji użytkowników IPEX w belgijskim Senacie w styczniu 2015 roku. Pani Raulinaityte poinformowała Radę IPEX, że Jednostka Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX omówiła również kwestię sporządzenia instrukcji użytkownika IPEXu. Zaproponowano, aby zaangażować w to przedsięwzięcie litewski Sejm, urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX i Jednostkę Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX, których zadaniem będzie opracowanie takiej instrukcji. Zgodzono się, że przygotowanie instrukcji (podręcznika) dla użytkowników IPEX powinno zostać zakończone przed następnym posiedzeniem korespondentów IPEX, które odbędzie się w dniu 10 października 2014 roku. Odnotowano również, że Jednostka Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX postanowiła powierzyć pani Reginie Wąsowicz przygotowanie wstępnego projektu słowniczka terminów używanych na stronie internetowej IPEX, do którego pozostali członkowie Rady IPEX i Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX będą mogli wprowadzić swoje poprawki. Pani Raulinaityte poinformowała Radę IPEX, że niedługo ma zostać przyznany Albanii status państwa kandydującego do UE. Dlatego zaproponowała, aby litewski Sejm w imieniu Rady IPEX wysłał list do Sekretarza Generalnego parlamentu albańskiego, w którym zaprosiłby parlament albański do członkostwa w Radzie IPEX i wyznaczenia korespondenta IPEX. Rada IPEX zatwierdziła ten wniosek. Pani Raulinaityte następnie przedstawiła Radzie IPEX projekt programu corocznego spotkania korespondentów IPEX, które odbędzie się w 2014 roku w Wilnie. Członkowie Rady IPEX zostali poproszeni o przedstawienie swoich propozycji dotyczących harmonogramu prac IPEXu na 2015 rok. Zauważono, że Izba Deputowanych Luksemburga zaproponowała zorganizowanie posiedzenia Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX i spotkania Rady IPEX w Luksemburgu wiosną 2015 roku. Pani Raulinaityte przedstawiła propozycje omawiane przez Jednostkę Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX, nt. jak poprawić stronę internetową IPEX. Zaproponowano utworzenie grupy roboczej w tym celu, w skład której wejdą następujący członkowie: Pan Richard Mongin Forrest (duński Folketing); Pan Gérard Hilbert (Parlament Europejski); Pan Matas Maldeikis (Sejm Republiki Litewskiej); Pan Calin Racoti (oficer informacyjny IPEX); Pani Katharina Stourzh (austriacki parlament); 7

Pani Regina Wąsowicz (Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, przewodnicząca grupy roboczej). Rada IPEX zatwierdziła powołanie i skład grupy roboczej. Opracowała: Dr Magdalena Skulimowska Załączniki: Załącznik nr 1 - Konkluzje z posiedzenia Rady IPEX, które odbyło się w dniu 25 kwietnia 2014 roku; Załącznik nr 2 - Skład Jednostki Wsparcia Centralnego IPEX na 2014 rok; Załącznik nr 3 - Propozycja grupy roboczej dotycząca procedury rekrutacji urzędnika informacyjnego IPEX; Załącznik nr 4 - Nowy projekt Wytycznych IPEX; Załącznik nr 5 - Zmodyfikowane Wytyczne ws. Aktualności IPEX; Załącznik nr 6 - Projekt listu do Ambasadora w Stałym Przedstawicielstwem Turcji przy Unii Europejskiej; Załącznik nr 7 - Projekt wdrożenia propozycji dotyczących Centrum Zasobów nt. Pomocniczości, ang. Subsidiarity Resource Centre, w ramach IPEX; Załącznik nr 8 - Zaktualizowany harmonogram prac IPEX na 2014 rok; 8

MEETING OF THE IPEX BOARD Vilnius, 25 April 2014 10.00 13.00 hrs. Venue: Constitution Hall, Building I of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania CONCLUSIONS List of participants is enclosed as: Attachment 1 1. Welcome and approval of the agenda The Board convened for the first time in the new formula which was approved during the meeting of the Secretaries General of the EU Parliaments on 27 January 2014 in Vilnius. The meeting was opened by the welcoming remarks of the Secretary General of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the new Chair of the IPEX Board Mr Jonas MILERIUS. Mr MILERIUS stated that 15 years following its establishment now IPEX was a well-functioning platform. He thanked the German Bundestag and its representatives Ms Birgit VON PFLUG and Mr Uwe JAENSCH for the four years of successful chairmanship of the IPEX Board. The Chair of the IPEX Board moved on to introducing the Lithuanian team, members of the IPEX Board and other participants of the meeting. Mr MILERIUS informed that during the Lithuanian chairmanship of the IPEX Board the Seimas coordination team will consist of Ms Loreta RAULINAITYTĖ, Director of the Communications Department, former EU Presidency Coordinator, Mr Matas MALDEIKIS, Adviser of the Office of the Committee on European Affairs, IPEX Correspondent, Ms Augustė KLIMAITYTĖ and Ms Ieva LAVIŠIENĖ, Chief Specialists of the Communications Department, Deputy IPEX Correspondents. He also introduced Ms Renata LYGIENĖ, Head of the Office of the Committee on European Affairs, who attended the Board meeting. The Board approved the agenda with one additional point proposed by Ms Christine VERGER (European Parliament) regarding the IPC pages on IPEX. It was agreed to discuss the point under the any other business part of the agenda. 1

2. Approval of the Conclusions of the last IPEX Board meeting held on 6 December 2013 in Brussels Mr Uwe JAENSCH (German Bundestag) presented the last version of the Conclusions including several amendments proposed by the Belgian, Lithuanian and Polish Parliaments regarding issues on subsidiarity and Conclusions for the meeting of the Secretaries General in Vilnius. The Board approved the Conclusions as presented and asked the IPEX Information Officer to publish them on the IPEX website. The Conclusions of the IPEX Board meeting held on 6 December 2013 in Brussels are enclosed as Attachment 2. 3. Report and follow-up of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments on 6-8 April 2014 in Vilnius Ms Loreta RAULINAITYTĖ (Lithuanian Seimas) presented the Conclusions of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments held in Vilnius, its content and structure. She noted that one part of the Conclusions was dedicated to IPEX. She drew attention to paragraph 54 of the Conclusions where IPEX was referred to as an important source of information for the European citizens. Following a brief exchange of views, the IPEX Board agreed that a debate on the role of IPEX would be held later this year. The Conclusions of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments held on 6-8 April 2014 in Vilnius are enclosed as Attachment 3. 4. IPEX Schedule for 2014 Mr MILERIUS presented the draft schedule of the IPEX Board, Central Support (CS) and annual IPEX Correspondents meetings for 2014. It was proposed to hold two more IPEX Board meetings this year: on 27 June in Vilnius and on 14 November in Brussels. Regarding the IPEX CS and Correspondents meetings the Chair suggested the following to the draft: - to cancel the CS meeting via video conferencing on 23 May; - to keep the CS meeting via video conferencing on 26 September; - to hold the CS meeting on the 9 October; - to change the date of the IPEX Correspondents meeting to the 10 October. The Chair asked the IPEX Board if anyone was willing to host the CS meeting on 9 October and the IPEX Correspondents meeting on 10 October as well as the IPEX Correspondents meeting in 2015. The deadline for submitting proposals to the Board was set at 25 June 2014. IPEX Board approved the amended IPEX schedule for 2014 as proposed by the Chair. Appropriate changes are to be done on the Calendar. 2

The updated IPEX schedule for 2014 is enclosed as Attachment 4. 5. Hiring process of the IPEX Information Officer Mr MILERIUS presented the issue of the hiring of the IPEX Information Officer as of 1 January 2015. He noted that the contract with the current IPEX Information Officer Mr Calin RACOTI expired on 31 December 2014. The Board was informed that this topic was discussed at the informal meeting of the Secretaries General of the Parliaments members of the IPEX Board on the margins of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments in Vilnius. During the informal meeting the Secretary General of the Belgian Senate Mr Hugo HONDEQUIN kindly agreed to clarify the possibility of concluding an employment contract with the IPEX Information Officer by the Belgian Senate. Member of the IPEX Board Ms Iuna SADAT (Belgian Senate) informed the Board that the Belgian Senate had investigated the issue and came to the conclusion that the Belgian Senate had a legal basis to employ a non-belgian EU citizen as of 1 January 2015. She confirmed that no public competition was required. Ms SADAT asked the Board to send a formal letter to the Belgian Senate with the request to employ the IPEX Information Officer from 1 January 2015 as well as to confirm that the salary and all other related expenses of the IPEX Information Officer would be equally shared by the EU national Parliaments. The Board decided to establish a Working Group on the hiring process of the IPEX Information Officer. The Working Group would consist of the following members: 1. Ms Iuna SADAT (Belgian Senate, the Chair), 2. Ms Loreta RAULINAITYTĖ (Lithuanian Seimas), 3. Ms Maria João COSTA (Portugal Assembly of the Republic), 4. Mr Yiannis TSAGADOPOULOS (Hellenic Parliament), 5. Ms Dana-Iulia VASILIU (Romanian Chamber of Deputies), 6. Ms Christine VERGER (European Parliament) 7. Ms Birgit VON PFLUG (German Bundestag). The Working Group was asked to prepare a proposal on the hiring process of the IPEX Information Officer and submit it to the Board by 13 June 2014. The proposal will be discussed at the next Board meeting on 27 June 2014 in Vilnius. 6. State of Play: modification of the IPEX Guidelines The Chair of the Working Group on the modification of the IPEX Guidelines Mr Richard Mongin FORREST (Danish Folketing) presented the results of the working sessions to the Board. He informed that there had been two Working Group meetings: on 21 March and 24 April 2014 and that the Working group had completed its work. During the debate some issues of editorial nature were raised by the members of the Working Group. The Chair of the Board Mr MILERIUS asked Mr FORREST to collect the editorial 3

amendments by 9 May 2014. It was also suggested that the final proof-reading should be undertaken by Mr Simon PATRICK (UK House of Commons) and completed by 15 June. The Board agreed with the proposals tabled by the Chair of the Working Group and thanked Mr FORREST as well as the members of the Working Group for their excellent work. It was agreed that the final draft of the IPEX Guidelines would be discussed at the next Board meeting on 27 June. Following the approval of the draft IPEX Guidelines by the Board they will be submitted to the Secretaries General meeting of the EU Parliaments in Italy for adoption. 7. Any other business Ms RAULINAITYTĖ (Lithuanian Seimas) presented the results of the IPEX CS meeting held on 24 April 2014. First, she introduced the idea suggested by the Danish Folketing to organise a Conference for the IPEX users. It was proposed to hold the Conference either in November 2014 or in spring 2015. Mr FORREST (Danish Folketing) will prepare a suggestion to the next IPEX CS meeting on 26 June regarding the date, venue, list of speakers and participants of the Conference. Ms RAULINAITYTĖ then presented a proposal by the Lithuanian Seimas to consider a possibility to transfer the information of the parliamentary dimension of the Presidencies of the Council of the EU hosted by national Parliaments to the IPEX website. The Board entrusted the CS to explore different possibilities and to discuss this proposal at the next CS meeting. Furthermore the CS discussed the efficiency and user-friendliness of the IPEX website. Mr FOREST suggested several improvements. It was agreed that by the next CS meeting the initial list of suggestions on how to improve the IPEX website will be circulated by the Seimas to the CS members asking them to add any other potential suggestions. The proposals for improvement will be discussed at the next CS meeting on 26 June. In the CS meeting a question of the renewed CS membership was raised. As a result the Chair of the Board Mr MILERIUS asked the members of the IPEX Board to consult their Parliaments and to inform the Board by its next meeting in June whether any of the new members of the Board would like to join the CS. Ms Christine VERGER (European Parliament) raised the issue of the title of the Interparliamentary Conference held under Article 13 of the Fiscal Compact. Since the final title of the Conference had not yet been defined Ms VERGER suggested using the general title the Interparliamentary Conference of Article 13 of the TSCG until a final decision is reached on the Rules of Procedure. The Board decided to discuss this issue at the next IPEX Board meeting on 27 June 2014 in Vilnius. Mr Gérard HILBERT (European Parliament) presented the technical proposal for the Subsidiarity Resource Centre as requested during the last IPEX Board meeting on 6 December 2013. The Board decided that a debate and a decision on the proposal were to be scheduled for the next Board meeting in June. 4

The technical proposal for the Subsidiarity Resource Centre is enclosed as Attachment 5. Ms Christine VERGER (European Parliament) reminded of the letter of Mr Selim YENEL, Ambassador at the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the EU, addressed to Mr Klaus WELLE, Secretary General of the European Parliament. The letter raised a problem uncounted by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey when uploading contributions to the News section of IPEX. Mr WELLE forwarded this letter to Mr MILERIUS as the current Chair of the IPEX Board. Following the debate Mr MILERIUS suggested that a draft of a reply to the Turkish Ambassador should be prepared by the Lithuanian Seimas together with the European Parliament and the Hellenic Parliament. The draft letter will be distributed to the members of the IPEX Board shortly. The draft letter together with the amendments to the IPEX News Guidelines regarding this issue would be discussed at the next Board meeting in June. The Board agreed with this suggestion. 5

LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE IPEX CENTRAL SUPPORT Current members of the CS Country Chamber/Institution Name 1. Belgium Senate Ms Iuna SADAT 2. Belgium House of Representatives Mr Carlos DEMEYERE 3. Italy Senate Mr Gianpaolo ARACO 4. Italy Chamber of Deputies Mr Antonio ESPOSITO 5. Italy Chamber of Deputies Mr Enrico STRONATI 6. Denmark Folketing Mr Richard Mongin FORREST 7. Germany German Bundestag Mr Uwe JAENSCH 8. Portugal Assembly of the Republic Ms Alexandra GRAÇA (new representative) 9. European Union European Parliament Ms Laura AUTORE 10. European Union European Parliament Mr Gérard HILBERT 11. European Union IPEX Information Officer Mr Calin RACOTI New members of the CS Country Chamber/Institution Name 1. Austria Austrian Parliament Ms Katharina STOURZH 2. Lithuania Seimas Ms Loreta RAULINAITYTĖ 3. Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies Ms Tania TENNINA 4. Poland Sejm Ms Regina WĄSOWICZ

Working Group on the hiring process of the IPEX Information Officer Proposal (27 June 2014) 1. Introduction The contract with the current IPEX Information Officer, Mr Calin RACOTI, expires on 31 December 2014. During an informal meeting of some Secretaries General of the Parliaments, which are members of the IPEX Board (in the margin of the Conference of Speakers of EU Parliaments on 7 April 2014 in Vilnius), a majority of the Secretaries General expressed the wish to continue the collaboration with Mr RACOTI. The Secretary General of the Belgian Senate proposed to clarify the possibility of concluding an employment contract with the current IPEX Information Officer by the Belgian Senate. During the Board meeting on 25 April 2014 in Vilnius, the Belgian Senate informed the Board that the Belgian Senate had a legal basis to employ the IPEX Information Officer, but some extensive research on the engagement had still to be done. The Board decided to establish a Working Group charged with the preparation of a proposal on the hiring process of the IPEX Information Officer. The proposal set out below first considers some important issues that have already been mentioned during the Board meeting (such as the selection procedure, wage scale, type of contract, etc.). The conclusion contains the final proposal of the Working Group with a clear choice concerning the procedure and the issue of the wage scale still to be discussed. 2. Legal basis and the selection procedure under the Belgian labour law A statutory engagement, i.e. a permanent engagement until retirement age, which is the most common engagement in the public sector, is not suitable in this case. Therefore, the Belgian Senate proposes an engagement under the Belgian private labour law. Whereas a call for candidates and a selection procedure would be mandatory for a statutory engagement, no selection procedure is required for employment under the private sector labour law. 3. Length of term Under the Belgian labour law, employment contracts can be concluded for a fixed term or for a non-fixed term. Successive employment contracts for a fixed term are legally considered to constitute employment for a non-fixed term. Successive employment contracts for a fixed term are admissible if the nature

of the work justifies it, provided there are no more than 4 successive renewals for a total maximum term of 2 years. This is not an option in this case. Employment contracts for a non-fixed term can be terminated at any time with due notice. The required period of notice depends on the period the employee has been in office. It ranges from two weeks, for an employee who has been in office for maximum 3 months, to eleven weeks for a term of office of maximum 2 years, twelve weeks for a term of office of maximum 3 years, thirteen weeks for a term of office of maximum 4 years, etc., when employment is terminated by the employer. When the contract is terminated by the employee, the notice to be given is one half of the notice to be given by the employer (law of 3 July 1978, Art. 37 37.2). The termination of the employment contract has to be motivated. The motivation relates in general in the (non-) execution of the contract by one of the parties, but could also be related to the fact that the employer no longer wants to pursue the work for which the employee was hired. When the employment contract is concluded for a fixed term, the party that wants to terminate it before its term has to pay to the other party a compensation which is equal to the notice that would have been required if the engagement had been concluded for a non-fixed term when the contract is terminated in the first six months. When the contract is terminated after the initial six months, the compensation is equal to the salary for the period left to the term, with a maximum of twice the notice that would have been required if the contract had been concluded for a non-fixed term (Art. 40). Taking into account these elements, the Belgian Senate proposes a contract for a non-fixed term. 4. Wage scale and the contributions of national Parliaments The wage scales of the statutory employees of the Belgian Senate are specific scales taking into account specific working conditions such as language requirement, irregular working days and hours, etc. They are therefore higher than the average salaries on the labour market, and cannot be transposed easily to the working conditions of the IPEX Information Officer. The gross wage of a statutory Senate employee with a university degree and who has been in office for 4 years would be +/- 66,000, the total cost for the Senate +/- 70,000. The Senate also has wage scales for the employees of the political groups, who are engaged under private labour law rules. The total cost, if these scales are applied, would be +/- 75,000. However, nothing excludes the possibility, for the Belgian Senate, to apply neither one of those wage scales, but to continue applying the current wage scale (consequences for the net wage to be verified) of the IPEX Information Officer if that would be the wish of the IPEX Board. Moreover, travel expenses should also be covered by the contributions of the national Parliaments. As a consequence, the current contributions would slightly increase.

5. Conclusion The Working Group suggests the Belgian Senate concluding an employment contract with the current IPEX Information Officer, Mr Calin RACOTI as of 1 January 2015: - under private Belgian labour law regime; - without any selection procedure; - for a non-fixed term; - with the preservation of the current net wage of the IPEX Information Officer; the travel expenses due to business trips of the IPEX Information Officer will be added to the salary and shared among the contributing national Parliaments; the total employment costs (encompassing the wage and travel expenses) should not exceed 70,000 per year; - The commitment to take part in the co-financing is valid only if national Parliaments of at least fifteen Member States make a similar commitment. The maximum contribution per national Parliament is 4,667 per year. Based on past experience, it is proposed that a letter of intent, covering a period of two years and indicating the commitment to participate in the co-financing of the IPEX Information Officer, would be sent by all participating national Parliaments of the European Union to the Belgian Senate no later than 26 September 2014. The costs will be shared in equal parts by the participating national Parliaments. The bills shall be sent by the Belgian Senate at the beginning of each year and the contributions would be paid retrospectively, i.e. for the previous year. The bill shall include certification that the expenditure has been accounted for and audited according to the rules applicable to the Belgian Senate. After the approval of this proposal by all national Parliaments, the Belgian Senate will take the necessary steps to start the hiring process of the IPEX Information Officer in order to assure the continuity of his work.

Annex 1 Composition of the Working Group 1. Ms Iuna SADAT (Belgian Senate, the Chair), 2. Ms Loreta RAULINAITYTĖ (Lithuanian Seimas), 3. Ms Maria João COSTA (Portuguese Assembly of the Republic), 4. Ms Alexandra GRAÇA (Portuguese Assembly of the Republic), 5. Mr Yiannis TSAGADOPOULOS (Hellenic Parliament), 6. Ms Dana-Iulia VASILIU (Romanian Chamber of Deputies), 7. Ms Christine VERGER (European Parliament), 8. Ms Birgit VON PFLUG (German Bundestag).

Annex 2 SAMPLE LETTER OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CO-FINANCING OF THE IPEX INFORMATION OFFICER FOR THE YEARS 2015 AND 2016 On behalf of... [Parliament/Chamber] I wish to indicate that our Parliament/Chamber is prepared to take part in the co-financing of the IPEX Information Officer for the years 2015 and 2016. This undertaking is subject to the conditions specified below. 1. The commitment is to pay a share of the cost of maintaining the IPEX Information Officer from 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2016. The Secretaries General are aware that the co-financing of the costs of the IPEX Information Officer should be shared equally amongst all participating Parliaments. 2. The commitment is valid only if the national Parliaments of at least fifteen Member States make the same commitment. In this regard Member States where only one Chamber participates shall be counted as 0,5. 3. The total employment costs (encompassing the wage and travel expenses) should not exceed 70,000 per year. The maximum contribution per participating Parliament shall be 4,667 per year (bicameral Parliaments may divide their contribution between the two Chambers - allowing each Chamber to pay a portion of the contribution). 1 4. This letter of intent should be sent to the Belgian Senate no later than 26 September 2014. 5. The bills shall be sent by the Belgian Senate to the participating Parliaments at the beginning of each year and the contributions would be paid retrospectively, i.e. the first bill for 2015 shall be sent by the Belgian Senate at the beginning of 2016. The bill shall include certification that the expenditure has been accounted for and audited according to the rules applicable to the Belgian Senate. 6. The contribution shall be sent to the Belgian Senate which is responsible for the administration of the post as of 1 January 2015. Date:.. Signature:.. Title:.. Parliament/Chamber:. (1) It is desirable that bicameral Parliaments make their commitment jointly in whatever form is most convenient to them.

All provisions have been adopted by consensus by the IPEX Board 27 June 2014 in Vilnius Draft IPEX Guidelines for approval by the meeting of the Secretaries General To be adopted in Rome in 2015

Guidelines for IPEX Preamble 1) IPEX, the InterParliamentary EU information exchange, was created following recommendations and agreements by the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments in Rome in 2000 1 and in The Hague in 2004 2. 2) The objective of IPEX is to support interparliamentary cooperation in the European Union by providing a platform for the electronic exchange of EU-related information between Parliaments in the Union. In particular, the IPEX web site contains a database for the exchange of information about parliamentary scrutiny in EU affairs including aspects of subsidiarity, as well as a calendar of interparliamentary meetings, forums for the exchange of views, a news section and the web site of the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments as well as web sites of other EU Interparliamentary conferences. 3) IPEX is open to national Parliaments/Chambers in the member states and candidate countries of the European Union and to the European Parliament. Article 1 (Objectives of IPEX) The Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments lays down the objectives of IPEX. Article 2 (Role of the Secretaries General) The Secretaries General 3 of the European Union Parliaments: a. oversee IPEX and adopt conclusions relating to it; b. agree on the guidelines and on major developments of IPEX; c. appoint the IPEX Board; d. appoint the Chair of the IPEX Board from among the Secretaries General of the Parliaments/Chambers represented on the IPEX Board according to the procedures in Articles 4 and 5 of these Guidelines; e. approve the Board s proposal for the legal and functional framework for hiring and daily administration of the IPEX Information Officer. 1 In a memorandum adopted by the Conference in Rome on 22-24 September 2000, the Speakers proposed measures to promote cooperation and the exchange of information between institutions and Parliaments in the Union. The Speakers requested that the administrations of the respective Parliaments should look into the matter in more detail. 2 Guidelines for Interparliamentary Cooperation in the EU as agreed upon by the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments. 3 Whenever Secretary General is mentioned in this text, this shall include any other equivalent senior official appointed by the Speaker to represent the Parliament/Chamber in meetings of the Secretaries General.

Article 3 (The IPEX Board) 1. The IPEX Board and its Chair are appointed for a one-year period, running from the end of one annual Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments to the end of the next. 2. The Board: a. ensures the ongoing and effective management and maintenance of IPEX; b. is responsible for monitoring the IPEX website as well as for its technical and editorial changes and developments; c. meets once a year with the IPEX Correspondents in collaboration with a national Parliament/Chamber; d. is responsible for relations with the EU institutions and bodies outside the European Union; e. submits draft conclusions on IPEX to the Secretaries General and implements their decisions relating to IPEX. Article 4 (Composition of the Board) 3. The Board consists of members representing: a. the national Parliaments holding the previous, current and upcoming Presidency of the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments; b. the national Parliament of the member state holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first semester of the year in which the Board takes office; c. other national Parliaments that wish to participate and commit to contributing to working groups set up by the Board; d. the European Parliament. 4. COSAC, the ECPRD, the European Commission and the Council participate in and contribute to Board meetings. 5. The Chair may invite other relevant organizations or individuals to Board meetings. Article 5 (Chair of the Board) 1. The Chairmanship of the Board falls to the Parliament which chaired the annual meeting of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments. 2. A bi-cameral Parliament may propose that only one of its Chambers chairs the IPEX Board. 3. The Secretaries General chose the Chair of the Board in situations where the relevant Parliament is unable to assume the Chairmanship of the IPEX Board according to the above procedure. 4. In order to ensure the continuity and efficiency of the work of the IPEX Board, its Chair coordinates and cooperates with Parliaments chairing the previous and upcoming IPEX Boards. Article 6 (Board meetings) 1. The Board adopts its decisions by consensus. 2. Board meetings are:

a. prepared by the Chair; b. held at least twice a year on invitation by the Chair of the Board or on request expressed by one third of the Parliaments represented on it. 3. The draft agenda is: a. prepared by the Chair at least four weeks beforehand, and a final draft along with relevant working papers/documents are forwarded to the Board members at least two weeks before the start of the meeting; b. adopted by the Board at the beginning of each meeting. 4. Draft minutes of Board meetings are sent to the Board members for approval not later than two weeks after the meetings. If the Chair does not receive objections within four weeks of the meeting, the minutes are deemed to have been approved and are subsequently published on IPEX. Otherwise the minutes are approved at the next meeting of the Board. Article 7 (Working Groups) 1. The Board may set up temporary Working Groups to draw up proposals for any issue related to IPEX. The Board sets out the tasks of each Working Group and a deadline for their completion. 2. The Board appoints the members and the Chair of each Working Group. 3. Working Groups may also meet virtually through the exchange of e-mail and/or audio/video conference. 4. Working Groups work under the supervision of the Board and report to it. Article 8 (Appointment and tasks of the IPEX Correspondents) 1. IPEX Correspondents are appointed by the Secretary General of each national Parliament/Chamber taking part in IPEX. Each Parliament/Chamber may appoint up to two Correspondents. 2. The IPEX Correspondents are responsible for the contributions from their Parliament/Chamber to IPEX. In particular they: a. ensure the maintenance of IPEX through the regular updating of the national pages with general links and information and within the individual IPEX scrutiny pages by indicating the current status of the procedure in the parliamentary Chamber; b. upload all relevant documents and comments in real time preferably with an English and/or French translation or summary; c. add any specific contact person for the dossier under scrutiny; d. submit to the IPEX Information Officer news about their national Parliament/Chamber and activities of interest for publication in the news section. 3. In addition, IPEX Correspondents: a. function as default contact person for EU matters within their respective Parliament/Chamber; b. explain the parliamentary traditions and procedures/the scrutiny system of their national Parliaments; c. keep the IPEX Information Officer informed about the relevant changes in the management structures of their national Parliament/Chamber;

d. participate in the promotion of IPEX, including by introducing it to co-workers and Members of Parliament; e. participate in IPEX training sessions; f. train staff in the national Parliaments and ensure a smooth transfer of know-how within the Parliament; g. play an active part in the Annual IPEX Correspondents Meetings in order to exchange best practices, discuss the future development of IPEX and give feedback to the IPEX Board. 4. In light of the tasks listed above, it is recommended that the IPEX Correspondent comes from or works closely with a department in the national Parliament/Chamber responsible for European Affairs. 5. As part of their task of enhancing best practices, IPEX Correspondents may participate in partnership groups. Article 9 (The IPEX Information Officer) 1. The IPEX Information Officer works under the supervision of the Board and assists the Board in its tasks. 2. The IPEX Information Officer: a. is responsible for the daily maintenance and monitoring of the IPEX web site; b. manages IPEX users; c. is responsible for the implementation of editorial changes and developments as decided by the Board; d. follows up on implementing new features with the technical support of the IT services of the European Parliament; e. regularly submits reports to the Board; f. fulfils other tasks assigned by the Board and its Chair; g. assists IPEX Correspondents by offering technical advice and support; h. participates in Board meetings; i. may be invited by the Board to participate in Working Groups. Article 10 (Administration of the IPEX Information Officer) 1. The post of the IPEX Information Officer is co-financed by national Parliaments and the costs are shared equally amongst all participating Parliaments. 2. The IPEX Board submits to the Secretaries General for approval a proposal containing the legal and functional framework for hiring and daily administration of the IPEX Information Officer. Article 11 (Revision of the Guidelines) The revision of these Guidelines is the responsibility of the Secretaries General of the European Union Parliaments.

IPEX News Guidelines The IPEX 2.0 is aiming to see the News section turned into a new, dynamic and attractive tool for strengthening interparliamentary cooperation, by featuring news/topics/headlines on interesting subjects from national or European level. By constantly featuring subjects of interest, IPEX would turn into a major source of information regarding parliamentary life and interparliamentary cooperation within the European Union, assuring a high visibility in the professional landscape. The News section contains two distinct sections - a general section, open to our webpublic - and a closed section - specially dedicated to the national correspondents (NCs) and account users. The public section can take up a central role in informing the broad public about the life and events taking place in the national Parliaments of the EU Member States through news topics coming via the NC s network and Information Officer s selection, while the closed section would feature targeted messages for the NC s community. The news and relevant links attached to them must be editorially justified and should lead to stories/sites which are: clearly relevant to the content of the IPEX site suitable for the likely audience regularly updated and refreshed, if appropriate normally free to access normally factually accurate drafted into the English/French language and when not available, providing an abstraction in English/French respectful of the official names of the EU Member States and candidate countries as used by the EU institutions according to UN resolutions. The sources of such information would be the NP s and their respective parliamentary life, with events and topics relevant to the interparliamentary cooperation and EU affairs, information originating from EU institutions official specialised outlets and edited to suit the needs and purposes of the IPEX website, as well as informational texts related to the functioning of the IPEX system and network, edited by the IPEX Information Officer. The exchange of information and contributions between the national Parliaments and IPEX is based on practices which require mutual trust and professionalism. In safeguarding this exchange, the IPEX Board entrusts the IPEX Information Officer with the task of receiving and uploading the materials and keeping functional contact on content issues with the originating party.

DRAFT 27 June 2014 Mr Selim YENEL Ambassador Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the European Union Dear Mr Yenel, As Chair of the IPEX Board, I would like to inform you that we have received your letter addressed to the Secretary General of the European Parliament, Mr Klaus WELLE, dated on 23 October 2013, regarding the use of the official name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Although the IPEX Board appreciates you bringing this issue up, we would like to inform you that IPEX News Guidelines explicitly state that: The news should be "respectful of the official names of EU Member States and candidate countries as used by the EU institutions according to UN resolutions". Since IPEX is a database on EU policies and legislation, IPEX follows the practice of EU institutions on issues such as names of EU candidate countries. In this particular case, the EU institutions, such as the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council, use the internationally agreed name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), as stated in the UN resolutions. Before a negotiated and mutually acceptable solution on the name issue is reached, IPEX will therefore be using the name FYROM. In this context, I would also like to bring to your attention to the fact that the official names of the European Parliament delegation (EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee) and the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement, Section B (Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland) have to be respected by all parties. We trust in your understanding and hope that this letter clarifies your questions. Sincerely, Jonas Milerius Secretary General of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Chair of the IPEX Board

Proposal for implementing a Subsidiarity Resource Center in IPEX by fine tuning the possibilities for extending the search possibilities v1.1 Following an initial proposal detailing a new section to be created on the IPEX website and submitted to the Board for discussion in the meeting in December 2013, the Board decided that the IPEX Information Officer together with the IT department of the European Parliament will present a new proposal based on less manual input and more use of existing data, by refining and enhancing the IPEX search engine. Hereafter are a number of proposals implementing such refined search possibilities with different levels of sophistication. Enlarged copies of the mock-ups included in the text are available in the annex. Proposal 1 'Yellow/Orange/Red card' only Requirement: - make documents, where the number of reasoned opinions has reached a threshold as defined in the Lisbon treaty, distinctive and easily searchable Idea: - provide a mean to search for those documents that have reached a certain threshold of number of reasoned opinions - emphasize this with graphical elements on the respective documents Impact: - the Information Officer will have the possibility to flag specific documents once a certain threshold has been acknowledged by the institution that submitted the draft legislative act

Implementation and mock-ups: A new field will be added in the document section of the IPEX back-office. This field will be using a drop-down list of values to indicate the level of threshold reached. Mock-up #1 Also another new field (allowing for text to be provided in all navigation languages of the website) will be added for allowing to provide extra editorial information relating to a specific document (to be noted: while this new possibility for text will be specifically highlighted in the case of a certain threshold having been reached, it can also be used for providing additional editorial information for any other text). Stating that a threshold has been reached will: - trigger special colouring of that specific document when viewed - trigger special colouring of the (new additional) text - allow to specifically searching for such documents

Examples of the document page: Mock-up #2 Mock-up #3

Examples of the search: (a) Using facets only This is the most reliable search as it will always show the number of documents in relation to the other search criteria Mock-up #4 (b) Using also a specific search criteria in the search form This is prone to have empty results lists Mock-up #5

Proposal 2 - Fine tuning the search for indicators by year Requirement: - when extracting annual statistics, ensure that only reasoned opinions submitted during a specific period are taken into account. Issue: currently statistics take the reference year of the document or the related dossier, which in the case of documents transmitted in the last 8 weeks of a given year, may create some differences in statistics (of reasoned opinions, versus statistics on reasoned opinions by documents of a chosen year) Idea: - provide means to search for a specific timespan in connection with a specific filter (Reasoned Opinion, Political Dialogue, Veto) Impact: - as a number of documents may be registered in IPEX in connection with either the Reasoned opinions, the Political Dialogue or a Veto, it becomes necessary for the correspondent to identify which specific transmission is the one to be taken into account for the statistical query. Also: in order to make the website search reliable, such information need to be manually complemented on existing scrutiny entries which have been submitted so far. - on the website query interface new fields need to be added for allowing to search for a timespan. - if it shall be possible to search for combined timespans related to any of the indicators, it might become necessary to add as many timespans as there are indicators

Back office change: Mock-up #6 Changes to the Search interface: Mock-up #7 Mock-up #8

Rules applying to the Search: 1. The user can check none, one or multiple of the three criteria: Reasoned Opinions/Political Dialogue/Veto 2. If none of the criteria's is checked, and even though the transmission date range is filled, the criteria are not taken into account for the query 3. If any of the three criteria is checked, but the transmission date fields are empty, the search result includes all scrutiny pages, having that criteria, combined with any other criteria set for the same search 4. If any of the criteria is checked and the dates have been filled for the transmission date range, then the search result includes all scrutiny pages having that criteria in the specific timespan, combined with any other criteria (f.i. chamber) set for the same search 5. If only one of the two dates for the transmission date range are provided, the second one is supposed to be in the far past or future (i.e. if only the end date is specified the result list will include all scrutiny pages having that criteria up to that date) 6. If multiple criteria are checked together and a transmission date range is given by either start and/or end date, then the same date range applies for all of the criteria. 7. The search result includes only scrutiny pages, referring to EU documents, that match all of the criteria that are in the query. As a result to the above, IPEX will launch a query on all the scrutiny entries in the database. This query will look as the example hereafter: (Reasoned opinion is checked AND Political Dialogue is checked AND (transmission where real date is between 01/01/2012 and 31/12/2012))

ANNEX with enlarged mock-ups: Mock-up #1:

Mock-up #2:

Mock-up #3:

Mock-up #4:

Mock-up #5:

Mock-up #6:

Mock-up #7:

Mock-up #8: