Saint Joseph Basilica

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Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium

Saint Joseph Basilica

Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium


Saint Joseph Basilica Parish of the Third Millennium Mission Statement Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and nurturing the spirit of service. Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God. 53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570 Phone: 508-943-0467 Fax: 508-943-0808 E-mail: Parish Website: Sunday Vigil: Sunday: Holy Day Vigil: Holy Day: Weekdays: LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.(polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. (Polish) 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(polish); 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual) 6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat) CONFESSIONS - SPOWIEDŹ Saturday:... 3 p.m. Eve of Holy Days:... 3 p.m. Thurs. before First Friday:... 3 p.m First Friday:... 6.30 p.m PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Wednesday - Office Is Closed! Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/RCIA (508) 943-3752 * e-mail: Director.Mary Jolda PARISH PERSONNEL Rector:... Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki Adm. Secretary... Terry Miller Financial Secretary... Ewa Mamro Organist... Robert Wójcik Cemetery Manager... Kevin Rekowski Sacristans Al Richard & Joseph Ziak RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office. BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation. MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one year s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory. *** SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej katechezy. SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu. SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalną posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię. ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej. *** SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL 47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570 Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581 Principal.Mr. Donald F. Cushing Secretary.Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert

Page 2 December 19, 2010-19 grudzien 2010 Masses for the weekmsze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia Sunday Vigil-December 18 4:00 r.s. Anthony Placzek (2 nd month s mind) -int. family Sunday-December 19 7:00 Za wypominki 8:15 r.s. Nancy Zecco (1 yr. anniv.) -int. daughter and fam. 9:30 r.s. MaryAnn Marshalkowski, Roberta Brisbois and Patricia Mahan (38 th anniv.) -int. parents 11:00 s.p. Jan Plewa -int. Jozef Plewa z rodzina Monday-December 20 6:30 r.s Richard J. Cameron, Sr. -int. Staff at Scanlon Funeral Service 2:15pm Lanessa Nursing Home Tuesday-December 21 6:30 r.s. Stanley Kabala Sr. -int. Irene & Andy Szumilas & Chris Berard Wednesday-December 22 6:30 r.s. Lisa Grzych Kuszewski -int. Roland Malboeuf 7:00 r.s. Cecelia Bukowski -int. Sacred Heart Society Thursday-December 23 6:30 r.s. Richard Williams (2 nd anniv.) -int. family Friday-December 24 6:30 r.s. Frances Krystyniak (1 st anniv.) -int. daughter Janice & son-in-law Friday Evening i Christmas Vigil i 4 pm For the special Benefactors of Saint Joseph School Gym and Parish Center-Richard Nowak, Dr. John Kalinowski, John and Jane Gogolinski, and John McNally family -int. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki 12 M Shepherd s Mass - Pasterka Za tych ktorzy w roznych formach posluguja w parafii-- For those of our parish involved in various ministries -int. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki Saturday i CHRISTMAS DAY i 8:15 For our parish community to grow in faith, dedication and service to God and each other 9:30 r.s. Paula Kalinowski -int. husband and children 11:00 Za zmarlych dobrodziejow Bazyliki i szkoly-for the deceased benefactors of the Basilica and school--bernard Kozik, Wanda Sitkowski, Walter Kolak and John Markiewicz -int.. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki PLEASE NOTE: No evening Mass on Christmas Day 7:00 Sunday December 26 Za parafian 8:15 r.s. Norman Duclos -int. wife and family 9:30 For all the living and deceased enrolled in Friends of St. Joseph School Fund 11:00 s.p.maria Piesak -int. Zurowski family SACRIFICIAL OFFERINGS - December 12, 2010 Weekly $5706.50 (incl. $357.50 in loose money); Diocesan Obligations $180; Fuel $1818 (incl. $102.06 in loose money); Immaculate Conception $937. Stewardship Note for Fourth Sunday of Advent. When he discovered that Mary was with child, Joseph resolved to end their engagement with as little disgrace as possible. But obedient to the voice of God, he changed those plans and became instead the protector of the child Jesus and His mother, Mary. God grant that I may be as open to the leading of the Holy Spirit! SANCTUARY VOTIVE CANDLE For the week of December 19 through December 25, 2010 Blessed Mother Altar Candle I - In memory of Henry Dowgiewicz and deceased members of Komorek family Given by Gladys Dowgiewicz and family The second collection this weekend will be taken for the Diocesan Retirement Fund for the Religious FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 19, 2010 They shall name him Emmanuel, which means God is with us. Trust in God. On this final Sunday of Advent our scriptures focus on the historical birth of Jesus, who is son of David and Son of God, child, and king, Jesus and Emmanuel. Isaiah the prophet begs Ahaz to ask for a sign, to allow God to offer him reassurance of the survival of the Davidic dynasty. The king hypocritically refuses to tempt the Lord in that way (Isaiah 7:12), but the prophet foretells the birth of a son, an heir to the throne, who will prove the Lord s enduring protection of God s chosen lineage on the throne of David. The child will be called Emmanuel. Matthew s reference to this history in his description of the birth of Jesus highlights the contract between the faithless refusal of trust shown by Ahaz, and the complete trust in God shown by Mary and Joseph in bringing about the birth of Jesus Christ. CONFESSIONS On Monday, December 20, 2010 the traditional Christmas Reconciliation Service will be held at 6 p.m. We encourage every parishioner to take advantage of this opportunity to receive the sacrament of God s forgiveness and mercy. Confessions will not be available on Friday, December 24 th. For those who are unable to be present on Monday, confessions will be heard on Tuesday, December 21 st, 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart and at 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrew Bobola. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2010 Today in the city of David, a Savior has been born for you, who is Messiah and Lord. Lk 2:11 The Christmas celebration will begin with the vigil mass at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 24 th. As always, the Senior Choir and children will enhance the vigil liturgy. The bilingual celebration at midnight will begin at 11:30 p.m. with a Christmas concert of the St. Joseph Basilica Choir, followed by the candlelight procession with the children to the manger, and the blessing of the creche. During the meditation the children accompanied by musical instruments will share an inspiring Christmas message. The

Page 3 December 19, 2010-19 grudzien 2010 r. Christmas morning Masses will begin at 8:15 a.m. with a violin soloist. The family Mass for all the parents and children of St. Joseph School as well as the Religious Education students will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. The children will be asked to re-enact the Gospel, sing in the choir, and participate in the offertory procession.the last Mass on Christmas Day is at 11 a.m. in Polish. In this special and sacred time everyone is invited and urged to come to the Catholic church and participate in the Eucharist. May I ask the family members to arrange all your social activities in such a way that every child will have the opportunity to attend divine worship on Christmas. The altar servers are requested to report for their respective Masses 20 minutes before the beginning of the liturgy. Various choirs of St. Joseph Basilica accompanied by musical instruments spend a lot of time in preparing their presentation of Christmas carols; the Altar Guild devoted their talents to provide inspirational scenery to recall the first Christmas; therefore we kindly ask you to invite your family members and friends to experience the traditional Christmas spirit at St. Joseph Basilica. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Christmas time is a moment when the human hearts are filled with joy. In the atmosphere of family gatherings, exchange of gifts, singing of Christmas carols, we are living through an unusual event. God became one of us, trusted us so we would be assured of his presence in our daily. Today with renewed joy we can look at the newborn Baby Jesus who brings us peace and happiness. These beautiful gifts are expressed in the Christmas carols. May this sacred day become a blessed time for all of us, sharing the oplatek with one another, and opening our hearts to His blessings which he shares in abundance with people of good will. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki Rev. Gregory Chodkowski FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DRE Confirmation. December 19 th at 8 a.m. in the school to follow with the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Please be prompt. Confirmation Christmas party at Mrs. Jolda s house on December 29 th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CATHOLIC YOUTH GROUP Youth Group Sleepover Event. The Youth Group (youths in grades 6-12) will have a Faith, Friends, Food & Fun Sleepover Event on January 8-9 at the Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam CT. We will arrive Saturday morning and leave Sunday late morning. Father Gomez will come to celebrate Mass in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. Among the planned events will be sledding (if we have snow), movie night, film the Gospel skit for the January Youth Mass, discuss how faith and religion play a part in your life, board games, plenty of food and just hanging out with friends. Cost is $10 per person and that includes lodging, lunch, dinner and breakfast. More info to follow as the date gets closer. Some parents will be needed to help chaperone. Please contact Mrs. Valcour with questions. DONATIONS St. Joseph Basilica. In memory of: Bernard J. Mrzyglod by Lena Bomba, American Rent-All L.L.c., Linda Gill; Josephine Gorski by Christopher House of Webster, Jacqueline M. Schoettle, Robert & Cheryl LaRossa. St. Joseph Basilica. With deep appreciation we acknowledge the donation of $100 by Danuta Strelczuk on the occasion of the baptism of her granddaughter Lydia Aleksandra Mayo. Thank you and may the child grow in the love and protection of our Lord. St. Joseph School. Grateful acknowledgment to St. Andrew Bobola Parish for the donation of $334 in support of our school. 1-25 Club Winner for the 11th Week - #5 Scott L. Wagner SCHOOL NEWS Festive Luncheon. On the 22 nd of December the St. Joseph School faculty, students and children will participate in a Christmas luncheon in a spirit of friendship and solidarity. Although the meal will be more festive and abundant donated by Mr. and Mrs. John Zagrocki, nevertheless this common meal will resemble the vigil Christmas dinner where the family shares the wafer among its members in a spirit of love, forgiveness and peace. St. Joseph School teaches the Catholic faith through practical events, celebrations, traditional practices which help the children to connect with the gift of faith they received from their parents. Events like Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas dinner, Christmas play, also joyful celebrations which create a bond among the students in their common task to expand the mind and form the character. On behalf of the Faculty, the Principal and the Administration we wish our students and their parents a joyful, blessed and Merry Christmas Day! Exchange Students. The students from Poland returned safety to their school last Sunday after a very emotional farewell with their new friends at St. Joseph School. These 12 students truly represent the high achievements of their private school in Warsaw, Poland in terms of their character formation as well as intellectual abilities. They were well liked by the faculty, made a lasting impression on our students and their test scores were very high. Together with Mr. Cushing we want to thank the host families for their openness, sacrifice and willingness to help others. It was indeed a noble gesture and in the Christmas spirit. Thank you to Mark and Betsy Robbins, Jane and Robert Goudreau, Theresa and Kyle Haggerty, Diane and Ray Sullivan, Susan and John Tarasiak, Malgorzata and Wojciech Sudyka, Steve and Sylvia Kohut, Edyhta and Piotr Puczydlowski. Once again, thank you and Merry Christmas! A LEGACY FROM THE PAST VIGIL OF CHRISTMAS EVE Traditional rituals, symbols of the family Christmas Eve Vigil began millenniums ago in Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania. This Christmas Eve ritual continues wherever the blessed Oplatek, the Christmas Wafer, is shared. The ancient ritual united past with present...heaven with earth. An empty place at table is in memory of ancestors, departed loved ones, and for the Unseen Guest, Jesus Christ. There is high hope that the Unexpected

Page 4 Guest will come and bless the gathering. A guest in the home is Christ in the home. Thirteen courses are served-the 12 Apostles and our Lord. A small portion is set aside for the animals. On the first Christmas when the Christ was born, the animals were the only honored eye witnesses. An Abridged Vigil Devotion. An opening carol may be sung...the leader says: We gather together on this holy evening for sacred and joyful Christmas Eve Vigil. On this night, closest to the year s shortest of days and longest of nights, a Star appears in the heavens, dispelling the darkness. We celebrate the fact that the Word became flesh...... The Star of the Wise Men appears in the East, summons us to celebrate this Royal feast. The Star of Bethlehem with its gleaming light signifies that our Lord was born this holy night. The Word is made flesh - Him we humbly adore. Revealed in manger - God s true Grace restores. KRONIKA PARAFIAALNA Czwarta Niedziela Adwentu 1. I nazw Go Emanuela, co znaczy Bóg z nami Zaufaƒ Bogu. W te ostatnia niedziel Adwentu czytania liturgiczne skupiaj si na historycznym pochodzeniu Jezusa, który jest jednoczeñnie synem Dawida i Synem Boga, dzieckiem i królem, Jezusem i Emanuelem. Spe»nienie proroctwa o narodzeniu Mesjasza sprawia Józefa w zak»opotanie i stawia go po stronie tych, którzy w bezradnoñci zdaj si na niepoj te zamiary Boga. Józef nie przejawia niezdrowej dumy ani pewnoñci siebie, ani triumfalizmu z powodu tego, óe sta» si uczestnikiem zbawczych wydarze½. Jest przez nie formowany ku Ñwi tej uleg»oñci. Bóg sam zadaje problemy i sam je rozwi zuje. Poddanie si Jego zamiarom i prowadzeniu to najlepszy sposób na w» aczenie si w realizacj Jego planów. Spowiedï Adwentowa W poniedzia»ek 20 Grudnia 2010 od godziny 18:00 zapraszamy wszystkich, którzy przyst piƒ do Sakramentu Pokuty. B dzie obecnych wielu ksi óy z s siednich parafii. Zach camy to skorzystania z tej moóliwoñci duchowego przygotowania si na nadchodz ce Ðwi ta. JednoczeÑnie informujemy, óe w dniu 24 Grudnia nie b dzie moóliwoñci przyst pienia do spowiedzi. Boóe Narodzenie DziÑ w mieñcie Davida narodzi» si nam zbawiciel, którym jest Mesjasz Pan. Naboóe½nstwa Ñwi teczne rozpoczn si Msza Wigilijna w pi tek 24 grudnia o godz. 16:00. Nast pnie o godz.

Page 5 11:30 zostanie odprawiona Pasterka (liturgia w dwóch j zykach), po» czona z procesja i poñwi ceniem ó»óbka i koncertem Chóru parafialnego. W dzie½ Boóego Narodzenia Msze Ðw. b d odprawiane w godzinach 8:15, 9:30 i 11:00. Uczniowie szko»y Ñw. Jozefa i ministranci s proszeni o przybycie na Msz 20 min. Przed rozpocz ciem liturgii. W tym szczególnym czasie wszyscy s zaproszeni do udzia»lu w Mszy Ñsw. Prosimy tak planowaƒ dzie½ Ñwi ateczny, aby nie zabrak»lo w nim czasu na modlitw i spotkanie z Bogiem w Eucharystii òyczenia Ñwi teczne 2. Czas Boóego Narodzenia, to chwile, kiedy nasze serca przepe»nia radoñƒ. W atmosferze Ñwi tecznych spotka½, wzajemnego obdarowywania si prezentami, poñród Ñpiewanych wspólnie, w gronie rodzinnym, kol d, przeóywamy niezwyk»e wydarzenie. Oto Bóg sta» si jednym z nas. Zaufa» nam i podda» si pod ludzka opiek, abyñmy mieli pewnoñc, óe jego obecnoñƒ przenika nasz codziennoñƒ. DziÑ moóemy równieó z zaufaniem i nadziej spogl daƒ na Boó Dziecin, która przynosi nam pokój i szcz Ñcie. Ðpiewajmy zatem wspólnie i w s»owach najpi kniejszych kol d wychwalajmy dobroƒ i wielkoñƒ Boga. Niech te Ðwi ta b d czasem b»ogos»awionym, dla nas wszystkich. Podzielmy si wspólnie op»atkiem i otwórzmy serca na»aski, których Bóg w obfitoñsci udziela ludziom dobrej woli. Weso»ych Ðwi t i Szcz Ñliwego Nowego Roku. Ks. Pralat Antoni Czarnecki Ks. Grzegorz Chodkowski Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia!