REPORT on the presence of Witold Lutosławski s music in the musical life of Poland and the world

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REPORT on the presence of Witold s music in the musical life of Poland and the world by Ewa Cichoń Translation: Monika Tacikowska Proofreading: Alan Lockwood Institute of Music and Dance Warsaw, 2013

The Report on the presence of Witold s music in the musical life of Poland and the world has originated in the Institute of Music and Dance, which in 2013 also performs the role of the Year Celebrations Office. The publication s objective is to provide an account of the presence of and his music from the composer s death in 1994 until the start of his birthday centenary celebrations, that is the end of 2012. This report will be supplemented in early 2014 with information on the events and achievements of the Witold Year 2013. I would like to express my profound thanks to Ms Ewa Cichoń, the report s author, for the extensive effort she put into bringing this document to life, and to the other persons and institutions involved in its creation thank you for sharing your data with us and assisting us in the making of the report. Andrzej Kosowski Director of the Institute of Music and Dance, Representative of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for the Year Celebrations 2

REPORT on the presence of Witold s music in the musical life of Poland and the world In memory of Jadwiga Paja-Stach (1949-2011) The information presented in this report covers many different areas of the reception of Witold s oeuvre, including publications and performances of individual pieces and their radio broadcasts (Polish Radio EBU), audio and video recordings, literature, films and television programmes (TVP), websites devoted to the composer s life and oeuvre, persons and institutions who study and promote his work, institutions named after Witold, and other occurrences connected with and his music, as well as pieces by other composers dedicated to the Polish artist especially ones containing a dedication in the title. The report relates to the period from the composer s death in 1994 until the end of 2012. Some analyses and lists include data referring to the period before 1994, for instance the list of literature features books published before 1994 and available in December 2012, as well as documentary films or other composers pieces dedicated to that were created before 1994, along with those created in 1994 and after (the report contains a selection of compositions which the author found either on the Internet or through music companies). More space has been devoted to performances in Poland and abroad, recordings, and also literature. The statistics on performances range from 2004 to 2012, while the data on performances abroad cover the period from 1999 to 2003. The table presenting broadcasts on Polskie Radio [Polish Radio], Poland s national radio broadcaster, covers 2006 to 2012 and is arranged by titles. A separate table contains a list of Polish Radio s offers submitted to the EBU repository. Tables of publications by PWM Edition, Moeck and Others (releases by Moeck and other publishers referring to two titles) and Chester contain works issued after 1994 and available in December 2012, arranged alphabetically by title. The abbreviations used in the tables refer to the type of publication, i.e. hardcopy scores (N for PWM, Moeck and others; SM for Chester), electronic scores (en), orchestra materials for hire, parts (MO for PWM, Moeck and others; OP for Chester). Brackets indicate publication series or type of notation, e.g. BMP (Biblioteka Małych Partytur, or Library of Miniature Scores) on the PWM Edition list, or study score on the Chester list. 3

CONTENTS: PERFORMANCES IN POLAND AND ABROAD p. 6 Analysis of the frequency of concert performances of s works in different countries and cities; rankings of the number of performances for given periods and individual pieces. TRACING FESITIVALS AND JUBILEES. POLAND....... p. 7 LONDON, BERLIN AND HONOLULU. THE WORLD...... p. 11 RANKING OF THE MOST POPULAR ORCHESTRA WORKS... p. 13 CHAMBER MUSIC..... p. 17 CHILDREN S, FOR CHILDREN, DERWID.... p. 20 SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994..... p. 23 CD RECORDINGS AFTER 1994...... p. 34 Summary of the most important developments with examples of albums and series; rankings of recordings by music company, by title and for given years. FROM THE ARCHIVE. UNFORGETTABLE ONES.... p. 35 NAXOS AND LUTOSŁAWSKI..... p. 36 DIFFERENT CONTEXTS..... p. 38 RANKING OF RECORDINGS BY TITLE.......... p. 39 RANKING OF MUSIC COMPANIES...... p. 40 RANKING OF THE FREQUENCY OF RELEASES........ p. 43 LUTOSŁAWSKI IN SUPER AUDIO.... p. 44 MOST RECENT SERIES AND ALBUMS.... p. 45 LITERATURE AFTER 1994..... p. 48 LITERATURE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.... p. 49 4

FILMS AND DVDs... p. 53 PROGRAMMES broadcast on TVP in 1994-2012 Documentary films, interviews, reports, accounts p. 56 (source: TVP archive) WEBSITES devoted to Witold.. p. 60 RESEARCHERS AND PROMOTERS.. p. 68 INSTITUTIONS popularising and promoting Witold s music...... p. 72 INSTITUTIONS, FESTIVALS, COMPETITONS bearing the name of Witold.... p. 75 OTHERS CONNECTED WITH Witold.... p. 78 MUSICAL WORKS DEDICATED TO WITOLD LUTOSŁAWSKI....... p. 79 RESULTS OF AN OMNIBUS SURVEY on Witold... p. 83 APPENDICES: PUBLICATIONS OF WITOLD LUTOSŁAWSKI S WORKS..... p. 86 BROADCASTS ON THE POLISH RADIO and offers submitted to EBU 2006-2012... p. 103 5

PERFORMANCES IN POLAND AND ABROAD To state that a composer s pieces have been performed frequently almost everywhere in the world may be a simple truism if the frequently and almost everywhere remains unspecified. This report, based on an analysis of a few thousand pieces of information, aims to verify the perceptions about the frequency with which Witold s works have been performed after 1994. The calculations presented below also serve to specify where in Poland and abroad and how often in given periods the composer s pieces were performed, and which were performed more (or most) often, as opposed to ones which were performed less (the least) commonly. The report does not focus on how often the pieces were performed by a given artist or ensemble, although the names of performers are given in examples. It should be noted that the figures cited in the report, even if related to the best documented periods, must be treated as estimates. The main source of data for this part of the report were registers of performances kept by the publishers of the composer s works, i.e. PWM Edition (2004-2012), Chester Novello (1999-2012) and Moeck (1994-2006). The registers contain for the most part performances for which the publishers have lent orchestra materials. The Chester registry also takes into account many performances of chamber pieces, while this type of information is scarce in the PWM Edition registry. Another important source of data on Polish performances was the information made available by ZAiKS, Poland s leading collective-rights management company. However, this information was related only to performances for which a fee was charged (some might have been free of fees) and collected by the end of December 2012, meaning that the latest performances of that period may not have been listed yet. As a complementary source to the data obtained from publishers and ZAiKS, this report uses programmes of most major Polish and international festivals, orchestra repertoires, and concert schedules of selected artists, mostly ones available on the Internet. These materials were used for cross-checking, and revealed on a few occasions performances left for various reasons out of the registers examined, namely some chamber pieces and a few symphony works. Examples include performances of Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] and Koncert fortepianowy [Piano Concerto] at the Edinburgh International Festival in autumn 2012 (Cleveland Orchestra / F. Welser-Möst; L. Vogt pf) or of the latter piece during the Master Concerts series held by the Croatian Radiotelevision in Zagreb (Croatian Radio Television Symphony Orchestra / N. Bereza, P. Kowalski). Polish newly discovered performances include Concerto for Orchestra and Livre pour orchestre played at the Witold Studio in Warsaw in 2009 (NOSPR / J. Kaspszyk) and broadcast by Polish Radio. *** 6

Considering only the best documented period from the beginning of 2004 until the end of 2012, there were almost 2000 performances of s individual pieces and their series, half of which took place in Poland. The number is not equal to the number of concerts, although most often there was one piece per concert, while less frequently there were two or more, and some concerts were made up exclusively of s music. It may be then concluded that during these nine years s works were played all over the world at the frequency of 200 performances a year 222 performances to be precise, of which about 120 took place outside of Poland. Calculations for performances in Poland, it must be stressed, are based on more comprehensive data than those for performances abroad, therefore the number of performances abroad may be to some extent underestimated. The number of Polish performances is also heightened by s less mainstream pieces, such as children s songs and songs for children, Christmas carols for voice and piano, and songs written by the composer using the pseudonym Derwid (Bardos). These pieces, especially children s songs and carols, have gained considerable popularity in school repertoire. Because the composer considered these pieces as secondary to his mainstream work, their performances are discussed separately (see: CHILDREN S, FOR CHILDREN, DERWID ). It is hardly possible to give the total number of performances in 1994-2012, yet if we assume that the average frequency of s pieces being performed is comparable before and after 2004, then it may be posited that the composer s mainstream works were performed 4000 times. However, an analysis of available data shows that the probable frequency before 2004 was relatively higher at least in Poland. For example, the Chester registry indicates 744 performances from 1999 to 2003, an average of 150 performances annually, which is almost 30 performances more per year than in 2004-2012. If we assume that a corresponding tendency took place for Polish performances, than the proportional total of performances in 1995-2012 can be estimated at over 4500, allowing for possible omissions in the British publisher s registry. TRACING FESITIVALS AND JUBILEES. POLAND The frequency with which s pieces were performed in Poland varied considerably, showing an overall declining tendency, although the frequency for pieces for orchestra has grown slightly in recent years. During 2004-2012, the most concerts in one year featuring s music took place in 2004, which was connected with tenth-anniversary commemorations of the composer s death. In the anniversary year, considering orchestra pieces, pieces with orchestra and chamber works leaving out performances of individual carols, children s songs, songs for children and the Derwid songs (see: CHILDREN S, FOR CHILDREN, DERWID ) almost 170 performances took place, with about 100 performances of pieces with orchestra. 7

Subsequent years saw a notable decline of that record number, with 105-115 performances taking place in 2005-2008, and 95 performances peer year on average in 2009-2011, indicating a declining overall tendency. As regards orchestra pieces and pieces with orchestral accompaniment the situation was better. The number of performances fell considerably after 2004 but then was on a subtle rise in the following years, except for 2012), averaging around 50 performances annually. The number of performances in 2012 is the lowest. Yet this may be a result of that year s performances not all being entered into the ZAiKS registry as of that December. The fluctuations in the number of performances by year are shown in the FIGURES below. FIGURE A. PERFORMANCES IN POLAND, 2004-2012 A.1. ORCHESTRA AND CHAMBER PIECES: A.2. ORCHESTRA PIECES AND PIECES WITH ORCHESTRA: 8

The jubilee year of 2004 saw the greatest number of concerts dedicated to s music, including concerts during the following festivals: i jego muzyczne inspiracje [ and His Musical Inspirations] (Kraków, 5-8 February), held by PWM Edition and featuring Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] for oboe, harp and orchestra (Sinfonietta Cracovia / R. Kabara), Livre pour orchestre, Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] (Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra / T. Bugaj), IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Partita for violin and orchestra (Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra / J. Krenz, P. Piekutowska), Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue] for 13 string instruments (String Orchestra of the Academy of Music in Kraków / W. Czepiel) and the Derwid songs in Joachim Mencel s arrangement, with the participation of Lora Szafran and Mieczysław Szcześniak, among others. Łańcuch [Chain]. A monograph festival of Witold s music (Warsaw, 15-16 May), dedicated solely to the presentation of the composer s oeuvre. The two-day festival presented concerts featuring about 40 works mainly chamber works, including pieces for children performed by music-school students, and a concert of the Derwid songs performed by Hanna Banaszak and band (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994). The Year was inaugurated on 8 February at the Witold Studio of the Polish Radio by the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra under Gabriel Chmura with the Polish Radio s Choir and soloists James Oxley and Adam Kruszewski performing pieces for voice and instruments: Les espaces du sommeil for baritone and orchestra, Paroles tissées for tenor and chamber orchestra and Chantefleurs et Chantefables for soprano and orchestra. The celebrations concluded with the concert Hommage à held at the National Philharmonic Hall in Warsaw on 11 February 2005, featuring Postludium nr 2 [Postlude No. 2], Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna and Musique funèbre (Urszula Kryger mezzo soprano, Sinfonia Varsovia / Jerzy Semkow). The greatest number of single-piece performances took place in Warsaw, including at festivals devoted to the composer s music and others organised after 1994: Forum ego [ Forum] (organiser: Warsaw Philharmonic Hall), inaugurated in 1995 and held annually until 2005, when it became a biennial event; each edition featured about 3 to 7 performances of single pieces (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994). Warszawska Jesień [Warsaw Autumn] (organiser: Polish Composers' Union); the festival featured on average 1 piece per edition or per every second edition until 2007, including three performances after 1994 of Gry weneckie [Venetian games] and two performances of IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], e.g. in 2004, together with the three remaining symphonies and other works (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994). 9

V Festiwal Muzyczny Polskiego Radia [5th Music Festival of the Polish Radio ] in 2001, featuring about 20 pieces, including orchestra works, chamber pieces and a few minor compositions for children and youngsters (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994). The festival was broadcast on the Polish Radio. Łańcuch [Chain] festivals taking place since 2004, and other concerts organised or initiated by the Witold Society totalling about 50 events in 2004-2012, and featuring over 60 works (also in new versions and arrangements), some presented repeatedly, e.g. Chantefleurs et Chantefables, Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses], Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes], Subito, Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation], as well as music for children and the Derwid songs (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994). In the best-documented period from the beginning of 2004 until the end of 2012 in Warsaw alone there were 311 performances exclusive of children s songs and songs for children, carols arranged for voice and piano and the Derwid songs. Most of the performances should be attributed to festivals continuously organised by the Warsaw Philharmonic Hall and the Witold Society and other festivals. Many performances unrelated to these festivals took place at the Warsaw Philharmonic Hall. Wrocław was the next most frequent among Polish cities for performances of s music, but performances were decisively less frequent than in Warsaw. The most frequent venue was the Wrocław Philharmonic Hall, named the Witold Philharmonic in 1994, but performances were also presented at festivals, e.g. Musica Polonica Nova (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994) and Wratislavia Cantans. Among the remaining cities, a significant number of performances took place in Kraków and Katowice, and to a lesser extend in Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Bielsko- Biała, with a few concerts featuring several pieces each, and in Poznań, Lublin and Szczecin. Individual works were also performed sporadically in many other Polish cities and the majority of philharmonic halls. After 1994, s works were performed during many other festivals in Poland not mentioned above, including: Dni Muzyki Kompozytorów Krakowskich [Kraków Composers Days] (1998, 2005, 2009, 2011), Sacrum Profanum (Łańcuch [Chain] / Ensemble Intercontemporain, 2010) and Festiwal Muzyki Polskiej [Festival of Polish Music] in Kraków (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994), Musica Polonica Nova In Wrocław (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994), Poznańska Wiosna Muzyczna [Poznań Music Spring] (2004, 2008, 2012), Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej [Silesian Days of Contemporary Music] (2000, 2004), Forum Sztuki Współczesnej im. W. ego [Witold Lutoslawski Forum of Contemporary Music] in Lublin, Festiwal Muzyki Współczesnej im. W. ego [W. Festival of Contemporary Music] in Szczecin, Warszawskie Spotkania Muzyczne [Warsaw Music Encounters] (in particular 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2009), 10

VIII Festiwal Polskiego Radia 80 lat na antenie [8th Polish Radio Festival 80 Years On Air ] (Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] / A Bauer, AMADEUS Orchestra, A. Duczmal; Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] for oboe, harp and chamber orchestra, arranged for flute and harp / J. Kotnowska, A. Sikorzak- Olek, Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, J. Krenz, 2005), Ogrody muzyczne [Music Gardens] (Pięć pieśni [Five Songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna / A. Radziejowska, M. Rutkowski, 2011) or De Musica (Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation], Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano / B. Koziak, A. Kozło, 2012), and even the International Music Festival Chopin and His Europe taking place in Warsaw (Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] for two pianos, N. Lugansky, V. Rudenko, 2009), as well as the Chopin Festival in Duszniki-Zdrój (Subito for violin and piano / S. Yoon, M. Sikorski, 2012). LONDON, BERLIN AND HONOLULU. THE WORLD A correlation with jubilees and anniversaries was not so noticeable regarding performances outside Poland. It is hard to pinpoint reasons for the relative abundance in 2001 of performances of s music about 180 during period before 2004, the year which in its turn had seen the fewest performances, with 42. In 2009, the year of commemorations for the 15th anniversary of the composer s death, the number of performances, about 190, was decisively higher than preceding and subsequent years. Fluctuations in number of performances from 2004 to 2012 are shown in FIGURE B, yet the numbers do not include Venetian Games (Jeux venitiens) and Five Songs set to words by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna from 2007-2012, as there is no data available, and 23 performances as part of the ballet Alice im Wunderland in 2004-2006 in Germany. The data also do not cover those chamberwork performances that were not entered in the Chester registry. FIGURE B. PERFORMANCES OUTSIDE OF POLAND 2004-2012 11

s works were performed most frequently outside Poland in Germany. According to publishers registries, in 1999-2012 there were about 440 concerts there, including 53 in Berlin, featuring one or more works by the Polish composer. This makes an average of 30 performances per year. s pieces were also included in festival programmes including the Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival (2001, 2010, 2012). s music was also presented in the U.K. more frequently than in the remaining European countries The Chester registry shows that in 1999-2012 about 250 concerts featuring his works were held there, including as many as 80 in London. This makes 17 to 18 performances on average per year. It is hard to determine how the situation presented itself in the period not covered by publisher statistics in the U.K. and in Germany, for comparison. Nevertheless it is worth noting that in January 1997, London hosted the monograph festival Breaking Chains, organised by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the BBC Symphony Orchestra. During the event all three Chains were performed (No. 2 with German violinist Antje Weithaas as soloist), as well as Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] (BBC SO / A. Davies), the four symphonies by different orchestras (No. 1 and No. 2 Guildhall School of Music and Drama SO; No. 3 BBC SO; No. 4 BBC National Orchestra of Wales) conducted by W. Michniewski among others, complemented by Gry weneckie [Venetian Games] (London Sinfonietta) and Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet] (Brindisi Quartet). s works were also played during other U.K. s other festivals, including repeated performances during London s famous BBC Proms (e.g. Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] in 2002, Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1] in 2005, Paroles tissées in 2006, Chantefleurs et Chantefables in 2007) and other events including: The Cheltenham Music Festival (Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme of Paganini] for two pianos, 1999 and 2010; Partita for cello and piano, nota bene performed by Polish artists Piotr and Dorota Anderszewski, 2000; Subito for violin and piano, 2005; Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra], 2008), and at the Canterbury Festival (2000, 2005), Bath International Music Festival (2005, 2011), Lake District Summer Music Festival (2005), Aberdeen International Youth Festival (2007), Sounds New Festival (2009), 65th Aldeburgh Festival and last but not least the Edinburgh International Festival (2012). *** Performances of s music outside Europe were most numerous in the U.S. where the total surpassed the U.K., in point of fact. The Chester registry enumerates over 280 concerts in 1999-2012 (and Moeck lists 5 more performances in or before 2006); with New York City leadin the statistics (Lincoln Center: Livre pour orchestre, Paroles tissées, 1999; Interludium [Interlude], Partita, 2000; Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2], Partita for violin and orchestra, 2000, 2005; Mi-parti, 2001; III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3], 2002, 2005; I Symfonia [Symphony No. 1], Musique funèbre, 2005), and other major U.S. cities following suit, in particular Los Angeles, and also if slightly less frequently Cleveland, Chicago and Boston, complemented with occasional performances in other cities. Some pieces were played during music festivals, e.g. in Aspen (1999, 2001), Tanglewood (2000, 2003) and the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival (2009). 12

The festival Focus 2011 was organised in January 2011 in New York City by the Juilliard School of Music in association with the Polish Cultural Institute in New York, devoted exclusively to Polish modern and contemporary music. The festival s closing concert, Witold s Portrait (1913-1994), was focused solely on the composer s music and featured Uwertura smyczkowa [Overture for Strings], VI Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] and Partita for violin and orchestra. In the period under consideration, in other nations around the world, s works were played with the most frequency in Austria (about 120 times), France (about 90), Switzerland and Italy (about 60), and in Japan and Canada (about 30). Along with the above-mentioned countries, s works were also performed in: Europe: Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Island, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, Hungary, and in the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Tenerife) Russia, and Asia and the Middle East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Hong Kong, Israel, Qatar, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore the Americas Mexico and Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile Australia and New Zealand. Chester also lists two performances in Hawaii (Honolulu, 2011) and one in Egypt (Cairo, 1999; Musique funèbre, Cairo SO / G. Olkiewicz). s music was also included in the programmes of the following major events: Musica Nova in Helsinki (1999, 2002), International Music Festival of Lucerne (1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006), Music Biennale in Zagreb (1999, 2007, 2011), Pablo Casals Festival in France (2001, 2007), Lugano Festival (2003, 2007) and Velvet Curtain in Lviv, Ukraine (2006). RANKING OF THE MOST POPULAR ORCHESTRA WORKS Among orchestra works and pieces with orchestra, the most popular with concert organisers both in Poland (2004-2012) and abroad (1999-2012) were Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] and Mała suita [Little Suite], and among the later works, Musique funèbre. It may thus be said that concert halls were dominated by his neoclassical pieces, with Concerto for Orchestra being the ultimate winner outside of Poland, as shown by the Chester and the PWM Edition data, with the number for performances of the remaining works lower by at least half). In Poland the statistics were slightly different 13

at least in the documented period (2004-2012) as the most frequently performed piece was Little Suite with both symphony and chamber-orchestra versions calculated together. Disproportions between Poland and the rest of the world are even bigger for s other works. For instance, both in Poland and abroad, Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] was greatly popular, yet outside of Poland its performances were surpassed in popularity by Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] (including both versions, for string orchestra and for nonet, as the latter was most often performed by orchestra instrumentalists and not distinguishable in the Chester registry if no soloist is listed, which might suggest a nonet; ZAiKS data distinguishes only the version for clarinet and piano). TABLE A.1. ORCHESTRA WORKS AND PIECES WITH ORCHESTRA No. 1. PERFORMANCES OUTSIDE OF POLAND A RANKING TITLE (versions) Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] 1999-2012 CHESTER 2004-2012 PWM Edition 281 21 2. Mała suita, wersje na orkiestrę symfoniczną i kameralną [Little Suite versions for symphony orchestra and chamber orchestra] 169 13 3. Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre] 162 11 4. 5. Preludia taneczne na klarnet i orkiestrę kameralną / nonet [Dance Preludes for clarinet and chamber orchestra / nonet] Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] 124 3 111 6 6. Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1] 73 4 7. IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4] 67 3 8. Koncert na fortepian i orkiestrę [Concerto for Piano and Orchestra] 60 2 9. III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3] 51 3 10. Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue] 41-11. Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2] 40-12. Wariacje na temat Paganiniego na fortepian i orkiestrę [Variations on a Theme by Paganini for piano and orchestra] 35 3 14

13. Chantefleurs et Chantefables 33 3 14. Livre pour orchestre 31 3 15. 16 17. 18. 19. Grave Metamorfozy na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Grave Metamorphoses for cello and orchestra] Pięć melodii ludowych [Five Folk Melodies] Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] Uwertura smyczkowa [Overture for Strings] Partita na skrzypce i orkiestrę [Partita for violin and orchestra] 30 1 30-26 10 26-25 6 20. Mi-parti 24-21. Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3] 24 1 No. TITLE (versions) 1994-2006 MOECK 1. Gry weneckie /Jeux venitiens 40 Pieces with a soloist were a degree more popular in Poland, such as Koncert fortepianowy [Piano Concerto] or Partita for violin and orchestra. Relatively popular was also Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and orchestra. Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2] was rarely included in concert programmes; much more popular was Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1], as was case outside Poland TABLE A.2. ORCHESTRA WORKS AND PIECES WITH ORCHESTRA No. 1. PERFORMANCES IN POLAND A RANKING TITLE (versions) Mała suita, wersje na orkiestrę symfoniczną i kameralną [Little Suite versions for symphony orchestra and chamber orchestra] 2004-2012 ZAiKS / PWM Edition 69 2. 3. 4. Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre] Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] 50 37 30 15

5. Koncert na fortepian i orkiestrę [Concerto for Piano and Orchestra] 25 6. Partita na skrzypce i orkiestrę [Partita for violin and orchestra] 7. IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4] 19 8. III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3] 15 9. 10. 11. 12. Grave Metamorfozy na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Grave Metamorphoses for cello and orchestra] Uwertura smyczkowa [Overture for Strings] Chantefleurs et Chantefables Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] Livre pour orchestre Wariacje na temat Paganiniego na fortepian i orkiestrę [Variations on a Theme by Paganini for piano and orchestra] Gry weneckie /Jeux venitiens Pięć melodii ludowych [Five Folk Melodies] Preludia taneczne na klarnet i orkiestrę kameralną / nonet [Dance Preludes for clarinet and chamber orchestra / nonet] 13. Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1] 8 14. Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue] 15. Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2] 6 16. Mi-parti 3 17. Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3] 2 24 15 12 11 10 7 Pieces such as Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue], Mi-parti and Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3] were performed in Poland significantly less often than they were played abroad in the case of the last two, performances were shockingly rare. Overall, III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3] and IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4] rank comparatively high in Poland, No. 4 was slightly more popular, while abroad No. 3 received more performances. Of the two early symphonies, not included in the ranking above, No. 2 was less popular, with five performances in Poland (2004, 2005, 2008, 2009), and only three abroad (Antwerp and Brussels in 2001, Glasgow in 1999, 16

according to Chester), which seems curious as the piece has advocates outside of Poland, to name only Sir Simon Rattle. I Symfonia [Symphony No. 1] was performed only seven times in Poland (in 2004 and 2009-2012) and seven times abroad (in 1999-2012, according to Chester) with most in Los Angeles in November and December 2012, to inaugurate Year 2013. There are no exact statistics concerning performances of Gry weneckie [Venetian games] in 2007-2012, although we know the piece was relatively popular outside of Poland in 1994-2006. It should be noted that as many as 23 of its performances in this period were part of the ballet Alice im Wunderland (Munich, 2004-2006), and a further nine were for the show Jedermann (Kaiserslautern, 2006), which may indicate a certain popularity for the piece in Germany. The least frequently performed pieces in Poland and abroad are Novelette and Trzy postludia [Three Postludes]. According to Chester, the latter piece was played only twice since 1999 performances that took place, what is more, in New Zealand (1999) and Mexico (2003). It was performed three times after 2004 (four times for Postludium nr 2 [Postlude No. 2]). The statistics for Novelette are even more slight in the period under consideration, the piece was performed once in Poland and three times abroad (1999-2012, according to Chester) in Mexico, Germany and Ireland. Pieces for voice and instruments with orchestra were played relatively rarely on Polish and foreign stages. This applies in particular to Paroles tissées though in its case, the issue is perhaps more about quality than quantity, as it was performed at the BBC Proms in London and twice during the Łańcuch [Chain] festival in Warsaw(four performances in Poland in 2004-2012). Les espaces du sommeil was played only six times abroad in 1999-2012, according to Chester, and only twice in Poland in 2004-2012. In the same period, Pięć pieśni [Five Songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, including the version for voice and piano, was played six times in Poland, with Moeck recording three performances outside Poland in 1994-2006. A decidedly more demanding work, both in perception and performance, Trois poème d Henri Michaux, had five performances in Poland (2004-2012) and nine abroad (1999-2012) in France. Lending optimism to this rather dark picture are statistics for Lacrimosa, with 25 performances in Poland in 2004-2012, according to ZAiKS, with the version with orchestra impossible to single out, unfortunately, and four performances outside Poland in 1999-2012, as recorded by Chester. CHAMBER MUSIC s chamber pieces, both instrumental and for voice and instruments, were performed over 470 times in Poland between 2004 and 2012 The number is mainly based on ZAiKS records compared with PWM Edition data, and programmes of selected festivals and artist concert schedules. The figure does not include children s songs, the Derwid songs and single Christmas carols (see: CHILDREN S, FOR CHILDREN, DERWID ).As for performances of 17

these works around the world, we lack exact statistics. While it may be assumed that the Chester register contains most performances of orchestra pieces due to the hiring of orchestra materials, we cannot be sure regarding chamber pieces, as even random comparisons of Chester data with concert schedules of select ensembles or artists and festival programmes shows many performances omitted in the former during the 1999-2012 period. TABLE B. CHAMBER WORKS no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PERFORMANCES IN POLAND A RANKING TITLE Preludia taneczne na klarnet i fortepian [Dance Preludes for clarinet and piano] Melodie ludowe na fortepian lub w wersji na gitarę [Folk Melodies for piano or guitar] Bukoliki na altówkę i wiolonczelę [Bucolics for viola and cello] Partita na skrzypce i fortepian [Partita for violin and piano] Wariacja Sacherowska na wiolonczelę solo [Sacher Variation for cello solo] Wariacje na temat Paganiniego na 2 fortepiany [Variations on a Theme by Paganini for 2 pianos] Grave Metamorfozy na wiolonczelę i fortepian [Grave Metamorphoses for cello and piano] 4 melodie śląskie na 4 skrzypiec [Four Silesian Songs for four violins] ZAiKS / PWM Edition 2004-2012 9. Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet] 26 Subito na skrzypce i fortepian [Subito for violin and 10. piano] 18 63 59 42 41 37 36 33 29 As with the case of orchestra pieces, the chamber works based on folk melodies rank highest in the statistics (see: TABLE B. CHAMBER WORKS). The most frequently performed chamber work in Poland in the recent period was Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] (see: TABLE B. CHAMBER WORKS). Although publisher registries list only nine performances outside Poland throughout 1999-2012, the number is surely inaccurate, considering at very least the number of recordings (see: CD RECORDINGS AFTER 1994). The piece was likely played with much greater frequency after 1994, both in Poland and abroad and not only at philharmonic halls, schools or academies of music. Interestingly, the work was played in a Warsaw nightclub on 22 November 2012, according to the recital poster, in which case s music did actually reach the common man, at least in the Polish variation. Pieces such as Preludes, Partita for violin and piano, Subito for violin and piano, Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano, and Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation] for solo cello were also performed during festivals in 18

Poland including Forum ego [ Forum] and Łańcuch [Chain] in Warsaw, and at music competitions including Międzynarodowy Konkurs Wiolonczelowy im. Witolda ego [Witold International Cello Competition] in Warsaw and Międzynarodowy Konkurs Współczesnej Muzyki Kameralnej im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego [Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition of Contemporary Chamber Music] in Kraków. Sacher Variation and Grave Metamorphoses are part of the repertoire of Mikołaj Pałosz, Bartosz Koziak and Michał Zdunik, all winners of the two contests, while violin pieces are performed with great skill by Agata Szymczewska and Soyoung Yoon, winners of the Henryk Wieniawski Competition in Poznań. Notably, the Dance Preludes were performed with bravado during the International Competition of Contemporary Chamber Music in Kraków by Josep Sancho, the 1999 Grand Prix winner and graduate of the Royal School of Music in London. In the case of chamber works, the number of performances is clearly related to their popularity with particular artists and ensembles. Some of s chamber pieces are immensely popular precisely because they have their loyal performers. This is true for Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] for two pianos, for example. Based on ZAiKS data for 2004-2012, the piece was performed 36 times in Poland in the past nine years (see: TABLE B. CHAMBER WORKS), and although the Chester register lists more than a dozen of this version s performances in 1999-2012, there were surely many more. One ensemble, the Piano Duo, performed the piece about 70 times from the moment of its founding in 1999 until the end of 2012, very often outside of Poland (based on the duo s data). Assuming that other duos play the piece less often than s namesake duo, we may still estimate a total number of performances globally after 1994 that is several times higher. It is worthy of note that the piece is part of the repertoire of prominent pianists including Martha Argerich and Nelson Freire, as well as other outstanding, often young artists with whom Argerich has performed the work on occasions including the Lugano and Verbier festivals in Switzerland. The piece is also performed by wellknown family piano duos, such as Peter and Patryk Jabłoński, Mariel and Katrin Labeque and Guher and Suher Pekinel, as well as less-renowned ensembles such as the Canadian Viney-Grinberg Piano Duo, which presented Variations on a Theme by Paganini at events in Canada, the U.S. (2011), Australia (2012) and other countries, according to its website. M. Ptaszyńska s arrangement of the piece for two pianos and percussion belongs to the repertoire of such ensembles as the Polish quartet Kwadrofonik (the Piano Duo teamed with the percussion duo Hob-Beats), which performed their version of the piece seven times in the 2011/2012 season alone, both in Poland and abroad, e.g. in Russia and the Czech Republic. Works such as Dance Preludes, Grave Metamorphoses and even Variations on a Theme by Paganini could easily compete even with Concerto for Orchestra as regards performances around the word if all their versions are taken into account. A relatively popular chamber piece was also Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet]. The Chester register lists 35 performances in 1999-2012, while ZAiKS recorded as 19

many as 26 performances in Poland in 2004-2012 (see: TABLE B. CHAMBER WORKS). The work is part of the repertoire of Polish ensembles including the globally recognised Silesian String Quartet, the Wilanów Quartet and representing the younger generation Apollon Musagete, the Royal String Quartet and the Quartet. For example, the Silesian String Quartet performed the work in Poland during the Warsaw Autumn festival in 2006 and three times in January 2004 (Katowice, Kraków, Warsaw) as part of a series of five multimedia quasi-theatrical concerts called Kilka aspektów losu ludzkiego na kwartet smyczkowy z archiwum XX wieku [Some aspects of the human condition for a string quartet from the archive of the 20 th century], Concert Three Czas [Time]. The musicians performed the piece abroad, e.g. in Belgium (2001) and the U.K. (2009). The Quartet was also performed, both in Poland and abroad, by such recognised foreign chamber musicians as the Alban Berg and Arditti String Quartets, the Brodsky Quartet, Cikada String Quartet (e.g. in Warsaw, 3rd Łańcuch Festival; 2006) and the Kreutzer String Quartet, which released a DVD featuring the rehearsals and performance of the piece (see: FILMS AND DVD RECORDINGS), as well as Kronos Quartet, which presented the work e.g. in 2006 in Kraków during Festiwal Muzyki Polskiej [Festival of Polish Music] and in 2007 in San Francisco (the piece disappeared from the ensemble s concert programmes in 2008). The music of String Quartet was also used for the ballet choreographed by Martin Schläpfer, Schtreichquartett, which premiered in 2005 in Mainz and was frequently staged afterward, e.g. in Düsseldorf (2011) and in the Netherlands. Overall statistics for chamber music include songs, namely Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, with the version for voice and piano performed 10 times in 2004-2012 in Poland, as well as Lacrimosa for soprano and organ, and arrangements for voice and piano of such song cycles as Chantefleurs et Chantefables and Les espaces du sommeil. CHILDREN S, FOR CHILDREN, DERWID A separate department are Witold s works meant to be performed by children or for children, especially the cycle of songs described as children s or for children in their title, as well as such works as patriotic and army songs, dancing songs written under the name of Derwid, and initially also Bardos. The number of performances of these minor, non-mainstream pieces is significant, yet they took place mostly in Poland, with only occasional presentations abroad. As far as arrangements of traditional Polish melodies are concerned, such as Christmas carols, the overall calculations include only those pieces with orchestra that are present in concert repertoire in Poland and abroad, namely 20 polskich kolęd [20 Polish Christmas Carols]. In Poland the work was performed 15 times in 20

2004-2012, while the Chester register lists 20 performances outside of Poland in 1999-2012, e.g. in the U.K., Germany, the U.S., Canada, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The fact that the piece is available in the British publisher s catalogue is not insignificant here. The same goes for children s repertoire very popular in Poland, the pieces O panu Tralalińskim [About Mr Tralalinski] and Spóźniony Słowik [Two Nightingales], or Trzy piosenki dziecinne [Thee Children s Songs], were performed once outside of Poland, according to Chester, during the mini festival East Meets West in Dorset, England (2010), while Piosenki dziecinne [Children s Songs] for voice and piano were presented in 2006 during Ittinger Pfingstkonzerte in Germany. The data concerning foreign performances of children s songs and songs for children may not be comprehensive, although it may be assumed that simply because of the language barrier there were not as many as in Poland, where 478 performances were registered in 2004-2012 by ZAiKS. The most popular pieces of the genre were Spóźniony słowik [Two Nightingales] (84 performances), Ptasie plotki [Birds' Gossips] (65), Pan Tralaliński [Mr Tralaliński] (50), Kotek [Kitten] (49) and Pióreczko [Little Feather] (38) with the number in parentheses representing performances in 2004-2012. The same period saw 106 performances of individual Derwid songs, including Nie oczekuję dziś nikogo [I Am Not Expecting Anyone Today] (21 performances), Warszawski dorożkarz [Warsaw Cabby] (14) and Plamy na słońcu [Sunspots] (8). Included in the total is a concert of Derwid songs registered by PWM Edition, which took place on 29 June 2005 in Warsaw (Fabryka Trzciny), featuring Dorota Miśkiewicz, Maciej Miecznikowski and Waldemar Malicki. The songs were also performed on other occasions by Hanna Banaszak and band (e.g. during the Łańcuch [Chain] Festival in 2004), Agata Zubel (working with Elletro Voce, as the El Derwid project), Lora Szafran and Mieczysław Szcześniak. What is more, ZAiKS lists 64 performances of single Christmas carols for voice and piano in 2004-2012. The most popular pieces were Jezus malusieńki [Infant Jesus] (9 performances), Lulajże Jezuniu [Sleep Little Jesus] (8), Z Narodzenia Pana [ Tis a Joyful Day] (8) and Gdy śliczna Panna [As the Lovely Maiden] (5). These minor works were performed is a variety of venues, from philharmonic and concert halls to schools, culture centres and community halls, and in the case of the Derwid songs cabaret stages (Kabaret Miejski Loch Camelot in Kraków). *** The data discussed, together with information about the number of recordings and radio broadcasts (see: attached tables), and festival or competition programmes, show that s chamber and solo pieces were performed as often as his orchestra works, some even more. It might be said that these pieces have been contributing more than his orchestra pieces to the popularisation of the composer s oeuvre. A similar conclusion was put forward by Adrian Thomas, prominent expert in Polish 20 th -century music, in an interview with Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska (Ruch Muzyczny, 2011, Issue 3), where he said: 21

started to become more popular and better known when he took up composing minor chamber pieces, such as Epitaph or Grave. He hadn t done that since the String Quartet, and suddenly a few persons was enough to play his music, and consequently, the audience willing to hear it was no longer dependant on big orchestras. 22

SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994 Warszawska Jesień [Warsaw Autumn] 1995 Dwie etiudy [Two Studies], J. Harvey (p) Gry weneckie [Venetian Games], Sinfonia Varsovia / Ed Spanjaard 1996 Trois poèmes d Henri Michaux, Camerata Silesia / WOSPR / Szostak and A. Wit 1997 Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra], A. Bauer (c), Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra / J. Krenz 1998 IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Swensen 1999 Miniuwertura [Mini Overture], Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej / A. Lasoń 2001 Gry weneckie [Venetian Games], Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra / J. Salwarowski 2004 17 September Uwertura smyczkowa [Overture for Strings], Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra / Segerstam 18 September Sonata fortepianowa [Piano Sonata], E. Pobłocka (p) 25 September I Symfonia [Symphony No. 1], III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3], NOSPR / G. Chmura II Symfonia [Symphony No. 2], IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], NOSPR / J. Kaspszyk 2006 Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Silesian String Quartet 2007 Gry weneckie [Venetian Games], Zespoł Młodzieżowy Polsko-Niemiecki / Bohn 23

Musica Polonica Nova in Wrocław 2000 Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra], Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra / M. Pijarowski 2002 IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra / M. Pijarowski Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], H. Wieniawski Quartet 2004 22, 24 and 27 February IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], NOSPR / R. Rivolta Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto], K. Dawidek (ob), A. Kaczmarek (harp), Tech - No Orchestra / R. Kurdybacha Novelette, Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra / W. Michniewski 2006 Chantefleurs et Chantefables, A. Zubel (s), AUKSO Orchestra / M. Moś 2010 13 and 14 May Partita, P. Pławner (v), E. Knapik (p) Mi-Parti, Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra / R. Szulc 2012 III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3], Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra / J. Kaspszyk Festiwal Muzyki Polskiej [Festival of Polish Music] in Kraków 2005 9 November 10 Tańców na orkiestrę [Ten Dances for Orchestra] / world premiere, NOSPR / J. Krenz 11 November Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio / A. Duczmal 24

2006 7 November Uwertura na orkiestrę smyczkową [Overture for String Orchestra], Sinfonietta Cracovia / J. Maksymiuk 10 November Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto], H. Holliger (ob), U. Holliger (harp), NOSPR / J. Krenz 11 November Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Kronos Quartet 2010 Lacrimosa for soprano and organ, Retrospect Ensemble, M. Halls Festiwal Muzyczny Polskiego Radia Witold [Music Festival of the Polish Radio Witold ] Warsaw 2001 19 May Concert Majowa nocka [May Night] Songs, Folk melodies, Pieces for the youth Trzy fragmenty [Three Fragments] for flute and harp Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano Subito for violin and piano Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] for two pianos Soloists, choirs and chamber ensembles from Witold schools of music in Bolesławiec, Krasnystaw, Nowy Tomyś, Nysa, Stargard Szczeciński, Turek and Zambrów; the E. Młynarski school of music in Warsaw and H. Wieniawski school of music in Poznań 20 May III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3] Sinfonia Varsovia / J. Krenz 21 May Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet] Daniel Quartet 22 May Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3] 25

Mała suita [Little Suite] for chamber orchestra Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra / J. Krenz 23 May Uwertura smyczkowa [Overture for Strings] Grave for cello and string orchestra Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre] AUKSO Orchestra / M. Moś, A. Bauer 26 May Chantefleurs et Chantefables IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4] O. Pasiecznik, NOSPR / A. Wit FORUM LUTOSŁAWSKIEGO [LUTOSŁAWSKI FORUM] 2004-2011: 10th edition 2004 19 and 20 March IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra / M. Smolij 21 March Meeting with Julia Hartwig devoted to Witold Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, E. Podleś, E. Pobłocka 23 March Przeźrocza [Slides], Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] (nonet version) Chamber Ensemble of the Warsaw Philharmonic / Ł. Borowicz 25 March Lacrimosa, Mała suita [Little Suite] Julia Karłowa (s), Symphony Orchestra of J. Elsner Secondary School of Music and Chamber Orchestra of the Z. Brzewski Secondary School of Music in Warsaw / P. Wajrak 26 and 27 March Trois Poèmes d Henri Michaux Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir / J. Maksymiuk, Ł. Borowicz 26

11th 2005 12 February Gry weneckie [Venetian games], NOSPR / G. Chmura 14 February Special chamber concert, Award 2004 Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, A. Węgorzewska- Wiscot (s), M. Rutkowski (p) 15 February Dwie etiudy [Two Studies], L. Mikkola (p) 17 February Piosenki dziecinne [Children s Songs] (Taniec/Dance, Rok i bieda/the Four Seasons, Kotek/Kitten, Idzie Grześ/Here Comes Greg, Rzeczka/Little River, Ptasie plotki/birds Gossip) Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and string orchestra Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and Choir of the Karol Szymanowski School of Music in Warsaw / R. Silva, A. Perzanowska (choir director), J. Stokłosa (vc), S. Drzewiecki (p), L. Jarosz (tr) 18 February Wariacje symfoniczne [Symphonic Variations], Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir / W. Rajski 12th 2007 2 March IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Symphony Orchestra of the F. Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw / Ch. Inamura 5 March Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Arditti Quartet 6 March Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], AUKSO Chamber Orchestra / M. MOŚ 8 March, Czwartkowe Spotkania Muzyczne [Thursday Music Meetings] Interludium [Interlude], Symphony Orchestra of the F. Chopin School of Music / S. A. Wróblewski 13th 2009 14 February Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra], Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra / Rumon Gamba 27

18 February W. s pieces among other composers works U. Kryger (ms), J. Rappé (s), A. Mleczko (sax), S. Skoczyński (perc), J. Malanowicz (org) 19 February Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] (arranged by M. Ptaszyńska), Kwadrofonik 14th 2011 12 February Łańcuch 2 [Chain No. 2], Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra / JoAnn Fallety, Isabelle van Keulen (v) 15 February Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Quartet, Wrocław 17 February Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] Świętokrzyska Philharmonic Orchestra / Jacek Rogala 18 February Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] for oboe, harp and orchestra Elżbieta Szmyt (harp), Jean-Louis Capezzali (ob) Previous editions of the festival: 1st 1995, 2nd 1996, 3rd 1997, 4th 1998 (incl. Symphony No. 3) 5th 1999, 6th 2000, 7th 2001, 8th 2002, 9th 2003 (incl. Livre pour orchestre) ŁAŃCUCH [Chain] Festivals, 2004-2012: ŁAŃCUCH. Festiwal monograficzny twórczości W. ego, 2004 [CHAIN. Monographic festival of W. s music, 2004] 15 May 2 pieśni do słów Tuwima [Two Songs to the Poems of Tuwim], 6 pieśni do słów Tuwima [Six Songs to the Poems of Tuwim] Muszelka [A Shell], Pióreczko [Little Feather], Słomkowy łańcuszek [Strawchain], Srebrna szybka [A Silver Windowpane], Wiosna [Spring], Wróbelek [Little Sparrow] Choir and Orchestra Karol Szymanowski School of Music No. 4 (ZPSM nr 1)/ Anna Perzanowska-Tarasiuk; Choir and Orchestra of School of Music No. 1 (ZPSM nr 1) / Ewa Marchwicka Sonata fortepianowa [Piano Sonata], Dwie etiudy [Two Studies], Inwencja [Invention], 28

Zasłyszana melodyjka [Overheard Tune] for piano four-hands, Miniatura [Miniature] and Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] for 2 pianos Ewa Pobłocka (p), Maciej Grzybowski (p), Maciej Piszek (p) Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation], Grave, Recitativo e arioso, Subito, Partita Krzysztof Jakowicz (v), Kuba Jakowicz (v), Karol Marianowski (c), Krystyna Borucińska (p), Ryszard Groblewski (vl) Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Grave, Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1], Paroles tissées, Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] AUKSO Orchestra / M. Moś Rafał Kwiatkowski (c), Piotr Kusiewicz (t), Hakan Rosengren (cl) Derwid songs. Hanna Banaszak and band. 16 May Bukoliki [Bucolics], Melodie ludowe [Folk Melodies] for piano, 4 Melodie śląskie [Four Silesian Songs] for four violins, 3 fragmenty [Three Fragments] for flute and harp, 3 utwory dla młodzieży [Three Pieces for the Young] for piano, 3 melodie ludowe [Three Folk Melodies] for guitar, and other pieces Performance: Students of Warsaw s school of music, winners of the 2nd Competition of Witold Music in Drozdowo 2 pieśni do słów Tuwima [Two Songs to the Poems of Tuwim], Muszelka [A Shell], Pióreczko [Little Feather], Srebrna szybka [A Silver Windowpane], Wróbelek [Little Sparrow], Piosenka o złotym listku [A Gold Leaf], Majowa nocka [May Night], Wianki [Wreaths], Pożegnanie wakacji [Goodbye to Holidays] E. Biegas (s), R. Bartmiński (t), Ł. Rosiak (b), K. Borucińska (p) Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Trio stroikowe, Epitafium [Epitaph], Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] Camerata Quartet, M. Pędziałek (ob), J. Cielecki (cl), Z. Bogacz (fg), M. Grzybowski (p) Uwertura na smyczki [Overture for Strings], Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto], Przeźrocza [Slides], Chantefleurs et chantefables AUKSO Orchestra / M. Moś, M. Pędziałek (ob), A. Sikorzak-Olek (harp), O. Pasiecznik (s), U. Kryger (ms) ŁAŃCUCH II [CHAIN 2], 2005 22 June Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Karol Szymanowski Quartet 29

26 June Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano,trio for oboe, clarinet and fagot, Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation], Partita and Subito for violin and piano, Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] for clarinet and piano. M. Wysocki (c), M. Rutkowski (p) F. Thouand (ob), N. Baldeyrou (cl), J. Hardy (fg), J. Wawrowski (v) 29 June Derwid songs, D. Miśkiewicz and M. Miecznikowski (v), W. Malicki (p) 30 June Mała suita [Little Suite], Gry weneckie [Venetian games], Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto], Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2], Chantefleurs et chantefables H. Holliger (ob), U. Holliger (harp), P. Pławner (v), Olga Pasiecznik (s), Youth Orchestra / H. Holliger ŁAŃCUCH III [CHAIN 3], 2006 20 June Przeźrocza [Slides], Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1], Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] (version for 9 performers) NYYD Ensemble (Tallin) / Olari Elts 22 June Melodie ludowe [Folk Melodies] for piano, Subito and Partita for violin and piano Soyoung Yoon (v), Sergej Filioglo (p) 24 June Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Cikada Quartet 27 June Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation], Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano Bartosz Koziak (c), Agnieszka Kozło (p) ŁAŃCUCH IV [CHAIN 4], 2007 20 June Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue], Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and string orchestra Soloists of the Philharmonic Orchestra in Rostov-on-Don / Yuri Tkachenko Mihail Scherbakov (c) 21 June Chantefleurs et chantefables for soprano and piano, Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano K. Kułakowska (s), M. Klimsiak (p), M. Zdunik (c), A. Kozło (p) 30

24 June Uwertura na smyczki [Overture for Strings], Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] for clarinet and chamber orchestra, Paroles tisseés,chantefleurs et chantefables Ł. Szablewska (s), W. Maciejowski (t), A. Janda (cl) Youth Orchestra / Christian Eggen ŁAŃCUCH V [CHAIN 5], 2008 19 June Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] arranged for 2 pianos and percussion by Marta Ptaszyńska Kwadrofonik 20 June, "PLAMY NA SŁOŃCU. EL DERWID" Arrangements of s popular pieces written under the name of Derwid Duet ElettroVoce, A. Bauer (c) 22 June Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3], Partita for violin and orchestra, Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] Youth Orchestra / A. Boreyko, A. Szymczewska (c) ŁAŃCUCH VI [CHAIN 6], 2009 3 June Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini], Piano Duo 4 June Subito for violin and piano, Melodie ludowe [Folk Melodies] arranged for guitar, children s songs B. Malcolm (c), J. Kacperek (p), Ł. Kuropaczewski (g), Students of the J. Słowacki Secondary School in Warsaw participants of the project Klasa BGŻ; Children s choir of the K. Szymanowski School of Music in Warsaw (ZPSM nr 4) / A. Perzanowska-Tarasiuk, A. Mysłek (p) 5 June Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, for voice and piano Chantefleurs et chantefables for voice and piano (arranged by E. Knapika) Tryptyk śląski [Silesian Triptych] for soprano and piano (arranged by J. Kornowicza, prawykonanie), Les espaces du sommeil for baritone and piano (arranged by E. Sielickiego, world premiere) Anna Lubańska (ms), Agnieszka Piass (s), Agnieszka Tomaszewska (s) Adam Szerszeń (bar), Mariusz Rutkowski (p), Bartłomiej Kominek (p) 31

6 June Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Quartet 7 June IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra / J. Kaspszyk ŁAŃCUCH VII [CHAIN 7], 2010 5 June Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue] Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio / A. Duczmal 6 June Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Recitativo e arioso (arranged for orchestra by J. Maksymiuk), Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2] Sinfonia Varsovia / J. Maksymiuk, K. Jakowicz (vn), ŁAŃCUCH VIII [CHAIN 8], 2011 23 October Livre pour orchestre, Sinfonia Varsovia / J. Maksymiuk 24 October Uwertura na smyczki [Overture for Strings], Subito (arranged by J. Kornowicz for violin, harp and orchestra) Anna Sikorzak-Olek (harp), Łukasz Długosz (fl), Orkiestra "Amadeus" / A. Duczmal 25 October Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes], Partita for violin and piano, Grave for cello and piano Julien Laffaire (cl), Magdalena Rezler (v), Antoine Billet (c), Aziz Kortel (p), 26 October Mi-parti Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Ulrich Windfur ŁAŃCUCH IX [CHAIN 9], 2012 25 January Chantefleurs et chantefables for soprano and piano (arranged by E. Knapik) Solveig Kringelborn (s), Ivar Anton Waagaard (p) 26 January Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation] for solo cello Grave Metamorfozy [Grave Metamorphoses] for cello and piano Bartosz Koziak (c), Agnieszka Kozło (p) 32

28 January Interludium [Interlude], Wariacje symfoniczne [Symphonic Variations], NOSPR / Pierre-André Valade 33

CD RECORDINGS AFTER 1994 It could be supposed that after the death of a composer who had been at the same time a performer of many of his works, performances of his music, including its recordings, would become at least a degree less frequent. In the case of Witold, this did not happen. While the number of performances fell slightly in the period after the composer s death, the number of recordings released before and after 1994 had the opposite tendency. Online catalogues of music companies and the discography published in 2008 ( Studies II, S. Będkowski, S. Hrabia) show that from 1994 to 2012 about two hundred albums were issued featuring at least one piece by. To compare, the discography lists about 350 recordings issued between 1950 and 1994. Taking into account the average number of albums released yearly, the result for the period after 1994 is slightly higher. This does not necessarily reflect an increased interest in the Polish composer s music of either the world s music industry, performers (perhaps them in particular) or audiences. Arriving at such a conclusion would require investigation of other factors, for example the development directions and changing dynamics of the music industry, differences in the production of vinyl records issued long after 1950 and CDs, or numbers of copies issued, which is beyond the scope of this analysis. However, those statistics strongly prove one thing: Witold s music is present in the music market to at least the same degree as it was before the composer s death. His music is constantly gaining new ambassadors in the persons of world-renowned performers soloists, chamber musicians, orchestras and conductors who record their performances on albums published by a variety of music companies. The number of music companies offering at least one album featuring s music grew in recent years to over 100. Among the various smaller and bigger companies are giants such as Naxos, SONY Classical, Deutsche Grammophon and EMI Classics, and many more. s music also appealed to the famous ECM (New Series), lead by its artistic director Manfred Eicher, who pays utmost attention to both the quality of ECM records and to the music featured on them, making sure (reportedly in his own words) that these are the most beautiful sounds, right after silence. Apparently he found s Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation] in Thomas Demenga s interpretation up to this standard, including it on the album 12 Hommages à Paul Sacher pour Violoncelle (2008), with Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre] by the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra under Dennis Russell Davies (2012) another ECM selection. s music also entered the catalogue of Norway s SIMAX Classics, which published Partita for violin and piano (M. Thorsen, v, H. Gimse, p) in 2000, and in 2012 as with ECM Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre] (Tromso CO / K. Holthe) 34

on the album Perspectives (69 42 North 19 00 East), alongside works of György Kurtág, Arvo Pärt, Frederik Högberg and Anton Webern. FROM THE ARCHIVE. UNFORGETTABLE ONES It must be noted that a separate groups of albums are reissues and new releases using earlier, archive records. After 1994 about 150 new albums and 50 reissues or albums with archive recordings were published. Reaching for older recordings does not necessarily mean that there are not enough contemporary performances of the best quality, which the two statistics above contradict as well. It is often only an expression of admiration for excellent historical interpretations, such as that of Koncert wiolonczelowy [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] by Mstislav Rostropovich and the Orchestre de Paris under Witold, recorded in 1974, which was issued after the composer s death in 1994 by Britannia Music Company, and reissued two times by EMI as part of the series Great Recordings of the Century, in 2002 and 2008. Equally unforgettable and probably most often reissued are performances of Partita and Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2] by violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter and the BBC Symphony Orchestra, also conducted by the composer, and recorded in 1988 by Deutsche Grammophone. Its new editions were released in 1994 (Mutter Modern), 2000 (Back to the Future), 2002 and 2005 ( echo 20/21 series). What makes these recordings so valuable is the opportunity to listen, long after his death, to s pieces the way he conducted them. This was also the idea behind Naxos decision to include on the album Lutoslawski s Last Concert in 2010 a recording of the last concert the composer conducted, at the end of 1993 in Toronto (24 October). The recording had been previously issued on the album New Music Concerts as Lutoslawski Conducts Lutoslawski. But the release by the famous label undoubtedly increased its market value. It is worthy of note that the composer s last concert in Poland, only a month earlier (25 September), was recorded by the Polish company KOS for the album His Last Concert, released in 1994. Valuable archive recordings made without the composer s participation were issued, for example by Vox Box, which released in 1995 an album featuring Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] by Ursula and Heinz Holliger and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra under Michael Gielen, most probably recorded 12 years earlier, when Gielen still directed the orchestra. Orfeo published a recording from 1976 of Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet] by the LaSalle Quartet, which had premiered the piece in 1965 and which disbanded in 1987. This recording was reissued for the second time in 2010 on an album of Brilliant Classics. The same British label released a triple album, Orchestral Works, in 2009, which is one of the most interesting offerings of archive recordings of the composer s music. It includes 1976-77 recordings of Wariacje symfoniczne [Symphonic Variations], I Symfonia [Symphony No. 1 ] and II Symfonia [Symphony 35

No. 2], Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre], Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra], Jeux venitiens, Livre pour orchestre, Mi-parti, Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue] for 13 string instruments, Trois poèmes d Henri Michaux, Paroles tissées and Postludium nr 1 [Postlude No. 1] (L. Devos; Polish Radio Choir in Kraków, Polish Chamber Orchestra, NOSPR / W. Lutoslawski, W. Michniewski). The end of 2012 saw the release of a special collector s box set published by Polskie Nagrania, titled Witold Centenary Edition.It comprises eight gold embossed discs, with an extensive commentary by Ludwik Erhadt. The album contains archive recordings of s orchestra works released previously on separate albums, including the first Polish performances of Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2], Chantefleurs et Chantefables, IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4], and others. NAXOS AND LUTOSŁAWSKI ONLY Among both archival and new recordings, a special place should be reserved for releases wholly devoted to s music. One of them is the series by Naxos and the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Antoni Wit, : Orchestral Works, launched in 1994. Nine albums were released as part of the series up until 2009, featuring almost all symphonic and concert pieces by along with works for voice and instruments, performed by noted, mainly Polish musicians (see: TABLE A. NAXOS SERIES). Albums featuring s works exclusively were also issued by Virgin Classics and SONY. As regards the first label, it is worth noting the 1998 album by the outstanding soprano Solveig Kringelborn, as well as Daniel Harding and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, performing Pięć pieśni [Five songs] to the poems of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, Chantefleurs et chantefables and Preludia i fuga [Preludes and Fugue]. In turn, SONY issued recordings of Esa-Pekka Salonen and the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra with soloists Dawn Upshaw, John Shirley-Quirk and Paul Crossley, performing works for voice and instruments such as Les espaces du sommeil and Chantefleurs et chantefables, as well as Symphonies No. 2-4, Koncert fortepianowy [Piano Concerto] and a tribute to the performers themselves Fanfare for Los Angeles Philharmonic. Another release fully devoted to the Polish composer s music is the album published by SOMM in 1999, Lutoslawski at the Guildhall, featuring recordings of live performances from the festival Breaking Chains Lutoslawski, which took place in 1997 in London, including II Symfonia [Symphony No. 2], Novelette, Fanfare for Louisville and Prelude for the Guildhall School of Music (Guildhall Symphony Orchestra / W. Michniewski) along with an archive recording from 1989 of Koncert 36

wiolonczelowy [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] conducted by with Louise Hopkins as soloist. It may be noticed that full albums of s music focus mainly on orchestra works. An exception, which proves the rule, is an album released by Living Era in 1998 featuring minor chamber pieces, children s songs for voice and piano, pieces for the young and Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] for two pianos (Ann Martin-Davis, Susan Legg, p, Duncan Prescot, cl, Melanie Ragge, ob). TABLE A. THE NAXOS SERIES COVER REF. NO. PERFORMERS WORKS Naxos 8.554283 Olga Pasiecznik (s) NOSPR, Antoni Wit I Symfonia Chantefleurs et Chantefables Tryptyk śląski Jeux vénitiens Naxos 8.553169 Piotr Paleczny (p) NOSPR, Antoni Wit II Symfonia Mała suita Wariacje symfonicze Koncert fortepianowy Naxos 8.553423 Bernd Glemser (p) Piotr Kusiewicz (t) Adam Kruszewski (bar.) NOSPR, Antoni Wit III Symfonia Wariacje na temat Paganiniego Paroles tissées Les Espaces du sommeil Naxos 8.553202 Krzysztof Bąkowski (v) NOSPR, Antoni Wit IV Symfonia Partita, Łańcuch II Muzyka żałobna Interludium Naxos 8.553625 Andrzej Bauer (c) NOSPR, Antoni Wit Koncert wiolonczelowy Livre pour orchestre Novelette Łańcuch III Naxos 8.553779 Naxos 8.555270 Naxos 8.555763 Camerata Silesia NOSPR, Antoni Wit NOSPR, Antoni Wit Zbigniew Kaleta (cl) Arkadiusz Krupa (ob) Nicolas Tulliez (harp) Rafał Kwiatkowski (c) Urszula Kryger (s) NOSPR, Antoni Wit Koncert na orkiestrę Trois Poems d Henri Michaux Mi-parti Uwertura smyczkowa Preludia i fuga na 13 instrumentów smyczkowych Trzy postludia Mini Uwertura Fanfare for Louisville Prelude for Guildhall School of Music and Drama Fanfare for the University of Lancaster Koncert podwójny na obój, harfę i orkiestrę Preludia taneczne Łańcuch I Grave Metamorfozy Piosenki dziecinne 37

Naxos 8.555994 Olga Pasiecznik (s) Jadwiga Rappé (ms) Chór Polskiego Radia w Krakowie NOSPR, Antoni Wit 20 polskich kolęd 5 pieśni do słów Iłłakowiczówny Lacrimosa Also special in this respect is the first and until now the only CD featuring songs written by under the name Derwid, performed by Mariusz Klimek in Krzysztof Herdzin s arrangements, issued in 2005 in Poland by Acte Préalable. DIFFERENT CONTEXTS Most records issued after 1994 feature one or sometimes two or more of s pieces alongside works of other composers, such as to begin with the more obvious choices Béla Bartók (Concertos for Orchestra) and Henri Dutilleux, but also Igor Stravinsky, Iannis Xenakis or other contemporary composers. On some albums s music is presented alongside Polish composers of the 20th century such as Andrzej Panufnik or Paweł Szymański (Koncerty fortepianowe, CD Accord), but also Karol Szymanowski (Naxos), Krzysztof Penderecki or Krzysztof Meyer (CD Accord). Often s company is chosen because of a similar line-up, such as in the case of an album featuring Koncert podwójny [Double Concerto] (H. and U. Holliger, Cincinnati SO / M. Gielen) along with the Oboe Concerto and symphonic poems of Richard Strauss. An example of contemporary contexts is offered by a EMI Classics album from 2009, Shadows of Silence, presenting s and M. Dalbavie Piano Concertos as well as other piano pieces by György Kurtág and B. Sørensen (Leif Ove Andsnes / Symphonieorchester des Bayerischer Rundfunk). Deutsche Grammophon s album of 2009 devoted to Anne-Sophie Mutter presents archive recordings of s Łańcuch I [Chain No. 1] and Partita, featured with works of the 20 th -century composers Penderecki, Berg, Moret, Sibelius, Ravel and once more Stravinsky. Another Deutsche Grammophon s album, released in 2006, presents s III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3] and the Symphony No. 5, dating back two centuries, by Ludwig van Beethoven. It is a live performance by the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Esa-Pekka Salonen, named the best performance of contemporary music by Deutsche Grammophon. Collections of solo and chamber works often include pieces by. Sometimes, as is the case of a Naxos album (Ariadne Daskalakis, Miri Yampolsky; 2009), his work is alongside works by other composers of the same period or area, with the Naxos album featuring pieces by Szymanowski and Janaček. It is worth noting that although the label markets the album as Violin Music (Complete), it includes only chamber pieces, namely Partita, Subito and Recitativo e arioso (lacking Lullaby for Anne-Sophie Mutter ). 38

Undoubtedly, an unusual context for the Polish composer s music are works of Frank Zappa, which accompany s Partita for violin and piano as well as works by Arvo Pärt and Michelangelo Lupone on an album released in 1999 by CD Baby (Diego Conti, Monica De Matteis); that was reissued in 2006. RANKING OF RECORDINGS BY TITLE TABLE B. RANKING OF TITLES TITLE NO. OF RECORDS 1. Koncert na orkiestrę 24 + 1 DVD 2. Partita na skrzypce i fortepian 21 3. Wariacje na temat Paganiniego na 2 fortepiany 18 + 3 DVD 4. Muzyka żałobna 15 5. Preludia taneczne na klarnet i fortepian 14 6. Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę 12 7. Paroles tissées 11 8. Gry weneckie 11 + 1 DVD 9. III Symfonia 10 + 1 DVD 10. Wariacja Sacherowska 10 11. Kwartet smyczkowy 9 + 1 DVD 12. Koncert na fortepian i orkiestrę 9 (incl. 2 reissues) 13. 14. II Symfonia Łańcuch II Preludia i fuga Preludia taneczne na klarnet i orkiestrę kam. Chantefleurs et Chantefables IV Symfonia Koncert podwójny Mini uwertura na kwintet dęty 9 8 Partita na skrzypce i orkiestrę 8 (incl. 3 reissues) 15. Łańcuch I 7 + 1 DVD 16. Grave Metamorfozy Bukoliki, wersje na fortepian oraz altówkę i wiolonczelę Livre pour orchestre Mi-parti Subito 17. Uwertura na smyczki 6 18. I Symfonia Les espaces du sommeil 5 19. Trzy Postludia Postludium nr 1 5 (1 x Trzy Postludia) 7 39

20. Łańcuch III Wariacje symfoniczne 4 21. 22. Epitafium Dwadzieścia polskich kolęd Grave Metamorfozy na wiolonczelę i fortepian Lacrimosa Mała suita Pięć pieśni do słów Kazimiery Iłłakowiczówny na głos i orkiestrę Dwie etiudy Pięć melodii ludowych Pięć pieśni do słów Kazimiery Iłłakowiczówny na głos i fortepian 3 2 As may be seen from the table above (see: RANKING OF TITLES), the number of recordings of some pieces corresponds to a certain degree with the frequency of their concert performances (see: PERFORMANCES IN POLAND AND ABROAD). The undisputed leader in both categories is Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra]. Also popular both on record and in concert repertoires was Muzyka żałobna [Musique funèbre]. However, this parallel does not hold as far as other works are concerned. There are many recordings of chamber pieces such as Partita for violin and piano, Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] for two pianos, Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes] for clarinet and piano and, less popular by a degree, Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra]. In turn, Mała suita [Little Suite], so frequently performed in Poland, was featured on only three albums. And Paroles tisées, rarely performed in Poland and abroad, has more releases than Chantefleurs et chantefables. Released markedly more often on record than their live performances were II Symfonia [Symphony No. 2] (compare with Symphony No. 4) and Les espaces du sommeil. RANKING OF MUSIC COMPANIES Among music companies publishing s music, the absolute leader is Naxos with its nine-album monograph series and other recordings of his works, totaling 13 albums, of which 2 are retrospectives of earlier recordings or fragments of works (The Best of Lutoslawski, The Symphony). It is also worthy of note that the Naxos albums encompass almost all of s orchestral works, his pieces for voice and instruments with orchestra and some chamber pieces. Most of the albums are wholly dedicated to the composer s music. Regarding number of releases, Naxos is rivalled only by one of the world s biggest music companies, EMI Classics, with its catalogue listing about 13 albums issued after 1994. That number includes reissues, albums of archive recordings conducted by the composer, and new releases, for example chamber pieces such as Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] performed by Martha Argerich and Gabrieli Montero, Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet], (Alban Berg String Quartet) or the guitar transcription of Melodie ludowe [Folk Melodies] (Julian Bream). Among the 13 EMI albums there are discs fully devoted to s 40

music and collections featuring only individual pieces. The performers are mainly world-renowned artists, including Mstislav Rostropovich. These two leading lables are closely followed by two Polish companies, DUX and CD Accord, offering 9 to 10 albums featuring s chamber pieces and orchestra works performed by an exquisite lineup of Polish and foreign musicians (see: TABLE C. 1. & 2.). The list would not be complete without another recording giant, Germany s Deutsche Grammophon, which released nine albums of s music. The label s online catalogue lists only five of them; apparently unavailable is the recording of Kwartet smyczkowy [String Quartet] by the Hagen Quartet, despite it being reissued in 2005, according to the discography provided in Studies II, as well as the above-mentioned Mutter Modern from 1994 and Shadow of Stalin from 2008, which featured the recording of Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Esa-Pekka Salonen. One of the first albums with an archive recording of Koncert fortepianowy [Piano Concerto], Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3] and Novelette, with performances by Krystian Zimerman and the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted the composer, was reissued a number of times and remained available as of December 2012. TABLE C.1. RECORDS RELEASED BY POLISH MUSIC COMPANIES DUX: Date of issue Previous issues Date of recording Ref. no. 1998 1997 2000 2005 2004 2005 2006 DUX 0105 DUX 0323 DUX 0499 DUX / PWM 0493 DUX 0544 Title, AWARDS PERFORMERS WORKS Słynne Kaprysy Famous Caprices FRYDERYK 2001 Nominacja Album Roku Muzyka Współczesna FRYDERYK 2005 20th-Century Polish Music for Violin & Piano J. Salwarowski; Ork. Filh. Szczecińskiej, T. Szebanowa (pf) A. Duczmal, Orkiestra Kameralna PR AMADEUS; M. Pędziałek (ob), A. Sikorzak-Olek (harp) A. Wit, Orkiestra Symfoniczna FN; R. Kwiatkowski (c) Krakowskie Trio Stroikowe: Mleczko, Marek (ob); Roman Witaszek (cl); Paweł Solecki (fg) P. Piekutowska (v); B. Bilińska (p) Wariacje na temat Paganiniego Koncert podwójny Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę Koncert na orkiestrę Trio na obój, klarnet i fagot Partita na skrzypce i fortepian 41

2008 2005 DUX 0506 M. J. Błaszczyk; Ork. Filh. Śląskiej; R. Lasocki (v) Partita III Symfonia IV Symfonia 2008 DUX 0586 Classics of 20 th Century Chamber Music Piotr Tarcholik (v); Monika Wilińska- Tarcholik (p) Partita na skrzypce i fortepian 2008 DUX 0628 Cellovator Mikołaj Pałosz (c) Wariacja Sacherowska 2008 2012 DUX 0677 DUX 0860 Little Big Music Malaguena: Recital for two pianos Massimiliano Cali, Śląska Ork. Kam. Duo Granat Pięć melodii ludowych Wariacje na temat Paganiniego Date of issue TABLE C.2. RECORDS RELEASED BY POLISH MUSIC COMPANIES CD ACCORD: 1996 2000 2003 Previous issues Date of recording 1991-1992 029 1993, 1995 1992 015 2000, 1998 1996 046 Ref. no. Title, AWARDS PERFORMERS WORKS FRYDERYK 1996 FRYDERYK 1998 W. Michniewski, Sinfonia Varsovia K. Jakowicz (v) W., NOSPR Katowice E. Pobłocka (p) K. Kord, Orkiestra Symfoniczna FN E. Pobłocka (p) Interludium Uwertura smyczkowa Gry weneckie Partita Koncert na fortepian i orkiestrę III Symfonia Koncert na fortepian i orkiestrę 2005 1997 037 Kwartet Śląski Kwartet smyczkowy 2005 045 2005 096 2008 2010 ACD 144 ACD 161 A Treasury of Polish Songs Witold - Opera omnia 01 Witold - Opera omnia 02 Ewa Podleś (ms) Ewa Pobłocka (p) A. Wit, Orkiestra FN Quartet K. i J. Jakowicz (v) A. Bauer (c) B. Bednarczyk (p) E. Zawadzka (p) J. K. Zbroja (p) J. Kaspszyk, Orkiestra Filharmonii Wrocławskiej Pięć pieśni do słów K. Iłłakowiczówny Mi-parti Kwartet smyczkowy Recitativo e arioso Bukoliki Grave Metamorfozy Subito Partita Wariacja Sacherowska Cztery melodie śląskie (4 vni, nr 9-12) III Symfonia IV Symfonia 42

2011 ACD 166-2 Witold - Opera omnia 03 E. Kovacic, Wrocławska Orkiestra Kameralna; Orkiestra Filharmonii Wrocławskiej, N. Daniel (dr., ob) L. Wakeford (harp) Preludia i fuga Koncert podwójny To continue the ranking, six albums were issued by the British Chandos label (two before 1996, four after 2010) and one of the oldest U.S. companies, Centaur Records (chamber pieces, the rarely recorded Trzy fragmenty [Three Fragments] for flute and harp along with Preludia taneczne [Dance Preludes]); Four albums Berlin Classics, BIS and Koch (Discover International and Schwann); Three albums Camerata Records and Sony (including Sony BMG/RCA Red label); Two albums Arte Nova, Brilliant Classics, ECM, Nimbus Records, Orfeo, Phillips (Phillips/PolyGram), Red Seal, SIMAX Classics, Telarc, Thorofon and TIM. More than 80 other smaller or bigger labels including two Polish ones released one album each. What is more, albums of s music ranging from one to a few were issued by different institutions, both for promotional and commercial purposes. Examples include recordings documenting the activity of individual orchestras, such as RCO live Concertgebouw Orch. Amsterdam (three albums) or LPO (London Philharmonic Orchestra / Jukka-Pekka Saraste), recordings released by radio stations (Polish Radio, Polish Radio Katowice, BBC), schools (e.g. ZPSM CD 005), as well as publishers (PWM Edition, Chester). s works were also included on albums recording different competitions and festivals, such as Międzynarodowy Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej XX wieku im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego [Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition of Contemporary Chamber Music] in Kraków (Instytut Sztuki) or Warszawska Jesień [Warsaw Autumn] festival (Biblioteka WJ/Polmic). RANKING OF THE FREQUENCY OF RELEASES The number of album releases fluctuated significantly over the course of time from 4-5 albums to over 20 in 2005. The bar chart of these fluctuations, reminiscent of stocks charts, (see: CHART. RECORDINGS IN 1995-2012), shows a growth tendency until 2005, followed by a stabilisation at a lower level in the following years (except for 2008 and 2009). 43

It is hard to indicate the reasons behind the falls or rises in the number of releases apart from one the record number of 23 albums issued in 2005 came in the wake of intensive celebrations connected with the composer s tenth death anniversary in the previous year in Poland, especially that 6 out of the 23 albums (1/4) were issued by Polish music companies, namely DUX, CD Accord and Acte Préalable. CHART. RECORDINGS IN 1995-2012 25 20 15 10 5 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 It is impossible to pinpoint the reasons behind the exceptional boost of the year 2008, with the only possible explanation being a reaction to the fifteenth anniversary of the composer s death approaching in 2009 which in turn was very poor in recordings. LUTOSŁAWSKI IN SUPER AUDIO It is hard to determine how better quality and more sophisticated technologies help the popularisation of music, yet inarguably they enhance its reception. It is thus worth noting that in the last nine to ten years, several albums were recorded and released in surround technology on Super Audio CDs (SACD). The first album of this type (according to the available data) featuring s works exclusively was released in the jubilee year 2004 by the Polish label BeArTon. It included: Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra], Chantefleurs et chantefables and Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] performed by the outstanding Polish artists Olga Pasiecznik and Sinfonia Varsovia under Jerzy Maksymiuk (Fryderyk Award, 2004). Among SACDs issued by foreign music companies were two by Telarc. The first features Concerto for Orchestra (along with Bartók s Concerto for Orchestra) and Fanfare for Louisville performed by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra under Paavo Järvi, in 2006, and the second with Sonatą fortepianową [Piano Sonata] (along with works by Esa-Pekka Salonen and Steven Stucky) in Gloria Cheng s interpretation, from 2008. 44

Two years later BIS issued a SACD with Koncert wiolonczelowy [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] and Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation] for solo cello (Christian Polter, ORF Vienna Radio SO / Jan Van Steen). The latest albums released by Chandos in 2008-2012 as part of the series devoted to s music (see: MOST RECENT SERIES AND ALBUMS) were also recorded in the SACD format. MOST RECENT SERIES AND ALBUMS Among the most recent releases fully devoted to s music, special attention should be paid to the following series and albums: 1. COMPLETE WORKS OF WITOLD LUTOSŁAWSKI OPERA OMNIA Released by Witold Philharmonic in Wrocław and CD Accord. TABLE C.2.) Through the end of 2012, three albums were issued as part of this series, one with chamber works and two featuring orchestral pieces, e.g. Symphonies No. 2 and 4 (see: 2. SERIES BY CHANDOS AND BBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA In 2010, the British label Chandos, specialising in music series, began recording the works of with the participation of the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Edward Gardner. Releases of subsequent albums in the series, with the exception of the first one, have been supported by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. By the end of 2012 four albums had been issued; three featuring orchestral works and one with pieces for voice and instruments: Witold. Orchestral Works, 2010, CHSA 5082 III Symfonia [Symphony No. 3] Łańcuch III [Chain No. 3] Koncert na orkiestrę [Concerto for Orchestra] BBC Symphony Orchestra, Edward Gardner 45

Witold. Vocal Works, VIII 2011, CHSA 5098 Tryptyk Śląski [Silesian Triptych] Śpijże, śpij [Sleep, Sleep] Lacrimosa Paroles tissées Les espaces du sommeil Chantefleurs et chantefables Lucy Crowe (s), Toby Spence (t), Christopher Purves (bar) BBC Symphony Orchestra, Edward Gardner Witold. Orchestral Works 2, XII 2011, CHSA 5098 Wariacje Symfoniczne [Symphonic Variations] IV Symfonia [Symphony No. 4] Koncert fortepianowy [Piano Concerto] Wariacje na temat Paganianiego [Variations on a Theme by Paganini] BBC Symphony Orchestra, Edward Gardner Witold. Orchestral Works 3, 2012, CHSA 5106 Mała suita [Little Suite] II Symfonia [Symphony No. 2] Koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra] Grave for cello and orchestra Paul Watkins, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Edward Gardner 3. LUTOSŁAWSKI THE SYMPHONIES, SONY In 2012, Sony with the support of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute decided to issue an album with the complete Symphonies performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic conducted by the great admirer of s music, the composer Esa-Pekka Salonen. In December 2012, a recording was made of the missing link Symphony No. 1. Symphonies No. 2-4, and Fanfare for Los Angeles Philharmonic had already been recorded and issued on separate discs (see: NAXOS AND LUTOSŁAWSKI ONLY). The release of the Sony album, scheduled for March 2013, and the continuation of both the Chandos and CD Accord series suggests that the discography of s music will grow to include valuable recordings in the coming years, in well-known or brand new interpretations. *** 46

As a commentary on this section devoted to the body of recordings of s music after 1994, let us use as with the section on performances a view expressed by British musicologist Adrian Thomas, expressed in the interview with B. Bolesławska-Lewandowska (Ruch Muzyczny, 2011, Issue 3): I believe that the situation of s music is pretty good. Regularly we see new releases, for example of the Cello Concerto since the composer s death there have been ten or so recordings of this piece. A new series of albums with s music was also issued by Chandos in the U.K. [ ] to great reviews. I am certain that initiatives of this kind will ensure a good position for s music. 47

LITERATURE AFTER 1994 Shortly after s death, publications important for the study of his life and work were issued. 1994 saw the publication of a Polish monograph, : życie i twórczość by Tadeusz Kaczyński, and The Music of Lutoslawski by Charles Bodman Rae (2nd edition, 1999). Two years later in Germany, Martina Homma published her doctoral thesis on. In the same year, Polish readers were given a translation of Bodman Rae s book by Jadwiga Paja-Stach, who published her own comprehensive monograph about the next year, and who wrote the entry in the 5th volume of PWM Edition s Encyclopaedia of Music (editor Elżbieta Dziębowska). Subsequent years brought the important two-volume monograph on by Polish authors Danuta Gwizdalanka and Krzysztof Meyer (2003-2004). Another important academic publication released after the composer s death is the double-issue of Muzyka journal from 1995. Articles and analyses by prominent musicologists and experts in s music from Poland and abroad were published in the Estetyka i styl twórczości Witolda ego in 2000 (published by Oxford University Press in 2001 as Lutoslawski Studies), edited by Zbigniew Skowron, and Witold Studies I-III edited by Jadwiga Paja-Stach, released in 2008-2010 and available online on the website of Ośrodek Dokumentacji Życia i Twórczości Witolda ego [Witold Center] (see: WEBSITES). Greenwood Press published A Bio-Bibliography by Stanisław Będkowski and Stanisław Hraba in 2001, including a complete list of literature devoted to until 2001 and a discography (the discography was included in Lutoslawski Studies II, updated to 2008). In 2005 a special jubilee issue of Forum Muzykologiczne was published, featuring a range of articles devoted to by J. Paja-Stach, A. Jarzębska, B. Pociej, D. Gwizdalanka and K. Meyer, A. Bartos and others, together with an interview with the composer (the articles are available on Major analyses and interpretations were also published in other musical journals in Poland and abroad. Also, interesting contributions were published in the general press, e.g. Kontrapunkt, a supplement to the magazine Tygodnik Powszechny, edited by T. Cyz, marking the tenth anniversary of the composer s death (the articles are available on An interest in s music outside of Poland was reflected in the publications of Nicholas Reyland in the U.K. (doctoral thesis on s Livre pour orchestre and contributions published e.g. in Lutoslawski Studies), and in the work of a Chinese-born composer, Fang Man, who devoted her Ph.D. research (published in 2012 and available for purchase on the Internet) to the analysis of Łańcuch II [Chain No. 2] using OpenMusic, a computer-assisted composition software. After 1994, three collections of Witold s own notes and thoughts were published, of which two were first editions the one edited by Danuta Gwizdalanka and Krzysztof Meyer (2001), and the other by Zbigniew Skowron (2008, 2012). 48

LITERATURE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS The list includes publications released until the end of 2012, books available on the market and the most important occasional publications. Some of the articles listed are available online (see: WEBSITES), while others are in library or archive resources. Entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries, source materials: R. Wolański Leksykon Polskiej Muzyki Rozrywkowej; entry Derwid, p. 39, Warsaw 1995 J. Paja-Stach, Witold, in Encyklopedia Muzyczna PWM, vol. 5, edited by E. Dziębowska, pp. 441-461, Kraków 1997 C. B. Rae, Witold (Roman), in: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edition 2; Grove Music Online, edited by S. Sadie, J. Tyrrell, London 2001 S. Będkowski Witold, in: Music of the Twentieth-Century Avant- Garde: A Biocritical Sourcebook, edited by L. Sitsky, s. 282 290, Westport, Conn. 2002 D. Cichy Witold, in: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Personenteil, vol. 11, pp. 655 661, Kassel 2004 Periodicals and occasional publications: Muzyka 1995 No. 1/2, includes: K. Baculewski Jedna technika, jeden styl?, M. Homma O przestrzeni muzycznej w harmonice dwunastotonowej W. L., A. Jarzębska Problem kształtowania kontinuum formy w IV Symfonii W. L., D. Krawczyk Koncepcja czasu W. L., K. Meyer Kilka uwag na temat organizacji wysokości dźwięków w muzyce W. L., I. Nikolska Melodia i niektóre zasady jej kształtowania w twórczości L. z lat 1960 1980, J. Paja-Stach and M. Stanilewicz- Kamionka W. L. Dokumentacja (kronika życia i twórczości, kompozycje, pisma, bibliografia), C.B. Rae Organizacja wysokości dźwięków w muzyce W. L. Res Facta Nova 1997 No. 2 /11, edited by M. Bristiger, includes: Witold (25.01.1913 07.02.1994), I. Nikolska Rozmowa z Witoldem m. O moim języku muzycznym (edited by B. and J. Stęszewski); Z. Skowron Rozmowa z Witoldem m. Spotkania z Witoldem m; S. Będkowski Rozmowa z Witoldem i Danutą mi. By nie zatarł czas ; Witold about himself. 49

Witold. Człowiek i dzieło w perspektywie kultury muzycznej XX wieku (conference materials), edited by J. Astriab, M. Jabłoński, J. Stęszewski, Poznań 1999; includes: J. Paja-Stach O stylu muzycznym Witolda ego w kontekście nurtów artystycznych XX wieku; Z. Skowron Tradycja, nowoczesność i awangarda jako źródła postawy twórczej Witolda ego. Witold. Portret w 10-lecie śmierci, edited by T. Cyz, in: Kontrapunkt, supplement to Tygodnik Powszechny 2004 No. 7 (see: WEBSITES) Witold. Osoba i dzieło, various authors, account of a musicology session from 2004, w: Forum Muzykologiczne, jubilee issue marking 60 years of the Polish Composers Union, pp. 34-40, Warsaw 2005 (see: WEBSITES) Books monographs, interviews, special editions: C.B. Rae The Music of, published in Polish as Muzyka ego, translation by S. Krupowicz, Warsaw 1996 J. Paja-Stach Witold, Kraków 1996 M. Homma Witold : Zwölfton-Harmonik, Formbildung, aleatorischer Kontrapunkt, Cologne 1996. Homagium, Wydawnictwo Galerii Zachęta, Warsaw 1996 J. Paja-Stach i jego styl muzyczny, Kraków 1997 C.B. Rae The Music of, 3rd edition expanded, London 1999 Estetyka i styl twórczości Witolda ego, edited by Z. Skowron, Kraków 2000; published in English as Studies, Oxford 2001 Witold. Postscriptum, 2nd edition, edited by D. Gwizdalanka, K. Meyer, Warsaw 2001 S. Będkowski, S. Hrabia Witold : A Bio-Bibliography, Westport- London 2001 Programme book of Festiwal Muzyczny Polskiego Radia. Witold [Music Festival of the Polish Radio. ], includes: M. Bristiger Muzyko ego, gue me veux-tu?; A. Chłopecki analyses of Symphony No. 3 and 4, String Quartet, Chain No. 2, Little Suite and Chantefleurs et chantefables; transcripts of radio interviews with on Stefan Jarociński (interview by E. Markowska in 1981 for Polish Radio 2); on the music of Fryderyk Chopin (interview by C. Maupome on 24 October 1982 for Radio France, translated by M. Mądrzak); on Symphony No. 3 and his composing technique (interview by K. Ǻ. Rasmussen on 22 March 1985 for Danmarks Radio, translated by M. Gmys); on his children s music (interview by E. Markowska on 30 January 1990 for Polish Radio 2, Warsaw 2001) 50

I. Nikolska Muzyka to nie tylko dźwięki. Rozmowy z Witoldem m, Kraków 2003 D. Gwizdalanka, K. Meyer. T.1. Droga do dojrzałości, Kraków 2003; Vol. 2. Droga do mistrzostwa, Kraków 2004 Witold i jego wkład do kultury muzycznej XX wieku, edited by J. Paja-Stach, Kraków 2005 Lutoslawski on Music, edited and translated by Z. Skowron, Lanham (Maryland) 2007 G. Michalski w pamięci. 20 rozmów o kompozytorze, Gdańsk 2007 Witold Studies I, edited by J. Paja-Stach, Kraków 2007; Witold Studies II, Kraków 2008; Witold Studies III, Kraków 2009 Witold. Zapiski, edited by Zbigniew Skowron, Warsaw 2008 Z. Owińska o sobie, Gdańsk 2010 A. Bartos Proces twórczy Witolda ego, Warsaw 2010 B. Smoleńska-Zielińska, T. Zieliński Witold. Przewodnik po arcydziełach, Warsaw 2011 Witold. O Muzyce. Pisma i wypowiedzi, edited by Z. Skowron, Gdańsk 2012 F. Man Utilizing OpenMusic as a Tool for the Analysis of Lutoslawski's Chain 2, Lambert Academic Publishing 2012 Academic analyses and interpretations: J. Paja-Stach Rola partii fortepianu w Recitativo e arioso i w Particie Witolda ego, in: Prace specjalne Akademii Muz. w Gdańsku No. 53, edited by J. Krassowski, T. Błaszkiewicz, K. Sperski, B. Długońska, H. Nowakowska, Gdańsk 1995 D. Rust Conversation with Witold, in: Musical Quarterly 1995 No. 79 (1); pp. 207-223 M. Klein Texture, Register, and Their Formal Roles in, in: Indiana Theory Review 1999 No. 20 (1); pp. 37-70 J. Paja-Stach Witold Lutoslawski. Sullo stile musicale del compositore, in: Civilta Musicale XVIII 2003 No. 50; pp. 116 125. 51

N. Reyland Lutoslawski, Akcja and the Poetics of Musical Plot, in: Music and Letters 2007 No. 88 (4), pp. 604-631 T. Kaczyński nieznany, w: Ruch Muzyczny 2012 No. 3 Books discussing Witold s work and life non-exclusively: Lutosławscy w kulturze polskiej, various authors, Drozdowo 1998 B. Pociej Z perspektywy muzyki, Warsaw 2005; pp. 271-283 and other. D. Szwarcman Czas Warszawskich Jesieni. O muzyce polskiej 1945-2007, Warsaw 2007 A. Thomas Polish Music since Szymanowski, Music in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge 2008 K. Meyer Mistrzowie i przyjaciele, Kraków 2011 Books published in 1994 or before, still available on the market: Lutoslawski, edited by O. Nordwall, Stockholm 1968 (selection of s writings) B. A. Varga Lutoslawski Profile, London 1976 S. Stucky and his Music, Cambridge 1981, new edition in 2009 T. Kaczyński Conversations with Witold Lutoslawski, 2nd edition, expanded and updated, London 1994 T. Kaczyński : życie i muzyka, Historia muzyki polskiej, vol. IX, Warsaw1994 52

FILMS AND DVDs Films: 1. Witold, 16 documentary, directed by Aleksandra Padlewska, for TVP, 1975 2. Przy pulpicie. Witold [At the Stand: Witold ], 22, realisation: Teresa de Laveaux, for TVP 1978 Presented e.g. in 2011 during the festival Ogrody Muzyczne [Musical Gardens] in Warsaw 2. Open rehearsals with Witold Lutoslawski, 32 video documentary; produced, photographed, directed, edited by Pawel Kuczynski, 1984. Witold conducts a rehearsal with the students of the USC School of Music (Mi-parti). 3. Witold w rozmowie z Krzysztofem Zanussim / Witold in conversation with Krzysztof Zanussi 58, directed by K. Zanussi for Eurofilm/Antelope, BBC, 1990. For a description, see Programmes broadcast on TVP in 1994-2012 below. 4. Owoc natchnienia [The Fruit of Inspiration] 39, Production and script: Teresa de Laveaux, for TVP, 1992 Witold talks about his work comments, illustrated with fragments of his music. 5. Między dźwiękiem a ciszą Wspomnienie o Witoldzie m / Between Sound and Silence Remembering Witold 52, documentary / biography, directed and written by Aleksandra Osadowska- Padlewska, for TVP, 1996. Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanussi, Jan Krenz, Krzysztof Jakowicz, Edward Pałłasz, Józef Patkowski, Krystyna Witkowska, Grzegorz Michalski, Krzysztof Meyer, Tadeusz Kaczyński remember, complemented wih fragments of the composer s works. 6. A Journey towards Freedom. Witold Lutoslawski 1913-1994 15, documentary, directed by Barrie Gavin, 1996 (available on 53

Comments from and fragments of his works with the participation of Sir Simon Rattle. 7. Witold wg ojca Karola [Witold According to Father Karol] 31, documentary, directed by Aleksandra Osadowska-Padlewska, Amber Film, 1998. 8. Miłość i muzyka [Love and Music] 40, documentary about Danuta and Witold, directed by Tadeusz Arciuch, 1998. The composer is remembered by Gabriela Bogusławska, Marcin Bogusławski, Ewa Krasińska, Jan Krenz, Józef Patkowski, Krystyna Zachwatowicz, Andrzej Wajda. Presented e.g. in 2001 during the 7th Forum in Warsaw. DVDs featuring Witold s music or devoted to his life and music: 1.Leaving Home - Orchestral Music in the 20th Century. A Conducted Tour by Sir Simon Rattle, vol. 4: Three Journeys Through Dark Landscapes, directed by Barrie Gavin City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle Arthaus Music 1996 Includes motifs of Bartok, Shostakovich and s Venetian Games, Concerto for Orchestra and Symphony No. 3 2. Witold twórcze życie / Witold Lutoslawski a life of creation (CD+DVD), edited by L. Dzierżanowski, Witold Society, 2006 A presentation of Witold s life and work detailed information available on the website of the Witold Society. 3. Verbier Festival Highlights 2007 / Verbier Festival Highlights 2007-2008 Euroarts 2007 i 2008 includes Variations on a Theme by Paganini for two pianos performed by Martha Argerich and Gabriela Montero. 4.Lutolandia czyli domowy teatrzyk Pana Tralalińskiego [Lutoland, or Mr Tralalinski s home theatre] Witold Society and BGŻ Foundation 2008 54

A recording of the concert Lutolandia [Lutoland], which took place on 22 June 2007 during the 4th Łańcuch [Chain] festival at the Concert Studio of the Polish Radio. 5.Guher & Suher Pekinel: Live in Concert, Arthaus Music 2009 Features the performance of Variations on a Theme by Paganini. 6. Made in Poland: Lutoslawski, Serocki, Penderecki, Górecki, Szymański, Mykietyn, Zubel Three-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy, audiophile edition. National Audiovisual Institute 2011. The premiered took place during the European Culture Congress in Wrocław, 8-11 September 2011. Features Chain No. 1 performed by Ensemble Intercontemporain during the festival Sacrum Profanum in September 2010. 7. Quartet Choreography, Metier 2012 The film presents the relations and interaction between the members of Kreutzer Quartet during their performance of the String Quartet by. 55

PROGRAMMES broadcast on TVP in 1994-2012 Documentary films, interviews, reports, accounts Witold w rozmowie z Krzysztofem Zanussim / Witold in conversation with Krzysztof Zanussi DOCUMENTARY FILM, 57 27, for IMP, BBC 1990 Broadcast: 03.04.1994-15 - 01 - TVP-2; 18.09.1995-00 - 17 - TVP-2 A documentary about and his musical output in which the composer talks to Krzysztof Zanussi, film director. The conversation is interwoven with orchestra performances directed by. The film starts with a survey carried out among the residents of Warsaw on Witold. Krzysztof Zanussi remembers his first encounter with s music, his first impressions and his first meeting with the composer. talks about his work, conducting, rehearsing with a student orchestra and renowned professional orchestras, how well he knows his own works and how they should be presented, and his attitude to what he does. Zanussi also asks the composer about his attitude to children and young people, and the way he feels around them. The musician replies that with time, his life is getting better, also commenting on the lack of joy in contemporary music and the reason for it. The film features archive materials, e.g. a recording of talking at the Congress of Culture in December 1981. Witold 48 32, TVP, 1994 Broadcast: 10.02.1994-20 - 00 - TVP-2 A programme dedicated to, who died on 8 February 1994, featuring the composer s comments on the creative process, the relationship between inspiration and work and the polyphony in Symphony No. 4. Partita for violin and piano performed by Krzysztof Jakowicz and Krystyna Boruciński and Symphony No. 4 performed by the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra under. Krzysztof Jakowicz, Krzysztof Zanussi, Kazimierz Kord and others reminisce about. 56

Zrywając łańcuchy [Breaking Chains] REPORTAGE, 29 20, written and directed by Zbigniew Dzięgiel, TVP 1999 Broadcast: 10.02.1999 22-37 - TVP-1, 21.09.1999-23 - 31 TVPS, 21.09.1999-04 - 00 TVPS, 22.09.1999-14 - 08 TVPS A documentary on s music and his popularity in the U.K., as reflected by the festival Breaking Chains Lutoslawski, held by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and the BBC. The festival was the first major showcase of the composer s music in the U.K. Along with concerts, the programme of the event included seminars, workshops for young musicians, screenings of two documentary films featuring the composer s music Suita warszawska and Od Odry do Bałtyku directed by Tadeusz Makarczyński as well as an exhibition prepared by Adrian Thomas. The documentary presents the course and atmosphere of the festival, complemented with commentary by the participants John Casken, Jacek Kaspszyk, Adrian Thomas, Wojciech Michniewski, Charles Bodman Rae and Marcin Bogusławski. The documentary also presents fragments of the composer s works: Symphony No. 1, Novelette, Venetian Games, Prelude for GSMD, Musique funèbre and Chain No. 1. The viewers also have a chance to see black and white footage of speaking or performing. Grażyna Bacewicz i Witold. Wielcy nieobecni [Grażyna Bacewicz and Witold : Great Absentees] OPINION JOURNALISM, 35 17, production: Dariusz Pawelec, TVP 1999 Broadcast: 13.02.1999-10 - 00 - TVP-2 Profiles of the Polish composers Grażyna Bacewicz and Witold as presented by musicologists Małgorzata Gąsiorowska and Jacek Rogala. The experts recall anecdotes from the composers lives, characterise their styles of composing and talk of their impact on the development of new directions in contemporary music. The material is complemented with music recorded at the S-1 Concert Studio of the Polish Radio during Grażyna Bacewicz Days, marking the 90th anniversary of the composer s birth and the 30th anniversary of her death, including s Overture for Strings performed by the Amadeus Orchestra under Agnieszka Duczmal. 57

Elżbieta Markowska. Rok ego [Elżbieta Markowska. Year] INTERVIEW, 4 44, production: Anna Komorowska, Robert Kamyk, TVP 2004 Broadcast: 07.02.2004-15 - 56 - TVP-2 Marking the 10th anniversary of s death, Jolanta Fajkowska talks to Elżbieta Markowska, director of Polish Radio 2, about the composer s life, his relations with the Polish Radio, the transformation of Polish Radio 2, the Concert Studio, and the station s anniversary programme. The interview is accompanied by archive film coverage, such as a recording of talking about making new discoveries while rehearsing with an orchestra. Rok ego - Nie tylko muzyka. [ Year: Not Only Music] DISCUSSION, 39 52, TVP 2004 Broadcast: 08.02.2004-09 - 15 - TVP-2 Representatives of the world of culture on s output. Host and participants: Jolanta Fajkowska, Zygmunt Krauze, Elżbieta Markowska, Krzysztof Jakowicz, Kazimierz Kord, Grzegorz Michalski. 10 Forum ego. Rok ego [10th Forum. Year] REPORTAGE, 24 23, production: Beata Delida, TVP 2004 Broadcast: 31.03.2004-19 - 30 - TVP-2; 14.04.2004-10 - 45 - TVP-POLONIA The programme features fragments of the inauguration concert and commentary from Antoni Wit, Mariusz Smolij and Kacper Miklaszewski on the event; a report from a commemorative night devoted to ; fragment of a concert by Urszula Kryger and the Warsaw Philharmonic s chamber orchestra, youth concert by the orchestra of the J. Elsner School of Music, the finale concert, as well as the exhibition presented at the Warsaw Philharmonic Hall. 58

Koncert nadzwyczajny z okazji 10. rocznicy śmierci Witolda ego [Concert commemorating the 10th anniversary of Witold s death] 46 59, production: Waldemar Stroński, TVP 2004 Broadcast: 17.05.2004-19 - 00 - TVP-2 Broadcast of the concert commemorating the 10th anniversary of s death by the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra under Antoni Wit with the participation of violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter. On the programme: Partita for violin and orchestra, Interlude for orchestra, Chain No. 2 dialogue for violin and orchestra. 59

WEBSITES devoted to Witold The list below provides websites devoted to Witold s life and output, arranged by language. Websites of the Witold Society, PWM Edition, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish Music Information Centre (Polmic) are edited both in Polish and English, thus they are listed in both categories with direct links to the Polish or English content. On the website of the Witold Center one may access Lutoslawski Studies. Among the Polish websites are ones of educational character. Selected websites in other languages are also listed, along with links to audio and video resources. The list does not include Wikipedia sites, although the English entry in particular is very comprehensive and carefully written. - Websites in Polish: Towarzystwo im. Witolda ego [Witold Society] provides detailed information on the composer s life, output, individual pieces and recordings, an updated discography, list of literature, gallery (incl. photos of s manuscripts), links to articles by M. Bristiger, D. Gwizdalanka and A. Chłopecki, archive of radio programmes broadcast on Radio Free Europe, Polish sections of the BBC, RFI, and other multimedia resources and films about the composer, his interviews and performances of his works on PWM Edition Galeria Kompozytorów Witold : contains a complete list of s works with information on individual pieces and their releases, biographic information, fragments of articles, quotes by, a list of performances of the composer s pieces in Poland and selected performances in other countries. Ośrodek Dokumentacji Życia i Twórczości Witolda ego [Witold Center] contains the encyclopedia entry by Professor Jadwiga Paja-Stach, courtesy of the publisher, which provides comprehensive information about the composer s life and output; a bibliography list updated in 2009 and quotes from the composer. Instytut Adama Mickiewicza [Adam Mickiewicz Institute] contains a biography, essay by Zbigniew Skowron Klasyk muzyki XX wieku, analysis of Venetian Games, Musique funèbre, Piano Concerto and Concerto for Orchestra, Piano Sonata, Symphonies No. 1, 2, and 4, Trois poèmes d'henri Michaux, a photo gallery and fragments of recordings of Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Concerto for Orchestra, Symphony No. 4, as well as information on the events of the Year: 60 /eo_event_asset_publisher/ean5/content/witold-lutoslawski /eo_event_asset_publisher/ean5/content/lutoslawski-1913-1994-klasyk-muzyki-xxwieku /eo_event_asset_publisher/l6vx/content/rok-2004-rokiem-witolda-lutoslawskiego Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej [Polish Music Information Centre] contains the composer s biography, list of output and analyses of Venetian games, Piano Concerto, Concerto for Orchestra, Piano Sonata, Symphony No. 1, 2 and 3, Overture for Strings, as well as information about past and present events and performances of s works: 3&Itemid=5&lang=pl Website of Biblioteka Polskiej Piosenki [Polish Song Libary] information on songs written under the name of Derwid: Websites with articles on W. : Forum Muzykologiczne, 2005, links to articles available online (pdf) a=0&itemid=33&lang=pl Kontrapunkt, supplement to Tygodnik Powszechny, 2004 links to articles available online,6307,tematy.html Z. Skowron Klasycy muzyki XX wieku w świadomości twórczej WL, Res facta 9, 2007 %20Klasycy%20muzyki%20europejskiej.pdf M. Tomaszewski Dialogi i soliloqia, Res facta" 9, 2007 %20Klasycy%20muzyki%20europejskiej.pdf Andrzej Chłopecki about Symphony No. 3 D. Cichy : Klasyk współczesności 61

Julia Hartwig SPOTKANIE POŚWIĘCONE WITOLDOWI LUTOSŁAWSKIEMU Sławomir Wieczorek, a commentary after the conference Nowoczesność w muzyce Other articles, current and archive, may be found by entering the composer s name and periodical in the search engine: article by T. Kaczyński, published posthumously On G. Michalski s book w pamięci Educational websites and websites dedicated for young people: Music archive for schools, Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny [National Audiovisual Institute] recording of Symphony No. 3 wieku/1106-lutoslawski-witold-1913-1994- Schools named after =blog&id=92&itemid=455 : output itold-lutoslawski-tworczosc&catid=92&itemid=471 life itold-lutoslawski-1913-1994-zyciorys&catid=92&itemid=471 quotes atron&catid=92&itemid=471 Philharmonic in Wrocław and Orchestra in Płock about the patron: 62

Other: Polish lyrics of some songs, incl. children s songs, by : About the family, website of Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Muzeum Przyrody w Drozdowie [Society of the Friends of the Natural Museum in Drozdowo] Podlasianina portret własny [Famous men of the Podlasie region] oslawski.htm Website of Joanna Kruszewska My favourite composer - Websites in English Chester Novello d_2905=966 information on the composer s life and output, list of works published, articles and list of performances worldwide since 1998 Polish Music Center a biography and complete list of works with selected discography contains also unpublished pieces, film music, children s pieces and the Derwid songs, as well as descriptions and photographs of selected pages of the composer s manuscripts Towarzystwo im. Witolda ego [Witold Society] comprehensive sections on Life, Output ; as well as Gallery and About the anniversary Instytut Adama Mickiewicza [Adam Mickiewicz Institute] /eo_event_asset_publisher/ean5/content/witold-lutoslawski /eo_event_asset_publisher/ean5/content/witold-lutoslawski-symphony-no-4 Instytut Adama Mickiewicza [Adam Mickiewicz Institute] Polska Music example scores 63 a biography Polish Music Information Centre ( 3&Itemid=5&lang=en PWM Edition[ 6]=224404&grp=&sortuj=sattr_83&grupuj=&acttree=1&change_lang=1&change_skin =103374 Pytheas Center for Contemporary Music, Maine, USA a short biography and list of works (in chronological order and by lineup); links to websites on and books: Lutoslawski Studies, edited by Z. Skowron, The Music of by C. B. Rae and A Bio-Bibliography by S. Będkowski, S. Hraba, as well as about 50 other websites in English featuring information about ; links to recordings by Naxos among others Woven Words 2013 Festival Instytut Kultury Polskiej w Nowym Jorku [Polish Cultural Institute in New York] DetailId=310 Other with biographic data, lists of works, links to other websites: Naxos website biography and discography the Naxos series Entries in Britannica Concise Enc., Oxford Grove Music Enc., Gale Enc.:,_witold Websites of composers, musicologists, performers: Adrian Thomas On Polish Music and other Polish topics Steven Stucky contains an essay by Steven Stucky, 64

Lutoslawski in Retrospect taken from the Los Angeles Philharmonic programme book Fang Man an example of computer-aided analysis of Chain No. 2 and a quote from About Chain No. 2 on the website of Anne-Sofie Mutter About Subito on the website of Midori: About Partita on the website of Midori: Michael Klein about Symphony No. 1 on the website of the American Symphony Orchestra: Websites with articles: Full contents of Studies I-III edited by Jadwiga Paja-Stach on the website of Ośrodka Dokumentacji Życia i Twórczości Witolda ego [Witold Center] Nicolas Reyland, What Vastness of Suffering? Different approaches to Witold 's First Symphony s Approach to Sound Masses and Form in Livre pour orchestre Obituary: Witold Lutoslawski Charles Bodman Rae s article of 9 February 1994 Michael White s article in The Independent on the Breaking Chains Festival 1285218.html Andrzej Chłopecki s review of Martina Homma s book Article heralding the Woven Words festival and presenting Esa-Pekka Salonen s memories of en_reflects_on_mentors_symphonies 65

Selected websites in other languages: - in French: IRCAM, contemporary music resources - in German: Anne Sofie-Mutter s website about Chain No. 2 Midori s website about Partita and Subito Website of the project musica assoluta: Lange Nacht der Musik für - in Italian: A comprehensive article on s output with example scores - in Spanish: Programme message of the 6th Festival Joven de Música Clásica de Segovia un_compositor_del_siglo_xx.html - in a few languages: Martina Homma s website reviews of the author s Ph. D. thesis Recordings and films online: ymfonia_aksamitna_kurtyna_2_koncert_inauguracyjny Symphony No. 3 performed at the Velvet Curtain Festival (Lviv, 2006) on the website of the National Audiovisual Institute BBC Radio 3, video recordings e.g. the Proms: speaking at the Congress of Culture in 1981, the Biennale in Zagreb in 1963, fragments of interviews for the French Television from 66

1982, documentaries such as Lutoslawski: A Journey to Freedom featuring Simon Rattle (entire film) or Open rehearsals with Witold (rehearsals of Miparti) and videos presenting many orchestral and chamber pieces, often with longer descriptions in English: The Derwid songs in premiere performances: 67

RESEARCHERS AND PROMOTERS The tables below show an alphabetical list of researchers and promoters of Witold and his music after 1994. TABELE 1. RESEARCHERS The list includes musicologists, authors and editors of compressive (or more than one) publications, among them academics who conducted broader research, authors of bigger monographs, such as Jadwiga Paja-Stach, Martina Homma, Danuta Gwizdalanka, Krzysztof Meyer, Adrian Thomas, Zbigniew Skowron and Steven Stucky, as well as authors of more important articles, presentations, monographs, studies and analyses, alongside editors of collective works which contributed significantly to the study of the composer s oeuvre. The list also embraces authors and musicologists of the younger generation who study s work after 1994. RESEARCHERS POLAND ABROAD Aleksandra Bartos Stanisław Będkowski Michał Bristiger Andrzej Chłopecki Daniel Cichy Maciej Gołąb Danuta Gwizdalanka Stanisław Hrabia Alicja Jarzębska Tadeusz Kaczyński Krzysztof Meyer Jadwiga Paja-Stach Józef Patkowski Bonoît Aubigny John Casken Stephen Downes James Harley Maria Anna Harley Martina Homma Michael Klein Fang Man Irina Nikolska Peter Petersen Charles Bodman Rae Nicholas Reyland Douglas M. Rust 68

Zbigniew Skowron Andrzej Tuchowski Barbara Smoleńska-Zielińska Tadeusz Zieliński Steven Stucky Adrian Thomas Maja Trochimczyk Arnold Whittall TABLE 2. PROMOTERS The list below presents a selection of persons acting to promote and popularise s music in Poland and/or abroad. This includes both frequent performers of the composer s works, initiators of concerts, festivals and other special events focusing on, and persons who acted to raise the awareness about the composer e.g. among children and young people, and to present s music or life to the general public (through the press, television and Internet). The list embraces selected musicians (conductors, soloists) and other artists, film directors, musicologists, journalists, heads of music institutions, etc. PROMOTERS NAME AND SURNAME Andrzej Bauer Krzysztof Bąkowski John Casken Andrzej Chłopecki Stanisława Chyl Tomasz Cyz Andrew Davis Lech Dzierżanowski COUNTRY / PROFFESSION Poland and abroad cellist, author of musical projects Poland and abroad violinist Abroad composer, organiser Poland and abroad author of many publications, broadcasts, animator, organiser Poland museum curator, director of the Natural Museum at the s former house in Drozdowo Poland author, editor U.K. conductor, animator Poland organiser, author, editor, director of the 69

Łódz Philharmonic Edward Gardner Małgorzata Gąsiorowska Barrie Gavin Julia Hartwig Heinz Holliger Ursula Holliger Krzystof Jakowicz Jakub Jakowicz Jacek Kaspszyk Kazimierz Kord Zygmunt Krauze Jan Krenz Solveig Kringelborn Ewa Kupiec Berthold Lehmann Elżbieta Markowska Grzegorz Michalski Wojciech Michniewski Midori Marek Moś Abroad conductor Poland programmes on Polish Radio 2, other media U.K. film director Poland writer Abroad oboist, conductor Abroad harpist Poland and abroad violinist Poland and abroad violinist Poland and abroad conductor Poland and abroad conductor Poland and abroad pianist, organiser, former president of the Society Poland and abroad conductor Abroad singer Poland and abroad pianist Abroad conductor Poland author of programmes, interviews and publications, animator and organiser of cultural events, longtime director of Polish Radio 2 Poland author of publications, series of radio interviews and programmes, animator, organiser, president of the Society Poland and abroad conductor Abroad violinist Poland and abroad conductor (former first violin in the Silesian String Quartet) 70

Anne-Sophie Mutter Aleksandra Osadowska- Padlewska Zofia Owińska Ewa Pobłocka Marta Ptaszyńska Jadwiga Rappè Sir Simon Rattle Esa Pekka-Salonen Heinrich Schiff Emilia Sitarz Steven Stucky Adrian Thomas Andrzej Wajda Bartłomiej Wąsik Antoni Wit Teresa Witkowska Krzysztof Zanussi Krystian Zimerman Abroad violin Poland director of films about Poland journalist, also on the radio Poland and abroad pianist Poland and abroad composer, arranger Poland and abroad singer Abroad conductor Abroad conductor Abroad cellist Poland and abroad pianist Abroad musicologist, composer Abroad musicologist Poland film director Poland and abroad pianist Poland and abroad conductor Poland author of an exhibition about s life Poland and abroad film director Poland and abroad pianist Some of the persons are honorary or ordinary members of the Witold Society: 71

INSTITUTIONS popularising and promoting Witold s music The list below is a selection of the most prominent institutions, exclusive of music companies (see: CD RECORDINGS AFTER 1994). In Poland: Towarzystwo imieniem Witolda ego [Witold Society] The aim of the Society is to extend its care over the artistic and spiritual legacy of and to propagate his creative output e.g. through publication activity (incl. multimedia releases, see: FILMS and DVDs); organising conferences and providing the inspiration for academic research; holding concerts of s music, organising the festival Łańcuch [Chain Festival] (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND AFTER 1994), exhibitions and lectures; awarding scholarships; popularising information on the composer and his output through competitions, including ones dedicated to youth and young performers. Filharmonia Narodowa [Warsaw Philharmonic] Organised the Forum ego [ Forum] in 1995-2011; the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra performs s works at subscription concerts, festivals and on tour. Instytut Adama Mickiewicza [Adam Mickiewicz Institute] Promotes Polish culture abroad, for instance through providing initiative for concerts, album releases (e.g. Chandos series of s music). Instytut Muzyki i Tańca [Institute of Music and Dance] Tasked with supporting Polish music culture, the Institute monitors the current state of affairs in this department by making appropriate reports, organises conferences and coordinates the Year. Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia [Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra] Popularises s output in Poland and abroad mostly by means of its performances, but also recordings. Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny [National Audiovisual Institute] Issues audio visual publications promoting Polish artists and their work, including the DVD Made in Poland, which features Ensemble Intercontemporaine s concert of Polish music with s Chain No. 2. 72

Orkiestra Filharmonii Wrocławskiej im. W. ego [Symphony Orchestra of W. Philharmonic in Wrocław] Popularises its patron s output mostly by means of its performances, but also recordings (see: CD RECORDINGS after 1994). Ośrodek Dokumentacji Życia i Twórczości Witolda ego przy Instytucie Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego [Witold Center at the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University] As indicated by its name, the institution collects and documents information on s life and output for academic purposes. Polska Rada Muzyczna [Polish Music Council] Organises or co-organises musical events, including educational ones, such as Konkurs wykonawczy im. W. ego dla dzieci i młodzieży [Witold Competition for Young Performers] Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej Polmic [Polish Music Information Centre] The centre serves as a resource of information on composers, while its website communicates new events, performances, anniversaries, book and CD releases. PWM Edition Carries out publishing and promotional activity; serves as a resource of information about the composer and performances e.g. through its website; releases books, encourages performances, co-organises concerts, exhibitions, etc. Polskie Radio S.A. [Polish Radio] Broadcasts s pieces, especially on Polish Radio 2, and offers them for broadcasting by EBU, organised Festiwal Muzyczny Polskiego Radia [Music Festival of the Polish Radio ] (2001), acts as a media patron, keeps an archive of recordings, issues CDs. Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Muzeum Przyrody w Drozdowie [Society of the Friends of the Natural Museum in Drozdowo] Acts to share information about the family (e.g. website and museum), makes the museum available for competitions held by the Witold Society, promotes the composer in the region. Związek Kompozytorów Polskich oraz festiwal Warszawska Jesień [Polish Composers Union and the Warsaw Autumn Festival] Initiates performances of s music at the Warsaw Autumn Festival (see: SELECTED FESTIVALS IN POLAND after 1994), keeps a library resource, records Warsaw Autumn performances on CDs. 73

Abroad: The BBC and the BBC Symphony Orchestra Popularises s output in the U.K., organised the Breaking Chains Festival in 1997, broadcasts s music and documentary films about the composer. Chester Novello Publishes sheet music, rents parts, promotes s music, informs about it on its website, releases books and initiates performances. Paul Sacher Foundation Preserves the source materials in its collection and grants access to the documents in its archive; the foundation also holds scholarly conferences, concerts and provides financing for research (scholarships). Guildhall School of Music Popularises s output in the U.K.; organises the Breaking Chains Festival. Polish Cultural Institute in New York Promotes Polish culture, supported Focus 2011 Festival at the Juilliard School, which featured pieces among works of other Polish composers. Polish Music Center Disseminates information about s abroad (e.g. through its website); organises concerts 74

INSTITUTIONS, FESTIVALS, COMPETITONS bearing the name of Witold Towarzystwo im. Witolda ego [Witold Society] Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia im. Witolda ego [Witold Concert Studio of the Polish Radio] ENSEMBLES AND PHILHARMONICS 1. Filharmonia Wrocławska im. Witolda ego, FMP [Witold Wrocław Philharmonic] 2. Filharmonia Kameralna im. Witolda ego w Łomży [Witold Chamber Philharmonic in Łomża] 3. International Orchestra Masterclass Lutoslawski Youth Orchestra 4. Piano Duo (Emilia Sitarz, Bartłomiej Wąsik) 5. String Quartet (Jakub Jakowicz, Marcin Markowicz, Artur Rozmysłowicz, Maciej Młodawski) 6. Płocka Orkiestra Symfoniczna im. Witolda ego [Witold Płock Symphony Orchestra] FESTIVALS AND COMPETITIONS 1. Breaking Chains 1997 (Guildhall School of Music) 2. Forum im. W. ego [Witold Forum] 1995-2011 (Warsaw Philharmonic Hall) 3. Forum im. ego [ Forum] (Opole Philharmonic) 4. Łańcuch. Festiwal Muzyki Witolda ego [Chain.Festival of Witold s Music] (Witold Society) 5. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Współczesnej im. Witolda ego w Szczecinie [International Witold Festival of Contemporary Music in Szczecin] 6. Międzynarodowy Konkurs Kompozytorski Award [International Composing Competition: Award] (Witold Society) 7. Konkurs Wykonawczy Utworów Witolda ego dla dzieci i młodzieży (PRM) 75

8. Międzynarodowy Przegląd - im. Witolda ego [Witold International Contest for Young Conductors] (Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic in Białystok) 9. Międzynarodowy Konkurs Wiolonczelowy im. Witolda ego [Witold International Cello Competition] (Foundation for the Promotion of Young Cellists) 10. Lubelskie Forum Sztuki Współczesnej im. W. ego [Witold Forum of Contemporary Art] (Henryk Wieniawski Philharmonic and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin) 11. Srebrna Szybka Konkurs Kompozytorski i Międzynarodowy Konkurs Współczesnej Muzyki Dziecięcej i Młodzieżowej [A Silver Windowpane: Composers Contest and International Competition of Contemporary Music for Children and Youth] (Bronisław Rutkowski School of Music in Kraków) EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES 1. Konserwatorium Krakowskie im. Witolda ego [Witold Conservatory] in Kraków 2. Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Muzyczna II stopnia im. W. ego [Witold Secondary School of Music] in Białystok 3. Prywatna Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im Witolda ego [Witold Private Primary School of Music] in Wołomin 4. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary School of Music] in Pruszków 5. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im Witolda ego [Witold State Primary School of Music] in Bolesławiec 6. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im Witolda ego [Witold State Primary School of Music] in Jasło 7. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary School of Music] in Nowy Tomyśl 76

8. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary School of Music] in Turek 9. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary School of Music] in Zambrów 10. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I i II st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary & Secondary School of Music] in Krasnystaw 11. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I i II st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary & Secondary School of Music] in Nysa 12. Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I i II st. im. Witolda ego [Witold State Primary & Secondary School of Music] in Stargard Szczeciński 13. Społeczna Szkoła Muzyczna I st. im. Witolda ego STO [Witold Public Primary School of Music] Warsaw, Bielany 14. Szkoła Muzyczna I i II st. im. Witolda ego [Witold Primary & Secondary School of Music] in Lublin 15. Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 9 im. Rodziny ch [The Family Public Middle School No. 9] in Łomża 77

OTHERS CONNECTED WITH Witold EXHIBITIONS i jego idee muzyczne [ and His Musical Ideas] Prepared by Professor Jadwiga Paja-Stach, realised by PWM Edition The exhibition was presented at the Warsaw Philharmonic Hall from February to mid-march 2004, then purchased by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and showcased at Polish diplomatic posts in Basil, Bern, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Kharkov, Moscow, Beijing, Riga and Tallinn. Życie i twórczość Witolda ego [Witold s Life and Oeuvre] Prepared by Teresa Witkowska (representing the family) The exhibition, comprising 15 self-standing display boards, came to life in 2008. It was presented at the Natural Museum in Drozdowo, the town hall of Łomża, the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, the Warsaw Philharmonic Hall and the Witold Concert Hall of the Polish Radio. MEMORIALS, COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUES Busts of Witold - in the Fame Avenue at Harcerski square in Kielce - at the Pomeranian Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz Commemorative plaques displayed in the buildings once inhabited by : - 1946-1968: 39 Zwycięzców Street, Saska Kępa, Warsaw, installed in 1996-1968-1994: 39 Śmiała Street, Żoliborz, Warsaw, installed on 4 February 2004, design and execution: Z. Wilma, B. Chmielewski STREETS Witold Street Warsaw, Żoliborz district Street Słupsk Derwid Street Warsaw, Wawer district OTHER Witold scholarship (Witold Society) Medal (Witold Society) 78

MUSICAL WORKS DEDICATED TO WITOLD LUTOSŁAWSKI Works of Osvaldas Balakauskas, Cristobal Halffter, Edison Denisow, György Kurtág, François- Bernard Mache, Arne Nordheim, Pera Norgard and Iannis Xenakis created after 1994 as well as Elliott Carter s piece of 1993, were performed for example at the concert Hommage a Witold (Warsaw Autumn 1994), held on the imitative of Andrzej Chłopecki and in association with Polish Radio 2 and recorded on an album of the same title. Andrzej Krzanowski Relief V na wiolonczelę solo / for solo cello 1986 III Kwartet smyczkowy Panu Witoldowi emu / String Quartet No. 3 To Mister Witold 1988 György Szabados Délibáb / Fata Morgana Homage à [free jazz, the piece is marked as Homage e.g. on, but the description on the album released by the Hungarian music company Adyton in 1991 and Studio Kft in 1999 there is no subtitle] 1991 Elliott Carter Gra na klarnet (wersja: na puzon) / for clarinet (version: for trombone) 1993 Elżbieta Sikora Sextuor à cordes hommage à W.Lutoslawski / Sextet for Strings Hommage a Witold Lutoslawski 1993 Klaus Huber Kammerkonzert Intarsi. In memoriam Witold for piano and 17 instruments 1993/1994 Osvaldas Balakauskas Meridionale Hommage a Witold Lutoslawski na ork. kam. / for chamber orchestra 1994 Edison Denisow Postindium / Postludio in memoriam Witold na orkiestrę kameralną / for chamber orchestra 1994 Mariusz Dubaj Homage a na flet solo / for solo flute 1994 79

Vladimir Godar Déploration sur la mort de Witold na 2 skrzypiec, altówkę, wiolonczelę i fortepian / for 2 violins, viola, cello and piano 1994 Cristobal Halffter Le sommeil na orkiestrę kameralną / for chamber orchestra 1994 György Kurtág Játékok (Gry / Games), Księga / Book 7: Un brin de bruyère à Witold na fortepian / for piano 1994 Magnus Lindberg Aura (In memoriam Witold Lutoslawski) na orkiestrę / for orchestra 1994 François-Bernard Mache Planh pour orchestre à cordes, in memoriam Witold, Op. 72 1994 Arne Nordheim Adieu for strings and "instruments with bell sounds" / na instrumenty smyczkowe i z dźwiękami dzwonów 1994 Per Norgard Out of This World na orkiestrę / for orchestra 1994; Tributes. Album for Strings 94-95 Kaija Saariaho Nocturne pamięci ego na skrzypce solo / in memory of Lutoslawski for solo violin 1994 Władysław Słowiński Doloroso in memoriam Witold per quartetto d archi / for string quartet 1994 Toru Takemitsu Paths in memoriam Witold na trąbkę solo / for solo trumpet 1994 Iannis Xenakis Mnamas Xapin Witoldowi Lusławskiemu na 2 trąbki i 2 rogi / for 2 trumpets and 2 horns [MODE56, 1997, St-x Ensemble / Charles Sachary Bornstein] 1994 Udo Zimmermann Dans la marche Hommage a W. Lutoslawski na orkiestrę / for orchestra 1994 80

Written after 1994: Reinhard Wolschina Duodramma für Oboeninstrumente und Violoncello / for oboe and cello 1995 Ruth Zehlin In Memorian Witold na altówkę solo / for solo viola 1995 Zbigniew Bargielski Krajobraz wspomnień (Witold in memoriam) na skrzypce, wiolonczelę i fortepian / for violin, cello and piano 1996 Krzysztof Meyer Farewell Music na orkiestrę (pamięci Witolda ego) op. 88 / for orchestra (in memory of Witold Lutoslawski) op. 88 1997 Roman Berger Requiem da camera z tematem Witolda ego na skrzypce, wiolonczelę i fortepian / for violin, cello and piano 1998 David Marriott Homage to Lutoslawski na orkiestrę / for orchestra 1999 (Reproduced and distributed by the Australian Music Centre) Maciej Zieliński in memoriam na obój i fortepian / for oboe and piano 1999 Peter Graham Symphony for Wind Orchestra 'Montage', część I / 1. part: Arch (In memoriam Witold Lutoslawski) 2004 Altin Volaj In Memoriam Witold na wielką orkiestrę / for large orchestra 2004 Mansoor Hosseini Four for Four (in memory of Lutoslawski, Ligeti & Bartok) na 4 wiolonczele / for 4 cellos 2008 Karlo Margetić Hommage à W. L. for 9 players 2009 Apollon Musagete Quartett Multitude (Homage a Witold Lutoslawski) na kwartet smyczkowy / for string quartet 2010 81

Annette Kruisbrink Keramix (Homage à Witold Lutoslawski) na gitarę / for guitar 2011 Scott McIntyre Homage to Lutoslawski na skrzypce i fortepian [] 2012 Paweł Szymański Sostenuto na orkiestrę symfoniczną / for symphony orchestra 2012 Variations, inspirations, improvisations concerts and projects: Lutosphere 15 September 2004, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Leszek Możdżer piano, electronic instruments, Andrzej Bauer electric cello, m.bunio.s (Michał Skrok) melody The project uses recordings of Witold speaking and fragments of Czteropalcówka [Four-fingers], Koncert wiolonczelowy [Concerto for Cello and Orchestra], Bukoliki - Andantino, Passacaglia, Wariacja Sacherowska [Sacher Variation] and Intrada, all mixed together, and transformed electronically using synthesizers, samplers and generators of acoustic effects. Subsequently performed in Poland and abroad (e.g. Dublin, 2009). Djazzpora We told Looptosławski 27 June 2005, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej [Centre for Contemporary Art] Andrzej Bauer cello, Kuba Kossak fagot, laptop, Macio Moretti drums, Raphael Rogiński guitar, DJ Lenar gramophones, VJ Matemito Braun visual displays Other 28 March 2006, Concert Gwiazdy dla ego [Stars for ] Tomasz Stańko trumpet, Improwizacja dla ego [Improvisation for ] Leszek Możdżer piano, Improwizacje na temat Witolda ego [Improvisations on a theme of Witold ] 23 June 2007, Studio Koncertowe PR [Concert Studio of the Polish Radio] Włodek Pawlik piano recital Inspiracje Improwizacje [ Inspirations Improvisations] Report prepared by Ewa Cichoń 82

RESULTS OF AN OMNIBUS SURVEY on Witold 1. SURVEY CHARACTERISTICS Commissioned by Instytut Muzyki i Tańca / Institute of Music and Dance Conducted by Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej Time of realisation (interviewers working on site) 7 13 December 2012 Type of study Quantitative Omnibus survey Sample Entire Poland, random by PESEL representative for adult residents of Poland No. of interviews 1036 Interviewing method Place where interviews are conducted Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing - CATI At the respondent s home 83

2. RESULTS TABLES Do you know who Witold was? Percent of Frequency Percent important Percent in total I don t know 587 56,6 57,7 57,7 I do, he was an architect 5 0,5 0,5 58,2 Important I do, he was a philosopher 5 0,5 0,5 58,6 I do, he was a composer 406 39,1 39,9 98,5 I do, he was a writer 15 1,5 1,5 100,0 Total 1017 98,2 100,0 NDA Refusal to answer 19 1,8 Total 1036 100,0 3. RESULTS FIGURES 84