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Page Two 19th Ordinary Sunday July 31, 2011 Mass Intentions The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for: MONDAY August 1 - Memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguori 6:30 AM John Hajduk rq. Irene Rowe 8:00 AM Rose & Ann Coco rq. Children 7:00 PM Mass in Polish TUESDAY August 2, 2011 6:30 AM James Rowe rq. Irene Rowe 8:00 AM June Landers r. Clemente 7:00 PM Mass in Polish WEDNESDAY August 3, 2011 6:30 AM Harry Augustyn rq. Irene Rowe 8:00 AM Edward Augustyn rq. Irene Rowe 7:00 PM Mass in Polish THURSDAY August 4 Memorial of St. John Mary Vianney 6:30 AM Members of the Memorial Mass Society 8:00 AM People of St. Ferdinand 7:00 PM Mass in Polish FRIDAY August 5, 2011 6:30 AM Thanksgiving for all blessings received 8:00 AM Rumulo Guantero rq. Esperanza Fabular 7:00 PM Mass in Polish SATURDAY August 6 Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord 7:00 AM Mass in Polish 8:00 AM Marion Colley rq. Lill Grabowski 5:00 PM Joseph Opaka 10 th Anniversary rq. Family SUNDAY August 7, 2011 7:00 AM Jerzy Fey w 2 rocznicę śmierci 8:30 AM Deceased Members of George Mangiaracina Family rq. Mary Mangiaracina 10:00 AM Joe Milostan rq. Ann Milostan & Family 10:15 AM Artur Peza, Piotr Scechura w 18 rocznicę śmierci; Jerzy Fey w 2 rocznicę śmierci 12:30 PM Charlotte & George Citko rq. Beverly M. Schiffer 3:00 PM Jerzy Fey w 2 rocznicę śmierci 5:00 PM Peter Caravette rq. Family 7:00 PM Jerzy Fey w 2 rocznicę śmierci June Landers People of St. Ferdinand Marriage Banns First: Oskar Stawierej and Ewa Jarocka Christopher Chance and Kathy Bernal Second: Grzegorz Kaznecki and Eliza Bernal Congratulations! Congratulations and best wishes to the couple married in our church last week: Christian Homann and Margaret Taraszka We Welcome in Baptism Sophia, daughter of Felix and Natalia (Mejia) Negron Antonia, daughter of Nicole Lee Gregory Dawid, son of Andrzej and Dominika (Stachacz) Pankiewicz Adam, son of Jason and Elizabeth (Mieczkowski) Gartshore Garrett, son of James Sherwin and Brandi Luzell Rest in Peace Please remember to pray for the souls of all our faithful departed, especially: Halina Trojan Mary T. Zgonena Stella Kucha

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Three Remember in Prayer As members of the parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so...please remember in your prayers: Irene Rowe Agnes Groeper James Gruber Ed Cleary Stanislaw Cwieka Carl Varsolona Eleanor Loscuito Jean Biddlecom Mary Ayello Florence Magro Sharon Moody Peter Gruber Joseph Gruber Robert Andrews Luke Mascardini Vita Pratola Luigi Avenia Anthony R. Coco Veronica Signo Lottie Chrapla Violet Del Vacchio Rosalie & Tom Anastos Marie Lucas Edward Waytula Pat Ostrowski William Keleher Jody Panek Arlene Garcia Agnieszka Cwieka Diana Krzyzanowski Barbara Pasko Geraldine Spano Nick Paolino Theresa Duval Adam Shershen Ermine Marino John Antos Domonic Caltagirone Baby Brianna Jurczykowski Bernice Lutke Jean Staniszewski Eileen Greco Jeff Keiser Walter Sublett Regina Ciucci Kiana Marconi Stella Latala Fred Brinskelle Aloysius Fitzgibbons Anna Bujalski Bogdan Bidas A Prayer for the Armed Forces Almighty God, stretch forth Your mighty arm to strengthen and protect the men and women of our Armed Forces. As they face the myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is destined to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by Your presence and comforted by the knowledge that they are loved by You and by this community of faith. Grant that, meeting danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of justice and peace to the honor of your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Daniel Guziec SPC Jeffrey Foerster S/SGT David A. Domel Jr. Our Stewardship of Treasure Sunday, July 24, 2011 Envelopes: $ 5,940.00 Loose: $ 2,567.00 Total: $ 8,507.00 Thank you to all who give their share in supporting our parish! Bóg zapłać! THOUGHTS ON GIVING "After the fire, there was a small whispering sound." - 1 Kings 19:12 Remember that God's stewardship call to us is only a quiet whisper in our hearts. If you can't hear that quiet whisper, maybe it is time to turn down some of the worldly noise and demands so that you can spend more quiet time with God. Thank you! The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~ Oscar Wilde It remains our sincere hope that through word and deed, education and example, we young and old one heritage or another, would all come to know that our care for Our Church. As a source of hope and inspiration it is our intention to publish those names in print who have done outstanding work in the course of the week. The names are our thank you for your kindness and dedication: Carol Marino Urszula Skoczylas Jadwiga Maleszko Agnieszka Weish Vigil Lights: Jadwiga Walowski Anyone interested in helping to clean our church is welcome to join us: Mondays at 5:00 pm or Fridays at 10:00 am.

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Four EMBRACING THE CHANGE IN LITURGY For many people, change does not come easy. Change requires us to stop doing things a certain way in order to do something else. Many people find comfort in familiar routines and known ways of acting. Change interrupts those familiar routines. But change is also an opportunity to stop and reflect on what we are doing and to come to a better understanding of God, who does not change. Why does the Church change the Liturgy? In its Liturgy, the Church always attempts to follow the norm of the holy Fathers. This effort requires not only the preservation of what our immediate forebears have handed on to us, but also an understanding and a more profound pondering of the Church s entire past.... this broader view allows us to see how the Holy Spirit endows the People of God with a marvelous fidelity in preserving the unalterable deposit of faith, even though there is a very great variety of prayers and rites (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 9). The Liturgy must, therefore, always celebrate and make present the Paschal Sacrifice of Christ his saving Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. However, over time, it may become necessary to make certain changes, such as adding prayers for recently canonized saints and adding texts that reflect the needs that the People of God wish to bring to God in prayer. The third edition of the Roman Missal makes such additions and provides a fresh translation of the Latin texts of the existing content of the Missal. Who decides that the Liturgy should change? Pope John Paul II approved the promulgation of the third edition of the Missale Romanum, the Latin text, on April 20, 2000. The final Latin edition of the revised text was published in March 2002. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments was responsible for preparing the text. The Congregation is the Vatican office that the pope has charged with overseeing all matters related to the Liturgy and the sacraments. Any changes in the words of the sacramental formulas the essential words in the celebration of each of the sacraments (either in Latin or in vernacular translations) must be approved by the Holy Father personally. In addition, church law also gives to conferences of bishops (such as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) as well as individual bishops certain responsibilities with regard to the Liturgy. What exactly is changing? The structure of the Mass (the order of the elements, the actions of the priest celebrant, and so forth) remains unchanged in the new edition of the Roman Missal. However, the translation of the prayer texts will change to more closely reflect the original Latin texts. In some cases, new options for prayers may be available, and some old options may no longer be present. Will the changes be noticeable? In the third edition of the Roman Missal, almost every prayer in the Mass those spoken by the priest and those spoken by the people has been retranslated from the Latin to English. Some prayers now recited by memory will need to be relearned, and the familiar language of many prayers recited by the priest will change. In preparing the new translation, the translators were asked to make the English texts conform more closely to the Latin originals and to retain traditional theological vocabulary that communicates important concepts of the faith. The language that the faithful will hear and pray is more formal and somewhat more complex than the language of ordinary conversation. It conveys rich theological concepts and retains biblical language and images. How can I prepare for the change? There are many ways in which you can prepare for the changes in the Mass: Make a conscious effort to participate more fully in the Mass each Sunday and holy day. Take advantage of any special catechetical sessions offered by your parish or diocese. Visit the Roman Missal Web site ( romanmissal) to study the new texts and to learn more about the changes. Read the new texts of the people s parts at Mass. Begin to study them so that you will be able to pray them well when the new Roman Missal is implemented. Pray for a renewal of love for the Liturgy in your parish and in the Church. to be continued

Page Five 19th Ordinary Sunday July 31, 2011 COR'S CORNER... When you shop this weekend, if you can, please remember COR's Food Pantry. Any nonperishable food is so welcome. Many, many thanks. Please be careful during these hot, hot days. Drink a lot of water, stay in as much as you can with your AC or fans going, eat lightly, when walking outside, try to walk in the shade of trees, don't do any strenuous work outdoors, relax and be good to yourselves...cooler weather is just around the corner, be patient. God bless you and keep you safe and cool. Our Food Pantry is open every Monday from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Convent SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE LOURDES, FRANCE The Catholic Tour, a 30 year old Catholic Pilgrimage Apostolate is pleased to announce its new Special pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. The pilgrimage is being done below cost to introduce all to The Beauty of Our Catholic Shrines at just $999.00 including all land arrangements, superior tourist hotel next to the Shrine, most meals, deluxe motor coach, your guide and airfare from JFK airport in New York. The price does not include taxes, airline surcharges, lunches and some dinners, or table drinks, except tap water. Call 877-627-4268 toll free for further information, reservation forms, etc. First Come-First Served with only 25 seats available. Also available: Paris-France, Rome-Italy, Fatima, Portugal at below cost pricings. Please call today. RELEVANT RADIO Summer is a marvelous time to enjoy the nice weather, the outdoors, and endless activity. With so many distractions, it can be challenging to maintain balance and focus tin our walk with God. This summer, stay close to your Faith and be part of the Church s daily conversation with Relevant Radio. For Catholic summer life...tune in daily! Chicago 950AM, Chicago West 930AM, or Indiana 1270AM. Listen online at: Married in 1961? Have you stocked up for summer? Help suport St. Ferdinand Athletic Department this August and keep your freezer full by simply placing your Market Day order online at it s that easy! - Proceeds from this sale will goes towards the school's athletic department. Order online at until 11PM on Wednesday, August 10th. Order forms can be found in the back of the church or chapel. You can return your order forms into the school, church or rectory by Monday, August 8th. Have you registered for the Annual Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass? If not, there is still time to register. The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, August 28, at 3 p.m. at St. John Brebeuf, 8307 North Harlem Avenue, Niles, Illinois. To register, please call the Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8351 or register online at: Sale pick up is Saturday, August 13th from 9:30 to 10:30 am.

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Six ARE YOU A VETERAN OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES? Are you looking for top quality health care close to your home? The Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, located off the Eisenhower Expressway in the near Western Suburbs, ranks among the top VA hospitals nationwide. Hines is proud to offer Illinois Veterans a wide range of services that include: Primary Care, Vision Services, Mental Health Treatment, a brand new Women s Health Center and numerous other specialty programs. We also operate outpatient clinics in Aurora, Manteno, Oak Lawn, Joliet, LaSalle and Elgin. The VA is proud to provide our nation s heroes with the healthcare they have earned and most richly deserve. Call 708-202-4486 or go to today to find out what the VA can offer you. Online registration is available. Thank you for your service to our COUNTRY. COMING SOON...World Youth Day Not going to Madrid this summer? Then let Madrid come to you! Join us as we celebrate Teens and Young Adults at the World Youth Day - Chicago Style II event this summer! We will begin the overnight experience on Saturday August 20th at 9:00 p.m. and celebrate the young church until 7:00 a.m., Sunday August 21st. We will gather at Maryville-Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel at 1100 N. River Rd, Des Plaines, IL. Cost is only $20 per person. Experience national and local musical artists, Stations of the Cross, Adoration, Midnight Mass outside under the stars, catechetical sessions, a vendor plaza, activities, food and tons of fun! Come out and share your faith with neighboring dioceses and parishes from Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. All registered participants under 18 must have parental permission and be accompanied by a registered chaperone. For more information: email, or go to: or like us on Facebook HARWOOD HEIGHTS/ NORRIDGE ANNUAL RELAY FOR LIFE Relay For Life is scheduled for Friday, August 12th with opening ceremonies at 6:00 p.m. at the Norridge Park District. Relay For Life is the major fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, raising money for research and to provide cancer patients with rides to treatment, wigs and Look Good, Feel Good programs. The teams raising money for this cause walk the track from 6:00 p.m. on Friday until 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, representing the highs and lows of a cancer patients journey, as they themselves struggle to continue on throughout the night. Luminaria light the track at dusk as we celebrate our loved ones that are battling this disease, remember those we have lost and hope for a cure. For further information on how to get involved or have any questions, please contact: Theresa Raimondi, Event Chair: or 847-312-8383 or Marie Kieskowski at or 708-484-8542 Fatima Days Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help New Franken, WI Saturday, August 13th The World Apostolate of Fatima will be hosting Fatima Days at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help on Saturday August 13 th, 2011 from The day will consist of Confession, Mass, Adoration, Rosary, and two talks on the Fatima message. Join Assumpta Curia Legion of Mary for this special day. The bus leaves St. Ferdinand Church, 3101 N. Mason, Chicago at 5am and returns by 8pm. Cost is $70 and includes bus, lunch, and shrine donation. Please contact : Emma Camara at 773-934-4161 for more information and reservations.

Page Seven 19th Ordinary Sunday July 31, 2011 PLEASE BE REMINDED. If you or a loved one is in need of prayers due to an illness, please call the rectory to put your name on the prayer list. If someone on this list has recovered, please call the rectory to have the name removed. If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit from our ministers, deacons or priests, you must call the rectory and request a visit. The privacy law states that the hospital cannot provide a list when we come o visit our parishioners. Please notify the rectory if you have someone in your home who is unable to join us at Mass and he/she would appreciate having the Eucharist brought to the home. We ask all of our parishioners, if you have a loved one serving in the military, to please contact the rectory office to give us the name of the soldier, branch of service, and rank, so the whole parish can pray for your loved one. The deadline for submitting all bulletin articles is 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publication. You may bring your notices to the rectory in an envelope labeled Bulletin ; you may fax to (773) 622-5903 or you may e-mail to: O ur weekly bulletin is subsidized completely by Those companies whose advertisements appear on the last two pages. Given the opportunity, you may want to personally thank our advertisers when using their products or services. If you would like to participate as a sponsor of our bulletin, you may contact J.S. Paluch Company at 1.800.566.6170. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS FROM PAGE 14 & 15 PARISH REGISTRATION/CHANGE FORM Welcome to St. Ferdinand Parish. As a member of the parish, your registration is very important, especially at the time of the Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony or during an illness or at the time of death. Please fill out the form below to register in the parish or with any information changes and return to the parish office via the collection basket or by mail. Please check one: New Parishioner Change of Address/Phone Moving, please remove from parish mailing list Mr. & Mrs. Miss Ms. Mr. Our mailing address: St. Ferdinand Parish 5900 West Barry Street Chicago, IL 60634 Last Name: First Name(s): Address: City: Zip Code: Contact Phone Number: Email Address: Cell #

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Eight Report finds fewer priests celebrating more Masses at fewer parishes By Nancy Frazier O'Brien WASHINGTON (CNS) -- More U.S. Catholics are attending Masses at fewer parishes staffed by a rapidly declining corps of priests, according to a new report on "The Changing Face of U.S. Catholic Parishes." Produced by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate for the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership project of five national Catholic ministerial organizations, the report documents what it calls the "supersizing" of U.S. Catholic parish life. "Bigger parishes, more Masses and ministries in languages other than English are becoming the norm," said a news release on the report released July 18. CARA found that the number of Catholic parishes has declined by 1,359 since the year 2000 to 17,784 in 2010, representing a 7.1 percent decrease. The 2010 number is roughly equal to the 17,637 U.S. parishes in 1965 and 1,836 fewer than the peak number of U.S. parishes in 1990. The average number of registered households in each U.S. parish grew to 1,168, and the average number of people attending Mass at Catholic parishes was 1,110 in 2010, up from an average of 966 a decade earlier. Half of U.S. parishes celebrate four or more weekend Masses each week, and nearly one in three (29 percent) has Mass in a language other than English at least once a month. But the Masses are being celebrated by a corps of priests that declined by 11 percent in the past decade. One-third of all U.S. parishes have more than 1,201 registered households, while the percentage of parishes with 200 or fewer households dropped from 24 percent in 2000 to 15 percent in 2010. Smaller parishes are more likely to be closed or consolidated, but they also have higher average Mass attendance than larger parishes. In terms of individual registered parishioners, the average for U.S. parishes was 3,277, an increase of 45 percent over the 2,260 average a decade ago, CARA said, adding that 40 percent of the growth in registered parishioners in U.S. parishes between 2005 and 2010 was among Hispanics. The report said the current U.S. Catholic population is about 77.7 million, based on Americans' selfidentification in national surveys. The church's official estimate of Catholic population is about 68 million. to be continued. THE WEEK AT ST. FERDINAND PARISH MONDAY August 1, 2011 10:00AM Friendship Club (Convent 2) 7:00PM Knights of Columbus (Canning Hall) TUESDAY August 2, 2011 7:00PM Neocatechumenal Way (Convent) 7:30PM Ladies Auxiliary (McManus Hall) WEDNESDAY August 3, 2011 2:30PM Jr. Legion of Mary (Convent 2) 5:00PM Our Lady of Perp. Help (Church 6:00PM Zawaternik (McManus & Chapel) 6:30PM Legion of Mary (Small Convent) 7:00PM Baptism Prep. In English (Rectory) THURSDAY August 4, 2011 2:30PM Jr. Legion of Mary Adoration (Church) 7:30PM Filareci Choir (Chapel) FRIDAY August 5, 2011 9:00AM Legion of Mary (Convent 2) 6:30PM Pilgrim Virgin (Convent 2) SATURDAY August 6, 2011 6:00PM AA Meeting (Convent 4) 6:00PM Neocatechumenal Way (Convent 1) 6:00PM Baptism in Polish (Church) SUNDAY August 7, 2011 10:00AM Good Shephered Meeting (McManus) TELEVISED SUNDAY MASS A televised Sunday Mass is now wiring on ABC Family from 5:30am to 6:00am each Sunday morning. The Sunday Mass is produced by Passionist Fathers and Brothers out of New York City and is available nationally on local affiliates. Too early for you? Tape it or Tivo it. Form more information consult the website at

Page Nine 19th Ordinary Sunday July 31, 2011 PIERWSZA SOBOTA MIESIACA W sobotę, 6 SIERPNIA zapraszamy do kościoła na Nabożeństwo Pierwszych Sobót Miesiąca wynagradzające Niepokalanemu Sercu Maryji za grzechy i bluźnierstwa, które rozpocznie się o godzinie 7:30 wieczorem. Zarząd Kół wraz ze swoim duchowym opiekunem serdecznie zapraszają parafian i gości do podjęcia pierwszo-sobotniej modlitwy, o którą prosiła Matka Boża w Fatimie mówiąc, że zadecyduje ona o losach świata. KOŚCIELNA ETYKIETA Pamiętajmy o tym, że teren kościoła zaczyna się nie wewnątrz świątyni, ale już na posesji parafialnej. Nie chodźmy wokół niej z papierosem w ustach. Nie krzyczymy, nie śmiejemy się głośno ani mówmy podniesionym głosem, itp. zachowujemy się godnie. Wkraczając do czyjegoś domu zaczynamy się stosować do jego obyczajów oraz zaleceń i próśb gospodarzy. Gdy przyjdziemy do kogoś z wizytą nie postępujemy w taki sposób, który spotkałby się z negatywną reakcją gospodarzy. Wkraczając zatem na teren kościoła musimy sobie uświadomić, czego wymaga od nas Bóg i stosować się do zaleceń Jego zastępcy, można by powiedzieć ziemskiego gospodarza parafii proboszcza oraz jego współpracowników domowników pozostałych księży i osób posługujących w parafii. Papieskie Intencje Apostolstwa Modlitwy na miesiąc SIERPIEN 2011 Intencja ogólna: Aby Światowy Dzień Młodzieży, który odbywa się w Madrycie, był dla wszystkich młodych ludzi na świecie zachętą do tego, by swe życie złączyli i budowali z Chrystusem. Intencja misyjna: Aby chrześcijanie krajów zachodnich byli otwarci na działanie Ducha Świętego i na nowo doświadczyli świeżości i entuzjazmu swej wiary. Wchodząc do samego kościoła pamiętajmy o grzeczności przy drzwiach, która jest jednym z pierwszych w tym miejscu znaków naszej miłości do bliźniego i troski o niego. Przepuszczajmy więc w nich, przede wszystkim, osoby starsze, przytrzymujmy im drzwi. Zbliżając się do drzwi zwracajmy uwagę na to, co robią inni wierni, czy też nie próbują przez nie przejść w tym samym czasie. Nie zastępujmy nikomu drogi. Jeżeli nawet ta druga osoba jest młodsza od nas, ale jest bliżej drzwi przepuśćmy ją z uśmiechem. Pamiętajmy, że pierwszeństwo mają zawsze wychodzący. Przez kościół przechodzimy statecznie i z godnością. Nie przyklękajmy przy samym wejściu i nie blokujmy innym drogi. Gdy dojdziemy do wybranego przez siebie miejsca przyklęknijmy kierując się w stronę Najświętszego Sakramentu. Zajmując miejsce sprawdźmy dokładnie czy nie jest już zajęte. Może ktoś odszedł na chwilę do konfesjonału? Może żona czeka na męża lub syn na matkę i zależy im na tym, by siedzieć obok siebie? Nawet nieszczególnie uważny obserwator natychmiast dostrzeże, że w przypadku braku kultury w Kościele nie można mówić o granicy wiekowej. Przeciwnie, sposób, w jaki zachowują się starsi wierni, powielają najmłodsi. Warto zastanowić się więc, czy kultura w Kościele ma jeszcze prawo głosu?

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Ten SANKTUARIUM MATKI BOSKIEJ CZĘSTOCHOWSKIEJ O. SALWATORIANÓW 5755 Pennsylvania Street Merrillville, Indiana 46410 XXIV PIESZA PIELGRZYMKA MARYJNA CHICAGO MERRILLVILLE 13 14 sierpnia, 2011 Tegoroczne Zawołanie Pielgrzymkowe: Cały Twój Maryjo Wyjście w sobotę, 13 sierpnia z kościoła Św. Michała 83rd & South Shore Drive po Mszy św. o godz. 7:30 AM WCZEŚNIEJSZE ZAPISY: Niedziela 31 lipca i 7 sierpnia po mszach św. w kościołach: Bazylika Św. Jacka Kosciół św. Trójcy Kościół św. Konstancji Kościół św. Ferdynanda Kościół św. Brunona Jezuicki Ośrodek Milenijny Misja Miłosierdzia Bożego 3636 W. Wolfram, Chicago 1118 N. Noble Street, Chicago 5843 W. Strong Street, Chicago 5900 W. Barry Str, Chicago 4751 S. Harding Ave, Chicago 5835 W. Irving Park Rd, Chicago 21W410 Sunset Ave, Lombard Od środy 27 lipca do piątku 12 sierpnia: Biuro Św. Bernarda 8904 W. Belmont (773) 777-7722 Redyk Travel 8531 S. Harlem Ave. (708) 598-9800 Księgarnia Źródło 6517 W. Belmont (773) 282-4278 Sanktuarium MB w Merrillville, IN (219) 884-0714 UWAGA: Niezapisani nie zostaną dopuszczeni do udziału w Pielgrzymce Więcej informacji pod numerem: 219-884-0714 W imieniu Komitetu organizacyjnego: Ks. Józef Zuziak, SDS Koordinator Pielgrzymki

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Eleven Pielgrzymka dziękczynna za Beatyfikacje Jana Pawła II do Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Płaczacej z La Salette w Twin Lakes, Wisconsin 14 Sierpnia 2011 UROCZYSTOSC PRZEMIENIENIA PAŃSKIEGO 6 sierpnia KRUCJATA RÓŻANCOWA W INTENCJI OJCZYZNY Zarząd Kół Żywego Różańca wraz z ks. Rafałem Piekarskim zapraszają na pielgrzymke do Matki Bożej Płaczącej z La Salette w Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, w niedzielę 14 sierpnia 2011 roku. Cena biletu wynosi $50.00 od osoby. W cenę wliczony jest przejazd luksusowym autobusem, posiłek i napoje. Odjazd zaplanowany jest na godzinę 8:30 rano z parafialnego parkingu, a powrót na godzinę 7:30 wieczór. Bilety można nabyć po każdej Mszy św. w języku polskim przy wyjściu z kościoła u członków Kół Różańcowych. Informacja i rezerwacja: Melanie Nowak: 773/637-8784 Jadwiga Walowski 773-625-8603 Helena Lesak: 773/237-5790 Modlitwa współna ma wielką moc, dlatego zachęcamy do modlitwy w intencji odnowienia duchowego naszej ojczyzny Polski. Warunkiem przynależności do krucjaty jest odmównienie codziennie przynajmniej dziesiątki różańca. Zapisy przyjmuje s. Genowefa - w kościele lub telefonicznie 773 889-7979 ext. 10. Można też zgłosić się bezpośrednio do sekretariatu w Niepokalanowie Prawdziwymi ośrodkami historii świata są ciche miejsca modlitwy ludzi. Tam gdzie się modli, tam się decyduje. Nie tylko o naszym życiu po śmierci, ale także o wydarzeniach tego swiata. Jan Paweł II Uroczystość Przemienienia Pańskiego na Wschodzie spotykamy już w VI wieku. Była ona największym świętem w ciągu lata. Na Zachodzie jako święto obowiązujące dla całego Kościoła wprowadził ją papież Kalikst III z podziękowaniem Panu Bogu za odniesione zwycięstwo oręża chrześcijańskiego pod Belgradem w dniu 6 sierpnia 1456 r. Wojskami dowodził wódz węgierski Jan Hunyadi, a całą obronę i bitwę przygotował św. Jan Kapistran. Jednak lokalnie obchodzono to święto na Zachodzie już w VII wieku. W Polsce święto znane jest w XI wieku. Podczas tego święta obchodzimy Objawienie przez Chrystusa Swojego Bóstwa Apostołom (św. Piotrowi, Janowi i Jakubowi). Serdecznie dziękujemy tym wszystkim, którzy w ostatnim tygodniu przyszli by pomóc w sprzątaniu naszego kościoła. Wszystkich chętnych zapraszamy: W PONIEDZIAŁKI GODZ. 5:00PM I W PIĄTKI GODZ. 10:00AM SPOTKANIA GRUPY AA Spotkania grupy AA Al-Anon w języku polskim odbywają się przy naszej parafii w każdą sobotę o godz. 6:30 wieczorem w konwencie sióstr Misjonarek pod adresem 5936 W. Barry Ave. w Chicago

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Twelve WIELKI PIKNIK KLUBU DOBREGO PASTERZA W niedzielę 7 sierpnia 2011 roku odbędzie się Wielki Piknik Klubu Dobrego Pasterza w miejscowości Lake Villa nad jeziorem Deep Lake. Klub zaprasza do udziału w grach, zabawach, konkursach, tańcach przy dobrej muzyce a także na pływanie w jeziorze i opalanie się na plaży. Wszystkie atrakcje nastąpią po Mszy św. polowej o godzinie 10:00 rano. Koszt pikniku $35.00 od osoby w tym wliczony: obiad, napoje oraz przejazd. Po więcej informacji lub rezerwację prosimy dzwonić do p. Andrzeja Parady 847/530-4035 lub ks. Michala 773/622-5900 wew. 239

July 31, 2011 19th Ordinary Sunday Page Thirteen ON TIME AWAY/APART, LOAVES AND FISHES, AND FEEDING THE PEOPLE Copyright 2011 by John B. Reynolds ( In his recent column in the Catholic New World, Cardinal George writes of the importance of time away/apart from our day-to-day routines or work pressures. Recognizing the timeliness of the topic, George begins by saying, The summer months are marked by vacations, which are time spent away from regular work. Later he continues: It s important to get away in order to break up the routine of life, since routine can be deadening. But it s even more important that time away be time apart from ordinary preoccupations so that vacation time can be genuinely refreshing. People recognize they need time away when they are tired and anxious, when they are overworked and need a fresh start. They need to rest. Today s Gospel is the familiar story of the multiplication of loaves and fish. That s what many of us call it, anyway, even though we never really learn how all that food materializes. My bible calls the passage (Mt 14:13-21) simply Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, and this is descriptive, I guess, though a bit less lyrical. Either way, we know the story. The disciples, recognizing the late hour and the deserted place, urge Jesus to dismiss the people so they can go to the villages for food. Jesus tells his friends to feed the crowd themselves. The disciples answer, Five loaves and two fish are all we have, so Jesus has the crowd sit in the grass, says a blessing, and breaks the loaves. Then the disciples serve up the food, with the extra fragments filling twelve wicker baskets. Yes, we know the story. But perhaps we forget how Jesus comes to be in this situation in the first place. In my bible, the passage begins, When Jesus heard this, he withdrew in a boat Heard what? Our Seasonal Missalettes fill in the blank: When Jesus heard of the death of John the Baptist Mt 14:1-12 describes the Baptist s head-on-a-platter scene in detail, and when Jesus hears this particular news, he feels the need--returning to Cardinal George s column--for time away (our Lord gets into a boat to physically remove himself from the local crowds to a deserted place ) and for time apart (from his work of teaching the people and curing the sick). The townspeople follow Jesus by foot from the shore, so that when he docks and sees their vast numbers, he is moved with pity, and he cures their sick. You know, I don t remember the pastor of my parish grade school ever talking to me about this specific passage, although I m sure he probably did. What I do remember, however, is Fr. Friedbert telling us that even though we might be on summer vacation, we must never take a vacation from God. By extension, I suppose, we must never take a vacation from God s work, as Jesus himself demonstrates to us today even as he tries to get away from it all. Albeit in different fashion, our calling is the same as Christ s own: to feed the people of the world with Jesus. Surely--and I m betting the Cardinal would agree with me on this--it is our year-round vocation. Whether we re on vacation or not. Support Staff Mrs. Dorota Gołda, Parish Secretary Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Administrative Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin Editor Liturgical Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler Parish Council Mrs. Sophie Kass President, Mrs. Mary Bucaro, Mr. Stan Mastalerz, Mr. Antonio Supan, Violet Del Vecchio, Tony Mangiaracina, Herbert Marros, Elzbieta Kata, Jan Bobek, and Rob Heidelbauer. ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Sr. Anna Strycharz Parish Finance Committee Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Fr. Jason Torba, Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz- Parish Accountant, Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Dr. Lucine Mastalerz Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl, Coordinator Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator Knights of Columbus Mater Christi Council: Mr. Camilo Trujillo, Grand Knight Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Jenny Hartnett Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President St. Ferdinand Parish Legion of Mary: Mr. Thomas Sobczak & Miss Aurora Almeida, Co-Presidents Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President Irving Park Catholic Woman s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Market Day: Mrs. Connie Glorioso, Coordinator Polish Altar Servers Fr. Michael Rosa, Moderator English Altar Servers: Fr. Robert Pajor, Moderator Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President Polish Saturday School: Sr. Genowefa Potaczała, Director Polish School Parents Assn.: Mrs. Władysława Mitoraj, Pres. Radość: Miss Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher Kropeczki: Sr. Anna Strycharz Zawaternik: Bernadetta i Jan Bobek St. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda Ward St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart, Chairperson St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Stanley Mastalerz, President Teens of Our Church (TORCH): Mr. & Mrs. Rob (Irene) Heidelbauer, Youth Ministers The Faustinum Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Jason Torba, Moderator Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lasak Chapel Choir Conductor Julie Kania 773-742-2611 Word of Life Dito Camara 773-344-8514 Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira Dziuk Notre Dame Athletics: Mr. Nicholas Marzec Notre Dame Board of Directors: Mrs. Dia Weil, Chairperson

St. Ferdinand Church 5900 W. Barry Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: (773) 622-5900 Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor Rev. Robert Pajor, Associate Pastor Rev. Michał (Michael) Rosa, Associate Pastor Rev. Albert Judy, OP PT Associate Pastor Rev. Raymond O Connor, CMF Weekend Help Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon Ronald Weiner, Deacon ENGLISH MASS TIMES St. Ferdinand Parish POLISH Weekdays W ciągu tygodnia 6:30 AM and 8:00 AM 7:00 PM St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022 Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Head of School Notre Dame High School for Girls Office: 773-622-9494 Denise Piekarski Principal Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352 Sr. Anna Strycharz D.R.E. St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303 Sr. Genowefa Potaczała Principal Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732 Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979 Sr. Anna Strycharz, Superior Sr. Boguslawa Trus, Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Sr. Genowefa Potaczała Saturdays Sobota 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated) 7:00 AM Sundays Niedziela 8:30 AM 7:00 AM 10:00 AM (Chapel) 10:15 AM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION / SPOWIEDŹ ŚWIĘTA Monday Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Saturday / Sobota 8:30 AM 9:00 AM First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca 6:00 PM 7:30 PM BAPTISM: For Children: a pre-baptism class is required for Baptism of the first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM in the Convent, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at 773/622-5900. For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information. MARRIAGES: Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please call the rectory.

CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER St. Ferdinand #639 ADDRESS 5900 Barry Avenue Chicago, Illinois. 60634 PHONE 773-622-5900 CONTACT PERSON Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska Monday Friday (Anytime) 630-308-2609 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pak 4 PRINTER HP Photo Smart P1100 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday, 7:00AM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15) Page 16 is church copy SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN July 31, 2011 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 19th Ordinary Sunday