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STAFF & ORGANIZATIONS PARISH AND SCHOOL STAFF Mr. Bogdan (Don) Pieniak, Parish Administrator Mrs. Alice Torrence, St. Stanislaus School Principal Mr. Dan Kane Jr., Business Manager Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy and Music Mrs. Denise O Reilly, St. Stanislaus School Secretary Mr. Fred Mendat, Maintenance & Social Center Manager PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Ms. Betty Dabrowski, Pastoral Council Chairperson Mr. Frank Greczanik, Finance Council Chairperson Mrs. Sophie Wasielewski, Golden Agers President Mrs. Marcia Philpotts, P.T.U. President Mr. John Sklodowski, Dad s Club President Mr. Rick Krakowski, C.Y.O. Coordinator Mr. Matt Zielinski, St. Vincent DePaul Society Ms. Jane Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis Mr. Rob Jagelewski, Parish Historical Committee Mrs. Nancy Mack, MANNA Coordinator Mrs. Grace Hryniewicz, Shrine Shoppe Manager Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Alumni and Development Mrs. Denise Ziemborski, Fr. William Scholarship Mr. John Heyink, Building and Grounds Committee Ms. Marianna Romaniuk, PORADA Director Chris Bartram, Lil Bros President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM (no 7:00 on Sat.) Daily Morning Prayer: 7:55 AM (exc. Sunday) Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday English Masses: 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM Sunday Polish Mass: 10:00 AM Holy Day English: Refer to Schedule Holy Day Polish: 5:30 PM National Holidays: 9:00 AM OFFICE HOURS The parish office is open from Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or upon arrangement with any of the priests. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Ordinarily on Sundays at 1:00 PM. Alternate times must be arranged with a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions are necessary in advance. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All arrangements must be made with one of the priests of the parish six months in advance. GODPARENT AND SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Those who wish to be sponsors for Baptism or Confirmation must be regis tered and practicing members of the Catholic Church. If you attend St. Stanislaus but you are not registered, please contact the parish office so that you can be listed as a parishioner here. FUNERALS Arrangements are usually made in coordination with the funeral home of your choice. INQUIRY CLASSES (R.C.I.A.): Contact any member of the Pastoral Team. CHURCH HOURS Church is open daily 30 minutes before and after all Masses. For tours or private prayer please call the rectory. PARISH PRIESTS Rev. Michael Surufka, OFM, Pastor Rev. Camillus Janas, OFM, Associate Pastor Rev. Placyd Kon, OFM, Associate Pastor Rev. Howard Stunek, OFM, in Residence DIRECTORY Rectory & Parish Office 341-9091 Parish Fax 341-2688 St. Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307 Central Catholic High School 441-4700 Pulaski Franciscan CDC 789-9545 PARISH WEBSITE E-MAIL PHOTO ALBUM The artist s sketch on the right depicts the original building with the spires. Corner Stone laid in 1886, and church dedicated in 1891. MASS INTENTIONS PALM SUDAY OF THE LORDS PASSION April 1, Kwietnia 2007 Sat 5:00 PM + Sp. Int. Bishop Richard Lennon Sun 8:30 AM + Casimir Kin & Florence Ivanski 10:00 AM + Felix W³adys³awa Trojanowski 11:30 AM Sp. Int. Joanne Piotrowski Mon Apr 2 Monday of Holy Week 7:00 AM + Rita & Edward Meluch 8:30 AM + Pope John Paul II Tue Apr 3 Tuesday of Holy Week 7:00 AM + Margaret Lapka 8:30 AM + Walter & Apolonia Staskiewicz Wed Apr 4 Wednesday of Holy Week 7:00 AM + Joseph Kotek 8:30 AM + Leona Dropik Thu Apr 5 Mass of The Lord s Supper 7:00 PM Sp. Int. Joanna Piotrowski Fri Apr 6 Good Friday of the Lord s Passion NO MASS Sat Apr 7 Easter Vigil NO MORNING MASS EASTER SUNDAY April 7, Kwietnia 2007 Sat 8:30 PM Sp. Int. for all Catechumens Sun 6:30 PM + Jan Boc 8:30 AM + Florence Palucki 10:00 AM + Harriet Markiewicz 11:30 AM + Irene Perhay

MUSIC TWENTY-NINTH PALM SUNDAY SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME ENGLISH MASS Processional: All Glory, Laud and Honor #247 Preparation of Gifts: O Sacred Head #282 Communion: Jesus, Live in Me (Insert) Recessional: Lord Jesus Christ (Insert) POLSKA MSZA ŒWIÊTA Procesja: Zawitaj unkrzy owany #107 (œpiewnik) Ofiarowanie: Ludu, mój ludu #97 (œpiewnik) Na Komuniê: Jezu, Jezu yj we mnie (kartka) Zakoñczenie: Jezu, Tyœ jest œwiat³oœci¹ mej duszy (kartka) SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Sun 3:00 PM Concert Brecksville/Broadview Hts Choir 6:00 PM Vespers in church. Tue 7:00 PM Chrism Mass at Cathedral 7:00 PM Choir Practice in church 8:00 PM Dad s Club meets in the school. Wed 4:00 PM Church Cleanup Crew until 5:15. 5:30 PM Gorzkie Zale (Lamentations in Polish) 7:00 PM Spowiedz po polsku i po angielsku. Confessions in English and Polish. 8:00 PM A.A. & Al -Anon in the social center. Thu 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord s Supper Thu 9:00 PM Gorzkie Zale, Adoration til Midnight 9:30 PM Men s Hour of Adoration Fri 8:30 AM Morning Prayer Noon Stations of the Cross in church. 2:00 PM Liturgy of the Lord s Passion 7:30 PM Polish Stations (Outdoors) Sat 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 10:00 AM Blessing of Easter Baskets (every hour through 2 PM) 8:30 PM Easter Vigil Sun 6:30 AM Rezurekcja, then normal Sunday Schedule Christus Vincit! Christ conquers! Chrystus Wodzem! Christus Regnat! Christ reigns! Chrystus Królem! Christus Imperat!Christ commands! Chrystus w³adc¹ nam! We sing these words as the procession of ministers moves through the church. This group represents the people of all the ages, past present and future. These representatives march and proclaim the greatness of Christ. You will only see the obvious the bishop, the priests, the servers. However, they are not alone! That procession actually contains all of creation, all matter and being for which Christ will ritually enter the drama of his passion, death and resurrection during the next week. It is this creation which was bought with His body and blood. It is this creation which has cried out for His love since Eden s apple. The hosannas of the Hebrews bearing olive branches scream out with our words, our silence, our stares as we enter this holiest of weeks. The hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel is still uttered in the Holy Land which caressed His blood and tears and that same paen still passes our lips at each Eucharistic Sacrifice. All saints and sinners who were the focus of Christ s act of love join our feeble attempt to celebrate, commemorate, consummate what God had breathed and what Angels but imagine. The Commander! The King! The Conqueror! He parades with all of us down the aisle and assumes His throne on the Cross and the in the empty tomb and in the end of time! Christus! Christ! Chrystus! The procession makes room for Stanis laus and John Paul the Great; for Fr. William and Sr.Death; for Souls yet being purified and for Souls perhaps forgotten! The procession invites in the lost and the hungry, the poor and the prisoners! The procession moves over the graves of those who have died in Christ and will rise with Him on the last day! The red and purple ribbons pierce the heavens as the palms weave and rustle. The procession pulls each of us into its life and ends at the throne of divine mercy, at the feet of He Who Is Who once appeared in the burning bush and now burns in the water which saved us at baptism. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat! David Krakowski SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS Easter Sunday, April 8 Kwietnia 2007 Sat 8:30 PM Lector Betty Dabrowski Euch. Min. Mike Potter, Connie Aliff, Chris Wisniewski, Mike Wilks Sun 6:30 AM Mieczys³aw Garncarek Euch. Min. R. Drewnowski, W. Sztalkoper, A. Jankowski, Mike Buczek 8:30 AM Lector Nancy Mack Euch. Min. Marcia & Don Stech, Marilyn Mosinski, Sharon Kozak 10:00 AM Lector Teresa Cyranek Euch. Min., Ewa Ejsmont, Tom Monzell, Matt and Marcelina Sladewski 11:30 AM Lector James Seaman Euch. Min. Joanne & Ron Grams, Frank Greczanik, Marie Ostrowski PARISH SUPPORT Last Sunday s Collection 5:00 PM.......$1,293.20 8:30 AM.. $1,301.00 10:00 AM.......$967.00 11:30 AM....... $1,117.46 Mailed in.....$881.00 Total (412 envelopes) $5,559.60 Church Relief Support (48) $551.24 School Support (40) $345.25

PASTORAL MESSAGE APRIL 1, KWIETNIA 2007 LORD, LET ME WALK...that lonely road with you. So goes the refrain of a song we sing during Lent. It is an invitation to carry the cross with Jesus, but it is also an invitation to make pilgrimage with him. This weekend we begin the holiest of weeks with the Lord and with each other. We do not simply recall what happened to Jesus a long time ago. Rather, we are drawn into the very narrative itself. We yoke ourselves to him again, and we make his journey our journey, his passion our passion. The story of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the story of everyone claimed by the waters of baptism. We know that our old self has been crucified with him. If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. (Romans 6:6,8) This week we will be visited by many who are seeking an encounter with the Lord. Our Shrine has indeed become a place of pilgrimage. And pilgrimage is a metaphor for the Christian life itself. We are all on a journey with the Lord, toward a deeper relationship with our Savior. Today we meet at the gates of Jerusalem, joined by our Bishop who begins Holy Week with us. Today we shout, Hosanna to our king! We also cry out, Crucify him! We break bread and drink wine. Take this, all of you We wash feet, and we get washed. Lord, not only my feet We betray, we deny, we turn our heads in shared shame. I tell you, I do not know him We wince at the lash. We bend under the weight of the wood. We plead with others along the way. Weep for your children We scream at the hammer and nails. They have pierced my hands and my feet We entrust our loves to others. Behold your mother We seek freedom from the burden of resentment. Father, forgive them We cry out our loneliness. Eloi, Eloi We surrender to the mystery. Into your hands And through it all, we profess faith. Surely, this man was the Son of God! This week, do your best to set some time aside just for the Lord. Join with your fellow pilgrims on our shared voyage through the gates of Jerusalem, via the upper room, over Pilate s porch, along the stony and dusty gravel, up to Golgotha, into the rocky cave. Come to confession Wednesday night. Come to Mass and adoration Thursday night. Come to the Passion Friday afternoon (you can still get to the Indians game on time later ). Come to the Vigil Saturday night. And then rejoice with your fellow Christians that Jesus on the cross is the Lord of life! Sing out the alleluias proclaiming that death is not the end, that light prevails over darkness, that evil is vanquished and life is eternal! When the Easter season begins next weekend, it will also be a time for farewell and welcome. Farewell to the parishioners (and pastor) continuing their Easter pilgrimage to the holy sites around Krakow, Poland. And, upon our return, welcome to the consecrated icon of our Patron Saint Stanislaus and our beloved Holy Father, Servant of God John Paul II. Please plan to attend the enthronement vespers on April 18 at 7:00 PM. May our holy journey this week truly bring us closer to the Lord of life and love. Fr. Michael Niezrozumialy dysonans Wydarzenie Niedzieli Palmowej odslania dysonans ludzkiego wnetrza. Pokazuje krancowosc ludzkich uczuc i zachowan. Wspomina o uroczystym wjezdzie Chrystusa do Jerozolimy. Jest to moment Jego szczególnej chwaly i triumfu. Ale juz za kilka dni w Wielki Piatek gdyby oceniaæ tylko po ludzku przyjdzie dzien wielkiego upokorzenia i kleski. Dlatego mo emy stwierdziæ, e te dwa dni charakteryzuja krancowo rózne ludzkie uczucia i zachowania wyra ane wobec Chrystusa, i to nie tylko przez postaci Ewangelii. Kiedy patrzymy na wjazd Chrystusa do Jerozolimy, widzimy, e ludzie, a w³aœciwie ogromne t³umy, wolaja na Jego widok hosanna synowi Dawida i rzucaja Mu pod nogi szaty i palmy. Uznaja w ten sposób w Nim Mesjasza, który wczeœniej na ich oczach dokona³ wielu cudów. Natomiast juz kilka dni potem zapewne ci sami ludzie krzycz¹ pod adresem Chrystusa: na krzyz z Nim. Czyz nie podobnie dzieje sie w sercu czlowieka? Jednego dnia cz³owiek potrafi wznies sie na szczyty heroizmu i œwiêtoœci, zas innego odslonic, ze jest bestia i okrutnikiem. Wpierw wielbi Boga modlitwa, by chwile potem z pe³n¹ œwiadomoœci¹ i dobrowoln ie deptac Boze przykazania. W jednym momencie przyjmuje Boga w Eucharystii, która daje mu zycie wieczne, a potem wchodzi w nieprawosc zla i otchlan grzechu, który pozbawia go przyjaÿni z Bogiem i zadaje cz³owiekowi duchowa smierc. Trzeba zatem dzis i w ci¹gu Wielkiego Tygodnia pytac siebie: które zachowania czlowieka i uczucia ludzkiego serca sa autentyczne i jedynie prawdziwe. Czy te z Niedzieli Palmowej, czy raczej te z Wielkiego Piatku. Trzeba to czynic w codziennym rachunku sumienia i przed kazda spowiedzia. Trzeba wciaz o to pytac, zw³aszcza, kiedy podczas Mszy œw. przyjmujemy Jezusa do serca i zapraszamy do naszego ycia. Misterium Meki Panskiej Egzystencjalnych i religijnych pytañ ci¹g dalszy Niedziela Palmowa jest zwiazana nie tylko z uroczystym wjazdem Jezusa do Jerozolimy. Kojarzy sie takze z Misterium meki i smierci Jezusa z Nazaretu. W Niedzielê Palmow¹ podczas liturgii jest odczytywany, bardzo czêsto z podzialem na role, ewangeliczny opis meki Chrystusa. Pojawia sie w nim wiele osób, które przejawiaja palete bardzo róznych uczuæ i zachowan. A ja powinienem sie odnalezc wsród nich i wi¹ pytaæ. Czy jestem Judaszem, który zdradzil swego Mistrza lub Piotrem, który sie Go zaparl? Matka pelna troski i bólu, czy Weronika ocierajaca Jego twarz lub kobieta, która pociesza i placze nad Chrystusem, ale która powinna plakac takze nad wlasnym dzieckiem. Czy chcê z Szymonem z Cyreny niesc krzyz Chrystusa? Moze blizej mi do tych, którzy podstêpnie oskarzyli Jezusa czy te do tchórzliwego Pilata, który w majestacie prawa skazal Go na niesprawiedliw¹ i haniebn¹ œmieræ? A moze chce byc jednak z tymi, którzy odwaznie do koñca stali pod krzyzem Chrystusa, a potem milosiernie urzadzili mu pogrzeb. Te pytania beda sie pojawiac w czasie Misterium meki i smierci Chrystusa dzis i w Wielki Piatek. Jeœli jestem odwa nym cz³owiekiem i chcê byæ autentycznym chrzeœcijaninem nie moge sie ich bac. Bernard Jan Potêpa OFM

ST. STANISLAUS HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE April 4, Wednesday Parish Communal Penance Service, 7:00PM April 5, Holy Thursday Morning Prayer at 8:30AM; Liturgy of Our Lord s Last Supper at 7:00 PM, followed by Procession to the Repository with Adoration until Midnight. April 6, Good Friday Morning Prayer at 8:30AM; Stations of the Cross at Noon; Liturgy of the Lord s Passion at 2:00PM; Outdoor candlelight Stations of the Cross in Polish at 7:30PM. April 7, Holy Saturday Morning Prayer at 8:30 AM; Blessing of Food Baskets at 10:00AM, 11:00AM, Noon, 1:00PM, and 2:00PM; Easter Vigil Mass at 8:30PM. April 8, Easter Sunday Resurrection Mass with Procession at 6:30 AM in Polis h; Mass in English at 8:30AM and 11:30AM; Mass in Polish at 10:00AM. April 15, Sunday Easter Octave Mass for the Parish Homebound at 2:00PM. LITTLE WHITE BOOKS The popular little book devotionals are available for the Easter Season. They are available at the church exits and the Shrine Gift Shoppe. Donation is still only $1.00 Dads Club - Night @ the Races In 2 Weeks! Saturday April 14. Dinner will be provided and free beer. This is a NO BYOB event. Doors open at 6PM and racing starts at 7:30. There will be music provided for dancing after the races. Admission is $15 per person. For tickets or more information, call the event Chairman, Dean Denham 216-642-3159, or dads Club President John Sklodowski 216-225-5708. NOMINATIONS FOR PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Pastoral Council will soon be holding its annual elections. You may nominate yourself or someone else by dropping the name in the collection basket. Deadline to submit your own name, or to nominate someone else, is Friday, April 20. W naszej parafii zostana wkrótce przeprowadzone wybory do Duszpasterskiej Rady Parafialnej. Prosimy o podawanie nazwisk kandydatów (moze byc to nazwisko wlasne albo innej osoby) do koszyka w czasie niedzielnej kolekty. Ostateczny termin to piatek, 20 kwietnia. Save The Date! Wednesday, April 18 6:00 PM Solemn Vespers and Enthronement of the Icon Saint Stanislaus and Servant of God, John Paul II Przygotowujac wielkanocna ofiare, prosze uwzglednic, ze za miesiac musimy zaplacic doroczna skladke na ubezpieczenie od nieruchomosci w wysokosci 52 600 $. When preparing your Easter donation, remember that we pay our annual property insurance next month. That bill is $52,600. CLEVELAND, OHIO PORADA Mamy przyjemnosc oglosic, ze przy Sanktuarium sw. Stanislawa zostala zalozona nowa organizacja parafialna o nazwie PORADA. Jej siedziba glówna jest CAFE KRAKOW przy ulicy East 65th. Na poczatek PORADA ma zamiar sluzyc dyskretna pomoca w uzyskaniu zatrudnienia, wyksztalcenia, w problemach prawnych, w sprawach zwiazanych z uzyskaniem zielonej karty i obywatelstwa, social security, ze zdobyciem zamieszkania i jego finansowaniem, opieka zdrowotna w znaczeniu ogólnym i psychicznym oraz w nawiazaniu kontaktów z rzetelnymi rzemieslnikami. Organizacja planuje takze zapoczatkowac piatkowe spotkania rozpoczynajace sie od szachów i brydza, których celem jest budowanie wspólnoty i wzmacnianie wiezi miedzyludzkich. Wszyscy gracze sa mile widziani, niezaleznie od reprezentowanego poziomu i wieku. PORADA zaprasza ochotników majacych profesjonalne lub zyciowe sprawnosci (np. rzemieslnicze), jak tez potencjalnych pracowników w celu wlaczenia ich do bazy danych PORADY. Uslugi PORADY sa adresowane w pierwszym rzedzie do nowych emigrantów z Polski, ale oczywiscie wszyscy czlonkowie parafii sa mile widziani. Biuro bedzie otwarte w czwartki w godzinach od 4:00 do 6:00 PM lub w innym czasie po uprzednim umówieniu sie. Czas otwarcia biura bedzie sie poszerzal w miare zwiekszenia zakresu uslug. W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji, mozna zadzwonic do: Dyrektor Wykonawczy: Marianna Romaniuk (216) 521-1733; Prezes: Ted Sliwinski (216) 641-9191; Zastepca Prezesa: Robert Hryniewicz (216) 269-9728. ANNOUNCING PORADA The St. Stanislaus Shrine is pleased to announce the formation of a new parish organization under the name Porada, which in Polish means to give assistance, advice or help. Initially, Porada, which is headquartered within the CAFE KRAKOW on E65 th Street, will offer a variety of confidential assistance and referral services in the areas of employment, legal and immigration/naturalization issues, housing and housing finance, reliable tradespeople, social security, education, general health, and mental health. The organization also plans to introduce social and community activities, beginning with chess and bridge sessions to be held Friday evenings. Players of all levels are invited. Porada welcomes all volunteers with professional or life skills and trades, as well as potential employers, to register to be included in Porada s database. Porada s services are prima r- ily targeted at helping new Polish immigrants, but all parishioners are welcome. Offices will be open Thursdays between 4 and 6 p.m. or by appointment, and will be expanding as services grow. For more information, please contact: Acting Director Marianna Romaniuk (216) 521-1733 President Ted Sliwinski (216) 641-9191 Vice President Robert Hryniewicz (216) 269-9728 THINK FESTIVAL OCTOBER 5, 6, 7

COMMUNITY NEWS APRIL 1, KWIETNIA 2007 Music Is In The Air...and In The Shrine!!!!!!! This Sunday (Palm Sunday) at 3 PM we ll hear the combined choirs and orchestra of the BroadviewHts/Brecksville High School perform 20th century composer John Rutter s Requiem, a work performed here at the Shrine back in 2001 So how often have you had the chance to attend world premiers???? Well, you ll have the chance over the next few weeks to do just that here at our Shrine Church Concerts!. On Sunday, April 22, at 3 PM you ll be able to hear three world premieres in celebration of the arrival of our new icon! The major work, commissioned especially for this event, will be a Te Deum by composer Jason Metheny (who last year composed the wonderful Litany of Loreto in honor of our Shrine). This concert asks for a small $10 donation for those who can afford the cost. Otherwise, please ask at the office for tickets. The ensemble is the Mastersingers, Inc. Easter Basket Raffle March 31, April 1 Tickets sold after all Masses in the rear vestibule of the church. Donation $1.00 per ticket, 6 for $5.00 All proceeds benefit St. Stanislaus general fund. Drawing April 1st at 2:00PM. Basket contents: Musical Bunny and ducks, kites, bat and ball, books, Barbie book with stickers, chocolates, assorted candies, Welcome sign, Easter kitchen towels, flower seeds, watering can, bubbles, Easter dye, and lots more! BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS. The next class will be at Our Lady of Lourdes Church on April 15, 2007 at 1:00 PM. Call 216-641- 2829 for more information. SPOWIEDZ PO POLSKU I PO ANGIELSKU COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 AT 7:00 PM IN THE MIDDLE OF HOLY WEEK, WE GATHER TO CELEBRATE THE MERCY OF GOD GIVEN TO US IN THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION. SIX VISITING PRIESTS WILL JOIN OUR OWN THREE PRIESTS TO HEAR INDIVIDUAL CONFESSIONS AFTER A BRIEF PRAYER SERVICE TOGETHER. PLEASE PLAN TO END LENT WELL! OZANAM CENTER PROVIDING BENEFITS In addition to providing the poor and needy of Slavic Village with food and clothing, the Ozanam Center also serves the area through the provision of a monthly hot meal and by offering limited assistance with utility bills. The Center's hot meal, which is served on the third Thursday of every month, includes salad, entree, side dishes, dessert and beverages. The next meal will be Thursday, April 19 at Holy Name Church. The Ozanam Center's utility assistance program offers those needing assistance a small, one-time grant to pay gas, electric or water bills. For more information, call and leave a message at 216-441- 6373. It is only through the generosity of this parish and our other member parishes that these services can be provided. Please remember the Ozanam Center when considering how to support the parish and neighborhood. ST. STANS HISTORICAL FACT by Rob Jagelewski. From an article in The Cleveland Press dated July 8, 1933. St. Stanislaus Parish has some 3500 families and St. Stanislaus schools teach 3,000 children. The Parish staff headed by Reverend Father Theobald Kalamaja OFM, Pastor, includes seven priests and three lay brothers of the Franciscan Order and 50 Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth as teachers. Church rectory, schools, power plant, and supplementary buildings cover a city block at East 65 Street and Forman Avenue, the heart of Little Poland. We have some Great Easter Gift Ideas! ST. STANISLAUS SHRINE GIFT SHOPPE Come for Coffee and Bakery after Mass! Host Your Private Party at the Krakow Café!