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www.stferdinandchurch.com TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME September 6, 2015

Page Two 23rd Ordinary Sunday September 6, 2015 Mass Intentions MONDAY September 7 LABOR DAY 9:00 AM All Parishioners TUESDAY September 8 Feast of the Na vity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 AM Special blessings for Benjamin Macandog rq. Family 12:00 PM (Noon) Special blessing for Miguel Duran rq. Sister 7:00 PM Mass in Polish WEDNESDAY September 9 Memorial of St. Peter Claver 8:00 AM Anna Moscardini rq. Family 12:00 PM (Noon) Rose & Ann Coco rq. Children 7:00 PM Mass in Polish THURSDAY September 10, 2015 8:00 AM Krys ne Cabalfin rq. Edgar & Crisella Lorenzana 12:00 PM (Noon) Beloved Mother Margaret Leone rq. Mary Leone daughter 7:00 PM Mass in Polish FRIDAY September 11, 2015 8:00 AM Recovery of health for Agnes M. Coco 12:00 PM (Noon) Anthony Camtanaro Sr. rq. Family 7:00 PM Mass in Polish SATURDAY September 12, 2015 7:00 AM Mass in Polish 8:00 AM Mass in English 1:00 PM Wedding Mass 3:00 PM Wedding Mass 5:00 PM Mar n M. Bucaro rq. Mary & Tom Bucaro SUNDAY September 13, 2015 24th Ordinary Sunday 7:00AM - o Boże błogosławieństwo oraz opiekę Matki Najświętszej dla członków Kół Żywego Różańca, ich rodzin oraz ich opiekuna, o powrót do zdrowia dla Izabelki, o zdrowie i Boże błogosławieństwo oraz opiekę Matki Najświętszej w czasie choroby dla zięcia, o powrót do zdrowia dla Wojciecha S f zmarych członków Kół Różańcowych: Irena Zawiślak, Aleksander Papiernik, Władysław Mit, Maria Hunt, Helena Grabińska, Bernard Klepacki, Adolf Twardak, Aniela Sąder, Stanisława Markocki, Zbigniew Góralczyk, Zofia Nicpoń,, Ewa i Jan Kabat, Maria i Jan Budzioch oraz ich dzieci, Franciszek Budzioch, Teodozja Fey 8:30 AM Gaudencis & Marina Fabular rq. Esperanza 10:00 AM S.S Crocifisso rq. Frank Pavone 10:15 AM o zdrowiae dla Izabelki, o powrót do zdrowia dla Giny, o Boże błogosławieństwo i potrzebne łaski dla Marty i Marcina Pucilowski w 1-szą rocznicę zawarcia Sakramentu Małżeństwa, Wiktoria Kuglin w 16-ą rocznicę śmierci 12:30 PM NDHS 65 & Families rq. Classmate 3:00 PM o zdrowie dla Izabelki 5:00PM- Walter Durak rq. Niece 7:00 PM- o zdrowie dla Izabelki, o powrót do zdrowia dla Giny The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for: Alex Ladisa Rozalia Chrzastek Marriage Banns First: Robert Turczynski and Anna Malinowska Second: Michael Cochon and Jurdylene Zarate Third: Nathan Davis and Anna Jodlowska Congratulations! Best wishes to couples married in our church: Stanislaw Oszewski and Justyna Kuczynska We Welcome in Baptism August 22/23, 2015 Adalira Marie Jarosz daughter of Francisco Helgvera and Agata Jarosz Adam Krzysztof Sokol son of Krzysztof and Sylwia (Wzorek) Milo Macias Ayala son of Victor Ivan and Joanna (Tracz)Macias Ayala Lucymay Marie Hansen daughter of Christopher Miles and Rita Marie (Marquez Leus) Hansen DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Held each Thursday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass un l 6:45p.m. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in English everyday from Monday to Friday following 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please take a short break from your busy life and join the ladies in prayers. On every Saturday right a er 8:00 a.m. Mass prayer to St. Anne is being said. Please stop by the Church and offer to God at least a few moments of your me.

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Three Remember in Prayer As members of the parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. Irene Rowe Mary Ayello Anthony R. Coco Lo e Chrapla Violet Del Vacchio Edward Waytula Pat Ostrowski William Keleher Arlene Garcia Diana Krzyzanowski Nick Paolino Jean Staniszewski Laura Schofield Calvin Upton Julie D Agos no Luna Family Brianna Jurczykowski Susan Milostan Robert Malek Michael F. Coco Tish Vanoni Jodi Mack Geraldine Mack Agnes Coco Ester Baran Isabell Beyer Deadra Kusek Stanley Podgorny Marie a Falbo Laverne Greco Steve Johns Barbara Alderson Anna DeBold Kathleen Barr Lesley Barr Mary Hal n Virginia Starsiak Veena Bhat Pat Flynn Veronica Segovia Frances Skrabacz Marion Watermann Richard Behrendt Joseph Biancalana Sr. Joseph Biancalana Steve Garorowski Grace Miceli Dolly D Agos no Jerry Mack Joan Grzeskowiek Wiliam Reynen Christeen Gross Julia Szyelik Chris n Gross Jim Jezuit George Keehn Donald Trainor Henry Katnik Maureen Keith Dolly Aloisio Michael Spano Judy Fahey Lee Ready John Ready Gack Fahey Jadwiga Glowacz Chrys ne Gross Petronella Latuszek Jack Fahey Jany Aloisio Margery Janz Gilbert Ramos Jody Panek Chris ne Gross Zareli Saavedra Helen Szostak Be y Hotcaveg Barbara Cici Mary Lynn Remijan Wiliam Remijan Arle e Prasteher Richard Wojcichowski Frank De Marco Stefan Wiśniewski A Prayer for the Armed Forces Almighty God, stretch forth Your mighty arm to strengthen and protect the men & women of our Armed Forces. As they face the myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is des ned to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by Your presence and comforted by the knowledge that they are loved by You and by this community of faith. Grant that, mee ng danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of jus ce and peace to the honor of your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. SPC Jeffrey Foerster and SA Andrew Rios Our Stewardship of Treasure Thank you for sharing your TREASURE with St. Ferdinand Parish Bóg zapłać! PLEASE REMEMBER ST. FERDINAND PARISH IN YOUR WILL. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES B. Koziol Thank you! As a source of hope and inspira on it is our inten- on to publish those names in print who have done outstanding work cleaning our church in the course of the week. Sincere THANK YOU to the following parishioners: Alicja Kaczmarczyk Jadwiga Maleszko Izabella Nowacki Carol Marino Barbara Jagielska MASS TIME LECTOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY, September 12 5:00 PM J. Lohrmann E. Mele, E. DeLeon SUNDAY, September 13 8:30 AM 10:00 AM (chapel) 12:30 PM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, August 30, 2015 Envelopes: $6,204.00 Loose: $3,240.00 Total: $9,444.00 Dr M. Starsiak E. Camara H. Syodia L. Perz Maria Urszula Skoczylas Krystyna Budziszewska A. Vaccaro, P. Macias M. Barnhart, R. Serran J. Banez, E & T Anaya S. Kass, J. Zarate M. Syodia; H. Syodia J.Zarate, M. Madrano

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Four World Mee ng of Families Catechesis Series The USCCB Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth is excited about the World Mee ng of Families (WMOF) being held in Philadelphia in September 2015. They are presen ng a series of short ar cles focused on the WMOF Catechesis Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive and its implica ons for our daily lives. All Love Bears Fruit Frui ulness is part of the very defini on of love: It is the nature of love to overflow, to be life-giving (USCCB, Marriage: Life and Love in the Divine Plan, p. 13). True love is never closed in on itself, seeking its own interests. Instead, love goes out, seeking the good of the other. This truth about love that it is always frui ul is par cularly meaningful for married couples like me and my husband, who have not, so far, been blessed with children. Every child is a living, breathing, walking, talking billboard proclaiming loud and clear: Love Is Frui ul! Marriage Is Frui ul! According to St. John Paul II, children are a living reflec on of their parents love (Familiaris Consor o, no. 14). And yet a child the supreme gi of marriage is not the only fruit of married love. In fact, the first fruit of marriage is the marriage bond itself (World Mee ng of Families catechesis, no. 105). When my husband and I said I do on our wedding day, a new family was born. In that moment, we were no longer two individuals, but became a union a we shaped by and also striving toward God s own way of loving: total, faithful, and frui ul. What does the frui ulness of a childless marriage look like? In many ways, the same as that of a marriage with children: spousal love expressed in many different ways, such as forgiving each other a er being hurt, making small daily acts of generosity, praying together, affirming each other, and opening our home to those in need of community. One difference is that we are rela vely more available for acts of service and hospitality than are couples raising children (WMOF catechesis, no. 103). For example, my husband and I look a er an elderly widow without local family. We bring her groceries every week and check in frequently. And we re involved in various ministries in our local church. Could we do this if we had children? Possibly. But the fact is, our me is not taken up (rightly) by the needs of children. And on the flipside, we need people to serve, to live out our marital frui ulness in concrete ways! And then there is the profound, and o en hidden, frui ulness of suffering. Every marriage and every person will travel through the valley of tears at some point. The world may say that suffering is sterile, but Jesus teaches us the opposite: Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit (Jn 12:24). Jesus also said, Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit (Jn 15:5). True sterility, then, is not the absence of children; it is the deliberate closing off of one s marriage from the frui ulness of the Holy Spirit and openness to the will of God. May we all live in ac ve readiness for God s will as it unfolds in our own lives (WMOF catechesis, no. 102) so that we can be the rich soil ready to receive the word of God with a generous and good heart and bear much fruit: a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold (Mt 13:8). Bethany Meola Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth

Page Five 23rd Ordinary Sunday September 6, 2015 LABOR DAY Monday, September 7 Please note there will be only one morning Mass at 9:00 a.m. (No Masses at 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.) The Parish Office will be closed. Happy Holiday! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION for Grades K-8 Registra on/sign up will be on Sunday, September 13 th and September 20 th before and a er 10:00AM Mass un l 12:00 noon in the school office at 3131 N Mason Ave. The school is open from 8:00AM. Please bring your child s bap- smal cer ficate along with a $25.00 registra on fee which will be deducted from your tui on. You may also come in to register your family from Monday thru Friday at the school office between the hours of 8:30AM to 2:00PM. Registra on for 1 st grade and 7 th grade are very important because sacramental prepara on requires two year of a endance in a religious educa on program. We do have a special class for school age children who have not yet received the Sacrament of Bap sm. If you have any ques ons, please call Sr. Dorota Domin at 773-622-3022 Join Us As We Bike-Hike to Save Babies! The Women s Centers of Greater Chicagoland will hold their annual Bike-Hike on Saturday, September 12th at two loca ons: Caldwell Woods at Devon and Milwaukee in Chicago and Yankee Woods at 167 th and Central in Oak Forest. Each route follows paved bike trails for 5K (3 miles). Par cipants who welcome a challenge can choose their distance, up to 30 miles round trip on either trail. Check-in opens at 8:00 a.m. The event runs from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and includes a T-shirt, picnic lunch and refreshments for a minimum pledge of $35 for adults; $10 for students under 18. A perfect Pro-Life event for grammar school, high school, home school and church youth groups the two youth groups who raise the most money in pledges will win a free PIZZA PARTY! Register now by visi ng www.womens-center.org. Follow the links to create your own webpage and raise funds through social media or download a copy of the flyer. You can also phone us at 773-794-1313 for informa on. Can t be there in person? Take a virtual bikehike with us by registering and raising money. Every dollar raised helps save another baby from abor on and allows The Women s Centers to offer counseling and support to those moms who cri cally need assistance. LADIES OF ST ANNE The St. Ferdinand Ladies of St. Anne welcome you back for our mee ng on Wednesday, September 16th at 11:30am at St.Ferdinand Convent, 5939 Barry. The Ladies of St. Anne have been a part of St. Ferdinand for many years helping the church in many ways. We need all of our members to par cipate in order to keep our group going. We also welcome new members. So come join us and see old friends and make new friends. A light luncheon and refreshments will be served at the mee ng. We are looking forward to seeing you on September 16th. ST. FERDINAND COR -- Chris an Outreach To all of our St. Ferdinand Family: Our food pantry really needs your help, We are helping 17 to 30 individuals/families each week. We are nearly out of food and money to purchase food. We come to you asking again for your help in keeping our door open for those in need. Please bring to church any nonperishable food stuffs, or bring it to the pantry Monday from 9am to 3 pm. May God bless all of you, Mike McGinniss, Director of COR SUNDAY MASS ON TELEVISION Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. on WGN-TV 9 Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls the Parish of the Airways is seen on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m., on WGN-TV, Channel 9 in Chicago. Sunday Mass at Mercy Home, recorded at Mercy Home for Boys & Girls, Our Lady of Mercy Chapel, has been a source of spiritual nourishment since 1992 for those unable to leave their homes because of age or ailment to a end Mass.

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Six We extend a sincere thank you to MR. & MRS. BEN (SOPHIE) KASS for the beau ful sets of altar linens for the church and chapel which were given to the parish on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary. May God grant you and your family, your son, Tony and his wife, Anna, and your grandchildren, Aleksandra and Andrew, many years filled with blessings and grace. Congratula ons and happy anniversary! SCOUNTING NEWS Boy Scout Troop 51 and Cub Scout Pack 3051 of St. Ferdinand Parish will be having their fall recruitment night on Thursday September 17 th in the School Basement at 7PM. Our Scou ng Program is very ac ve and offers boys the opportunity to experience new adventures and meet new friends. Scou ng is open to all boys ages 6 thru 18 or 1 st grade through high school. You do not have to be a member of the parish or a end St. Ferdinand School to join. If you are interested in learning more about the Scou ng Program at St. Ferdinand then please plan on a ending the mee ng. If you are unable to a end, then for Boy Scouts (ages 12-18) call Mike McGinniss at 773-725-5154 and Cub Scouts (ages 6-11) call Vince Clemente at 773-622-8067. EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT A en on St. Ferdinand Families: Help me with my Boy Scout Eagle project and you will be helping over 1,000 people around the world seeing the beauty of their country through your old donated eyeglasses. I have teamed up with the Local Lions Club to organize this drive. Not only am I asking for your help as a Boy Scout but as a fellow student of St. Ferdinand. My g oal is to collect over 1,000 donated eyeglasses and with your help I believe we can accomplish this goal. If you have any ques ons please contact Joshua Glorioso at 773-633-4438. Hand-Carved Olive Wood Gi s from the Holy Land Proceeds benefit Catholic schools in the Holy Land. There are more than 600 Chris an families living in Bethlehem and are completely dependent on carving olive wood figurines for their livelihood. The recent clashes in the Middle East have stopped the tourism industry in Bethlehem, causing most of those families serious harm in earning their living and forcing many of them to leave their homeland. Emptying the land of Christ from Chris ans can have tragic consequences on the Holy sites. Issam from Star of Bethlehem Group came to the United States with a mission to help those families by selling their beau ful religious hand cra s. The cost of goods goes to benefit the Chris an carvers to keep them working in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the profit from sales goes directly to the needy Catholic schools and clinics in the Holy Land. Star of Bethlehem has been approved by Archdiocese of Chicago, many Bishops, and from diocese of Jerusalem. Please take a look at these beau ful ar cles on September 12 th & 13 th. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jesus healed the deaf man. Through faith, Jesus can bring wholeness to your marriage. Renew, refresh and rekindle your marriage on one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends October 16-18, 2015 or December 11-13, both at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registra on is highly recommended. For reserva ons/informa on, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through h p://wwme-chicagoland.org. HOSPITAL VISITS: If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit from our ministers, deacons or priests, you must call the rectory and request a visit. The privacy law states that the hospital cannot provide a list when we come o visit our parishioners. And even if they do, pa ents that come to the hospital through the Emergency Room never get their parish listed it s not one of the emergency ques ons. Even though hospital personnel can call the parish at the pa ent s request, it is best for the pa ent or a family member to call the rectory.

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Seven

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Eight THIS WEEK AT SAINT FERDINAND PARISH AIDS Run and Walk Chicago Join Team Catholic Chari es- September 26 Save the date for the AIDS Founda on of Chicago annual run/walk event on Saturday, September 26 at Chicago s Soldier Field. Join team Catholic Chari es or contribute by making a dona on. 90% of the proceeds benefit Catholic Chari es HIV/AIDS program in Cook and Lake County even if you are unable to par cipate on the day of the event. Visit www.aidsrunwalk.org and search Catholic Chari es to join the team or donate. For more informa on, please contact Laura Kuever at 847-782-4265 or lkuever@catholicchari es.net. Volunteers Needed for Catholic Chari es Youth Mentorship Program Open House- October 1 Catholic Chari es is looking for excep onal people who want to make a difference in a child s life! Find out more about Catholic Chari es Youth Mentorship Program at our Open House for poten al volunteers on Thursday, October 1 from 5:30 7:30 p.m. at our Lake County Office, 671 S Lewis, Waukegan. Current volunteer mentors will share their experiences working with youth ages 9-12. Refreshments will be served. To register, please call 847-782-4224. More informa on available at www.catholicchari es.net. Donate Your Old Vehicle to Catholic Chari es Don t know what to do with an old vehicle? Donate the vehicle to Catholic Chari es, it is free and easy. We accept cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, or boats in virtually any condi on, anywhere in the country, so please let your friends and families know about our dona on program. Vehicle pick up is free, the vehicles full resale value is tax deduc ble, and IRS & tle documents are completed for you. Catholic Chari es will use the proceeds from the sale of your vehicle to provide urgently needed services. To donate, call (877) 786-4483 or go to www.catholicchari es.net/ donatenow/vehicledona ons.aspx. Catholic Chari es Volunteer Opportuni es Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer? Catholic Chari es of the Archdiocese of Chicago is looking for helpful, friendly volunteers to serve as greeters at the hospitality table at 721 N. LaSalle St. in Chicago. The volunteers will welcome guests and help with the intake of clothing dona ons. The volunteer would serve a 2 or 3 hour shi on a Monday, Thursday, or Friday of their choice between 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. For more informa on email volunteer@catholicchari es.net or call the Volunteer Rela ons department at 312-655-7322. Monday September 7, 2015 LABOR DAY Tuesday September 8, 2015 10:30AM Irving Park Women Club (Convent) 5:00PM Radosc (Jason Torba Mee ng) 6:00PM Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel) 7:00PM Knights of Columbus Wednesday September 9, 2015 12:00PM Ladies of St. Anne Board Mtg (Convent) 2:30PM Jr. Legion of St. Mary (Convent) 5:00PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church) 6:00PM Cub Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel) 6:30PM Legion of Mary (Small Convent) 6:30PM Tax Reduc on (Jason Torba Center) Thursday September 10, 2015 2:30PM Jr. Legion of Mary Adora on (Church) 6:00PM Girl Scouts (Convent) 7:00PM Filareci (Convent) Friday September 11, 2015 9:00AM Legion of Mary (Convent) 6:30PM Pilgrim Virgin (Convent) Saturday September 12, 2015 1:00PM Polish Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM AA Mee ng (Convent) Sunday September 13, 2015 8:00AM Rosary Group Mee ng (Jason Torba Ctr) 8:30AM Religious Registra on (School Office) 10:00AM School Family Mass (Chapel) BULLETIN ARTICLES DEADLINE The deadline for bulle n ar cles is 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publica on. All ar cles can be can emailed to: bulle n@sain erdinand.org or dropped off at the office. Thank you!

Page Nine 23rd Ordinary Sunday September 6, 2015

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Ten LABOR DAY PONIEDZIAŁEK, 7 WRZEŚNIA W poniedziałek, 7 września w Stanach Zjednoczonych obchodzimy Labor Day (Święto Pracy). W tym dniu w naszym kościele zostanie odprawiona tylko jedna Msza św. o godz. 9:00 rano. Nie będzie mszy św. o godz. 8:00 rano, 12:00 i 7:00 wieczorem. Biuro parafialne będzie NIECZYNNE. Zapraszamy ponownie we wtorek, 8 września od godz. 8:30 rano. PIELGRZYMKA DO SANKTUARIUM MATKI BOŻEJ PŁACZĄCEJ W TWIN LAKES, WI Kóła Żywego Różańca zapraszają na Pielgrzymkę dziękczynną z Mszą św. w dwudziestą rocznicę założenia Kół Żywego Różańca z okazji 92 rocznicy objawień Matki Bożej Płaczacej z La Sale e w Twin Lakes, Wisconsin w dniu 20 września, 2015. Cena biletu wynosi $50.00 od osoby. W cenę wliczony jest przejazd luksusowym autobusem, posiłek i napoje. Odjazd zaplanowany jest na godzinę 8:30 rano z parafialnego parkingu, a powrót na godzinę 7:30 wieczór. Informacja i rezerwacje: Helena Lesak 773-387-2337. SIOSTRY MISIONARKI CHRYSTUSA KRÓLA DLA POLONII ZAGRANICZNEJ SERDECZNIE ZAPRASZAJĄ NA PIKNIK CHARYTATYWNY NA RZECZ DOMU SAMOTNEJ MATKI im. ŚWIĘTEJ RODZINY W CHICAGO w Casa Italia 3800 Division St. Stone Park, IL 60165 Rozpoczęcie pikniku Mszą św. o godz. 11:00 rano zakończenie o godz. 7:00 wieczór POLSKA KUCHNIA (domowe wyroby), bogata loteria fantowa: 1. Bilet do Polski, 2. Tygodniowy wyjazd z rodziną do Colorado, 3. TV. 4. Rower górski. I wiele cennych nagród, a będzie ich ponad 10. Wystąpią zespół taneczny SZEPTY Klaun, wiele gier i zabaw dla dzieci i wspaniała muzyka dla dorosłych. PRZYJDŹ i ZOBACZ. PRZYSTANEK NADZIEJA POMÓŻ I TY Osoby i firmy, które pragną wesprzeć to dzieło prosimy o kontakt z s. Martą(773) 574-1082. Czeki prosimy wystawiać na Fundacja Totus Tuus. Bóg zapłać. Ministranci, Kandydaci, Rodzice! Pierwsze Spotkanie Organizacyjno-Formacyjne Słóżby Liturgicznej Po Wakacjach! Serdecznie zapraszamy: niedziela 13 września po Mszy Świętej o godzinie 10:15am do sali pod biurem parafialnym. Obecność Obowiązkowa! Szczególnie zapraszamy Nowych Kandydatów na Ministrantów, chłopców którzy już przyjęli Pierwszą Komunię Świętą, i rodziców

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Eleven Serdecznie dziękujemy Państwu ZOFII I BEN KASS za ufundowanie kompletu obrusów na wszystkie ołtarze w kościele i kaplicy jako daru dla parafii z okazji 45lecia sakramentu małżeństwa. Gratulujemy Państwu Kass tego wspaniałego jubileuszu i życzymy całej rodzinie wraz synem Tony i jego żoną Anną oraz wnukami Aleksandrą i Andrew błogosławieństwa Bożego. Niech Bóg wynagrodzi Waszą dobroć i hojność oraz zaangażowanie w życie parafii wieloma łaskami w każdym kolejnym dniu. Bóg zapłać! Szczęść Boże! ZAPISY NA WYJAZD NA ŚWIATOWE DNI MŁODZIEŻY 2016 Kontynujemy zapisy na pielgrzymkę do Krakowa z okazji Światowych Dni Młodzieży, która odbędzie się w dniach 24 lipca do 2 sierpnia 2016. Wszystkich chętnych na wyjazd prosimy o wysłanie informacji (imię i nazwisko, data urodzin i numer telefonu) pod adres email: padamus@usml.edu, lub evelina95@comcast.net. Przyjmujemy chętnych w wieku 18 40 lat. Koszt pielgrzymki wynosi około $3200. Jako parafia będziemy poprzez różne akcje charytatwyne zbierać dodatkową sumę pieniędzy dzięki, której obniźymy koszty związane z pielgrzymką. Czekamy na wasze zgłoszenia. KURSY JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO I POMOCY PIELĘGNIARSKIEJ Zrzeszenie Amerykańsko-Polskie ogłasza zapisy na kursy zawodowe pomocy pielęgniarskiej i języka angielskiego. Po więcej informacji proszę dzwonić: (773) 282-1122 wew. 401,403, 409 SĄD METROPOLITALNY ARCHDIECEZJI CHICAGO Informacje dotyczące możliwości unieważnienia sakramentu małżeństwa można uzyskać w Sądzie Metropolitalnym Archidiecezji Chicago. Kontakt w j. polskim z sr. Barbarą Kosińską dzwoniąc pod numer 312-534-5202.

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Twelve Zapraszamy na uroczystości 73. rocznicy powstania Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych - Chicago PROGRAM UROCZYSTOŚCI: Czwartek, 10 września, godz. 7.00 wieczorem Msza św. w intencji Ojczyzny- Kościół Św. Ferdynanda, 5900 W. Barry Ave., Chicago, IL 60634 PO MSZY ŚW. ZAPRASZAMY NA spotkanie z gościem honorowym - Markiem Oziewiczem, stryjecznym wnukiem płk. Ignacego Oziewicza - pierwszego dowódcy NSZ Projekcję wykładu Leszka Żebrowskiego pt. "Historia Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych" Niedziela, 13 września, godz. 12.30 po południu -Msza św. w intencji Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych- Bazylika Św. Jacka 3636 W.Wolfram Ave., Chicago, IL 60618 PO MSZY ŚW. ZAPRASZAMY NA: Uroczyste odsłonięcie tablicy płk. Ignacego Oziewicza Spotkanie z gościem honorowym - Janem Białostockim, wnukiem płk. Ignacego Oziewicza Projekcję filmu pt. "Pamięć - Narodowe Siły Zbrojne" w reż. Iwony Bartólewskiej Narodowe Siły Zbrojne były formacją ideowo-wojskową Narodu Polskiego o charakterze katolickim i patriotycznym powstałą 20 września 1942 r., NSZ były największą organizacją zbrojną obozu narodowego w podziemiu niepodległościowym podczas II wojny światowej. Jako jedyna formacja zbrojna od początku swej działalności, jeszcze w czasie wojny walczyła z dwoma okupantami Niemcami i Związkiem Sowieckim. Ich stosunek do Sowietów i bezkompromisowy antykomunizm zaważyły na późniejszych negatywnych ocenach tej formacji w okresie PRL i początkach III RP. NASZYM OBOWIĄZKIEM JEST PAMIĘĆ O NIEZŁOMNYCH BOHATERACH I

September 6, 2015 23rd Ordinary Sunday Page Thirteen We have an adult ed program at my parish called Faith for all Seasons. Here, we bring in speakers four mes per year to address topics we hope our community--and the community-at-large--can relate to. We ve discussed end-of-life issues, faithful ci zenship, and the changes in the Mass prayers. We ve discussed the Catechism, papal encyclicals, and the Bap st. And just a few weeks ago, we discussed ways to reach out to friends and family who ve le the church (the general topic always reminds me of a Cardinal George observa on once that--given the decreasing number of regular church-goers--one might argue we have plenty of priests, just not enough Catholics). I arrived early that night to make sure the doors were unlocked and the microphone worked and the air-condi oning had a chance to cool things down a bit. My friend Cindy (our hospitality chair) got there early to get the coffee going and to plate up some brownies and cookies and cakes she d picked up at a local market. All of this up-front work was pre y much accomplished by 6:30 PM, then Cindy and I cha ed about this and that and hoped for a decentsized crowd come the 7:00 PM start me. We got about fi een people. I wanted more, but as our speaker, Fr. Nick Monco, OP later reminded me, Jesus asked Peter to feed his sheep, not count them Per his bio, Fr. Nick was born and raised in Chicago. A er studying philosophy and economics at Claremont McKenna College in California, he joined the Dominicans (Order of Preachers). A er Support Staff Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Parish Secretary Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Administrative Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin Editor Mr. Kamil Duda, Website Designer/Editor Liturgical Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy, Lector & EM Coordinator Mr. Kamil Duda, Polish Music Director Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler Parish Council Mrs. Sophie Kass President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Irene Heidelbauer, MaryAnn Barnhart, Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt, ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Sr. Dorota Domin Parish Finance Committee Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Robert Groszek, Tadeusz Czosnyka, Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, Greg Ramel, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Irene Heidelbauer, Dr. Lucine Mastalerz Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl and Mrs.Mary Ellen Leavy Coordinators Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator Knights of Columbus Mater Christi Council: Mr. Edward Weyna, Grand Knight ON BEING OPEN. AND OPENED Copyright 2015 by John B. Reynolds (john@jrwrites.com) St. Ferdinand Parish further prepara on at the Aquinas Ins tute of Theology in St. Louis, he was ordained to the priesthood in 2013. Fr. Nick currently serves as a theology teacher at Fenwick High School in Oak Park, IL. As I men oned when I introduced him, he looks like he s about fi een. Nonetheless, he gave an engaging, studied talk, saying at the start that to evangelize, we have to be in rela onship with God ourselves, and concluding that ul mately, we need to be pa ent and Let God do his thing. I think of this advice as I consider today s readings. Per the Lord through Isaiah, Fear not for God will free us from our ills: our eyes will be opened, our ears will be cleared, our infirmi es will be made whole. Let God do his thing. James reminds us next that God chooses the poor in the world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him. Let God do his thing. And Jesus--the embodiment of Isaiah s vision--demonstrates this in the flesh when people bring him a deaf man with a speech impediment and ask for healing. It s one of my favorite passages in the Book because I love the blessing/command that Jesus speaks over the man a er touching him and looking up to heaven: Ephphatha!, or Be opened! Doesn t this precisely sum up Fr. Nick s talk? Whatever holds us in fear--be it a past sin, or a priest who wronged us thirty years ago--now is the me to return to Christ. Now is the me to be open. And opened. Now is the me to stay in faith (for all seasons), and just let God do his thing. Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marcia Codak Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida President Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President Irving Park Catholic Woman s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Market Day: Ms. Pat DelBoccio, Coordinator Polish Altar Servers Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator English Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Adamus, Moderator Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President Polish School Parents Assn.: Mrs. Bogusława Łakomy, Pres. Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher Kropeczki: Sr. Dorota Domin Lednica Group: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski Polonia: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555 MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144 St. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda Ward St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President Teens of Our Church: Fr. Pawel Adamus Youth Minister The Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak Chapel Choir Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611 Word of Life Dito Camara 773-344-8514 Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira Dziuk Notre Dame Athletics: Mrs. Linda Ward Notre Dame Board of Directors: Ms. Sue Miller & Ms. Judy Becker

St. Ferdinand Church 5900 W. Barry Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: (773) 622-5900 St. Ferdinand Parish www.stferdinandchurch.com Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor Rev. Pawel Adamus, Associate Pastor Rev. Michael Wyrzykowski, Associate Pastor Rev. Albert Judy, OP PT Associate Pastor Rev. Raymond O Connor, CMF Weekend Help Br. James Drangsholt, OSF In Residence Dcn. Pawel Barwikowski ENGLISH MASS TIMES POLISH Weekdays W ciągu tygodnia 8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM Saturdays Sobota 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated) 7:00 AM Sundays Niedziela 8:30 AM 7:00 AM 10:00 AM (Chapel) 10:15 AM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION / SAKRAMENT SPOWIEDZI Monday Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Saturday / Sobota 8:30 AM 9:00 AM First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca 6:00 PM 7:30 PM St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022 Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal Notre Dame High School for Girls Office: 773-622-9494 Irene Heidelbauer Principal Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352 Sr. Dorota Domin St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303 Sr. Dorota Domin Principal Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732 Mr. Michael McGinniss, Director Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979 Sr. Dorota Domin Superior Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Sr. Anna Gorska BAPTISM: For Children: a pre-baptism class is required for Baptism of the first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at 773/622-5900. For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information. MARRIAGES: Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please call the rectory.

CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER St. Ferdinand #639 ADDRESS 5900 Barry Avenue Chicago, Illinois. 60634 PHONE 773-622-5900 CONTACT PERSON Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska 630 308-2609 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pak 4 PRINTER HP Photo Smart P1100 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday, 7:00AM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15) Page 16 is church copy SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN September 6, 2015 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 23rd Ordinary Sunday