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CREDITS MAIN ORGANIZER Polish Jockey Club ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Białka Stud EVENT ORGANIZER Polish Jockey Club CATALOGUE EDITORIAL Joanna Krawczyk CATALOGUE PHOTOS Glenn Jacobs Gregor Aymar Sylwia Iłenda Ewa Imielska-Hebda CATALOGUE PUBLISHER Polish Jockey Club CATALOGUE MAKER & PRINTED BY Alim Editrice s.n.c. DESIGNED BY Alim Editrice s.n.c. Viviana Castiglioni AUCTIONEER Frederick De Backer ANNOUNCER Erik Blaak LIVESTREAM Arabian Essence 2 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND


GUIDE TO CATALOGUING DETAILS HORSE NAME: Breeder and Owner Horse registered in Polish Arabian Stud Book: Volume / supplement on page number Colour, sex, foaled on (day month year) Three basic measurements (in centimetres) Sire line: founded by SIRE (d.b. imp. 1817 to Weil desert bred imported in 1817 to Weil) Dam line: founded by MARE FOUR-GENERATION PEDIGREE: First two generations in the pedigree include basic data regarding progenitors of the horse (colour, year of birth, breeder and racing record). Racing records in pedigree include: number of seasons / number of starts (first second third fourth and fifth if placed) number of stake wins. The most important races are: D Derby Stakes O Oaks Stakes AP Arabian Produce / Janów Podlaski Stakes C Criterium Stakes / Porównawcza EC International Europa Cup Year(s) and number of starts: wins and places Includes progeny of the mare with sex, sire name, colour, racing records and destination. The mare is covered by SIRE date of last service (day, month) All data in the catalogue is correct as of day of print (16th of May, 2019) and is subject to change. Any change regarding a Lot will be announced during the Pride of Poland Sale prior to and during the bidding of each Lot and therefore it is the responsibility of all bidders to be in attendance at the commencement of the Sale or Lot to hear any such announcements. 6 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

PRIDE OF POLAND 2019, SUMMER SALE 2019 WARUNKI AUKCJI Organizatorem aukcji Pride of Poland odbywającej się w dniu 11 sierpnia 2019 roku oraz aukcji Summer Sale odbywającej się w dniu 12 sierpnia 2019 roku na terenie Stadniny Koni w Janowie Podlaskim (Wygoda 3, 21-505 Janów Podlaski) jest Polski Klub Wyścigów Konnych z siedzibą w Warszawie (ul. Puławska 266, 02-684 Warszawa) dalej jako Organizator lub PKWK. Niniejsze Warunki Aukcji (Warunki Sprzedaży) odnoszą się zarówno do aukcji Pride of Poland odbywającej się w dniu 11 sierpnia 2019 roku jak i do aukcji Summer Sale odbywającej się w dniu 12 sierpnia 2019 roku na terenie Stadniny Koni w Janowie Podlaskim, które dalej zwane są łącznie jako Aukcja lub licytacja. Udział w Aukcji (licytacji) 1. W Aukcji mogą uczestniczyć na równych prawach osoby fizyczne, osoby prawne i inne jednostki organizacyjne posiadające zdolność prawną. 2. Aby wziąć udział w Aukcji należy (spełnić łącznie): a) zarejestrować się, wypełniając oficjalny formularz rejestracyjny w celu otrzymania indywidualnej tabliczki z numerem oferenta; b) wpłacić wadium w wysokości 2.000,00 EUR (słownie: dwa tysiące euro) lub 8.500 PLN (słownie: osiem tysięcy pięćset złotych) na rachunek: dla płatności w EUR - Nr konta(iban): PL04 2030 0045 3110 0000 0035 8940 EUR SWIFT (BIC): PPABPLPK dla płatności w PLN - Nr konta (IBAN): PL62 2030 0045 1110 0000 0008 8520 PLN SWIFT (BIC): PPABPLPK lub w biurze Aukcji umiejscowionym na terenie Stadniny Koni w Janowie wyłącznie w dniach 8-12 sierpnia 2019 roku, najpóźniej na 2 godziny przed rozpoczęciem Aukcji (Organizator musi fizycznie dysponować wadium przed rozpoczęciem Aukcji); SALE CONDITIONS PRIDE OF POLAND 2019, SUMMER SALE 2019 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AUCTION The Organizer of the Pride of Poland auction held on the August 11th, 2019 and the Summer Sale auction held on August 12th, 2019 at the Horse Stud in Janów Podlaski (Wygoda 3, 21-505 Janów Podlaski) is the Polish Jockey Club with its seat in Warsaw (Puławska Street 266, 02-684 Warsaw) hereinafter referred to as the Organizer or Polish Jockey Club. These Auction Terms (Sale Conditions) apply both to the Pride of Poland auction held on the August 11, 2019 and the Summer Sale auction held on the August 12, 2019 at the Horse Stud in Janów Podlaski hereinafter referred to jointly as the Auction. Participation in the Auction (Bidding) 1. Both individual persons and legal (corporate buyers) as well as other organizational units with legal capacity may participate on equal terms in the bidding without any restrictions. 2. In order to participate in the Bidding one must ( fulfill jointly): a) register by completing the official registration form in order to receive an individual plate with the Bidder s number; b) pay a bid bond in the amount of EUR 2,000.00 (say: two thousand euros) or PLN 8,500 (say: eight thousand five hundred zlotys) to the following account: Payment in EUR No. account(iban): PL04 2030 0045 3110 0000 0035 8940 EUR SWIFT (BIC): PPABPLPK Payment in PLN No. account (IBAN): PL62 2030 0045 1110 0000 0008 8520 PLN SWIFT (BIC): PPABPLPK or at the Auction Office located in the Horse Stud in Janów Podlaski between 9-12 August 2019, at least 2 (two) hours before the start of the Auction (the Organizer must physically be in the possession of the bid bond before the start of the Auction); c) provide accurate personal details and present an ID or documents confirming the legal status (in particular an extract from the relevant official register and necessary power of attorney); c) podać dokładne dane osobowe i przedstawić dokument tożsamości lub dokumenty potwierdzające status prawny (w szczególności odpis z odpowiedniego urzędowego rejestru oraz niezbędne pełnomocnictwa); d) wyrazić zgodę (podpisując stosowne oświadczenie) na przetwarzanie przez PKWK danych osobowych uczestnika aukcji celem udziału w Aukcji; e) Złożyć oświadczenie o zapoznaniu się z Warunkami Aukcji i ich akceptacją. Akceptacja Warunków Aukcji stanowi jednocześnie akceptację Wzoru umowy sprzedaży i postanowień umowy Wzór umowy stanowi załącznik do Warunków Aukcji. 3. Wpłata wadium umożliwia wzięcie udziału w licytacji każdego konia. Wpłacając wadium, uczestnik licytacji akceptuje niniejsze Warunki Aukcji i zobowiązuje się do ich przestrzegania. Osoby przystępujące do udziału w licytacji zobowiązane są do podpisania Warunków Aukcji i oświadczenia o ich akceptacji. 4. Wpłacone wadium w razie braku przesłanek do jego zatrzymania zostanie zaliczone na poczet ceny nabycia jednego konia. 5. Wadium zostanie zwrócone niezwłocznie (w terminie nie dłuższym niż 7 dni) po zakończeniu Aukcji, jeśli zakup nie zostanie zrealizowany i nie istnieją przesłanki do jego zatrzymania. Zwrot wadium dokonany zostanie zgodnie ze sposobem jego wpłaty (przelew bankowy lub gotówka). Koszty operacji są pokrywane przez uczestnika Aukcji. 6. Wpłacone wadium upoważnia do zakupu tylko jednego konia. Przy zakupie kolejnego konia, mogą być wymagane dodatkowe gwarancje ustanowione na rzecz Organizatora. Ewentualny zwrot wadium nastąpi na zasadach analogicznych jak w ust. 5. powyżej. 7. Aukcja odbywa się w systemie licytacji jawnej, a jej rozpoczęcie planowane jest przez Organizatora o godzinie 17.00 w dniu 11 sierpnia 2019 roku oraz o godzinie 12.00 w dniu 12 sierpnia 2019 roku. Organizator zastrzega możliwość zmiany godziny rozpoczęcia Aukcji i poinformowania o tym uczestników Aukcji najpóźniej na 2 (dwie) godziny przed planowanym rozpoczęciem Aukcji. Licytacja i sprzedaż koni 8. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w sposób wskazany w niniejszych Warunkach Aukcji, systemem zwyczajowo przyjętym na aukcjach sprzedaży koni. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w walucie euro. Minimalna kwota postąpienia wynosi: 1000,00 EUR (słownie: tysiąc euro) dla aukcji Pride of Poland oraz 500,00 EUR (słownie: pięćset euro) dla aukcji Summer Sale, jednak pozostawia się Organizatorowi prawo zmiany kwoty postąpienia w trakcie Aukcji przez Aukcjonera. 9. Aby oferta była skuteczna, konieczne jest licytowanie z wykorzystaniem tabliczki dostarczanej przez Organizatora przy rejestracji uczestnika w biurze Aukcji. Oferty złożone w inny sposób nie będą brane pod uwagę. Organizator zastrzega możliwość zmiany w w/w zakresie i prowadzenia Aukcji za pomocą kart aukcyjnych (elektronicznie). W przypadku zmiany, każdy uczestnik Aukcji zostanie poinstruowany o sposobie korzystania z karty aukcyjnej podczas rejestracji w Biurze Aukcji przez personel wskazany przez Organizatora. 10. Każdy koń posiada cenę minimalną (rezerwową) wyznaczoną przez właściciela i może zostać sprzedany nabywcy za najwyższą cenę wylicytowaną, nie niższą od ceny minimalnej (rezerwowej), chyba że ogłoszone zostanie inaczej (wyrażona będzie zgoda właściciela na zaoferowaną cenę). Osiągnięcie ceny minimalnej ogłaszane jest przez prowadzącego Aukcję po zakończeniu danej licytacji bez podawania jej wysokości. d) give consent (sign the relevant statement) for the Polish Jockey Club to process the personal data of the Bidder in order to participate in the Auction; e) Make a statement to read the Auction Terms and Conditions and accept them. Acceptance of the Auction Terms and Conditions is at the same time acceptance of the Sale Agreement template and the provisions of the Sale Agreement template The Sale Agreement template is attached to the Auction Terms and Conditions. 3. The bid bond payment allows one to participate in the bidding of each horse. By paying the bid bond, the Bidder accepts Auction Terms and Conditions and makes a commitment to abide by them. The Bidders are obligated to sign the Auction Terms and Conditions and the statement about their acceptance. 4. The bid bond, in the absence of prerequisites for its retention, is treated as an integral part of the sale price for one horse only. 5. The bid bond will be returned immediately (within 7 days) after the Auction ends, if the purchase is not effective and there are no reasons to detain it. The return of the bid bond will be made in accordance with the method of its payment (via bank transfer or cash). The costs of the operation are covered by the Bidder. 6. The bid bond payment entitles one to purchase only one horse. Each next purchase may require an additional guarantees for the benefit of the Organizer. Any return of the bid bond will be made on the same terms as stated in item 5 above. 7. The Auction takes place in the public bidding system and its commencement is planned by the Organizer at 17.00 on the 11 August 2019 and at 12.00 on 12 August 2019. The Organizer reserves the right to change the start time of the Auction and will inform the auction participants about it no later than 2 (two) hours before the planned start of the Auction. Bidding and sale of horses 8. The bidding will be conducted according to the Auction Terms and Conditions, in the usual way commonly practiced at horse auctions. The bidding will be in EURO. The minimum bidding increment is to be: EUR 1000.00 (say: one thousand euros) for the Auction Pride of Poland and EUR 500.00 (say: five hundred euros) for the Auction Summer Sale, however the Organizer has a right to change the bidder s increment during the Auction by Auctioneer. 9. It is necessary to bid using the plate provided by the Organizer during registering the Bidders in the Auction Office. Offers submitted in a different way will not be valid. The Organizer reserves the right to change the aforementioned scope and conduct the Auction by using auction cards (electronic system). In the event of a change, each Bidder will be instructed on how to use the auction card during registration in the Auction Office by the staff designated by the Organizer. 10. Each horse has a minimum (reserve) price set by the owner and may be sold to the Bidder, not lower than the minimum (reserve) price, unless otherwise stated (the owner s consent will be expressed on the offered price). The reaching of the minimum price is announced by the auctioneer after the auction ends without giving its amount. 11. The purchase price, being the highest bid announced by the Auctioneer, is the final net price, non-negotiable, which will be increased by VAT at the 8 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

11. Cena nabycia, będąca najwyższą ofertą ogłoszoną przez prowadzącego Aukcję, jest ostateczną ceną netto, nie podlega negocjacjom i zostanie powiększona o podatek VAT w obowiązującej wysokości (8 procent). Kwota podatku VAT zostanie zwrócona nabywcom, którzy: a) posiadają numer rejestracyjny VAT w Unii Europejskiej i potwierdzą wewnątrzwspólnotową dostawę odbieranych koni, albo b) przedstawią dokumenty wywozowe, potwierdzające wywóz zakupionych koni poza terytorium Unii Europejskiej, konieczne dla potraktowania sprzedaży jako export, pod warunkiem, że procedura celna wywozu będzie miała początek na terenie Polski i zamknięta zostanie w ciągu 3 miesięcy od dnia dokonania pełnej płatności za zakupione konie. 12. Z chwilą przybicia dochodzi do zawarcia umowy sprzedaży. Przybicie przez aukcjonera ceny jest równoznaczne z nieodwołalnym zawarciem umowy sprzedaży. 13. Oferta złożona w toku Aukcji przestaje wiązać, gdy inny uczestnik aukcji (licytant) złożył ofertę korzystniejszą, chyba że licytant, który złożył ofertę najkorzystniejszą odmówi zawarcia umowy przedłożonej przez Organizatora tuż po wygraniu licytacji (po przybiciu), wówczas wiążąca pozostaje oferta złożona przez licytanta poprzedzającego ofertę najkorzystniejszą. Licytant ten zobowiązany jest do podpisania Umowy przedłożonej przez Organizatora, pod rygorem utraty wadium i dalszych konsekwencji, o których mowa w ust. 26 i 27. 14. Prowadzący Aukcję ma prawo do odmowy przyjęcia dowolnej oferty lub unieważnienia dowolnej licytacji bez podania przyczyny. 15. W razie powstania jakiegokolwiek sporu pomiędzy dwoma lub więcej oferentami, przeprowadzana jest licytacja dodatkowa tj.: licytacja realizowana począwszy od najwyższego poziomu oferty osiągniętego przed zaistnieniem sporu, lub spór taki zostanie rozstrzygnięty w inny sposób przez prowadzącego Aukcję. 16. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do wycofania jednego lub więcej koni z Aukcji przed jej rozpoczęciem lub w czasie jej trwania bez podania przyczyny, a także dopuszcza możliwość powtórnej licytacji konia, na którego nie została zawarta umowa sprzedaży podczas pierwszej licytacji (np. nie została osiągnięta cena minimalna/rezerwowa). 17. Nad prawidłowością przebiegu licytacji czuwać będzie notariusz obecny przez cały czas trwania Aukcji. Opis i kwestie zdrowotne 18. Każdy koń wystawiony do sprzedaży ma potwierdzony rodowód, posiada paszport i jest zarejestrowany w Polskiej Księdze Stadnej Koni Arabskich applicable rate (8 per cent). The amount of VAT will be reimbursed to the Bidders (customers) who: a) Possess a European Union VAT registration number and will confirm the intra-community delivery of the collected horses, or b) will submit exportation documents, confirming exportation of the purchased horses out of territory of the European Union, under the condition, that the customs will have origin in Poland and will be completed within 3 months from the date of making full payment for the purchased horse or horses. 12. The sale agreement is concluded at the moment of the fall of hammer. The fall of hammer is equivalent to the irrevocable conclusion of a sales contract. 13. The offer submitted during the Auction is no longer binding if another auction participant (Bidder) has submitted a more advantageous offer, unless the Bidder who submitted the best offer refuses to conclude the contract submitted by the Organizer shortly after winning the bid. In such a case the offer submitted by the Bidder preceding the most favorable offer is still valid. The Bidder is obliged to sign the Agreement submitted by the Organizer, under pain of losing the bid bond and further consequences referred to items 26 and 27. 14. The Auctioneer reserves the right to refrain from accepting any bid or to make the particular bidding null and void without giving reason therefore. 15. If any dispute arises between two or more Bidders the horse in dispute will be immediately put up for advance bidding starting from the highest level reached before the dispute arouse or the dispute will be settled by the Auctioneer. 16. The Organizer reserves the right to withdraw any lot or lots from the Auction before or during the bidding without giving any reason therefore, and the Organizer may allow the re-auction of the unsold horse (e.g. if minimum / reserve price has not been reached). 17. The course of the Auction shall be supervised by notary designated to be present during the Auction. Description and health 18. Each horse offered for sale shall have a confirmed pedigree and is registered in the Polish Arabian Horse Stud Book. Each horse offered on the Auction shall have current vaccinations against influenza. 19. Each horse offered on the Auction shall have undergone veterinary examination of general health - at the purchaser s request, the veterinarian will submit a relevant certificate. 20. Each mare being described as in foal shall have a breeding certificate and a veterinary surgeon statement in written form confirming pregnancy with the date of examination. The certificate along with its copy shall be made available to be seen in the Auction Office. If the Organizer does not obtain the breeding certificate of the mare before the bidding starts, the Organizer reserves the right to announce that the breeding certificate has not been presented, but the mare was bred. Czystej Krwi. Każdy koń oferowany na Aukcji posiada aktualne szczepienia przeciwko grypie. 19. Każdy koń oferowany na Aukcji został poddany weterynaryjnemu badaniu ogólnego stanu zdrowia na życzenie nabywcy lekarz weterynarii przedłoży stosowne zaświadczenie. 20. Każda klacz opisana jako źrebna posiada świadectwo pokrycia oraz oświadczenie lekarza weterynarii w formie pisemnej potwierdzające ciążę z datą badania. Świadectwo takie wraz z jego kopią jest dostępne do wglądu w Biurze Aukcji. Organizator, jeśli nie uzyska świadectwa pokrycia klaczy przed rozpoczęciem licytacji, zastrzega sobie prawo do ogłoszenia, że świadectwo takie nie zostało przedstawione, ale klacz była pokryta.. 21. Każdy koń płci męskiej opisany niezgodnie ze stanem faktycznym, tzn. jako ogier w przypadku wnętra jedno lub obustronnego, podlega zwrotowi, chyba że zostało to zaznaczone w opisie. 22. Każdy koń tkający, wędrujący po boksie podlega zwrotowi, chyba że narowy te zostały zaznaczone w opisie. 23. Zastrzega się, że nabywca ma prawo do zwrotu zakupionych koni z powodu wymienionych w ust. 22 narowów pod warunkiem, iż: w terminie 7 dni od daty wydania konia, Organizator otrzyma pisemny wniosek ze strony nabywcy z prośbą o dokonanie oględzin zakupionego konia, u którego stwierdza się któryś z powyższych narowów lub aby stwierdzić, że koń nie został prawidłowo opisany zgodnie z niniejszymi warunkami. 24. Każdy koń, u którego wyniki testów krwi wykluczą możliwość wysyłki eksportowej, podlega zwrotowi. Obowiązki nabywcy 25. Nabywca każdego konia zobowiązany jest: a) podać dokładne dane osobowe i przedstawić dokument tożsamości lub dane rejestrowe potwierdzające prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej (aktualny wypis z rejestru); b) podpisać umowę przedłożoną przez Organizatora tuż po wygraniu licytacji (po przybiciu) i uzyskaniu prawa do nabycia - Wzór umowy sprzedaży stanowi Załącznik do Warunków Aukcji; c) wpłacić całkowitą cenę brutto za zakup danego konia pomniejszoną o wpłacone wadium, gotówką lub przelewem na rachunek bankowy Sprzedającego (Wystawcy) podany w umowie sprzedaży, niezwłocznie po wygraniu licytacji: (i) w ciągu 5 (pięciu) dni licząc od daty sprzedaży (tylko nabywcy krajowi); (ii)w ciągu 5 (pięciu) dni licząc od dnia uzyskania wyników badań weterynaryjnych umożliwiających wysyłkę konia za granicę (tylko nabywcy zagraniczni). Przedłużenie terminu płatności może mieć miejsce wyłącznie na podstawie nieodwołalnej, bezwarunkowej gwarancji bankowej płatnej na pierwsze żądanie Sprzedającego (Wystawcy), przedłożonej przez nabywcę, na całą należną kwotę; d) zobowiązać się do pokrycia wszystkich wydatków związanych z utrzymaniem koni po Aukcji z uwzględnieniem kosztów przebywania w stajni, jak również kosztów transportu wywozowego wraz z kosztami wysyłki próbek krwi lub surowicy do laboratoriów wykonujących testy, innych wymaganych kosztów weterynaryjnych, kosztów związanych z odprawą celną, itp.; 21. Each horse described in the actual state, i.e. as a stallion in the case of rigs or crypt-orchids (the term rig or crypt-orchid applies to male horses in which one or both testes do not descend into the scrotum from the abdomen at the usual time), is subject to return, unless indicated in the description. 22. Each horse, which is weaver, boxwalker is subject to return, unless these vices have been marked in the description. 23. The purchaser reserves the right to return the purchased horses due to the vices listed in paragraph 22 provided that: within 7 days from the date of delivery of the horse, the Organizer will receive a written request from the purchaser with a request to inspect the purchased horse with which one of the above vices is found or to find that the horse has not been properly described in accordance with these conditions. 24. Every horse, in which blood test results exclude the possibility of export shipping, is returned. Buyer s duties 25. The buyer of each horse is obliged to: a) provide accurate personal data and present ID or registration data confirming running a business (i.e. actual excerpt from economic register); b) sign the contract submitted by the Organizer right after winning the bidding or obtaining the right to purchase The sale contract template is attached to the Auction Terms and Conditions; c) pay the total contract value, deducting the bid bond amount, in cash or by unconditional money order to seller s bank account indicated in Sale contract, shortly after winning the bid: (i) within 5 ( five) days counting from the date of the sale (only domestic buyers); (ii) within 5 ( five) days from the date of obtaining the results of veterinary tests enabling the horse to be sent abroad (only foreign buyers). The extension of the payment deadline could be done exclusively on the basis of the irrevocable, unconditional bank guarantee payable at the first request of the Seller (the Exhibitor), presented by the Buyer; d) undertake to cover all the expenses connected with maintenance of the horses after the Auction, including stabling costs as well as the export shipment including costs of veterinary tests, forwarding expenses, custom clearance, costs of shipping the blood or serum samples to the laboratories performing the test etc.; e) pick up each horse purchased during the Auction at his own expense, on the day and at the place specified by the Seller. 26. If the Buyer would fail to fulfill any of the conditions specified in item 25: a) he loses the bid bond without the feasibility of its return or any negotiation; b) he loses the right to the horse as though he would resign from the purchase; c) each horse and the offspring foaled after the Auction out of the mare described as in foal may be sold once again. In any case, the sale might occur right away or later on during a public auction or direct sale; d) The Organizer reserves the right to publicize the data of such a Buyer, to which the Buyer agrees. e) odebrać każdego konia nabytego podczas Aukcji na własny koszt, w dniu i w miejscu określonym ze Sprzedającym konia. 10 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

26. Jeżeli nabywca nie spełni któregokolwiek z warunków określonych w pkt. 25: a) traci wadium bez możliwości jego zwrotu ani negocjacji; b) traci prawo do konia, tak jak w przypadku rezygnacji z zakupu; c) każdy koń i jego potomstwo urodzone po Aukcji z klaczy opisanej jako źrebna może być sprzedawane po raz kolejny. W każdym przypadku sprzedaż może nastąpić od razu lub później podczas aukcji publicznej lub w sprzedaży bezpośredniej; d) Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do upublicznienia danych takiego nabywcy, na co nabywca wyraża zgodę. 27. Prawny tytuł własności dotyczący zarówno konia nabywanego, jak i jego potomstwa urodzonego po Aukcji z klaczy opisanych jako źrebne nie zostanie przeniesiony na nabywcę do momentu opłacenia całej należnej kwoty wraz z wszystkimi pozostałymi wydatkami brutto, związanymi z obecnie obowiązującymi Warunkami Aukcji lub innych opłat należnych Sprzedającemu (Wystawcy) i/lub Organizatorowi. 28. Ryzyko związane z nabywanymi końmi i potomstwem urodzonym po Aukcji przenoszone jest na nabywcę z chwilą dokonania przybicia (ogłoszenia nabycia przez prowadzącego Aukcję) podczas licytacji. 29. Jeśli nabywca odmówi zapłacenia należności dotyczących któregokolwiek konia w terminie podanym w niniejszych Warunkach Aukcji, zarówno sprzedający konia, jak i Organizator, mają prawo niezależnie od innych uprawnień domagać się zapłaty od nabywcy, a także wykorzystać wszelkie możliwości prawne w celu uzyskania takiej zapłaty. Ponadto Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do upublicznienia danych takiego nabywcy, na co nabywca wyraża zgodę. 30. Odbiór zakupionego konia z miejsca Aukcji jest możliwy jedynie w przypadku uiszczenia całkowitej ceny zakupu konia w formie potwierdzonego przelewu pieniężnego na rachunek Sprzedającego lub gotówką. 31. Zaraz po zakończeniu Aukcji wszystkie sprzedane konie zostaną przetransportowane z powrotem do stajni sprzedających i przebywać tam będą na ryzyko nabywcy w okresie do 14 dni po sprzedaży. Dalsze przebywanie konia w stajniach sprzedającego jest możliwe za dodatkowym kosztem nabywcy w kwocie 12 EUR za każdy dzień. 32. Inne rozwiązania dotyczące transportu lub utrzymania koni po czasie określonym w pkt 31 mogą zostać uzgodnione bezpośrednio pomiędzy nabywcą a sprzedającymi konia na podstawie odrębnych umów lub porozumień. 27. The title of possession concerning either the horse being purchased or the offspring being foaled after the Auction of the mares described as in foal would not be transferred to the Buyer unless he should pay the total amount of money being due including all the remaining expenses connected with the present conditions of the Auction Terms or other dues to the Seller and / or the Organizer. 28. Risk connected with the horses being purchased and the offspring being foaled after the Auction is being transferred to the Buyer with the fall of hammer during the Auction (announcement of the purchase by the Auctioneer). 29. If the Buyer would refuse to pay the money due for any horse within time being stated in these Auction Terms and Conditions, either the Seller or the Organizer has the right to demand the payment from the Buyer, as well as to find and use all legal terms to obtain such payment. In addition, the Organizer reserves the right to publicize the data of such a Buyer, to which the Buyer agrees. 30. Picking up the horse being purchased from the place of the Auction would be possible only in case of immediate payment of the total contract value in cash or by confirmed money transfer. 31. Right after the Auction is finished, all the horses being sold should be shipped back to the stables of the Seller in order to be maintained there at the Buyer s risk and the expense of the Seller (owner) up to 14 days after the Sale. Further stabling is possible at the Buyer s expense of 12 EUR, per day. 32. Other solutions regarding the transport or the maintenance of horses after the time being stated in item 31 may be settled directly between the Buyer and the Sellers on the basis of separate agreements. Insurance 33. Immediate full mortality insurance coverage is effective upon the fall of the hammer, for the total purchase price. The insurance arranged by the Organizer will remain in effect until the Buyer signs the contract or until midnight of the first business day after the sale, whichever occurs first, by which time it is the obligation of the new owner to arrange permanent insurance if desired. Notice for the Buyers 34. It is highly recommended for each Buyer to inspect the horses carefully before the purchase. Each horse is sold as it stands and there is no term implied in any sale that any horse is of satisfactory quality or is fit for training or any particular purpose. 35. The examination of the horses can be made in the stable from 9.00 on the day of the Auction (each Auction), to 1 (one) hour before the start of the Auction. 36. All the horses are being sold under the Auction Terms and Conditions stated by the Organizer. All statements and corrections regarding the data in the catalogue announced during the Auction are in force and due to that all the Buyers are obliged to be present at the beginning of the bidding of a particular horse in order to learn all announcements concerning this horse. Ubezpieczenie 33. Ubezpieczenie na wypadek śmierci obejmuje każdego konia do wysokości ceny zakupu w momencie dokonania przybicia. Ubezpieczenie pozostanie w mocy do czasu, aż nabywca podpisze umowę sprzedaży lub do północy pierwszego dnia roboczego po dacie przybicia, w zależności od tego, co nastąpi wcześniej i co zobowiązuje nowego właściciela do zapewnienia ciągłości polisy, jeśli taka jest jego wola. Uwagi dla nabywców 34. Każdemu nabywcy usilnie zaleca się dokładne obejrzenie koni przed zakupem. Każdy koń sprzedawany jest w stanie z dokonanych oględzin i pod żadnym warunkiem dotyczącym sprzedaży nie gwarantuje się, że dany koń spełnia określone wymagania co do jakości, nadaje się do treningu, lub do innych potencjalnie zakładanych przez nabywcę celów. 35. Oględzin koni można dokonać w stajni od godz. 9.00 w dniu Aukcji (każdej z Aukcji), do jednej godziny przed rozpoczęciem licytacji. 36. Wszystkie konie sprzedawane są na Warunkach Aukcji określonych przez Organizatora w niniejszych postanowieniach. Wszelkie oświadczenia i korekty dotyczące danych w katalogu ogłoszone podczas Aukcji pozostają w mocy i w związku z tym wszyscy nabywcy są zobowiązani do obecności na początku licytacji danego konia w celu poznania wszystkich komunikatów dotyczących tego konia. Odpowiedzialność za konie 37. Wszystkie osoby przebywające na terenach aukcyjnych podczas trwania Aukcji i imprez z nią związanych czynią to na własne ryzyko. Organizator Aukcji nie będzie ponosić odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek straty lub szkody na zdrowiu czy mieniu poniesione przez te osoby podczas trwania Aukcji lub imprez z nią związanych. 38. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za żadnego konia ani za żadne szkody wyrządzone koniom i za żadne kontuzje, jakie odniosą podczas przybywania na terenie Aukcji. 39. Właściciel ponosi odpowiedzialność za poszkodowanie koni w wyniku choroby, wypadku lub z innych przyczyn, od momentu przyjazdu na miejsce Aukcji i podczas całego pobytu na miejscu, chyba że dany koń zostanie sprzedany, w wyniku czego ryzyko związane z końmi przechodzi na nabywcę wraz z uderzeniem młotka. 40. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do dokonania oględzin poszczególnych lub wszystkich koni wwożonych i/lub stacjonujących na teren Aukcji i do nie przyjęcia lub odizolowania każdego konia uznanego za nie nadającego się do sprzedaży z jakiegokolwiek powodu. Organizator nie będzie ponosić żadnej odpowiedzialności w związku z dokonaniem oględzin, wycofaniem lub odizolowaniem danego konia. Postanowienia końcowe 41. Niniejsze Warunki Aukcji są regulowane wyłącznie przez prawo polskie. Wyłączną jurysdykcję posiadają polskie sądy powszechne. Sądem miejscowo właściwym do rozstrzygania wszelkich sporów związanych z Aukcją jest sąd właściwy dla siedziby Organizatora. Responsibility for the horses 37. All persons are present at the ground of the event throughout the entire time at their own risk. The Organizers of the Auction shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage, which could happen to any persons during the whole event. 38. The Organizer is not responsible or liable for any horse, neither for any damages nor for any bruises, which could occur during stabling the horses at the ground. 39. The owner of the horse is responsible or liable for the damage of the horse as a result of any disease, accident or any other cause, from the moment of entering the ground of the Auction and during the whole stay unless the particular horse would be sold which should result in transferring the risk concerning the horse to the Buyer with the fall of hammer. 40. The Organizer reserves the right to inspect a particular horse or all the horses entering and/or stabled at the ground of the event and to forbid the entrance or to decide to isolate any horse for sale due to any reason. The Organizer will not bear any responsibility in connection with the inspection, withdrawal or isolation of a given horse. Final Provisions 41. These Terms and Conditions of Auction are governed by the applicable laws of Poland. In case of any dispute the Polish courts shall have an exclusive jurisdiction. The court with jurisdiction over all disputes related to the Auction is the court competent for the seat of the Organizer. 42. The Organizer reserves the right to introduce amendments or changes to the Auction Terms and Conditions not later than 3 (three) days before the planned date of the Auction. 42. Organizator zastrzega możliwość wprowadzenia uzupełnień lub zmian postanowień Warunków Aukcji nie później jednak niż na 3 dni przed planowanym terminem Aukcji. 12 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND


PUSTYNIA KAHILA EMBRYO BY RFI FARID (BR) KAHIL bay, 2008 MARWAN bay, 2000 OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina LOT 1. PUSTYNNA MALWA grey, 2008 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) PUSTYNNA RÓŻA grey, 1999 Ernestyna Emigrant Pustynna Tarcza Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Ararat Emigrantka Pamir Pretoria Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 dark bay mare, foaled on 17th of March, 2013 Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 to Crabbet Park 2014 Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Mare - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2014 All Nations Cup Yearling Bronze Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) 2014 European Yearling Silver Champion Mare - Lier (BE) 2014 World Yearling Gold Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2015 Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 European Junior Top Five Mare - Verona (IT) 2015 World Junior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2016 Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show - Białka (PL) 2016 Polska-Arabia Senior Gold Champion Mare - Buksza (PL) 2016 European Junior Top Five Mare - Lier (BE) 2017 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Gold Champion Mare - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 European Senior Silver Champion Mare - Verona (IT) 2018 All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) 2018 European Senior Silver Champion Mare - Lier (BE) THE RESULTING FOAL WILL BE BORN IN 2019 An incredible chance to acquire an embryo out of highly decorated PUSTYNIA KAHILA and RFI FARID. PUSTYNIA KAHILA is Michałów s current top show mare with a World Champion title for proof. She is sired by reigning World Platinum Champion KAHIL, the successor of the MARWAN - GAZAL sire line dynasty. PUSTYNIA KAHILA s dam, Polish Nationals class winner PUSTYNNA MALWA, is sired by the invincible EKSTERN, a champion in every one of his nine showings. He is also known as an exceptional sire of broodmares, who have produced some of the greatest show stars of recent years, such as MORION (out of Ekstern daughter MESALINA), EQUATOR (out of Ekstern daughter EKLIPTYKA), WIEŻA MOCY (out of Ekstern daugter WIEŻA MARZEŃ). PUSTYNIA KAHILA s granddam is Polish National Junior Reserve Champion PUSTYNNA RÓŻA, a sister to PUSTYNNA DROGA - Ströhen International Senior Reserve Champion, Casino Cup International Senior Champion Mare & Arabian Masters International Senior Reserve Champion. The family further traces to family foundress PLANETA, whose unforgettable members include POHANIEC (sire of the legendary PROBAT), Swedish National Senior Champion PILAWA, multi champion PIKIETA, Polish National & All Nations Cup Senior Champion, World Senior Reserve Champion PALMIRA, triple Swedish National Champion PROGNOZA, Sharjah & Ajman Senior Champion PALESTRA, Ströhen International Junior Champion, Elran Cup Junior Bronze Champion, West Coast Cup International Junior Bronze Champion PARMANA & the sensational PISTORIA - 2018 UAE Senior Gold Champion & Abu Dhabi Gold Senior Champion Mare. 16 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 17

ATANDA EDEN C chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone SILKEN SABLE grey, 1997 Richard & Virginia Howard Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Genesis C Touch O Mink Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Bey Shah Passionn AN Marretto Hallanys Mizahna LOT 2. ATMA grey, 2007 1/5 (1-1-0-1) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) ALTONA grey, 1999 2/13 (2-2-2-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Albigowa Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Fawor Algeria Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 bay mare, foaled on 14th of February, 2012 measurements: 148-182-19 cm Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna 2015-8 starts: 1xI, 2xII, 1xIII, 1xIV, 1xV 2013 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2013 Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare - Białka (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Show - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 colt ATILIO (Pomian) bay 2018 colt ATLANTOS (Pomian) bay 2019 filly by Paris ATANDA is an exciting offer as a distinguished member of the family of Janów s famous model Kuhailan ALGERIA through its most famous branch of descendants: ALGERIA-ALBIGOWA-ALTONA. ATANDA boasts a Top Five Mare title from the Junior Spring Show in Białka and a class win from the Polish Nationals. Her maternal sister ATAKAMA is also an experienced show mare, recognized with a Junior Gold Champion Mare title from the All-Polish Championships in Radom and a Junior Gold Champion Mare title from the Junior Spring Show in Białka last year. ATANDA s & ATAKAMA s dam ATMA is herself a Summer Show Senior Bronze Champion Mare from Wrocław & an Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare from Janów Podlaski. ATMA is just one of three Janów Podlaski-bred foals of ALTONA, a Pride of Poland high-seller at 180 thousand euro, and best producing daughter of the beloved Kuhailan mare ALBIGOWA and her dam ALGERIA. ATMA s stellar sisters are ALTAMIRA ( Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare, Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare, European Junior Top Five Mare, World Junior Top Ten Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, World Senior Top Ten Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, high-seller of the 2015 Pride of Poland at 250 thousand Euro, as well as dam of champions AMANITO, ANAWERA & ADELITA) and ALABAMA (Scandinavian Open Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Deauville Arabian Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare & high-seller of the 2014 Pride of Poland at 165 thousand euro). Bred to POGROM (last service on 25th of February, 2019) 18 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 19

AKIA VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation Versace DA Love Solstice Natique Fame VF Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica LOT 3. ANDALA grey, 2007 2/9 (1-2-1-0) PIRUET grey, 1983 3/24 (5-7-5-1) ANDALUZJA grey, 1998 1/5 (0-0-2-0) Probat Pieczęć Sanadik El Shaklan Antwerpia Pohaniec Borexia Pierzga El Shaklan Mohena Eternit Angola Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 chestnut mare, foaled on 11th of March, 2014 measurements: 151-172-18 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2017-7 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 1xV 2019 filly by Piaff Bred to MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE (IT) AKIA is a combination of US National, Canadian National & Brazilian National Champion Stallion VITORIO TO with Janów Podlaski s finest damlines of ANGOLA & PIEWICA. Maternally AKIA traces to family foundress ANGOLA, Masters Open Reserve Champion & Polish National Senior Champion Mare. AKIA s grandam ANDALUZJA was sold at the 2011 Pride of Poland Sale for 100 thousand Euro to Saudi Arabia. Before leaving she produced ANILLA (dam of Prague InterCup & European Cup Junior Champion AXARA) and Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Stallion ALERT. Other distinguished relatives of this line include Gieboldehausen Reserve Champion Mare ANGLIA, Mooslargue Reserve Champion & Balen Senior Champion Mare ANTWERPIA, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Stallion ANGOR, Junior Spring Show Champion/Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, Warsaw Summer Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare ANEGDOTA & Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Stallion ANKOR. The link to PIEWICA (foundress of the famous P-line) is through AKIA s maternal sire, PIRUET: a capable athlete at the track over 3 seasons and 5 wins, an exemplary show horse (French National Champion, twice Italian National Champion, thrice European Champion and twice World Champion Stallion) and valuable breeding stallion, siring both show performers and endurance horses. PIRUET s dam PIECZĘĆ (PIEWICA s granddaughter), a remarkable race mare and winner of almost half of her starts (including the Oaks), was further a full sister to the ethereal PILARKA, Polish National Reserve Champion, twice European Champion, twice World Champion &UK National Champion Mare, the direct female ancestor of the huge show names of today: PIANISSIMA, PINGA, PALMETA, PILAR, PIAFF, PINIATA, PRIMERA, PINTA, PROMETIDA, PARIS. 20 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 21

CHERONEA QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda LOT 4. CHIMERA bay, 1998 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1) EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) CZEREDA grey, 1987 2/15 (2-2-3-1) Ararat Emigrantka Probat Cięciwa Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Pohaniec Borexia Cedzyna Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 bay mare, foaled on 8th of April, 2010 measurements: 151-169 -17,5 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2013-5 starts: 1xII, 3xV 2011 Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare - Białka (PL) 2016 Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 colt CHRIS (Vitorio TO) chestnut 2016 filly CHEROJA (Ganges) bay, in racing training 2017 filly CHADECJA (Ganges) bay 2018 filly CHERONA (Ganges) bay 2019 colt by Kurier Bred to EMPIRE CHERONEA is a bronze finalist from Poland s toughest competition - the Polish Nationl Senior Mares Championship. She is sired by World Champion QR MARC, son of triple World Champion MARWAN. QR MARC proved even better in the breeding barn, siring (among others) US Triple Crown winner POGROM, US Triple Crown winner WIEŻA MOCY and EQUATOR - winner in America, Europe and the Middle East as World Champion Stallion, Scottsdale Champion Stallion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion Stallion & Sharjah International Champion Stallion. CHERONEA s dam is CHIMERA, daughter of Michałów s beloved EMIGRANT. Apart from CHERONEA, CHIMERA s accomplished produce include daughter CHARUNA (French National Junior Reserve Champion Mare & French National Senior Champion Mare, dam of French National Junior Silver Champion CHADINA DE NAUTIAC) and chief sire CHIMERYK - a fabulously masculine stallion and a tremendous mover, crowned Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion & Autumn Show Junior Top Five Stallion. CHERONEA herself is continuing the family tradition of showy horses with daughter CHEROJA, a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka in 2017. Tail female CHERONEA traces to CANARIA, dam of one of Poland s legendary chief sires, CELEBES (sire of such great broodmatrons as EKSTAZA, MITRA, ELEWACJA, ALGERIA and chief sires ALOES, PEPI & ALGOMEJ). Interestingly CANARIA is the daughter of SAGA, making her a maternal sister to ESTOKADA, foundress of Michałów s widespread E dynasty of show champions. 22 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 23

GALERIDA SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen SALYMAH grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Khidar Libanon Azadika Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Ansata Sinan Elizja Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana LOT 5. GALILEA grey, 2000 2/11 (0-5-1-1) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel GEORGIA grey, 1994 2/15 (2-3-8-1) Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Gizela Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Negatraz a Gilza Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 grey mare, foaled on 6th of May, 2013 measurements: 151-186-17 cm Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Unraced 2014 Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2015 Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2016 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2016 Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 European Junior Bronze Champion Mare - Lier (BE) 2016 World Junior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2017 Mediterranean & Arab Countries Senior Bronze Champion Mare Menton (FR) 2017 West Coast Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show Koksijde (BE) 2017 All Nations Cup Senior Top Five Mare - Aachen (DE) 2017 World Senior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2018 International Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Sharjah (UAE) 2018 Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Dubai (UAE) 2018 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show Warsaw (PL) 2018 All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) GALERIDA is a mare that needs no introduction. She is a multichampion from arenas in both Europe and the Middle East and is the reigning 2018 Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show, with plenty of wins waiting in the future. GALERIDA has a royal pedigree: she is the daughter of the highly decorated SHANGHAI EA sired by champion maker WH JUSTICE and World Senior Champion Mare & Polish National Senior Champion Mare GALILEA. A perfect embodiment of the Arabian mare, GALILEA is the best produce of the dam GEORGIA, one of Michałów s elite group of MONOGRAMM daughters - alongside ZAGROBLA, ESKALOPKA, PALESTYNA, ESPADRILLA, FALLADA & EKSCELLA - that set a new breed standard. Furthermore, GEORGIA is one of seven extraordinary sisters out of the bold and beautiful GIZELA, who excelled both on the show arena (winning a class at the Salon du Cheval) and the race track (a five time winner, including the Amurath & Orgia St.), traits that the Polish breeding program is famous for. GEORIA s accomplished sisters include 7-time race winner (including 5 stakes) GENEZA, Polish National Reserve Champion Mare & Oaks St. winner GARONNA, Polish National Senior Champion Mare GASKONIA, Pride of Poland high-seller GEHENNA and top broodmares GWARANCJA & GIZA. They have further contributed to the breed by producing excellent race horses (Derby winners GEPARD & GWARO), supreme show champions (GIOCONDA, GASKOŃCZYK, GALLIA, GOTICO, GIZELDA, GARDENS, GEORGETOWN, GEMELLIA, GORDON, GERMANIK) and three Polish National Champion Stallions: GANGES, GASPAR & GRAFIK. 2019 expecting foal by RFI Farid Not bred 24 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 25

EMANDORIA EMBRYO BY SUNDOWN K.A. (BE) GAZAL bay, 1995 ANAZA EL FARID bay, 1988 L.& L. St. Clair KAJORA bay, 1979 Tom Chauncey Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Shaikh Al Badi Bint Magidaa Ansata Ibn Halima Deena Nabor Bint Kholameh Exelsjor Edessa LOT 6. EMANDA grey, 1996 ECAHO grey, 1990 2/20 (2-4-7-2) EMANACJA grey, 1986 Pepton Etruria Eukaliptus Emigracja Pemba Etna Eunice Emisja Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-3 grey mare, foaled on 16th of January, 2004 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2005 Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2005 Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2005 All Nations Cup Junior Top Five Mare - Aachen (DE) 2005 European Junior Reserve Champion Mare - Verona (IT) 2005 World Junior Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2006 Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show - Białka (PL) 2006 Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2006 All Nations Cup Junior Top Five Mare - Aachen (DE) 2006 European Junior Champion Mare - Moorsele (BE) 2007 Region III Champion Mare - Reno, NV () 2007 US National Champion Mare - Albuquerque, NM () 2009 Arabian Breeders World Cup Gold Champion Mare - Las Vegas, NV () 2009 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2009 All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) 2009 European Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Verona (IT) 2009 World Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2010 International Senior Gold Champion Mare - Wels (AT) 2010 All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) 2010 European Senior Gold Champion Mare - Moorsele (BE) 2010 World Senior Silver Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2011 World Senior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2013 PSAIAHF Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Riyadh (SA) 2013 International Senior Gold Champion Mare - Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2013 DIAHC Senior Gold Champion Mare - Dubai (UAE) 2013 All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) 2013 European Senior Gold Champion Mare - Verona (IT) 2013 World Senior Gold Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2014 DIAHC Senior Gold Champion Mare - Dubai (UAE) 2016 WAHO Trophy 2018 International Senior Gold Champion Mare - Sharjah (UAE) 2018 International Senior Gold Champion Mare - Dubai (UAE) 2018 World Platinum Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) BREEDING RECORD OF EMANDORIA: 2008 colt EPIC MP (US) (Eden C) grey 2008 colt ETRO PA (US) (Enzo) grey 2008 filly H EMANDILA H (US) (El Nabila B) bay 2009 colt ROYAL EMANUEL (US) Eden C, grey 2010 colt EMERALD J (BE) (QR Marc) bay 2011 colt EM EDEN (Eden C) chestnut, exported to Germany 2012 filly EMANDORELLA (Eden C) grey 2013 filly ESMERALDIA (DE) (QR Marc) bay 2014 filly AJ EMANA (AE) (AJ Mardan) bay 2015 filly EMANOLLA (Vitorio TO) grey 2016 filly EMROSSA (Vitorio TO) grey, in racing training 2017 colt ERMITAGE (QR Marc) grey 2019 expecting foal by RFI Farid THE RESULTING FOAL WILL BE BORN IN 2020 EMANDORIA is a living legend and an absolute Queen of. Don t miss your chance with this one of a kind offer to purchase an embryo out of World Platinum Champion EMANDORIA and Dubai Champion Stallion SUNDOWN K.A. EMANDORIA s collection of titles speaks for itself. Her beauty exceeds boundaries, as she has been crowned champion mare in Europe, America and the Middle East. EMANDORIA has also received two lifetime achievement awards of the highest caliber: the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding Arabian individual and World Platinum Champion Mare. Her producing abilities are also beyond measure, as she is the dam of EMERALD J - Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly World Cup Senior Gold and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival (A cat) Senior Gold Champion. EMANDORIA s daughter EMANOLLA is also a talented mare as Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, All-Polish Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion & Polish National Junior Gold Champion. EMANDORIA naturally stems from Michałów s E-dynasty of champions. Her World Senior Champion dam EMANDA is a maternal sister to EMILDA, EMANTA, EMANOR, ESPADRILLA, EMPIRYKA. 26 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 27

PRIMERA EDEN C chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone SILKEN SABLE grey, 1997 Richard & Virginia Howard Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Genesis C Touch O Mink Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Bey Shah Passionn AN Marretto Hallanys Mizahna LOT 7. PRERIA bay, 2000 1/3 ARARAT grey, 1991 2/17 (4-0-2-5) PIPI grey, 1981 Arra Banat Pilarka Aswan Panel Arba El Azrak Bandola Pierzga Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-3 bay mare, foaled on 19th of May, 2009 measurements: 153-182-18 cm Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew 2012-1 start 2010 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2010 Polish National Junior Silver Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Scandinavian Open Junior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show Blommeröd (SE) 2011 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2011 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 All Nations Cup Junior Silver Champion Mare - Aachen (DE) 2012 World Junior Silver Champion Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2013 European Senior Silver Champion Mare - Verona (IT) 2013 World Senior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2014 European Senior Gold Champion Mare - Lier (BE) 2016 Class Top Five (7-10 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (7-10 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (7-10 Year Old Mares) at the All Nations Cup - Aachen (DE) PRIMERA is every inch a show mare that knows how to bewitch judges in the arena. She holds titles from shows in Poland, Sweden, Germany, as well as the European and World Championships. She descends from Janów Podlaski s finest damline of PIEWICA via its most famous branch of PILARKA & daughter PIPI. PRIMERA s dam PRERIA is a daughter of the peerless PIPI. Named Polish National Senior Champion and Elran Cup Senior Champion Mare, PIPI s true value lay in her producing abilities. She is the dam of 15 foals, many of which went on to achieve greatness on both the show arena and the breeding barn. PIPI s male produce include champion chief sires PILOT and PIAFF and champion daughters PISTACJA, PIKARDIA and PILAR. PIPI s daughters also inherited her producing abilities and have proven themselves as superb broodmares. Apart from PRERIA (dam of the 2019 Pride of Poland offer PRIMERA), PILICA also produced PALMETA (dam of multi champions PALATINO, PALABRA, PALATINA, PATRIA & PARIS) and PILAR, who delivered further champions in the shape of PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA, POMIAN and World Platinum Champion PINGA, who has by now also produced Polish National Champion Mare & Best in Show PINIATA. PIPI is considered the best daughter of the ethereal PILARKA, Polish, UK, European & World Champion, forever etched in history as the flying beauty for her phenomenal trot. PILARKA is also the direct predecessor of the legendary World Platinum Champion Mare PIANISSIMA. 2014 filly PERENELLA (Pogrom) bay, 1/3, broodmare at Białka Stud 2016 colt PERKUS (Master Design GA) chestnut 2018 filly PRINCELA (QR Marc) bay 2019 filly by Pomian Not bred 28 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 29

EL GOTTA ASCOT DD chestnut, 2011 DD Arabians Belgium GLORIUS APAL grey, 2007 DST Arabians LADY NINA DD chestnut, 2007 DD Arabians Belgium Justify Gloria Apal Psytadel ed Lady Magnum Psyche S Justadream Psytadel SA Misha Apal Padrons Psyche Bint Bey Shah Agracious Lady LOT 8. EL MEDIARA grey, 2010 ERYKS d.bay, 2003 1/6 (0-0-1-1) EL EMEERA grey, 2002 Gazal Al Shaqab Emmona Ekstern Emanacja Emilda Ernestyna Eukaliptus Emigracja Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVIII-1 bay mare, foaled on 26th of February, 2017 measurements: 145-174-17 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta Unraced 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2018 All-Polish Yearling Gold Champion Mare - Radom (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Warsaw (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) Not bred EL GOTTA is a young filly with tremendous show potential. She debuted at the Junior Spring Show in Białka as a yearling, where she received 92,33 pts from the jury panel, including a 20 for type - a very high score, as the gold champion received 92,67. EL GOTTA earned her own first gold medal not long after - at the All-Polish Championships in Radom. EL GOTTA is a daughter of EL MEDIARA, who once took second place in class at the Junior Spring Show right behind WIEŻA MOCY. EL MEDIARA is also a maternal sister to the highly acclaimed EL LARINERA - Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Top Five, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion & Polska Arabia Junior Bronze Champion Mare. The dam of EL MEDIARA & EL LARINERA is the royally bred EL EMEERA. Not only is the daughter of the undefeated champion sire EKSTERN, but also the iconic EMANACJA - perhaps the most prominent member of Michałów s E dynasty of several generations of champions. Herself a double Polish National Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion & All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare, she has further contributed to the breed with champion produce EMPIRYKA, ESPADRILLA, EMANDA (dam of World Platinum Champion EMANDORIA, in turn dam of champion sire EMERALD J), EMANOR and EMILDA, who set up her own clan of superstars - most notably EMBRA, EMMONA, EMMBLA, EL SAGHIRA, as well as three champion chief sires active in Polish breeding today: EMPIRE, EL OMARI & ERYKS. 30 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 31

PIANOVA (US) EDEN C chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm ENZO Padrons Psyche chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone RD Bey Shahmpane SILKEN SABLE grey, 1997 Richard & Virginia Howard Genesis C Touch O Mink Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Bey Shah Passionn AN Marretto Hallanys Mizahna LOT 9. PIANISSIMA bay, 2003 GAZAL bay, 1995 PIANOSA bay, 1998 1/7 (2-2-3-0) Eukaliptus Pinia Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Eunice Probat Pilarka Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 9th of July, 2011 measurements: 153-179-18,5 cm Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew Unraced 2016 filly PERLENA (Pogrom) bay, broodmare at Białka Stud 2017 colt PIANOS (Pogrom) bay 2018 filly POLANICA (EKS Alihandro) bay 2019 colt by Pomian Bred to AJMAN MONISCIONE (IT) (last service on 19th of April, 2019) PIANOVA is an absolutely once in a lifetime offer to acquire a piece of the ultimate Arabian perfection, as she is a daughter of the legendary PIANISSIMA, a model Arabian mare that set the breed standard which to this day remains beyond reach. PIANISSIMA needs no introduction. She was the first ever mare awarded the prestigious World Platinum Champion title at the Salon du Cheval in Paris. An award that she earned like no other horse before. PIANISSIMA started her accomplished journey at the show in Białka, where almost all Polish Arabians began their career. Naturally she took home the Junior Champion Mare & Best in Show title. After that came the title of Polish National Junior Champion Mare & Best in Show and all three top titles of the European Triple Crown: the All Nations Cup, European & World Junior Champion Mare titles. Her looks were further confirmed in America, where she won the US National Junior Champion Mare honors. As a senior PIANISSIMA repeated it all again: she won the Senior European Triple Crown and the Polish National Senior Mare & Best in Show title, as well as added two Champion Mare titles from shows of great significance in the Middle East: the Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival in Saudi Arabia and the Dubai International Arabian Horse Championships (DIAHC) in the United Arab Emirates. Descending from the damline PIEWICA, known for many champions over eight generations such as (among others) PILARKA, PILAR, PILAROSA, PALMETA, PENICYLINA or PERFINKA, PIANISSIMA remains not only the most prominent member of her family, but the best Polish Arabian horse in history. 32 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 33

PUSTYNNA MALWA EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Elegancja LOT 10. PUSTYNNA RÓŻA grey, 1999 EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) PUSTYNNA TARCZA grey, 1991 2/16 (0-1-5-3-2) Ararat Emigrantka Pamir Pretoria Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Probat Parma Penitent Patera Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-2 grey mare, foaled on 13th of February, 2008 measurements: 159-183-18,5 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 to Crabbet Park Unraced 2009 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2009 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2010 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2011 Class Winner (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 Class Top Five (Two & Three Year Old Fillies) at the Arabian Horse Weekend - Wrocław (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (7-10 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (7-10 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL 2013 filly PUSTYNIA KAHILA (Kahil Al Shaqab) dark bay 2014 colt PUSTYNNY PIASEK (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2016 colt PUSTYNNY MIRAŻ (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay 2017 colt PUSTYNNY GROM (Kabsztad) grey 2018 colt PURYTANIN (Kabsztad) grey 2019 colt by Morion PUSTYNNA MALWA is first and foremost the dam of multichampion PUSTYNIA KAHILA - World Yearling Gold Champion Mare, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Mare, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior & Senior Champion Mare and several time Silver Champion Mare at the European Championships and the All Nations Cup. PUSTYNNA MALWA is sired by the undefeated EKSTERN, nine times shown, nine times crowned champion. Apart from his show successes EKSTERN further excelled in the breeding barn and is now known for his superb daughters that have proven themselves as worthy producers. These include MESALINA (dam of MORION), EKLIPTYKA (dam of EQUATOR) and WIEŻA MARZEŃ (dam of WIEŻA MOCY), to name just a few. The dam of PUSTYNNA MALWA is Polish National Junior Reserve Champion PUSTYNNA RÓŻA, a sister to PUSTYNNA DROGA - Ströhen International Senior Reserve Champion, Casino Cup International Senior Champion Mare & Arabian Masters International Senior Reserve Champion. All these accomplished PUSTYNNA -named beauties belong to the damline of supreme broodmatron PLANETA, whose significant descendants include POHANIEC (sire of the legendary PROBAT), PILAWA (Swedish National Senior Champion), PIKIETA (Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Reserve Champion, Blommeröd Senior Champion, Wels Senior Reserve Champion, twice Towerlands International Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion), PALMIRA (World Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion), PROGNOZA (three time Swedish National Champion), PALESTRA (Sharjah & Ajman Senior Champion), PARMANA (Ströhen International Junior Champion, Elran Cup Junior Bronze Champion, West Coast Cup International Junior Bronze Champion) & the sensational PISTORIA - 2018 UAE Senior Gold Champion & Abu Dhabi Gold Senior Champion Mare. Bred to MORION (last service on 10th of May, 2019) 34 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 35

ANAWERA PIAFF grey, 1997 2/20 (2-4-3-2-3) ELDON grey, 1985 2/10 (3-4-1-1) 1 PIPI grey, 1981 Penitent Erotyka Banat Pilarka Partner Penza Eufrat Eroica El Azrak Bandola Pierzga LOT 11. ALTAMIRA grey, 2005 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) ALTONA grey, 1999 2/13 (2-2-2-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Albigowa Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Fawor Algeria Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 grey mare, foaled on 20th of May, 2012 measurements: 148-182-18 cm Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna 2015-2 starts: 1xV 2014 Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2016 Polska-Arabia Senior Silver Champion Mare - Buksza (PL) 2016 Polish National Senior Top Five Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 filly ANGURIA (Ascot DD) grey 2018 filly ADRIANA (EKS Alihandro) grey 2019 colt by Ecaho Bred to ES HARIR (AE) ANAWERA is a seasoned show mare with serious potential in the arena. Her best performances come from the Junior Spring Show, where she won the Championship title and received a highly deserved score of 43,17 (!) and from the Polish Nationals as a senior, where she earned 92,38 pts and ultimately the honors of Polish National Top Five Senior Mare. ANAWERA is out of Janów s well-respected broodmare ALTAMIRA. This incredible King of the Ring EKSTERN daughter rocked the show grounds upon her debut at Białka, claiming the highest score of all presented yearlings (93,33 pts) and taking home the title of Reserve Champion. ALTAMIRA continued this trend as a senior, when was awarded with 93,67 pts at the Polish Nationals. She was one of the bright stars of the 2015 Pride of Poland Sale and sold for 250 thousand euro. Apart from ANAWERA, ALTAMIRA s produce include AMANITO (twice Junior Spring Show Top Five, Autumn Show Junior Champion & Polish National Top Five Senior Stallion), ADELITA (European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yearling Top Ten Mare, Polish National Junior Top Five Mare) and Polish Nationals class winner ABDANK. ALTAMIRA is a sister to other notable Janów fames, such as ALABAMA (Scandinavian Open Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Deauville Arabian Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare) & ATMA (Wrocław Summer Show Senior Bronze Champion & Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare) - dam of Junior Spring Show Top Five ATANDA. They in turn are all out of ALTONA, one of the stellar daughters of the cherished Kuhailan mare ALBIGOWA. 36 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 37

SHANSON F NOFAL NK grey, 2011 NK Arabians Belgium/Jordan EVER AFTER NA bay, 2005 R.L. & D.L. North AJDORA grey, 2008 Axel Somers Belgium Sir Fames HBV Entaicyng NA Ajman Moniscione Priscilla Ffamess Cajun Lady HCF Aicyng Bint Bay Beau WH Justice Anthea Moniscione Andrus Petsarah LOT 12. SHILLA grey, 2013 Falborek Arabians KAHIL bay, 2008 SZANTA grey, 2003 Bogusław Dąbrowski Marwan Al Shaqab OFW Mishaahl Ekstern Słonka Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Ernestyna Wojsław Salamandra Bred and owned by Krzysztof Goździalski - Falborek Arabians PASB Vol. XVIII-1 grey mare, foaled on 18th of January, 2017 measurements: 148-180-17 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Unraced 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Warsaw (PL) 2018 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Mare - Nowe Wrońska (PL) Not bred SHANSON F is a young show filly that already left her mark during her debut season by winning the silver medal at the prestigious A category Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival at Nowe Wrońska. She is furthermore an incredibly rare offering as the daughter of NOFAL NK, a premier sire from the breeding program of Nofal Kahook Arabians in Jordan, who is bred to a limited amount of approved mares only each year. Even with a small amount of foals on the ground NOFAL NK has already made a name for himself as the sire of MIMI NK, an Inter Cup Yearling Gold Champion Mare and All Nations Cup Yearling Gold Champion Mare. On the distaff side of the pedigree is Janów Podlaski s S-damline of SABDA, known for the athletic abilities of its members but also several very distinguished show horses, such as multi champion mare SEFORA, as well as SHANSON F s dam and granddam: SHILLA & SZANTA. SHILLA, a leading KAHIL daughter, is a Junior Bronze Champion Mare from the Inter Cup and Silver Junior Champion Mare from the European Cup in Prague. In turn SZANTA, also royally bred as the daughter of the incomparable EKSTERN, placed third in class at the European Championships as a yearling and won the title of Junior Reserve Champion at the International Championships in Vilhelmsborg as a two year old, making her one of the first and most accomplished Polish private-bred horses of that time. 38 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 39

EMANOLLA VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation Versace DA Love Solstice Natique Fame VF Precious as Gold Padron Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica LOT 13. EMANDORIA grey, 2004 GAZAL bay, 1995 EMANDA grey, 1996 Ecaho Emanacja Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Pepton Etruria Eukaliptus Emigracja Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey mare, foaled on 11th of April, 2015 measurements: 153-178-17 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta Unraced 2016 Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five Mare - Białka (PL) 2016 Polish National Junior Top Five Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2017 All-Polish Junior Gold Champion Mare - Radom (PL) 2017 Polish National Junior Silver Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion Mare - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 European Junior Top Five Mare - Verona (IT) 2018 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare - Białka (PL) 2018 Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare - Warsaw (PL) 2018 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion Mare - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2018 European Junior Top Five Mare - Lier (BE) 2018 World Junior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) EMANOLLA is the current Polish National Junior Champion Mare, which she earned thanks to a score of 93,33 pts, including a full set of top marks for movement. She has a very rich show career from her junior years and now - as a 4 year old - she will begin victories as a senior. EMANOLLA is without any doubt the best daughter of her dam EMANDORIA, the greatest living show mare of. EMANDORIA is truly an international champion, as she has won the most significant titles all over the world: in the US, Europe and the Middle East, including twice World Champion, thrice European Champion, twice All Nations Cup Champion, US National Champion, Arabian Horse Breeders Champion, Polish National Champion, as well as gold champion from Abu Dhabi, Sharjah & Dubai. In 2018 she was presented with the ultimate award - the Platinum World Champion Mare title. EMANDORIA is also a recipient of the WAHO Trophy for outstanding achievements of the Arabian breed. It must also be mentioned that through EMANDORIA, EMANOLLA is a maternal sister to champion stallion and breeding sire EMERALD J, named among others as PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion Stallion, Dubai International Senior Champion Stallion, Chantilly Senior Gold Champion Stallion. But more importantly EMERALD J is now a sire of importance, having fathered the likes of ADMIRAAL (World Yearling Gold Champion Stallion, Dubai International Yearling Gold Champion Stallion), GALLARDO J (Menton Junior Gold Champion Stallion, Sharjah International Junior Gold Champion Stallion, European Yearling Gold Champion Stallion) & MOUNIRA J (KAAHC Junior Gold Champion Mare, European Yearling Gold Champion Mare). Bred to MORION (last service on 9th of May, 2019) 40 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 41

KALAHARI AJMAN MONISCIONE chestnut, 2003 Azienda Agricola Buzzi Giancarlo Italy WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 D. & J.A. Goodrich ANTHEA MONISCIONE chestnut, 1996 Azienda Agricola Buzzi Giancarlo - Italy Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Padrons Ghibli Armonia Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Padron Santanas Dalight Aktszn Anette LOT 14. KASHIRA grey, 2004 S. Redestowicz MAGNUM PSYCHE chestnut, 1995 J.L. & L.H. Havice KAHILA IV grey, 1994 Marlies & Franz-Josef Patt Germany Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle Ibn Bint Inas Bint Bint Kaisoon Padron Kilika Sasaki Medina Azahara Ansata Halim Shah 12 Bint Inas Madkour I Bint Kaysoon Bred by Andrzej Wójtowicz and owned by PPH Parys Ltd PASB Vol. XVII-1 chestnut mare, foaled on 4th of February, 2012 measurements: 153-177-17 cm Dam line: Karima 1930 Kafr Ibrash Farm Unraced 2013 Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion Mare Białka (PL) 2013 Polska-Arabia Horse Festival Yearling Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show Góra Kalwaria (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 European Top Five Yearling Mare Verona (IT) 2014 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2014 Polska-Arabia Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion Mare Góra Kalwaria (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polska-Arabia Festival Góra Kalwaria (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Prague InterCup Prague (CZ) 2016 Cracow Arabian Horse Show Senior Silver Champion Mare - Cracow (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Al Khalediah European Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2018 Cracow Arabian Horse Show Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Cracow (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (6-7 Year Old Mares) at the European Championships - Lier (BE) 2018 filly KHALIDA PA (EKS Alihandro) chestnut Bred to EMERALD J (US) (last service on 30th of April, 2019) The highly decorated KALAHARI has been born on Polish soil, but she enjoys a truly international pedigree, proving that there are no boundaries when a breeder pursues his vision of excellence and beauty. Her genetic structure is built around the best Russian, Spanish and Egyptian bloodlines - the latter by means of her granddam KAHILA IV, a Straight Egyptian beauty with a multiple linebreeding to NAZEER, an exemplary stallion who redefined the Arabian type and became the most epochchanging sire of his time. The damline traces directly to the El Zahraa-bred mare HANIA, one of the elite broodmares of Egypt s State Stud. The dam of KALAHARI, KASHIRA, is a successful show competitor herself, being named Casino Cup Junior Champion in Austria, International Drammen Junior Champion in Norway, International St. Petersburg Cup Senior Champion in Russia. KASHIRA has also been a regular class top five finalist from Ströhen, Wels, Blommeröd, Halden, Prague, the Polish Nationals and the All Nations Cup, where in 2010 she proved superior to none other than the stellar PINGA herself. KASHIRA is known for her dynamic trot, a trait which has consistently given her top marks at various events. Contributing to KALAHARI s looks on the spear side is AJMAN MONISCIONE, son of maker of champions WH JUSTICE. AJMAN MONISCIONE more than confirms this nickname, as he has catapulted to stardom by becoming Ströhen Junior Champion, Best Head winner at the Salon du Cheval, twice European Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, Menton International Junior Champion and St. Tropez Senior Gold Champion Stallion. 42 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 43

POTENTILLA EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Elegancja LOT 15. PANONIA chestnut, 2001 2/13 (2-4-2-2) EUKALIPTUS grey, 1974 2/13 (2-1-4-1) PILAR grey, 1996 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) Eunice Fawor Pipi Negatiw Bandola Comet Epigona Probat Fatma Banat Pilarka Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-5 bay mare, foaled on 2nd of April,2011 measurements: 152,5-184-18,5 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew 2014-5 starts: 2xII, 2xIII 2012 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2012 Polish National Junior Top Five - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare - Prague (CZ) 2015 European Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare - Prague (CZ) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the European Championships Verona (IT) 2015 World Senior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2017 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 World Senior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2018 Class Top Five (6-7 Year Old Mares) at the European Championships Lier (BE) POTENTILLA is not only an accomplished show mare, she also has a royal pedigree made up of Poland s most influential sires of their eras (EKSTERN, EUKALIPTUS) and Janów Podlaski s most famous champion damline of PIEWICA through the best known branch via PILARKA. POTENTILLA s dam PANONIA is a numerous class top five from various Polish shows, but mostly a stellar producer. Apart from POTENTILLA she has also given birth to PROMETIDA - Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Mare. PANONIA s stellar producing abilities are the gifts of her regal dam PILAR, one of the leading continuers of the P line family of PIEWICA. A Polish National Junior Champion, PILAR ultimately bloomed in the breeding barn, producing a host of champion-winning offspring: PINGA, PINTA, PIETA, PIBA, PIZARRO & PILAROSA. On the rare opportunities that PILAR and her daughters were offered at the Pride of Poland Auctions, they have all gone on to become the highest-selling equines of their sales: PINTA at 500 thousand, PIETA at 300 thousand and PILAR herself at 240 thousand. PILAR is by far the best daughter of the beloved broodmatron PIPI, Polish National & Elran Cup Champion, whose breeding accomplishments also greatly surpassed her show achievements. Throughout her lifetime she produced champion chief sires PILOT & PIAFF, champion daughters PYTIA, PISTACJA, PIKARDIA, and superb dams, who have gone on to prolong this incredible heritage: PILICA (dam of PALMETA), PILINA (dam of PILIN PSYCHE & PIBER), PRERIA (dam of PRIMERA) and PIPI s flagship offspring PILAR. 2016 colt PROKLES (Pogrom) bay, in racing training 2017 filly PAOLILA (Pogrom) bay 2018 filly POTENCILA (Pomian) bay 2019 filly by Ecaho Bred to ES HARIR (AE) (last service on 10th of April, 2019) 44 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 45

ESCOTIA ASCOT DD chestnut, 2011 DD Arabians Belgium GLORIUS APAL grey, 2007 DST Arabians LADY NINA DD chestnut, 2007 DD Arabians Belgium Justify Gloria Apal Psytadel ed Lady Magnum Psyche S Justadream Psytadel SA Misha Apal Padrons Psyche Bint Bey Shah Agracious Lady LOT 16. EMANCJA chestnut, 2011 Stanisław Sławiński WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 D. & J.A. Goodrich ECHIDNA chestnut, 2001 1/3 (0-0-1-1) Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Ararat Elandra Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Arra Erlanda Bred and owned by Stanisław Sławiński - Czeple Arabians PASB Vol. XVII-5 chestnut mare, foaled on 19th of January, 2016 measurements: 153-180-19 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta Unraced 2016 Gold Champion Filly at the All-Polish Championships - Radom (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the All-Polish Championships Radom (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Show - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2018 Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Warsaw (PL) 2018 Polish National Junior Top Five Mare - Warsaw (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Show - Nowe Wrońska (PL) ESCOTIA is a delightful youngster well acquainted with the show arena. She is a daughter of the highly decorated ASCOT DD, Menton Yearling Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yealing Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, DIAHC, Menton & World Junior Silver Champion, as well as European Junior Bronze Champion Stallion. On the distaff side ESCOTIA descends from Michałów s E-dynasty of champions, founded by broodmare extraordinaire EMIGRACJA via a very rare branch by Babolna International Champion Mare/Best in Show & Polish National Reserve Champion Mare ERLANDA (full sister to the iconic broodmares EMIGRANTKA & EMANACJA), who produced just one foal before her untimely death. That foal was the incredible ELANDRA, Scottsdale Senior Champion Mare and US National Senior Reserve Champion Mare. ELANDRA contributed to the breed in Poland with Bairactar Memorial Senior Champion Mare/Best in Show ERABEA (dam of Ströhen Senior Gold Champion Mare AGMAL JAHIDDAH) and ECHIDNA, who produced multi class top five finalist ERMINA (dam of West Coast Cup Junior Bronze Champion, Bruges Junior Gold Campion, Belgian National Junior Silver Champion NAIF ATHBAH, Asharqia Arabian Horse Classic Senior Silver Champion, Al Arab Show Junior Gold Champion, Belgian National Junior Gold Champion TARFAH ATHBAH, KAAHC class winner LATIFAH ATHBAH and grandam of Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion, All-Polish Junior Silver Champion BELMARI) and her maternal sister EMANCJA, dam of our 2019 Pride of Poland offer ESCOTIA. Not bred 46 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 47

KAROLA QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda LOT 17. KAROLINA grey, 2000 1/5 LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel KWESTA grey, 1986 1/5 Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pesennik Kabała Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Kumir Pesnia Kometa Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 grey mare, foaled on 2nd of April, 2010 measurements: 158-180-18 cm Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2013-1 start 2015 filly KARWA (Vitorio TO) chestnut, sold in Poland 2016 filly KASANDRA (Ekstern) grey, in racing training 2017 filly KALDERA (Ekstern) grey 2018 filly KLEMENTYNA (Ekstern) grey 2019 filly by Eternal Bred to ES HARIR (AE) (last service on 14th of April, 2019) KAROLA comes from Michałów s famous K-line that produced World Platinum Champion Mare KWESTURA and more recently the highly decorated AJ KAFU. Through her dam Russian National Senior Silver Champion Mare KAROLINA, KAROLA is a maternal sister to TM GALILEAH (Kuwait National Junior Gold Champion Filly, Elran Cup Yearling Bronze Champion Filly) and Arabhäst i Väst Junior Champion Mare & Stadl Paura Junior Bronze Champion Mare KARBALA - dam of Fujairah Yearling Bronze Champion Filly KARIMAH AL AALYA and granddam of Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Filly KALIFORNIA. KAROLA s dam KAROLINA is herself a maternal sister to the one and only KWESTURA, not only a Platinum World Champion, but also (among others) a US National Champion Mare and a double World Senior Champion Mare. KWESTURA was a record seller at the 2008 Pride of Poland Sale at 1.125 million euro. She is also known as the producer of multi-championship winner and chief sire KABSZTAD; broodmare KASJOPEJA - dam of Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion Colt KWARC and Denmark Open Senior Silver Champion Mare, Nordic Open Show Liberty Champion, Swedish National Senior Bronze Champion KRAŚNICA. KAROLINA & KWESTURA are both out of Polish National Junior Champion Mare KWESTA, sister to US National Champion Mare KAWALKADA. In turn both KWESTA & KAWALKADA are the daughters of Polish National Junior Champion Mare & European Cup Reserve Champion Mare KABAŁA. 48 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 49

ADELITA KAHIL bay, 2008 MARWAN bay, 2000 OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina LOT 18. ALTAMIRA grey, 2005 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) ALTONA grey, 1999 2/13 (2-2-2-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Albigowa Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Fawor Algeria Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey mare, foaled on 22nd of May, 2014 measurements: 152-180-19 cm Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna 2017-4 starts: 3xI (Sasanka St.) 2015 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2015 European Junior Gold Champion Mare - Verona (IT) 2015 World Junior Top Ten Mare - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2016 Polish National Junior Top Five Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the All Nations Cup Aachen (DE) 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the European Championships Lier (BE) 2018 All-Polish Senior Silver Champion Mare - Radom (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Warsaw (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (4-5 Year Old Mares) at the European Championships Lier (BE) 2019 colt by Piaff Bred to MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE (IT) (last service on 12th of May, 2019) ADELITA is an extremely experienced show horse from the Janów Podlaski family of the cherished ALGERIA. ADELITA s most important titles include the European Junior Gold Champion Mare and just last year the All-Polish Senior Silver Champion Mare from a new show in Radom. ADELITA is a maternal sister to another seasoned show mare, ANAWERA ( Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare, Polska-Arabia Senior Silver Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare), chief sire standing at, AMANITO (Autumn Show Junior Champion Stallion, Junior Spring Show Top Five Stallion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion) and ABDANK (Polish Nationals class winner). ADELITA and her siblings are out of Janów s well-respected broodmare ALTAMIRA. This incredible King of the Ring EKSTERN daughter claimed the highest score of all presented yearlings (93,33 pts) upon her debut at Białka and took home the title of Reserve Champion. She continued this trend as s a senior, when was awarded with 93,67 pts at the Polish Nationals. She was one of the bright stars of the 2015 Pride of Poland Sale and sold for 250 thousand euro. ALTAMIRA is out of ALTONA, one of the stellar set of daughters of the beloved Kuhailan mare ALBIGOWA. ALTONA s prized sisters are none other than ALIARA (granddam of ALMANZOR & ARMANDA), ALBONA (granddam of ALBANO & ALEGRA), AMRA (granddam of AMARENA & ADYGA) and ALHAMBRA - grandam of recent Janów Podlaski sensation AL JAZEERA. 50 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 51

AMARENA OM EL BELLISSIMO grey, 2007 Om El Arab International OM EL SHAHMAAN grey, 1999 Om El Arab International OM EL BENEDICT grey, 1996 Om El Arab International - Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Shaina Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Beneera El Shaklan Mohena Carmargue Estopa El Shaklan Mohena Sharem El Sheikh Estopa LOT 19. AMIGA grey, 2005 1/7 (1-3-0-1) PIAFF grey, 1997 2/20 (2-4-3-2-3) AMRA grey, 2000 1/8 (0-0-0-1) Eldon Pipi Eukaliptus Albigowa Penitent Erotyka Banat Pilarka Eunice Fawor Algeria Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 bay mare, foaled on 14th of May, 2012 measurements: 151-182-18 cm Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna Unraced 2015 Class Winner (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Inter Cup Junior Top Five Mare - Prague (CZ) 2015 European Cup Junior Top Five Mare - Prague (CZ) 2017 colt AMADO (Ekstern) grey 2018 colt ARTURO (Pomian) grey Bred to WORTEX KALLISTE (FR) (last service on 11th of May, 2019) AMARENA is one of the valuable members of the family of the cherished ALGERIA with show experience that resulted in two championship titles. She is a maternal sister to ADYGA, a European Cup Junior Champion Mare from Prague, an Inter Cup Junior Champion Mare also from Prague and a Junior Bronze Champion Mare from the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Show at Nowe Wrońska. AMARENA s & ADYGA s dam, AMIGA, is one of those classic Arabian mares that bloom with age. At the age of 9 she gave a splendid performance at the Polish Nationals in the demanding senior mares category, earning 93,33 pts (!), with top marks for head and movement. Not surprising, considering she s the best produce of Polish National Champion & Best in Show AMRA. In turn AMRA belongs to a splendid group of elite daughters of ALBIGOWA, the finest and most look-alike produce of legendary Polish National Champion Mare ALGERIA and foundress of Janów s renown A-line. AMRA s siblings inlcude ALHAMBRA, ALTONA, ALBANA & ALIARA, who further contributed to the breed with such show stars as ALMANZOR, ARMANDA, ALBANO, ALEGRA, ALTAMIRA, ALABAMA, ATMA, AMANITO, ANAWERA, ADELITA, ATANDA & AL JAZEERA. On the spear side we find OM EL BELLISSIMO, a result of the famous program of Om El Arab, the creator of SANADIK EL SHAKLAN - a World Junior Champion, Egyptian Event Supreme Champion, Scottsdale Top Ten Stallion and one of the most respected sires in the world, to whom OM EL BELLISSIMO is linebred through both sire and dam. 52 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 53

HERGETIA ESPARTO grey, 2002 1/4 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EKSPOZYCJA chestnut, 1992 1/7 (0-0-0-1-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Set Espaniola LOT 20. HERMIONA grey, 2005 Białka Stud METROPOLIS NA chestnut, 1996 Nichols Arabians HERCA grey, 2000 Białka Stud 1/2 Concensus NDL Martinique Pesal Heroldia Opalesce Muscat Maritsa Partner Perforacja Eukaliptus Heraldyka Bred and owned by Małopolska Hodowla Roślin - Białka Stud PASB Vol. XVI-4 grey mare, foaled on 24th of February, 2010 measurements: 151-181-17,5 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Unraced 2014 filly HELINA (Lawrence El Gazal) grey, broodmare at Białka Stud 2015 colt HERGO (HK Krystall) chestnut, exported to Germany 2016 colt HERTIAN (HK Krystall) chestnut 2019 filly by Pogrom Bred to EQUATOR (last service on 12th of April, 2019) HERGETIA is a daughter of the unforgettable ESPARTO, the successor to the extraordinaire EKSTERN. After collecting a slew of prestigious titles from the arenas of Europe and the Middle East, ESPARTO took to stud duties in Poland beginning with Białka, delivering some of the best horses in the youngest stud s history, as seen in EGEMA, PERON, PERNAL, CLARISSIMA, EGIRIA, and PERFINKA - Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Tulip Cup Junior Champion, UK International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, European Junior Silver Champion, World Junior Silver Champion, Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion, International Arabian Horse Show Junior Silver Champion Mare & 2019 Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare. Unfortunately ESPARTO untimely passed away, making his get even more valuable. HERGETIA s dam is Junior Spring Show and Janów Podlaski class top five finalist HERMIONA, daughter of HERCA - herself a class top five from the show in Bełżyce and second in class (with 91 pts!) from the Warsaw Summer Show - who in turn is out of Białka s regally bred HEROLDIA. A class winner of the senior mares class at the Polish Nationals, HEROLDIA easily ranks as a premier daughter of EUKALIPTUS, a name known to all connoisseurs of the Polish Arabian. Other highly accomplished family members include European, Polish National, Swedish National Champion Stallion HARACZ, Gieboldehausen Champion Mare HABENDA, Polish National Champion Stallion and superb racehorse HARBIN, All Scandinavian Reserve Champion Mare HULANKA, US Regional Champion Stallion HUN. 54 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 55

GRACIOSA KAHIL bay, 2008 MARWAN bay, 2000 OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina LOT 21. GRATITUDA brown, 2005 Britta Fahlgren Sweden NADIR I bay, 1987 Silvia Garde Ehlert Germany GRATYFIKACJA bay, 1998 Britta Fahlgren Sweden Neman Neschi Saturn Greta Garbo Nabeg Nega Kilimandscharo Nevada Alegro Sarabanda Bomarc Gabriella Light Bred by Ingrid & Martin Fahlgren and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 25th of May, 2013 measurements: 154-183-18 cm Dam line: Cherifa d.b. imp. 1870 to Tiaret 2016-8 starts: 1xIV, 1xV 2014 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2018 colt GREGORIUS (Alert) bay Bred to ALERT (last service on 15th of April, 2019) GRACIOSA is first and foremost an exemplary daughter of 2018 World Platinum Champion Stallion KAHIL, a grandson of World Platinum Champion Stallion GAZAL through his son MARWAN (World Champion Stallion, but definitely awaiting in line for the Platinum as well). KAHIL stood at the Polish studs in 2012-2013 and his first crops literally blew the show scene away. In a short period KAHIL has established himself as a sire with the golden touch with the likes of MORION, PARIS, BAMBINA, AL JAZEERA or PUSTYNIA KAHILA, making his get very sought after. Tail female GRACIOSA has several females of Swedish origin in her damline, but she actually descends from the Janów Podlaski-bred ELEONORA. Born at the end of World War II, ELEONORA did much to restore the breeding of Arabian horses in Poland after the peace treaties were signed. She is the dam of EXELSJOR (grandsire to PROBAT) and a protoplast of a slew of successful stallions as ENOS, ENGANO, ELEUZIS, ELKIN, ELEMI, ELEGION, ELGON, ELBING, EL BAK, EL AZEM. GRACIOSA s dam GRATITUDA, bred by the late Britta Fahlgren, was gifted to Janów Podlaski to rebuild and preserve the rare damline of Cherifa d.b. Furthermore GRATITUDA s sire - European Junior, All Nations Cup Junior, French National Senior & German National Senior Champion NADIR I - carries a triple linebreeding to ASWAN, making GRACIOSA a true genetic wonder. 56 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND 57


ALSARA LOT S/1 BERNADETTA LOT S/2 KAHIL bay, 2008 MARWAN bay, 2000 OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina GANGES bay, 1994 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1 MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians GARONNA bay, 1985 2/18 (4-2-7-1) O Negatraz a Fanatyk Gizela Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Aloes Fatima Gilza ALEGRA chestnut, 2008 1/8 (0-0-0-3) GANGES bay, 1994 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1 ALENA grey, 2001 Garonna Emigrant Albona Negatraz a Fanatyk Gizela Ararat Emigrantka Pepton Albigowa BELGICA bay, 2003 1/7 (0-0-1-1) GAZAL bay, 1995 BELLADONA bay, 1995 2/7 (3-2-0-1) 1 Europejczyk Bellona Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora El Paso Europa Czako Beliza Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 9th of March, 2013 measurements: 145-177-17,5 cm Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna 2016-6 starts: 1xIV, 1xV 2018 filly AZALINA (Pomian) grey 2019 colt by Piaff Bred to ES HARIR (AE) ALSARA is a maternal sister to 2019 Asharqia Arabian Horse Classic Yearling Champion Stallion ARKAN BHM through their Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare dam ALEGRA. In turn ALEGRA is a sister to Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, as well as multi Scandinavian champion ALBANO. ALSARA stems from the iconic million dollar mare & Polish National Senior Champion ALGERIA, a name synonymous for the classic Janów-bred Kuhailan, through her best daughter ALBIGOWA. ALBIGOWA lived up to the heritage of her famous dam as the progenitor of (so far) three generations of champion winners, huge industry names of AMRA, ALHAMBRA, ALTAMIRA, ALABAMA, ATMA, ALMANZOR, ARMANDA, AMANITO, ANAWERA, ADELITA, ATANDA, AMARENA, ADYGA and the most recent family show sensation - AL JAZEERA. ALBIGOWA s descendants are highly prized in the eyes of breeders worldwide, proof of which are the amounts that they have sold for at past Pride of Poland Sales: AMRA - 340 thousand euro, ALTONA - 180 thousand, ALABAMA - 165 thousand, ALHAMBRA - 140 thousand, ADYGA - 130 thousand and ALTAMIRA - 250 thousand. ALSARA benefits from two great sires: World Platinum Champion Stallion KAHIL and the Michałów-bred GANGES. The bold and beautiful GANGES represents the very core of the Polish breeding program as a victorious race horse (winner of the Koheilan I St.) and show star, wielding the titles of Blommeröd International Senior Champion/Best in Show, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Columbus Senior Champion & US National Senior Reserve Champion. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 bay mare, foaled on 28th of January, 2010 measurements: 153-184-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2013-5 starts: 1xII, 1xIII, 1xIV, 1xV 2015 colt BEJRUT (Pogrom) bay, 1/6 (1-0-0-0-1), exported to Germany 2017 filly BENONA (Ascot DD) brown 2019 filly by Piaff 2011 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2011 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Inter Cup Senior Silver Champion Mare - Prague (CZ) 2014 European Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare - Prague (CZ) 2014 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2016 International Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare St. Petersburg (RU) 2016 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) BERNADETTA is a show experienced mare with a gold champion title to her name. She comes from a showy family: her sister BERENIKA is a Senior Bronze Champion from Ströhen, an Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion from Prague and a European Cup Senior Silver Champion from Prague, while another sister BALLENA is an International Junior Silver Champion from St. Petersburg. The sisters dam BELGICA remains one of Janów Podlaski s leading GAZAL beauties. This Bełżyce Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Top Five and Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion/Best in Show changed owners during the 2013 Pride of Poland for 410 thousand Euro, an amount which clearly attests to her quality. BERNADETTA traces directly to the iconic BANDOLA, affectionately called the Queen of Poland and dam of the most influential post-war sire in the country, BANDOS & UK National Champion Stallion BANAT. To add even more heritage to BERNADETTA s story it must be noted that her ancestress BANDOLA was a full sister to BASK - a numerous US National Champion, Legion of Merit honoree, said to have established a new standard of the breed in North America. BERNADETTA is continuing the family tradition of showy horses by having already produced daughter BENONA (class winner at the Junior Spring Show in Białka and class top five finalist from the All-Polish Championships in Radom and the Polish Nationals) and son BEJRUT (a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka). Bred to EMERALD J (US) 60 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

WIEŻA MARZEŃ LOT S/3 BIRUNA LOT S/4 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Elegancja EQUIFOR grey, 2003 GAZAL bay, 1995 EQVIRIA grey, 1992 Janow Podlaski Stud 2/18 (3-4-2-3-1) Pers Equina Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Enos Pentoda Equitana WIAŹMA bay, 1991 1/3 (0-2-0-1) ARBIL bay, 1981 2/13 (5-5-1-1) WIZJA bay, 1973 1/2 (1-0-0-0) Banat Arba El Paso Warmia El Azrak Bandola Comet Abhazja Czort Ellora Comet Wadera BIRUTA grey, 2005 Janów Podlaski 1/6 (1-2-1-1) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) BAJADA grey, 1997 2/5 (1-0-0-1) Ernestyna Pamir Bajeczka Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Probat Parma Baśń Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-1 dark bay mare, foaled on 30th of January, 2002 measurements: 155-176-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta 2005-4 starts: 1xI, 2xII 2003 Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2007 filly WIEŻA MARAAM (Al Maraam) dark bay, 1/6 (0-0-0-2-1), exported to Belgium 2008 colt WIEŻOWIEC (Al Maraam) brown, exported to Germany 2009 filly WIEŻA MARC A (QR Marc) dark bay, 1/7 (1-0-2-3), exported to Sweden 2010 filly WIEŻA MOCY (QR Marc) bay 2011 colt WARANG (QR Marc) bay, 1/7, exported to Germany 2012 filly WIEŻA BAJEK (Abha ) bay, 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) 2013 colt WĘGRZYN (Abha ) bay, 1/11 (0-1-1-4-2), sold in Poland 2014 filly WIEŻA NIMF (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay, 1/10 (0-1-2-1-4), sold in Poland 2015 filly WIEŻA CZARÓW (Vitorio TO) dark bay, sold in Poland 2016 colt WOJAŻER (Emerald J) bay 2017 filly WIEŻA TAJEMNIC (Ascot DD) dark bay 2019 filly by Shams Sharav AA Bred to MORION (last service on 23rd of April, 2019) WIEŻA MARZEŃ (Tower of Dreams) is a splendid EKSTERN daughter from the venerable damline of WARMIA, but she will first and foremost be always known as the dam of the champion show mare WIEŻA MOCY. WIEŻA MOCY is without any doubt Michałów s pride and joy. Her long list of accolades includes Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare, European Junior Bronze Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show, European Junior Gold Champion Mare, World Junior Gold Champion Mare, US Triple Crown Mare (Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare, Arabian National Breeder Finals Senior Champion Mare, US National Champion Mare), Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior Champion Mare, World Senior Top Ten Mare & Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Mare. By winning the US National Champion title WIEŻA MOCY repeated the feat of her great-granddam WIZJA, who claimed the very same honor 37 years earlier during her lease to Lasma Arabians. After returning to Poland WIZJA secured her legacy with daughter WIAŹMA, an exemplary specimen as Junior Spring Show Champion Mare and producer extraordinaire, source of the entire Tower-named collection of exquisite equines. WIAŹMA s two daughters, WIEŻA BABEL & WIEŻA WIATRÓW, have both won the Junior Spring Show and become Best in Show while there. The third daughter, our Pride of Poland offer WIEŻA MARZEŃ, continues the family tradition not just with WIEŻA MOCY, but also with show contenders WIEŻA MARC A, WIEŻA BAJEK & WIEŻA CZARÓW. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-5 bay mare, foaled on 11th of April, 2011 measurements: 152-178-19 cm Dam line: Semrie d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna 2014-2015 - 14 starts: 2xII, 4xIII, 2xIV, 1xV 2017 filly BIFORTA (Ascot DD) grey 2019 colt by Ecaho Bred to PIAFF (last service on 26th of April, 2019) BIRUNA is an exciting offer as a young mare from the B-line of BAJDARA, known in past years for the likes of BATYSKAF, BAKARAT and BAJA and now back in the spotlight thanks to BAROK and BIRUTA, BIRUNA s dam. BIRUTA is one of the most prominent daughters of EKSTERN bred at Janów Podlaski Stud. She has been a numerous class Top Three & Five honoree from the Junior Spring Show in Białka, the Polish Nationals, the Autumn Show at Janów Podlaski and a Senior Reserve Champion Mare from the regional event in Mińce. Buyers recognized BIRUTA s value at the 2012 Pride of Poland Sale, when bidding for her reached 100 thousand euro. In 2013, under the banner of Halsdon Stud, she placed second at the International West Coast Cup in Koksijde and was named Best Moving Horse. BARTA & BIRUTA s close relative is BAROK - the most recent sensation to stem from this family as Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Top Five and Polish National Senior Top Five Stallion from 2016. Other immediate family members include the bold and beautiful stallion BATYSKAF, who excelled as a show horse (Polish National Champion Stallion & Best in Show), athlete (Derby & Criterium St. winner and Racehorse of the Year) and sire of racing greats (multi stakes winners FIOŁEK & MAJOR), UK Champion Mare BAJA, Middle Eastern champion BAKARAT & Polish National Endurance Champion BAJUS. 62 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

ELGORA LOT S/5 ANDALA LOT S/6 POGANIN grey, 2001 1/11 (0-5-1-2) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel POHULANKA grey, 1996 1/8 (1-1-3-2-1) Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Pemba Probat Pentoda PIRUET grey, 1983 3/24 (5-7-5-1) PROBAT bay, 1975 Blommeröd Stud Sweden PIECZĘĆ grey, 1976 3/15 (7-1-2-3) O+3 Pohaniec Borexia Pierzga Comet Planeta Exelsjor Bogoria Aswan Panel Negatiw Piewica ELGINA grey, 1999 2/12 (0-3-2-0) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EGNA grey, 1992 1/6 (2-1-0-1-1) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Egzotyka Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Probat Elana ANDALUZJA grey, 1998 1/5 (0-0-2-0-0) SANADIK EL SHAKLAN grey, 1983 Om El Arab Germany ANTWERPIA grey, 1986 2/12 (2-0-4-2) El Shaklan Mohena Eternit Angola Shaker El Masri Estopa Hadban Enzahi Morisca V Etna Andria Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 grey mare, foaled on 25th of May, 2010 measurements: 155-177-17 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2013-1 start 2015 filly EL GORJA (El Omari) grey, 1/5 2016 filly EMDRONA (Medalion) bay 2017 colt ELGORIUSZ (Medalion) grey 2018 colt ELEGIUSZ (Medalion) grey 2019 filly by Sahm El Arab Bred to MORION ELGORA is the dam of the highly accomplished youngster EMDRONA, named Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion & Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare. ELGORA s dam ELGINA, daughter of King of the Ring EKSTERN, is a class top five finalist from the Polish Nationals in the toughest competition of the senior mares. She is one of just two Polish-bred produce of Elran Cup Senior Champion EGNA. Despite numerous purchase offers Michałów was reluctant to let her go. She was finally offered at the inaugural Pride of Poland Sale in 2001, shining as the auction s main star and becoming its topmost seller at 120 thousand dollars. EGNA s only other daughter, the lovely EGEA, outdid her dam s price result and earned 160 thousand Euro for when offered seven years later at the Pride of Poland 2008. The reason for such amounts is the priceless gene pool carried by EGNA s dam, Polish National Senior Champion Mare EGZOTYKA, who also produced the highly accomplished EWAKUACJA (Swedish National Champion), ESKALOPKA (another Pride of Poland high-seller at 140 thousand Euro in 2004 and a multi international champion from Europe and the Middle East) & EGZONERA (also a champion from both Europe and the US). In turn ELGORA s sire represents Janów s highly acclaimed P-damline of PIEWICA. POGANIN is not just a Polish National Senior Champion & European Senior Bronze Champion, but he has also written himself down in breeding history as the sire of European and Middle Eastern multichampion KABSZTAD. Bred by and owned by Adam Bączyk PASB Vol. XVI-1 grey mare, foaled on 5th of March, 2007 measurements: 153-175-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Afas d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2010-2011: 9 starts - 1xI, 2xII, 1xIII 2013 colt ALDER (Poganin) grey, sold in Poland 2014 filly AKIA (Vitorio TO) chestnut, 1/7 (0-0-1-1-1) 2015 filly ANKONA (Palatino) grey, exported to Saudi Arabia 2016 filly ADELA (Ferryt) bay 2017 colt ALADID (Paladid) grey 2019 colt by Ebrado Bred to ZEUS E.A. (ES) (last service on 6th of May, 2019) ANDALA s genetic build is very unique: although it is made up of famous Polish damlines (such as worldwide fame PIEWICA & GAZELLA II), it is done through the more rare branches of these families. ANDALA s sire is PIRUET - a descendant of Janów s renown P-line of champions. An athletic horse that raced over 3 seasons (winning 5 times), he caught the eye of French breeders during his last year in training. PIRUET was not for sale, but the French party persisted and it paid off - PIRUET was a real star, winning numerous international shows and becoming French National Champion, twice Italian National Champion, thrice European Champion and twice World Champion Stallion. In the breeding barn he also proved very versatile, siring both show performers and endurance horses. PIRUET s dam PIECZĘĆ, an excellent race mare and winner of almost half of her starts (including the Oaks), was further a full sister to the ethereal champion PILARKA, the direct female ancestor of the huge show names of today: PIANISSIMA, PINGA, PALMETA, PILAR, PIAFF, PINIATA, PRIMERA, PINTA, PROMETIDA, PARIS. On the distaff side ANDALA traces to family foundress ANGOLA, Masters Open Reserve Champion & Polish National Senior Champion Mare. ANDALA s dam ANDALUZJA, a lovely SANADIK EL SHAKLAN daughter and superb mover, known for her flying triot with a great suspension phase, is the dam of class top fivers AMULET & ANILLA (dam of Prague InterCup & European Cup Junior Champion AXARA) and Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Stallion ALERT. 64 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

EL SAFIJA LOT S/7 FORELLA LOT S/8 PALADID chestnut, 2008 AL ADEED grey, 1995 PIANOSA bay, 1998 1/7 (2-2-3-0) Ansata Halim Shah Sundar Alisayyah Eukaliptus Pinia Ansata Ibn Halima Ansata Rosetta Ruminaja Ali Imperial Sayyah Eunice Probat Pilarka SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen SALYMAH grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Khidar Libanon Azadika Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Ansata Sinan Elizja Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana ELSANDRA bay, 2010 1/8 (0-4-1-0) POLON grey, 2005 1/9 (0-0-0-1) ELIMA bay, 2000 1/4 (0-2-0-1) Ekstern Pianosa Eukaliptus Elfina Ernestyna Eukaliptus Pinia Eunice Pamir Elektroda FONTELLA bay, 2009 Paweł Redestowicz ETNODRONS PSYCHE bay, 2003 StanRed Arabians FUMELIA chestnut, 2004 Stanisław Redestowicz Padrons Psyche Etnografia Magnum Psyche Fuma Padron Kilika Aloes Etażerka Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle Flota Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVIII-1 chestnut mare, foaled on 18th of March, 2017 measurements: 145-161-17 cm Dam line: Cherifa d.b.1870 to Tiaret Unraced Not bred EL SAFIJA is a youngster with an exceptionally unique pedigree - she is very closely linebred to PIANOSA, dam of the breed legend PIANISSIMA, through both her sire PALADID and maternal sire POLON. PIANOSA is best known for her most famous produce, but she herself has also been awarded on the show arena as Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare & Falborek Senior Reserve Champion Mare. But of course her greatest accomplishment was daughter PIANISSIMA - a double Polish National Champion, a double European Triple Crown winner, as US National Champion, a DIAHC & AKAHF Champion Mare and ultimately World Platinum Champion Mare. Maternally EL SAFIJA descends from ELFINA, a stunning black beauty and dam of ELIMA, EL FATHA & EFUZJA. The first, EL FATHA, has already produced two successful show contenders: Polish National Junior Champion Stallion EL AZEM and Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion & Prague European Cup Junior Top Five Stallion EL PAIS. The second daughter, EFUZJA, is an Autumn Show Senior Champion Mare from Janów Podlaski. All these lovely E ladies descend from family founder ELEONORA, a damline especially known for its superior sires, including champion stars ELKIN, ELEMI, ELEUZIS, ELEGION, ENGANO, ENOS, chief sires ERNAL, ELF, ELBRUS, EL BAK, the influential, utilized in Anglo-Arabian breeding sire ELSING & Swedish Champion EXELSJOR - sire of BOREXIA & EDJORA, dam of legendary sire PROBAT & granddam of the one and only GAZAL, respectively. Bred and owned by Paweł Redestowicz PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey mare, foaled on 1st of April, 2014 measurements: 148-179-18 cm Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta Unraced 2015 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2018 colt FADEE (Wadee Al Shaqab) grey, sold in Poland 2019 filly by Marajj Bred to POMIAN (last service on 11th of April, 2019) SHANGHAI EA is without all doubt one of the most talked about sires of today. This remarkable stallion was a nose away from being crowned European Triple Crown as a junior and senior, unfortunately having to settle on both occasions for only the Silver Medal at the World Championships. However in the nature of the Arabian horse he is becoming even more refined with age, which promises to give him the coveted title in the not so distant future. Yet it is not just show successes that have raised SHANGHAI to stardom, but even more so his siring abilities. Already his first crop delivered European Triple Crown Champion (All Nations Cup/European/World) EXCALIBUR EA, ZEUS EA and AJ KAFU. Combining the best bloodlines of the world - from the Tersk-bred PATRON, Straight Egyptian EL SHAKLAN & ANSATA SINAN and Spanish mare of significance ESTOPA, SHANGHAI offers a perfect genetic match for Polish damlines as well. His first Polish crops immediately resulted with GALERIDA, FUERTE, WILDONA, WINDORKA, MADRE SIERRA. In FORELLA SHANGHAI s genes teamed up with the esteemed damline of the athletically gifted FORTA. Known for a plethora of stakes winner, the family s most famous members include stars of the show arena: Polish Junior & Senior Champion, European Champion & World Champion Stallion FAWOR and one of Michałów Grand Three champion MONOGRAMM daughters, FALLADA - double Junior Spring Show Champion/Best in Show, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, World Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, Canadian National Senior Champion, US National Top Ten Mare. 66 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

ATRIA LOT S/9 CEJHYRA LOT S/10 ESPARTO grey, 2002 1/4 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EKSPOZYCJA chestnut, 1992 1/7 (0-0-0-1-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Set Espaniola AVANGARD grey, 1990 Tersk Stud USSR VYMPEL bay, 1983 Tersk Stud USSR ANTENNA grey, 1981 Tersk Stud USSR Menes Molva Mascat Nalpa Nabeg Metropolia Aswan Monopolia Aswan Malutka Pomeranets Nitochka ALTARA bay, 2003 GAZAL bay, 1995 ALEUTA bay 1993 1/3 Europejczyk Alejka Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora El Paso Europa Aleja CESIA grey, 1995 Robert Talarek 1/5 (1-0-0-0-1) PERS grey, 1982 3/28 (4-4-4-6) CECHA grey, 1987 Enos Pentoda Cena Enora Piewica Aswan Panel Banat Ceregiela Bred and owned by Janusz Ryżkowski PASB Vol. XVII-2 grey mare, foaled on 15th of April, 2013 measurements: 155-178-18,5 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna Unraced 2016 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 filly by Psytadel Bred to RFI FARID (BR) (last service on 22nd of April, 2019) ATRIA is a daughter of the late ESPARTO, the Middle Eastern and European multichampion, considered the rightful heir to the King of the Ring EKSTERN.ESPARTO died prematurely, making his daughters extremely rare purchase opportunities. ATRIA s dam ALTARA is a GAZAL daughter. She has proven herself as an excellent broodmare, having produced (beside ATRIA) ALSHIRA ( Junior Spring Show and Inter Cup class top five finalist), AGORDAT (European Championship, Junior Spring Show, Polish National, Polska-Arabia Festival class top five finalist) and AMES JR (Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Stallion). ALTARA is a granddaughter of Polish National Senior Champion ALEJKA, dam of two accomplished stallions: triple Swedish National Senior Reserve Champion, triple Blommeröd International Reserve Champion and Vilhelmsborg Reserve Champion Stallion ALT & sports-oriented ALBUM. Maternally ALEJKA traces to ALEKSJA, a sister to Janów s legendary ALGERIA, affectionately called the mare that lay golden eggs due to her show champion produce. ALEKSJA s descendants, on the other hand, revealed more athletic abilities. This strain of the damline is known for their female stake winners, such as AL ADHA, ARYJKA, ABISYNIA, ARABELLA, ALBANIA, ALBERTINA, ALBINA, AL-ADA. The racing gene is not just a tune of the past, as the most recent stakes winner comes from 2017, with ALLADYN winning the Derby, Michałów St. twice, Figaro St., Janów Podlaski (Arabian Produce) St., Kabaret St. and Bask St. Bred and owned by Robert Talarek PASB Vol. XV-2 grey mare, foaled on 9th of February, 2003 measurements: 155-185-19 cm Sire line: Bairactar d.b. imp. 1817 to Weil Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2006-2007 - 9 starts: 1xII, 1xIII, 3xIV, 1xV 2017 Class Top Five (Mares 11 Years Old and Above) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2009 colt CEREMOS (Pegasus) grey, sold in Poland 2011 colt CEZRAK (Madras Kossack) bay, 1/3 (0-0-0-1) 2012 filly CERNIKE (Madras Kossack) grey, 1/3 (0-0-0-1), broodmare 2014 colt CUKERO (Cukebar) grey 2015 colt CMOKER (Dostatok) grey, 1/1 2018 colt CEPUN (Hyyaf Al Khalediah) bay 2019 filly by El Palacio VO CEJHYRA is a mare that represents the very core of the Polish breeding program, exuding Arabian type and stamina. Shown at the Polish Nationals in 2018 in the toughest category of the senior mares she placed in the top five of her class, exceeding the 90 point mark. Her daughter CERNIKE is a broodmare at their maternal stud and has already produced two promising foals. CEJHYRA s sire is the Tersk-bred AVANGARD, who is of pure Polish lineage, stemming from the sire line of the Polish AMURATH SAHIB and the Polish damline of GAZELLA II, with a triple linebreeding to the Janów Podlaski-bred OFIR daughter MAMMONA. AVANGARD is best remembered for his outstanding wins in Liberty classes at the Falborek Show and Poznań International Show. Through dam CESIA, CEJHYRA is a sibling to several athetically talented siblings. She is a full sister to CESIHUS (2nd in the Derby and 2nd in the Wielki Szlem St.) and maternal sister to CEKUR (winner of three races, including the Kabaret St. and second in the Sambor, Bask and again in the Kabaret St.), CEDUNIA (winner of three races, including the Europejczyk St.), CELINECZKA and CESIGROM (both winners of two races). Furthermore CELINECZKA has produced CERWING (winner of 5 races, including the Kabaret St. and 2nd in the Sambor St.), CELEBRYTA (winner of one race and 2nd in the Derby) and CESRA (winner of one race). CESIHUS is also the Polish National Endurance Champion over 120 km and together with CESIGROM they have successfully completed the 160 km endurance trials. Bred to EQUATOR (last service on 31st of March, 2019) 68 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

ESTONIA LOT S/11 EL DORRA LOT S/12 PALATINO grey, 2006 1/9 (2-2-3-1) PESAL grey, 1991 Białka Stud 2/14 (2-3-2-3) PALMETA grey, 2001 1/1 Partner Perforacja Ecaho Pilica Eleuzis Parma Ernal Pentoza Pepton Etruria Fawor Pipi QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda ESPARTA grey, 2008 Janów Podlaski POGANIN grey, 2001 1/11 (0-5-1-2) EPOKA chestnut, 2001 1/1 Laheeb Pohulanka Pilot Epoza Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Fawor Pipi Eukaliptus Ewiwa EL DORADA grey, 1998 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) SANADIK EL SHAKLAN grey, 1983 Om El Arab Germany EMIGRANTKA grey, 1985 1/1 El Shaklan Mohena Eukaliptus Emigracja Shaker El Masri Estopa Hadban Enzahi Morisca V Eunice Emisja Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey mare, foaled on 11th of February, 2015 measurements: 155-187-18 cm Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta Unraced Bred to WORTEX KALLISTE (FR) ESTONIA s pedigree is incredible in that it benefits from a four-time dose of the finest Janów Podlaski bloodline of PIEWICA, foundress of the world-renown P-line, through sires PALATINO, PESAL, POGANIN & PILOT. ESTONIA s sire PALATINO, a son of multi-champion PALMETA and direct descendant of PIEWICA through PIPI, is himself a Prague Intercup Senior Silver Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion Stallion. PALATINO s sire PESAL, a second dose of PIEWICA blood, belongs to one of the most decorated stallions in Europe and remains the best male horse bred in the history of Białka Stud. On the maternal side of ESTONIA s pedigree are POGANIN & PILOT. The highly acclaimed POGANIN (PIEWICA link number three) is a direct grandson of PESTKA, whose descendants have delivered as many as 9 chief sires (PERSEUSZ, PENTAGRAM, PEDAGOG, POLIGON, PRADO, PEGASUS, POGROM, POGANIN & PITAWAL). The fourth link to PIEWICA in ESTONIA comes via PILOT, Polish National & UK International Champion PILOT, son of the aforementioned PIPI. ESTONIA s dam ESPARTA, an International Senior Silver Champion from St. Petersburg, is a direct descendant of ETNA, a favorite of the late Director Krzyształowicz. ETNA s produce include champion chief sires ETAN, ETIW, ETERNIT & ETAP and prized daughters - EQUITANA & ETRURIA. The latter, Polish National & World Champion, European Reserve Champion, as well as WAHO Trophy honoree, has further secured the legacy of her family with champion sires ETMAN, ECAHO, ETOGRAM, ESCULAP, ESPADERO & EKSPORT and South African multi achiever ERIA. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 chestnut mare, foaled on 13th of January, 2010 measurements: 150-174-17,5 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2013-5 starts: 1xII 2015 filly EL AZJA (Ekstern) bay 2016 filly EL DORANA (Ekstern) grey, in racing training 2017 colt EL DORRO (Ekstern) chestnut 2018 filly EL DORILLA (Ekstern) grey, sold in Poland 2019 colt by Muranas Jassehr Bred to MORION (last service on 1st of May, 2019) EL DORRA offers buyers the chance the acquire a part of Michałów s heritage. She is the daughter of the incomparable EL DORADA, one of Michałów s greatest show achievers as Junior Spring Show, Blommeröd, Polish National & European Junior Champion Mare, who as a senior added the following honors to her collection: European Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Champion, Polish National Champion, World Reserve Champion, European Champion, US National Champion, Scottsdale Reserve Champion, European Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Reserve Champion and PSAIAHF Reserve Champion at the end of her career. EL DORADA is the best daughter of her dam EMIGRANTKA, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, European Junior Reserve Champion Mare, European Senior Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Champion Mare, one of the pillars of Michałów s famous E-dynasty of champions. Together with her siblings (EMANACJA, ERLANDA, ELLADA, ETENTA, EMOCJA) they gave root to several tens of champions, the most known being EMIGRANT (EL DORADA s maternal brother), EMILDA, EMBRA, EMIRA, EL SAGHIRA, EMPIRE, EMMBLA, EL OMARI, EMMONA, ERYKS, EKSTERNA, EMANOR, EMANDA, EMANDORIA, ESPADRILLA, ESPINILLA, EMANDILLA, EL LARINERA. The sire of EL DORRA, QR MARC, has definitely put his own lasting mark on the Arabian breed and Polish breeding itself. He is the sire of Poland s two trendiest stallions of the moment: POGROM (US Triple Crown Winner & Polish National Senior Gold Champion) & EQUATOR (Scottsdale Gold Champion, Las Vegas Breeders Cup Gold Senior Champion, World Senior Champion Stallion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion), as well as daughters WIEŻA MOCY, PALATINA, PIACENZA, ZIGI ZANA & CHERONEA. 70 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

FORMISS LOT S/13 ETERYKA LOT S/14 ESPARTO grey, 2002 1/4 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EKSPOZYCJA chestnut, 1992 1/7 (0-0-0-1-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Set Espaniola POGANIN grey, 2001 1/11 (0-5-1-2) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel POHULANKA grey, 1996 1/8 (1-1-3-2-1) Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Pemba Probat Pentoda FORMIA brown, 2004 GAZAL bay, 1995 FORTUNA bay, 1994 1/7 (1-1-3-0-1) Furora Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Negatraz a Pepton Fatma ETNOLOGIA grey, 2003 1/5 (0-1-2-0) GAZAL bay, 1995 ETALANTA grey, 1995 1/7 (2-0-1-0-1) Europejczyk Etnografia Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora El Paso Europa Aloes Etażerka Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 13th of May, 2013 measurements: 153-170-17 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta 2016-6 starts: 1xIII, 3xIV 2018 filly FRAGOLA (El Omari) grey 2019 colt by Shams Sharav AA Bred to MURANAS JASSEHR (DE) (last service on 13th of March, 2019) FORMISS is a maternal sister to chief sire FORMAN, one of the newest sires to take up breeding duties at. FORMAN raced 15 times over 2 seasons, placing in the money 10 times. As a proud continuer of the athletic tradition of his damline he is expected to greatly contribute to the stud s racing program. Both horses stem from Michałów s exemplary Kuhailan family of FORTA, famed for stamina, correct build and supreme hardiness. Forta produced a whole line-up of capable performers, including Criterium St. winners CZORT & FINISZ, Derby winners again FINISZ & EQUIFOR and two outstanding Oaks St. winning daughters, who established sublines of their own DYSKA & FATMA, the direct great-grandam of our Forlanda. FATMA s descendants include both valiant racers (Oaks St. winner FISZKA, Sasanka St. winner FUKSJA & Europa Cup winner FORINT, Amurath St. winner FIRO & FIOŁEK - Arabian Produce St. & Criterium St. winner) and stars of the show arena: Polish National & Swedish Champion FURIAT, Polish National Junior Champion Mare FORTISSIMA, Polish National Reserve Champion & InterNucleos Champion FERRYT, Polish National Junior Top Five Mare FORGISSIMA, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five & Polish National Junior Top Five Mare FOGGITA and last but not least - World, European & Polish National Champion FAWOR & one of Michałów s iconic Big Threesome FALLADA - twice Spring Show Champion Filly, Polish National Reserve Champion Filly, Canadian & Polish National Champion Mare and World Reserve Champion Mare. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-2 grey mare, foaled on 24th of January, 2008 measurements: 148-182-18 cm Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta 2011-6 starts: 1xIV 2013 filly ERGA (Alert) bay, exported to Denmark 2014 filly ENDORFINA (Alert) grey 2015 colt EROTYK (Album) bay 2016 filly ETRUZJA (Pogrom) bay, in racing training 2018 filly ETERINA (Palatino) grey 2019 filly by Pomian Bred to EMERALD J (US) (last service on 22nd of February, 2019) ETERYKA is first and foremost a daughter of ETNOLOGIA, who without any doubt is the current ambassador of abroad. ETNOLOGIA is the 2016 European Senior Gold Champion Mare & 2018 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival (A cat.) Senior Gold Champion Mare/Best in Show, titles which she won for her new owners at Halsdon Stud, who secured her at the 2012 Pride of Poland Sale for 370 thousand euro. Her earlier successes include Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, twice Polish National Top Five, Wels International Senior Top Five, several World Senior Top Ten, Tulip Cup Senior Gold Champion & All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion Mare. Fortunately ETNOLOGIA left foals at Janów Podlaski to continue in her stead, among them Ströhen Senior Bronze Champion, Kauber Platte Senior Silver Champion and later on Kauber Platte Senior Gold Champion Stallion ETORYK, St. Petersburg International Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare ETIRA and ETERYKA. ETERYKA s daughter ETRUZJA has debuted at the Junior Spring Show in Białka with a strong second place in class and will definitely continue the show career set out by her famous family. ETNOLOGIA descends from the family of ETNA, dam of the unforgettable ETRURIA - the first Polish horse chosen to compete and ultimately win at the World Championships, Polish National Senior Champion, WAHO Trophy honoree and dam of two champion chief sires: ECAHO & ETOGRAM. 72 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

ESKARIOLLA LOT S/15 SOMARA LOT S/16 VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation Versace DA Love Solstice Natique Fame VF Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda ESPADRILLA grey, 1997 MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians EMANACJA grey, 1986 Negatraz a Eukaliptus Emigracja Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Eunice Emisja SOTIKA bay, 2006 Falborek Arabians WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen SŁONKA bay, 1994 Bogusław Dąbrowski 1/7 (0-2-1-0-1) Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Wojsław Salamandra Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Tallin Wilejka Alegro Saragossa Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey mare, foaled on 2nd of May, 2015 measurements: 152-176-17 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2018-1 start: 1xV Bred to ZŁOTY MEDAL ESKARIOLLA is out of ESPADRILLA, one of the exquisite MONOGRAMM daughters who not only ruled the show arenas, but further proved their worth in the breeding barn. Apart from being Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare twice and Senior Champion Mare from shows in Falborek and Bełżyce, ESPADRILLA is a splendid producer as the dam of Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare ESPINILLA, Wrocław Summer Show Junior Reserve Champion, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five & World Junior Top Ten Mare EMANDILLA, as well as several accomplished foals from Knocke Arabians: ELAN DE MARC K.A. (Wels International Senior Gold Champion, Palermo Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly ABCE Junior Bronze Champion, Milan Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show), EQUIBORN K.A. (Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Chantilly AHO World Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, Chantily AHO World Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Junior Silver Champion, Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Silver Yearling Champion, among others), ESTOKADA K.A. (Deauville Senior Bronze Champion, Bruges Yearling Bronze Champion, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion, Belgian National Yearling Gold Champion) and EPICA K.A. (Tulip Cup Senior Silver Champion). The champion genes run deep in this family - ESPADRILLA is out of the iconic EMANACJA, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare and producer extraordinaire as dam of champions EMILDA (progenitor of EMBRA, EMIRA, EL SAGHIRA, EMPIRE, EL OMARI), EMANOR & EMANDA (dam of EMANDORIA). Bred and owned by Krzysztof Goździalski - Falborek Arabians PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 18th of February, 2013 measurements: 156-170-17 cm Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Unraced 2017 filly SALVE (El Palacio VO) grey Bred to CAVALLI (US) (last service on 3rd of March, 2019) SOMARA benefits from two of the most recognizable sires of this era: QR MARC & WH JUSTICE. World Champion QR MARC is a son of triple World Champion, double US National Champion MARWAN & World Platinum Champion GAZAL, sire of significance and breed standard setter. SOMARA s maternal sire, WH JUSTICE, is nicknamed without much exaggeration as the Champion Maker. His get boast an incredible amount of titles from both European and Middle Eastern arenas, as seen in PANAREA BY PALAWAN, AJMAN MONISCIONE, BESS FA IZAH, ABHA OPALINA, FM GLORIAA, JUWANDA OS and 2019 National Senior Champion Mare WASA, bred by Falborek Arabians of Poland, just like SOMARA. SOMARA s dam SOTIKA placed third in class at the Junior Spring Show in Białka and second at the Polish Nationals. SOTIKA is a maternal sister to Vilhelmsborg Junior Reserve Champion, Junior Spring Show class winner & Polish Nationals class top five finalist SZANTA and Junior Spring Show/Polish Nationals class top five honorees SPAŁA & SATENIA. SZANTA is also the dam of Junior Bronze Champion Mare from the Inter Cup and Silver Junior Champion Mare from the European Cup in Prague SHILLA and granddam of SHANSON F - Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Mare. SOMARA traces to Janów Podlaski s famous S dynasty of accomplished racers, with the S deriving from the name of family founder SABELLINA, whose six successive generations of this family have won the Derby, Oaks or both, as well as other stake races, with many claiming the coveted Triple Crown. 74 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

PATTY LOT S/17 EDITHA LOT S/18 POMIAN grey, 2010 1/7 (1-0-2-0) PATANGA grey, 2012 1/5 (1-1-2-0) GAZAL bay, 1995 PILAR grey, 1996 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) OM EL BELLISSIMO grey, 2007 Om El Arab International PEPITA grey, 2005 1/7 (1-1-1-3) Fawor Pipi Om El Shahmaan Om El Benedict Ekstern Pepesza Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Probat Fatma Banat Pilarka Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Shaina Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Beneera Ernestyna Eukaliptus Pestka EDEN C chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm EJRENE bay, 2004 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone SILKEN SABLE grey, 1997 Richard & Virginia Howard GAZAL bay, 1995 EMOCJA chestnut, 1995 1/8 (1-0-1-2-1) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Genesis C Touch O Mink Emigracja Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Bey Shah Passionn AN Marretto Hallanys Mizahna Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Negatraz a Emisja Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVIII-1 grey mare, foaled on 15th of March, 2017 measurements: 153-179-18 cm Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew Unraced Not bred PATTY can boast a double dose of PIEWICA blood through her Junior Spring Show & Polish National Top Five sire POMIAN (son of broodmare extraordinaire PILAR) and her P-damline. But what will really capture the interest of all Arabian enthusiasts is that PATTY is a direct granddaughter of the amazing PEPITA, who like wine is getting better with age - the older she gets, the more she accomplishes. PEPITA began her rise to fame at the ripe age of nine in 2014. Her performance at the Polish Nationals earned her a total score of 94,5 pts (!), made up of a full set of top marks for type and likewise for head and neck, which brought her the coveted title of Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show. Next at the All Nations Cup in Aachen she won her class with another breathtaking score of 94,75 pts, again with a full set of top marks for type and movement plus an additional two for head and neck and a Senior Silver medal. The European Championships brought her another Senior Silver Champion title. No wonder that when offered at the 2015 Pride of Poland Sale PEPITA achieved the sale s highest price in history at 1.4 million euro. PEPITA was worth every euro cent, winning in 2017 the Elran Cup Senior Mare Championship and in 2019 the prestigious Sharjah International Senior Mare Championships and the Dubai International Arabian Horse Senior Mare Championships, adding three more golds to her collection. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-3 bay mare, foaled on 10th of March, 2009 measurements: 152-172-17 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta Unraced 2015 filly EDITORIA (Ekstern) grey, 1/4 2016 colt EDMUND (Ekstern) bay, in racing training 2017 filly EDITHERA (Forman) bay 2018 filly EYRENA (Ekstern) bay 2019 colt by Sahm El Arab Bred to MEDALION (last service on 9th of May, 2019) EDITHA is a daughter of multi-champion EJRENE and has also proven herself as a valuable broodmare, having produced Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Stallion EDMUND. Her dam EJRENE is one of Michałów s most accomplished daughters of GAZAL AL SHAQAB. Her abundant career includes twice World Junior Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Champion Mare, twice Wels International Senior Gold Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Silver Champion Mare (with a career high of 93,67 pts), Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Gold Champion Mare (Sint-Oedenrode) and Tulip Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare. Of course nothing less could be expected from a daughter of world leading sire GAZAL, combined with Michałów s most renowned damline of E champions. EJRENE s dam EMOCJA, daughter of the legendary EMIGRACJA, is a sister to such acclaimed names in the world of Arabian horse breeding as EMIGRANTKA, EMANACJA, ERLANDA & ETENTA. EJRENE is clearly among lavish company, as besides her EMOCJA has also produced the highly decorated EMILIUSZ (Tulip Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Scandinavian Open Senior Champion, Swedish National Senior Champion, Rio Arabian Show Senior Champion), the bred by Knocke Arabians of Belgium ESPRESSIVO (Menton Junior Bronze Champion, Elran Cup Junior Reserve Champion, Belgian National Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Reserve Champion, West Coast Cup Senior Silver Stallion, Bruges International Senior Champion Stallion & Best in Show, Wels International Senior Champion Stallion) and EL DAHMA - dam of Star of Five Mountains Junior Champion Stallion EL FARID. 76 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

CAMPARIA LOT S/19 EGETIA LOT S/20 PEGASUS grey, 2003 1/5 (1-0-1-2) GAZAL bay, 1995 PEPESZA grey, 1993 2/18 (2-4-1-4-1) Eukaliptus Pestka Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Eunice Probat Pentoda HK KRYSTALL chestnut, 2008 J.E. Kale LD PISTAL chestnut, 2000 A. & M. Corrow LISA MINE chestnut, 1994 Howard F. Kale, Jr Magnum Psyche Halana RD Ariel FA Mona Lisa Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle Hal Gibby Hickorys Natasha Muscat Nariadnaia Muslin Modnitsa CARUZA grey, 2002 Białka Stud 1/5 (0-2-0-1) WACHLARZ brown, 1990 3/29 (5-2-6-4-1) CARINA grey, 1997 Białka Stud Arbil Warsowia Pesal Cacanka Banat Arba Tallin Wendeta Partner Perforacja Borysław Carmen EGITA grey, 2009 Białka Stud PIAFF grey, 1997 2/20 (2-4-3-2-3) EGIRA grey, 2003 Białka Stud 1/5 Eldon Pipi Emigrant Emkira Penitent Erotyka Banat Pilarka Ararat Emigrantka Batyskaf Emza Bred and owned by Małopolska Hodowla Roślin - Białka Stud PASB Vol. XVI-3 grey mare, foaled on 6th of May, 2009 measurements: 158-191-18,0cm Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2012-6 starts: 2xII, 1xIII, 1xIV 2014 filly CAMPANIA (Psytadel) grey 2016 colt CAMPUS (Amanito) bay, sold in Poland 2018 colt CAMARO (Medalion) bay 2019 colt by Empire Bred to KRESZ (SE) CAMPARIA is a daughter of CARUZA, a maternal sister to Polish National Champion CELSJUSZ, now a frequent class top five finalist at shows in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and the UAE Nationals. All three of the above horses stem from the immensely important broodmatron CARMEN, considered the exemplary phenotype of the Arabian mare, dam of the epochal sire COMET, best known for his exceptional daughters. CARMEN is also the progenitor of a number of international achievers of the highest rank, including: UK Reserve Champion CAMERA, European & All Nations Cup Champion CANDELA, Swedish Champion CADYK, Tenerife Reserve Champion Mare CYGARNICZKA, Polish National Champion & European Cup Reserve Champion KABAŁA, US National Champion KAWALKADA, Polish National Champion KWESTA, US multi-champion KORDELAS, Polish National Champion Colt, Junior Spring Show Champion Colt, European Reserve Champion Colt, Sharjah International Champion Colt, twice World Top Ten Champion Colt, Al Khalediah & Menton Reserve Champion Colt, European & Dubai Top Five Champion Colt KABSZTAD & the incomparable World Platinum Champion Mare KWESTURA. CAMPARIA comes from the second crop of PEGASUS ( Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion Stallion, World Senior Top Ten Stallion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Stallion), a chief sire from the world famed damline of PIEWICA, through her granddaughter PESTKA. Dubbed as the sire making branch of PIEWICA, PESTKA s female descendants have produced as many as nine champion stallions. This group of versatile males includes sport-oriented stallions (PENTAGRAM, POLIGON, PEDAGOG) and high quality show stars (PRADO, PERSEUSZ, POGANIN, POGROM, PITAWAL). Bred and owned by Małopolska Hodowla Roślin - Białka Stud PASB Vol. XVII-5 grey mare, foaled on 18th of April, 2016 measurements: 151-175-17,0 cm Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta Unraced Not bred EGETIA is a charming filly from Białka s E-line descending from the Michałów-bred EMKA, one of the foundation broodmares of Poland s youngest Arabian stud. EGETIA s dam EGITA is a maternal sister to EGIRIA ( Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare) and EGEMA (Wrocław Summer Show Junior Champion Mare, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Champion Mare & Best in Show, Abu Zabi Junior Bronze Champion Mare, UAE National Junior Reserve Champion Mare). Other Białka-bred members of the family of EMKA include EKINA (Vilhelmsborg Junior Top Five), EMIKA (Warsaw Summer Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Warsaw Summer Show Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare), EMON (twice Tenerife Senior Champion Stallion) and endurance horse EMIMBOR (winner of the 100 km Sheikh Majid bin Mohammed Endurance Ride). EMKA further originates from the damline of ELA, one of the founding broodmares of, when it was still based in Klemensów. Her many successful descendants in Michałów include champions ESKADRA, chief sires ELDON and ESPARTERO, and the highly decorated mother-daughter group of EGZOTYKA, EGNA, ESKALOPKA & EGZONERA. The damline of ELA is also very popular among the Polish private breeders, which have incorporated various mares into their breeding programs and resulted with superb offspring. The very latest include ELMARAN, ECHO AURORA, ECHO APOLLO, ECHO ADONIS, ECHO MARS, EL PIATZOLLA, EL SIENA, ESHILA, ELGAST, ESPEKT and most recently EUROGRANT OZ. 78 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

PRAGA LOT S/21 WŁODAWA LOT S/22 VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation Versace DA Love Solstice Natique Fame VF Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica POMIAN grey, 2010 1/7 (1-0-2-0) GAZAL bay, 1995 PILAR grey, 1996 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) Fawor Pipi Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Probat Fatma Banat Pilarka PERLA bay, 2008 1/5 (1-2-2-0) GANGES bay, 1994 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1 PĘTLA bay, 1994 1/5 (1-0-0-2-1) Garonna Visbaden Petra Negatraz a Fanatyk Gizela Naftalin Presnia Pepton Pestka WOŁOGDA bay, 2006 1/9 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) WANILIA bay, 1997 Kurozwęki Stud 2/16 (0-2-6-5-3) Ernestyna Alegro Wizyta Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Probat Algeria Wermut Wiorsta Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 bay mare, foaled on 19th of April, 2015 measurements: 148-176-18 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew Unraced 2016 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2018 Class Winner (Three Year Old Fillies) at the All-Polish Championship - Radom (PL) Bred to EMERALD J (US) (last service on 8th of May, 2019) PRAGA is a young mare with plenty of show experience. Through her dam PERLA, she is the granddaughter of the mare PĘTLA - Janów Podlaski s leading producer of extremely valuable breeding horses, including several (!) chief sires. As a matter of fact Perla is actually a maternal sister to mega show star POGROM: Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Stallion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Gold Champion Stallion, US Triple Crown winner (Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior Champion Stallion & Supreme Show Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion, US National Senior Champion Stallion) and ultimately Polish National Senior Champion Stallion, as well as the most coveted chief sire in Poland today. PĘTLA s other male produce are significant even outside the Arabian horse community. Her other three sons: PENTAGRAM, POLIGON & PEDAGOG, have all been superb racing athletes and are readily utilized in sports-oriented breeding. Interestingly, Pętla is a granddaughter of PESTKA, a descendant of Janów s P-line of PIEWICA, who established her own subline famed for producing chief sires. In recent years as many as nine from this branch were active in Polish breeding (apart from those mentioned above this lot includes PITAWAL, POGANIN, PERSEUSZ, PEGASUS, PRADO). The branch of PESTKA does not lack in headline-making females either. These include Polish National Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Silver Champion, European Silver Champion Mare, Sharjah International & Dubai International Arabian Horse Senior Champion Mare PEPITA, also the record-seller of the Pride of Poland Sales at 1.4 million euro and PAPAYA, PERNILA, PRUNELLA, PERSENA & POLIFONIA. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVIII-1 grey mare, foaled on 19th of February, 2017 measurements: 143-158-17,5 cm Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce Unraced Not bred WŁODAWA is a young daughter of WOŁOGDA, one of the leading EKSTERN broodmares of. EKSTERN is an undefeated show champion, but more importantly he has sired champions and broodmares which produce yet another generation of champions, such as PUSTYNIA KAHILA (out of PUSTYNNA MALWA by Ekstern), MORION (out of MESALINA by Ekstern), EQUATOR (out of EKLIPTYKA by Ekstern) and WIEŻA MOCY (out of WIEŻA MARZEŃ by Ekstern). True to this heritage, WOŁOGDA has already produced WIGA, a class top three finalist from the Junior Spring Show and the Polish National among tough competition, WOSTOK, a class top five finalist from the Polish Nationals and WAWER - a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show and All-Polish Championships. WOŁOGDA herself is a double class winner from the Junior Spring Show in Białka and Autumn Show in Janów Podlaski, with a further two second class spots from the Junior Spring Show and the Polish Nationals and two third places at the Polish Nationals and European Championships. On these occasions WOŁOGDA was regularly awarded sets of solid 19s and 20s for type, head & neck and movement. WOŁOGDA is definitely the best produce of WANILIA, a classically structured Kuhailan broodmare from the Kurozwęki breeding program. Her dam WIZYTA, an All Scandinavian Junior Champion, and granddam WIORSTA, a Gold Medalist and Reserve International Show Champion at an exhibition in Stockholm, a Reserve International Show Champion in Blommeröd, belonged to the elite broodmare band of Kurozwęki State Stud. 80 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

WIZAWA LOT S/23 PISTOLERO LOT S/24 EQUATOR bay, 2010 QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 1/5 (1-0-1-2) Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca KAHIL bay, 2008 MARWAN bay, 2000 OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina WAZIRA bay, 2006 1/6 (0-0-2-3) WACHLARZ brown, 1990 3/29 (5-2-6-4-1) WRÓŻKA black, 2001 1/5 (0-0-1-0) Arbil Warsowia Ganges Wipera Banat Arba Tallin Wendeta Garonna Fawor Wendeta PINGA bay, 2004 1/5 (0-0-1-0-2) GAZAL bay, 1995 PILAR grey, 1996 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) Fawor Pipi Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Probat Fatma Banat Pilarka Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 dark bay mare, foaled on 14th of May, 2014 measurements: 156-172-17 cm Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta 2017-8 starts: 1xIV, 4xV 2019 colt by Ganges Bred to MORION (last service on 21st of April, 2019) WIZAWA is a stellar opportunity to acquire a daughter of reigning World Senior Champion Stallion EQUATOR. One of the trendiest breeding sires in Poland today, EQUATOR s collection of titles also includes Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Show Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, Scottsdale Gold Champion, Las Vegas Breeders Cup Gold Senior Champion, World Senior Silver Champion, Dubai Senior Silver Champion & Sharjah Senior Champion Stallion (to name but a few). Attesting to the strong genetic potential of his family is the fact that his dam EKLIPTYKA is a full sister to the late multi-champion ESPARTO, considered the successor of his sire EKSTERN. On the distaff side WIZAWA can lay claim to the damline of WADERA through a rare branch via Polish National Senior Champion Mare WENERA, a maternal sister to WARMIA from whom descend such fames as WILEJKA, WIZJA and all WIEŻA -named equines, including WIEŻA MOCY. WENERA on the other hand contributed to the breed with chief sires WAGRAM & WERBUM, as well as Swedish National Senior Champion Mare WENEDA, UK International Senior Reserve Champion Mare WIOLETA, Italian National Senior Champion Mare WERNERA, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Wessex Arabian Horse Show Senior Champion Mare WIPERA & Austrian International Yearling Bronze Champion Mare WESTURA. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay stallion, foaled on 11th of April, 2013 measurements: 152-178-18 cm Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew 2016-4 starts: 1xI, 1xV 2014 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (4-5 Year Old Stallions) at the British Breeders Alliance - Coventry (UK) 2017 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) PISTOLERO is an incredibly exciting offer as the son of two remarkable living legends in the Arabian breed today, both named World Platinum Champions: KAHIL & PINGA. PISTOLERO is also linebred to another World Platinum Champion: GAZAL, through both sire and dam. KAHIL is the rightful heir to the legacy of the iconic GAZAL (also a Platinum World Champion) through his sire MARWAN. Both KAHIL & GAZAL have had tremendous results when crossed with Polish broodmares, easily setting a new breed standard with horses such as PIANISSIMA, EMANDORIA, BELGICA, EJRENE, ETNOLOGIA, NORMA or PINGA (by GAZAL) and PUSTYNIA KAHILA, AL JAZEERA, PROMETIDA, PARIS or PARMENIA (by KAHIL). PINGA is currently one of the most prized mares in the world. Besides being Platinum, PINGA has also been named (among others) PSAIAHF Senior Champion, European Senior Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion and Best in Show on both of these occasions. Apart from PISTOLERO she has also produced PINIATA (Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show), PATERNA ( Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare) and PETULA (European Yearling Top Five Mare). PINGA s dam PILAR, a Polish National Junior Champion and best producing daughter of the peerless PIPI, one of the most famous members of the P-line of PIEWICA, also contributed to the breed with the following show winners: PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA & POMIAN. 82 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

AJMAN MONISCIONE (IT) SIRE REFERENCES LIST OF HORSES WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell P. Hansen MAGNUM PSYCHE chestnut, 1995 J.L. & L.H. Havice VONA SHER-RENEA grey, 1989 Roland E. & Vona E. Huggins - Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Padron Kilika Sasaki Medina Azahara El Shaklan Gazira Jassen Shamilazzan 1. AJMAN MONISCIONE (IT) 2. ALERT 3. CAVALLI (US) 11. MORION 12. MURANAS JASSEHR (DE) 13. PIAFF ANTHEA MONISCIONE chestnut, 1996 Azienda Agricola Buzzi Italy PADRONS GHIBLI chestnut, 1991 R. C. Smith ARMONIA bay, 1991 Lasma Arabians Padron Santanas Dalight Aktszn Anette Patron Odessa MS Santana Dalightful Negatraz Astraga Nariadni CL Anisette 4. E.S. HARIR (AE) 5. EMERALD J (US) 6. EMPIRE 7. EQUATOR 14. POGROM 15. POMIAN 16. RFI FARID (BR) 17. SUNDOWN K.A. (BE) Bred by Azienda Agricola Buzzi (Italy) chestnut stallion, foaled in 2003 Dam line: Ghazieh d.b. 1850 Anazeh Ruala 2004 International Junior Champion Stallion - Ströhen (DE) 2004 World Junior Top Ten Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2005 European Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Verona (IT) 2005 All Nations Cup Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2005 Mediterranean & Arab Countries Junior Champion Stallion - Menton (FR) 2005 ISIS Cup Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Frauenfeld (CH) 2005 WAHO Trophy Winner (IT) 2005 World Junior Top Ten Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2006 European Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Moorsele (BE) 2012 Senior Gold Champion Stallion - St. Tropez (FR) 8. MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE (IT) 18. WORTEX KALLISTE (FR) Mare bred to AJMAN MONISCIONE (IT): Lot 9. PIANOVA (US). 9. KRESZ (SE) 19. ZEUS E.A. (ES) 10. MEDALION 20. ZŁOTY MEDAL 84 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

ALERT CAVALLI (US) PIAFF grey, 1997 2/20 (2-4-0-2-3) ELDON grey, 1985 2/10 (3-4-1-1) 1 PIPI grey, 1981 Penitent Erotyka Banat Pilarka Partner Penza Eufrat Eroica El Azrak Bandola Pierzga DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd VERSACE bay, 1995 RoJo Arabians DA LOVE chestnut, 1999 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd Fame VF Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Bey Shah Raffoleta-Rose El Shaklan Autumn in Gold Padron Kilika Echo Magnifficoo Jamaara FA ANDALUZJA grey, 1998 1/5 (0-0-2-0-0) SANADIK EL SHAKLAN grey, 1983 Om El Arab Germany ANTWERPIA grey, 1986 2/12 (2-0-4-2) El Shaklan Mohena Eternit Angola Shaker El Masri Estopa Hadban Enzahi Morisca V Etna Andria ASPYN chestnut, 2001 C. Corwin & E. Charles PADRONS PSYCHE chestnut, 1988 McPherson Family Trust - RS ASHLEY bay, 1995 D. Grant & V.L. Nevis - Padron Kilika Majestic Bey Priceless Profile Patron Odessa Tamerlan Kilifa Bey Shah Amadaleh BR Poseidon Cherub Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-4 grey stallion, foaled on 22nd of March, 2005 Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2008-2009 - 10 starts: 1xIII, 2xIV, 4xV 2006 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2006 European Top Five Junior Champion Stallion - Moorsele (BE) 2009 Class Top Five (4-8 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2009 Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Polish National Senior Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the All Nations Cup - Aachen (DE) 2013 Dressage Class Winner (L-3 & P-1) at the Autumn Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2018 All-Polish Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Radom (PL) Bred by Robert D. & Sally J. Poling () chestnut stallion, foaled in 2009 Sire line: Mirage d.b 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Urfah d.b. imp. 1906 H. Davenport 2012 Mediterranean & Arab Countries Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Menton (FR) 2012 Elran Cup Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Bilzen (BE) 2015 Italian National Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Arezzo (IT) 2016 World Breeders Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Chantilly (FR) 2018 Mediterranean & Arab Countries Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Menton (FR) Mare bred to CAVALLI (US): S/16 SOMARA. Mare bred to ALERT: Lot 21. GRACIOSA. 86 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

E.S. HARIR (AE) EMERALD J (US) AJ DINAR grey, 2005 Ajman Stud UAE WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen DESKA HJE grey, 1996 Jose Eduardo Guinle Brasil Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Lumiar Amadeus Soldadeska Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea RSD Dark Victory CA Sabrina AF Don Giovani Soldadera QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda TF MAGNUMS MAGIC chestnut, 2000 Midwest Station II Inc. MAGNUM PSYCHE chestnut, 1995 J.L. & L.H. Havice KHARNATION bay, 1993 Ann & Beth Stover Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle Kharben Pachouli Padron Kilika Sasaki Medina Azahara Ben Mask Khara Mia Mine Padron Paj Sildaana EMANDORIA grey, 2004 GAZAL bay, 1995 EMANDA grey, 1996 Ecaho Emanacja Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Pepton Etruria Eukaliptus Emigracja Bred and owned by Sh. Abdulla bin Majid al Qassemi (United Arab Emirates) grey stallion, foaled in 2011 Dam line: Ferida d.b. imp. 1891 Crabbet Park 2014 US National Junior Reserve Champion Stallion () 2015 Mediterranean & Arab Countries Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Menton (FR) 2015 Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Ströhen (DE) 2015 World Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Chantilly (FR) 2015 All Nations Cup Gold Champion Senior Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2015 World Bronze Senior Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2016 PSAIAHF Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Riyadh (SA) 2016 Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Dubai (UAE) 2018 Dubai Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Dubai (UAE) 2018 Mediterranean & Arab Countries Senior Gold Champion Stallion & Best in Show Menton (FR) 2018 All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2018 World Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) Mares bred to E.S. HARIR (AE): Lot 11. ANAWERA, Lot 15. POTENTILLA, Lot 17. KAROLA, S/1. ALSARA. Bred by Jadem Arabians (Belgium) bay stallion, foaled in 2010 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2011 International Arabian Horse Days Junior Champion Stallion - Ströhen (DE) 2011 World Junior Top Ten Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2012 Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Tebrak (SA) 2012 Elran Cup Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Hasselt (BE) 2012 World Junior Top Ten Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2015 Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship Senior Gold Champion Stallion Dubai (UAE) 2017 PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Riyadh (SA) 2017 AHO World Cup Senior Champion Stallion - Chantilly (FR) 2017 All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2018 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Gold Champion Stallion Nowe Wrońska (PL) Mares bred to EMERALD J (US): Lot 14. KALAHARI, S/2. BERNADETTA, S/14. ETERYKA, S/21. PRAGA. 88 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

EMPIRE EQUATOR ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip DelPozzo & Brent Stone PADRONS PSYCHE chestnut, 1988 McPherson Family Trust - RD BEY SHAHMPANE grey, 1992 Riverdale Arabian Park - Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Patron Odessa Tamerlan Kilifa Bay El Bey Star Of Ofir Bey Shah Bold Darling QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda EMIRA grey, 2000 1/4 (0-0-0-1) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Emilda Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Negatraz a Pamir Emanacja EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 1/5 (1-0-1-2) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EKSPOZYCJA chestnut, 1992 1/7 (0-0-0-1-3) Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Eunice Set Espaniola Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-3 grey sire, foaled on 25th of April, 2009 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2010 Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2010 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the All Nations Cup - Aachen (DE) 2010 European Junior Bronze Champion Stallion - Moorsele (BE) 2010 World Top Ten Junior Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2011 International Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Wels (AT) 2011 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the All Nations Cup - Aachen (DE) 2014 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2016 Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (7 Year Old and Above Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) Mare bred to EMPIRE: Lot 4. CHERONEA. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 bay sire, foaled on 25th of March, 2010 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta 2011 Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2011 Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the European Championships - Verona (IT) 2012 Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2012 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2012 European Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Moorsele (BE) 2012 World Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2014 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Gold Champion Stallion Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2014 All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2014 European Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Lier (BE) 2014 World Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2015 All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2015 European Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Verona (IT) 2015 World Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2016 International Arabian Breeders Classic Senior Gold Champion Stallion Scottsdale, AZ (US) 2016 Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Las Vegas, NV (US) 2016 US National Senior Reserve Champion Stallion - Tulsa, OK (US) 2017 World Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2018 Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Sharjah (UAE) 2018 Dubai Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Dubai (UAE) 2018 European Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Lier (BE) 2018 World Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) Mares bred to EQUATOR: Lot 20. HERGETIA, S/10. CEJHYRA. 90 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

KRESZ (SE) MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE (IT) EMPIRE grey, 2009 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMIRA grey, 2000 1/4 (0-0-0-1) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Laheeb Embra Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Emilda TRUE COLOURS chestnut, 1997 F.J. Waring Canada THEE DESPERADO bay, 1989 T. & M. Salome DAHEDA grey, 1987 J.C. Coles The Minstril AK Amiri Asmarr Dalul Nahed Ruminaja Ali Bahila TheEgyptianPrince Asmarr Morafic Dawlat Moneef Noosa KRAŚNICA chestnut, 2009 1/5 (0-0-0-1) QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle KASJOPEJA grey, 2001 1/3 Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Eldon Kwestura Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Penitent Erotyka Kwesta MAGIC MON AMOUR bay, 2004 Fontanella Magic Arabian Team Italy WINDSPREES MIRAGE black, 1996 Elliott Family AL AMRYA bay, 2003 Reinhard Sax Germany Thee Desperado GL Lady Mirage BJ Thee Mustafa Krushinka The Minstril AK Amiri Asmarr Great Lad NV Bey Mirage Thee Desperado Khalili El Bahar Kubinec Menascha Bred by Sinus Arabstuteri (Sweden) grey stallion, foaled in 2014 Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2015 Scandinavian Open Championship Yearling Silver Champion Stallion - Flyinge (SE) 2015 Swedish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Vetlanda (SE) Mare bred to KRESZ (SE): S/19. CAMPARIA. Bred by Fontanella Magic Arabian Team (Italy) black stallion, foaled in 2009 Dam line: Sahara d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2010 Gold Champion Colt - Travagliato (IT) 2010 Gold Champion Colt - Porto Sant Elpidio (IT) 2010 Italian National Gold Champion Colt (IT) 2011 Gold Champion Colt - Giardini Naxos (IT) 2010 Class Winner at the All Nations Cup - Aachen (DE) 2012 Norwegian International Bronze Champion Colt (NO) Mares bred to MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE (IT): Lot 3. AKIA, Lot 18 ADELITA. 92 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

MEDALION MORION QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda KAHIL bay, 2008 MARWAN AL SHAQAB bay, 2000 OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina MATA HARI bay, 2002 1/1 WERBUM grey, 1995 2/23 (4-4-3-2-5) MARTYNIKA bay, 1995 Wojsław Werda Martyna Tallin Wilejka Piechur Wendeta Negatraz a Europejczyk Mitra MESALINA bay, 2008 EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) MATA HARI bay, 2002 1/1 Ernestyna Werbum Martynika Negatraz a Piechur Erwina Wojsław Werda Martyna Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-5 dark bay sire, foaled on 12th of April, 2011 Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce MEDALION was never shown due to an injury sustained just prior to his first championship, however he is widely regarded as the best foal of the 2011 Arabian crop in Poland. Already his first 2016 crop included EMDRONA - the 2017 & 2018 Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare and Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare. MEDALION is a maternal brother to MESALINA - dam of multi champion MORION. Mare bred to MEDALION: S/18. EDITHA. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay sire, foaled on 5th of April, 2013 Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2014 Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion Stallion & Best in Show - Białka (PL) 2014 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion Stallion & Best in Show - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2014 All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2014 European Yearling Silver Champion Stallion - Lier (DE) 2014 World Yearling Silver Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2015 Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show - Białka (PL) 2015 All Nations Cup Junior Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2015 European Junior Top Five Stallion - Moorsele (BE) 2015 World Junior Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2016 International Arabian Horse Championship Junior Champion Stallion (QA) 2017 AHO World Cup Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Chantilly (FR) 2017 All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2017 World Senior Top Ten Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2018 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Warsaw (PL) Mares bred to MORION: Lot 10. PUSTYNNA MALWA, Lot 13. EMANOLLA, S/3. WIEŻA MARZEŃ, S/5. ELGORA, S/12. EL DORRA, S/23.WIZAWA. 94 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

MURANAS JASSEHR (DE) PIAFF MAJOR grey, 2000 Otto Schmidt Germany EL ALLAH ABU grey, 1996 Society for Preservation of Egyptian Arabian Horse - MARISCHKA grey, 1989 Otto Schmidt Germany Thee Desperado Shaamisa Mystique Plakat Malisha Bint Galal The Minstril AK Amiri Asmarr Nabiel Moon Mystique Aswan Pchelka Ibn Galal Mastura ELDON grey, 1985 2/10 (3-4-1-1) 1 PENITENT grey, 1979 2/10 (2-2-3-1) EROTYKA grey, 1979 2/15 (1-2-2-5) Partner Penza Eufrat Eroica Eleuzis Parma Faher Piewica Elf Estebna Negatiw Elegia JANA EL BRI chestnut, 2000 La Movida Arabians Austria CH EL BRILLO grey, 1985 F. & J. Gautschi JULIANNA EL JAMAAL chestnut, 1996 Maria Helena Ribeiro Perroy - Brasil El Shaklan AZH Basknaborra Ali Jamaal NV Justa Dream Shaker El Masri Estopa AZH Naborr Bazarab Ruminaja Ali Heritage Memory Bey Shah Mi Favorite Toi PIPI grey, 1981 BANAT bay, 1967 4/39 (6-3-12-8) PILARKA grey, 1975 2/16 (3-1-2-5) El Azrak Bandola Pierzga Faher Ellora Witraż Bałałajka Aswan Panel Negatiw Piewica Bred by Murana Arabians Stud (Germany) grey stallion, foaled in 2007 Dam line: Nejdme d.b. 1887 2008 Junior Champion Colt - Exloo (NL) 2008 German National Junior Champion Colt - Aachen (DE) 2009 Junior Champion Colt - Frankfurt (DE) 2009 Breeders Cup Champion - Kauber Platte (DE) 2009 Junior Champion Colt - Kauber Platte (DE) 2010 Junior Bronze Champion Colt - Wels (AT) 2010 Junior Gold Champion Colt - Ströhen (DE) 2013 German National Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2013 Breeders Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Chantilly (FR) 2016 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion Stallion Nowe Wrońska (PL) Mare bred to MURANAS JASSEHR (DE): S/13. FORMISS. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIV-1 grey stallion, foaled on 30th of January, 1997 Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew 2000-2001 - 20 starts: 2xI, 4xII, 2xIV, 3xV 1998 Polish National Reserve Champion Colt - Białka (PL) 1999 Polish National Champion Colt - Białka (PL) 2004 Polish National Reserve Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2005 Reserve Champion Stallion - Falborek (PL) 2005 Polish National Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2006 US Region II Champion Stallion - Burbank, CA (US) 2006 US Preliminary Region III Champion Stallion - Reno, NV (US) 2006 US National Top Ten Stallion - Louisville, KY (US) 2007 Reserve Champion Sport Horse - Scottsdale, AZ (US) 2008 Autumn Show Reserve Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) Mare bred to PIAFF: S/4. BIRUNA. 96 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

POGROM POMIAN QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda GAZAL bay, 1995 ANAZA EL FARID bay, 1988 L.& L. St. Clair KAJORA bay, 1979 Tom Chauncey Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Shaikh Al Badi Bint Magidaa Ansata Ibn Halima Deena Nabor Bint Kholameh Exelsjor Edessa PĘTLA bay, 1994 1/5 (1-0-0-2-1) VISBADEN grey, 1983 Tersk Stud USSR PETRA bay, 1989 Janów Podlaski Stud Naftalin Presnia Pepton Pestka Topol Niepriadwa Nabeg Parana Pemba Probat Pentoda PILAR grey, 1996 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) FAWOR brown, 1981 2/15 (2-1-1-3) 1 PIPI grey, 1981 Janów Podlaski Stud Probat Fatma Banat Pilarka Pohaniec Borexia Anarchista Forta El Azrak Bandola Pierzga Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-3 bay sire, foaled on 30th of April, 2009 Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew 2010 Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Stallion & Best in Show - Białka (PL) 2010 Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 Polish National Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 Region XI Champion Stallion - Springfield, Illinois (US) 2013 US Triple Crown winner: Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior Champion Stallion & Supreme Show Champion - Scottsdale, AZ (US) Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Las Vegas, NV (US) US National Senior Champion Stallion - Tulsa, OK (US) 2014 Polish National Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) Mare bred to POGROM: Lot 2. ATANDA. Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 grey sire, foaled on 2nd of March, 2010 Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew 2013-7 starts: 1xI, 2xIII, 1xV 2011 Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2011 Polish National Top Five Junior Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 Polish National Top Five Junior Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (4-5 Year Old Stallions) at the European Championships - Lier (BE) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Polish National Top Five Senior Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2018 Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Warsaw (PL) Mare bred to POMIAN: S/8. FORELLA. 98 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

RFI FARID (BR) SUNDOWN K.A. (BE) RFI MAKTUB bay, 1998 RFI Arabians Brasil ALTAM YSHMAYL bay, 1995 Haras Altamira Brasil RFI CYNTILATION grey, 1994 RFI Arabians Brasil RSD Dark Victory Yamina Ninjah El Jamaal C-Cynadra Bey Shah Kamasi Sabaha Khivan Melila Ali Jamaal Naharra HFS Phoenix C-Cherry QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda RFI FAYARA EL SHIRAZ grey, 2002 RFI Arabians Brasil SHIRAZ EL JAMAAL bay, 1996 Maria Perroy Brasil FIRE GLORY grey, 1995 Inforpress A.C.S.E. Ltda Brasil Ali Jamaal Satyna NV Sure Fire Key of Glory JP Ruminaja Ali Heritage Memory Etat Schepiera Aladdin Bint Miss Fire Naadir AF Beulah L SERENELLA grey, 2009 Lönhult Arabians Sweden TURKI AL RAYYAN grey, 2003 Al Rayyan Farm SALMA grey, 2005 Lönhult Arabians Sweden Ashhal Al Rayyan Turkiya Al Rayyan Majd Al Rayyan Isah Safir Ansata Majesta Safir Rababa Safir Ansata Nawarra Il Nasek India Bred by RFI Arabians (Brasil) bay stallion, foaled in 2007 Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 Crabbet Park 2009 Italian National Junior Champion Stallion (IT) 2010 International Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Kauber Platte (DE) 2010 International Junior Gold Champion Stallion & Best in Show - Verona (IT) 2010 All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion Stallion - Aachen (DE) 2010 World Junior Bronze Champion Stallion - Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2011 Austrian International Senior Silver Champion Stallion (AT) 2011 Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Bilzen (BE) 2012 Sharjah International Senior Silver Champion Stallion (UAE) 2015 Elran Cup Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Bilzen (BE) Mares bred to RFI FARID (BR): Lot 1. PUSTYNIA KAHILA (EMBRYO), S/9. ATRIA. Bred by Knocke Arabians (Belgium) grey sire, foaled in 2013 Dam line: Jellabiet Feysul d.b. 1848 2016 Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Milan (IT) 2016 International Junior Bronze Champion Stallion - Wels (AT) 2017 Israeli National Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Alonim (IL) 2018 International Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Bruges (BE) 2018 Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Bilzen (BE) 2018 European Senior Top Five Stallion - Lier (BE) 2019 International Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Sharjah (UAE) 2019 International Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Dubai (UAE) Mare bred to SUNDOWN K.A. (BE): Lot 6. EMANDORIA (EMBRYO). 100 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

WORTEX KALLISTE (FR) ZEUS E.A. (ES) SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen SALYMAH grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Khidar Libanon Azadika Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Ansata Sinan Elizja Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen SALYMAH grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Khidar Libanon Azadika Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Ansata Sinan Elizja Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana MIRWANAH KALLISTE bay, 2009 Kalliste Arabians France MARWAN bay, 2000 NAKUBAYA KOSSACK bay, 2002 Kossack Stud Netherlands Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Kubay Khan Nalatonna Fame VF Katahza Kubinec Volnaia Balaton Nedanka ESSENCE OF MARWAN E.A. chestnut, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain MARWAN bay, 2000 ELIZJA grey, 1991 R. Verrijdt Belgium Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Esta-Ghalil Aica Fame VF Katahza Ibn Estasha Sadika Ibn Estasha Warandes Hindia Bred by Kalliste Arabians (France) grey stallion, foaled in 2014 Dam line: Elsissa d.b. imp. 1874 Gumniska 2015 Tulip Cup Yearling Bronze Champion Stallion - Ermelo (NL) 2015 European Breeders Cup Gold Yearling Champion Colt - Chantilly (FR) 2015 Gold Yearling Champion Colt - Deauville (FR) 2016 Arabian Breeders World Cup Junior Silver Champion Colt - Las Vegas, NV (US) 2017 Scottsdale Gold Junior Champion Colt, AZ (US) 2017 Scandinavian Open Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Bollerup Castle (SE) 2017 World Cup Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Chantilly (FR) 2017 European Junior Gold Champion Stallion - Verona (IT) 2019 International Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Doha (QA) Bred by Equus Arabians (Spain) grey stallion, foaled in 2014 Dam line: Sahara d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce 2015 Arabian Horse Weekend Yearling Gold Champion Stallion - Sint Oedenrode (NL) 2015 Emerald Trophy Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Brecht (BE) 2018 Israeli National Senior Silver Champion Stallion - Alonim (IL) Mare bred to ZEUS E.A. (ES): S/6. ANDALA. Mares bred to WORTEX KALLISTE (FR): Lot 19. AMARENA, S/11. ESTONIA. 102 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND

ZŁOTY MEDAL QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle MARWAN bay, 2000 SWETE DREAMS chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Fame VF Katahza Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner Kouros Rawhides Amenda POLISH JOCKEY CLUB Pulawska 266, 02-684 Warsaw, Poland phone: (48) 228 520 653 pkwk@pkwk.org ZŁOTA ORDA grey, 1999 1/1 PESAL grey, 1991 Białka Stud 2/14 (2-3-2-3) ZAGROBLA grey, 1994 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4) Partner Perforacja Zguba Eleuzis Parma Ernal Pentoza Negatraz a Enrilo Zazula JANÓW PODLASKI STATE STUD Wygoda 3, 21-505 Janów Podlaski phone: (48) 83 341 30 09 biuro@skjanow.pl www.skjanow.pl Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 grey sire, foaled on 21st of May, 2012 Dam line: Selma d.b. Abbas Pasha I 2015-8 starts: 2xII, 3xIV, 2xV 2013 Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2013 Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2014 Class Winner (Two Year Old Colts) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival - Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2016 Class Winner (Stallions 4-5 Years Old) at the European Championships - Lier (BE) 2017 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the All-Polish Championships Radom (PL) 2017 Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2018 All-Polish Senior Bronze Champion Stallion - Radom (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show - Warsaw (PL) Mare bred to ZŁOTY MEDAL: S/15. ESKARIOLLA. MICHAŁÓW STATE STUD 28-411 Michałów phone: (48) 41 356 54 05 office@stadninamichalow.pl www.stadninamichalow.pl BIAŁKA STATE STUD Białka 6, 22-300 Krasnystaw phone (48) 82 577 12 00 bialka@hbp.pl www.skbialka.pl 104 50 TH PRIDE OF POLAND