ENGLISH FILE Upper-intermediate

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1 Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig New ENGLISH FILE Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist 2

2 Upper-intermediate Polish wordlist This Wordlist is organized File by File. It includes all the words in the Vocabulary Banks in the Student s Book and the MultiROM, all the words which are highlighted in the Student s Book, and all the words in the More Words to Learn sections of the Workbook. 1A More Words to Learn badge /b&dz/ identyfikator He was wearing a badge with his name on it. chat (v) /ts&t/ gadać I chatted to other people while we waited. embarrassing /Im"b&r@sIN/ żenujący What has been your most embarrassing moment? eyebrows /"aibrauz/ brwi He raised his eyebrows in surprise. funeral /"fju;n@r@l/ pogrzeb What song do you want to be played at your funeral? have a date "deit/ mieć randkę Jane had a date on Friday she went to a restaurant. partner /"pa;tn@/ partner Speed-dating can help busy people to find a partner. raise /reiz/ podnosić He raised his eyebrows in surprise. trust /trvst/ ufać Don t trust the smile, trust the actions. More words in 1A agony /"&g@ni/ agonia I had terrible toothache and I was in agony. amused /@"mju;zd/ rozbawiony The baby giggles when he s amused. assertive /@"s3;tiv/ asertywny My boss is assertive, she has a strong personality. awkward /"O;kw@d/ niezręczny The atmosphere was awful it was all very awkward. banker /"b&nk@/ bankier The men included a chef, a banker, and a novelist. bell /bel/ dzwonek A bell rings when it s time for class to start. bubbly /"bvbli/ radosny At the speed-dating event she seemed really bubbly. complex (n) /"kqmpleks/ kompleks I m an egotistical maniac with an inferiority complex. complicated /"kqmplikeitid/ złożony Finding a partner is a complicated process. courtship /"ko;tsip/ zaloty, narzeczeństwo They married after a year of courtship. current /"kvr@nt/ obecny She doesn t enjoy her current career. deafening /"def@nin/ ogłuszający The music in the club was deafening. discotheque /"disk@tek/ dyskoteka We went dancing at a local discotheque double (v) /"dvbl/ podwajać się The company doubled profits last year. edit /"edit/ edytować If you could edit your past, what would you change? egotistical /%i;g@"tistikl/ egoistyczny I m an egotistical maniac with an inferiority complex. eliminate /I"lImIneIt/ eliminować, usuwać You can eliminate an option if it looks wrong. event /I"vent/ impreza The organizers of the event suggested a list of topics. evolve /I"vQlv/ rozwijąć się It is a ritual which has evolved over the centuries. exchange /Iks"tSeIndZ/ wymieniać We exchanged telephone numbers. farewell /fe@"wel/ pożegnalny The Commodores never did a farewell tour. frenzied /"frenzid/ desperacki The shark was frenzied, attacking the surfer. fresh /fres/ świeży He has food poisoning those prawns weren t fresh. grimace /"grim@s/ grymas Her grimace showed she wasn t impressed. guilty /"gilti/ winny Lionel feels guilty about not being there for his kids. guy /gai/ facet I went on one date with a guy who teaches Maths. housekeeper /"hauski;p@/ osoba prowadząca A housekeeper would improve the quality of my life. dom, gosposia imaginative /I m&dzin@tiv/ pomysłowy I tried to think of imaginative questions to ask. impression /Im"preSn/ wrażenie I was worried I wouldn t give the right impression. inferiority /In%fI@ri"Qr@ti/ niższości I m an egotistical maniac with an inferiority complex. injection /In"dZekSn/ zastrzyk I d been to the dentist, and I d had an injection. Labour /"leib@/ siła robocza, tu: Pracy I work for the Labour party. management consultant /"m&nidzm@nt k@n%svlt@nt/ doradca ds. zarządzania, doradca zarządu He s a management consultant in the City. 2 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

3 maniac /"meini&k/ maniak I m an egotistical maniac with an inferiority complex. match (n) /m&ts/ dobrana para They are a perfect match they share interests. overuse (v) /%@Uv@"ju;z/ nadużywać What words or phrases do you most overuse? participants /pa;"tisip@nts/ uczestnicy According to the participants, the meeting was good. pose /p@uz/ pozować, tu: podawać Journalists posed as students to investigate the story. się za (kogos) possession /p@"zesn/ własność, dobytek What s your most treasured possession? pre-prepared /%pri;pri"pe@d/ wcześniej przygotowany Have a list of pre-prepared questions ready. pre-school (n) /"pri;sku;l/ przedszkole I was terrified on my first day at pre-school. propose /pr@"p@uz/ oświadczać się I proposed in Paris, then we got married the next day! prospective /pr@"spektiv/ potencjalny She met some prospective partners speed-dating. publishes /"pvblisiz/ publikować Every week The Guardian publishes a short story. quick-fire /"kwikfai@/ krzyżowy ogień The politician was asked quick-fire questions. ritual /"ritsu@l/ rytuał The ritual has evolved over many years. scorecard /"sko;ka;d/ arkusz odpowiedzi Put a tick in the yes box on a scorecard. shift (n) /SIft/ zmiana I had the breakfast shift I had to go in at five a.m. smoothly /"smu;dli/ gładko The conversation ran very smoothly. solo /"s@ul@u/ solo Lionel Richie was successful as a solo singer. speed-dating /"spi;d %deitin/ błyskawiczna randka In recent years speed-dating has become popular. treasured /"trez@d/ cenny What s your most treasured possession? trick /trik/ sztuczki He plays tricks on his colleagues all the time. type /taip/ typ I m sorry, you re not my type. unknown /%Vn"n@Un/ nieznany Guess the meaning of an unknown word from context. unmarried /%Vn"m&rid/ niezamężna, nieżonaty My aunt is unmarried. watchful /"wqtsfl/ uważny The supervisor has a watchful eye. 1B Vocabulary Bank Personality adventurous /@d"vents@r@s/ śmiały I m not adventurous enough to try speed-dating! arrogant /"&r@g@nt/ arogancki It s very arrogant to think you re better than her. as hard as nails /@z niewzruszony jak skała You can t upset Anna, she s as hard as nails. "neilz/ assertive /@"s3;tiv/ asertywny I wish I was more assertive, not so afraid to speak. bad-tempered /%b&d"temp@d/ wybuchowy It isn t you he s angry with, he s just bad-tempered. calm /ka;m/ spokojny It s important to keep calm in an emergency. cheerful /"tsi@fl/ radosny I love visiting my gran, she s always so cheerful. cold fish /%k@uld "fis/ zimny jak ryba Joe s a bit of a cold fish: he seems rather unfriendly. conscientious /%kqnsi"ens@s/ skrupulatny She ll do a good job, she s very conscientious. easy-going /%i;zi"g@uin/ łatwy w pożyciu She s quite easy-going relaxed about most things. eccentric /Ik"sentrIk/ ekscentryczny I had an eccentric aunt who used to sing opera. forgetful /f@"getfl/ zapominalski Grandad can t help being forgetful, he s getting old. funny /"fvni/ zabawny He thinks he s funny, but no one else can see the joke. heart of gold "g@uld/ złote serce Janice has got a heart of gold, she helps everyone. immature /%Im@"tjU@/ niedojrzały Grow up stop being so immature. impulsive /Im"pVlsIv/ impulsywny You re too impulsive, you should think before you act. insecure /%InsI"kjU@/ niepewny siebie Hannah isn t a confident child, I think she s insecure. insincere /%InsIn"sI@/ nieszczery Don t believe what Greg says, he s totally insincere. loyal /"loi@l/ lojalny Jenny s very loyal, she never says anything unkind. moody /"mu;di/ humorzasty You re so moody I never know what to expect. open-minded /%@Up@n"maIndId/ o szerokich My dad accepts new ideas, he s quite open-minded. horyzontach optimistic /%QptI"mIstIk/ optymistyczny I m quite optimistic about moving to London. pain in the neck /%pein In D@ nie do wytrzymania She s a real pain in the neck she s so difficult. "nek/ pessimistic /%pesi"mistik/ pesymistyczny I m pessimistic. I always expect the worst. possessive /p@"zesiv/ zaborczy Don t be so possessive, she needs a bit of freedom. reliable /ri"lai@bl/ niezawodny Brian is very reliable; he does what he says. rely /ri"lai/ polegać I m asking you because I know I can rely on you. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

4 reserved /ri"z3;vd/ skryty She s not unfriendly, just a bit reserved, that s all. self-confident /%self"kqnfid@nt/ pewny siebie Being self-confident is a good thing. sensible /"sens@bl/ rozsądny She s far too sensible to agree to that. sensitive /"sens@tiv/ wrażliwy Don t mention his results, he s feeling a bit sensitive. stubborn /"stvb@n/ uparty They re both stubborn as each other. vain /vein/ próżny Anna is so vain, she looks at herself in every mirror. well-balanced /%wel"b&l@nst/ zrównoważony It s important to be well-balanced. wise /waiz/ mądry I need someone wise to advise me. 1B More Words to Learn childhood /"tsaildhud/ dzieciństwo I had a very happy childhood. deduce /di"dju;s/ wnioskować A psychic can deduce a lot from your appearance. handwriting /"h&ndraitin/ charakter pismo Clear handwriting is really important. illegible /I"ledZIbl/ nieczytelny His signature is illegible. initials /I"nISlz/ inicjały My signature contains my surname and initials. psychic /"saikik/ medium, wróżka The psychic says I ll become very rich. secretive /"si;kr@tiv/ skryty He s very secretive, he won t tell anyone. sign (v) /sain/ podpisywać Some people actually sign in capital letters. signature /"sign@ts@/ podpis Put your signature here, please. trick /trik/ sztuczka, trik He uses all the tricks of the trade to make money. More Words in 1B ability /@"bil@ti/ zdolność A self-confident person feels sure about their ability. academic /%&k@"demik/ akademicki He enjoys academic life studying is his dream. adapt /@"d&pt/ przystosowywać się You need to adapt your way of life. all-time /"O;ltaIm/ wszech czasów, Yesterday is an all-time favourite ponadczasowy ambition /&m"bisn/ ambicja His greatest ambition is to be a world-class pianist. angle /"&Ngl/ kąt The angle of a signature is significant. bad-mannered /%b&d"m&n@d/ źle wychowany He s terribly bad-mannered he never says please. companion /k@m"p&ni@n/ towarzysz The best companion is someone who doesn t speak. confirm /k@n"f3;m/ potwierdzać Statistics confirm that drinking is a serious problem. conflict (n) /"kqnflikt/ konflikt He doesn t argue, he tends to avoid conflict. considerate /k@n"sid@r@t/ taktowny I wish they were more considerate, they re so noisy. creative /kri"eitiv/ kreatywny Fiona s very creative, her drawings are beautiful. descending /di"sendin/ opadający Most signatures are horizontal, rising, or descending. dyslexic /dis"leksik/ dyslektyczny She s not good with words she s dyslexic. evidence /"evid@ns/ dowód Rewriting evidence is a technique used by psychics. faced (with) /feisd/ skonfrontowany z I have a tendency to give up when faced with stress. flattering /"fl&t@rin/ schlebiający All these compliments are so flattering. genuine /"dzenjuin/ autentyczny That psychic isn t genuine, nothing she said was true. graphology /gr&f"ql@dzi/ grafologia Do you think graphology is a serious science? horizontal /%hqri"zqntl/ poziomy There is a horizontal line across the page. identify /ai"dentifai/ identyfikować Psychics often identify common medical problems. imply /Im"plaI/ sugerować, implikować A legible signature implies that you have clear ideas. impressive /Im"presIv/ robiący wrażenie Coming up with a few names is always impressive. inherit /In"herIt/ dziedziczyć She inherited the skill from her grandmother. investigate /In"vestIgeIt/ prowadzić dochodzenie A detective investigates crimes. judge (v) /dzvdz/ osądzać She is just very good at judging people s character. lack /l&k/ brak I lack self confidence I need to practice more. lecture /"lekts@/ wykład I went to a lecture on Shakespeare. legible /"ledzibl/ czytelny Her writing is very clear, it s so legible. low /l@u/ niski Taxes are very low in Japan, around 5%. major (adj) /"meidz@/ ważny, główny He lived to 100 without any major illnesses. method /"met@d/ metoda His teaching method is very unusual. objective (n) /@b"dzektiv/ cel I have clear study objectives. overcome /%@Uv@"kVm/ przezwyciężać Work hard, and overcome your money problems. 4 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

5 paranormal paranormalny I don t believe in ghosts or paranormal acts paraphrasing /"p%r@freizin/ parafrazowanie If you don t know the word, try paraphrasing. persona /p@"s@un@/ osobowość He s very protective of his private persona. powerful /"pau@fl/ silny The accident had a powerful effect on me. preferably /"pref@r@bli/ najlepiej I d like to meet someone new, preferably my age. prominent /"prqmin@nt/ czołowy, wybitny He was a prominent member of the local community. reflect /ri"flekt/ odzwierciedlać Your signature reflects how you are as a person. represent /%repri"zent reprezentować The lion represents bravery. satisfied /"s&tisfaid/ zadowolony I m satisfied with my life at the moment. scar /ska;/ blizna He has a scar from his operation. sceptical /"skeptikl/ sceptyczny I m sceptical about psychics claims. self-esteem /%self I"sti;m/ poczucie własnej She has low self-esteem, she needs some help. wartości sincere /sin"si@/ szczery I believe he s being sincere when he says he loves me. sociable /"s@us@bl/ towarzyski If you are sociable, you have more friends. stable (adj) /"steibl/ stabilny She s an emotionally stable person not easily upset. statement /"steitm@nt/ oświadczenie The police released a statement after the robbery. strategy /"str&t@dzi/ strategia Sometimes waiting is the best strategy. surgery /"s3;dz@ri/ zabieg chirurgiczny Plastic surgery repairs badly-damaged skin. technique /tek"ni;k/ technika I studied some of the techniques used by psychics. temporary /"tempr@ri/ tymczasowy There was a temporary loss of sound. tempted /"temptid/ kuszony I m tempted to have plastic surgery. tendency /"tend@nsi/ tendencja He has a tendency to avoid answering questions. tricks of the trade D@ tajniki zawodu The con-man used all the tricks of the trade. "treid/ unambitious /%Vn&m"bIS@s/ nieambitny He won t succeed, he s totally unambitious. unsociable /Vn"s@US@bl/ nietowarzyski Don t be so unsociable, come with us to the pub. 1C Vocabulary Bank Illness and treatment A & E (Accident and "i;/ ostry dyżur You d better go to A & E for an X-ray. Emergency) ache /eik/ ból I ve had stomach ache all day, and I ve been sick. allergic /@"l3;dzik/ alergiczny Tom s allergic to nuts, they make him really ill. ankle /"&Nkl/ kostka (u nogi) Dave twisted his ankle playing football yesterday. antibiotic /%&ntibai"qtik/ antybiotyk The doctor gave me some antibiotics for my sore ear. asthma /"&sm@/ astma My asthma gets worse when I do exercise. bandage /"b&ndidz/ bandaż I don t need a bandage, it s only a small cut. be sick /bi "sik/ być chorym I feel awful, I think I m going to be sick. bleed /bli;d/ krwawić Press the cut firmly it won t bleed so much. blister /"blist@/ bąbel, pęcherz I ve got a blister on my heel from my new shoes. bruise /bru;z/ siniak Look at this bruise on my leg where I fell off my bike! burn /b3;n/ parzyć się She s burnt her hand on the oven. catch cold /%k&ts "k@uld/ przeziębiać się You ll catch cold if you go out without a coat. cough /kqf/ kaszel If you didn t smoke, you wouldn t cough so much. deep cut /%di;p "kvt/ głębokie skaleczenie That s quite a deep cut, I think it will need stitches. diarrhoea /%dai@"ri@/ biegunka He got diarrhoea when he had food poisoning. dizzy /"dizi/ cierpiący na zawroty I m feeling dizzy, I think I ought to sit down. głowy drug /drvg/ lek There s a new drug available to treat arthritis. earache /"I@reIk/ ból ucha My earache has affected my hearing. faint /"feint/ mdleć Two soldiers fainted because of the heat. feel sick /%fi;l "sik/ czuć się chorym I feel sick are you sure that fish was fresh? flu /flu;/ grypa Flu can be a very serious illness for old people. food poisoning /"fu;d %poiz@nin/ zatrucie pokarmowe She got food poisoning from eating chicken. GP /%dzi; "pi;/ lekarz rodzinny If you think you have flu, go to your GP. headache /"hedeik/ ból głowy A headache is the most common health problem. heart attack zawał serca Stress can make you at risk of having a heart attack. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

6 high blood pressure /%hai "blvd wysokie ciśnienie High blood pressure can lead to having a stroke. %pres@/ hurt (intransitive) /h3;t/ boleć I ve got a really sore throat, it hurts when I swallow. illness /"Iln@s/ choroba People suffer from more illnesses as they get older. injection /In"dZekSn/ zastrzyk You can get an injection to protect you from flu. injury /"IndZ@ri/ rana He was taken to hospital, his injuries were serious. medicine /"medsn/ lekarstwo Take this medicine once a day until you feel better. needle /"ni;dl/ igła She refused the injection, she s terrified of needles. operation /%Qp@"reISn/ operacja You ll need an operation to repair your knee. pain (in his chest) /pein/ ból (w piersi) You should always take a pain in the chest seriously. painkiller /"peinkil@/ środkek przeciwbólowy Take some painkillers and go to bed. rash /r&s/ wysypka She gets a red rash all over if she eats strawberries. rest /rest/ odpoczynek It s important to get plenty of rest when you re ill. scan /sk&n/ prześwietlenie I had another scan today they said the baby s well. sneeze /sni;z/ kichać Don t sneeze over me, I don t want to catch your cold! sore throat /%so; "Tr@Ut/ ból gardła I ve got a really sore throat, it hurts when I swallow. specialist /"spes@list/ specjalista My doctor is sending me to see a specialist. sprained /spreind/ zwichnąć I haven t broken it, I ve just sprained my ankle. stitch /"stits/ szew I went to hospital to have my stitches taken out. stomach ache /"stvm@k %eik/ ból żołądka I m never eating fish again I had stomach ache. stroke /str@uk/ udar, wylew do mózgu He s had a stroke his right side is paralyzed. swollen /"sw@ul@n/ spuchnięty Her wrist looks very swollen perhaps it s broken. symptom /"simpt@m/ symptom Pains in the chest can be symptoms of a heart attack. temperature /"tempr@ts@/ temperatura He s got a temperature and his body aches. treatment /"tri;tm@nt/ leczenie The best treatment I can suggest is to drink water. twist /"twist/ skręcać She twisted her ankle when she tripped over the cat. unconscious /Vn"kQnS@s/ nieprzytomny He can t hear me I think he s unconscious. wound /wu;nd/ rana I ll cover the wound with a bandage to keep it clean. X-ray /"eksrei/ rentgen When they took an X-ray, they discovered a break. More Words to Learn breathe /bri;d/ oddychać Breathe deeply so I can listen to your lungs. cell /sel/ komórka Good stress can aid proteins that repair cells. choke /ts@uk/ krztusić się Use the Heimlich manoeuvre if he s choking. damage /"d&midz/ szkodzić Experts agree that smoking damages your health. long-term /"lqn%t3;m/ długofalowy Long-term stress is bad for your health. panic /"p&nik/ panikować Peter was choking I began to panic. sting (stung, stung) /stin/ żądlić My son was stung by a wasp when he was five. strengthen /"strentn/ wzmacniać Good stress can strengthen our natural defences. stuck /stvk/ utknąć One of the tomatoes got stuck in Peter s throat. swallow (v) /"swql@u/ połkyąć I almost swallowed my tongue when I fell. More words in 1C achievement /@"tsi;vm@nt/ osiągnięcie The award gave us a sense of achievement. Alzheimer s /"&ltsaim@z/ choroba Alzheimera Alzheimer s is a disease common among old people. anti-ageing /%&nti"eidzin/ przeciw efektom Dr Marios Kyriazis is an anti-ageing expert. starzeniu antiseptic /%&nti"septik/ antyseptyczny If you have a cut, put some antiseptic cream on it. appointment /@"pointm@nt/ umówiona wizyta Did you make an appointment to see the doctor? arthritis /%A;T"raItIs/ zapalenie stawów, A lot of old people suffer from arthritis. artretyzm beneficial /%beni"fisl/ korzystny He claims good stress is beneficial to our health. burn /b3;n/ oparzenie You should never break any blisters on a burn. check-up /"tsekvp/ badanie kontrolne It s a good idea to get a check-up from your dentist. cherry /"tseri/ wiśnia, czereśnia There was a cherry on the top of my dessert. chronic /"krqnik/ chroniczny Caring for someone with a chronic illness is hard. claim /kleim/ twierdzić Dr Kyriazis claims that good stress is beneficial. 6 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

7 consciousness przytomność If you drink too much alcohol you can lose consciousness. couch /kauts/ kanapa I don t feel well I ll just lie down on the couch. deadline /"dedlain/ ostateczny termin Working to a deadline is an example of good stress. disease /di"zi;z/ choroba Cholera is a deadly disease. exhausted /Ig"zO;stId/ wyczerpany I m exhausted! I ve just swum 40 lengths of the pool. glad /gl&d/ zadowolony I was glad I could help when the woman was choking. giggle /"gigl/ chichotać Look at me, Mum, giggled my three-year old son. gradually /"gr&dzu@li/ stopniowo His health is gradually improving. harmful /"ha;mfl/ szkodliwy There are a lot of harmful chemicals in cigarettes. hug /hvg/ objęcie I just put my arm round the lady and gave her a hug. infection /In"fekSn/ infekcja Clean the wound thoroughly to prevent infection. inwards /"Inw@dz/ do wewnątrz The sides of the well collapsed inwards. manoeuvre /m@"nu;v@/ manewr Use the Heimlich manoeuvre if she s choking. manual /"m&nju@l/ podręcznik Do you have an instruction manual for the PC? mechanism /"mek@nizm/ mechanizm The body has a self-repair mechanism. member /"memb@/ członek There are five members in my family. moderate (adj) /"mqd@r@t/ umiarkowany You need to bake this at moderate heat. nosebleed /"n@uzbli;d/ krwotok z nosa To stop a nosebleed, sit down and pinch your nose. patient (n) /"peisnt/ pacjent The new hospital will have beds for 1,500 patients. pinch /pints/ ściskać, szczypąć To stop a nosebleed, sit down and pinch your nose. plaster /"pla;st@/ plaster Ouch! I cut my finger! Have you got a plaster? poisoning /"poiz@nin/ zatrucie He has food poisoning he ate some raw pork. pressure /"pres@/ ciśnienie Nosebleeds can be a symptom of high blood pressure. process (n) /"pr@uses/ proces Studying language is a slow process. protein /"pr@uti;n/ proteina Cells produce proteins which repair damage. puppy /"pvpi/ szczeniak We ve had our dog since he was a puppy. reach /ri;ts/ dojść, dojechać do I can t stop, I m in a hurry to reach the airport. (celu) reaction /ri"&ksn/ reakcja He had an allergic reaction when he ate nuts. redecorating /%ri;"dek@reitin/ odnawiać We re redecorating our bedroom this weekend. remain /ri"mein/ pozostawać A piece of steak remained stuck in her throat. response /ri"spqns/ odpowiedź His response to the question was very rude. rush over /rvs U@v@/ pośpieszyć (np. z I saw what was happening and rushed over to help. pomocą) self-repair /%self ri"pe@/ samogojenie The self-repair mechanism of cells slows down. short-term (adj) /"SO;t %t3;m/ krótkoterminowy It s just a short-term solution, but a good one. staff /sta;f/ zespół pracowników The ambulance staff told me exactly what to do. switch on /swits Qn/ włączyć Switch on the light, it s dark in here. treat (badly) /tri;t/ traktować (źle) When we treat our body badly, we damage it. waist /weist/ talia He put his arms round her waist. wasp /wqsp/ osa My son was stung by a wasp when he was five. File 2 Vocabulary Bank Clothes bow /b@u/ kokarda I m not sure I like the big velvet bow on this dress. cardigan /"ka;dig@n/ sweter rozpinany Take a cardigan with you, it might get cold. checked /tsekt/ w kratę Pete s wearing those awful checked trousers again. collar /"kql@/ kołnierzyk It s a nice shirt, but the collar s too tight. cotton /"kqtn/ bawełniany Wearing cotton clothes is the best way to keep cool. denim /"denim/ dżinsowy Denim cloth is very hard-wearing. dress up /%dres "Vp/ ubierać się odświętne Do we have to dress up for dinner, or can I wear jeans? dressed to kill /%drest t@ "kil/ ubrany szałowo Susi s dressed to kill tonight she ll certainly be noticed! fit /fit/ pasować I must be putting on weight, this shirt doesn t fit me. fits her like a glove /%fits h@ pasować jak ulał That suit fits her like a glove, she had it especially made. "glvv/ fur /f3;/ futrzany I would never wear a fur coat fur belongs on animals. get changed /%get "tseindzd/ przebierać się I need to get changed into some clean clothes. get dressed /%get "drest/ ubierać się Hurry up and get dressed, or you ll miss the school bus. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

8 get undressed /%get Vn"drest/ rozebierać się The children got undressed and are ready for bed. hang up /%h&n "Vp/ wieszać I wish you d hang up your coat on the hook. hooded /"hudid/ z kapturem You aren t allowed to wear hooded tops in some places. in your shoes /In "jo; %Su;z/ na twoim miejscu That sounds like a difficult situation. I wouldn t like to be in your shoes. leather /"led@/ skórzany I only wear leather shoes, plastic is uncomfortable. linen /"linin/ płócienny George has bought a really stylish linen suit. long sleeved /%lqn "sli;vd/ z długim rękawem That s Henry over there, in the blue long-sleeved top. loose /lu;s/ luźny You should wear loose clothing when you go to the gym. lycra /"laikr@/ lycra Serious cyclists wear lycra shorts. match /"m&ts/ pasować do Your bag matches your shoes they re the same colour. material /m@"ti@ri@l/ materiał Man-made materials are better quality than they were 20 years ago. nylon /"nailqn/ nylonowy I m looking for a white nylon running vest. old-fashioned /%@Uld "f&snd/ staromodny That tie s very old-fashioned it s too wide. pattern /"p&tn/ wzór I don t like the pattern on this carpet. patterned /"p&tnd/ wzorzysty Wear a patterned shirt with a plain tie. plain /plein/ gładki jednolity Wear a patterned shirt with a plain tie. pull his socks up /%pul hiz "sqks zakasać rękawy He will have to pull his socks up if he wants to pass. %Vp/ rucksack /"rvks&k/ plecak Have you got a good rucksack to take camping? sandal /"s&ndl/ sandał Don t forget to pack some sandals to wear on the beach. scarf /ska;f/ szalik It s very cold and windy, put a scarf round your neck. scruffy /"skrvfi/ niechlujny He looks really scruffy his clothes are old and worn. silk /silk/ jedwabny I love silk shirts, but I hate ironing them. sleeveless /"sli;vl@s/ bez rękawów Joanna looked gorgeous in a sleeveless linen dress. slipper /"slip@/ kapeć I m getting mum some new suede slippers. smart /sma;t/ elegancko Jeff always looks so smart in his army uniform! spotted /"spqtid/ w kropki Don t wear a spotted shirt with a striped jacket. stocking /"stqkin/ pończocha Not many people wear stockings these days. striped /straipt/ w paski Don t wear a spotted shirt with a striped jacket. style /stail/ styl The styles invented by the young are often outrageous. stylish /"stailis/ stylowy George has bought a really stylish linen suit. suede /sweid/ zamszowy I m getting mum some new suede slippers. suit (n) /su;t/ garnitur Tom has bought a really expensive linen suit. suit (v) /su;t/ być do twarzy, That skirt really suits you you look great in it. pasować swimsuit /"swimsu;t/ kostium kąpielowy I realized I d forgotten my swimsuit. tight /tait/ obcisły These shoes are a bit tight, I should have bought the bigger size. trendy /"trendi/ modny, na topie She s very trendy she always wears the latest fashions. velvet /"velvit/ aksamitny I m not sure I like the big velvet bow on the back. vest /vest/ kamizelka I m looking for a white nylon running vest. V-neck /"vi; %nek/ z dekoltem w szpic Have you got a blue V-neck woollen jumper in a size 10? woollen /"wul@n/ wełniany Have you got a blue V-neck woollen jumper in a size 10? 2A More Words to Learn burst out laughing /%b3;st aut wybuchąć śmiechem We both looked at his clothes, and burst out laughing. "la;fin/ characteristics /%k&r@kt@"ristiks/ cecha Politeness is one of the characteristics of Englishness. charakterystyczna costume /"kqstju;m/ strój Goths often wear black costumes. neurotic /nju@"rqtik/ neurotyczny She s quite neurotic always worrying. research /ri"s3;ts/ badania naukowe In fact, the research showed we were wrong. slightly /"slaitli/ nieco, nieznacznie I found the article slightly boring. stereotype /"steri@taip/ stereotyp In many countries there are jokes based on stereotypes. survey (n) /"s3;vei/ sondaż A worldwide survey has cast doubt on the results. 8 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

9 take (yourself) /%teik brać (siebie) na serio They always take themselves too seriously. seriously tribe /traib/ plemię A tribe of young people share ideas. More words in 2A achieve /@"tsi;v/ osiągąć We are very optimistic, we can achieve anything. afford /@"fo;d/ pozwalać sobie na coś I can t afford to buy those, they are too expensive. alike /@"laik/ podobny We re all much more alike than we think we are! anthropologist /%&ntr@"pql@dzist/ antropolog The anthropologist spent years studying them. appreciate /@"pri;sieit/ doceniać I appreciate all your help. beige /beiz/ beżowy That idiot spilt red wine on my beige linen suit! cast doubt on /%kqa;st "daut rzucić cień wątpliwości A worldwide survey has cast doubt on results. Qn/ category /"k%t@g@ri/ kategoria Which category doe this CD go in rock, or pop? ceremonial /%ser@"m@uni@l/ okolicznościowy They make excellent ceremonial costume. compliment (v) /"kqmplim@nt/ prawić komplementy People often compliment us on our good manners. conspicuous /k@n"spikju@s/ rzucający się w oczy He wears highly conspicuous clothes they re so bright. cope /k@up/ radzić sobie Their business is unable to cope with the workload. current /"kvr@nt/ obecny, bieżący What are the current fashions? distant /"dist@nt/ daleki, odległy He s very interested in the distant past. dysfunctional /dis"fvnks@nl/ dysfunkcyjny, Their family has too many dysfunctional relationships. z zaburzeniami eccentric /Ik"sentrIk/ ekscentryczny My great uncle is very eccentric. elderly /"eld@li/ ludzie starsi The elderly are best looked after in residential homes. emigration /%emi"greisn/ emigracja Historically there has always been a lot of emigration. establish /I"st&blIS/ ustalać, ustanowić We used a survey to establish the data. generalize /"dzenr@laiz/ uogólniać It s difficult to generalize about young people. hard-working /%ha;d "w3;kin/ pracowity We are very hard-working people here live to work. heritage /"heritidz/ dziedzictwo We re very proud of our identity and cultural heritage. high-class /%hai "kla;s/ wysokiej klasy The tailor makes high-class men s suits. high-heeled /%hai "hi;ld/ na wysokich obcasach I want to get some high-heeled shoes. imitate /"ImIteIt/ imitować Their styles are often imitated by designers. inability /%In@"bIl@ti/ niezdolność Many people have an inability to learn languages. inaccurate /In"&kj@r@t/ niedokładny The information you gave was inaccurate. individualist /%IndI"vIdju@lIst/ indywidualista I think we are strong individualists we want few rules. inherited /In"herItId/ odziedziczony I have inherited the typical optimism and drive. innovative /"In@v@tIv/ innowacyjny MP3 players are examples of innovative technology. inventive /In"ventIv/ pełen inwencji He s really inventive, he built a wind-up radio. linked /linkt/ połączony, powiązany The companies are closely linked. macabre /m@"ka;br@/ makabryczny The Goths wear macabre black costumes. marginalized /"ma;dzin@laizd/ odsunięty na margines Some communities feel marginalized by society. materialistic /M %ti@ri@"listik/ materialistyczny He s so materialistic, he s only interested in money. measure (n) /"mez@/ miara The measure of success for most people here is money. melancholy /"mel@nk@li/ melancholia We do have a tendency to melancholy. multi-ethnic /%mvlti "etnik/ wieloetniczny London has a very multi-ethnic population. nostalgic /nq"st&ldzik/ nostalgiczny She s quite nostalgic she often speaks about the past. outrageous /aut"reidz@s/ skandaliczny His dress sense is outrageous I m shocked by him. pale /peil/ blady I got a pale grey suede jacket in the sale, it only cost 35. patriotic /%p&tri"qtik/ patriotyczny English people are very patriotic, especially during sporting events. range /reindz/ zawierać się Our prices range from 30 to 80 for a pair of jeans. w przedziale (no) regard (for) /ri"ga;d/ nie zważając na He has no regard for peoples opinions. reputation /%repju"teisn/ reputacja He has a reputation for dressing badly. reserved (adj) /ri"z3;vd/ skryty John is really reserved, he won t talk to strangers at all. (in many) respects /ri"spekts/ pod wieloma względami I think I m typical in many respects, I like the same as everyone else. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

10 scenery sceneria, krajobraz The Highlands have some beautiful scenery. specific konkretny Can you be more specific about when you last saw him? street-fashion /"stri;t %f&sn/ moda uliczna Street fashion is mostly influenced by urban music. tendency tendencja She has a tendency to talk too much. tolerant /"tql@r@nt/ tolerancyjny I m very tolerant and open-minded. unwillingness /Vn"wIlINn@s/ niechęć She shows an unwillingness to learn foreign languages! vampire /"v&mpai@/ wampir Dracula is the most famous fictional vampire vice versa /%vais "v3;s@/ vice versa Do you think women pay more attention than men, or vice versa? weakness /"wi;kn@s/ słabość His main weakness is that he won t share information. 2B More Words to Learn be about to /%bi; a"baut t@/ prawie (coś zrobić) I was totally convinced that we were about to die. cabin /"k&bin/ kajuta During the turbulence, bags flew around the cabin. cling (clung) /klin/ trzymać się kurczowo Passengers desperately clung to their seats. miracle /"mir@kl/ cud It s a miracle that nobody was hurt. scream /skri;m/ wrzeszczeć He screamed, We re going to crash! shortage /"SO;tIdZ/ brak There is always a shortage of wheelchairs. stagger /"st&g@/ zataczając się We all staggered off the plane in a state of shock. swan /swqn/ łabędź A swan can easily cause an accident to an aeroplane. turbulence /"t3;bj@l@ns/ turbulencja We were relaxing when the plane hit some turbulence. wheelchair /"wi;ltse@/ wózek inwalidzki There is always a shortage of wheelchairs for people. More words in 2B abort /@"bo;t/ odwołać The pilot had to abort the take off. accelerate /@k"sel@reit/ przyspieszać There is a critical moment when the plane is accelerating. airline /"e@lain/ linia lotnicza There is a sensible drinking policy on all airlines. aisle /ail/ nawa You can usually ask for a window or aisle seat. anecdote /"&nikd@ut/ anegdota He told me an anecdote about his time as a pilot. anonymous /@"nqnim@s/ anonimowy Air Babylon is written by an anonymous author. board /bo;d/ pokład Have you ever had a problem with a passenger on board? chaos /"keiqs/ chaos There was chaos at Heathrow. consequence /"kqnsikw@ns/ konsekwencja We use so / such ( that ) to express consequence. controllers /k@n"tr@ul@z/ dyspozytor It is important for controllers to have good English. convention /k@n"vensn/ konwencja Most countries respect the convention and their pilots speak in English. co-pilot /"k@u %pail@t/ drugi pilot It was the co-pilot who landed the aircraft. courtesy /"k3;t@si/ uprzejmość, tu: na We received a free flight courtesy of British Airways. koszt, fundowany przez crew /kru;/ załoga Most air crew enjoy their jobs. customs /"kvst@mz/ urząd celny The flight has landed, they ll go through customs soon. cut-price /%kvt "prais/ przeceniony Ryanair and Easyjet are two cut-price airlines. damage /"d&midz/ szkoda, uszkodzenie In some cases birds can do some damage to engines. declare /di"kle@/ zgłaszać do oclenia The official asked, Do you have anything to declare? delay /di"lei/ opóźnienie There was such a long delay because of fog. departure /di"pa;ts@/ odlot, odjazd Passengers leave from Departures. distinctly /dis"tinktli/ wyraźnie I distinctly remember having met you before. event /I"vent/ wydarzenie Can you go through the events of the story again? exit /"eksit/ wyjście It s worth listening to information about emergency exits. force /fo;s/ zmuszać The company had to force their pilots to speak in English. fumes /fju;mz/ opary If there s a fire there will be smoke and fumes. imposing /Im"p@UzIN/ olśniewająco He looked very imposing, nearly two metres tall. incapable /In"keIp@bl/ niezdolny I felt terrible incapable of doing anything at all. incapacitated /%Ink@"p&sIteItId/ obezwładniony What would happen if they were both incapacitated? luggage /"lvgidz/ bagaż Some airports are notorious for losing luggage. 10 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

11 major ważny, główny Birds are one of the major problems for any airport. martial /"ma;sl/ wojskowy Steven Seagal is a martial arts expert. nap /n&p/ drzemka You re sleepy have a nap. navigation /%n&vi"geisn/ do nawigacji Basic navigation equipment is very important. notorious /n@u"to;ri@s/ notoryczny Some airports are notorious for losing luggage. poisoning /"poiz@nin/ zatrucie Once I got food poisoning on a flight. policy /"pql@si/ polityk There is a sensible drinking policy on all airlines. porter /"po;t@/ bagażowy We had such heavy cases that we had to ask for a porter. reclaim /ri"kleim/ odbiór He went to baggage reclaim to pick up his luggage. recover /ri"kvv@/ przychodzić do siebie I slept so badly that it took me two days to recover. seatbelt /"si;tbelt/ pas bezpieczeństwa Airlines recommend wearing the seatbelt at all times. simulator /"simj@leit@/ symulator Pilots have to practise on a simulator before flying. simultaneous /%sim@l"teini@s/ symultaniczny, Check-in staff communicate via simultaneous . jednocześny snack /sn&k/ przekąska A flight attendant brought us some hot snacks. snore /sno;/ chrapać He was snoring the whole journey. sprint /sprint/ biec sprintem I had to sprint to catch the train this morning. surviving /s@"vaivin/ przeżycie The chances of surviving a crash are not high. sword /so;d/ miecz He was carrying an enormous samurai sword. terminal /"t3;minl/ terminal Most big airports have several different terminals. thunderstorm /"TVnd@stO;m/ burza z piorunami The wind often changes direction during thunderstorms. transatlantic /%tr&nz@t"l&ntik/ transatlantyczny The transatlantic flight takes over ten hours. transferred /tr&ns"f3;d/ przeniesiony A lot of transferred luggage got left behind at Heathrow. transported /tr&ns"po;tid/ przewożony Passengers are transported to the plane by a bus. type (v) /taip/ pisać na maszynie He took a really long time to type the letter. typhoons /taifu;nz/ tajfun Thunderstorms and typhoons cause a lot of turbulence. vital /"vaitl/ ważny It s vital for pilots and controllers to have good English. warning /"wo;nin/ ostrzeżenie There was no advance warning, so many people were hurt. waste (n) /weist/ strata He thought that studying was a waste of time. worth /w3;t/ wart Is it really worth passengers wearing seat belts? 2C More Words to Learn beg /beg/ błagać She begged him to let her join him in New York. bounce (v) /bauns/ huśtać, bujać Mommy bounced him on her knee. button /"bvtn/ guzik He pressed the black button to start the machine. frantic /"fr&ntik/ oszalały z niepokoju Dad! she shouted, I ve been frantic. You re late again. hopeless at beznadziejny w I m hopeless at organizing, I bought a book to help me. (czymś) housekeeper /"hauski;p@/ gosposia Dinner at six, the housekeeper told the maid. poodle /pu;dl/ pudel He bought a new dog, a poodle. tear (tore, tore) /te@/ drzeć, rozrywać He showed her how to tear the paper and open the boxes. trip over /%trip "@Uv@/ potykać się (o coś) She tripped over the dog that was lying on the floor. wrapped (up) /%r&pt "Vp/ owinąć, zawijąć I wrapped up all the presents on Christmas Eve. More words in 2C anxiously /"&NkS@sli/ z niepokojem, She begged him anxiously to let her join him. z niecierpliwością apart /@"pa;t/ na kawałki She tore the box apart as she quickly opened her present. applaud /@"plo;d/ oklaskiwać At the end of the concert, everybody applauded. babbling /"b&blin/ gaworzyć Jack was babbling baby talk and smiling his happy smile. block /blqk/ klocek He likes to build, he has lots and lots of wooden blocks. bomb /bqm/ bomba My house looks as if it s been hit by a bomb. cracked /kr&kt/ pękać The windshield cracked and popped out. demand /di"ma;nd/ żądać How long has he been off? Peter s mother demanded. firm /f3;m/ mocno Peter felt his mother s firm grip on his shoulder. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

12 generation gap różnica pokoleń It isn t easy to bridge the generation gap between us. %g&p/ gipsy /"dzipsi/ Cyganka The gipsy had warned her about this man. grab /gr&b/ chwytać She grabbed Peter s arm and spun him around. gradually /"gr&dzu@li/ stopniowo He gradually began to realise that she didn t love him. hard /ha;d/ ciężko He works very hard at least ten hours a day. hardly /ha;dli/ zaledwie Her French isn t very good, she can hardly say anything. hose /h@uz/ wąż, szlauch The fire engine had lights, a siren, and hoses. howl /haul/ wyć Little Brother started to cry, and soon he was howling. hug /hvg/ uścisk Peter was so excited that he gave him a big hug. immediately /I"mi;di@tli/ natychmiast She recognized the writing on the envelope immediately. increasingly /In"kri;sINli/ narastająco, tu: coraz bardziej Since his wife s death his son had become increasingly difficult. incredibly /In"kred@bli/ niewiarygodnie Have you seen this incredibly good looking man? insect /"Insekt/ insekt Andrew swatted a few insects with his newspaper. instead /In"sted/ zamiast She didn t thank me. Instead, she gave Tony a gift. intention /In"tenSn/ intencja I had good intentions, but couldn t help. join /dzoin/ łączyć She begged him to let her join him in New York. lap /l&p/ podołek Mommy picked up Joe and sat him in her lap. lifeless /"laifl@s/ bez życia Suddenly, Little Brother was limp on the floor lifeless. limp /limp/ bezwładny, wiotki Suddenly, Little Brother was limp on the floor lifeless. material /m@"ti@ri@l/ materiał What sort of material is your coat made from? package /"p&kidz/ paczka The postman delivered two packages this morning. pat /p&t/ klepać He was patting the dog when it bit him. place (v) /pleis/ umieszczać Peter placed the bricks carefully one on top of the other. pleasure /"plez@/ przyjemność He s reading this book for pleasure, not for study. pop (v) /pqp/ przebijać He popped the balloon with a pin. revenge /ri"vendz/ zemsta Revenge is sweet, thought Jane as she cut up her husband s new suit. romance /r@u"m&ns/ romans Holiday romances rarely last very long. (in a) row /r@u/ z rzędu Peter had wanted the toy for three Christmases in a row. scooped /sku;pt/ podnosić Mommy scooped up the doll and turned him on. servant /"s3;v@nt/ służący They have a housekeeper and three servants. siren /"sair@n/ syrena alarmowa The fire engine had lights, a siren, and hoses just like the real thing. spanking /"sp&nkin/ lanie, klapsy He was given a spanking for breaking the toys. spin /spin/ obracać (się) She grabbed his arm and spun him around. stack (v) /st&k/ układać w stos The blocks I stacked up fell over. surface /"s3;fis/ powierzchnia Put the TV on a flat surface, so it doesn t fall off. swat /swqt/ pacnąć She swatted the mosquito that had been bothering us. threaten /"Tretn/ grozić Peter threatened to turn the TV off. toddle /"tqdl/ dreptać Peter let the baby toddle over and knock down the tower. tottering /"tqt@rin/ chwiejny Little Brother took tottering baby steps toward Peter. tremble /"trembl/ trząść się Little Brother trembled and screeched loudly. unbelievably /%Vnb@"li;v@bli/ niewiarygodnie She felt unbelievably happy as she stepped on board. wad (v) /wqd/ zwijąć w kulkę Peter wadded the paper into balls and threw them. windshield /"windsi;ld/ przednia szyba The windshield cracked in the crash. wrinkle /"rinkl/ marszczyć (się) His face wrinkled up as if he were about to cry. yell /jel/ krzyknąć I ll do it! he yelled. Vocabulary Bank Crime and punishment acquit /@"kwit/ uniewinniać He was acquitted and allowed to go free. arrest /@"rest/ aresztować They were arrested and taken to a police station. assassinate /@"s&sineit/ dokonać zamachu President J F Kennedy was assassinated in assassination /@%s&si"neisn/ zabójstwo The assassination of JFK shocked the world. blackmail (n) /"bl&kmeil/ szantaż He was convicted of blackmail. blackmail (v) /"bl&kmeil/ szantażować He was blackmailed into paying her to keep quiet. 12 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

13 blackmailer szantażysta The blackmailer said he would go to the newspapers. break in / burgle /%breik "In, włamywać się Someone broke in to our flat and stole my laptop. "b3;gl/ bribe (n) /braib/ łapówka He was arrested for offering the policeman a bribe. bribe (v) /braib/ przekupywać He tried to bribe me to keep quiet about the robbery. bribery /"braib@ri/ przekupstwo The businessman was arrested on charges of bribery. burglar /"b3;gl@/ włamywacz The burglar who broke into our flat was only sixteen. burglary /"b3;gl@ri/ włamanie The burglary had a terrible effect on my mother. capital punishment /%k&pitl kara śmierci Britain abolished capital punishment in "pvnism@nt/ the death penalty /D@ "det %pen@lti/ kara śmierci Several states in the US still apply the death penalty. catch (a criminal) /k&ts/ złapać (przestepcę) The burglar was caught as he tried to escape. charge (v) /tsa;dz/ tu: oskarżać (o) Carl and Adam were charged with murder. commit /k@"mit/ popełniać There was no proof that he had committed the crime. community service /k@%mju;n@ti praca społeczna He was sentenced to 100 hours of community service. "s3;vis/ court /ko;t/ sąd The mugger was charged and taken to court. drug dealer /"drvg %di;l@/ handlarz narkotyków Drug dealers often hang around the street corners. drug dealing /"drvg %di;lin/ handel narkotykami The police take drug dealing very seriously here. fine (n) /fain/ grzywna Don t expect to get off with a fine if you re caught. fraud /fro;d/ oszustwo Three bank employees were found guilty of fraud. guilty /"gilti/ winny Three bank employees were found guilty of fraud. hijack /"haidz&k/ porywać samolot Two men tried to hijack the plane. hijacker /"haidz&k@/ porywacz samolotu The hijacker wanted the government to free prisoners. hijacking /"haidz&kin/ porwanie samolotu Hijacking is difficult because of increased security. investigate /In"vestIgeIt/ prowadzić dochodzenie The police investigated the crime last year. judge /dzvdz/ sędzia The judge sentenced the rapist to 15 years in prison. jury /"dzu@ri/ ława przysięgłych The kidnapper was found guilty by the jury. kidnap /"kidn&p/ porywać A woman walked in and tried to kidnap a baby. kidnapper /"kidn&p@/ porywacz The kidnapper was found guilty by the jury. kidnapping /"kidn&pin/ porwanie We were warned that kidnapping was common here. life sentence /%laif "sent@ns/ dożywocie The murderer was given a life sentence. manslaughter /"m&nslo;t@/ nieumyślne When a killing is not intentional it is manslaughter. spowodowanie śmierci mug /mvg/ napaść z bronią w ręku Someone tried to mug my sister and steal her mobile. mugger /"mvg@/ bandyta The mugger was charged and taken to court. mugging /"mvgin/ napaść Mugging can be a problem in the city centre. murder (n) /"m3;d@/ morderstwo We abolished capital punishment for murder in murder (v) /"m3;d@/ mordować She murdered her husband because he tried to leave. murderer /"m3;d@r@/ morderca The murderer was given a life sentence. not guilty /%nqt "gilti/ niewinny He was accused of rape, found not guilty. proof /pru;f/ dowód The police were sure he did it, but there wasn t proof. evidence /"evid@ns/ dowod The jury had to examine all the evidence. punishment /"pvnism@nt/ kara People think that ten years isn t enough punishment. question (v) /"kwests@n/ pytać, indagować The police questioned him for hours. rape (n) /reip/ gwałt He was accused of rape, but he denied the charge. rape (v) /reip/ gwałcić The girl said she had been raped by a stranger. rapist /"reipist/ gwałciciel The judge sentenced the rapist to 15 years in prison. rob /rqb/ kraść The gang robbed the post office last year. robber /"rqb@/ rabuś The two robbers were wearing masks. robbery /"rqb@ri/ napad rabunkowy There s been a robbery at the bank. sell drugs /%sel "drvgz/ sprzedawać narkotyki Selling drugs is a more serious offence. sentence /"sent@ns/ wyrok The burglar was given a sentence of 2 years. set off bombs /%set Qf "bqmz/ podkładać bomby Animal rights campaigners set off bombs at the lab. six months in prison /%siks mvnts In sześć miesięcy The judge sentenced her to six months in prison. "prizn/ więzienia smuggle /"smvgl/ przemycać He was caught trying to smuggle drugs into the UK. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

14 smuggler przemytnik Drug smugglers sometimes swallow packages. smuggling /"smvglin/ przemyt Smuggling diamonds is a highly-organised crime. steal /sti;l/ kraść Someone stole my bag while I was in the restaurant. terrorism /"ter@rizm/ terroryzm He was convicted of terrorism, and sent to jail. terrorist /"ter@rist/ terrorysta Terrorists have blown up the headquarters of bank. theft /Teft/ kradzież Theft from shops is called shoplifting. thief /Ti;f/ złodziej The security guard saw the thief steal the jacket. vandal /"v&nd@l/ wandal Some young vandals damaged several cars. vandalism /"v&nd@lizm/ wandalizm I think that graffiti is a form of vandalism. vandalize /"v&nd@laiz/ demolować The school was vandalized and all its windows broken. verdict /"v3;dikt/ werdykt, wyrok The jury are going to deliver their verdict tomorrow. witnesses /"witn@siz/ świadek There were no witnesses to the attack. 3A More Words to Learn antique /&n"ti;k/ antyk She collects antiques from Asia. burglar alarm /"b3;gl@(r) system We installed a burglar alarm after the antywłamaniowy humiliation /hju;%mili"eisn/ poniżenie He suffered the humiliation of cleaning the sewers. in a trance "tra;ns/ w transie People were just standing as if they were in a trance. interrogate /In"ter@geIt/ przesłuchiwać She has spent five days being interrogated by police. justice /"dzvstis/ sprawiedliwość Making a vandal repaint a wall is creative justice. kitten /"kitn/ kociak The kittens were only a few days old. magician /m@"dzisn/ magik The magicians often perform at charity events. tough /tvf/ surowy She comes from a tough family background. victim /"viktim/ ofiara Victims of crime often need emotional support. More words in 3A abandon /@"b&nd@n/ porzucać She was arrested for abandoning some kittens. anthem /"&nt@m/ hymn He sang the anthem of his favourite football team. approach /@"pr@uts/ podejście, postawa He attributes his approach to his family background. attributes /@"tribju;ts/ przypisywać coś He attributes his approach to his family background. czemuś bark /ba;k/ szczekać Their dogs bark incessantly and bother everyone. beat /bi;t/ bić You can beat the burglars by installing an alarm. belongings /bi"lqninz/ dobytek, rzeczy Be careful with their belongings. osobiste bother /bqd@/ niepokoić Their dogs bark incessantly and bother everyone. brand /br&nd/ marka, znak firmawy His unique brand of creative justice is very famous. cashier /k&"si@/ kasjer He made cashiers hand over all the money. chronological /%krqn@"lqdzikl/ chronologiczny The information is not given in a chronological order. clarify /"kl&r@fai/ wyjaśnić Re-read the article to clarify the information. clerk /kla;k/ urzędnik Bank clerks have been told to be aware of robbers. conventional /k@n"vens@nl/ konwencjonalny He s not very conventional in his dress sense. courthouse /"ko;thaus/ budynek sądu The judge works in a courthouse. courtroom /"ko;trum/ sala sądowa The courtroom was full of journalists. cramped /kr&mpt/ ciasny My office is really cramped. custody /"kvst@di/ nadzór A judge ordered the prisoner to be held in custody. detail /"di;teil/ szczegół I read the newspaper article for more detail. dispute (v) /di"spju;t/ kłócic się Two neighbours were disputing about their land. duty /"dju;ti/ dyżur Officers on duty at the stadium arrested the thief. fulfil /ful"fil/ spełniać Fulfilling the contract was extremely difficult. graffiti /gr@"fi;ti/ graffiti I think that graffiti is a form of vandalism. hypnotic /hip"nqtik/ hipnotyczny He put people into a hypnotic trance. incessantly /In"ses@ntli/ nieprzerwanie Their dogs bark incessantly and bother everyone. infect /In"fekt/ zaraziać A computer virus can infect thousands of PCs. inspire /In"spaI@/ inspirować His tough family background inspired him. interrogate /In"ter@geIt/ przesłuchiwać He was interrogated by police in prison in Argentina. 14 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

15 jail /dzeil/ więzienie She could choose between jail and a fine. loaded /"l@udid/ naładowany A man was carrying a loaded gun in the street. mortuary /"mo;ts@ri/ kostnica He went to the mortuary to view dead bodies. offender /@"fend@/ sprawca Offenders have to choose between jail and an alternative. presidency /"prezid@nsi/ prezesura This year he won the presidency of the law society. prestigious /pre"stidz@s/ prestiżowy I didn t go to a prestigious law firm. reoffend /%ri;@"fend/ ponownie popełnić John reoffended, and was sent to jail again. wykroczenie ruling /"ru;lin/ wyrok His ruling was considered very harsh. serve /s3;v/ odbywać (karę) He was elected to serve another six years. skilfully /"skilf@li/ zręcznie He picked pockets so skilfully he was a professional. speeding /"spi;din/ przekroczenie I was caught speeding, and had to pay a fine. dozwolonej prędkości spot /spqt/ miejsce An arsonist set fire to a local beauty spot. supplies /s@"plaiz/ dostarczać I m the director of a company which supplies paper. teller /"tel@/ kasjerz w okienku The bank tellers have gone on strike. bankowym tube /tju;b/ metro The London Underground is also called the Tube. tyre /"tai@/ opon Teenagers let down tyres on school buses. valuables /"v&lju@blz/ kosztowności What is the best place to hide your valuables? virus /"vair@s/ wirus A computer virus can infect thousands of PCs. warn /wo;n/ ostrzegać We were warned there was going to be a storm. wood /wud/ las I spent three hours lost in the woods. Vocabulary Bank weather below zero /bi%l@u "zi@r@u/ poniżej zera The temperature will be below zero tomorrow. blizzard /"bliz@d/ śnieżyca The strong winds and snow created a real blizzard. breeze /bri;z/ bryza It s not too windy, there s just a pleasant breeze. bright /brait/ jasny Tomorrow will be sunny and bright, although cold. changeable /"tseindz@bl/ zmienny The weather will be changeable wet and sunny. chilly /"tsili/ chłodny It s a bit chilly, so take a coat with you. clear /kli@/ jasny, czysty On a clear day you can see the coast of Wales. cool /ku;l/ zimny Our house is cool in summer, due to the stone walls. damp /d&mp/ wilgotny It s a bit damp outside, although it isn t raining. drizzle /"drizl/ siąpic, mżyć It s still drizzling a bit, so take your umbrella. drought /draut/ susza There were terrible droughts in Africa again last year. flood /flvd/ powódź The flood left hundreds of farms under water. freezing /"fri;zin/ mrożny, lodowaty The Antarctic is always below freezing. gale-force /"geilfo;s/ wichura The ship was battered by gale-force winds. get soaked /%get "s@ukt/ przemoknąć You ll get soaked if you go out in this heavy rain! get sunburnt /%get "svnb3;nt/ opalić się Put on some suncream, don t get sunburnt. hailstorm /"heilsto;m/ burza gradowa The cars were damaged by ice during the hailstorm. heatwave /"hi;tweiv/ fala upalów We re in a heatwave, it s been hot for weeks. heavy /"hevi/ ciężki In Scotland there will be strong winds and heavy rain. humid /"hju;mid/ wilgotny It s very humid today, there s no air at all. hurricane /"hvrik@n/ huragan A hurricane has caused widespread destruction. icy /"aisi/ pokryty lodem Driving will be dangerous as the roads will be icy. lightning /"laitnin/ błyskawica Look at the lightning I love thunderstorms. melt /melt/ topnieć The snow was melting minutes after it fell. mild /maild/ łagodny Winters are usually quite mild in England. monsoon /%mqn"su;n/ monsun There is usually a monsoon after the long dry season. pouring (with rain) /"po;rin/ leje jak z cebra It s pouring with rain outside, let s wait until it stops. scorching /"sko;tsin/ skwierczący Yet another scorching, sunny day 42 degrees. settled /"setld/ ustabilizowany The weather will become more settled on Friday. shiver /"SIv@r/ drżeć You re shivering, do you want to borrow my jacket? shower /"SaU@/ przelotne opady They are expecting some snow showers. slippery /"slip@ri/ śliski Be careful! The pavement s very slippery. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

16 strong /strqn/ silny These strong winds are damaging the trees. sunny /"svni/ słoneczny Tomorrow will be sunny and bright. sweating /"swetin/ pocić się He was sweating heavily because of the heat. thick /TIk/ gruby There will be thick fog in the hills and near the coast. thunder grzmot I don t mind the lightning, but I m afraid of thunder. warm /wo;m/ ciepły It isn t warm enough to turn the central heating off. wet /wet/ mokry It s going to be wet, with rain for most of the day. windy /"windi/ wietrzny It s not too windy outside, there s a pleasant breeze. 3B More Words to Learn canal /k@"n&l/ kanał The canals were full of rubbish and old bikes. chaos /"keiqs/ chaos The snow caused chaos for people going to work. climate change /"klaim@t zmiana klimatu Climate change is an issue we can t avoid. %tseindz/ CO 2 emissions tu; emisje CO 2 We have to reduce CO 2 emissions as soon as possible. I"mISnz/ crazy /"kreizi/ szalony There were crazy people dancing on the roof. fan (n) /f&n/ wentylator There was a large fan to cool everyone down. organic (food) /O;"g&nIk/ organiczny I buy organic food, which has been grown locally. recycle (v) /%ri;"saikl/ segregować We regularly recycle paper, glass, and plastic rubbish bin /"rvbis %bin/ kosz na śmieci The street was full of overflowing rubbish bins. sea level /"si; levl/ poziom morza Sea levels may rise if we carry on polluting. More words in 3B absorb /@b"zo;b/ pochłaniać 24 trees can absorb a household s emissions of CO 2. air-conditioning /"e@ k@ndisnin/ klimatyzacja I don t understand the need for air-conditioning. appliance /@"plai@ns/ urządzenie Don t keep your electrical appliances on standby. block /blqk/ blok She lives in a block of flats. brake /breik/ hamować When you brake, the car s battery is charged. bridesmaid /"braidzmeid/ druhna Sarah was invited to be a bridesmaid at the wedding. budget /"bvdzit/ budżet Titanic was a really high budget movie. bulb /bvlb/ żarówka Use only energy-saving light bulbs. bulletins /"bul@tinz/ biuletyn informacyjny I stayed up all night watching the TV bulletins. coastal /"k@ustl/ nadbrzeżny The number of serious coastal storms will double. combat /"kqmb&t/ zwalczać Their leader is trying to combat climate change. compensate /"kqmp@nseit/ rekompensować We have to compensate for our CO 2 emissions. dilemma /di"lem@/ dylemat So now she had a terrible dilemma. To fly or not? displace /dis"pleis/ przemieszczać The floods displaced hundreds of millions of people. dozen /"dvzn/ tuzin Two or three dozen trees were planted in the field. environmental /In%vaIr@n"mentl/ środowiskowy Try to support an environmental organization. epic /"epik/ heroiczny, epicki The epic journey took her nearly two months. equipped /I"kwIpt/ wyposażony The pub is equipped with a large fan during summer. extinct /Ik"stINkt/ wymarły Many species will have become extinct by footprint /"futprint/ ślad (stopy) His carbon footprint is huge he s always flying. glaciers /"gl&si@z/ lodowce Many glaciers will have melted completely. grab /gr&b/ chwytać I had to grab hold of her so I wouldn t be blown over. habitable /"h&bit@bl/ mieszkalny Low-lying islands will no longer be habitable. horizon /h@"raizn/ horyzont There are storm clouds on the horizon. household /"haush@uld/ gospodarstwo domowe They create too much household waste. hybrid /"haibrid/ z napędem A hybrid car has a normal and electric motor. hybrydowym ice-cold /%ais"k@uld/ mocno schłodzony I really enjoy ice-cold beer. impassable /Im"pA;s@bl/ nie do przejścia I tried various routes but every road was impassable. lack /l&k/ brak The ski resorts closed down due to lack of snow. lifestyle /"laifstail/ styl życia Barbara decided to make big changes to her lifestyle. load /l@ud/ ładunek A whole load of trucks were stuck in the snow. looters /"lu;t@z/ szabrownicy I was afraid of looters breaking in and stealing things. 16 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

17 low-lying nizinny Low-lying islands like the Maldives are in danger. mess /mes/ bałagan, nieporządek Havana was in a dreadful mess after the hurricane. moderate /"mqd@r@t/ umiarkowany Half the world will be having moderate droughts. overflow (v) /%@Uv@"fl@U/ wylać się, przelewać się There was a real danger that the river would overflow. perverse /p@"v3;s/ perwersyjny I had a kind of perverse desire to be the last to leave. polar /"p@ul@/ polarny The extinction of polar bears is expected soon. resort /ri"zo;t/ kurort 50% of the world s ski resorts will close down. rising /"raizin/ podnoszący się We stayed to watch the water level rising. route /ru;t/ droga, trasa I tried various routes but the roads were blocked. slush /slvs/ breja The snow turned to slush as the temperature rose. soil /soil/ gleba, ziemia Hurricane force winds ripped trees out of the wet soil. solar /"s@ul@/ słoneczny (np. energia) We will all be using solar power to heat our houses. species /"spi;siz/ gatunek Many animal species will become extinct. standby /"st&ndbai/ w gotowości Don t keep your TV on standby. stare /ste@/ gapić się Some people were standing there staring in a trance. stuck /stvk/ utknąć Many of the trucks were stuck in the snow. thaw /TO;/ rozmarżać Even if it thaws tomorrow, the damage is done. trance /tra;ns/ trans He was completely shocked in a trance. tsunamis /tsu;"na;miz/ tsunami The number of tsunamis will have doubled. unbearably /Vn"be@r@bli/ nieznośnie It was unbearably cold the electricity was cut off. visualize /"vizu@laiz/ wyobrazać sobie No one could possibly have visualized the damage. wade /"weid/ brnąć He was wading into the water to see how deep it was. yard /ja;d/ podwórko We made a snowman in the yard. 3C More Words to Learn according to /@"ko;din t@/ według According to the statistics it will get hotter. catastrophe /k@"t&str@fi/ katastrofa Death from heart disease is a catastrophe. drown /draun/ tonąć Every year, children are drowned in pools. hazard /"h&z@d/ ryzyko, zagrożenie The hazards of flying aren t very high. instead /In"sted/ zamiast Instead of flying, she decided to travel over land! playground /"pleigraund/ plac zabaw Visitors to the playground must provide ID. scare (v) /ske@/ odstraszać Risks that scare people and risks that kill are different. sue (v) /su;/ skarżyć (kogoś o coś) Parents of an injured child might sue the school. threat (n) /Tret/ groźba, zagrożenie Terrorism is less of a threat than heart disease. whereas /%we@"r&z/ podczas gdy I can t amend the design, whereas I can rewrite. More words in 3C assessing /@"sesin/ ocenianie Generally people are bad at assessing risk. baby-buggies /"beibi %bvgiz/ wózki spacerowe, The wheels of baby-buggies are cleaned daily. spacerówki cautious /"ko;s@s/ ostrożny Women are more careful and cautious drivers. childhood /"tsaildhud/ dzieciństwo Childhood should be a time of fun. cholesterol /k@"lest@rql/ cholesterol Our daily lives are full of dangers. consultant /k@n"svlt@nt/ konsultant, specjalista Peter Sandman is a risk consultant. decisive /di"saisiv/ zdecydowany Are you a decisive person? Decide now! dread /dred/ strach The dread factor describes our fear. element /"el@m@nt/ element Parents want to remove every element of risk. eliminating /I"lImIneItIN/ eliminowanie Schools have become obsessed with eliminating risk. equation /I"kweIZn/ równanie Sandman uses the following equation: for most people risk = hazard (or danger) + outrage (or horror). external /Iks"t3;nl/ zewnętrzny I am at the mercy of myriad external factors. factor /"f&kt@/ czynnik I am at the mercy of myriad external factors. fatal /"feitl/ śmiertelny Most fatal accidents happen on country roads. fatty /"f&ti/ tuczący Too much fatty food can cause heart disease. first-time /"f3;st%taim/ po raz pierwszy First-time visitors must provide proof of ID. guaranteed /%g&r@n"ti;d/ gwarantowany Parents are guaranteed total peace of mind. hairdryer /"he@drai@/ suszarka do włosów Always unplug your hairdryer after using it. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

18 harmful /"ha;mfl/ szkodliwy It is cleaned daily to remove any harmful objects. infected /In"fektId/ zarażony We can t tell if our meat is infected. inflatable /In"fleIt@bl/ nadmuchiwany Most of the bigger toys are inflatable. kit /kit/ zestaw Keep a first aid kit in your house. land /"l&nd/ lądować They ll call us as soon as they ve landed. log /lqg/ kłoda They can climb trees and walk on logs. long-term /"lqn%t3;m/ długofalowy, długoterminowy People are more scared of short-term dangers than longterm ones. mounted /"mauntid/ zamontowany Security cameras are mounted on the ceiling. myth /mit/ mit There are a lot of myths about health risks. non-fatal /%nqn"feitl/ nie prowadzący do He had a non-fatal accident last Friday. śmierci outrage /"autreidz/ oburzenie When hazard is low and outrage high, people overreact. overreact /%@Uv@ri"&kt/ reagować za mocno, When hazard is low and outrage high, people overreact. zbyt emocjonalnie pedestrian /p@"destri@n/ pieszy It is riskier to be a pedestrian than to drive. playground /"pleigraund/ plac zabaw I took my son to the playground. potentially /p@"tens@li/ potencjalnie Potentially harmful substances have been removed. priority /prai"qr@ti/ priorytet This place puts absolute priority on safety. properly /"prqp@li/ właściwie, Don t cycle at night unless your lights work properly. odpowiednio rare /re@/ rzadki Mad cow disease is extremely rare, but it terrifies us. reduce /ri"dju;s/ obniżać, zmniejszać Most of the bigger toys are inflatable to reduce risks. risk /risk/ ryzyko Generally people are bad at assessing risk. roughly /"rvfli/ około By day a driver s visibility is roughly 500 metres. sandpit /"s&ndpit/ piaskownica The sandpit contains sterilized sand. severe /si"vi@/ surowy, ostry Do you think punishments should be more severe? statistics /st@"tistiks/ statystyka According to the statistics, you would be wrong. sterilized /"ster@laizd/ wysterylizowany The sandpit contains sterilized sand. strict /strikt/ surowy, wymagający Jamie loves meat but his wife is a strict vegetarian. supervising /"su;p@vaizin/ nadzór Should children go swimming without an adult supervising? survey (n) /"s3;vei/ sondaż According to a recent survey, people eat badly. tend /tend/ mieć tendencję People tend to be scared of short-term dangers. terrorism /"ter@rizm/ terroryzm Terrorism is less of a threat than heart disease. threat /Tret/ groźba, zagrożenie Terrorism is less of a threat than heart disease. underreact /%Vnd@ri"&kt/ reagować zbyt słabo When hazard is high but the terror is low, people underreact. unique /ju;"ni;k/ jedyny w swoim You are not unique most people are bad at it. rodzaju, wyjątkowy unplug /%Vn"plVg/ wyłączać Always unplug your hairdryer. vegetarian /%vedz@"te@ri@n/ wegetarianin Jamie loves meat but his wife is a strict vegetarian. visibility /%viz@"bil@ti/ widoczność By day a driver s visibility is roughly 500 metres. within /wi"din/ w promieniu Most fatal accidents happen within 40km of home. 4A Personality Vocabulary Bank astonished /@"stqnist/ zdumiony I was absolutely astonished when I won the award. confused /k@n"fju;zd/ zmieszany Most people are stunned and confused by disasters. couldn t believe my eyes /%kudnt bi%li;v mai "aiz/ nie móc oczom uwierzyć I couldn t believe my eyes she looked ten years younger. delighted /di"laitid/ zadowolony We were delighted when our daughter graduated. desperate /"desp@r@t/ zrozpaczony Kevin was feeling desperate he had become lost. devastated /"dev@steitid/ załamany They were absolutely devastated when their son died. disappointed /%dis@"pointid/ rozczarowany James was disappointed when he didn t get a new bike. down in the dumps /%daun In D@ przygnębiony You look a bit down in the dumps. Are you OK? "dvmps/ exhausted /Ig"zO;stId/ wyczerpany After three days without sleep I was exhausted. 18 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

19 fed up /fed "Vp/ znudzony Kevin got fed up with Marcus because he was complaining. furious wściekły I was furious with their poor decision. glad /gl&d/ zadowolony I m glad we went to the party, I really enjoyed it. grateful /"greitfl/ wdzięczny I ll always be grateful to Matt for helping me. homesick /"h@umsik/ stęskniony za domem I was homesick the whole time I was living abroad. lonely /"l@unli/ samotny I think Joanna s a bit lonely in London. nervous /"n3;v@s/ zdenerwowany I get very nervous before an exam. offended /@"fendid/ obrażony Julia was very offended when you didn t invite her. over the moon /%@Uv@ D@ "mu;n/ nie posiadać się ze He finally passed his driving test! He s over the moon! szczęścia overwhelmed /%@Uv@"welmd/ głęboko poruszony Mum was completely overwhelmed when Dad died. relieved /ri"li;vd/ odczuwający ulgę I was relieved to find I hadn t lost my passport after all! scared stiff /%ske@d "stif/ zdrętwiały ze strachu When I saw the burglar I was scared stiff. shocked /SQkt/ zszokowany When a disaster happens most people are so shocked. sick and tired "tai@d/ mieć po dziurki w nosie I m sick and tired of telling you to do your homework. stunned /stvnd/ olśniony, zaszokowany Most people are stunned and confused when in disasters. terrified /"ter@faid/ przerażony Yossi tried to sleep but he felt terrified. thrilled /TrIld/ podekscytowany Susie was thrilled to be chosen to star in the school play. upset /Vp"set/ zmartwiony She was very upset when she heard about the accident. worn out /%wo;n "aut/ wyczerpany I m completely worn out, I just want to sit down. More words to learn catch fire /%k&ts "fai@/ zapalać się They got out just before the plane caught fire. collide with /k@"laid wid/ zderzać się z A Pan Am 747 collided with a Dutch KLM 747. evacuation /I%v&kju"eISn/ ewakuacja Panicking people were obstructing the evacuation. explosion /Ik"spl@UZn/ eksplozja She heard an explosion and felt the building move. jungle /"jvngl/ dżungla The two friends were now separated in the jungle. paralysed /"p&r@laizd/ sparaliżowany Other passengers froze, their minds paralyzed. raft /ra;ft/ płynąć tratwą He decided that he would raft down the river. react /ri"&kt/ reagować She doesn t react well to stress. shake /SeIk/ trząść The building shook during the earthquake. survivor /s@"vaiv@/ ocalały One of the survivors of the crash was a small boy. More words in 4A abandon /@"b&nd@n/ porzucać We had to abandon the search for the village. backpacking /"b&kp&kin/ wędrówka z plecakiem We went backpacking in a remote area of Bolivia. bee /bi;/ pszczoła Suddenly he heard the sound of a bee buzzing in his ear. branch /bra;nts/ gałąź He woke up because he heard a branch breaking. buzzing /"bvzin/ bzyczenie Suddenly he heard the sound of a bee buzzing in his ear. canoe /k@"nu;/ kajak Kevin was rescued by two Bolivian hunters in a canoe. canyon /"k&nj@n/ kanion The two friends were now separated by a canyon. category /"k&t@g@ri/ kategoria There are three categories of people. collision /k@"lizn/ zderzenie, kolizja 60 seconds after the collision the plane exploded. command /k@"ma;nd/ rozkaz, polecenie Years later, she still thinks about that command. cope /k@up/ radzić sobie How would you cope if the unthinkable happened? crisis /"kraisis/ kryzys In a crisis many people freeze. decisive /di"saisiv/ zdecydowany A normally decisive person may not act at all. dense /dens/ gęsty The forest was too dense to see through. diagram /"dai@gr&m/ diagram, wykres He had studied the 747 s safety diagram. downriver /%daun"riv@/ w dolnym biegu rzeki He came up to the surface several kilometres downriver. drill /dril/ ćwiczenia I thought it was probably a fire drill. drown /draun/ topić się But Yossi didn t drown. He came up to the surface. entire /In"taI@/ całkowity Most people go their entire lives without a disaster. flash /fl&s/ błyskowy He woke up and turned on his flash light. float /fl@ut/ dryfować He found their backpack floating in the river. New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press

20 hike /haik/ wędrować, iść na We went on a long hike in the mountains. wycieczkę hunter /"hvnt@/ myśliwy, łowca Kevin was rescued by two Bolivian hunters in a canoe. hysterical /hi"sterikl/ histeryczny Some people panic and become hysterical in a crisis. infected /In"fektId/ zarażony His feet became infected and were hurting. jaguar /"dz&gju@/ jaguar Jaguars are South American big-cats. lack /l&k/ brak He was weak from lack of food and sleep. lethal /"li;tl/ śmiertelny Many of these plants are lethal if you eat them. lifetime /"laiftaim/ życie They went into the jungle on the adventure of a lifetime. lobby /"lqbi/ hall Find the quickest way down to the hotel lobby. log /lqg/ kłoda He held onto a log and let himself float down the river. mosquito /m@"ski;t@u/ komar He thought a bee had got inside his mosquito net. obstruct /@b"strvkt/ utrudniać People were obstructing the evacuation. rainforest /"reinfqrist/ las deszczowy The Amazonian rainforest is roughly the size of Europe. rapids /"r&pidz/ bystrzyna The river got faster and soon they were in rapids. remain /ri"mein/ pozostawać About 10% to 15% of people remain calm. remote /ri"m@ut/ odległy The three friends went backpacking in a remote area. repellent /ri"pel@nt/ odstraszający, Wear plenty of insect repellent; there are mosquitoes. odpychający roughly /"rvfli/ około The Amazonian rainforest is roughly the size of Europe. species /"spi;si;z/ gatunek It is home to 50% of species known to man. spirits /"spirits/ humor Yossi s spirits changed from desperate to optimistic. spray (n) /sprei/ spray A spray of water chased off the cat. stare /ste@/ gapić się There was a jaguar staring at him. starving /"sta;vin/ głodujący After five days alone, Yossi was exhausted and starving. strike /straik/ uderzać Disasters can strike any time anywhere. surface /"s3;fis/ powierzchnia Yossi came up to the surface several kilometres away. sweep away zamiatać Yossi was swept away by the rapids. trail /treil/ szlak Suddenly he found a footprint on the trail. trance /tra;ns/ trans I felt as if I was in a trance. unthinkable /Vn"TINk@bl/ nie do pomyślenia How would you cope if the unthinkable happened? vast /va;st/ ogromny The vast majority of people do very little. vice versa /%vais "v3;s@/ vice versa odwrotnie A normally decisive person may not act at all quickly in a crisis and vice versa. 4B More Words to Learn behaviour /bi"heivj@/ zachowanie Reward good behaviour and ignore the bad. ignore /Ig"nO;/ ignorować Reward good behaviour and ignore the bad. lose your temper /%lu;z j@ "temp@/ stracić panowanie He didn t lose his temper but carried on searching. mat /m&t/ mata They train birds to land on mats on the ground. nag (v) /n&g/ męczyć, suszyć głowę But the nagging and shouting just made him worse. pile (n) /pail/ stos Slowly but surely, the piles of clothes on the floor became smaller. provoke /pr@"v@uk/ prowokować If a behaviour provokes no response, it disappears. reward (v) /ri"wo;d/ nagradzać Reward good behaviour and ignore the bad. technique /tek"ni;k/ technika I learned a great technique from a trainer. tense (adj) /tens/ spięty He s so tense and irritable. More words in 4B admit /@d"mit/ przyznawać If you re the person who is in the wrong, just admit it! advice /@d"vais/ rada My second piece of advice is simple. agreement /@"gri;m@nt/ ugoda We were able to reach an agreement. apply /@"plai/ stosować Amy applied the techniques she learnt from the animal trainers to her husband. approximation /@%prqksi"meisn/ przybliżenie These are approximations rewarding small steps. basket /"ba;skit/ koszyk I started thanking my husband if he threw a dirty shirt into the dirty clothes basket. 20 New English File Upper-intermediate Polish Wordlist Oxford University Press 2008

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UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY BADANIE DIAGNOSTYCZNE W KLASIE TRZECIEJ GIMNAZJUM Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO POZIOM PODSTAWOWY GRUDZIEŃ 2011 Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2011 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z

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Niepubliczne Przedszkole i Żłobek EPIONKOWO

Niepubliczne Przedszkole i Żłobek EPIONKOWO KROPECZKI MIESIĄC: PAŹDZIERNIK 2013R. TEMAT MATERIAŁ Hello again! What s your name? Proste powitania Wskazywanie kolegów/koleżanek Śpiewanie piosenki Dialogi A. Hello! I am Kasia. My name is Kasia What

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Struktury gramatyczne egzamin język angielski. wyrażanie planów i zamiarów + am/is/are + going to + verb

Struktury gramatyczne egzamin język angielski. wyrażanie planów i zamiarów + am/is/are + going to + verb Struktury gramatyczne egzamin język angielski Czasy gramatyczne Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Simple wyrażanie planów i zamiarów + am/is/are

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Steps to build a business Examples: Qualix Comergent

Steps to build a business Examples: Qualix Comergent How To Start a BUSINESS Agenda Steps to build a business Examples: Qualix Comergent 1 Idea The Idea is a Piece of a Company 4 2 The Idea is a Piece of a Company Investing_in_New_Ideas.wmv Finding_the_Problem_is_the_Hard_Part_Kevin

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TEST DIAGNOSTYCZNY TRACK TEST EX-ANTE TEST DIAGNOSTYCZNY TRACK TEST EX-ANTE Imię i nazwisko:..... Data:... Uzyskana ilość punktów:... /60 Podpis osoby oceniającej:... I) Underline the correct answer, a), b), c) or d). 0. I. a student of English.

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UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY EGZAMIN W KLASIE TRZECIEJ GIMNAZJUM Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO POZIOM PODSTAWOWY KWIECIEŃ miejsce na naklejkę z kodem Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2011 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z

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Pielgrzymka do Ojczyzny: Przemowienia i homilie Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II (Jan Pawel II-- pierwszy Polak na Stolicy Piotrowej) (Polish Edition)

Pielgrzymka do Ojczyzny: Przemowienia i homilie Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II (Jan Pawel II-- pierwszy Polak na Stolicy Piotrowej) (Polish Edition) Pielgrzymka do Ojczyzny: Przemowienia i homilie Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II (Jan Pawel II-- pierwszy Polak na Stolicy Piotrowej) (Polish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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18. Przydatne zwroty podczas egzaminu ustnego. 19. Mo liwe pytania egzaminatora i przyk³adowe odpowiedzi egzaminowanego

18. Przydatne zwroty podczas egzaminu ustnego. 19. Mo liwe pytania egzaminatora i przyk³adowe odpowiedzi egzaminowanego 18. Przydatne zwroty podczas egzaminu ustnego I m sorry, could you repeat that, please? - Przepraszam, czy mo na prosiæ o powtórzenie? I m sorry, I don t understand. - Przepraszam, nie rozumiem. Did you

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Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition)

Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Piotr Maluskiewicz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Miedzy

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A n g i e l s k i. Phrasal Verbs in Situations. Podręcznik z ćwiczeniami. Dorota Guzik Joanna Bruska FRAGMENT

A n g i e l s k i. Phrasal Verbs in Situations. Podręcznik z ćwiczeniami. Dorota Guzik Joanna Bruska FRAGMENT A n g i e l s k i Phrasal Verbs in Situations Podręcznik z ćwiczeniami FRAGMENT Dorota Guzik Joanna Bruska Autorzy: Dorota Guzik, Joanna Bruska Konsultacja językowa: Tadeusz Z. Wolański Lektorzy: Maybe

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It s going to rain - naucz się mówić o przyszłości

It s going to rain - naucz się mówić o przyszłości It s going to rain - naucz się mówić o przyszłości Mówienie o przyszłości w języku angielskim kilka sposobów Czas Present Simple Czas Future Simple Czas Present Continuous Forma to be going to Czas Future

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Blow-Up: Photographs in the Time of Tumult; Black and White Photography Festival Zakopane Warszawa 2002 / Powiekszenie: Fotografie w czasach zgielku

Blow-Up: Photographs in the Time of Tumult; Black and White Photography Festival Zakopane Warszawa 2002 / Powiekszenie: Fotografie w czasach zgielku Blow-Up: Photographs in the Time of Tumult; Black and White Photography Festival Zakopane Warszawa 2002 / Powiekszenie: Fotografie w czasach zgielku Juliusz and Maciej Zalewski eds. and A. D. Coleman et

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Robert Respondowski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie:

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo.

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 9 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to take a shower brać prysznic Zawsze rano biorę prysznic.

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Leba, Rowy, Ustka, Slowinski Park Narodowy, plany miast, mapa turystyczna =: Tourist map = Touristenkarte (Polish Edition)

Leba, Rowy, Ustka, Slowinski Park Narodowy, plany miast, mapa turystyczna =: Tourist map = Touristenkarte (Polish Edition) Leba, Rowy, Ustka, Slowinski Park Narodowy, plany miast, mapa turystyczna =: Tourist map = Touristenkarte (Polish Edition) FotKart s.c Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Leba, Rowy,

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Bardziej szczegółowo

Put these documents into the.[niszczarka do papieru] I can t find my [dowód osobisty] and [prawo jazdy]

Put these documents into the.[niszczarka do papieru] I can t find my [dowód osobisty] and [prawo jazdy] Test z języka angielskiego dla uczniów wyjeżdżających do Włoch w ramach projektu "Staże zagraniczne dla uczniów i absolwentów szkół zawodowych oraz szkolenia kadry kształcenia zawodowego" realizowanego

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ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS.

ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS. ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS. Strona 1 1. Please give one answer. I am: Students involved in project 69% 18 Student not involved in

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Dolny Slask 1: , mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition)

Dolny Slask 1: , mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition) Dolny Slask 1:300 000, mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Dolny Slask 1:300 000, mapa turystyczno-samochodowa: Plan Wroclawia

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 8

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 8 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 8 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to take a rest - odpocząć Muszę odpocząć. (5) Czy chcesz

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 6

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 6 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 6 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to eat out jeść poza domem Czy często jadasz poza domem?

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Wymagania szczegółowe 1. Zdający posługuje się w miarę rozwiniętym zasobem środków językowych (leksykalnych,

Wymagania szczegółowe 1. Zdający posługuje się w miarę rozwiniętym zasobem środków językowych (leksykalnych, Część pisemna (poziom podstawowy). Przykładowe zadania z rozwiązaniami 57 TWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNEJ Zadanie 11. (0 10) Uczestniczyłeś(-aś) w międzynarodowej wymianie w Londynie. Napisz list do kolegi

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Anything else? Are you all right? Are you drinking milk now? Are you single or married? Are you sure? Can I make a phone call please?

Anything else? Are you all right? Are you drinking milk now? Are you single or married? Are you sure? Can I make a phone call please? Anything else? Are you all right? Are you drinking milk now? Are you single or married? Are you sure? Can I make a phone call please? Can you drive a car? Can you meet me tomorrow? Can you recommend a

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Jak zasada Pareto może pomóc Ci w nauce języków obcych?

Jak zasada Pareto może pomóc Ci w nauce języków obcych? Jak zasada Pareto może pomóc Ci w nauce języków obcych? Artykuł pobrano ze strony eioba.pl Pokazuje, jak zastosowanie zasady Pareto może usprawnić Twoją naukę angielskiego. Słynna zasada Pareto mówi o

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Czasowniki modalne. sale yesterday.

Czasowniki modalne. sale yesterday. Czasowniki modalne Wszystkie czasowniki modalne łączą się z bezokolicznikiem bez to. Wyjątkiem jest czasownik ought to, gdzie to stanowi część czasownika. Pytania z czasownikiem modalnym tworzymy poprzez

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition) Robert Respondowski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie:

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TEORIA CZASU PRESENT SIMPLE I PRESENT CONTINUOUS TEORIA CZASU PRESENT SIMPLE I PRESENT CONTINUOUS Present Simple-czas teraźniejszy prosty Present Continuous-czas teraźniejszy ciągły UŻYWAMY: gdy mówimy o rutynie gdy mówimy o harmonogramach gdy mówimy

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UNIT 2 Past tenses POZIOM PODSTAWOWY UNIT 2 Past tenses POZIOM PODSTAWOWY ANALYSE I When I lived in the UK, I (piłem)... a lot of tea. A. was drinking B. have been drinking C. drank Dlaczego w przykładzie nie można użyć czasu Past Continuous?...

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1.Twierdzenie. 2.Pytanie. Did + osoba(i, We...) +czasownik ed. + did +osoba +czasownik -ed. 3.Przeczenie. I You He

1.Twierdzenie. 2.Pytanie. Did + osoba(i, We...) +czasownik ed. + did +osoba +czasownik -ed. 3.Przeczenie. I You He PAST SMPLE UŜywamy do określania czynności wykonywanych w przeszłości, która nie ma związku z chwilą obecną. Czynność powtarzająca się w przeszłości, czynności następujące po sobie. 1.Twierdzenie You He

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Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition)

Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition) Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition) J Krupski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama

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Dolny Slask 1: , mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition)

Dolny Slask 1: , mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition) Dolny Slask 1:300 000, mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Dolny Slask 1:300 000, mapa turystyczno-samochodowa: Plan Wroclawia

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[LEKCJA 8. W CZASIE DELEGACJI] 20150215 [LEKCJA 8. W CZASIE DELEGACJI] ZAWARTOŚĆ Wstęp... 3 Dialog... 4 Gramatyka... 5 Ćwiczenie... 6 Tłumacznie... 7 Kontakt... 8 2 WSTĘP W tej lekcji zajmiemy się dalej czasem Present Perfect a punktem

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JĘZYK ANGIELSKI KARTA ROZWIĄZAŃ ZADAŃ 6., 7. i 8. JĘZYK NGILSKI KRT ROZWIĄZŃ ZŃ 6., 7. i 8. UZUPŁNI UZŃ KO UZNI PSL miejsce na naklejkę UZUPŁNI ZSPÓŁ NZORUJĄY Uprawnienia ucznia do: dostosowania kryteriów oceniania nieprzenoszenia zaznaczeń na kartę Poniżej

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READING Zadanie 1 odp-1p max-9p Na podstawie obrazka napisz czy zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).

READING Zadanie 1 odp-1p max-9p Na podstawie obrazka napisz czy zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F). KOD UCZNIA Strona 1 z 5 Click On Movers Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych oraz ponadgimnazjalnych etap II powiatowy / okręgowy IX edycja 2012_2013 Termin: 01.03.2013r.

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Poland) Wydawnictwo "Gea" (Warsaw. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Poland) Wydawnictwo Gea (Warsaw. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Suwalski Park Krajobrazowy i okolice 1:50 000, mapa turystyczno-krajoznawcza =: Suwalki Landscape Park, tourist map = Suwalki Naturpark,... narodowe i krajobrazowe) (Polish Edition) Click here if your

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 4 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to be angry with somebody gniewać się na kogoś Czy gniewasz

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PRESENT TENSES IN ENGLISH by PRESENT TENSES IN ENGLISH by Present Tenses Present Continuous Zastosowanie Czasu Present Continuous używamy, gdy mówimy: o czynności, którą wykonujemy w momencie mówienia, o czynności, w trakcie wykonywania

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a) Present Simple (czas teraźniejszy)

a) Present Simple (czas teraźniejszy) 1. Czasy gramatyczne GRAMATYKA JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO a) Present Simple (czas teraźniejszy) - czynności stałe, regularne, powtarzające się (I go to school every day.) - prawdy życiowe (The sun rises in the

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Wybrzeze Baltyku, mapa turystyczna 1: (Polish Edition)

Wybrzeze Baltyku, mapa turystyczna 1: (Polish Edition) Wybrzeze Baltyku, mapa turystyczna 1:50 000 (Polish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wybrzeze Baltyku, mapa turystyczna 1:50 000 (Polish Edition) Wybrzeze Baltyku, mapa

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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego

Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Tytuł projektu Nr projektu Priorytet Nr i nazwa Działania Nr i nazwa Poddziałania YEStem kompetentny, znam angielski! WND-POKL.09.06.02-02-039/13 IX Rozwój wykształcenia i kompetencji w regionach 9.6 Upowszechnienie

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Zadanie 1. Zadanie 2. Zadanie 3.

Zadanie 1. Zadanie 2. Zadanie 3. Zadanie 1. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, w zadaniach 1.1. 1.3. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl literę A lub B. 1.1. Chłopiec dzwoni do

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MODEL ODPOWIEDZI ARKUSZ I. Zadanie 1. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 6 punktów.

MODEL ODPOWIEDZI ARKUSZ I. Zadanie 1. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 6 punktów. MODEL ODPOWIEDZI ARKUSZ I Zadanie 1. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 6 punktów. TRUE FALSE 1.1. X 1.2. X 1.3. X 1.4. X 1.5. X 1.6. X Zadanie 2. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie

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UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY EGZAMIN W KLASIE TRZECIEJ GIMNAZJUM Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO POZIOM PODSTAWOWY KWIECIEŃ miejsce na naklejkę z kodem Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2011 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z

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Emilka szuka swojej gwiazdy / Emily Climbs (Emily, #2)

Emilka szuka swojej gwiazdy / Emily Climbs (Emily, #2) Emilka szuka swojej gwiazdy / Emily Climbs (Emily, #2) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Emilka szuka swojej gwiazdy / Emily Climbs (Emily, #2) Emilka szuka swojej gwiazdy / Emily

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REACTIONS - REAKCJE JĘZYKOWE REACTIONS - REAKCJE JĘZYKOWE 1. Podajesz koleżance długopis, o który cię prosiła. Co jej przy tym powiesz? a) Thank you. b) Please. c) Here you are. 2. Zaczepiasz przechodnia na ulicy i pytasz go o drogę

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Zdecyduj: Czy to jest rzeczywiście prześladowanie? Czasem coś WYDAJE SIĘ złośliwe, ale wcale takie nie jest.

Zdecyduj: Czy to jest rzeczywiście prześladowanie? Czasem coś WYDAJE SIĘ złośliwe, ale wcale takie nie jest. Zdecyduj: Czy to jest rzeczywiście prześladowanie? Czasem coś WYDAJE SIĘ złośliwe, ale wcale takie nie jest. Miłe przezwiska? Nie wszystkie przezwiska są obraźliwe. Wiele przezwisk świadczy o tym, że osoba,

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Czas: 90min. Strona 1 z 7. Click On Flyers

Czas: 90min. Strona 1 z 7. Click On Flyers KOD UCZNIA Strona 1 z 7 Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 27.04.2013r. do godziny 9.30 Click On Flyers Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych oraz ponadgimnazjalnych etap

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Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition)

Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition) Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition) J Krupski Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama

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EGZAMIN Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO Nazwisko i imię ucznia:...

EGZAMIN Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO Nazwisko i imię ucznia:... EGZAMIN Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO Nazwisko i imię ucznia:....... I. JAK ZAREAGOWAŁBYŚ W NASTĘPUJĄCYCH SYTUACJACH? WYBIERZ PRAWIDŁOWĄ ODPOWIEDŹ 5 pkt 1. Nie widziałeś kolegi od dawna. Co powiesz, widząc go

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 1

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 1 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 1 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to be very busy być bardzo zajętym Jestem teraz bardzo

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Angielski Biznes Ciekawie

Angielski Biznes Ciekawie Angielski Biznes Ciekawie Conditional sentences (type 2) 1. Discuss these two types of mindsets. 2. Decide how each type would act. 3. How would you act? Czy nauka gramatyki języka angielskiego jest trudna?

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DLA UCZNIÓW SZKÓŁ PODSTAWOWYCH ... pieczątka nagłówkowa szkoły... kod pracy ucznia KONKURS PRZEDMIOTOWY JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO DLA UCZNIÓW SZKÓŁ PODSTAWOWYCH ETAP SZKOLNY Drogi Uczniu, witaj na I etapie konkursu języka angielskiego. Przeczytaj

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XI Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego Żarki 2015/2016. Klasa VI

XI Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego Żarki 2015/2016. Klasa VI XI Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego Żarki 2015/2016 pod patronatem Burmistrza Miasta i Gminy Żarki Klemensa Podlejskiego Imię i nazwisko Szkoła Klasa VI./100 pkt I. Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj

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REGULAMIN KONKURSU ANGIELSKIEJ I NIEMIECKIEJ PIOSENKI ŚWIĄTECZNEJ. 1. Prezentacja umiejętności językowych i wokalnych uczniów.

REGULAMIN KONKURSU ANGIELSKIEJ I NIEMIECKIEJ PIOSENKI ŚWIĄTECZNEJ. 1. Prezentacja umiejętności językowych i wokalnych uczniów. REGULAMIN KONKURSU ANGIELSKIEJ I NIEMIECKIEJ PIOSENKI ŚWIĄTECZNEJ I. Cele Konkursu: 1. Prezentacja umiejętności językowych i wokalnych uczniów. 2. Propagowanie nauki języków obcych poprzez piosenki. 3.

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GMINNY KONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO KLASY CZWARTE GMINNY KONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO KLASY CZWARTE I. SŁUCHANIE ZE ZROZUMIENIEM. Wysłuchaj nagrania i wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. (5 punktów) 1. Who is speaking? a) Sarah b) Suzie 2. Does she like English?

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 3

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 3 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 3 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to be at the airport być na lotnisku Ona jest teraz na

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DODATKOWE ĆWICZENIA II. CZASY. II.1.1. Uzupełnij zdania, używając odpowiedniej formy czasownika to be

DODATKOWE ĆWICZENIA II. CZASY. II.1.1. Uzupełnij zdania, używając odpowiedniej formy czasownika to be II.1. Czas present simple DODATKOWE ĆWICZENIA II.1.1. Uzupełnij zdania, używając odpowiedniej formy czasownika to be Example: My friends are in Egypt on holidays. 1. They. students. 2. I from Poland. 3.

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Ogólnopolski Próbny Egzamin Ósmoklasisty z OPERONEM. Język angielski Kartoteka testu. Wymagania szczegółowe Uczeń: Poprawna odpowiedź 1.1.

Ogólnopolski Próbny Egzamin Ósmoklasisty z OPERONEM. Język angielski Kartoteka testu. Wymagania szczegółowe Uczeń: Poprawna odpowiedź 1.1. Język angielski Kartoteka testu Rozumienie ze słuchu 1.1. I.6) żywienie II. Rozumienie wypowiedzi. Uczeń rozumie proste wypowiedzi ustne artykułowane wyraźnie, w standardowej odmianie języka 1.2. II.5)

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Lekcja 1 Przedstawianie się

Lekcja 1 Przedstawianie się Lekcja 1 Przedstawianie się i poznawanie innych 2 Wysłuchaj dialogów, najpierw w wersji oryginalnej, później z tłumaczeniem. Powtarzaj poszczególne kwestie za lektorami. Dialog 1 Przedstawianie się w sytuacji

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PART 1: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY PART 1: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 1. Complete the sentences with the correct answers. Choose A, B, C or D. There is only ONE good answer. Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw A, B, C lub D. Zawsze jest tylko JEDNA poprawna

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Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu.

Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna Arkusz zawiera informacje prawnie chronione do momentu rozpoczęcia egzaminu. Układ graficzny CKE 2011 UZUPEŁNIA ZESPÓŁ NADZORUJĄCY KOD UCZNIA PESEL miejsce na naklejkę z

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Zajęcia z języka angielskiego TELC Gimnazjum Scenariusz lekcji Prowadzący: Jarosław Gołębiewski Temat: Czas Present Perfect - wprowadzenie

Zajęcia z języka angielskiego TELC Gimnazjum Scenariusz lekcji Prowadzący: Jarosław Gołębiewski Temat: Czas Present Perfect - wprowadzenie Zajęcia z języka angielskiego TELC Gimnazjum Scenariusz lekcji Prowadzący: Jarosław Gołębiewski Temat: Czas Present Perfect - wprowadzenie I. Cele lekcji 1) Wiadomości Uczeń: wie, że czas present perfect

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JĘZYK ANGIELSKI klasa III GIMNAZJUM nazwa szkoły/pieczątka JĘZYK ANGIELSKI klasa III GIMNAZJUM /2011/2012 PK nr 2 semestr I Uwaga! Strona tytułowa stanowi integralną część pracy kontrolnej. Adres ucznia Wypełnij wszystkie pola czytelnie

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II.Zadaj pytania z czasownikiem to be i udziel krótkiej odpowiedzi według wzoru: Peter is English.--- Is Peter English? Yes, he is / No, he isn t

II.Zadaj pytania z czasownikiem to be i udziel krótkiej odpowiedzi według wzoru: Peter is English.--- Is Peter English? Yes, he is / No, he isn t Język angielski - zjazd 4-5.10 Revision-powtórzenie I.Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika być - to be: 1.He...an actor (+) 2.They.good students (+) 3.I..from Poland (+) 4.They..from Germany (-) 5.Philip.Spanish

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TEKST A Exhibition (adapted from Sommers, N. and McQuade, D. (eds.) Student writers at work. New York: St. Martin Press )

TEKST A Exhibition (adapted from Sommers, N. and McQuade, D. (eds.) Student writers at work. New York: St. Martin Press ) TEKST A Exhibition (adapted from Sommers, N. and McQuade, D. (eds.). 1984. Student writers at work. New York: St. Martin Press ) [dwa punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 10 p.] 1. H rozwiązanie podane

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Please don't bring this up! I usually wake up very early.

Please don't bring this up! I usually wake up very early. 15 najważniejszych ANGIELSKICH PHRASAL VERBS I usually wake up very early. Please don't bring this up! Phrasal verbs - co to takiego? Zdecydowanie najtrudniejszą z punktu widzenia wielu uczących się grupą

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Wroclaw, plan nowy: Nowe ulice, 1:22500, sygnalizacja swietlna, wysokosc wiaduktow : Debica = City plan (Polish Edition)

Wroclaw, plan nowy: Nowe ulice, 1:22500, sygnalizacja swietlna, wysokosc wiaduktow : Debica = City plan (Polish Edition) Wroclaw, plan nowy: Nowe ulice, 1:22500, sygnalizacja swietlna, wysokosc wiaduktow : Debica = City plan (Polish Edition) Wydawnictwo "Demart" s.c Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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[LEKCJA 1. W RESTAURACJI] 20141201 [LEKCJA 1. W RESTAURACJI] ZAWARTOŚĆ Wstęp... 2 Dialog... 3 Słowniczek... 4 Tłumaczenie dialogu:... 6 Ćwiczenie... 7 Kontakt... 8 WSTĘP Pierwsza lekcja angielskiego. Lekcja pomoże przygotować się

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ALA MA KOTA PRESCHOOL URSYNÓW WARSAW POLAND ALA MA KOTA PRESCHOOL URSYNÓW WARSAW POLAND Ala ma kota is a network of non-public education preschools which are entered into the register of non-public schools and institutions of the Capital City of

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Revenue Maximization. Sept. 25, 2018

Revenue Maximization. Sept. 25, 2018 Revenue Maximization Sept. 25, 2018 Goal So Far: Ideal Auctions Dominant-Strategy Incentive Compatible (DSIC) b i = v i is a dominant strategy u i 0 x is welfare-maximizing x and p run in polynomial time

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