St. Ferdinand Church. April 24, 2005 Fifth Sunday of Easter. Habemus Papam! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Pope Benedict XVI. Photo by Romuald Gluch

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St. Ferdinand Church RECTORY: 5900 WEST BARRY AVENUE PHONE: 773/622-5900 April 24, 2005 Fifth Sunday of Easter Habemus Papam! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Photo by Romuald Gluch Pope Benedict XVI

Page Two Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2005 Our Blessed Lord has called Remember home our parishioner Natalia Sabat for these whom we promise our prayers. loved ones May she and all our other deceased parishioners enjoy peace and happiness in God s Sacred Presence. MONDAY, Mark, evangelist 7:00 AM ^Iva Cotto rq. Ramona Cotto 8:00 AM ^Bill Baucom rq. Wife, Mildred TUESDAY, Easter Weekday 7:00 AM ^Joan Hamerlak rq. Sisters 8:00 AM ^Mary S. Kubon (18th Anniv.) rq. Family WEDNESDAY, Easter Weekday 7:00 AM ^Modesto & Felisa Reyes rq. Family 8:00 AM ^Geraldine Peluso rq. St. Ferdinand School & Parish THURSDAY, Easter Weekday / Peter Chanel, priest martyr / Louis Mary de Montfort, priest 7:00 AM ^Josephine Vitello rq. Rose Cobleigh 8:00 AM ^Frank A. Scarpelli (23rd Anniv.) rq. Wife FRIDAY, Catherine of Siena, virgin, doctor 7:00 AM ^Mary Jane Powers rq. Family 8:00 AM ^Monica Campanaro O Connell rq. Family SATURDAY, Easter Weekday 7:00 AM przez wstawiennictwo Matki Najœwiêtszej o uzdrowienie Marcina; ^Stanis³aw Radziszewski w 10 rocznicê œmierci 8:00 AM ^Stella Filipin rq. Daughter, Pat 1:00 PM Wedding Liturgy Tomasz Kot and Anna Serus Vigil: 6th Sunday of Easter 5:00 PM ^Clemente Family rq. Michael Clemente SUNDAY, Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM o uzdowienie syna Jana Miciaka; -o szczêœliwy przebieg operacji dla Piotra; 8:30 AM Good health and God s blessings for the members of the Ladies of St. Anne 10:30 AM (Chapel)^People of St. Ferdinand 10:45 AM ^Kazimierz Szef; -dziêkczynna za otrzymane ³aski z proœb¹ o dalsza opiekê, zdrowie i Bo e b³. dla Krystyny i Kazimierza Oleksy z rodzin¹ w 33 rocznicê œlubu; -o zdrowie i Bo e b³. dla Gabrieli; -o Bo e b³ dla Teresy i Wojciecha Bia³eccy z okazji 32 rocznicy œlubu 12:15 PM (Chapel)Mass in Italian 12:30 PM ^Frank Florik 3:00 PM ^Zygmunt, Rafa³ 5:00 PM ^Konstanty Waleria & Stanley Golon rq. Lillian & Edward Demski 6:30 PM ^Janina i Boles³aw Staniow; ^Maria i August Juszczyk; ^Henryk Kaniecki The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for: ^Paul Toth ^Joseph & Bernice Lewandowski HANDMAIDS E. Picchietti 3rd publication - Tomasz Kot and Anna Serus 2nd publication - Tajinder S. Nijjar and Mary Christine Aluning Robert Dubiel and Andrzelika Minior * Jerzy Stolarczyk and Edyta Mysliwiec * 1st publication - None * to be married in Poland Congratulations and best wishes to the couples who were married here last week: Anna Rybiñska and Marek Kulasik We pray for God s blessings on them as they begin their new life together. WE WELCOME IN BAPTISM Jakub, son of Dawid Paluch and Marta Paluch; Natalia Julia, daughter of Krzysztof and Urszula (Grochocka) G³owacka; Patrick, son of Robert and Barbara (Mikina) Mikina; Anna Patricia, daughter of Thomas and Magdalena (Kwieciñska) Shaven; ukasz, son of Sebastian and Gra yna (Glinka) Sternak; Patrick Karol, son of Tomasz and Ewa (Sochacka) Strazalka; Patrick, son of Krzysztof and Anna (Ziemiñska) Bryk; David W³adys³aw, son of S³awomir and Katarzyna (Stus) Fita; Joanna, daughter of Adam and Marzena (Zymróz) Kmiotek; Olivier Tomasz, son of Tomasz and Ewelina (Sroka) Korcyl; Alex, son of Oleksy and Barbara (Twarwoska) Skulla; Piotr, son of Jan and Beata (Szymkiewicz) Maciorowski; Patrick Nicholas, son of Marek and Agnieszka (Romanowska) Nowak; Olivia Magdalena, daughter of Krzysztof and Karolina (Guziana) Przesz³o; Kacper Bart³omiej, son of Jan and Anna (Paszkowska) Tomczyk; Gabrielle, daughter of Krzysztof and Ewa (Grabiñska) Zmaczyñski; Alex, son of Jaros³aw and Ma³gorzata (Giemza) urkowski

April 24, 2005 Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Three With Deep Appreciation Dear Parishioners, My family and I wish to thank all of you who kept us in your thoughts and your hearts during the final days of my father s illness and his death. We felt your support and we talked about it many times that it meant a lot to us to have your prayers and concern during these difficult days. My father, Aleksander Ziêba, passed on from this life very peacefully after a long time of suffering, and he showed us his great faith as he prepared to meet our Lord. Your prayers and our common faith were a great help to my family and me. My mother was so touched and grateful that there were so many people at St. Ferdinand s and in Chicago who were praying for us and my father. I am deeply grateful to all of you. I will remember each of you in my prayers. Fondly, Sister Grace Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, MChr. Have you thought of becoming a priest or joining a religious order as a brother or sister? Vocational Retreat coming soon!! Please, register by calling the St. Ferdinand parish offices now! 773/622-5900 Our Financial Support of St. Ferdinand Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 16-17, 2005: Envelopes: $ 8,253.60 Loose Cash: $ 3,730.30 TOTAL DONATIONS: $11,983.90 EASTER (to date): $24,954.03 (Goal $25,000) Thank you for your support of St. Ferdinand Parish. As you can see, we have nearly reached our Easter goal because of your stewardship and generosity. May God bless you. Daniel P. Costigan, Parish Business Manager From time to time, we need to take stock of our list of those who are sick. Please, just as you call the rectory to ask that your loved ones names be placed on the sick list for our prayers, let us know when they have recovered sufficiently to be taken off. We may then say a prayer of thanksgiving for their speedy recovery. For anyone suffering a chronic illness, there is no limit to the length of time you may be on this list. We will continue to pray for you as long as you wish. Remember As members of the parish faith in community, it is our responsibility to Prayer remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so... please remember in your prayers: Thomas D. Angarola Joseph Balicki Irene Biernat Stephanie Bosco Alba Jennie Burroughs Benito Cabanin Sharon Carr Mary Cleary Violet Del Vecchio Anna Diks Marye Dorgan Honor Draftz Paul Duda Lillian Dziedzic Infant Brianna Edge Alice Flannagan Joseph Gagliano Marilyn Gibbons Fatima Gomez Ben Guttiula Mary Hain Margaret Heft Mary Ann Johansen Catherine Keeler Frances Kozikowski Helen Kosirog Tad Koziol Bill Kummer Peter Lach June Landers James Lamberti Edward Lazicki Helen Lipski Sam LoDolce Netta Lohrmann Eleanor Loscuito Elizabeth Ann Maher Susan Maher Francesco Mangialardo Gianni Marconi Mary Martin Karen Menas Ann Monardo Emilia Moreno Kathleen Nemec Marie Nowosielski Deborah L. Pawlak Patrick Pennington Francis Pinello Roseann Regan Irene Rowe James Rowe, Sr. Alicia Schippits Jack Schneider Infant Cameron Scott Gerry Simonek Bill Smyczynski Raymundo Soriano, Sr. Tony Spano Jim Steinhable Estelle Stybur Ann Sullivan Sr. Roberta Sweitzer, BVM Minerva Watson Bernice Zajac catholic charities 2005 mother s day appeal may 7-8, 2005 Help Mothers Bloom and encircle their children with love. Help mothers find the means and strength to care for their cherished children.

Page Four Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2005 "PREPARING YOUR CHILD FOR THE FUTURE" Open House Tuesday May 10th - 8:00 am - 11:30 am Wednesday May 11th - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Combined with remarkably high attendance, 75 years of tradition and good test scores with an education rooted in moral values St. Ferdinand (PreK-8) really does prepare students for the future! Visit St. Ferdinand Catholic School at 3131 N. Mason Avenue or call (773) 622-3022 for information today. Choose St. Ferdinand Catholic School. Your child's future is worth it! A Prayer for the Armed Forces Almighty God, stretch forth your mighty arm to strengthen and protect the men and women of our Armed Forces. As they face the myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is destined to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by your presence and comforted by the knowledge that they are loved by you and by this community of faith. Grant that, meeting danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline and loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of justice and peace to the honor of your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen COR s O R N E R Spring Blood Drive Sunday May 22nd from 9 AM until 2 PM in Canning Hall. The following guidelines have been developed to assist staff and volunteers in answering questions commonly asked by prospective donors about eligibility. They are not all-inclusive and are subject to change. Potential donors are invited to ask the charge staff person specific questions regarding eligibility prior to registering or to call the Mobile Collections Supervisor prior to the blood drive at 309/674-7171 ext. 201 or 1-800-728-3542. Eligible Donors Must: Be in good health. Weigh between 110-350 pounds. Be at least 17 years old. Feel well on the day of the donation. Have vital signs (pulse, temperature and blood pressure) within criteria. Wait 56 days (8 weeks) between whole blood donations. Additional Criteria: Blood or tissue transplant: 12 month deferral from date of transfusion or transplant. Corneal transplant: 12 month deferral. Cold, flu, cough or sore throat: temporarily differed if having symptoms of an acute infection on the donation day. Diabetes: Insulin dependent: this is not a deferral as long as the donor has not taken bovine (from cows) insulin made in the United Kingdom since 1980. Non-insulin dependent Diabetic s treated with oral medication and or diet are always acceptable. Pregnancy: pregnant women may not donate. Defer 6 weeks after delivery. Teeth/dental work: teeth cleaning, tooth extraction, routine checkup, fillings or root canal do not require deferral unless there is infection present. Medications: blood pressure - acceptable. Antibiotics: not acceptable if the donor is taking for an active infection. They are acceptable if being taken to prevent repeated infections or for acne. Over the counter meds: usually acceptable. Travel to Europe: indefinite deferral if total time spent there adds up to 5 years or more since January 1, 1980. Please call COR 622-9732, to schedule your appointment to b e a blood donor or to be a volunteer or a baker. Hope to hear from you! Do you play the electric guitar, the keyboard, the drums, the bass or sing? Would you like to be part of our band? You need some experience. All ages are welcome!! Come to the Parish Offices and ask for Jorge Estrada or Daniel Lopez.

April 24, 2005 Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Five Ladies of St. Anne COMMUNION MASS Sunday, April 24 8:30 AM Church The gifts of bread and wine will be presented by Mildred Baucom, Marion Waterman and Fran Kozikowski. MAY CROWNING The Ladies of St. Anne will meet on Wednesday, May 18th at 11:30 AM in the Church for the crowning of the Blessed Virgin. The crowning will be performed by Marian Waterman, assisted by Florence Magro and Florence Drexler. Regular meeting will follow in Canning Hall. Irving Park Catholic Woman s Club The Irving Park Catholic Woman s Club will hold their meeting on May 4th at 10:30 AM in St. Ferdinand Canning Hall. We will have the May Crowning with a luncheon at the cost of $4.00 per person. Bring a friend and enjoy a lovely afternoon. ST. FERDINAND USHER / MEN'S CLUB "MICHAEL J. MELE 8th MEMORIAL" 23rd ANNUAL GOLF OUTING AT Village Green CC - Mundelein, IL Saturday June 4th, 2005 (First Tee-Off 10:00 AM) FOR ALL MEN & WOMAN GOLFERS GOLF FEE: $65.00 INCLUDES: CART + 9TH HOLE REFRESHMENTS + + FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: Ken Presslak at 773/286-5512 Mike McGovern at 773/889-8847 Mike Bisceglie at 773/622-1815 RESERVATION FORM ST. FERDINAND USHERS GOLF OUTING JUNE 4, 2005 ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK FOR: $ I WILL ARRANGE A FOURSOME: #1 #2 #3 #4 Saint Ferdinand Class of 2005 is hosting an Exterior Car Wash April 30th * in the School Parking Lot from 9 AM until 3 PM $3.00 for Cars $4.00 for Vans $5.00 for Trucks Come out and show your support for the Class of 2005 * Weather Permitting! I WOULD LIKE TO GOLF WITH: YOUR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: RETURN COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT BY MAY 28, 2005.

Page Six Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2005 Drodzy Parafianie, Z najg³ebszymi wyrazami wdziêcznoœci W imieniu mojej rodziny, chcia³abym wam serdecznie podziêkowaæ za wasze wsparcie duchowe w tak trudnym dla nas monencie, którym by³a choroba i œmieræ mojego ojca. Wasze modlitwy i troski pomaga³y nam przetrwaæ te trudne dni. Moj ojciec odszed³ od nas w pokoju po d³ugim cierpieniu. Jego g³êbok¹ wiarê pomog³a mu przygotowaæ siê na spotkanie z naszym Panem. Wasze modlitwy i wasza pamiêæ umacnia³y moj¹ rodzinê. Moja mama by³a bardzo poruszona i wdziêczna, e w Chicago, w parafii Œw. Ferdynanda by³o tyle osób, które modli³y siê za mojego tatê i za nas. Jestem wam wszystkim niezmiernie wdziêczna i nie zapomnê o was w moich modlitwach. Z modlitw¹ Siostra Gracjana Ziêba MChr Z³oty Jubileusz Amerykañskiej Czêstochowy Klub Dobrego Pasterza zaprasza na autokarow¹ pielgrzymkê do Amerykañskiej Czêstochowy na Z³oty Jubileusz Narodowego Sanktuarium Matki Boskiej Czêstochowskiej w Doylestown ko³o Filadelfii w Stanie Pensylwania. Wyjazd 24 czerwca (pi¹tek) o godzinie 8 wieczorem powrót 27 czerwca (poniedzia³ek) oko³o pó³nocy. W programie Filadelfia - Sanktuarium œw. Jana Neumann'a (Sobota) i Sanktuarium Matki Bo ej Czêstochowskiej w Doylestown (Sobota i niedziela). Koszt wynosi $270 (w cenie przejazd klimatyzowanym autokarem, noclegi oraz posi³ki w sobotê i niedzielê). Zapisy przyjmuj¹: Andrzej Parada: 847-967-0106, ks. Roman Rataj 773-622-5900 wewnêtrzny 4. Pielgrzymkê do Merrillville-Indiana Ko³a Ró añcowe wraz z opiekunem ks. Romanem 8 maja 2005 roku zapraszaj¹ na rozpoczêcie Objawieñ Fatimskich, organizuj¹c pielgrzymkê do Merrillville-Indiana. Koszt przejazdu oraz posi³ek wynosi $15 od osoby. Wyjazd z parkingu o godzinie 8:00 rano. W sprawie rezerwacji i informacji prosimy dzwoniæ do: Melanie Nowak: 773/637-8784 Helene Lesak: 773/745-7004 lub kontaktowac siê z tymi paniami w niedzielê po Mszy œw. w jêzyku polskim w koœciele. OTWÓRZ PRZED TWOIM DZIECKIEM DRZWI DO PRZYSZ OŒCI OdwiedŸ nas: Wtorek 10 maja - 8:00 rano - 11:30 przed po³udniem Œroda 11 maja - 6:00 wieczorem - 8:00 wieczorem 75 lat tradycji w po³¹czeniu z wysoka frekfencj¹ uczniów oraz wysokie wyniki na testach......z g³êbokimi korzeniami wartoœci moralnych Szko³a Œw. Ferdynanda (PreK-8) naprawdê przygotowuje uczniów i otwiera drogê do przysz³oœci! OdwiedŸ Katolick¹ Szko³ê im. Œw. Ferdynanda pod adresem: 3131 N. Mason Ave. lub dzwoñ pod numer: 773/622-3022 Uczniowie z 8 klasy Szko³y Œw. Ferdynanda zapraszaj¹ do rêcznej myjni samochodowej Mycie odbêdzie siê 30 kwietnia na parkingu szkolnym od godziny 9:00 rano do 3:00 po po³udniu $3.00 za samochód osobowy $4.00 za van $5.00 za truck PrzyjdŸ i wspomó uczniów z klasy 8.

April 24, 2005 Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Seven Uwaga Rodzice! Tylko Bóg Taca Niedzielna Niedziela 17 kwiecieñ, 2005: w kopertach: $ 8,253.60 w gotówce: $ 3,730.30 Razem: $11,983.90 Zapisz swoje dziecko do Polskiej Katolickiej Szko³y. Osoby z poza parafii Œw. Ferdynanda bêd¹ mog³y zapisaæ swoje dzieci 30 kwietnia. Zapisy bêd¹ mia³y miejsce w szkole. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ wiarê; jednak ty mo esz daæ œwiadectwo. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ nadziejê; jednak ty mo esz poglêbiæ wiarê w sercach swoich braci. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ mi³oœæ; jednak ty mo esz uczyæ innych jak kochaæ. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ pokój; jak ty mo esz zasiewaæ zgodê. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ si³ê; jednak ty mo esz pocieszyæ kogoœ w¹tpi¹cego. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ ycie; jednak ty mo esz go uczyæ innych. Tylko Bóg mo e daæ œwiat³o; jednak ty mo esz sprawiæ, by zajaœnia³o w oczach. Tylko Bóg jest yciem; jednak ty mo esz wzbudziæ w innych pragnienie. Tylko Bóg mo e uczyniæ coœ, co zdaje siê niemo liwe; jednak ty mo esz uczyniæ to, co mo liwe. Bóg jest samowystarczalny; podoba mu siê jednak, gdy mo e na ciebie liczyæ. Wielkanoc: $24,954.03 (Zamierzony Cel: $25,000) Serdecznie wam dziêkujê za wasz¹ pomoc finansow¹ na rzecz parafii Œw. Ferdynanda. Nasz zamierzony cel na okres Wielkanocy zosta³ prawie osiagniêty, a by³o to mo liwe dziêki wam i waszej hojnoœci. Serdeczne Bóg zap³aæ. Daniel P. Costigan, Menad er Parafii Klub Marsza³ków zaprasza na 23 wyjazd na golfa pod nazwa - Michael J. Mele 8th Memorial do Villige Green CC - Mundelein, IL Sobota 4 czerwiec, 2005 (rozpoczêcie o 10:00 rano) Dla wszystkich zwolenników golfa op³ata wynosi $65 W cenê wliczony jest wózek i napój ch³odz¹cy w po³owie rozgrywek Po wiêcej informacji i rezerwacjê prosimy dzwoniæ: Ken Presslak tel:773/286-5512 Mike McGovern tel:773/889-8847 Mike Bisceglie tel:773/622-1815 Centrum dla Kobiet (The Women s Center) Centrum dla Kobiet (The Women s Center) jest oœrodkiem pomocy w trudnych sytuacjach zwi¹zanych z ci¹ ¹. Ka dego roku dziêki staraniom i pomocy naszych pracowników, wolontariuszy i dobroczyñców, oko³o 1600 kobiet, które myœla³y e aborcja jest dla nich jedynym rozwi¹zaniem podejmuje decyzjê opowiadaj¹c siê za yciem. Udzielamy praktycznej pomocy, w³¹czaj¹c w to fachow¹ poradê, ywnoœc, ubrania, mebelki dla dzieci, porady specjalistyczne itp.-zale nie od potrzeb. Nasza doroczna sprzeda kwiatów na Dzieñ Matki odbêdzie siê 7 i 8 maja. Potrzebujemy osoby do sprzeda y kwiatów w wyznaczonych parafiach. Prosimy dzwoniæ do Katy na numer: 773/794-8807. W obecnym czasie koniecznie potrzebujemy œrodki higieny takie jak: szampony, pasty do zêbów, papier toaletowy, myd³o, p³yn do mycia naczyñ i proszki do prania. Oczekujemy tak e na dary w postaci pieluch jednorazowych we wszystkich rozmiarach, ma³o u ywane pantofelki, œpioszki, podkoszulki dla niemowl¹t, ma³e i wiêksze kocyki i odzie na okres ci¹ y. Aby uzyskaæ adres gdzie mo na te rzeczy przywieœæ proszê do nas dzwoniæ. Bardzo pilnie potrzebujemy dzieciêce ³ó eczka. W danym momencie nie mamy adnych, aby móc dostarczyc je naszym mamom dla ich niemowl¹t. Potrzebne s¹ równie przeœcierade³ka, przenoœne ³ó eczka, krzese³ka do samochodu dla niemowl¹t. bêdzie to bardzo wielka pomoc dla nas jeœli te rzeczy do nas dostarczycie. Je eli chcecie eby odebra³ je ktoœ z naszych wolontariuszy prosimy dzwoniæ pod numer: 773/794-1313.

Page Eight Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2005 the week at st. ferdinand parish April 25-May 1, 2005 MONDAY Before & After School Care 6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM, McManus & Canning Halls Friendship Club 10 AM - 3 PM, Convent # 2 Legion of Mary 6:30-7:30 PM, convent Boy Scout Troop # 51 7-9:30 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3 TUESDAY Before & After School Care 6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM, McManus & Canning Halls Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Church Serduszka (Little Hearts, Children s Choir) 6:30-8:30 PM, Convent #s 2 & 3 Adult Scripture Study 7-8:30 PM, Convent # 4 Polish Baptism Preparation 7 PM, Church WEDNESDAY Before & After School Care 6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM, McManus & Canning Halls Jr. Legion of Mary 2:30-4 PM, Convent # 2 & convent Kropeczki (Little Dots, Children s Choir) 5:30-7 PM, Music Room RodoϾ (Joy Choir) 6-8 PM, McManus Hall Webelos Troop # 3051 6-9 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3 Good Shepherd Board Meeting 7 PM, Convent # 4 Polish Adult Choir 7:15 PM, Chapel Fijat 7:30-9:30 PM, Church THURSDAY Before & After School Care 6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM, McManus & Canning Halls Jr. Legion of Mary, Rosary 2:30 PM, Church Polish School Mother s Day Practice 5-7 PM, Chapel Girl Scout Troop #s 1883, 188, 1733 & 8 Square Dance 5:30-9 PM, McManus Hall Polish Family Life Group 6:30-8 PM, Canning & Heeney Halls Boy Scout Pack 3051 Committee Meeting 7-9 PM, Convent # 4 FRIDAY Before & After School Care 6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM, McManus & Canning Halls Legion of Mary 9-11 AM, Convent # 2, convent First Communion Practice 6-8 PM, Church Filipino Choir 7-9 PM, Convent # 1 Laudamus Music Group Practice 8 PM, Church SATURDAY Polish Catholic Saturday School 8 AM-4 PM, School Adult Polish/English Classes 8 AM-4PM, Music Room Legion of Mary 9-11 AM, convent Adult Polish Confirmation Class 5-6 PM, Chapel Polish School Parents Dance McManus Hall SUNDAY Polish Highlanders 8:30-9:30 AM, Convent # 3 Kropeczki 9-10:30 AM, Music Room Serduszka 9-10:30 AM, Convent #s 1 & 2 Religious Education (C.C.D.) 9:15-10:30, School; & 10:30 Mass in Chapel Chapel Choir Practice 9:15 AM, Chapel Good Shepherd Club Meeting 11 AM - 3 PM, McManus Hall Baptism in Polish 1:45 PM, Church Polish Pre-Cana Class 4-8 PM, Convent # 2 Laudamus Prayer Group 7:30 PM, Church our neighbors want you to know... Chicago Public Schools is requesting that all students who are currently enrolled in pre-kindergarten, fourth grade, and eighth grade have their physical examinations and immunizations completed and submitted to their school nurse before June 1, 2005. The Certificate of Child Health Examination form is available from the school nurse at your child s school. You may also download the form from the Illinois Department of Human Service at If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rose Butler-Hayes, Ed.D., Deputy of School Support Services at (773) 553-1865. Doctors with a Heart Day, April 29, 2005. On this day, chiropractic treatment will be free to our patients; any of their family or friends that they feel may benefit from chiropractic care. If you know someone that experiences headaches, neck pain, tingling in their hands or feet, low back pain or pain and stiffness in any joints; take the opportunity and bring them in on this day. Our office is just one block west of Harlem Avenue on Forest Preserve Drive. Exams, consultations, x-rays, and chiropractic treatments are free on April 29, 2005. All you have to do is bring your donation of canned goods or a new toy to the Szymanski Chiropractic Center, located at 7311 West Forest Preserve Drive. Donations will be distributed to the New Horizon Center, Friends of the Handicapped and Maryville Academy. Call for an appointment now at 773/625-2424. Please join Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki at the Vigil for Life, Saturday, April 30, 2005. 8:00 AM Mass at St. John Berchmans, 2517 West Logan Boulevard, Chicago (Logan Boulevard, 4 blocks east of California Avenue.) 9:00 AM Vigil for Life with Bishop Paprocki, American Women s Medical Center, abortion center, 2744 North Western Avenue. (Western & Diversey, Chicago)

April 24, 2005 Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Nine ON HOUSES, AND CHARLES RUSSELL S PLACE IN PARTICULAR Support Staff Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Wendy L. Braunsdorf, Communications Coordinator Mrs. Dorothy Go³da, Parish Secretary Daniel Lopez, Joe Nucup, Marbyn Sales, Evening Receptionists Liturgical: Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care to the Homebound Parish Council Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai, Gilbert DeJesus, Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Anthony Supan, Andrew Warzocha. Rev. David J. Cortesi and Daniel P. Costigan, ex officio. St. Ferdinand Parish Several years ago, I read the book House by Tracy Kidder. In it, Kidder tells the story of a couple s experiences in having their home built. This may not seem like much of a plot, but House is a great read, and I ve shared the gist of one passage with several people over the years while commiserating with them over how long it can take to complete household projects. Paraphrased, Kidder s contention is this: a team of experienced carpenters can frame out a house in a matter of days, but a homeowner can spend a lifetime finishing it. Charles Russell my personal hero of home improvement projects could have reflected on this premise from both the homeowner and the builder sides of the blueprints. I met Charles a long time ago on a business trip to Tennessee. We hit it off well, and when the work was done, he asked me if I wanted to see the home which he had built. I said sure, so he drove me down a narrow road through a wooded, Cumberland Plateau tract of land until we came to it. Wow! Seems he d purchased the tract ( forty-five acres, more or less ), cleared the road, and in just right spot, built the most beautiful home I ve ever seen. Not beautiful in the sense of opulence, but in the sense that one man could do all of it himself, and make it fit into the forest so well. Business took me south a few more times, and Charles always had me over to show me his many renovations, most notably: a back yard deck surrounding a natural spring. Again, wow! On my first visit to his place, howev- Copyright 2005 by John B. Reynolds ( er, I noticed an unfinished beam in the bathroom conspicuous only because everything else was perfect and when I saw it years later still, I asked Charles why, with all of his many renovations, he hadn t fixed it yet. I just can t seem to get to it he said. Charles died too soon, but I think of him often here in my 90-year old home filled with projects which I just can t seem to get to either. And I think of him specifically today in conjunction with the weekly readings. Jesus tells us in the Gospel that he is leaving to prepare places for us, and since he s a carpenter by training, you know that these places have got to be true. But Peter s message resonates more with me here-and-now: like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house How insightful, especially considering Kidder s premise that a homeowner can spend a lifetime finishing his or her place. Charles told me that when he returned to the job site early on and saw that the foundation which he d poured had collapsed, he sat down in the woods and cried. Fortunately, we ve been blessed with a firm underpinning our belief in the Christ and upon that rock, our heavenly dwelling is founded. More so than my home, we are works in progress spiritual houses ever in need of repair and renovation. Yes, it s a lifetime project, but like Charles, may we persevere, even with our failures. The Kingdom needs workers, after all; we are the Carpenter s apprentices; and the mansion we re building is our own. THE END Parish Organizations Adult Scripture Study - Coordinator : Miss Ameriga Cesaroni Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Vince Clemente Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council: Tony Mangiaracina, past Grand Knight Kropeczki - Sr. El bieta Pawlus Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio Laudamus - Mr. Jaros³aw Buranicz Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista & Mrs. Fely Mesina Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara Irving Park Catholic Woman s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Tammy Sammarco Polish Altar Servers - Sr. Mariola Inda Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - President: Andrzej Parada Polish Rosary Group - Mrs. Helena Lesak Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Renata Gawlik Polish School Parents Ass n. - President: Krystyna Blacharczyk Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk St. Ferdinand Athletic Board - Director: Mr. Len Bertolini St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President: Mrs. Sharon Fanuke St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President: Mr. Stanis³aw Ciszek St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart Ushers Club - President: Mr. Mike Bisceglie

St. Ferdinand Church 5900 West Barry Avenue Chicago, IL 60634-5128 Phone: 773/622-5900 St. Ferdinand Parish On the Worldwide Web: Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor Rev. Marek Jurzyk, Associate Pastor Rev. Roman Rataj, Associate Pastor Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon Ronald Weiner, Deacon SUNDAY MASSES: CHURCH / Koœció³: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM (Polish) 12:30 PM 8:30 AM 3:00 PM (Polish) 10:45 AM (Polish), 5:00 PM 6:30 PM (Polish) CHAPEL / Kaplica 10:30 AM, and 12:15 PM (Italian). RECONCILIATION / SpowiedŸ Saturday: 8:45-9:30 AM or by appointment in the rectory. Sobota: 6:30 wieczorem. St. Ferdinand School - 773/622-3022 Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal Christian OutReach (COR) - 773/622-9732 Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director Religious Education Office - 773/622-3022 ext. 366 Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E. Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773/889-7979 Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Superior Business Manager - 773/622-5900 ext. 3 Mr. Daniel P. Costigan To register please come to the rectory during business hours: 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon & 1:00 PM - 8:30 PM Monday - Friday Baptism of children is celebrated at 1:45 p.m. in English on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and in Polish on the first and third Sundays of the month. To register, please call the rectory. Pre-Baptism class is required for baptism of the first child. The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, and in Polish on the Tuesday before the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in Church. Please call the rectory to reserve a place in the class. Marriages must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please call the rectory.