Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2015

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Pastor: Fr. Gene Dyer Associate Pastor: Fr. Ronald Stake Weekend Associate: Fr. Luke Kleczka, SDS Pastor Emeritus: Fr. Gerald Rogala Deacons: Robert Cnota, Steven Wagner and Michael McManus Business Manager: Mr. Joe Wojtowicz Principal: Mr. Dan Gargano Director of Music: Mr. Aaron Dixon Religious Education: Mr. Ron Mazzoni Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2015 The Order of Mass pages 2-5 Next Saturday, August 15th is the 90th Anniversary of the first Mass offered here at St. Thecla Parish See the related article in English on the back page in Polish on page 13 Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Mass in Polish) Monday through Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: Please see the bulletin Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Tue. - Sat. following 8:30a.m. Mass Adoration: Wednesday 1:00 to 3:00p.m. followed with Benediction Confessions: Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Spowiedþ: po polsku Sobota 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Niedziela 11:00-11:25a.m. Office Hours and Addresses: Church: 6725 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 60631 Parish Office: 6333 N. Newcastle Ave. Hours: Mon.- Fri. 9:00am-1:00pm 2:00pm-7:00pm Saturday - 9:00am-12:00pm (773) 792-3077, FAX: (773) 792-3820 e-mail: School: 6323 N. Newcastle Ave., Chicago, IL 60631 (773) 763-3380 Visit us on the web at: After Mass kindly make sure two bulletins are at the ends of each pew. Please take a bulletin from the vestibule to share with your family and friends. Thank you!

The Order of Mass 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Procession: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Used by permission: Onelicense: A-724996 Sign of the Cross and Greeting Penitential Act Gloria (right) (Readings begin on p. 195) Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 34 Refrain: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Gospel Acclamation (Stand) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Chant Verse, R/. Used by permission: One license: A-724996 2

Homily Profession of Faith (right) Universal Prayer At the conclusion, all recite the Hail Mary. Preparation of the Gifts THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST The Offertory Chant (Psalm 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19) R/: Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved Chant Verse, R/. Stand V. Pray brothers and sisters R/. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, and for our good and the good of his holy Church. Prayer over the Gifts At the conclusion, all reply: Amen. The Preface Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English In the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. The Eucharistic Prayer (kneel) At the Consecration, the Holy Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is made present again. Memorial Acclamation V. The mystery of faith R. We proclaim your death, O Lord and profess your resurrection until you come again. The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English In the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. The Doxology At the conclusion, all reply: Amen. The Profession of the Faith The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, [All bow, at the following text ] and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. 3

The Lord s Prayer The Communion Rite The Sign of Peace At the fraction, the Lamb of God begins. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English, In the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Holy Communion V. Behold the Lamb of God R/. Lord, I am not worthy, that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Antiphon (Ps. 85: 9-14) R/. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation. Chant Verse, R/. Communion Hymn: Eat This Bread 4 Used by permission: Onelicense: A-724996

Blessing and Dismissal Hail, Holy Queen Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn, then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. V: Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R/: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Retiring Procession: Come to Me, O Weary Traveler Used by permission: Onelicense: A-724996 A Prayer Before Mass Loving Father, as on my earthly pilgrimage I come to receive Your beloved Son under the veil of a sacrament, may I one day see Him face to face in glory, who lives and reigns with You for ever and ever. Amen. A Prayer After Receiving Holy Communion Anima Christi Soul of Christ, be my sanctification; Body of Christ, be my salvation; Blood of Christ, fill all my veins; Water of Christ's side, wash out my stains; Passion of Christ, my comfort be; O good Jesus, listen to me; In Thy wounds I fain would hide; Ne'er to be parted from Thy side; Guard me, should the foe assail me; Call me when my life shall fail me; Bid me come to Thee above, With Thy saints to sing Thy love, World without end. Amen. A Spiritual Communion Prayer for those unable to receive the Eucharist My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. 5

Liturgical Musings Looking Ahead This new page in the parish bulletin will now serve as a way to inform you of upcoming liturgical happenings at Mass. New Hymns Learned at Mass Abide with Me All Is Well with My Soul Come to Me, O Weary Traveler Gloria (Mass Setting) Gospel Acclamation (Mass Setting) Great Amen (Mass Setting) Healing River of the Spirit Holy, Holy (Mass Setting) Hosanna in the Highest In Christ Alone Lamb of God (Mass Setting) Sanctuary When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Here s What We ve Done So Far: Some may wonder why we learn new music. The answer is learning new music, we are discovering new ways to the express our faith through song. As we learn new hymns, we will continue to repeat them throughout the month. Ordinary Time Why do we observe this liturgical season? Ordinary time is the liturgical season that divides the Sundays between Pentecost and Advent and those between the Baptism of Jesus and Lent. You will notice that priests and deacons wear the color green. This liturgical color is a symbol for the growth of our faith in context of hearing about Jesus own growth as human being and the Son of God. We have recently heard about the miracle of the loaves and the fish. At the consecration, we experience the greatest miracle of all. Mere bread and wine lose their ordinary form and become the Body and Blood of Christ. Have you thought lately about the miracles that can happen in our own lives? When we can develop a connection between the Mass and our day-to-day lives, the holy spirit can work miracles. Through our joys and struggles, God is with us. This month we will be learning the hymn, This is Jesus. This hymn directly connects us to the belief in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This is Jesus This is Jesus, Emmanuel. God is with us, in this sacrament. Come, receive Him. Adore Him. This is Jesus, our Lord. Bright Star of David, Radiance of God; now become the Living Bread the body of the Lord. Come in adoration, receive with trembling hands; the sacrament most holy, the banquet of the Lamb. Drink of Living Waters, flowing from the Lord. Taste the cup of blessing, partake of precious blood. River of the Salvation, holy cleansing tide; the Fountain of Redemption, flowing from the Savior's side. Priest of highest honor, King and Sov reign Lord, unblemished Lamb of Sacrifice, Your very life outpoured: royal paschal victim, true begotten Son, offered as our ransom by the Holy One. This is Jesus, Emmanuel. God is with us, in this sacrament. Come, receive Him. Adore Him. This is Jesus, our Lord. Text: Jim Cowan, b.1952. Music: Jim Cowan, b. 1952. C 1987, International Liturgy Publication PO Box 50476, Nashville, TN 37205., 888-898-SONG. All rights reserved. Used with permission: license # A-724996. 6

Weekly Parish Information Highlights for the coming week Monday- Aug. 10 8:30am SI: Nicole Tuesday Aug. 11 8:30am +Lawrence & Helen Meyer Wednesday Aug. 12 8:30am +Robert J. Blachowiak Thursday-Aug. 13 8:30am +Stanley & Marge Pieczonka Friday Aug. 14 Saturday-Aug. 15 Sunday-Aug. 16 8:30am All Parishioners 8:30am SI: Jozef & Anna 51st Wedding Anniversary 1:30pm Rob Lach & Amanda Meersman Wedding 5:00pm +Edward Golubski 8:00am + Bukowski Family +Kulm Family 10:00am +Edward McGinniss +Genevieve Erazmus +Walter & Irene Mastalarz +Berenice Borucki +Tadeusz &Irena Surawski +Bernie Riley +Willie Sevilla 11:30 Mass in Polish +Jozefa I Antoni Pajerski +Mary Jane I Edward Draz +Jasper Cali 1:30pm Baptism Owen Verest & Lyla Sano Mary Wargo Wednesday, August 12 Adoration & Benediction-Church 1-3pm Thursday, August 13 Al-Anon Meeting-St Joseph the Worker-9:30-11am Mass at Regency Nursing Home-1:30pm Friday, August 14 Fall Sports Sign Up-6-8pm Polish Bible Study-Queen of Peace-7-9pm Wedding rehearsal -6pm church Family Movie Night school lawn: see page 9 for details Saturday, August 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Not a holy day of obligation this year as the Feast falls on Saturday) Athletic Council Golf Outing Weekly Contributions: August 2, 2015 Sunday Collection $ 8,631.39 Maintenance $ 143.00 School Fund $ 4.00 Parking Lot Fund $ 233.00 Votive Lights $ 94.30 Parish Lenten Mission $ 8.33 Easter $ 8.33 Ascension $ 8.34 Assumption $ 115.00 Budget Gap $ 100.00 Sharing Parish $ 299.00 Central/Eastern Europe $ 5.00 Catholic Charities $ 5.00 Missionary /Summer Mission $ 92.00 Peter s Pence $ 5.00 Arch Priest s Retirement $ 5.00 Thank you for your generosity to help meet our weekly financial goals. Please remember St. Thecla in your will. During the offertory, have you noticed people around you not putting an envelope or money into the basket? It may be that they are giving electronically. No check writing, no paper envelopes and environmentally friendly. Donations can be made through a credit card and all transactions get applied to your name. Sign up for Automated Giving by visiting or by calling 1-866-parish-1 7

Our Faith THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING Everyone recognizes the truth of good proverbs, and so they endure from generation to generation. The Russians have a surprisingly bold one that fits this Sunday s Gospel: Bread is the beginning of everything. Judging from the first reading, Elijah might have felt that it was too late for bread too late for life itself. This great prophet was at the end of his rope and endurance. Then, not one, but two angels visit him. One offers food and drink. The other gives startling directions. For Elijah, this food from the angels is bread for his journey. On the strength of the heaven sent gift of food, he walks to the mountain of God. In today s Gospel, Jesus offers himself, not just as bread for the journey, but as bread for life itself. He gives his flesh as life for the world. I am the bread of life (John 6:48). He is the beginning of everything. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY S READINGS First Reading After resting and taking nourishment twice, Elijah is strengthened to walk to the mountain of God, Horeb (1 Kings 19:4-8). Psalm Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34). Second Reading Be sealed by the Holy Spirit of God so as to be imitators of God and live in love (Ephesians 4:30 5:2). Gospel Jesus professes that he is the living bread and whoever eats this bread will live forever (John 6:41-51). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday:Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17; Mt 18:15-20 Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6; Mt 18:21 19:1 Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Sunday: Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Lawrence Tuesday: St. Clare Wednesday:St. Jane Frances de Chantal Thursday: Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus Friday: St. Maximilian Kolbe Saturday: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Adoration Wednesdays 1-3pm Come and spend time with our Lord present in the Holy Eucharist. At 3pm we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed with Benediction. 8 WEEK OF PRAYER TO END THE EVILS OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD AUGUST 22-29 For more information go to:

Parish Life Religious Education Attention parents! Summer is passing quickly! It s time to register your child/children for religious education classes for the 2015-2016 year. Registration forms have been sent to families already in the program. If you are new to the program, you may register by filling out the registration form at the Parish Office. You may also go on-line at, download the forms and return them to the office with your fee. You may also contact the Religious Education Office by phoning 773-792-3077 or e-mail Those registering for the first time must have a copy of their child s/children s baptismal certificate's). Remember, you must be in the program for one year prior to the year a sacrament is to be received. To avoid a $25 late fee, please register by August 31st. We are also in need of a 7th grade catechist as well as aides in various grades. Please consider volunteering. The program depends on the generosity of those willing to give of their time to help our young people grow in faith. Contact the Religious Education Office if you are willing to help out. Music Ministry: We encourage students (including high school and college) who play an instrument or have a vocal talent to consider presenting a musical selection at any of the 10am Masses. Please contact Aaron Dixon for more information. 773-792-3077 x226 Quick Picks will be available this weekend in the back of the Church after 8 & 10am. Masses. Wedding Banns Rob Lach & Amanda Meersman Mark your calendar.virtus-protecting God s Children Training Session September 17th 6:30pm in Moriarty Hall Required training for all who are new to volunteering / working with children More information to come in next weekend s bulletin St. Thecla Annual Golf Outing 2015 Where: Tam Golf Course When: August 15, 2015 Time: 4:00pm Shotgun Start Cost: $60.00 per golfer Contact: Bill Leyden at or Tony Ranallo at 9

Summer projects update In preparation for the upcoming To Teach Who Christ Is campaign our Finance Council and parish staff have begun reviewing capital improvement projects and addressing necessary maintenance work. As a guide we are using the findings of recent building inspections and audits from our insurance provider Gallagher Bassett to help us determine the priorities. Many of the projects on the audit list were efficiently handled by our maintenance staff and volunteers which saved us much time and money. We are pleased to share with you the projects which have been completed or are currently in process. These projects are a mix of regular and deferred maintenance. There will be more to share about the capital improvement projects as we get closer to the campaign start date. Its a privilege to serve the faith community of St. Thecla. With respect, Joe Wojtowicz, St. Thecla Parish Business Manager Work that needed to be outsourced: A deep cleaning was completed in the school Installed ceiling fans in choir loft to aid air flow Replaced rectory electric receptacles with GFCI receptacles per code Installed seals around church doors Cleaned and waxed floors in choir loft & church vestibule Replaced the defunct air-conditioning compressor for the rectory second floor (this was deferred for two years) Work completed by in house maintenance Installed metal padded door stops on interior school doors and kick plates on new school exterior doors Cleaned ceiling fans in church Repaired several broken floor tiles in church Upgrades were made to the church restrooms with soap, paper towel and tissue dispensers Replaced light bulbs in Devon Ave. marquee (waiting for the replacement for a broken computer component Repaired rectory fence gate and rectory basement exhaust fan Removed old worn carpeting in Associate Pastors living quarters and guest room; replaced with laminate tile; and painted the rooms Trimmed all bushes and low hanging tree branches on parkways Necessary extensions are being put on the special tables for proper and safe use of the hand bells Work that is a combination of in house and outsourcing Removed 40yr. old carpeting from 1st floor in parish office and replaced with tile; cleaned and waxed these new tiles. Work generously donated by parishioners Updating the required electrical upgrades in the Haunted House Painting the parish offices and hallways Projects in process: Replace the last manhole/sewer; and replace 12ft. section of collapsing sewer line / this is necessary to complete before resurfacing the remaining portion of the parking lot; and securing the necessary funds Replacing damaged screens on several school windows Replacing carpet in Kindergarten room and evaluating carpets in other classrooms. Minor tuck-pointing on the school garage Repairing broken top panel/hardware on several school windows This list does not include some necessary capital projects that will be addressed. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the care of our parish. Have you registered for the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass? 10

Prayer List, US Military United States Air Force: SrA Michael J. Archam, A1C Heather Bosh, SrA Nicole Coreil A1C Scott Frisco A1C Shane Garrison, SSgt. Adam Krey, 2ndLt. Peter A. Schroeder, SSgt. James E. Stay SSgt. Sentara Stay SSgt. Matt Tredwell AIG. Keith Daniel Garrison United States Army: MAJ. Terence W. Bacon, SGT. Sean Doherty, SGT. Rachel Hall, CPT. Gina Marie Healy, SGT. Robert Lach, CPT. Jared Lampe, WO. Steven Larmay, SPC. Thomas J. Lyons III, PFC. Raymond Rau, SPC Thomas Rohl, 1LT. Michael Spiwak SPC. Neil A. Dunn Jr. United States Marines: 2ndLt. Philip E. Blais, 2ndLt. Kevin Bowler, PFC Michael T. Brennan, Keep in mind... Pvt. James Dinela, LCpl. Kyle Elmer, SSgt. Benjamin Juhasz, LCpl. Nathaniel J. Juncer, Maj. Michael C. Mroszczak, Cpl. Brian Pasterczyk, Capt. Craig V. Platt, LCpl. Jose Rivera, MSgt. Richard L. Sroka, SSgt. James E. Stonehouse United States Navy: SN E-3 Joseph J. Daly CAPT. Steven Stancy We keep those who are serving in the military in our prayers. Please print the name of your loved one and drop it in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Office. Their names will remain on the list until you notify us of their return or if their rank changes. Sick List - We pray for all those in nursing homes, homebound or who require extended care and those who care for them: Help us with the responsibility of keeping the list up to date and accurate. Please call the office when the status of someone s health changes. Joseph Augustin Barbra Ammemdola Frank Bednarczyk Frank Bednarz Gino Belcaster John Belcaster Christina Bennett Rosemary Besyk David Bergthal Frank Bieniek Franciszek Bosak Marian Brown Laurence Brueck Daniel Burke Krzysztof Bylica Herlinda Castellanos Irena Chmielowski Susan Christ Therese Ciborowski Eileen Cobb Kevin Connolly Jodi Chmiel Susan Carroll Deacon Bob Cnota Eileen Conway Mike Curtin John Dooley Sophie Dembek Jackie Dubiel Burke Daniel Donald Edsey Carolyn Engblom Kristen Formanski Nicolette Garrigan Frank Gibbons Joan Giuntoli Loretta Golubski Ann Gosciniak Ireta Gross Patrick Hall Lilian Hall Gerald Halvey Dorothy Hennessey Frank Herbig Gerald Halvey Teresa Jozefczak Wladyslawa Kielar Beverly Kisiel Rita Koch Stephanie Krupa Robert Kieca Sophie Lally Anita Lapiszko Mary Lavalle Joan Lonasney Arlene Lewandowski Rose Ligeza Elizabeth Link Dorothy Lyjak Wanda Marshall Ray Malczynski Martin McCaffrey Eileen McGovern Edward McManis Imleda Mizones Lillian Morris Gerrick Mueller Katharina Mueller James Mullins Kim Murphy Julie Muza George Marcin Walter Malinowski Robert Motto Catherine Neumann Kathleen Numec Therese Neiman Danuta Okrzesik John Orloff Patricia O Toole Bob Paige Kevin Peterson Giselle Piekarski Estella Plaza Caroline Plodzien Gisele Piekarski Thomas Podgorny Roman Poniatowski Vincent Platt Raymond Prybil Joe Pulizzano Virginia Romarynowski Stanley Sadej Anthony Sansone Mary Sarlo Peter Schroeder Eugenia Siemianowski Janina Sikora Laura Smith John Tentele Dorothy Taylor Janina Sroka Helena Starzynska Helen Surdey Dorothy Struck Patricia Timm Janis Taylor Judith Wolff-Stenzel Cecilia Walega Christine Wasowski Mary Widelka Anthony Wiorski Irene Wlezien Edward Wnek Julia Wojtanowski Julia Zeler Rose Zemba 11

STRONA DUSZPASTERSTWA POLSKOJÊZYCZNEGO W PARAFII ªw.TEKLI Informacje Ogólne Msze ªwiête Msze ºwiête w tygodniu o godz. 8:30 rano w jêzyku angielskim. Msze ºwiête w jêzyku polskim w kaýdà Niedzielê o godz. 11:30. Duszpasterstwo Parafii ªw. Tekli w jêzyku polskim Msze ªwiête w jêzyku polskim- Odprawiane sà przez Zakon Braci Salwatorianów z Merrillville w Indiane. Ksiàdz- Ks. Luke Kleczka. Adoracja Najºwiêtszego Sakramentu w ºrody od godziny 13:00 do 15 :00. Spotkania Liturgiczne Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkania biblijne prowadzone przez p. Annê Olczyk w kaýdy piàtek od godziny 19:00 21:00 w Sali Mary Queen of Peace. Program Nauczania Religijnego Program Nauczania Religijnego w jêzyku polskim prowadzony jest w parafii ºw. Tekli przez Polskà Szko³ê im. Gen. W³adys³awa Andersa. Dyrektorka p. Wanda Penar. Kontakt pod numerem 847-298-7349. Og³oszenia Polska Szko³a im. Gen W³adys³awa Andersa przy parafii ªw. Tekli w Chicago informuje, ýe dodatkowe zapisy na rok szkolny 2015/16 odbêdà siê dnia 29 Sierpnia 2015 r. od godziny 9 am. do 12 pm. W tym dniu bêdzie rownieý moýna zakupiæ podrêczniki. Serdecznie Zapraszamy. Po wiêcej informacji proszê dzwoniæ pod numer 847-298-7349. Rok Szkolny rozpoczynamy dnia 12 wrzeºnia 2015 o godz. 9 am. Szczêºæ Boýe na Nowy Rok Szkolny! XIX Niedziela Zwykła Pokarm dający życie. Komentarze do liturgii Wstęp do liturgii Przychodzimy do Chrystusa, naszego Lekarza duszy i ciała, aby w tej Eucharystii pokrzepić się Ciałem i Jego Krwią, a także nabrać sił do pielgrzymowania na tej ziemi w najbliższym tygodniu. Chrześcijanin musi ciągle przychodzić do źródła Bożej łaski I miłości, aby czerpać jak najwięcej potrzebnych nadprzyrodzonych łask i darów. Otrzymane dobra od Boga, nie pozostają tylko przy osobie, która jest najbliżej tych dóbr. Również my, chrześcijanie otrzymujemy dziś w darze od Stwórcy Eucharystię, która nie tylko jest dla nas, ale również dla tych, którzy o niej tak często zapominają i ją lekceważą. Na początku tego naszego zgromadzenia przeprośmy Boga za nasze i braci lekceważenie darów płynących z Eucharystycznej Ofiary Chrystusa. Wstęp do liturgii słowa Liturgia Słowa dzisiejszej niedzieli ukazuje nam prawdę, że każdy ochrzczony, każdy chrześcijanin jest powołany do naśladowania Boga we własnym życiu. To naśladowanie opiera się na drodze miłości i wzajemnym przebaczeniu w Chrystusie, o czym mówi nam święty Paweł Apostoł w Liście do Efezjan. Ewangelia dzisiejsza mówi nam, że miłość człowieka do bliźniego realizowana jest w Chrystusie. Aby przyjąć drugiego trzeba przyjąć najpierw Jezusa do swojego życia, karmić się chlebem żywym, który zstąpił z nieba. Tylko ta cudowna manna ma moc uchronić nas od wiecznego głodu. Wsłuchajmy się z wiarą w słowa życia. 12

Projekt tryptyku został stworzony dzieki współpracy Pana Dawida Szmigielskiego, Pani Tiffany Vassilatos I Kiêdza Proboszcza Gene Dyer. Obraz ten powsta³ z myºlà upamiêtnienia okragłego jubileuszu 90 rocznicy powstania parafii ªw. Tekli w Chicago. Dawid Szmigielski który jest Parafianem ªw. Tekli odby³ studia na Uniwersytecie w Hamburgu w Niemczech. Namalowany obraz ma złożony wymiar artystyczny, religijny jak również historyczny. Artyści, którzy namalowali obraz sa członkami Catholic Artist Society w Nowym Yorku. Głównym motywem obrazu sa ªwięci: Piotr, Pawe³ I Tekla. Artyści inspirowali się tradycyjnymi obrazami ikonograficznymi tworzonymi w okresie ªredniowiecza. Ma on równieý swoje þród³a w greckim i polskim pochodzeniu. Obraz jest tryptykiem, składa się on z trzech części: panelu centralnego I dwóch bocznych. ªrodkowy panel obrazu przedstawia postać Św. Piotra, po jego lewej stronie widzimy postać ªw. Tekli, a po stronie prawej postać Św. Pawła. Znana jest nam bliska relacja postaci apostołòw Piotra I Pawła. Ich poświęcenie, mêczeñstwo w imię miłości do Boga. Urzycie koloru czerwonego w obrazie wskazuje na mêczeñstwo postaci Św. Piotra, Pawła jak również Św Tekli. Postać Św. Piotra jest w symboliczny sposób wyrażona jako osoba mocna, silna. Piotr to fundament, skała jest wybrańcem, pierwszym Papieżem Kościoła wybranym bezpośrednio przez samego Jezusa Chrystusa, aby g³osiæ nauke jego Koºcio³a. Dlatego też jego postać przedstawiona jest jako siedzàca w krześle katedralnym, w wytwornych szatach. Św Piotr jest pierwszym Biskupem Rzymu, wykonawcà nauczań Kościoła Jezusa Chrystusa. On trzyma w ręku klucze do Królestwa Niebieskiego. Szaty, które nosi ªw. Piotr, zawierajà równieý liczne symbole z jego ýycia. Specjalny p³aszcz szata noszona na ramionach jest symbolem chierarchi w Koºciele, jak równieý Papieska tiara noszona przez Papieýy od VIII wieku. Potrójna korona ma wieloznaczny symbol, najczêºciej interpretuje siê jà jako potrójnà rolê jakà odgrywa Papieý: rolê ojca, nauczyciela I stojàcego na straýy prawa. Tiara jest ozdobiona bursztynem, który jest symbolicznym kamieniem w Polsce. Znane sà nam fakty historyczne, ýe Grecy I Rzymianie sprowadzali bursztyn drogà tzw. Bursztynowà ³àczàca Morze Ba³tyckie z Morzem ªródziemnym. Ma to równieý swój znaczàcy wymiar w przedstawieniu pierwszych mieszkañców pochodzenia polskiego, którzy osiedlili siê w Norwood Park I uczestniczyli w tworzeniu Parafii ªw. Tekli w Chicago. Postaæ ªw. Paw³a Aposto³a jest równieý przedstawiona w sposób symboliczny. Mêczennik Koºcio³a w wiêziennych ³añcuchach I trzymajàcy miecz. (Relikwie znalezione w Rzymie). Miecz symbolizuje jego ýycie przed nawróceniem. Pawe³ to Ewangelista. Jak czytamy w ªwiêtym liºcie Paw³a do Koryntian Mi³oºæ Ciê nigdy nie zawiedzie. Mi³oºæ Boga do ludzi I ludzi do innych, jak zosta³o to przet³umaczone przez ªw. Tomasza z Akwinu. ªw. Tekla by³a jednà z pierwszych kobiet, mêczenniczek Koºcio³a. Rzymianie skazali jà na poýarcie lwów. Namalowane lwy na jej szacie sà przypomieniem tego jak zginê³a. Jej d³onie obejmujà nasz Koºció³. Napis przypominajàcy o tym, ýe to jest Dom naszego Ojca, mocno zbudowany na skale Piotra. Obraz zawiera wiele detalów, przyjýyjmy siê butom ªw.Tekli moýemy dostrzec herb niedawno zmar³ego Kardyna³a Francis Eugene George jak równieý Archidiecezji w Chicago. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich Parafian na uroczystoºæ poºwiêcenia obrazu. Obraz zostanie poºwiêcony przez Ksiêdza Proboszcza Gene Dyer w dniu 15 Sierpnia 2015 roku o godz. 5 pm w Sobotê w ªwiêto Wniebowziêcia Najswiêtszej Marii Panny. Tryptyk zostanie zawieszony na o³tarzu Blessed Mother Shrine. Pierwsza Msza ªwiêta zosta³a odprawiona w Koºciele ªw. Tekli dniu 15 Sierpnia 1925 roku. Dziekujemy Dawidowi i Tiffany za stworzenie tego dzie³a. (Prace nad obrazem trwa³y dwa lata). 13

General information Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office to arrange a Baptism. Baptismal Prep Class: Will be confirmed at time of Registration of the Baptism. Marriages: The Pastoral Guidelines for Marriage Preparation for the Archdiocese of Chicago ask that a minimum of 4 months be set aside for personal preparation for marriage. Couples should refrain from setting a firm date or making any other arrangements until after they have met with a parish priest or deacon to discuss marriage plans. Please note that Weddings do not take place during Lent. Bulletin Deadline: All articles must be e-mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office by 10:00 a.m. on Fridays (8 days prior to publication date). Holidays subject to longer lead times. Please e-mail articles to Note - articles subject to editing. For more information call the office at (773) 792-3077. website: How to Become a Catholic: Adults or teenagers interested in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist) or those who are interested in the Catholic Faith should call the Parish Office for more information about the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Homebound/Communion Visitations: St. Thecla Church has several ministers of care who can regularly take communion to those in need. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for communion for yourself or a homebound loved one. THANK YOU, BULLETIN ADVERTISERS This bulletin is subsidized completely by those companies whose advertisements appear on the last two pages. If you have the opportunity, you may thank them in the name of our parish by using their products or services. Should you desire to participate as a sponsor of our bulletin, you may contact J.S. Paluch Company at 1-800-566-6170. To register as a parishioner; call the Parish Office for more information at 773-792-3077.

90 Years of God s Grace On August 15 1925, on the Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother, the first Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered on the St. Thecla campus! To commemorate this occasion, parishioner Mr. Dawid Szmigielski and Ms. Tiffany Vassilatos, who are both students at the University of Hamburg Germany, conceptualized a triptych; an icon with the images of Saints Peter, Paul and Thecla. In designing and creating this icon they drew inspiration from the Holy Spirit as well as from their respective Polish and Greek backgrounds. They are members of the Catholic Artists Society based in New York city, and they seek to re-establish the work of the medieval Guild of St. Luke of Hamburg. The ideas for choosing these saints: St. Thecla, our patroness, was as disciple and follower of St Paul; therefore he is the third image. Peter and Paul were in close relationship with each other and both were devout imitators of the Lord s sacrificial love. The stark use of red in the vestments and cloak indicates the martyrdom of all three, and red is the vestment color used on their respective feast days at Holy Mass. St. Peter is seated upon the Cathedra (chair) as Christ chose him to be the foundational rock of the Church as our first Pope. Also portrayed is the key of office the key to the kingdom of Heaven; and symbols of his life are embroidered on the chasuble. The pallium, or woolen vestment, is the symbol of the Pope s teaching authority. The papal tiara is a triple-crown worn by popes since the 8th century that define the pope s mission. as teacher, lawmaker, and judge. The tiara is ornamented with amber as this color is considered to be the gemstone of Poland. Ancient Greeks and Romans were supplied with Polish amber via the Amber Road, connecting the Baltic and Mediterranean regions. This deliberately ties in the first Polish settlers in the Norwood Park region who helped found our beloved parish. The image of St. Paul emphasizes his life: The chain represents his imprisonment; the sword his martyrdom by sword as well as his life prior to conversion; and the scroll represents his title as the Evangelist. The text reads, Caritas numquam excidit, from 1st Corinthians 13: Love never fails. St. Thecla was among the first women martyrs of the Church. The intricate lion clasps on her red cloak reveal how the Romans threw her to the lions. Her hands embrace our church that is gracefully wrapped with a banner inscribed with the words Haec est domus Domini, taken from the cornerstone of our church: This is the house of the Lord, firmly built, strongly founded upon a firm rock (petrus). On her shoes in intricate detail are the coat of arms of the late Cardinal George and the coat of arms of the Archdiocese of Chicago. To further connect this imagewith the time of its creation. The icon is to be received and blessed by Fr. Gene next Saturday at the 5:00pm Mass the anniversary of the very first Mass said in the former church that once stood on our campus. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be offered for those who wish after Mass. The triptych will be placed on one of the walls in the Blessed Mother Shrine. Our heartfelt thanks to Dawid and Tiffany for creating and completing this artwork over the course of the last two years.