Model egzaminu z języka angielskiego Poziom 4

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CENTRALNA KOMISJA EGZAMINACYJNA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH MINISTERSTWA OBRONY NARODOWEJ Model egzaminu z języka angielskiego Poziom 4 wg STANAG 6001 Specyfikacje i egzamin przykładowy Łódź 2007

Model egzaminu z języka angielskiego Poziom 4 wg STANAG 6001 Specyfikacje i egzamin przykładowy OPRACOWANIE: Kpt. mgr Dariusz Ćwierzona mgr Agata Majchrzak mgr Ewa Pawelec mgr Magdalena Kaźmierczak KONSULTACJA: Mark Crossey Eric Atkinson - Peacekeeping English Project - Peacekeeping English Project 2

SPIS TREŚCI Specyfikacje egzaminu / Specifications of the examination Wstęp................................................. 4 Introduction............................................. 5 Czytanie............................................... 6 Reading............................................... 7 Słuchanie.............................................. 8 Listening................................................ 9 Pisanie................................................. 10 Writing................................................ 11 Mówienie............................................... 12 Speaking............................................... 13 Przykładowe materiały egzaminacyjne / Sample Papers Reading................................................ 15 Answer sheet............................................ 22 Answer key.............................................. 23 Listening................................................ 25 Answer sheet............................................ 29 Answer key.............................................. 30 Tapescripts.............................................. 31 Writing................................................. 37 Writing marking sheet...................................... 39 Pisanie kryteria oceny..................................... 42 Writing rating scale........................................ 43 Speaking............................................... 45 Mówienie kryteria oceny................................... 48 Speaking rating scale....................................... 49 Speaking marking sheet..................................... 50 3

POZIOM 4 SPECYFIKACJE EGZAMINU Z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO WSTĘP Cel egzaminu Celem egzaminu jest sprawdzenie czy zdający osiągnęli Poziom 4 znajomości języka angielskiego zgodnie z opisem zawartym w Porozumieniu Standaryzacyjnym 6001 (STANAG 6001). Charakterystyka osób przystępujących do egzaminu Wszyscy zdający muszą posiadać świadectwo zdanego egzaminu na Poziomie 3. wg STANAG 6001 w danej sprawności lub przedłożyć inny dokument potwierdzający znajomość języka na porównywalnym poziomie. Dokument ten musi zostać zaakceptowany przez przewodniczącego CKEJO MON. Większość osób przystępujących do egzaminu stanowią żołnierze służby czynnej Polskich Sił Zbrojnych oraz pracownicy cywilni wojska. Wśród zdających dominują osoby narodowości polskiej, mężczyźni, w wieku pomiędzy 20-50 lat. Sytuacje komunikacyjne - wykorzystanie języka obcego Język wykorzystywany jest w sytuacjach zawodowych i towarzyskich w środowisku wojskowym (np. w sztabie międzynarodowym, podczas międzynarodowych misji pokojowych, wielonarodowych manewrów wojskowych lub podczas szkoleń zagranicznych). Opis egzaminu Egzamin składa się z czterech części (odbywających się w następującej kolejności): Czytanie Słuchanie Pisanie Mówienie 4

LEVEL 4 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXAMINATION INTRODUCTION The Purpose of the Examination The purpose of the examination is to assess whether candidates have reached Level Four of language competence as described by STANAG 6001. Target Language Situation Professional and social situations in military contexts (for example at a Multinational Headquarters, on a multinational peacekeeping mission, during a multinational field exercise or whilst receiving training in a foreign country). Description of the Examinee All examinees must have a certificate stating they have a language competence of Level Three as defined by STANAG 6001 in the skill(s) being tested, or provide other evidence that indicates that they have a similar language competence and such evidence must be accepted by the Chairman of the Central Examination Board. Description of the Examination The examination consists of four parts taken in the following order: Reading Listening Writing Speaking The majority of examinees are either serving members of the Polish Armed Forces or military related personnel. They are predominately male, Polish citizens between the ages of 20 and 50. 5

CZYTANIE Rodzaje tekstów Wszystkie rodzaje tekstów autentycznych umieszczonych w kontekście kulturowym, zarówno teksty faktograficzne jak i dotyczące zagadnień abstrakcyjnych (artykuły lub fragmenty artykułów prasowych, artykuły redakcyjne, reklamy, ogłoszenia, instrukcje obsługi, dowcipy, itp.). Zakres tematyczny Pełen zakres tematyczny dotyczący zagadnień ogólnych i zawodowych. Testowane umiejętności rozpoznanie celu tekstu, stosunku autora oraz tonu wypowiedzi identyfikacja metod pisania, jakimi autor przekazuje treści uchwycenie myśli przewodniej tekstu lub akapitu odróżnienie myśli głównej od argumentów wspomagających rozumienie informacji i opinii wyrażonych w sposób dosłowny i przenośny wyciąganie wniosków na podstawie przeczytanego tekstu rozumienie logicznych związków wewnątrzzdaniowych, międzyzdaniowych i związków między akapitami zlokalizowanie szczegółowych informacji w tekście rozumienie znaczenia nieznanych wyrazów z kontekstu rozumienie odniesień kulturowych Rodzaje zadań pytania wielokrotnego wyboru przyporządkowanie uzupełnianie zdań przeniesienie informacji do tabel lub wykresów Opis testu Zdający mają 60 minut na udzielenie odpowiedzi. Test składa się z 3 zadań zawierających 20 pytań, a łączna długość tekstów wynosi od 2100 do 2400 słów. Zadanie 1. kilka krótkich tekstów nie powiązanych ze sobą treściowo jedno zdanie do uzupełnienia po każdym tekście Zadanie 2. jeden długi tekst opiniodawczy przyporządkowanie zdań do paragrafów lub przeniesienie informacji do tabeli, wykresu, itp. Zadanie 3. jeden tekst pytania wielokrotnego wyboru z czterema opcjami każde Polecenia Polecenia do zadań w teście sformułowane są w języku angielskim, natomiast przed rozpoczęciem egzaminu osobom zdającym udzielane są instrukcje w języku polskim. Punktacja Zdający wskazują poprawną odpowiedź zakreślając prawidłową opcję lub uzupełniając luki w zdaniach, tabelach, wykresach, itp. na arkuszu odpowiedzi. We wszystkich częściach testu zdający otrzymują po jednym punkcie za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź. Zdający musi uzyskać 14 punktów z 20 możliwych, aby zaliczyć sprawność czytania. 6

READING Text Types All authentic culturally embedded text types, both factual and abstract (newspaper/magazine articles and fragments of articles, editorials, advertisements, announcements, manuals, jokes). Task Types Used multiple choice matching open-ended questions information/opinion transfer Topics All topics from general and professional areas. Skills recognising a writer s purpose, attitude, tone and mood identifying a writer s technique identifying the main idea or important information and distinguishing them from supporting details understanding explicitly and implicitly stated information and opinions inferring information from text content understanding relations within the sentence and across sentences and paragraphs understanding gist skimming scanning understanding unfamiliar words from context understanding cultural references Description of the Test The test is sixty minutes long. There will be three tasks with a combined length of between 2100 and 2400 words followed by 20 questions. Task One - a number of short extracts/texts with open-ended items Task Two - a longer discursive text with either a matching or information/opinion transfer task Task Three - a text with four-option multiple choice questions Rubrics/Instructions The candidates will be given instructions in Polish before the start of the test. Rubrics are written in English. Marking There are twenty questions in all and the pass mark is fourteen. Candidates will be asked to indicate answers by circling, or filling in the gaps in sentences, charts or tables on the answer sheet. Candidates will be awarded one mark for each correct answer in all parts of the test. 7

SŁUCHANIE Rodzaje nagrań Wszelkie rodzaje autentycznych nagrań radiowych i telewizyjnych (wiadomości, reportaże, wywiady, dyskusje panelowe) oraz wykłady i monologi. Zakres tematyczny Pełen zakres tematyczny dotyczący zagadnień ogólnych i zawodowych. Testowane umiejętności rozpoznanie celu tekstu mówionego, stosunku autora oraz tonu wypowiedzi rozumienie informacji i opinii wyrażonych w sposób dosłowny i przenośny odróżnienie myśli głównej od argumentów ją wspomagających wyciąganie wniosków na podstawie wysłuchanego tekstu Rodzaje zadań pytania wielokrotnego wyboru sporządzanie notatek uzupełnianie zdań przyporządkowanie Zadanie 1. kilka krótkich wiadomości radiowych nie powiązanych ze sobą treściowo po każdej wiadomości jedno pytanie wielokrotnego wyboru z czterema opcjami Zadanie 2. wywiad pytania wielokrotnego wyboru z czterema opcjami Zadanie 3. dyskusja przyporządkowanie lub uzupełnianie zdań Zadanie 4. monolog wykład, przemówienie lub inna forma wystąpienia publicznego, sporządzanie notatek Nagrania i polecenia Przed rozpoczęciem egzaminu osobom zdającym udzielane są instrukcje w języku polskim. W nagraniu materiału egzaminacyjnego każde zadanie jest poprzedzone instrukcjami w języku angielskim, po których następuje przerwa umożliwiająca zdającym zapoznanie się z treścią pytań. Po wysłuchaniu wszystkich zadań osoby zdające mają 4 minuty na przeniesienie odpowiedzi na arkusz odpowiedzi. Egzaminowani usłyszą różne akcenty rodzimych użytkowników języka angielskiego oraz obcokrajowców. Punktacja Opis testu Test trwa około 45 minut i składa się z 4 zadań zawierających 20 pytań. Zadania 1., 2. i 4. są odtwarzane tylko jeden raz, natomiast Zadanie 3. jest odtwarzane dwa razy. Zdający wskazują poprawną odpowiedź zakreślając prawidłową opcję lub wpisują odpowiednie słowa na arkuszu odpowiedzi. We wszystkich częściach testu zdający otrzymują po jednym punkcie za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź. Zdający musi uzyskać 14 punktów z 20 możliwych, aby zaliczyć sprawność słuchania. W Zadaniu 3. i 4. punkty nie są przyznawane, jeśli występują błędy w pisowni zniekształcające znaczenie słów. 8

LISTENING Text Types All kinds of authentic radio and TV recordings (news items, reports, interviews, panel discussions) or lectures and monologues. Topics All topics from general and professional areas. Skills recognising a speaker s purpose, attitude, tone and mood understanding explicitly and implicitly stated information and opinions identifying the main idea or important information and distinguishing them from supporting details inferencing Task Types Used multiple choice note taking matching open-ended questions Description of the Test The test is approximately 45 minutes long. There are four tasks followed by twenty questions. Tasks One, Two and Four are heard once only and Task Three is heard twice. Task One a number of short content independent authentic radio news broadcasts with four-option multiplechoice items Task Two a two-person interview with fouroption multiple-choice items Task Three a discussion with either a matching or an opened-ended task Task Four - a long monologue, which could be either a lecture, speech, public address with a note-taking exercise Recordings, Instructions and Rubrics The candidates will be given instructions in Polish before the start of the test. Each task is preceded by instructions in English and a pause to allow the candidates to read the questions. There are longer pauses between tasks. At the end of the test there is a pause of four minutes to allow the candidate to transfer his or her answers to the answer sheet. Recordings may contain a variety of native speaker and non-native speaker accents. Marking Candidates will be asked to indicate answers by circling, or filling in the gaps in sentences, charts or tables on the answer sheet. Candidates will be awarded one mark for each correct answer in all parts of the test. In note-taking exercises bad spelling, if it does not interfere with understanding, will not be penalised. There are twenty questions and the pass mark is fourteen. 9

PISANIE Rodzaje tekstów raport oficjalne oświadczenie Opis testu Test trwa 70 minut i polega na wykonaniu jednego zadania. Zdający zobowiązani są do napisania wypowiedzi w odpowiednim stylu z wykorzystaniem informacji w postaci krótkich tekstów oraz materiałów piktograficznych (wykresy, diagramy, tabele, obrazki, zdjęcia, mapy, itp.). Wypowiedź pisemna powinna zawierać od 500 do 600 słów. Polecenia Przed rozpoczęciem egzaminu osobom zdającym udzielane są instrukcje w języku polskim. Polecenie do zadania egzaminacyjnego sformułowane jest w języku angielskim. formułowania i uzasadniania opinii stawiania hipotez dotyczących wydarzeń przeszłych, teraźniejszych i przyszłych przekonywania informowania wyjaśniania opisywania przypuszczania udzielania rad udzielania rekomendacji i sugerowania Od zdających oczekuje się wysokiego stopnia stosowności i poprawności gramatycznoleksykalnej oraz dobrej organizacji, logiki i spójności wypowiedzi zarówno w obrębie akapitu, jak i całego tekstu. Zdający powinien wykazać się bogactwem słownictwa oraz konstrukcji gramatycznych. W tekście powinny dominować zdania złożone. Ocenianie Wymagania Od zdających oczekuje się umiejętności wypowiedzi pisemnej na różnorodne tematy z zakresu ekonomii, kultury, polityki, tematyki ogólnowojskowej, nauki i techniki. Zdający powinni wykazać się następującymi umiejętnościami: Wypowiedź pisemna jest oceniana przez dwóch egzaminatorów. Zdający musi uzyskać 14 punktów z 20 możliwych, aby zaliczyć sprawność pisania. Szczegółowe kryteria oceny zamieszczone są na str. 40. 10

WRITING Text Types report position paper Description of the Test The writing test is seventy minutes long. There is one task only. Candidates are required to write in an appropriate style responding to input in the form of short texts and pictorial material, such as graphs, pictures, diagrams, photographs and maps. The candidate is expected to produce a text of between 500 to 600 words. Rubrics The candidates will be given instructions in Polish before the start of the test. Rubrics are written in English. present and defend an argument hypothesise about the past, present and future persuade justify inform explain describe speculate advise make recommendations and suggestions A high degree of accuracy and appropriacy and good organisational skills within paragraphs and across the whole text is expected. The text should be both coherent and cohesive. A candidate should demonstrate a wide range of lexis and structures including a high number of multi-clause sentences effectively used. Performance Expected of the Candidate The candidate is expected to write on a variety of topics taken from such areas as economics, culture, science and technology, politics and general military affairs. The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to: Marking The test is assessed by two independent assessors. The test is marked out of twenty and the pass mark is fourteen. Candidates are referred to the evaluation criteria for Level Four, Writing (p. 41). 11

MÓWIENIE Rodzaje wypowiedzi rozmowa nieformalna dyskusja prezentacja Opis testu Egzamin ustny składa się z 3 części i trwa około 20 minut. Zdający przystępują do egzaminu w parach. Część Pierwsza nieformalna rozmowa. Zdający przedstawiają się i zadają sobie pytania dotyczące miejsca pracy, rodziny, miejsca zamieszkania, itp. Część Druga prezentacja. Zdający wygłaszają pięciominutową prezentację z wykorzystaniem informacji w postaci krótkich tekstów oraz materiałów piktograficznych (wykresy, diagramy, tabele, obrazki, zdjęcia, mapy, itp.) Po wysłuchaniu prezentacji drugi zdający jest zobowiązany do zadania dwóch pytań dotyczących wystąpienia. To samo ma miejsce po wysłuchaniu drugiej prezentacji. Zdający mają 20 minut na przygotowanie. Część Trzecia dyskusja. Zdający dyskutują na wylosowany temat. Polecenia Polecenia do zadań sformułowane są w języku angielskim. Wymagania Od zdających oczekuje się umiejętności wypowiedzi na różne tematy z zakresu ekonomii, kultury, polityki, tematyki ogólnowojskowej, nauki i techniki. Zdający powinni wykazać się następującymi umiejętnościami: formułowania i uzasadniania opinii stawiania hipotez dotyczących wydarzeń przeszłych, teraźniejszych i przyszłych przekonywania informowania wyjaśniania opisywania przypuszczania udzielania rad wyrażania zgody i sprzeciwu proszenia o wyjaśnienie udzielania rekomendacji i sugerowania Od zdających oczekuje się: wysokiego stopnia płynności stosowności i poprawności gramatycznoleksykalnej współdziałania w rozmowie - inicjowania rozmowy - angażowania partnera w konwersację - logicznego reagowania na jego argumenty Prezentacja powinna być wygłoszona w sposób jasny, zwięzły i dobrze zorganizowany. Ocenianie Wypowiedź ustna jest oceniana przez dwóch egzaminatorów. Zdający musi uzyskać 14 punktów z 20 możliwych, aby zaliczyć sprawność mówienia. Szczegółowe kryteria oceny zamieszczone są na str. 46. 12

SPEAKING Types of Speaking social conversations discussions presentations Description of the Test The speaking test is to be taken by pairs of candidates. It consists of three parts and takes approximately twenty minutes. Part One a social conversation; the candidates introduce themselves to each other and exchange personal information. Part Two a five-minute presentation, based on input in the form of short texts, graphic and pictorial material (such as: graphs, pictures, diagrams, photographs and maps). Candidates will have twenty minutes to prepare for this presentation. After the first presentation, the other candidate asks two questions about what he has heard. The same happens after the second presentation. Part Three a discussion based on a prompt card with an issue to be discussed. Rubrics Rubrics are written in English. general military affairs. The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to: present and defend an argument hypothesise about the past, present and future persuade justify inform explain describe speculate advise agree and disagree request clarification make recommendations and suggestions The candidates are expected to demonstrate: a high degree of fluency lexical and grammatical accuracy and appropriacy interaction abilities - turn-taking - initiating - responding appropriately to partner s contributions The presentation should be delivered in a clear, precise and well-ordered manner. Marking Performance Expected of the Candidate The candidate is expected to speak on a variety of topics taken from such areas as economics, culture, science and technology, politics and The speaking test is assessed by two independent assessors. The test is marked out of twenty and the pass mark is fourteen. The candidates are referred to the evaluation criteria for Level Four, Speaking (p. 47). 13


CENTRALNA KOMISJA EGZAMINACYJNA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH MINISTERSTWA OBRONY NARODOWEJ Egzamin z języka obcego wg STANAG 6001 Egzamin przykładowy Język: angielski Poziom: 4 Sprawność: CZYTANIE Czas trwania: 60 min. 15

TASK ONE Read each of the texts below and then complete the sentence, which comes under the text, using no more than five words to show that you have understood the text. An example has been provided for you. Chee Soon Juan, leader of the Singapore Democratic party, pleaded not guilty to the charge of speaking in public without a permit, over a speech made in February. The case highlights the state restrictions on free speech. In Singapore one has to have a permit/have permission to speak in public. 1. From the moment she arrived in the house, Jade the 21-year-old dental nurse from Bermondsey, has been the subject of an unprecedented bullying campaign. She was reduced to freak status by fellow housemates, viewers and the media. Jade has been the subject of misogyny, and was branded a tart after her encounter with fellow contestant, the trainee lawyer PJ. Jade is taking part in. 2. A sudden frisson of déjà vu at the start of Thursday s Prom, as a familiar spirit brushed past: a harpsichord fandango by Soler, which had glinted in Roberto Sierra s reworking on the First Night, danced its way through the Prom s premiere of one of Hans Werner s Henze s musical translations his Fandango sopra un basso del Padre Soler. The fragment comes from. 3. Clark-John July 24th, 2002 suddenly aged 57 years and of Glanwydden, North Wales. Enquiries to T. Conchar & Sons, Colwyn Bay. Tel: 01492 53 22 06 T. Conchar & Sons are. 4. The banks show sharp falls, the worst performer being Merrill Lynch, which lost a quarter of its value, to $11 billion ( 7 billion). Being successfully sued by a client and then dragged through the mire on Wall Street, can have that effect. The losses were caused by. 5. The Tories are heading for a general election massacre, says The Sun s political editor Trevor Kavanagh. A MORI poll for the paper suggests that Tony Blair can expect to increase his majority by 50 seats, giving the Tories the worst drubbing for 170 years. The Tories are marginalized on every front, their political brand name now so out of favour that Labour outstrips them on every major argument except Europe, which is not an issue this election. As far as Europe is concerned, the Tories. 16

6. The more effort you put into a family or domestic project, the more resistance you are likely to encounter early in the week. Better to take a few steps backwards and allow everyone a breathing space. Besides, with your ingenuity and insight increasing as the week progresses, it would be wiser to concentrate on a creative, literary, legal or overseas issue. Affairs of the heart are also well-starred. This is an extract of in a newspaper. 7. Greenpeace recently bought share in BP in order to embarrass the company at its AGM. Last week, the same trick was employed against CGNU, the insurance giant formerly known as the Norwich Union. Suddenly, shareholder after shareholder started asking awkward questions about CGNU s 2% share in Cape plc, an asbestos-mining company blamed for the poisoning of thousands of South African workers. This could be the next wave for the movement against capitalism, with activists trading their nose-studs for share portfolios. It s certainly cleverer than throwing bricks. Greenpeace has developed against capitalism. 8. When the Guangdong International Trust & Investment Corporation (GITIC) filed for bankruptcy early this month, it shook international confidence in the ITIC sector corporations that serve as foreign investment arms of local governments. The decision to let GITIC go under was as political as it was financial. The Guangdong provincial authorities had accumulated what one source called a slush fund to bail out the GITIC, and the day before its collapse a high-level delegation was in Beijing arguing for its survival. The decision was made to send a strong message to the market, said one informed observer especially to lenders who threw unsecured loans at ITICs. According to one informed observer, GITIC s bankruptcy was for lenders. 17

TASK TWO In the text Clipping the Eagle s Wings there are nine lettered paragraphs. Match the statements below with the paragraphs they refer to. Each statement matches one and one only paragraph. There is one extra paragraph that does not match any statement. An example has been done for you. WHICH PARAGRAPH.... Example: describes methods of fighting a war Answer: B 9. gives a condition that allows for American dominance 10. shows the resulting outcry from dashed hopes 11. paints a picture of a post war world 12. shows bewilderment at criticisms made 13. gives an example of good political practice 14. contains concerns about the distribution of power in the future 15. shows the political dangers of ignoring lessons from the past CLIPPING THE EAGLE S WINGS (A) Covering wars in my younger days in the Middle East, the Gulf, the Falklands I learned to live (and write) by the theatre critics iron rule: Don t judge a play before the final curtain. In the October War, the Israelis were surprised twice first by the cleverly masked attack on the part of Egypt and Syria; second, by the fire-and-steel wall of antitank and antiaircraft missiles that broke the Israeli counter-attack. But for one week only. Then the Israelis changed tactics and ended up a few tens of miles from Cairo. In 1980, Saddam Hussein invited the world press to watch his glorious victory against an Iranian army whose military leadership had just been decapitated by Khomeini s followers. By the time I arrived in Basra, the Iraqi offensive into Arabistan had ground to a halt. I lived through some low-level Iranian bombardment, then took a cab to Kuwait. (B) Such are the misfortunes of war that ought to instill some caution into us instant analysts. At this point, only one thing is clear. After months of building up its forces, the United States could not possibly achieve strategic surprise. Yet Saddam has scored a tactical surprise of sorts. His armies didn t just collapse and slink off. Like the leaders of weaker forces at all times, he has resorted to asymmetric warfare: blindside attacks on Allied supply lines, human shields, fighters in civilian get-up, Soviet-style commissars who shoot unwilling soldiers in the back. (C) No wonder America is getting bad press in Europe and around the world. Many of those who were doubtful about this war were ready to be convinced by a quick, clean victory. Such a victory, it now appears, will not fall into Bush s lap. And so, as the U.S. dispatches over 100,000 more troops to the theatre, schadenfreude has set in softly in most quarters, loudly in some. A Tagesspiegel cartoon showed British and American hands carving up an Iraq-shaped piece of meat: TOUGHER THAN I THOUGHT. And the editor of Paris Match chided his country men 18

for unhealthy rejoicing at the U.S. military s difficulties and mocking the American troops for their suffering. (D) The gloating points to a deeper problem. One often wonders why the moral coordinates in the European debate have become so skewed, why, as here in Hamburg, little yellow posters are sprouting up around downtown and scream: AMI GO HOME! Why is it that banners at demonstrations equate Bush with Hitler? Why is it that the Saddamite regime, one of the most repulsive in history, is given quasi-absolution through silence? Why, in short, is the rogue state label attached to the U.S.? (E) Moral revulsion against death and destruction delivered against innocents is one part of the answer, but only one. The larger part has to do with sheer power. In private and public discussions, one worry trumps them all. It goes like this: America is fighting a hegemonic war, it wants to set itself up as master of the world. And we don t want a world dominated by one power only. Europeans like French President Jacques Chirac make it explicit by demanding a multipolar world. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder doesn t put it quite so bluntly, but his unconditional solidarity something he promised Bush after 9/11 now extends to the French, suggesting that his nightmare, too, is a unipolar world. (F) So this war is no longer about Saddam. It is about the distribution of global power in the 21 st century. Saddam is a catalyst; the underlying reason is the collapse of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day 1991 of the other superpower that had constrained and contained the U.S. throughout the cold war. It is a lonely world in which the last remaining superpower now finds itself. (G) When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld proclaimed that in this new world the mission determines the coalition and not the other way around, he hadn t listened to what history was whispering: Eventually others will gang up on Mr. Big. This is happening now. (H) In one way or another, the U.S. and Britain will win this war. Victory may intimidate rather than inflame the other Arab nations. Saddam s regime may be replaced by a Jordanian one a regime less despotic and more participatory. Sobered, the Palestinians may move toward peace with Israel. But ganging up on No. 1 will persist; this is the price of excessive power. Can this dour verdict of history be averted? Yes, if this imperial republic learns to soften the hard edge of its power with the balm of trust. In the end, people don t hate America. They mistrust its intentions and wisdom. (I) When this war is over, a bit less Rumsfeld and Cheney and a bit more Truman and Eisenhower will surely help. These administrations succeeded so admirably in furthering American interests by serving those of others. And by listening to them. 19

TASK THREE You are going to read a newspaper article. For questions 14 20, choose answer A, B, C or D. ALL ROADS LEAD TO CHAOS 5 10 15 20 25 The chaos theory paradigm in which the beating of Brazilian butterfly wings unleashes a Texan tornado has nothing on the arcane interconnectedness of the British transport network. Within this system, as in the British class system, a single moment of madness can generate boundless misfortune for untold innocent individuals. Yesterday, the pattern of causality was obvious. It was The Hottest Day of the Year (an ongoing newspaper fabrication designed to generate news stories until the next hottest day of the year). Schools had not long broken up, facilitating the phrase The Great Escape and unleashing a phalanx of people carriers. Convivial seasonal events were sprouting forth all about the country, from the Farnborough Air Show to any number of Scouting jamborees. It was the concluding day of Big Brother and thousands were endeavouring to flee the country ahead of its tawdry climax and the release of the remaining participants. It was Friday, in the full Fridayness of the word. And so it came to pass that a mighty traffic jam was felt throughout the land, particularly on the M25, southwest of London. For a long and tortuous day, drivers sweated and swore their way through the 30-mile tailback, a situation not so much of gridlock, as the fellowship of the rings. Traffic jams are an intrinsic part of British culture. Nothing unites the post war generations to the same extent as their shared participation in motorway stalemate. Despite claims that the innovations of Internet and bucket-shop flights would diminish road usage, car use is fifteen times higher than in 1950. In 2001 Britons drove almost 200 million more miles than in 1999, covering a total 237.75 billion miles, or 33 return journeys to Pluto. The average citizen whiles away nine days a year behind the wheel, many of them either at snail's pace or stationary. The types and causes of jamming are legion from shock waves (sudden tailbacks for no apparent reason), via macabre rubber-necking, to the Mexican wave delay that occurs when a lorry attempts the painful overtaking of another vehicle with limited success. In a city, the knock-on effect of one false move is devastating. A five-minute blockage at Hyde Park Corner will take out Piccadilly, Knightsbridge and Park Lane, with chaos quickly spreading around the city and beyond. Around this institution rituals have sprung. The parched throat and blistering sun, the sick child and repeated plaintive whimper: How much longer? The Royal Automobile Club recommends whale music, the Duke of Edinburgh (somewhat perversely) the banning of tourist types, but the best advice is probably to stay at home. 20

16. The author refers to chaos theory paradigm in order to A. contrast it with the British class system B. contrast it with the British transport system C. comment on the confusion caused on that day D. show how complex the British transport system is 17. The writer implies that the Hottest Day of The Year A. wasn t hot at all B. is an excuse for traffic problems C. was exaggerated by the press D. was very hot indeed 18. The fourth paragraph is mainly about A. how the traffic jams unite the British public B. how numbers of cars on the roads have increased C. how much time the British spend driving D. efforts to reduce the traffic problems 19. The writer blames the problem mainly on A. the British class system B. the structure of the transport system C. British drivers habits D. events and public holidays in the U.K. 20. The word legion in line 21 could be best replaced with A. legendary B. many C. distressing D. exaggerated 21

CODE Name: Reading Comprehension TASK ONE 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. TASK TWO TASK THREE 9. [ ] 10. [ ] 11. [ ] 12. [ ] 16 17 18 19 A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 20 A B C D 13. [ ] 14. [ ] 15. [ ] TOTAL: Examiner s name: (signature) Examiner s name: (signature) 22

Answer Key TASK ONE 1. a TV reality show/big Brother 2. a music review 3. undertakers/funeral directors (company) 4. being sued/bad publicity/a court case/being dragged through the mire 5. are more popular than Labour (or words of similar meaning) 6. a horoscope 7. a new way of campaigning (or words of similar meaning) 8. a strong warning/a strong message TASK TWO 9. F 10. C 11. H 12. D 13. I 14. E 15. G TASK THREE 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. B 23


CENTRALNA KOMISJA EGZAMINACYJNA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH MINISTERSTWA OBRONY NARODOWEJ Egzamin z języka obcego wg STANAG 6001 Egzamin przykładowy Język: angielski Poziom: 4 Sprawność: SŁUCHANIE Czas trwania: 40 min. 25

TASK ONE You are going to listen to six news items. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the items once only. I repeat, once only. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each news item to give you a time to read through the questions to that item. Task One will now begin. 1. According to Jeffrey Sachs, the aid programmes are A. limited in scope B. corrupt C. badly managed D. underfunded 2. Most recently, a Chinese AIDS activist A. started an anti-aids campaign in central China B. revealed people had been infected with HIV C. fled the country in fear of the authorities D. prevented dealing in unsanitary blood 3. Australia intends to A. put pressure on Indonesia to find the attackers B. involve Australian troops in fighting terrorists C. agree with Indonesia on who carried out the attack D. take the Indonesian government to court 4. In the area, it will be possible to A. conduct commercial fishing B. carry out scientific research C. exploit oil and minerals D. introduce foreign species 5. In addition to the leading party, Uhuru Kenyatta is supported by A. the president in office B. rebellious ministers C. the opposition party D. Kenya s first president 6. The original experiment in the 60 s A. discovered the major qualities of neutrinos B. proved a theory about the sun s radiation C. prompted further research into neutrinos D. attempted to discover missing neutrinos That is the end of Task One. 26

TASK TWO You are going to hear an American professor being interviewed on the topic of reparation to African Americans because of the damage caused by slavery. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the piece once only. I repeat, once only. There will now be a pause of 1 minute to allow you to look through the questions. Task Two will now begin. 7. The Hurdle Case will A. revive the debate on slavery B. result in a new fashion for litigation C. fail because it deals with old events D. make American s feel less guilty, if successful 8. The speaker believes that reparations A. receive the full support of the black community B. are opposed by the white community C. should be calculated precisely D. shouldn t be paid to individuals 9. Native Americans and inmates of Japanese internment camps A. are still complaining about their poor treatment B. are introduced as examples of previous reparations C. show that problems with reparations can t be solved D. actively encourage African Americans to sue the government 10. The speaker talks about the economy of the South to show A. that rapid change is possible in America B. what has happened to the descendants of slaves C. that the effects of slavery have now been overcome D. that slavery still has some effect on America That is the end of Task Two. 27

TASK THREE You will hear a radio discussion. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. An example has been done for you. You will hear the piece twice. I repeat, twice. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look through the questions. Task Three will now begin. 0. (Example) President Bush ran into trouble on his proposed budget 11. At home the position of President Bush is undermined by 12. According to one speaker, the President should now focus on 13. According to one speaker, North Korea can solve its financial problems by 14. As far as North Korea is concerned nothing is being done because the Americans That is the end of Task Three. TASK FOUR You will hear a politician outlining his views on the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives policies concerning the National Health Service, the NHS. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. An example has been done for you. You will hear the piece once only. I repeat, once only. There will now be a pause of 1 minute to allow you to look through the questions. Task Four will now begin. The parties new policies were first made public: (0) at recent annual conferences The speaker s main objection to the two parties policies: (15).... The two parties polices really amount to: major structural re-organisations First Liberal Democrat Idea: (16). Tried before by: the Macmillan Government Resulted in: great political damage Main objection to the idea: (17)... Second Liberal Democrat Idea: (18).... Tried before by: Bevan, Minister of Health in 1948. Failed because: (19). Conservative Party s main idea: (20)... That is the end of Task Four. You now have 4 minutes to check through your answers. Please, stay silent during this period. If you attempt to communicate with any of the candidates you will fail the test. 28

Code: Name: Listening Comprehension TASK ONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 TASK TWO 7 8 9 10 A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B C C C C C C D D D D D D C D C D C D C D TASK THREE 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. TASK FOUR The speaker s main objection to the two parties policies: (15). First Liberal Democrat idea: (16) Main objection to the idea: (17) Second Liberal Democrat idea: (18) Failed because: (19) Conservative Party s main idea: (20) TOTAL: Examiner s name: (signature) Examiner s name: (signature) 29

Answer Key TASK ONE 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C TASK TWO 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D TASK THREE 11. (his own) Republican Party/ opposition to his tax policy 12. the war / foreign policy 13. selling nuclear weapons / baddies/ nukes 14. don t know what to do (or words of a similar meaning) TASK FOUR 15. based on old discredited ideas 16. to fund NHS from National Insurance contributions 17. seen as penalizing industry 18. to reduce Civil Service interference 19. medical profession resisted 20. to subsidize private healthcare users 30

TAPESCRIPTS This is a listening test for the Ministry of Defence, level four English language examination. I am going to give you some instructions about this test and tell you about what you are going to hear. I will introduce each part of the test and before each part there will be a pause to allow you to look through the questions. Task One You are going to listen to six news items. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the items once only. I repeat once only. There ll be a pause of 30 seconds before each news item to give you a time to read through the questions to that item. PAUSE 30 seconds Task One will now begin. One An American economist, who is a special adviser to the United Nations, has accused rich countries of failing in their moral and financial commitments to help developing countries. The adviser Jeffrey Sachs told the Earth Summit in Johannesburg that financial promises to fight disease and environmental degradation were not being honoured. Collin Prodger reports from the summit. Doctor Sachs told the summit that the global fund for Aids tuberculosis and malaria is operating at a tenth of its required budget of seven billion dollars a year. Similar funds established to finance research into crops and land management systems designed to suit the climates and communities in poor countries are underfinanced by what he called an order of magnitude. On the whole Mr Sachs said wealthy countries have failed to fulfil the millennium development goals to eradicate poverty, which were agreed at the millennium summit two years ago. Mr Sachs said it was inappropriate for wealthy countries to demand better governance in poor states as a condition of aid when good governance also implied the following true by wealthy states on their own responsibilities to the world. Chinese Health Ministry, ran an organisation which raised awareness of AIDS and HIV. He s accused the authorities of not doing enough to hold the spread of the virus. From Beijing, Holy Williams reports. Mr Wan s most recent campaign has been to publicise the plight of the thousands of Chinese infected with HIV by illegal blood dealers. The issue is an embarrassment for the government here. For several years Chinese authorities have permitted the insanitary collection of blood that infected whole villages in central China with the HIV virus. The government s involvement has caused a scandal. Mr Wan s website has documented the spread of the disease through blood dealing and published a list of those who have already died. That s drawn the ire of Chinese authorities. They banned Mr Wan s Aids Action Project in July. PAUSE 30 seconds Three Indonesia is facing growing pressure to find those responsible for Saturday s bombing in Bali, which killed nearly two hundred people. The Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has visited the site of Saturday night s bomb blast on the Indonesian island. The majority of those killed in the blast were Australian. From Bali our world affairs correspondent Mike Woolwich reports. Mr Downer described the devastation of the cordoned-off bomb scene as appalling. He said the Indonesian police had told him they were now reasonably close to identifying 40 of the victims. It was still possible that more bodies would be discovered close to the seat of the blast. Mr Downer said Australia would endorse Indonesia s view that the bombing was likely to have been carried out by Al Quaeda possibly working with an Indonesian militant group. But he said this was still not known for certain. And he said he did not want to get into a game of international criticism of Indonesia for not doing more to crack down on terrorism. What mattered, he said, was bringing the perpetrators to justice. PAUSE 30 seconds PAUSE 30 seconds Two Human Rights groups have expressed concern for the welfare of the leading Chinese AIDS activist Wan Yanhai, who disappeared in Beijing last Saturday. Mr Wan, who used to work for the Four Australia is to create the world s largest marine reserve. It will mean that fish stocks and wildlife will be protected in a huge area of the sub- Antarctic Ocean over 4000 kilometres south-west 31

of the Australian mainland. This report is from Coreen Podger of our science staff. The Marine park will be created in the freezing Antarctic waters surrounding Heard and MacDonald islands four and a half thousands kilometres southwest of the Australian mainland. Humans haven t yet introduced any foreign species onto these two islands and at the moment no commercial fishing is carried out there. The region was put on the world heritage list five years ago. But the Australian government s move to make the area a fully protected national park will officially ban fishing as well as oil and mineral exploitation; even scientific research activities will be limited. Announcing the new reserve Australia s Environment Minister David Kemp said the move would preserve one of the world s most untouched regions and would protect dozens of species of plants, birds and mammals including fur seals and penguins. astrophysics in detecting radiation from the cosmos. This report s from Roland Piece. This prize could almost be described as much ado about nothing. Neutrinos are particles that have almost no mass at all. They can pass through millions of kilometres of matter with no effect - though with a 600-tonne detector Raymond Davis was able to identify some just 2,000 in total. It could also be called the prize for getting the wrong answer. In the 1960s Professor Davis set out to detect neutrinos emitted from the centre of the sun hoping to confirm a theory about how the sun burns. Instead, he found only a third of the particles expected, setting off a thirty-year search for where all the others went to. The result, which has emerged over the past decade, is that the neutrinos from the sun are rather strange stuff that can mutate on their journey to Earth into something even less visible. PAUSE 30 seconds PAUSE 15 seconds Five Kenya s ruling party has endorsed Uhuru Kenyatta as its candidate in the election later this year to succeed President Daniel arap Moi. He is due to retire in December after 24 years in power. But six government ministers have resigned since yesterday over the decision. Andrew Harding reports from Nairobi. Kenya s ruling party put on a brave face today. Determined to play down the impact of an internal rebellion, which threatens to sweep it out of power. President Moi insisted angrily that there was no split in Kanu. The crowds inside the conference hall seemed to agree, roaring their unanimous support for Moi s chosen successor Uhuru Kenyatta. Uhuru is a 41-year old political novice but he is also the son of Kenya s first president Jomo Kenyatta. He seemed nervous at first this morning but spoke strongly about the need for economic and political reforms. Uhuru has been ridiculed by some as the president s puppet and he still has a great deal to prove. But Kanu remains the most powerful and well-organised party in Kenya and Uhuru is young and articulate. With the power of the state behind him he may be a formidable candidate. PAUSE 30 Seconds Six This year s Nobel Prize for physics has been won by two scientists from the United States and one from Japan. Raymond Davis, Riccardo Giacconi and Masatoshi Koshiba were awarded the one milliondollar prize for their pioneering contributions to That is the end of Task One. Task Two You are going to hear an American professor being interviewed on the topic of reparation to African Americans because of the damage caused by slavery. Listen and answer the following questions. You will hear the piece once only. I repeat, once only. There will now be a pause of 1 min. to allow you to look through the questions. PAUSE 1 minute Task Two will now begin. Interviewer: In the United States there ve been several lawsuits for compensation lodged by descendants of African American slaves. These cases have been unsuccessful in part because the claimants have been several generations removed from the time when slavery still existed. But now a lawsuit s been/being lodged in California by Timothy and Chester Hurdle. They re 83 and 75 respectively, and their father Andrew, who died in 1936, had been sold in the mid 19 th century as a child slave. The case being brought by the Hurdle brothers has attracted a lot of attention. But how much of a social impact could it have? a question I put to University of Alabama professor Diane Roberts, author of a book on slavery. 32

Professor: I think it s quite significant because slavery is something that in America often is sort of pushed out of the national brain as if that was an awfully long time ago and we can now just forget about it because we fixed everything, and in actual fact, we are still living with the repercussions of slavery. So, I think it s a very interesting case. Whatever happens, it s going to cause a lot of discussion, it s going to make us think about what went on 150 plus years ago, and I think that that can only be healthy for the country. Interviewer: Many make the argument that, while it was a terrible chapter of history, you can t sort it out by financial reparations. But is the trend for claiming reparations for at least historical wrongs, is it gaining momentum? Professor: Well, I think it is because, I mean, Americans are more and more litigious society. Our answer to everything is go sue somebody. Black people are not united on this issue. White people are not united on this issue. The descendants of slaves, many of them don t agree with reparations, others do. There are all kinds of ways of making reparations. I think probably the way that won t work is trying to figure out how much somebody owes each individual descendant of a slave and sending them that cheque for $33,58 or whatever it is. That won t work that that would make everybody angry. But we have in the United States paid the victims of the Japanese internment camps a certain amount of money. We had in a sense tried to make reparations to native Americans, though I think most people would say it s most incomplete. Reservations aren t the preferred way to go about it and I think that there might be a place for something for African Americans. Professor: I think that s that s a perfectly logical point. The problem will be though what do you do with this money, assuming that we eventually coffer that money? To whom does it go? The only way, it seems to me, to do it that would be fair and that might work administratively, is to have some sort of trust fund, a fund that pays for scholarships or pays for infrastructure or something like that that benefits what is ridiculously called the African American community which is no more a community than anything else, but people who are still impacted by slavery, I mean we can see Americans tend to think that a 100 years, 200 years it is just a terrifically long time, an astronomical amount of time. It s not. We can clearly see, especially in the southern United States, the economies of the south are still to some extent coming out from under the history of slavery and sheer cropping and a kind of inequality that we don t find acceptable today, but we don t solve these things over a night. Interviewer: Professor Diane Roberts in Alabama. PAUSE 20 seconds That is the end of Task Two. Task Three You will hear a radio discussion. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. An example has been for you. You will hear the piece twice. I repeat, twice. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look through the questions. PAUSE 30 seconds Task Three will now begin. Interviewer: Are these other situations, in essence, a driving force behind the campaign for reparations for slavery? As you said, the native Americans, the Japanese in internment during the II World War in the United States. People are saying, well if you, if we can sort this out or at least to address these problems, and how can we not address this huge problem of slavery? And finally tonight the analysis of Shields and Brooks who are with Terence Smith tonight. Terence Smith: That's syndicated columnist Mark Shields and David Brooks of the Weekly Standard. Gentlemen, welcome. Mark, it was quite a week, a news week. And in the midst of all the drama, about Colin Powell's appearance, about Iraq, about the "Columbia" shuttle disaster, the 33