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photo: Jarosław Sokołowski

II ZIMOWA AUKCJA KONI ARABSKICH CZYSTEJ KRWI 2ND WINTER ARABIAN HORSE SALE 8.12.2017 9.12.2017 OTWARTE STAJNIE OPEN STABLES ZIMOWA AUKCJA WINTER SALE Konie hodowlane i użytkowe: klacze ogiery, wałachy Breeding and riding horses: mares, stallions, geldings Organizator/Organizer: Stadnina Koni Michałów biuro/office: +48 41 356 54 05, tel. kom./mobile: + 48 609 306 603 Katalog/Catalogue: www.stadninamichalow.pl

photo: Jarosław Sokołowski

Szanowni Państwo, Drodzy Goście, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests, Serdecznie witam Państwa w Michałowie na II Zimowej Aukcji Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi 2017. Organizując aukcję w ubiegłym roku, mieliśmy nadzieję na spotkanie z Państwem także i w tym sezonie. Nasze nadzieje się ziściły i dzięki temu mamy zaszczyt, wspólnie z hodowcami i miłośnikami koni arabskich, spędzić ten ważny dla nas dzień. Mając na uwadze Państwa oczekiwania oraz zainteresowanie naszych Gości końmi arabskimi, prócz samej licytacji, przewidzieliśmy też inne atrakcje. Będą mieli Państwo okazję obejrzeć wystawione na sprzedaż konie, w tym także wspaniałe michałowskie klacze, w miłej, jak sądzę, atmosferze i przyjaznym otoczeniu. Pragniemy, by jako Klienci mieli Państwo dostęp do owoców pracy pokoleń polskich hodowców. Cieszę się, że formuła sprzedaży michałowskich koni w postaci otwartej aukcji nie tylko się sprawdziła, ale stała się też wzorem dla innych aukcji w naszym kraju. Michałowska impreza jest również okazją do spotkania z szerokim gronem hodowców koni arabskich z Polski i ze świata, dla których w tym roku przygotowaliśmy Paradę Ogierów, czyli specjalny pokaz stacjonujących w Michałowskim Centrum Rozrodu ogierów arabskich. Ze szczególną radością witamy w Michałowie po dwuletniej dzierżawie ogiera Equator, którego z dumą Państwu prezentujemy. W ubiegłym roku wyraziłem nadzieję, że praca hodowlana w Michałowie przełoży się na sukcesy naszych Klientów. I tak się stało, co można stwierdzić, śledząc osiągnięcia pokazowe niektórych z zakupionych na aukcji w 2016 roku koni. Już po raz drugi mam więc ogromną przyjemność życzyć naszym Klientom udanych zakupów, a wszystkim innym Gościom SK Michałów wielu pozytywnych wrażeń. Iwould like to cordially welcome you in Michałów at the 2nd Winter Arabian Horse Sale 2017. When organizing the sale last year we were hoping to meet with you this season also. Our hopes have come true and today we have the pleasure of spending this important day together with breeders and Arabian horse enthusiasts. Being aware of your expectations and the interest that our Guests take in Arabian horses, we have also prepared other attractions apart from the sale itself. You will have the chance to inspect the horses offered for sale, as well as the wonderful Michałów mares, in a pleasant and amicable atmosphere. We very much wish that you, as Clients, have access to the fruit of work of several generations of Polish breeders. I am happy that Michałów s sale formula in the form of an open auction has not only proven successful, but has also become a model for other auctions in our country. The Michałów event is also a chance to meet with a wide group of Arabian horse breeders from Poland and abroad, for whom this year we have prepared a Stallion Parade, being a special presentation of Arabian horses stationed at Michałów s Breeding Centre. It is with great joy that we welcome back at Michałów the stallion Equator after a two year lease and whom we now present to you with pride. Last year I expressed hope that the breeding work in Michałów would contribute to the successes of our Clients. And that s exactly what happened, which you can see for yourself by following the show achievements of some of the horses purchased at the sale in 2016. Therefore already for the second time I have the pleasure of wishing our Clients successful purchases and the rest of our Guests many positive experiences. photo: Oliwia Chmielewska Prezes Zarządu SK Michałów Sp. z o.o. dr inż. Maciej Paweł Grzechnik President of the Board of Maciej Paweł Grzechnik, PhD Eng. 5

Ewa Imielska-Hebda Photography Kabsztad Pustynia Kahila El Larinera

SPIS TREŚCI TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 9 11 15 25 26 27 31 89 94 97 98 99 SŁOWO WSTĘPNE Introduction PROGRAM MAPA DOJAZDU Map WARUNKI AUKCJI Conditions of the Sale MINISŁOWNICZEK Short glossary LISTA ALFABETYCZNA KONI List of horses in alphabetical order LISTA KONI W KATALOGU List of horses in catalogue order KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian mares OGIERY ARABSKIE ZAJEŻDŻONE, PO TRENINGU WYŚCIGOWYM Arabian stallions out of racing training, broke to ride WAŁACHY ARABSKIE NIEZAJEŻDŻONE Arabian geldings not broke to ride KLACZ MAŁOPOLSKA Małopolska mare KUC OGIER Pony stallion KUCE KLACZ I WAŁACH Ponies mare and gelding

www.hoeveler.pl Żywienie moich koni powierzam marce Höveler Mistrzyni Europy WKKW Strzegom 2017 STRZEGOM 2017 POLAND Blattin Polska sp. z o.o. Polska południowa: kom. 795 512 533, e-mail: dswiderski@hoeveler.pl Polska północna: kom. 698 055 552, e-mail: kdolny@hoeveler.pl

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale PROGRAM ZIMOWEJ AUKCJI WINTER SALE PROGRAM 8.12.2017 PIĄTEK / FRIDAY 14.00 17.00 OTWARTE STAJNIE 2 p.m. 5 p.m. Open Stables 14.00 17.00 REJESTRACJA GOŚCI ( STARY MAGAZYN ) 2 p.m. 5 p.m. Guests registration ( Stary Magazyn ) 9.12.2017 SOBOTA / SATURDAY 9.00 12.00 OTWARTE STAJNIE 9 a.m. 12 p.m. Open Stables 9.00 14.00 REJESTRACJA GOŚCI ( STARY MAGAZYN ) 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Guests registration ( Stary Magazyn ) 12.30 POKAZ OGIERÓW HODOWLANYCH 12.30 p.m. Stallions Parade 14.00 ZIMOWA AUKCJA KONI 2 p.m. Winter Horse Sale 9

Mapa dojazdowa 11

I Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Wspomnienie 10.12.2016 1st Winter Arabian Horse Sale Reminiscence photos: Monika Luft. Krzysztof Dużyński, Sylwia Iłenda

Stadnina Koni Michałów

BRISTOL **** ART & MEDICAL SPA ul. 1 Maja 1 28-100 Busko Zdrój tel. +48 41 33 030 33 e-mail: recepcja@bristolbusko.pl www.bristolbusko.pl Bristol**** to wyjątkowe miejsce, w którym sztuka przeplata się z terapią, a terapia ze sztuką. To najlepsza tradycja leczenia połączona z najbardziej innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami. Holistyczne podejście do zdrowia przenosi w świat doskonałego piękna, pozwalając odzyskać utraconą w codziennym pospiechu równowagę. Hotel Bristol**** posiada 71 komfortowych pokoi, a ponadto do dyspozycji gości oddaje basen, kawiarnię, Boutique Cafe, restaurację, salon kominkowy z biblioteką, salę konferencyjną, ogród rzeźby, taras w koronach drzew, parking podziemny oraz blisko 200 dzieł sztuki polskich artystów na czterech kondygnacjach hotelu. Wykorzystując walory naturalnych wód siarczkowych Buska Zdroju, Bristol**** oferuje szeroki wachlarz usług medycznych. W obiekcie można skorzystać z rozbudowanej listy zabiegów z zakresu m.in. balneoterapii, fizykoterapii, kinezyterapii. Nowoczesne Centrum Medical SPA posiada 42 gabinety zabiegowe wyposażone w najwyższej klasy sprzęt rehabilitacyjny i SPA. Bristol****to jedyny obiekt sanatoryjno-ho telowy w Polsce, gdzie powietrze jest krystalicznie czyste, dzięki zainstalowanym urządzeniom, które elektrostatycznie oczyszczają, nawilżają i jonizują przestrzeń hotelową. To jedyny z nielicznych obiektów w Polsce, gdzie basen oczyszczany jest nanosrebrem o działaniu bektriobójczym i antyseptycznym. Bristol**** is a unique place, where art goes together with therapy and therapy is art. Here the best of healing tradition is combined with the most innovative solutions. The holistic approach to health takes you into the world of perfect beauty, and brings back the balance lost in everyday rush. The Bristol**** Hotel has 71 comfortable rooms, swimming pool, cafe, Boutique Cafe, restaurant, fireplace lounge with a library, conference room, garden of sculptures, terrace in treetops, underground parking and almost 200 works of a Polish artists dispalyed on four of the bulding. Making the most of the natural sulphide water in Busko Zdrój, Bristol**** offers a wide range of medical center services. You can make your own choice from a long list of various treatments in balneotherapy, physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy. The new Medical & Spa Centre has 42 treatment rooms with the state-of- the-art equipment for rehabilitation and SPA. Everything we ofer you is to make your body and mind shine, look and fell gorgeously. Bristol**** is the only Medical spa hotel in Poland where the air is crystal clear thanks to the specjal devices which purify elecrtostatically, moistruize and ionize the hotel s space. This is one of a few facilites in Poland where the swimming pool is cleaned by nanosilver of highest antisepic and infection preventig properties.

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale WARUNKI AUKCJI CONDITIONS OF THE SALE 9 grudnia 2017 / 9th of December, 2017 AUKCJA KONI CZYSTEJ KRWI ARABSKIEJ w SK MICHAŁÓW UDZIAŁ W LICYTACJI 1. Do licytacji mogą przystąpić osoby fizyczne, osoby prawne lub inne podmioty posiadające zdolność prawną na równych prawach, bez żadnych ograniczeń. 2. Stadnina jest zarówno podmiotem sprzedającym swoje własne konie, swoje własne stanówki, jak i Organizatorem Aukcji. 3. Warunkiem dopuszczenia do licytacji jest wpłacenie wadium w wysokości 500,00 EUR (pięćset Euro) lub 2200 PLN (słownie dwa tysiące dwieście złotych) w biurze aukcji najpóźniej na pół godziny przed rozpoczęciem licytacji, lub na konto w taki sposób, aby najpóźniej w dniu 8 grudnia 2017 roku znajdowało się na rachunku bankowym Spółki. wpłata w Euro ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Pińczów nr konta: PL20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546 SWIFT: INGBPLPW wpłata w PLN ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Pińczów nr konta: 34 1050 1429 1000 0022 0633 1288 4. Wadium upoważnia do wzięcia udziału w licytacji każdego konia i każdej stanówki. Wpłata wadium jest równoznaczna z akceptacją warunków aukcji i traktowana jest jako zobowiązanie do ich przestrzegania. ARABIAN HORSE AUCTION at MICHAŁÓW STUD PARTICIPATION IN THE BIDDING 1. Bidding in the auction is available on equal terms without any restrictions to natural persons, legal persons or other entities possessing legal capacity. 2. The Stud is both an entity selling its own horses and own breedings, as well as the Organizer of the Auction. 3. In order to participate in the bidding one must pay a deposit of 500 EUR (say: five hundred euro) or 2200 PLN (say: two thousand and two hundred Polish zlotys) in the sale office no later than half an hour before the start of the bidding or onto the bank account of the stud in such a way that the deposit shall be recorded at the stud s bank account no later than on the 8th of December, 2017. payment in EUR ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Pińczów account number: PL20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546 SWIFT: INGBPLPW payment in PLN ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Pińczów account number: 34 1050 1429 1000 0022 0633 1288 4. The payment of the deposit allows to participate in the bidding of each horse and each breeding. By paying the deposit the buyer accepts the conditions of the auction and commits to comply with them. 15

Stadnina Koni Michałów 5. Wpłacone wadium zostaje zaliczone w cenę zakupu. Wadium zostanie zwrócone wpłacającemu bezpośrednio po aukcji, o ile zakup nie dojdzie do skutku. 5. The paid deposit is treated as an integral part of the contract price. The deposit shall be returned immediately after the auction if the purchase is not effective. PROWADZENIE LICYTACJI I SPRZEDAŻ KONI 6. Przetarg odbywa się w systemie licytacji jawnej, która rozpocznie się o godzinie 14.00. 7. Licytacja będzie prowadzona systemem zwyczajowo przyjętym na aukcjach sprzedażnych koni. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w Euro. Minimalne postąpienie ustala się na poziomie 100,00 Euro (słownie: sto euro). 8. Każdy koń i każda stanówka posiada cenę rezerwową, to jest minimalną cenę wyznaczoną przez Właściciela, za którą może zostać sprzedany. Cena rezerwowa nie będzie ogłaszana przed, w trakcie, ani po aukcji. Każdy koń i każda stanówka zostaną sprzedane Nabywcy za najwyższą cenę wylicytowaną, nie niższą od ceny rezerwowej, chyba że ogłoszone zostanie inaczej. 9. Oferowane do sprzedaży stanówki dostępne są wyłącznie dla klaczy wpisanych do PASB. Wylicytowana stanówka należna jest wyłącznie licytującemu (tj. dla klaczy będącej własnością licytującego w dniu aukcji), który wpłacił wadium i nie podlega odstąpieniu ani odsprzedaży. 10. Licytowane ceny sprzedaży są cenami netto, do których doliczony zostanie stosowny podatek VAT (8%). Kwota VAT zostanie zwrócona tym klientom, którzy: a. posiadają numer unijny VAT i potwierdzą dostawę wewnątrzunijną odebranych koni, b. przedstawią dokumenty eksportowe, potwierdzające wywóz zakupionych koni poza granice Unii Europejskiej, pod warunkiem, że wywóz konia nastąpi w terminie 2 miesięcy, licząc od końca miesiąca, w którym nastąpiła zapłata za sprzedanego konia. BIDDING AND THE SALE OF THE HORSES 6. The sale will be held in the form of a public auction, which will begin at 2:00 PM. 7. The bidding will be conducted in the usual way practiced at horse auctions. The bidding will be conducted in euro. The minimum bid increment is 100 EUR (say: one hundred euro). 8. Each horse and each breeding has a reserve price, which is the minimum price for which the horse can be sold, set by the Owner. The reserve price will not be made public before, during or after the auction. Each horse and each breeding will be sold to the Buyer for its highest bid price, no lower than the reserve price, unless stated otherwise. 9. The breedings offered for sale are available only for mares registered in the PASB (Polish Arabian Stud Book). The purchased breeding belongs solely to the bidder (i.e. to the mare owned by the bidder on the day of the auction) who paid the deposit and is not transferable and cannot be resold. 10. The bid purchase prices are net prices, which will be increased by the applicable VAT rate (8%). The VAT amount will be reimbursed to those clients who: a. possess a European Union VAT registration number and will confirm the intra-community delivery of the collected horses, b. will present export documents confirming the export of the purchased horses out of the territory of the European Union under the condition that the shipment of the horse will take place within 2 months, counting from the end of the month in which the payment for the sold horse was made. 16

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale 11. Z chwilą przybicia młotkiem dochodzi do zawarcia umowy kupna-sprzedaży konia lub stanówki. Przybicie przez aukcjonera ceny jest równoznaczne z nieodwołalnym zawarciem umowy kupna-sprzedaży. 12. Aukcjonerowi przysługuje prawo do nie przyjęcia oferty zakupu, a także do anulowania licytacji, bez podania przyczyny. 13. W przypadku powstania sporu między dwoma lub więcej licytującymi, sporny koń lub stanówka poddane zostaną ponownej licytacji od najwyższej ceny niespornej, lub też spór zostanie rozstrzygnięty przez aukcjonera. 14. Stadnina Koni Michałów Spółka z o.o. zastrzega sobie prawo wycofania z aukcji każdego konia i każdej stanówki przed lub w trakcie licytacji bez podania przyczyny. 11. The sale contract for purchasing a horse or a breeding is concluded by the fall of the hammer. The fall of the hammer by the auctioneer is tantamount to an irrevocable concluding of the sale contract. 12. The auctioneer reserves the right to refrain from accepting any bid, as well as to make any bidding null and void without giving a reason. 13. In case a dispute arises between two or more bidders the horse or breeding in dispute will be put up for bidding again starting from the highest price from before the dispute or the dispute will be settled by the auctioneer. 14. (Stadnina Koni Michałów sp. z o.o.) reserves the right to withdraw any horse and any breeding from the auction before or during the bidding without giving a reason. OBOWIĄZKI NABYWCY 15. Nabywca każdego konia i każdej stanówki ma obowiązek: a) podać dokładne dane osobowe i przedstawić dokument tożsamości lub dane rejestrowe potwierdzające prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej, b) natychmiast po udzieleniu przybicia podpisać formularz umowy kupna-sprzedaży przedstawiony przez Stadninę Koni Michałów Spółka z o.o., c) wpłacić pełną cenę zakupu, pomniejszoną o wysokość wpłaconego wadium traktowanego jako zaliczka na zakup konia, przelewem na konto SK Michałów Spółka z o.o. w ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Pińczów Nr konta: PL20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546 SWIFT: INGBPLPW w terminie 10 dni od daty licytacji (dotyczy nabywców krajowych i nabywców z Unii Europejskiej) lub w terminie siedmiu dni od daty uzyskania wyników badań weterynaryjnych umożliwiających wysyłkę konia za granicę (dotyczy wyłącznie nabywców spoza Unii Europejskiej). DUTIES OF THE BUYER 15. The Buyer of each horse and each breeding is obliged to: a) state the exact personal data and present an identification document or documents confirming the legal status of his/her business, b) sign the sale contract form presented by (Stadnina Koni Michałów sp. z o.o.) immediately after the fall of the hammer, c) pay the total contract value, deducting the deposit amount treated as an advance on the purchase of the horse, by wire transfer to the account of (SK Michałów sp. z o.o.) at ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Pińczów, account number: PL20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546 SWIFT: INGBPLPW within 10 days counting from the date of the bidding (domestic and European Union buyers) or within seven days counting from the date of obtaining the results of veterinary tests allowing the shipment of the horse abroad (buyers from outside the European Union only). 17

Stadnina Koni Michałów d) odebrać na własny koszt każdego konia zakupionego na aukcji w terminie i w miejscu określonym przez Sprzedającego. 16. J eżeli Nabywca nie spełni któregokolwiek z warunków określonych w ust. 15: a) traci wadium bez możliwości zwrotu lub negocjacji, b) traci prawo do konia tak, jakby zrezygnował z kupna, c) każdy koń i potomstwo urodzone po aukcji z klaczy opisanej jako źrebna, a nie odebranej bądź nie zapłaconej w terminie, może zostać ponownie sprzedane. W każdym przypadku sprzedaż może odbyć się natychmiast lub w późniejszym terminie na licytacji publicznej lub sprzedaży bezpośredniej. 17. Prawo własności dotyczące zakupionych koni lub potomstwa urodzonego po aukcji z klaczy opisanych jako źrebne nie przejdzie na Nabywcę, dopóki ten nie uiści pełnej kwoty zakupu łącznie z pozostałymi należnościami związanymi z niniejszymi warunkami lub innych należności wobec SK Michałów. 18. Ryzyko związane z zakupionymi końmi oraz z potomstwem urodzonym po aukcji przechodzi na Nabywcę wraz z uderzeniem młotka podczas licytacji. 19. Odebranie zakupionego konia z miejsca licytacji może nastąpić jedynie w przypadku natychmiastowego uregulowania pełnej kwoty zakupu przelewem na konto SK Michałów Spółka z o.o. lub gotówką w kasie Stadniny. 20. Po aukcji sprzedane konie utrzymywane będą na ryzyko nabywcy i na koszt Stadniny do 14 dni po aukcji. Po tym terminie nabywca pokrywa koszty utrzymania w kwocie 30,00 PLN / dzień (słownie: trzydzieści złotych). Inne rozwiązania kwestii transportu lub utrzymania koni po terminie określonym w niniejszych Warunkach nabywcy regulują na podstawie indywidualnych umów ze Sprzedającym. d) collect the horse purchased at the sale at his own expense on the date and at the place specified by the Seller. 16. If the Buyer fails to fulfill any of the conditions specified in point 15: a) he loses the deposit without the possibility of its return or any negotiation, b) he loses the right to the horse as though he would resign from the purchase, c) each horse and the offspring foaled after the auction out of a mare described as in foal but not collected or not paid on time can be sold once again. In any case the sale may take place immediately or at a later time during a public auction or direct sale. 17. The title of ownership concerning the purchased horses or the offspring foaled after the auction out of mares described as in foal will not be transferred onto the Buyer unless he pays the full purchase price of the horse together with other due amounts associated with these hereby conditions or other dues owed to. 18. The risk associated with the purchased horses together with their offspring foaled after the auction is transferred onto the Buyer with the fall of the hammer during the auction. 19. Collecting a purchased horse from the place of the auction is possible only in case of immediate payment of the total purchase price by wire transfer to the bank account of (SK Michałów sp. z o.o.) or by cash at the stud s cashier office. 20. After the auction the sold horses will be stabled at the risk of the Buyer and at the expense of the Stud up to 14 days after the auction. After this time the Buyer will cover the cost of stabling the horse at a price of 30 PLN (say: thirty Polish zlotys) per day. Other solutions regarding transport or stabling the horses after the time specified in these hereby conditions will be regulated by individual agreements between the Buyer and Seller. 18

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale 21. Wylicytowane stanówki będą realizowane według warunków umowy na sprzedaż nasienia obowiązujących w stadninie. Stadnina gwarantuje pensjonat (płatny zgodnie z warunkami zawartymi w umowie) dla klaczy przeznaczonej do inseminacji stanówką zakupioną w drodze licytacji. 21. The purchased breedings will be realized in accordance with the conditions of the contract for purchasing semen that are in force at the stud. The stud guarantees board (paid in accordance with the conditions concluded in the contract) for a mare that is to be inseminated with a breeding purchased through auction. ZALECENIA DLA NABYWCÓW 22. Zaleca się, aby każdy Nabywca dokładnie obejrzał konie przed zakupem. Każdy koń sprzedawany jest w stanie jak jest i pod żadnym warunkiem dotyczącym sprzedaży nie gwarantuje się, że dany koń spełnia określone wymagania co do jakości, nadaje się do treningu, rozrodu lub do innych zakładanych celów. 23. Konie można oglądać w stajni od godz. 9.00 w dniu aukcji, do momentu rozpoczęcia licytacji. 24. Wszystkie konie sprzedawane są na warunkach określonych przez SK Michałów w niniejszych przepisach. Obowiązują wszystkie informacje i poprawki dotyczące danych w katalogu ogłaszane podczas aukcji, a co za tym idzie, wszyscy Nabywcy zobowiązani są do obecności na początku licytacji danego konia, aby usłyszeć wszelkie dotyczące go ogłoszenia. OPISY, ZDROWIE, ZWROTY I SPORY 25. Każdy koń oferowany na aukcji ma potwierdzone pochodzenie, posiada paszport i aktualne szczepienia przeciwko grypie. 26. Każdy koń oferowany na aukcji został poddany weterynaryjnemu badaniu ogólnego stanu zdrowia na życzenie Nabywcy lekarz weterynarii wystawi stosowne oświadczenie. 27. Każda klacz opisana jako źrebna posiada świadectwo pokrycia oraz pisemne oświadczenie lekarza weterynarii stwierdzającego źrebność wraz z datą badania. Świadectwo RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE BUYERS 22. It is recommended that each Buyer carefully inspects the horses before the purchase. Each horse is sold as is and there is no guarantee under any condition of the sale that a particular horse meets the specific requirements regarding quality or is suitable for training, reproduction or other planned objectives. 23. Horses can be inspected in the stable from 9:00 am on the day of the auction until the moment of starting the bidding. 24. All horses are sold on the conditions specified by in these hereby conditions. All statements and corrections concerning the data in the catalogue announced during the auction are in force and due to that all the Buyers are obliged to be present at the beginning of the bidding of a particular horse to learn all announcements concerning this horse. DESCRIPTIONS, HEALTH, RETURNS AND DISPUTES 25. Each horse offered at the auction has a confirmed pedigree, a passport and up-to-date vaccinations against influenza. 26. Each horse offered at the auction has had a general health check at the request of the Buyer the veterinary officer will issue an appropriate statement. 27. Each mare described as in foal has a breeding certificate and a veterinary officer statement in written form confirming the pregnancy with the date of the examination. The 19

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale wraz z kopią dostępne jest do wglądu w biurze aukcji. 28. Każdy koń płci męskiej opisany niezgodnie ze stanem faktycznym, tzn. jako ogier w przypadku wnętra jedno- lub obustronnego, podlega zwrotowi, chyba że zostało to zaznaczone w opisie. 29. Każdy koń tkający, wędrujący po boksie podlega zwrotowi, chyba że narowy te zostały zaznaczone w opisie. 30. Zastrzega się, że Nabywca ma prawo do zwrotu zakupionych koni z powodu wymienionych w ust. 25 i 26 narowów pod warunkiem, że: w terminie 7 dni od daty wydania konia, SK Michałów otrzyma pisemny wniosek ze strony Nabywcy z prośbą o dokonanie oględzin zakupionego konia, u którego stwierdza się któryś z powyższych narowów lub aby stwierdzić, że koń nie został prawidłowo opisany zgodnie z niniejszymi warunkami. 31. Każdy koń, u którego wyniki testów krwi wykluczą możliwość wysyłki eksportowej, podlega zwrotowi. certificate along with its copy is available for viewing in the sale office. 28. Each male horse incorrectly described as a stallion in the case of a unilateral or bilateral crypt-orchid is returnable, unless this has been indicated in the description of the horse. 29. Each horse which is a weaver or box walker shall be returnable, unless these vices are indicated in the description of the horse. 30. The Buyer has a right to return the purchased horses due to vices referred to in points 28 and 29 under the condition that: within 7 days counting from the date of releasing the horse receives a written notice from the Buyer with a request to perform an inspection of a purchased horse in which one of the above mentioned vices is found or to conclude that the horse has not been correctly described in accordance with these hereby conditions. 31. Each horse, whose blood test results exclude the possibility of export shipment, shall be returned. ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚĆ 32. Wszystkie osoby przebywające na terenach aukcyjnych podczas trwania aukcji i imprez z nią związanych, czynią to na własne ryzyko. Organizator aukcji nie będzie ponosił odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek szkody na zdrowiu czy mieniu poniesione przez te osoby podczas trwania aukcji lub imprez z nią związanych. RESPONSIBILITY 32. All persons present at the auction grounds during the auction and events related to the auction are doing so at their own risk. The organizer of the auction will not be held responsible for any damage to health or property suffered by these persons during the auction or events related to the auction. 21

photo: Jarosław Sokołowski

Product containing probiotics for horses A product designed to improve the environmental and sanitary conditions of livestock with deep litter and other similar burdens. www.bio-gen.com

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale MINISŁOWNICZEK SHORT GLOSSARY horse...koń stallion...ogier mare...klacz foal...źrebak filly...klaczka colt...ogierek gelding...wałach black...kary brown...skarogniady bay...gniady chestnut...kasztan grey...siwy sire line... linia męska dam line... linia żeńska breeder... hodowca owner... właściciel racing record... kariera wyścigowa show record... kariera pokazowa breeding record... kariera hodowlana broke to ride... zajeżdżony pod siodło broke to drive... zajeżdżony do zaprzęgu out of racing training... po treningu wyścigowym measurements... wymiary Klinika dla Koni EQUI-VET R. Pędziwiatr S. Pędziwiatr s.c. Górka Stogniowska 79, 32-100 Proszowice tel. 609 692 325, 799 316 030 www.equivet.pl e-mail: klinika@www.equivet.pl Kompleksowa diagnostyka i leczenie ortopedyczne koni Rehabilitacja koni (po kontuzjach, po zabiegach operacyjnych) Profilaktyka i leczenie stomatologiczne w pełnym zakresie Diagnostyka obrazowa (RTG cyfrowe, USG, ocena jakościowa elastyczności ścięgien, endoskopia) Rozród (diagnostyka i leczenie niepłodności, inseminacja, ocena ciąży) Chirurgia (wykonujemy większość zabiegów w tym artroskopowe, dychawicy świszczącej, DDSP i inne) Pełne zaplecze laboratoryjne 25

Stadnina Koni Michałów LISTA ALFABETYCZNA KONI LIST OF HORSES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER KLACZE ARABSKIE ARABIAN MARES Lot Page Czarna Perła 10...... 53 Dębowa Tarcza 11...... 55 Diaruna 7...45 Ejbera 15...... 65 El Medona 6...43 Emerosa 20...... 77 Emmbla 14...... 63 Emmona 9...51 Empera 4...37 Erebora 23...... 83 Expressja TV 2...33 Foggoria 8...47 Forrmira 18...... 71 Galacja 22...... 81 Laranda 5...41 Parsena 12...... 57 Patena 21...... 79 Pentra 13...... 59 Pustynna Rosa 19...... 75 STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN A...39 BREEDING TO EKSTERN STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN B...49 BREEDING TO EKSTERN STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN C...61 BREEDING TO EKSTERN STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN D...73 BREEDING TO EKSTERN STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN E...87 BREEDING TO EKSTERN Teneryfa 24 85 Wieża Czarów 3 35 Winaria 17 69 Wiwera 1 31 Złota Ola 16 67 OGIERY ARABSKIE ZAJEŻDŻONE, PO TRENINGU WYŚCIGOWYM ARABIAN STALLIONS (OUT OF RACING TRAINING, BROKE TO RIDE) Lot Page Alistar 27...... 90 Chaco 25...... 89 Ethos 28...... 90 Flomari 29...... 91 Fornax 30...... 91 Goltemor 31...... 92 Kwarc 32...... 92 Lorens 33...... 93 Trezor 26...... 89 WAŁACHY ARABSKIE NIEZAJEŻDŻONE ARABIAN GELDINGS (NOT BROKE TO RIDE) Dębowy Rewir 35...... 94 Epidian 36...... 95 Farson 34...... 94 Polimer 37...... 95 KLACZ MAŁOPOLSKA MAŁOPOLSKA MARE Tahiti 38...... 97 KUCE LOT PONIES Lucky 39...... 98 Piaf z Imna & Leo 40...... 99 26

Zimowa Aukcja Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi Winter Arabian Horse Sale LISTA KONI W KATALOGU LIST OF HORSES IN CATALOGUE ORDER KLACZE ARABSKIE LOT ARABIAN MARES Wiwera... 1 Expressja TV... 2 Wieża Czarów... 3 Empera... 4 STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN...A BREEDING TO EKSTERN Laranda... 5 El Medona... 6 Diaruna... 7 Foggoria... 8 STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN...B BREEDING TO EKSTERN Emmona... 9 Czarna Perła...10 Dębowa Tarcza...11 Parsena...12 Pentra...13 STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN...C BREEDING TO EKSTERN Emmbla...14 Ejbera...15 Złota Ola...16 Winaria...17 Forrmira........................... 18 STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN...D BREEDING TO EKSTERN Pustynna Rosa...19 Emerosa...20 Patena...21 Galacja...22 Erebora...23 Teneryfa...24 STANÓWKA OG. EKSTERN...E BREEDING TO EKSTERN OGIERY ARABSKIE LOT ZAJEŻDŻONE, PO TRENINGU WYŚCIGOWYM ARABIAN STALLIONS (OUT OF RACING TRAINING, BROKE TO RIDE) Chaco...25 Trezor...26 Alistar...27 Ethos...28 Flomari...29 Fornax...30 Goltemor...31 Kwarc...32 Lorens...33 WAŁACHY ARABSKIE LOT NIEZAJEŻDŻONE ARABIAN GELDINGS (NOT BROKE TO RIDE) Farson...34 Dębowy Rewir...35 Epidian...36 Polimer...37 KLACZ MAŁOPOLSKA LOT MAŁOPOLSKA MARE Tahiti...38 KUCE LOT PONIES Lucky...39 Piaf z Imna & Leo...40 27

photo: Jarosław Sokołowski

Wiwera, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Wiwera LOTº 1 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey filly, foaled on 16th of April, 2015 measurements: 159-172-17.3 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta EMPIRE grey, 2009 WARANGA grey, 2009 1/6 (0-0-2-1) ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMIRA grey, 2000 1/4 (0-0-0-1) QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle WILGA grey, 1999 1/7 (0-1-0-0) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Laheeb Embra Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Wenessa Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Monogramm Emilda Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Monogramm Ernestyna Egon Wizjera WIWERA is a full sister to Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion WOJ. Their dam WARANGA is a class winner from the Junior Spring Show and the Polish Nationals. Waranga is further a maternal sister to WILLARS (Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion & Wrocław Summer Show Senior Top Five Stallion) and WILDA (Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Champion, European Senior Top Five, twice World Senior Top Ten Mare) dam of this year's Junior Spring Show Top Five & All-Polish Junior Bronze Champion Stallion WORONIN. The damline traces to foundress US National Champion Mare WIZJA, whose daughter WIAŹMA established the "Tower" dynasty of WIEŻA-named of mares, including multi-champion WIEŻA MOCY. 31

Expressja TV, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Expressja Tv LOTº 2 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 23rd of March, 2013 measurements: 155-168-17.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) EL MEDINA bay, 2004 1/7 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) GAZAL AL SHAQAB bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar EL DORADA grey, 1998 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Anaza El Farid Kajora Sanadik El Shaklan Emigrantka Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora El Shaklan Mohena Eukaliptus Emigracja Racing record: 2016 7 starts: 1xIII, 2xIV, 3xV Show record: 2014 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) Breeding status: In foal to GANGES (last date of service: 19th of May, 2017) EXPRESSJA TV, a charming mare with show experience to her name, is another outstanding horse from Michałów s leading E dynasty of champions, stemming from one of its most prominent branches. Expressja s TV granddam is EL DORADA, an iconic champion mare from the arenas of Europe, America and the Middle East. EL DORADA carried on the legacy of her famous dam EMIGRANTKA (European Senior & Polish National Senior Champion Mare), in turn one of several superb daughters of pillar broodmatron EMIGRACJA Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare and a WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Polish Arabian breeding the main force behind the E damline s worldwide success. 33

Wieża Czarów, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Wieża Czarów LOTº 3 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 dark bay filly, foaled on 30th of March, 2015 measurements: 154-177-18.0 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians WIEŻA MARZEŃ d.bay, 2002 1/4 (1-2-0-0) DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) WIAŹMA bay, 1991 1/3 (0-2-0-1) Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Monogramm Ernestyna Arbil Wizja Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Banat Arba El Paso Warmia WIEŻA CZARÓW ("Tower of Spells") is most importantly a maternal sister to the international superstar WIEŻA MOCY, known abroad as the "Tower of Power". WIEŻA MOCY is already a legend on both hemispheres. First she claimed the titles of Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare and Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare, then European Junior Champion Mare & World Junior Champion Mare and finally conquered America as Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Champion Mare, Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior Champion Mare & US National Senior Champion Mare. Other notable family members include WIAŹMA, WIEŻA BABEL, WIEŻA WIATRÓW & WIEŻA RÓŻ, to name but a few. 35

Empera, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Empera LOTº 4 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 grey mare, foaled on 3rd of March, 2012 measurements: 154-170-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta KABSZTAD grey, 2006 EMIRIONA grey, 2005 POGANIN grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2) KWESTURA chestnut, 1995 1/8 (1-1-4-1-1) GRAFIK grey, 1996 2/15 (3-5-1-1-1) EMMONA grey, 1998 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4) Laheeb Pohulanka Monogramm Kwesta Eukaliptus Gaskonia Monogramm Emilda Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Negatraz Monogramma Pesennik Kabała Bandos Eunice Probat Gizela Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Racing record: 2015 4 starts: 1xI, 1xV Breeding record: 2017 a filly by Złoty Medal Breeding status: In foal to SAHM EL ARAB (last date of service: 31st of March, 2017) EMPERA is a direct granddaughter of one of Michałów s alabaster beauties, the highly decorated EMMONA. One of the elite MONOGRAMM daughters, Emmona is most importantly a World Champion & Polish National Champion Mare and the dam of chief sire ERYKS. Emmona is also a full sister EMBRA, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion Mare from Las Vegas. Both sisters are out of the exquisite EMILDA (Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion Mare & UK National Senior Champion Mare), in turn the best producing daughter of the iconic EMANACJA (Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare) and most prominent member of Michałów s E-dynasty of champions. 37

Ekstern, photo: Oliwia Chmielewska

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Stanówka og. Ekstern Breeding to Ekstern LOTº A Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIII-3 grey sire, foaled on 10th of January, 1994 measurements: 151-172-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 NEGATRAZ bay, 1971 Patterson Arabians MONOGRAMMA chestnut, 1963 Tersk Stud USSR 2/14 (4-3-3-1) PIECHUR grey, 1979 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (10-2-0-0) D+AP+C+5 ERWINA grey, 1984 Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Witraż Bałałajka Negatiw Bigotka Korej Parfumeria Priboj Mammona El Azrak Bandola Bandos Pierzga Aswan Panel Burkan Elwira Racing record: 1997 10 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 3xV Show record: 1995 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion Michałów (PL) 1996 International Junior Champion Stallion Babolna (HU) 1999 UK International Senior Champion Stallion Towerlands (UK) 2000 International Tulip Cup Senior Champion Stallion Deurne (NL) 2000 Polish National Senior Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2000 European Triple Crown winner: All Nations Cup Senior Champion Stallion Aachen (DE) European Senior Champion Stallion Vilhelmsborg (DK) World Senior Champion Stallion Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2003 Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion Borgloon (BE) 2008 Recipient of the WAHO Challenge Trophy (awarded to an outstanding representative of Polish breeding) A living legend, the undefeated King of the Ring EKSTERN. Nine times shown, nine times victorious, including the World Championships and the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. Most importantly, EKSTERN has proven an incredible sire, with children and grandchildren continuing his legacy on world show arenas. Only during the last three years the winning produce of his female offspring included such champions as PONTIA & PIACOLLA (out of POLONICA), PUSTYNIA KAHILA (out of PUSTYNNA MALWA), MORION (out of MESALINA), EQUATOR (out of EKLIPTYKA) and WIEŻA MOCY (out of WIEŻA MARZEŃ). 39

Laranda, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Laranda LOTº 5 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-2 grey mare, foaled on 11th of January, 2003 measurements: 152-174-19.0 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) LARISSA grey, 1992 2/16 (3-6-2-2-1) MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 EUKALIPTUS grey, 1974 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (2-1-4-1) LINDA grey, 1983 1/2 Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Bandos Eunice Palas Lida Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Negatiw Bandola Comet Epigona Aswan Panel Namet Legenda Racing record: 2006 5 starts: 1xI, 1xIII, 2xIV Show record: 2007 lass Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 Class Top Five (Mares 7-10 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (Mares 11 Years Old and Older) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Mares 11 Years Old and Older) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) Breeding record: 2008 filly LATONA (El Nabila B) grey, 1/5 (0-1-0-0) 2014 International Kuwait Senior Champion Mare (KW) 2016 Class Winner (Mares 7-10 Years Old) at the All Nations Cup Aachen (DE) 2016 Class Top Five (Mares 8-10 Years Old) at the European Championships Lier (BE) 2017 Class Winner (Mares 4-9 Years Old) at the Abu Dhabi Show (AE) 2017 Class Winner (Mares 7-9 Years Old) at the Dubai International Show (AE) 2009 colt LABIRYNT (Laheeb) grey, unraced 2010 filly by Om El Shahmaan, died 2011 filly LOGGIA (Alert) chestnut, unraced 2012 colt LARANDO (QR Marc) grey, 1/6 (0-0-1-4-1), chief sire; 2013 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2013 Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2014 Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 All Polish Senior Bronze Champion Stallion Radom (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Stallions 4-6 Years Old) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2013 filly LIGURIA (El Omari) chestnut, 1/7 (0-0-2-1-1) 2014 colt LIGUSTR (Shanghai E.A.) grey, unraced 2015 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2015 filly LKA (Emerald J) grey 2016 colt by Emerald J, died 2017 a filly by Empire Breeding status: In foal to SAHM EL ARAB (last date of service: 14th of March, 2017) LARANDA is a daughter of two champion parents: World Champion King of the Ring EKSTERN and Polish National Champion Mare LARISSA. However she is most importantly a proven producer as the dam of champion chief sire LARANDO and Kuwaiti International Senior Champion Mare LATONA. Laranda is also a maternal sister to PA LIVIA (US), a Senior Silver Champion Mare from Abu Dhabi and Senior Silver Champion Mare from the UAE Nationals. Another accomplished family member is LISSAR, Scandinavian Open Senior Silver Champion, Danish National Senior Champion, Normandie Arabian Festival Senior Reserve Champion Stallion, Danish National Senior Bronze Champion, Ströhen Senior Silver Champion & Nordic Open Senior Bronze Champion Stallion. 41

El Medona, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares El Medona LOTº 6 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 bay filly, foaled on 3rd of April, 2015 measurements: 149-167-17.0 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians EL MEDIARA grey, 2010 DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation ERYKS d.bay, 2003 1/6 (0-0-1-1) EL EMEERA grey, 2002 Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Gazal Al Shaqab Emmona Ekstern Emanacja Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Emilda Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Emigracja EL MEDONA is the first daughter of EL MEDIARA, a frequent class top five at the Polish Nationals and a maternal sister to the highly decorated EL LARINERA (Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Mare, European Yearling Top Five Mare, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare & Polska Arabia Junior Bronze Champion Mare). EL MEDONA stems from Michałów s famous E dynasty of champions through their most successful branch that of EMIGRACJA (Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare and the WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Polish Arabian breeding) and her best producing daughter EMANACJA (Polish National Junior Champion Mare, European Junior Champion Mare, World Junior Reserve Champion Mare, All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Champion Mare), direct great-granddam to EL MEDONA. 43

Diaruna, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Diaruna LOTº 7 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 bay filly, foaled on 23rd of February, 2015 measurements: 153-170-17.5 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Semrie d.b. imp. 1902 to Bábolna VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians DIARA bay, 2010 1/4 (0-0-1-0) DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation ERYKS d.bay, 2003 1/6 (0-0-1-1) DIASPORA bay, 2000 Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Gazal Al Shaqab Emmona Ganges Dalida Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Emilda Monogramm Garonna Probat Draperia DIARUNA is a daughter of Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion & European Junior Bronze Champion Mare DIARA. Diara is a granddaughter of one of Michałów's most versatile and cherished broodmatrons DALIDA: a Derby winner from the track and a class winner at the Junior Spring Show. DALIDA is also remembered as the dam of the best Polish race horse of the 90s, the stallion DRUID. Victorious in 13 races (out of 16 starts), he won the Derby, Criterium St. (twice), Europa Cup (twice) and 5 other stake races. The family has also produced many super show stars, including the most recent DASTAN Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Stallion & Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion. 45

Foggoria, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Foggoria LOTº 8 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-4 bay mare, foaled on 14th of May, 2010 measurements: 150-173-17.7 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta GASPAR grey, 1998 1/7 (0-0-0-0-1) FOGGIA dark bay, 2004 EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) GASKONIA grey, 1987 2/19 (1-5-5-4) GAZAL AL SHAQAB bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar FORTISSIMA brown, 1993 Ararat Emigrantka Probat Gizela Anaza El Farid Kajora Fawor Fanaberia Palas Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Pohaniec Borexia Palas Gilza Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Probat Fatma Probat Fabiola Racing record: 2013 6 starts: 1xI, 1xII, 1xIII Breeding record: 2015 filly FORRMIRA (Vitorio TO) bay 2017 a colt by Pogrom Breeding status: In foal to RFI FARID (last date of service: 14th of May, 2017) FOGGORIA stems from Michałów's family of FORTA known for its versatile Arabian horses. Members include hardy track winners (CZORT, FINISZ & EQUIFOR, DYSKA & FATMA) and worldwide show stars: FAWOR (World & Polish National Champion Stallions) & FALLADA (a double Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show from Białka, World Senior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Champion Mare, Canadian National Senior Champion Mare and Pride of Poland record-seller at 465 thousand Euro). Fallada is actually a maternal sister to Foggoria's direct granddam, FORTISSIMA (Polish National Junior Champion Mare). Foggoria's maternal sisters have both claimed the titles of Polish National Junior Top Five Mare. 47

Ekstern, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Stanówka og. Ekstern Breeding to Ekstern LOTº B Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIII-3 grey sire, foaled on 10th of January, 1994 measurements: 151-172-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 NEGATRAZ bay, 1971 Patterson Arabians MONOGRAMMA chestnut, 1963 Tersk Stud USSR 2/14 (4-3-3-1) PIECHUR grey, 1979 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (10-2-0-0) D+AP+C+5 ERWINA grey, 1984 Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Witraż Bałałajka Negatiw Bigotka Korej Parfumeria Priboj Mammona El Azrak Bandola Bandos Pierzga Aswan Panel Burkan Elwira Racing record: 1997 10 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 3xV Show record: 1995 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion Michałów (PL) 1996 International Junior Champion Stallion Babolna (HU) 1999 UK International Senior Champion Stallion Towerlands (UK) 2000 International Tulip Cup Senior Champion Stallion Deurne (NL) 2000 Polish National Senior Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2000 European Triple Crown winner: All Nations Cup Senior Champion Stallion Aachen (DE) European Senior Champion Stallion Vilhelmsborg (DK) World Senior Champion Stallion Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2003 Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion Borgloon (BE) 2008 Recipient of the WAHO Challenge Trophy (awarded to an outstanding representative of Polish breeding) A living legend, the undefeated King of the Ring EKSTERN. Nine times shown, nine times victorious, including the World Championships and the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. Most importantly, EKSTERN has proven an incredible sire, with children and grandchildren continuing his legacy on world show arenas. Only during the last three years the winning produce of his female offspring included such champions as PONTIA & PIACOLLA (out of POLONICA), PUSTYNIA KAHILA (out of PUSTYNNA MALWA), MORION (out of MESALINA), EQUATOR (out of EKLIPTYKA) and WIEŻA MOCY (out of WIEŻA MARZEŃ). 49

Emmona, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Emmona LOTº 9 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIV-1 grey mare, foaled on 28th of February, 1998 measurements: 152-175-19.0 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians EMILDA grey, 1990 NEGATRAZ bay, 1971 Patterson Arabians MONOGRAMMA chestnut, 1963 Tersk Stud USSR 2/14 (4-3-3-1) PAMIR grey, 1984 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/11 (5-0-4-2) D EMANACJA grey, 1986 Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Probat Parma Eukaliptus Emigracja Witraż Bałałajka Negatiw Bigotka Korej Parfumeria Priboj Mammona Pohaniec Borexia Aswan Pokaznaja Bandos Eunice Palas Emisja Racing record: 2001 8 starts: 1xIV, 4xV Show record: 1999 Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare Białka (PL) 1999 Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare Janów Podlaski (PL) 2000 World Junior Champion Mare Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2006 All Nations Cup Senior Top Five Mare Aachen (DE) 2006 World Senior Top Ten Mare Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2008 Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare Janów Podlaski (PL) 2009 World Senior Top Ten Mare Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2010 Austrian International Senior Reserve Champion Mare Wels (AT) 2010 Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 European Senior Top Five Mare Moorsele (BE) 2010 World Senior Top Ten Mare Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2011 Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 European Senior Top Five Mare Verona (IT) 2011 World Senior Top Ten Mare Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2015 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Mare Nowe Wrońska (PL) Breeding record: 2003 colt ERYKS (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay, 1/6 (0-0-1-1), chief sire 2007 Autumn Show Senior Champion Stallion & Best in Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 Polish National Senior Top Five Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2004 filly EMMONIDA (Gazal Al Shaqab) grey, unraced 2005 filly EMIRIONA (Grafik) grey, unraced 2006 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2006 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2006 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2006 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2007 filly EMMARAAMA (Al Maraam) bay, 1/8 (0-0-0-1-2) 2008 colt ENNIUSZ (Al Maraam) chestnut, 1/9 (0-0-0-1) Breeding status: not bred Daughters of the epoch-making stallion MONOGRAMM have become a worldwide symbol of beauty and a Michałów brand, with EMMONA being one of the best. This World & Polish National Champion Mare (among other honors) is the dam of chief sire ERYKS. She stems from Michałów s E-dynasty of champions as the daughter of EMILDA (Polish National Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion & UK National Senior Champion Mare), who is out of the legendary EMANACJA (Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Mare, European Junior Champion Mare, World Junior Reserve Champion Mare & All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare), the best producing daughter of WAHO Trophy winner EMIGRACJA. 51

Czarna Perła, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Czarna Perła LOTº 10 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-5 brown filly, foaled on 21st of May, 2016 measurements: 140-156-17.0 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians CHIMERA bay, 1998 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1) DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) CZEREDA grey, 1987 2/15 (2-2-3-1) Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Ararat Emigrantka Probat Cięciwa Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Palas Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Pohaniec Borexia Palas Cedzyna CZARNA PERŁA is out of CHIMERA, a superb producing daughter of the royally bred European & Polish National Champion EMIGRANT. Chimera's produce include chief sire CHIMERYK (Białka Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion, Białka Junior Spring Show Top Five Stallion, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Top Five Stallion), French National Junior Reserve Champion Mare & Senior Champion Mare CHARUNA (dam of French National Junior Silver Champion CHADINA DE NAUTIAC) and CHERONEA Białka Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare. Chimera is also dam to several winners from the race track: CHOJNA, CHACO & CHIMERYK. The damline traces directly to CANARIA, dam of foundation sire CELEBES. Furthermore Canaria is a maternal sister to ESTOKADA, foundress of Michałów's widespread "E" dynasty of show champions. 53

Dębowa Tarcza, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Dębowa Tarcza LOTº 11 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-5 grey filly, foaled on 14th of February, 2016 measurements: 146-152-17.0 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Sahara d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) DĘBOWA ŁĄKA grey, 2007 MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 GASPAR grey, 1998 1/7 (0-0-0-0-1) DĘBOWA GÓRA grey, 2000 1/3 (0-0-0-1) Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Emigrant Gaskonia Laheeb Dąbrowica Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Ararat Emigrantka Probat Gizela Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Endel Dąbrowa DĘBOWA TARCZA ( Oaken Shield ) is first and foremost a daughter of the highly coveted King of the Ring EKSTERN, a sire whose female get have only recently produced such World Champions as MORION, WIEŻA MOCY and PUSTYNIA KAHILA. Maternally Dębowa Tarcza is out of the Polish National Junior Top Five Mare DĘBOWA ŁĄKA. This damline stems from the mare DARIBBA, whose family members have claimed champion titles in various distant corners of the globe, such as South America (DĘBOWIEC Brazilian National Senior Champion), Middle East and North America (DUMKA Israeli National Senior Champion, Las Vegas Arabian Breeders Cup Top Five Mare). 55

Parsena, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Parsena LOTº 12 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 bay filly, foaled on 29th of May, 2015 measurements: 151-168-17.3 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I EQUATOR bay, 2010 PASJENZA bay, 2008 QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 1/5 (1-0-1-2) ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone PASJA bay, 1995 Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Wojsław Passa Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Tallin Wilejka Eukaliptus Pascha PARSENA is out of PASJENZA, a daughter of the highly coveted ENZO, but also as a maternal sister to POLONIA, a class top five finalist from Salzkotten, Prague, Kauber Platter & Överkalix, dam of serious Belgian-bred show contenders PANTHEROS, PYRONIA K.A. & PENELOPE K.A., to name but a few. The sisters grandam, PASSA, is one of Michałów s finest and most accomplished EUKALIPTUS daughters. PASSA claimed the first official World Championship title for Michałów (World Junior Reserve Champion Mare) and also added a track win in the Amurath St., fully embodying the bold and beautiful concept of the Polish breeding program. 57

Pentra, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Pentra LOTº 13 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-5 grey mare, foaled on 31st of January, 2006 measurements: 153-179-17.8 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce POGANIN grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2) PECZORA grey, 1999 1/7 LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel POHULANKA grey, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/8 (1-1-3-2-1) EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) PREMIERA grey, 1989 Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Ararat Emigrantka Piechur Premia Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Bandos Pemba Probat Pentoda Palas Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Banat Pierzeja Palas Pliszka Racing record: Unraced Show record: 2008 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) Breeding record: 2011 filly PENTORA (Alert) grey, unraced 2012 filly PAULINA (Alert) chestnut, unraced 2013 colt PESZAWAR (Ekstern) bay, 1/6 (1-0-0-0) 2014 filly PENTORIA (El Omari) chestnut 2015 filly POGANINKA (El Omari) chestnut 2016 Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five Mare Białka (PL) 2016 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Mare Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the European Championships Lier (BE) 2017 Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show Białka (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the All Nations Cup Aachen (DE) 2016 colt PERNET (Emerald J) bay 2017 a filly by Ekstern Breeding status: In foal to EKSTERN (last date of service: 29th of March, 2017) PENTRA is an exceptional producing broodmare, proof of which can be seen in her daughter POGANINKA, who has taken the arenas by storm this season, claiming not only champion titles but also two Best in Shows in 2017. Pentra is the direct granddaughter of PREMIERA, a highly decorated mare as Polish National Junior Champion, Dutch National Senior Champion, Elran Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Mooslargue Senior Champion & Vilhelmsborg Senior Top Five Mare, who in turn is out of the much acclaimed PREMIA (Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion & Bábolna International Reserve Champion Mare). The family s wider circle of champions includes such names as PONTIA, PIACOLLA, PANIKA, PALANGA, PADOVA, PIACENZA & PREMIER. 59

Ekstern, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Stanówka og. Ekstern Breeding to Ekstern LOTº C Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIII-3 grey sire, foaled on 10th of January, 1994 measurements: 151-172-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 NEGATRAZ bay, 1971 Patterson Arabians MONOGRAMMA chestnut, 1963 Tersk Stud USSR 2/14 (4-3-3-1) PIECHUR grey, 1979 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (10-2-0-0) D+AP+C+5 ERWINA grey, 1984 Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Witraż Bałałajka Negatiw Bigotka Korej Parfumeria Priboj Mammona El Azrak Bandola Bandos Pierzga Aswan Panel Burkan Elwira Racing record: 1997 10 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 3xV Show record: 1995 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion Michałów (PL) 1996 International Junior Champion Stallion Babolna (HU) 1999 UK International Senior Champion Stallion Towerlands (UK) 2000 International Tulip Cup Senior Champion Stallion Deurne (NL) 2000 Polish National Senior Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2000 European Triple Crown winner: All Nations Cup Senior Champion Stallion Aachen (DE) European Senior Champion Stallion Vilhelmsborg (DK) World Senior Champion Stallion Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2003 Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion Borgloon (BE) 2008 Recipient of the WAHO Challenge Trophy (awarded to an outstanding representative of Polish breeding) A living legend, the undefeated King of the Ring EKSTERN. Nine times shown, nine times victorious, including the World Championships and the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. Most importantly, EKSTERN has proven an incredible sire, with children and grandchildren continuing his legacy on world show arenas. Only during the last three years the winning produce of his female offspring included such champions as PONTIA & PIACOLLA (out of POLONICA), PUSTYNIA KAHILA (out of PUSTYNNA MALWA), MORION (out of MESALINA), EQUATOR (out of EKLIPTYKA) and WIEŻA MOCY (out of WIEŻA MARZEŃ). 61

Emmbla, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Emmbla LOTº 14 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVI-1 chestnut mare, foaled on 23rd of March, 2007 measurements: 155-178-18,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta AL MARAAM bay, 1998 Ariela Arabians Israel EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) IMPERIAL IMDAL grey, 1982 Imperial Egyptian Stud Egypt THE VISION HG black, 1994 Hamilton Gates Arabians MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians EMILDA grey, 1990 1/5 (1-0-0-0) Ansata Imperial Dalia Thee Desperado Belle Staar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Delilah Morafic Romanaa II The Minstril AK Amiri Asmarr The Minstril Alia-Aenor Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Probat Parma Eukaliptus Emigracja Racing record: 2010 6 starts Show record: 2008 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2008 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2009 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2011 Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Champion Mare Wrocław (PL) Breeding record: 2012 filly EMMBELARDA (QR Marc) chestnut, unraced 2013 filly ELLISSIMA (Albedo) dark bay, unraced 2014 filly EMBLEMA (Chimeryk) dark bay 2015 filly by Vitorio TO, died Breeding status: In foal to RFI FARID (last date of service: 10th of May, 2017) EMMBLA is the daughter of EMBRA, an All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Top Ten & Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion Mare from Las Vegas. Both mares stem from Michałów s E-dynasty of champions that have greatly contributed to the fame of their home stud. Not searching far, Emmbla s own siblings include chief sire EL OMARI (Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Champion Stallion) & mega champion EMIRA, named Polish National Junior Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, Danish National Senior Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Champion & Best in Show, Qatari International Arabian Horse Show Senior Reserve Champion, International Bruges Senior Champion & Best in Show, European Bronze Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion & World Senior Bronze Champion Mare. 63

Ejbera, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Ejbera LOTº 15 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 dark bay mare, foaled on 31st of January, 2012 measurements: 135-155-16.0 cm Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta ALBEDO brown, 2006 Janów Podlaski Stud EJRENE bay, 2004 PIAFF grey, 1997 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/20 (2-4-3-2-3) ALBIGOWA bay, 1987 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/12 (0-1-0-2) GAZAL AL SHAQAB bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar EMOCJA chestnut, 1995 1/8 (1-0-1-2-1) Eldon Pipi Fawor Algeria Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Emigracja Penitent Erotyka Banat Pilarka Probat Fatma Celebes Algonkina Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Negatraz Monogramma Palas Emisja EJBERA is a daughter of an extremely highly decorated show mare, the exotic EJRENE by GAZAL AL SHAQAB, named World Junior Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, twice Wels International Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Champion Mare and high-seller of the 2012 Pride of Poland at 440 thousand Euro. Ejrene's daughter EDITHA has produced this year's Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Stallion EDMUND. Ejrene herself is out of EMOCJA, daughter of the legendary EMIGRACJA from the world acclaimed E-dynasty of Michałów-bred champions. Beside Ejrene Emocja has also produced international champions EMILIUSZ & ESPRESSIVO (BE). 65

Złota Ola, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Złota Ola LOTº 16 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey filly, foaled on 19th of May, 2015 measurements: 150-172-17.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) ZŁOTA ROLA grey, 2009 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel ZŁOTA ORDA grey, 1999 1/1 Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pesal Zagrobla Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Partner Perforacja Monogramm Zguba ZŁOTA OLA is a granddaughter of Junior Spring Show class winner ZŁOTA ORDA, dam of chief sire ZŁOTY MEDAL (Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Stallion) and ZŁOTA BAŚŃ (Russian National Junior Silver Champion Mare). Złota Orda is one of just two Polish-bred daughters of champion broodmare ZAGROBLA. One of the Big Three MONOGRAMM daughters of Michałów, Zagrobla has been honored among others as Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Reserve Champion & US National Champion. Zagrobla s other daughter, ZIGI ZANA, has in turn won the titles of Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, twice European Junior Reserve Champion, Wels International Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Silver Champion & Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion. 67

Winaria, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Winaria LOTº 17 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 light bay mare, foaled on 15th of March, 2013 measurements: 155-180-17.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) WINDAWA bay, 2004 1/4 (1-0-1-0) ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) GAZAL AL SHAQAB bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar WILNIANKA bay, 1988 2/8 (1-0-1-0) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Anaza El Farid Kajora Tallin Wilejka Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Nabeg Talantlivaia El Paso Warmia Racing record: 2016 5 starts Breeding record: In foal to EKSTERN (last date of service: 20th of April, 2017) WINARIA is a granddaughter of Polish National Junior Reserve Champion WILNIANKA, who happens to be a full sister to one of Michałów s leading versatile Kuhailan stallions, WOJSŁAW, as Polish National Champion, All Scandinavian Reserve Champion, a four time winner from the track and sire of the most outstanding racehorse of the 90s, DRUID. Another important sibling of WILNIANKA is the broodmare WILIA, whose descendants include several of the best racing horses of the new millenium: WILIAM, WIENERVA & WESTIM. Wilnianka, Wojsław & Wilia are all out of the revered Polish National Junior Reserve Champion WILEJKA, whose full sister WIZJA won the US National Championship and gave rise to a whole dynasty of WIEŻA ( Tower )-named horses, including US National Champion Mare WIEŻA MOCY. 69

Forrmira, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Forrmira LOTº 18 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 bay filly, foaled on 13th of April, 2015 measurements: 152-171-18.0 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians FOGGORIA bay, 2010 1/6 (1-1-1-0) DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation GASPAR grey, 1998 1/7 (0-0-0-0-1) FOGGIA dark bay, 2004 Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Emigrant Gaskonia Gazal Al Shaqab Fortissima Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Ararat Emigrantka Probat Gizela Anaza El Farid Kajora Fawor Fanaberia FORRMIRA stems from the remarkably athletic family of FORTA, who produced several Criterium, Derby & Oaks St. winners: CZORT, FINISZ & EQUIFOR, DYSKA & FATMA. The family is also abundant in beauty. One of the most known Michałós show stars in the past years has been FALLADA, a double Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show from Białka, World Senior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Champion Mare, Canadian National Senior Champion Mare and Pride of Poland record-seller at 465 thousand Euro. Furthermore Forrmira s dam is a maternal sister to FORGISSIMA & FOGGITA, who have both been named Polish National Junior Top Five Mares. 71

Ekstern, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Stanówka og. Ekstern Breeding to Ekstern LOTº D Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIII-3 grey sire, foaled on 10th of January, 1994 measurements: 151-172-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 NEGATRAZ bay, 1971 Patterson Arabians MONOGRAMMA chestnut, 1963 Tersk Stud USSR 2/14 (4-3-3-1) PIECHUR grey, 1979 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (10-2-0-0) D+AP+C+5 ERWINA grey, 1984 Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Witraż Bałałajka Negatiw Bigotka Korej Parfumeria Priboj Mammona El Azrak Bandola Bandos Pierzga Aswan Panel Burkan Elwira Racing record: 1997 10 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 3xV Show record: 1995 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion Michałów (PL) 1996 International Junior Champion Stallion Babolna (HU) 1999 UK International Senior Champion Stallion Towerlands (UK) 2000 International Tulip Cup Senior Champion Stallion Deurne (NL) 2000 Polish National Senior Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2000 European Triple Crown winner: All Nations Cup Senior Champion Stallion Aachen (DE) European Senior Champion Stallion Vilhelmsborg (DK) World Senior Champion Stallion Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2003 Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion Borgloon (BE) 2008 Recipient of the WAHO Challenge Trophy (awarded to an outstanding representative of Polish breeding) A living legend, the undefeated King of the Ring EKSTERN. Nine times shown, nine times victorious, including the World Championships and the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. Most importantly, EKSTERN has proven an incredible sire, with children and grandchildren continuing his legacy on world show arenas. Only during the last three years the winning produce of his female offspring included such champions as PONTIA & PIACOLLA (out of POLONICA), PUSTYNIA KAHILA (out of PUSTYNNA MALWA), MORION (out of MESALINA), EQUATOR (out of EKLIPTYKA) and WIEŻA MOCY (out of WIEŻA MARZEŃ). 73

Pustynna Rosa, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Pustynna Rosa LOTº 19 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-2 grey mare, foaled on 12th of April, 2003 measurements: 152-177-19.0 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 to Crabbet Park EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) PUSTYNNA RÓŻA grey, 1999 MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) PUSTYNNA TARCZA grey, 1991 2/16 (0-1-5-3-2) Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Ararat Emigrantka Pamir Pretoria Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Palas Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Probat Parma Penitent Patera Racing record: 2006 2 starts Show record: 2008 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) Breeding record: 2008 filly PUSTYNNA GRA (El Nabila B) grey, unraced 2009 colt PUSTYNNY RAJD (Laheeb) grey, unraced 2010 filly PUSTYNNA OAZA (Poganin) grey, unraced 2011 colt PUSTYNNY MAG (Poganin) grey, unraced 2012 filly PUSTYNNA NOC (WH Kaneko MS) grey, unraced 2013 Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 filly PUSTYNNA BOGINI (El Omari) grey, unraced 2014 filly PUSTYNNA PERŁA (El Omari) grey, unraced 2015 filly PUSTYNNA DOLINA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2016 colt PUSTYNNY WICHER (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2017 a colt by Ascot DD Breeding status: In foal to EQUATOR (last date of service: 8th of April, 2017) PUSTYNNA ROSA ("Desert Dew") is a daughter of EKSTERN & Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare PUSTYNNA RÓŻA. She is a reliable producer, with a foal on the ground every year since beginning her duties at the breeding barn. Pustynna Rosa is a full sister to PUSTYNNA MALWA ("Desert Hollyhock"), dam of the recent show sensation PUSTYNIA KAHILA ("Desert of Kahil"). PUSTYNIA's collection of honors includes, among others: Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Champion Mare & the freshly crowned European Senior Silver Champion Mare. 75

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Emerosa LOTº 20 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey filly, foaled on 13th of January, 2015 measurements: 157-185-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta EMPIRE grey, 2009 EL EMEERA grey, 2002 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMIRA grey, 2000 1/4 (0-0-0-1) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EMANACJA grey, 1986 Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Laheeb Embra Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Emigracja Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Monogramm Emilda Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Bandos Eunice Palas Emisja EMEROSA is out of EL EMEERA, a royally bred daughter of King of the Ring Ekstern and Michałów's broodmatron extraordinaire EMANACJA, the most prominent member of the E-dynasty of champions, whose descendants have written themselves down in the history of the Arabian breed as World, European, National and international show winners: EMPIRYKA, ESPADRILLA, EMANDA, EMANDORIA, EMANOR, EMILDA, EMBRA, EMMONA, EMMBLA, EL SAGHIRA, EMPIRE & EL OMARI. EL EMEERA has carried on this grand tradition by producing two promising show daughters: EL MEDIARA, a frequent class top five finalist at the Junior Spring Show and Polish Nationals, and EL LARINERA, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Mare, European Yearling Top Five Mare, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare & Polska Arabia Junior Bronze Champion Mare. 77

Patena, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Patena LOTº 21 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-5 light bay filly, foaled on 12th of February, 2016 measurements: 145-165-17.5 Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians PLANICA chestnut, 2010 1/1 DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle PRIMAWERA grey, 2000 Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Emigrant Premiera Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Ararat Emigrantka Piechur Premia PATENA is a daughter of a full sister to PIACENZA, a record holder of the 2011 Pride of Poland Sale at 475 thousand Euro, a Polish National & European Junior Top Five, a World Junior Top Ten, as well as Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show at Białka, Senior Gold Champion Mare at the Normandie Arabian Festival and Senior Silver Champion Mare at the Arabian Masters in Bordeaux. Patena s granddam PRIMAWERA has established herself as the leading daughter of PREMIERA, a Polish National Junior Champion, Dutch National Senior Champion, Elran Cup Senior Reserve Champion & Mooslargue Senior Champion. Premiera is also a direct progenitor of the family s current show star POGANINKA, who just in 2017 claimed the titles of Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Mare. 79

Galacja, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Galacja LOTº 22 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-1 chestnut mare, foaled on 20th of April, 2012 measurements: 155-165-17,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce WH KANEKO MS bay, 2006 Wendell P. Hansen GALILEA grey, 2000 2/11 (0-5-1-1) MARWAN AL SHAQAB bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar WHK ANTIFFANY BEY bay, 1998 K.M. Mortensen LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel GEORGIA grey, 1994 2/15 (2-3-8-1) Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Beythoven MC WH Vanity Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Monogramm Gizela Anaza El Farid Kajora Fame VF Katahza Bey Shah Autumn Krystal Northerlei WH Dandee Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Negatraz Monogramma Palaz Gilza Racing record: 2015 9 starts: 1xIII, 2xV Show record: 2013 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) Breeding record: 2017 a colt by Forman Breeding status: In foal to EMPIRE (last date of service: 18th of May, 2017) GALACJA is a daughter of World & Polish National Champion Mare GALILEA. Through Galilea, Galacja shares her maternal genes with GALERIDA, 2017 Gold Champion from the West Coast Cup and Bronze Champion from Menton. Their dam Galilea is out of World Senior Top Ten, Polish National Senior Silver Champion & Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Show Senior Silver Champion Mare GEORGIA. Georgia is one of seven remarkable daughters of the venerated Michałów broodmatron GIZELA, representing the bold and beautiful concept of the Polish Arabian with racing victories and a Salon du Cheval class win to her name. The notable collection of Georgia s sisters includes Pride of Poland 2006 top-selling mare GEHENNA, multi stakes winner GENEZA, Polish National Champion GASKONIA (dam of champion sires GASKOŃCZYK, GASPAR & GRAFIK), Oaks winner GARONNA (dam of champion chief sire GANGES), GWARANCJA (dam of Derby winner GWARO) and GIZA (dam of Race Horse of the Year GEPARD). 81

Górno k/ Kielc woj. świętokrzyskie Górno 88, 26-008 Górno tel./fax 41 302 31 10; tel. 41 302 32 10 Miechów k/ Krakowa woj. małopolskie ul. Racławicka 36, 32-200 Miechów tel./fax 41 389 90 05 Jasionka k/ Rzeszowa woj. podkarpackie Jasionka 908F (droga DK19) 36-002 Jasionka tel./fax 17 851 00 27

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Erebora LOTº 23 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey filly, foaled on 11th of March, 2015 measurements: 156-180-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta EMPIRE grey, 2009 EREIRA grey, 2008 2/10 (2-1-1-2) ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMIRA grey, 2000 1/4 (0-0-0-1) PIRUET grey, 1983 Janów Podlaski Stud 3/24 (5-7-5-1) ELGINA grey, 1999 2/12 (0-3-2-0) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Laheeb Embra Probat (SE) Pieczęć Ekstern Egna Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Monogramm Emilda Pohaniec Borexia (SE) Palas (SU) Pierzga Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Egzotyka EREBORA is a granddaughter of ELGINA, a class top five finalist from the Polish Nationals in the toughest competition of senior mares. Elgina is one of just two Polish-bred fillies of Elran Cup Senior Champion EGNA, the price record holder at the 2001 Pride of Poland Sale at 120 thousand dollars. EGNA s only other daughter, the lovely EGEA, earned 160 thousand Euro when offered seven years later at the Pride of Poland 2008. Egna is a daughter of Polish National Senior Champion Mare EGZOTYKA, who also produced the highly accomplished EWAKUACJA (Swedish National Champion), ESKALOPKA (another Pride of Poland high-seller at 140 thousand Euro in 2004 and a multi champion from Europe and the Middle East) & EGZONERA (also a champion from Europe and the US). 83

Teneryfa, photo: Sylwia Iłenda

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Teneryfa LOTº 24 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XV-5 chestnut mare, foaled on 22nd of January, 2006 measurements: 152-173-18,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce POGANIN grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2) TRIPLA grey, 1992 Kurozwęki Stud 3/28 (6-4-5-5-3) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel POHULANKA grey, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/8 (1-1-3-2-1) EUKALIPTUS grey, 1974 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (2-1-4-1) TREMA grey, 1972 Ansata Imperial Ibn Moniet El Nefous Bandos Probat Negatiw Comet Gwarny Tradycja Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Bandos Pemba Probat Pentoda Negatiw Bandola Comet Epigona Amurath Sahib Gwara Czardasz Tryguza Racing record: 2009 5 starts: 2xI, 1xIV Breeding record: 2011 colt TEMBR (DA Adios) bay, unraced 2012 filly TATARIA (Ganges) chestnut, unraced 2013 colt TREZOR (Ekstern) grey raced 2016-2017, 13 starts: 2xII, 1xIII, 1xIV, 2xV (Koheilan I St.) 2014 filly TEMPRA (Ekstern) bay, in racing training 2015 colt TYTAN (Dostatok) chestnut 2016 filly TRACJA (Ontario HF) bay Breeding status: In foal to EKSTERN (last service on 25th of February, 2017) TENERYFA stems directly from the mare TREMA, who was one of the pillar broodmatrons of the former Kurozwęki Stud. Her produce the great race horse TRAF (winner of the Derby, Witeź II, Embargo, Witraż, Ofir and Kurozwęki St.), Polish National Endurance Champion TRAP, German National Champion Stallion TRZOS, the Polish National class top five broodmare TANIA (dam of chief sire TURBAN and Emael St. winner TAMIL) and the athletic TRIPLA, dam of Teneryfa. Tripla remained in training for three seasons and won 6 times from 28 starts. She herself is the dam of four racing winners: TUNEZJA, TROJKA, TRIADA and Teneryfa, who continued the family tradition with 2 wins from just 5 starts in one season. 85

Ekstern, photo: Glenn Jacobs

KLACZE ARABSKIE Arabian Mares Stanówka og. Ekstern Breeding to Ekstern LOTº E Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XIII-3 grey sire, foaled on 10th of January, 1994 measurements: 151-172-18 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 NEGATRAZ bay, 1971 Patterson Arabians MONOGRAMMA chestnut, 1963 Tersk Stud USSR 2/14 (4-3-3-1) PIECHUR grey, 1979 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (10-2-0-0) D+AP+C+5 ERWINA grey, 1984 Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Witraż Bałałajka Negatiw Bigotka Korej Parfumeria Priboj Mammona El Azrak Bandola Bandos Pierzga Aswan Panel Burkan Elwira Racing record: 1997 10 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 3xV Show record: 1995 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion Michałów (PL) 1996 International Junior Champion Stallion Babolna (HU) 1999 UK International Senior Champion Stallion Towerlands (UK) 2000 International Tulip Cup Senior Champion Stallion Deurne (NL) 2000 Polish National Senior Champion Stallion Janów Podlaski (PL) 2000 European Triple Crown winner: All Nations Cup Senior Champion Stallion Aachen (DE) European Senior Champion Stallion Vilhelmsborg (DK) World Senior Champion Stallion Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2003 Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion Borgloon (BE) 2008 Recipient of the WAHO Challenge Trophy (awarded to an outstanding representative of Polish breeding) A living legend, the undefeated King of the Ring EKSTERN. Nine times shown, nine times victorious, including the World Championships and the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. Most importantly, EKSTERN has proven an incredible sire, with children and grandchildren continuing his legacy on world show arenas. Only during the last three years the winning produce of his female offspring included such champions as PONTIA & PIACOLLA (out of POLONICA), PUSTYNIA KAHILA (out of PUSTYNNA MALWA), MORION (out of MESALINA), EQUATOR (out of EKLIPTYKA) and WIEŻA MOCY (out of WIEŻA MARZEŃ). 87

Chaco LOTº 25 OGIERY ARABSKIE Arabian Stallions Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay stallion, foaled on 26th of February, 2013 measurements: 151-176-19 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar CHIMERA bay, 1998 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1) MARWAN AL SHAQAB bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr EMIGRANT grey, 1991 2/22 (1-3-5-3) CZEREDA grey, 1987 2/15 (2-2-3-1) Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Ararat Emigrantka Probat Cięciwa Anaza El Farid Kajora Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina Palas Arra Eukaliptus Emigracja Pohaniec Borexia Palas Cedzyna Racing record: 2016-2017 18 starts: 1xI, 3xII, 2xIII, 2xIV, 4xV Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride Trezor LOTº 26 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-2 grey stallion, foaled on 15th of March, 2013 measurements: 153-174-19.2 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) TENERYFA chestnut, 2006 1/5 (2-0-0-1) MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 1/4 POGANIN grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2) TRIPLA grey, 1992 Kurozwęki Stud 3/28 (6-4-5-5-3) Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Laheeb Pohulanka Eukaliptus Trema Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Banat Pierzeja Palas Elegancja Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Bandos Eunice Gwarny Tradycja Racing record: 2016-2017 13 starts: 2xII, 1xIII, 1xIV, 2xV (Koheilan I St.) Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride 89

Stadnina Koni Michałów Alistar LOTº 27 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey colt, foaled on 31st of May, 2014 measurements: 151-183-19 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) ARGOLIDA grey, 2003 1/2 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) GRAFIK grey, 1996 2/15 (3-5-1-1-1) ANAKONDA grey, 1997 1/6 (0-0-0-1-2) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Eukaliptus Gaskonia Monogramm Armenia Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Bandos Eunice Probat Gizela Negatraz Monogramma Tallin Arteria Racing record: 2017 8 starts: 1xI, 1xII, 5xIII Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride Ethos LOTº 28 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 dark bay colt, foaled on 13th of April, 2014 measurements: 155-180-19 cm Sire line: Amer d.b. 1984 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta PORTMER grey, 2000 Onsala Arabians Sweden 4/21 (6-7-3-2) ECHMEA bay, 2000 1/4 (1-0-0-0) AMER D.B. grey, 1984 Saudi Arabia PORTELLA chestnut, 1994 F.J. Megens Netherlands DRUID bay, 1993 3/16 (13-2-0-0-0) D+AP+Cx2+ECx2+5 ESTEPONA bay, 1984 2/11 (4-4-0-1) O Monitor Pomelka Wojsław Dalida Pepton Estrela Nimroz Matritsa Gomel Poliana Tallin Wilejka Probat Draperia Bandos Pemba El Paso Estonia Racing record: 2017 7 starts: 1xI, 1xIV, 1xV 90 Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride

Flomari LOTº 29 OGIERY ARABSKIE Arabian Stallions Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 dark bat colt, foaled on 12th of May, 2014 measurements: 155-173-19.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) FLAMINIA bay, 2008 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) GASPAR grey, 1998 1/7 (0-0-0-0-1) FILISTIA bay, 2003 Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Emigrant Gaskonia Gazal Al Shaqab Fantazja Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ararat Emigrantka Probat Gizela Anaza El Farid Kajora Wachlarz Fanaberia Racing record: 2017 6 starts: 2xII, 1xIII, 1xIV, 1xV Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride Fornax LOTº 30 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 bay colt, foaled on 5th of March, 2014 measurements: 154-172-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar FORLANDA brown, 2009 1/5 MARWAN AL SHAQAB bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr EDEN C chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm FORMIA brown, 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Enzo Silken Sable Gazal Al Shaqab Fortuna Anaza El Farid Kajora Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Genesis C Touch O Mink Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Furora Racing record: 2017 7 starts: 1xI, 2xII, 1xIV Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride 91

Stadnina Koni Michałów Goltemor LOTº 31 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey colt, foaled on 4th of February, 2014 measurements: 153-173-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain GOLTERIA grey, 2006 1/6 (0-0-1-1) WH JUSTICE grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen SALYMAH grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium GALBA grey, 1994 G. Janssen 1/5 (1-1-0-1) Germany GOTLANDIA grey, 1999 2/11 (1-3-0-3) Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea Khidar Libanon Azadika Plakat Gza Gza Pesal Grenlandia Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El Sher-Mann Renea Ansata Sinan Elizja Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana Aswan Pchelka Negatraz Gay Zaza Partner Perforacja Eukaliptus Getynga Racing record: 2017 2 starts Show record: 2016 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride Kwarc LOTº 32 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey colt, foaled on 5th of May, 2014 measurements: 153-172-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce EQUATOR bay, 2010 KASJOPEJA grey, 2001 1/3 QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 1/5 (1-0-1-2) ELDON grey, 1985 2/10 (3-4-1-1) 1 KWESTURA chestnut, 1995 1/8 (1-1-4-1-1) Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja Penitent Erotyka Monogramm Kwesta Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Partner Penza Eufrat Eroica Negatraz Monogramma Pesennik Kabała Racing record: 2017 5 starts: 1xI 92 Show record: 2015 Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion Stallion Białka (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL)

Lorens LOTº 33 OGIERY ARABSKIE Arabian Stallions Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-3 chestnut colt, foaled on 21st of January, 2014 measurements: 154-177-19.5 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta ESPARTO grey, 2002 1/4 LANCKORONA chestnut, 2006 2/12 (0-4-3-0-2) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) EKSPOZYCJA chestnut, 1992 1/7 (0-0-0-1-3) POGANIN grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2) LUANDA grey, 2000 2/12 (0-3-0-2) Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Laheeb Pohulanka Emigrant Loretta Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Bandos Eunice Set Espaniola Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Pepton Pestka Ararat Emigrantka Wojsław Linda Racing record: 2017 6 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV, 1xV Additional information: Out of racing training, broke to ride

Stadnina Koni Michałów Farson LOTº 34 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey gelding, foaled on 10th of May, 2015 measurements: 153-163-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) FARSALA grey, 2000 1/4 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) LAHEEB grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel FALLADA chestnut, 1995 1/7 (1-1-0-2-1) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Monogramm Fanaberia Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ansata Imperial Dalia Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima Negatraz Monogramma Probat Fabiola Additional information: Not broke to ride Dębowy Rewir LOTº 35 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 chestnut gelding, foaled on 20th of March, 2015 measurements: 153-180-19 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Sahara d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 1/8 (1-0-2-3) DĘBOWA ŁĄKA grey, 2007 ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone EMBRA grey, 1995 1/8 (1-1-1-2) GASPAR grey, 1998 1/7 (0-0-0-0-1) DĘBOWA GÓRA grey, 2000 1/3 (0-0-0-1) Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Emigrant Gaskonia Laheeb Dąbrowica Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Ararat Emigrantka Probat Gizela Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Endel Dąbrowa Additional information: Not broke to ride 94

Epidian LOTº 36 WAŁACHY ARABSKIE Arabian Geldings Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 dark bay gelding, foaled on 25th of January, 2015 measurements: 152-170-18.7 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta VITORIO TO bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians EUSTACHIA grey, 2009 DA VALENTINO bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle EUSCERA grey, 1999 1/7 (1-1-1-2) Versace Da Love Solstice Natique Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Emigrant Elcantara Fame FV Precious as Gold Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon Passionate Nabor Ruzica Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Ararat Emigrantka Pamir Erotyka Additional information: Not broke to ride Polimer LOTº 37 Bred and owned by PASB Vol. XVII-4 bay gelding, foaled on 10th of May, 2015 measurements: 154-174-18.2 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce EQUATOR bay, 2010 POLONICA grey, 2005 QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 1/5 (1-0-1-2) EKSTERN grey, 1994 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3) PANIKA grey, 1996 Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Plisa Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Bandos Eunice Probat Pliszka Additional information: Not broke to ride 95

Tahiti, photo: Mateusz Staszałek

KLACZ MAŁOPOLSKA Małopolska Mare Tahiti LOTº 38 Bred and owned by chestnut appaloosa mare, foaled on 3rd of May, 2005 measurements: 152-175-19.0 cm BIRKUT TATRA BUNCOL TALIA LECHISTAN TAJGA Bachus Bramka Dywizjon Tęcza Lubicz Biedronka Tajfun Melba Burnus Tamara Brom Dewiza Mustaf Diamantina Tajfun Droga Lampart Mila Lampart Zabawa Tiger Trojka N.N. N.N. Breeding record: 2010 filly TARNAWA (Bonat) 2011 filly TUNDRA (Bonat) 2012 filly TUNEZJA (Bonat) 2013 colt BOHUN (Bonat) 2014 filly TARIA (Bonat) 2016 colt CZEJEN (Czar) Breeding status: Barren 97

KUC OGIER Pony Stallion Lucky LOTº 39 Bred and owned by black pinto stallion, foaled on 12th of April, 2014 measurements: 85-128-12,0 LOTOS chest. pin., 2000 13 R Kl LUBCZYK black pin., 1986 2 R Kl TEKILA chest., 1992 20 R Kl Korek Lucyna Easy Tamara Lizak Klupka William George Clachaig Iris LUTNIA grey, 2008 10 G I Kl EINSTEIN grey, 1996 168 R Wr LEILA black, 2004 55 R Kl El Paso Elonka Storczyk Lena El Primo of Shergold Linda Max Eleisa Waluś Siwa Easy Lucyna The colt LUCKY is the older brother of Leo. His black pinto coat color will definitely bewitch pony enthusiasts. His late grandsire and still active in breeding sire have for years been the foundation of Michałów s pony breeding program. Our ponies are pleasant to handle and can become excellent children s companions. NOTE: longer mandible in relation to the maxilla

Piaf z Imna LOTº 40 KUCE KLACZ I WAŁACH Ponies Mare and Gelding Bred by Imno Stud and owned by dark bay mare, foaled on 5th of June, 1995 measurements: 78-112-13,0 EASY chest., 1986 1/K Rej. 60 WANDA bay, 1986 8/Kl Rej. 50 WILLIAM GEORGE OF CATCHPOOL CLACHAIG IRIS CAVALLOS MINI PELE BOLTWOOD WINDFALL Ickworth Vanquish Madame Cholet Ebony Mercury Pittachop Goldie Deanland Carlo of Boltwood Clachaig Iris Deanlando Carlo of Boltwood Wakeful of Marshwood Sean Kirkbride Garthy Fireless of Marshwood Teilo Oliver of Moussa Kirkbride May Aston White Prince Deldon Jasmin Danesborough Elfin Glory Caretta Ebony Mercury Pittachop Goldie Danesborough Elfin Glory Caretta Ballita Kittiwake of Marshwood The oldest among the pony herd in Michałów, Piaf z Imna was born at Imno Shetland Stud in Western Pomerania. She came to Michałów with her dam Wanda as a several month old foal. During her breeding career she produced two colts: the palomino coat colored SUMAK (sold during the 2016 Winter Sale) and the grey ENOS (sold in 2009). The currently 22 year old Piaf is offered for sale together with the young, 2 year old gelding LEO. Le o Bred and owned by grey gelding, foaled on 14th of April, 2015 measurements: 77-104-12.0 LOTOS chest. pin., 2000 13 R Kl LUBCZYK black pin., 1986 2 R Kl TEKILA chest., 1992 20 R Kl Korek Lucyna Easy Tamara Lizak Klupka William George Clachaig Iris LUTNIA grey, 2008 10 G I Kl EINSTEIN grey, 1996 168 R Wt LEILA black, 2004 55 R Kl El Paso Elonka Storczyk Lena El Primo of Shergold Linda Max Eleisa Waluś Siwa Easy Lucyna Additional information: Not broke to ride 99



FORMAN (WACHLARZ FORMIA BY GAZAL AL SHAQAB) Front cover: Pustynna Rosa by Glenn Jacobs / Back cover: Forman by Sylwia Iłenda