Semi-annual report. Project report, 1 November May Organisation of work. 2. Knowledge Portal

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Marek Derwich Institute of History, University of Wrocław Semi-annual report Project report, 1 November 2013 31 May 2014 1 1. Organisation of work The research project Cultural heritage of dissolved monasteries on the territory of former Poland and in Silesia in 18th and 19th centuries: fate, significance, cataloguing is financed within the framework of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education s National Programme for the Development of Humanities for 2012 2016 and carried out under the aegis of the Polish Historical Society. Its leader is Prof dr hab. Marek Derwich from the Institute of History, University of Wrocław. At the moment 165 people and 27 institutions are involved in the Project to a lesser or greater extent. They are supported by the Project Office team: Angelika Lipka (secretary), Mgr Katarzyna Romanow (Project assistant), Weronika Wojciech (Project assistant), Mgr Piotr Piętkowski (database coordinator). The Project has its own website,, featuring more detailed information about it, including information about rules of collaborating with the Project and financing research (Project and Contact tab), current events and research (Home tab) as well as conferences (Conferences tab), publications (Publications tab) and materials obtained in the course of research conducted under the Project (Materials tab). In addition, the website provides a direct link to the Hereditas Monasteriorium journal and, soon, also to the Knowledge Portal. Successive issues of Hereditas Monasteriorum contain a section entitled Project Chronicle see HM, 1, 2012, pp. 355 471; HM, 2, 2013, pp. 443 568; HM, 3, 2013, pp. 421 595 (available online on It contains Project progress reports for successive six-month periods, reports on conferences organised under the Project, reports on the work carried out by the research teams as well as reports on the most important individual studies (all are listed in the semi-annual reports). The semi-annual reports are available also online on the Project website, under the Project tab ( So far, three reports have been published for the following periods: 6 March 30 November 2012 (HM, 1, 2012, pp. 369 377), 1 December 2012 30 April 2013 (HM, 2, 2013, pp. 445 453) and 1 May 30 October 2013 (HM, 3, 2013, pp. 423 431). 2. Knowledge Portal The IT team, made up of Mgr Patryk Dawidziuk (coordinator), Mgr Szymon Sztajer, Mgr Rafał Toboła and Mgr Marek Wójcikowski, is continuing its work on the Knowledge Portal, i.e. databases and related tools, in close collaboration with the Project Office. A test version of the Portal is available on Records are added to the databases online and offline (by means of automatically exported Excel forms). As of 30 May 2014 there are 39,384 completed records: architecture database: 153; database of archival materials, documents and manuscripts from former monasteries: 11,427; 1 Research funded under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education s National Programme for the Development of Humanities for 2012 2016.

database of official archival materials: 1,314; bibliography database: 952; printed books database: 19,450; monasteries database: 1,254; movables database: 2,020; music items database: 1,685; database of gardens and parks: nearing completion; database of the last monastics: 680; database of architectural drawings and iconography: 346; database of religious orders and congregations: 103. 23,457 records have been entered or imported and are available online: architecture database: 153; database of archival materials, documents and manuscripts from former monasteries: 11,427; database of official archival materials: nearing completion; bibliography database: 475; printed books database: 7,742; monasteries database: 1,254; movables database: 800; music items database: 1,118; database of gardens and parks: nearing completion; database of the last monastics: 39; database of architectural drawings and iconography: 346; database of religious orders and congregations: 103. The test version (available at also contains an interactive map of dissolved monasteries. It features all monastic houses for which geographical coordinates have been established. 3. Research Research under the Project is conducted by individual collaborators and by research teams. 3.1. Research teams Team I. Composition: two scholars. We have been forced to end our collaboration with Dr hab. Tomasz Cieselski. The team currently comprises two scholars: Dr Witalij Rosowski and Dr Irena Wodzianowska. Dr Witalij Rosowski has carried out preliminary research at the State Archives of the Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine; report, see HM 4, 2014, pp. 511 525. Dr Irena Wodzianowska is preparing the publication of an extensive report on preliminary research carried out between 28 July and 10 August 2013 at the State Archives of the Kiev Oblast and the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev. A report for the period between 1 November 2013 and 30 October 2014 will be published in HM, 5, 2014.

Team II. Composition: eight scholars (no change). Coordinator: Prof Piotr Oliński (Nicolaus Copernicus University) Objective: to make a record of the legacy of monasteries dissolved in West Prussia. Report, see HM 4, 2014, p. 476. Team III. Composition: four scholars (no change). Coordinator: Rev Prof Janusz Królikowski (John Paul II University). Objective: inventory and study of the cultural heritage of monasteries dissolved in the Diocese of Tarnów. A report for the period between 1 November 2013 and 30 October 2014 will be published in HM, 5, 2014. Team IV. Composition: three scholars (no change). Coordinator: Prof Małgorzata Milecka (University of Life Sciences, Lublin). Objective: inventory and study of parks and gardens of monasteries dissolved in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Report, see HM 4, 2014, pp. 477 478. Team V. Composition: two scholars (no change). Coordinator: Dr Marcin Jewdokimow (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University). Objective: study of the material and symbolic significance of selected dissolved monasteries to their local communities. Report, see HM 4, 2014, p. 479. Team VI. Composition: four scholars. Mgr Inga Stembrowicz and Mgr Łukasz Truściński have ended their collaboration with the team (job change). Mgr Małgorzata Kośka has remained the team coordinator. Objective: inventory and study of records relating to former monasteries and dissolutions, and kept in the Central Archives of Historical Records, Warsaw. Report, see HM 4, 2014, p. 480. Team VII. Composition: two scholars (no change). Objective: edition of official documents compiled during monastery dissolutions and kept in the State Archives in Lublin. The team has suspended its activities until the end of 2014. Team VIII. Composition: four scholars (no change). Mgr Izabela Wiencek has resigned as team coordinator, with Mgr Elżbieta Bylinowa becoming the new coordinator. The team has suspended its activities until the end of 2014, but its members continue to take part in the work carried out under the Project by participating in conferences. Relevant information will be included in the next report. Team IX. The team has disbanded owing to the fact that its members have different tasks to perform. Work on an inventory of the holdings of the Polish Academy of Sciences Kórnik Library is carried out by the Project Office. Team X. Composition: three scholars (no change). Coordinator: Mgr Urszula Bończuk-Dawidziuk (University of Wrocław Museum). Objective: edition of Acta manualia die Uebernahme der Bibliotheken, Kunstsammlungen & Archive in den aufgehobenen Klöstern Schlesiens betreffend. Büsching.Report, see HM 4, 2014, p. 481. Team XI. Composition: six scholars (no change). Coordinator: Dr Alina Mądry (Adam Mickiewicz University, National Museum in Poznań). Objective: a) inventory of musical instruments from monasteries dissolved in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Silesia; b) inventory and study of the cultural heritage of monasteries dissolved in Wielkopolska; c) inventory and study of records relating to former monasteries and dissolutions, and kept in various archives in Wielkopolska. Report, see HM 4, 2014, p. 482. Team XII. Composition: five scholars (no change). Coordinator: Mgr Ewa Hauptman-Fischer (Warsaw University Library). Objective: inventory of musical items from former monasteries kept in the Warsaw University Library. Report, see HM 4, 2014, pp. 483 490.

Team XIII. Composition: four scholars (no change). Coordinator: Dr hab. Andrzej Kozieł (University of Warsaw). Objective: to compile a complete catalogue of all surviving works of art which were to be found in the Lubiąż Abbey before 1810. Report, see HM 4, 2014, pp. 491 492. Team XIV. Composition: two scholars (no change). The team has achieved its original objective, i.e. has compiled an inventory of printed books from dissolved monasteries kept in the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz. Report, see HM 4, 2014, pp. 493 504. The team has taken on another objective: to compile an inventory of manuscripts from dissolved monasteries kept in the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz. Team XV. Composition: two scholars (no change). The team has achieved its objective, i.e. has compiled an inventory of printed books from dissolved monasteries kept in the Cieszyń Library, and has finished its work. Team XVI. Composition: five scholars. Scholars who have joined the team since the previous reporting period, Mgr Krzysztof Kaleta and Mgr Paulina Kraska. Coordinator: Mgr Łukasz Guldon. Objective: inventory and study of records relating to former monasteries and dissolutions, and kept in the State Archives in Kielce. Report, see HM 4, 2014, pp. 505 509. Team XVII. Composition: two scholars (no change). Objective: inventory of archival materials illustrating the fate of the cultural heritage of dissolved monasteries and kept in the State Archives in Radom. Report, see HM 4, 2014, p. 510. Team XVII. Composition: two scholars: Dr Ałła Brzozowska and Dr Adam Poznański, both from the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Wrocław. The team was established in November 2013. Objective: to compile and prepare for publication an inventory of manuscripts from dissolved monasteries kept in the Wrocław University Library. So far, 69 manuscripts from the former Cistercian Abbey in Lubiąż have been edited. A report for the period until 30 October 2014 will be published in HM, 5, 2014. Team XIX. Composition: five scholars: Dr Marek L. Wójcik (University of Wrocław), Dr Robert Heś (National Museum Wrocław), Dr Beata Marcisz-Czapla (National Museum Wrocław), Mgr Sobiesław Nowotny (Świdnica) and Prof Ludovic Viallet (Blaise-Pascal University of Clermont- Ferrand). The team was established in March 2014. Objective: edition of 19th-century repositories of documents from monasteries dissolved in Silesia and kept in the State Archives in Wrocław. In the analysed reporting period 10 repositories were deciphered and copied (repositories nos 53, 57, 70, 73, 77, 86, 94, 109, 117, 118). A report for the period until 30 October 2014 will be published in HM, 5, 2014. 3.2. Preliminary research and miscellaneous studies Work has been carried out to find and systematise source information about the dissolved monasteries, and to enter the data into the Knowledge Portal. As a result records have been added to the Knowledge Portal databases by Mgr Anna Brodziak, Mgr Dominik Kwieciak, Mgr Kacper Manikowski, Mgr Piotr Piętkowski, Konrad Szymański, Weronika Wojciech, Jacek Wójcik, Mgr Paula Zawisza, Marcin Zdyb and Mgr Patrycja Ziomek. Individual studies have also been conducted as part of the Project: Mgr Andrzej Buczyło (Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń) has compiled a collective inventory of fonds 170, Generalne Dyrektorium. Departament Prus Nowowschodnich [Directorate General. Department of New East Prussia] kept in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, listing archival documents forming part of the fonds and being of interest to the Project, cf. HM, 4, 2014, pp. 205 219. He is planning preliminary research at the Archdiocesan Archives in Siedlce and the State Archives in Białystok (fonds Kamera Wojny i Domen w Białymstoku [The War and Domain

Chamber in Białystok]). He also delivered a paper entitled Kasata i losy pokasacyjne klasztoru karmelitów w Bielsku Podlaskim [The dissolution and post-dissolution fate of the Carmelite Monastery in Bielsk Podlaski] during the conference The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in West and East Prussia and in Pomerania (the conference proceedings will be published in 2015). Dr Janina Dzik (SIMA-ART, Cracow) is continuing her preliminary research in archives and libraries as well as field research in Małopolska, looking for works of art and printed books from dissolved monasteries. She has carried out preliminary research in the Franciscan Monastery in Kęty, the Franciscan Holy Trinity Parish in Jarosław, Franciscan (Reformati) Parish of St. Anthony in Przemyśl as well as the Provincial Historic Monument Preservation Authority in Przemyśl and National Heritage Institute in Warsaw. HM 3, 2013 featured two of her studies (cf. below, section 5, Publications financed and co-financed under the Project, 5.5 and 5.6). Two more studies will be published in HM 5, 2014. Dr Waldemar Firlej and Dr Danuta Krześniak-Firlej (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce) are studying the fate of monastics from dissolved monasteries, who took up writing and teaching in the Diocese of Kielce and Sandomierz in the 19 th and early 20 th century. Dr Cezary Jastrzębski (Jan Kochanowski University of Kilece) is preparing a monograph entitled Skasowane klasztory między Wisłą a Pilicą we wspomnieniach i relacjach prasowych. Antologia [Dissolved Monasteries Between Rivers Vistula and Pilica in Memoirs and Press Accounts. An Anthology], vol. 1: 1795 1863. Mgr Grzegorz Joachimiak (University of Wrocław) has completed another stage of the adaptation of RISM records to the requirements of the musical items database in the Knowledge Portal: 20 additional manuscripts from the former Cistercian Abbey in Krzeszów (there are now 120 in total) and 174 manuscripts from the former Cistercian Abbey in Obra. He has also began working on a catalogue of musical items from the former Cistercian Abbey in Krzeszów. A detailed report for the period between 1 May 2013 and 30 October 2014 will be published in HM 5, 2014. Mgr Magdalena Marosz (National Archives in Cracow) has completed her work on records relating to dissolved monasteries of the Augustinian Hermits kept in the fonds Archiwum oo. Augustianów w Krakowie (1299 1950) [The Archives of the Augustinian Fathers in Cracow (1299 1950)] in the National Archives in Cracow. She has submitted for publication a study entitled Akta po skasowanych klasztorach augustianów-eremitów w zespole akt: Archiwum OO. Augustianów w Krakowie (1299 1950), przechowywanym w zasobie Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie [Records from Dissolved Monasteries of the Augustinian Hermits in the Fonds: Archives of the Augustinian Fathers in Cracow (1299 1950)], containing, in addition to an introduction, a general inventory as well as 18 detailed inventories (nos Aug 92, 94, 95, 99, 100, 10 2, 107, 109, 117, 119, 120, 134, 137, 141, 143, 150, 152, 154). She has also started working on an inventory of records from dissolved monasteries of the Augustinian Hermits kept in other fonds. Dr Krzysztof Mastykarz (Bydgoszcz) has compiled detailed inventories of bound volumes OK 1/2, OK 1/3 and K 1/4 kept in the Archdiocesan Archives in Kielce. His objective is to compile a complete inventory of post-dissolution records kept in the Archives. Mgr Dorota Matyaszczyk is studying the cultural heritage of monasteries dissolved in Wielkopolska. HM 3, 2013 featured two source editions prepared by her (cf. below, section 5, Publications financed and co-financed under the Project, 5.5). She has submitted to the editorial team a manuscript under the working title of Akta tyczące się sprzętów jakich kościoły parafialne archidiecezji poznańskiej potrzebują (Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Poznaniu, sygn. Ka 12 236) [Records Concerning the Furnishings Needed by Parish Churches in the Archdiocese of Poznań. Archdiocesan Archives in Poznań, no. KA 12 236], containing an analysis and edition of a survey

conducted by Archbishop Teofil Wolicki asking about the furnishings from dissolved monasteries needed for poor churches in the Archdiocese of Poznań, as well as reponses to the survey. She has begun working on an edition of materials concerning the dissolution and post-dissolution fate of the Cistercian Abbey in Ląd as well as the Capuchin Monastery which occupied the former Cistercian buildings for some time. Mgr Ewa Mikołajczak (Municipal Building Archives in Wrocław) has completed her work on an inventory of architectural documentation of the former monastery buildings on the Sand Island in Wrocław, now kept in the Municipal Building Archives, Museum of Architecture, Wrocław. At the moment she is working on a monograph devoted to the topic. Mgr Justyna Mizerka (Archdiocesan Archives in Gniezno) has edited the first part of the inventory of archival materials from former monasteries kept in the Archdiocesan Archives in Gniezno. She has compiled a general inventory of the fonds Akta klasztorne [Monastery Records] as well as detailed inventories of two units (nos ZNS 13 and 84). She is continuing her work on an inventory of the remaining part of the archives as well as detailed inventories of two more units (nos ZNS 8, 11). Dr hab. Jerzy Pająk, Dr hab. Marta Pieniążek-Samek and Prof dr hab. Jerzy Szczepański (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce) are continuing their work on a catalogue of maps, plans and architectural drawings from dissolved monasteries kept in the State Archives in Radom. Mgr Krzysztof Pawlik (Wrocław) is continuing his work on an edition of Katalogen des hisiegen Gymnasiums so wie der Stifts- und Klosterbibliotheken in Neisse 1812 from the collection of the State Archives in Opole. Mgr Piotr Piętkowski (Project database coordinator) has conducted preliminary research at Archives of the Polish Province of the Dominicans, Archives of the Franciscan Province, Franciscan Monastery and Pauline Monastery in Cracow, as well as the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the State Archives in Poznań in order to verify their holdings of documents relating to former monasteries. Dr Gregor Ploch (Archdiocese of Vienna) has completed his work on an inventory of fonds 102, Klöster und Stifte: Galizien kept in the Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv as well as other archival materials concerning monasteries and religious orders kept in the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv in Vienna. The materials will be published in print in November 2014. He has also started to work on inventories of other fonds kept in the archives. In addition, he has submitted for publication two papers delivered during conferences organised under the Project: Kasata zakonu jezuickiego w Austrii z uwzględnieniem Śląska Austriackiego [The dissolution of the Society of Jesus in Austria, including Austrian Silesia] (delivered during the conference The Fate of the Heritage of Jesuit Monasteries Dissolved in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and its Significance to the Founding and Operation of the Commission of National Education (on the 240 th anniversary of the suppression of the Jesuit Order and the founding of the Commission of National Education), 11 14 July 2013, Jarosław), and Zakon bazylianów w zespole nr 102 Klöster und Stifte: Galizien w Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv w Wiedniu na podstawie dwóch wybranych jednostek archiwalnych [The Basialian Order in fonds no. 102 Klöster und Stifte: Galizien from the Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv in Vienna as exemplified by selected two archival units] (delivered during the conference The Fate and Significance the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in Galicia under Austrian Rule (on the 230 th anniversary of the beginning of Josephinist dissolutions in Galicia), 17 19 October 2013, Nowy Sącz).

Dr Olga Miriam Przybyłowicz (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw) is continuing her preliminary research at the Archdiocesan Archives in Gniezno, the objective of which to make an inventory of the legacy of the Poor Clares from Gniezno kept in the archives (cf. further, section 5 Publications financed and co-financed under the Project, 5.8). Dr Andreas Reinke (Berlin) is conducting preliminary research at the Prussian Privy State Archives in Dahlem-Berlin in order to select and compile an inventory of official documents relating to monasteries dissolved in Silesia. Dr Mirosława Sobczyńska-Szczepańska (Silesian University) collaborates regularly with the Project. HM 4, 2014, pp. 526 530, features the results of her preliminary research conducted in Petersburg between 21 August and 2 September 2013. Prof Tadeusz M. Trajdos (Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences) is finishing his work on an edition of the last extant inventories of the Benedictine Monastery of Stare Troki from 1797 and 1799. Prof Magdalena Ujma (University of Opole) is finishing her work on the publication of plans of dissolved monasteries kept in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (cf. below, section 5. Publications financed and co-financed under the Project, 5.8). 3.3. Acquisition of source and iconographic material The following source and iconographic materials were digitised or purchased in the analysed reporting period: Inwentarz Opactwa Benedyktynów w Starych Trokach [An Inventory of the Benedictine Abbey of Stare Troki], 1799 (Vilniaus Universiteto Biblioteka, Rankraścią Skyrius), no. F 57-B 53-1122. Reproduction of documents concerning the Gdańsk Bridgettines (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz), no. IHA Rep. 76, IV, Sekt. 3, Abt. XIII, No. 21 and No. 7; IHA Rep. 76, IV, Sekt. 3, Abt. VII, No. 12. Inventory of the fonds Generalne Dyrektorium. Departament Prus Nowowschodnich z lat 1795 1806 [Directorate General. Department of New East Prussia from 1795 1806] (Central Archives of Historical Records, Warsaw), nos II 739, II 853, II 971, II 1395, II 1465, II 1485, III 82, III 177 180, III 206, III 215, III 242 244, III 368 369, III 389, III 427, III 442 443, III 486 488, III 527, III 659, III 676 677, III 724, III 816, III 892, III 1006 1010, III 1054, III 1080 1083, III 1119 1122, III 1151, III 1239 1240, III 1312, III 1342, IV 105, IV 181, IV 226, IV 240, IV 290, IV 330, IV 364, IV 436, V 70, V 76, VI 139, VI 410, VI 674, VI 995, VI 1015, VI 1016, VI 1037, VI 1038, VI 1044, VI 1050 1057, VI 1062 1064, VI 1067 1068, VI 1072 1076, VI 1122, VI 1128, VI 1768, VI 1784, VI 1800, VI 1825, VI 2097, VI 2109 and VI 2122. Photographs of title pages of over 8,000 early printed books from dissolved monasteries kept in the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz and taken by Monika Kopeć and Dorota Rejman. 3.4. Acquisition of books The following books were purchased in the reporting period: Danuta Baczkowska-Orłowicz (ed.), Wybitni Pomorzanie XVIII wieku. Szkice biograficzne [Eminent 18th-Century Pomeranians. Biographical Sketches] (Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Wydział I Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych, Seria Popularnonaukowa "Pomorze Gdańskie, 15), Wrocław Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1983, 205 pp, 34 illustrations

Daniel BEAUVOIS, Trójkąt ukraiński. Szlachta, carat i lud na Wołyniu, Podolu i Kijowszczyźnie 1793 1914 [The Ukrainian Triangle. The Nobility, Tsarism and the Masses in Volhynia, Podolia and Kiev Region], Polish translation by Krzysztof RUTKOWSKI, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, 2011 2, 791 pp, tables, maps, bibliography, index of geographical and administrative names (1st edition 2005) Igor BORKOWSKI, Siostra śmierć. Studium komunikacyjno-kulturowe funeraliów Kongregacji Sióstr Miłosierdzia św. Karola Boromeusza w Trzebnicy 1855 2005 [Sister Death. A Communication and Culture Study of the Funeralia of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo] (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3045), Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2008, 323 pp, illustrations, bibliography, index of names, summary in German Adam BUJAK, Skarby Bernardynów [The Treasures of the Bernardines], layout and design of the book by Leszek SOSNOWSKI, texts by Cyprian MARYC OFM, Wiesław MURAWIEC OFM, Kraków: Biały Kruk, 2009, 240 pp (album) Adam BUJAK, Skarby klasztorów [The Treasures of Monasteries], layout and design of the book by Leszek SOSNOWSKI, introduction by Zofia Tracz OSC, Kraków: Biały Kruk, 2002, 216 pp (album) Antoni Pacyfik DYDYCZ OFMCap, Dzieje Zakonu Braci Mniejszych Kapucynów na Litwie (1756 1993) [The History of the Order of Friars Minor in Lithuania (1756 1993)], Rome: Orzeł Biały, 1994, 223 pp, illustrations, maps Roman DZWONKOWSKI SAC, Kościół katolicki w ZSRR 1917 1939. Zarys historii [The Catholic Church in the USSR in 1917 1939. A History], Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997, 477 pp, illustrations, indexes of people and geographical and administrative names, tables of contents, summaries in English, Russian and Italian Encyklopedia katolicka [Catholic Encyclopaedia], vol. 19, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014, 1456 pp Czesław GIL OCD (ed.), Karmelici bosi w Polsce 1605 2005. Księga jubileuszowa [The Discalced Carmelites in Poland 1605 2005. Jubilee Book], Kraków: Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych, 2005, 512 pp, 1 map Andrzej GOŁEMBNIK (ed.), W cieniu klasztoru dominikanów [In the Shadow of the Dominican Monastery], Gdańsk: Klasztor OO. Dominikanów w Gdańsku, 156 pp, illustrations, plans Jolanta GWIOŹDZIK, Edward RÓŻYCKI, Druki XVI wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Katedralnej we Lwowie [16th-Century Printed Books in the Collection of the Cathedral Library in Lviv], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 2008, 251 pp, tables, index of people, printers and publishers, and provenance Paulina Aniela JASKULANKA UJSK, Kronika okupacyjna klasztoru sióstr urszulanek w Sieradzu (zapiski kronikarskie i wspomnienia) 1939 1945 [An Occupation Chronicle of the Monastery of the Ursulines in Sieradz 1939 1945], edited, introduced and annotated by Ita Turowicz, Niepokalanów: Wydawnictwo Ojców Franciszkanów, 1993, 367 pp + inserts with illustrations, bibliography, index of people Stefania Gertruda JAWORSKA CSSJ, Dzieje zgromadzenie sióstr św. Józefa w latach 1884 1939 [The History of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1884 1939] (Biblioteka Historyczna Archiwum Metropolii Lwowskiej Obrządku Łacińskiego, Seria B, Studia, 2), Lviv-Kraków: Wydawnictwo bł. Jakuba Strzemię Archidiecezji Lwowskiej Ob. Łac., 1999, 535 pp, 15 tables, 91 illustrations, index of people

Alojzy JOUGAN, Słownik kościelny łacińsko-polski [Latin-Polish Church Dictionary], Sandomierz: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia w Sandomierzu, 2013 5 746 pp Leszek KAJZER (ed.), Początki architektury sakralnej w Polsce Centralnej [The Beginnings of Church Architecture in Poland], part 2: Zapilicze i Sieradzkie [Zapilicze and Sieradzkie], Łódź-Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 2013, 295 pp, maps, illustrations + CD Jerzy KOCHANOWICZ, Słownik geograficzny jezuickich burs muzycznych (Materiały) [A Dictionary of Jesuit Music Seminaries] (Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Jezuitów Polskich, 10, Jezuickie Bursy Muzyczne w Polsce i na Litwie w XVII i XVIII Wieku, 4), Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM; Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna Ignatianum, 2002, 269 pp, bibliography Konstytucje i statuty Zgromadzenia Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego [The Constitutions and Statutes of the Congregation of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus], Kraków: Romagrafik, 1984, 274 pp Jerzy KOZŁOWSKI, Wielkopolska pod zaborem pruskim w latach 1815 1918 [Wielkopolska under Prussian RULE in 1815 1918], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2006 2, 331 pp, 98 illustrations, 9 tables, index of people and places, summary in German Henryka ŁAŃ-MIROWSKA, Bonifratrzy w Polsce (1609 1983) [The Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God in Poland (1609 1983)], Rome: Editrice Vaticana - Citta' Del Vaticano, 1984, 118 pp, illustrations, summaries in Italian, English, German and Spanish Jerzy MARECKI, Zakony pod presją bezpieki. Aparat bezpieczeństwa wobec wspólnot zakonnych na terenie województwa krakowskiego 1944 1975 [Religious Orders under Pressure from the Secret Police. The Secret Police and Religious Orders in the Cracow Province 1944 1975], Kraków: WAM, 2009, 689 pp, tables Antoni MAZIARZ, Śląskie Samarytanki. Opieka zdrowotna rodzimych żeńskich zgromadzeń zakonnych na Śląsku w latach 1842 1914 [The Silesian Samaritans. Healthcare Provided by Female Religious Orders in Silesia in 1842 1914], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 2009, 288 pp, bibliography, 13 + 9 illustrations, 7 tables, indexes of people and places Fr A. SMAGACZ OCD, Czterysta lat karmelitów bosych w Lublinie (1610 2010) [Four Hundred Years of the Discalced Carmelites in Lublin (1610 2010)], Lublin: Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych, 2010, 164 pp, illustrations Tajna misja jezuitów na Podlasiu (1878 1904). Columbae simplicitate et serpenti prudentia. Wybór dokumentów z archiwów zakonnych Krakowa, Rzymu i Warszawy [The Jesuits Secret Mission in Podlasie (1878 1904). Culmbae Simplicitate Et Serpenti Prudentia. A Selection of Documents from the Order s Archives in Cracow, Rome and Warsaw], ed. Robert Danieluk SJ (Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Jezuitów Polskich, 16), Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM; Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna Ignatianum, 2009, 773 pp, 34 illustrations, bibliography, indexes of people and geographical names, summary in English 4. Conferences 4.1. Organised under the Project 7 9 November 2013, Przysiek near Toruń, The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in West and East Prussia and in Pomerania. Report, see HM, 3, 2013, pp. 439 442. Other information, including a list of papers delivered during the conference, is available online, see

4.2. Other conferences with our contributions 7 9 May 2014, Kaunas, Female Congregations in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: History and the Present, devoted to the 390th anniversary of the founding of the Benedictine Nuns Monastery in Kaunas. Conference programme, see pdf, retrieved: 2 July 2014: - Prof dr hab. Marek Derwich (Project leader) and Mgr Angelika Lipka (Project secretary) delivered a paper entitled Projekt Dziedzictwo kulturowe po klasztorach skasowanych na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej oraz na Śląsku w XVIII i XIX w.: losy, znaczenie, inwentaryzacja i jego pierwsze rezultaty w zakresie dziejów dziedzictwa kulturowego po klasztorach skasowanych na Litwie [The project Cultural heritage of dissolved monasteries on the territory of former Poland and in Silesia in 18th and 19th centuries: fate, significance, cataloguing and its first results with regard to the history of the cultural heritage of monasteries dissolved in Lithuania] 5. Publications financed and co-financed under the Project 5.1. Hereditas Monasteriorum Issue 3, 2013, 636 pp, 47 illustrations, 32 tables, 2 maps, introductions and summaries in English, is now available online: We are finishing our work on issue 4, 2014. 5.2. Published books Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław: Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii; LARHCOR, 2013, 848 pp, 49 illustrations, 72 tables, 13 graphs, 4 maps, bibliography, index of people and places, introduction and summaries in English (co-financed under the Project) 5.3. Books in press W. CHOTKOWSKI, Kasaty klasztorne w Galicji. Wybór prac [Dissolutions of Monasteries in Galicia. A Selection of Papers], ed. A. Gąsior [2015] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Kasaty klasztorów na obszarze dawnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i na Śląsku na tle procesów sekularyzacyjnych w Europie [Dissolution of Monasteries in the Former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and in Silesia against the Background of Secularisation Processes in Europe], vol. I: Geneza. Kasaty na ziemiach zaborów austriackiego i rosyjskiego [The origins. Dissolutions in the territories annexed by Austria and Russia]; vol. II: Kasaty na Śląsku Pruskim i na ziemiach zaboru pruskiego [Dissolutions in Prussian Silesia and the territories annexed by Prussia]; vol. III: Źródła. Skutki kasat XVIII i XIX w. Kasata w latach 1954 1956 [Sources. The Effects of 18thand 19th-century dissolutions. The dissolution of 1954 1956]; vol. IV: Dokumentacja [Documentation] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 8/I IV) [2014] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Losy dziedzictwa po klasztorach jezuickich skasowanych na obszarze Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów oraz jego znaczenie dla powstania i działalności Komisji Edukacji Narodowej [The Fate of the Heritage of Jesuit Monasteries Dissolved in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Its Significance to the Founding and Operation of the Commission of National Education] [2015]

Marek DERWICH (ed.), Losy dziedzictwa po klasztorach skasowanych w Wielkopolsce pod rządami pruskimi (do 1871 r.) [The Fate of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in Wielkopolska Under Prussian Rule (Until 1871)] [2015]. Marek DERWICH (ed.), Losy i znaczenie dziedzictwa kulturowego po klasztorach skasowanych w Płocku oraz na Mazowszu i ziemi dobrzyńskiej [The Fate and Significance of the Cultural Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in Płock, Mazovia and the Dobrzyń Region] [2015]. Marek DERWICH (ed.), Losy i znaczenie dziedzictwa po klasztorach skasowanych na obszarze Galicji pod rządami austriackimi [The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in Galicia Under Austrian Rule] [2015] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Losy i znaczenie dziedzictwa po klasztorach skasowanych na obszarze Prus Zachodnich i Wschodnich, Pomorza i Inflant [The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in West and East Prussia, Pomerania and Livonia] [2015] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Losy klasztorów i zbiorów poklasztornych w okresie represji po upadku powstania listopadowego w 1831 roku [The Fate of Monasteries and Former Monastery Collections During the Period of Repression Following the Fall of the November Uprising in 1831] [2015] Jerzy KALISZUK, Codices deperditi". Średniowieczne rękopisy łacińskie Biblioteki Narodowej utracone w czasie II wojny światowej [ Codices deperditi. Medieval Latin Manuscripts from the National Library Lost During the Second World War], vol. 1: Prolegomena, vol. 2: Wykaz [List], vol. 3: Wypisy źródłowe (na podstawie spuścizny Marii Hornowskiej i innych materiałów archiwalnych). Indeksy [Source excerpts (based on the legacy of Maria Hornowska and other archive material). Indexes] [2015] M. KAŁAMAJSKA-SAEED, Archiwum i biblioteka klasztoru brygidek w Grodnie. Inwentarz z 1925 r. i stan współczesny [The Archives and Library of the Bridgettine Monastery in Grodno. The 1925 Inventory and Present State] [2014] Materiały źródłowe z lat 1666 1717 dotyczące dziejów jurydyki klasztoru kamedułów z Góry Królewskiej w podwarszawskiej Pradze [Sources from 1666 1717 Relating to the Camaldolese Jurydyka and Monastery in Góra Królewska near Warsaw], ed. Łukasz TRUŚCIŃSKI in collaboration with Paweł KLINT [2014] Piotr OLIŃSKI, Waldemar ROZYNKOWSKI (eds), Źródła i materiały do badań nad kasatami klasztorów z obszaru Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego i ziemi chełmińskiej (XIX i XX w.) [Sources and Material for the Study of the Dissolution of Monasteries in Pomerelia and Chełmno Region (19th and 20th Centuries)] [2014] A. SZYLAR, Pióro żadne nie jest w stanie wyrazić jej zalet. Listy informujące o śmierci mniszek adresowane do opactwa benedyktynek w Sandomierzu w zbiorach Biblioteki Diecezjalnej w Sandomierzu (1781 1897) [ There is No Pen to Express Her Virtues. Letters on the Deaths of Nuns Addressed to the Benedictine Abbey in Sandomierz in the Collection of the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz (1781 1897)] [2014]. 5.4. Articles Marcin JEWDOKIMOW, Barbara MARKOWSKA, Miejsce klasztoru w Wąchocku w lokalnej pamięci zbiorowej [The place of the Wąchock Monastery in the local collective memory], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 189 216. Sławomir KOŚCIELAK, Majątek nieruchomy i ruchomy klasztoru brygidek w Gdańsku u progu kasat oraz jego losy po kasacie w 1835 r. Wstępne ustalenia [Movable and immovable property of the Bridgettine convent in Gdańsk on the eve of dissolutions and its fate after the dissolution in 1835. Initial findings], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej

[Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 597 609. Beata LORENS, Sytuacja gospodarcza monasterów bazyliańskich w Galicji u progu kasat józefińskich oraz losy ich majątku po kasacie. Zarys problemu [The economic situation of Basilian monasteries in Galicia on the eve of Josephinist dissolutions and the fate of their property after the dissolutions. An outline of the problem], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 623 641. Valentina LOS, Sytuacja gospodarcza klasztorów bazylianek na Wołyniu u progu kasat (koniec XVIII - początek XIX w.) [The economic situation of Basilian monasteries in Volhynia on the eve of dissolutions (late 18th century early 19th century], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 611 622. Małgorzata MILECKA, Ogrody małopolskich cystersów w pierwszej połowie XIX w. i stan ich zachowania [Cistercian gardens in the Małopolska Province in the first half of the 19th century and their current condition], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 695 723. Roland PREJS OFMCap, Z doświadczeń kapucyńskich kwestarzy przełomu XIX i XX w. [The experiences of Capuchin fund collectors from the late 19th and early 20th century], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 685 693. Witalij ROSOWSKI, Sytuacja gospodarcza klasztoru bernardynów w Janowie na Podolu u progu kasat oraz losy jego majątku po kasacie w 1832 r. [The economic situation of the Bernardine Monastery in Janów, Podolia, on the eve of dissolutions and the fate of its property after the dissolution of 1832], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 643 662. Halina RUSIŃSKA-GIERTYCH, Dochody klasztorów wynikające z działalności typograficznej na przykładzie drukarni franciszkanów we Lwowie (1770 1776) [Revenues of monasteries from typographic activities as exemplified by the Franciscan printing house in Lviv (1770 1776)], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 553 571. Hermina Święch, Źródła utrzymania klasztoru bernardynek przy kościele pw. św. Agnieszki na Stradomiu w Krakowie oraz stan ich dochodów u progu kasaty klasztoru w 1788 r. i po przeniesieniu konwentu do klasztoru bernardynek przy kościele pw. św. Józefa [Sources of income for the Bernardine Sisters monastery at the Church of St. Agnes in Stradom in Kraków and the level of the monastery s income on the eve of its dissolution in 1788 and after the transfer of the convent to the monastery of the Bernardine Sisters at the Church of St. Joseph], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval

and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 575 595. Irena WODZIANOWSKA, Sytuacja gospodarcza klasztoru bazylianów w Zahorowie na Wołyniu u progu kasat oraz losy jego majątku i zabudowań po kasacie w 1839 r. [The economic situation of the Basilian Monastery in Zahorov, Volhynia, on the eve of dissolutions and the fate of its property and buildings after the dissolution of 1839], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 663 683. Raisa ZIANIUK, Źródła do badań nad gospodarką klasztorną oraz majątkiem poklasztornym w latach 1772 1914 znajdujące się w Narodowym Archiwum Historycznym Białorusi w Mińsku [Sources for the study of the monastic economy and former monastic estates in 1772 1914 collected in the National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk], [in:] M. Derwich (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 169 193. 5.5. Editions and sources Urszula BOŃCZUK-DAWIDZIUK, Anna JEZIERSKA, Arkadiusz WOJTYŁA, Wykaz zawartości Akt Buschinga z lat 1810 1812 ze zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu [The contents of the Busching Papers from 1810 1812 kept in the Wrocław University Library], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 241 299. Janina DZIK, Nieznane dwa wizerunki maryjne oraz widok Lwowa z biblioteki klasztoru reformatów przy kościele św. Antoniego Padewskiego w Przemyślu [Two unknown Marian images and a view of Lviv from the library of the Reformati Monastery at the Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Przemyśl], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 219 230. Małgorzata KOŚKA, Rys historyczny supresji niektórych Instytutów Duchownych w Królestwie Polskim [w] r. 1819 wykonanej [ A historical outline of the suppression of some religious institutes carried out in the Kingdom of Poland in 1819 ], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 355 364. J. KRÓLIKOWSKI, Fundacja klasztoru klarysek w Zamościu [The foundation of the Poor Clares Monastery in Zamość], [in:] I. Wodzianowska, H. ŁASZKIEWICZ (eds), Między Rzymem i Nowosybirskiem. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Ks. Marianowi Radwanowi SCJ [Between Rome and Novosibirsk. Anniversary Book Dedicated to Fr Marian Radwan SCJ], Lublin 2012, pp. 595 603. Janusz KRÓLIKOWSKI, Inwentarz kościoła, plebanii i uposażenia parafii pw. św. Jakuba Apostoła w Tuchowie z 1803 r. [An 1803 inventory of the church, presbytery and assets of the Parish of St. James the Apostle in Tuchów], [in:] Marek DERWICH (ed.), Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej [Monasteries in the Medieval and Early Modern Economy] (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantia curavit Marcus Derwich, Series I: Colloquia, 9), Wrocław 2013, pp. 141 167. Karol MACIEJKO, Nieznane malowidło z 1805 r. pochodzące ze skasowanego klasztoru bernardynów w Barczewie [An unknown 1805 painting from the dissolved Bernardine Monastery in Barczew], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 231 239. Dorota MATYASZCZYK, Dekret króla Fryderyka Wilhelma II w sprawie zakonów mendykanckich na terenie Prus Południowych wydany 8X11797 r. [King Frederick William II's decreed of 8 October 1797 concerning mendicant orders in South Prussia], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 347 354.

Dorota MATYASZCZYK, Memoriał w sprawie klasztorów ks. Jana Kompałły z 1828 r. do Teofila Wolickiego, arcybiskupa archidiecezji gnieźnieńskiej i poznańskiej, i jego konsekwencje [Rev Jan Kompałła s 1828 memorial on monasteries addressed to Teofil Wolicki, Archbishop of Gniezno and Poznań, and its consequences], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 301 322. Konrad MORAWSKI, Wykaz przedmiotów z kościoła jezuitów w Połocku przetransportowanych w 1843 r. na zamek warszawski [An inventory of objects from the Jesuit Church in Polotsk transported to the Warsaw castle in 1843], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 337 346. 5.6. Reviews Katarzyna BRZEZINA-SCHEUERER, reviewer: D. GALEWSKI, A. JEZIERSKA (ed), Silesia Jesuitica. Kultura i sztuka zakonu jezuitów na Śląsku i w hrabstwie kłodzkim 1580 1776. Materiały konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej przez Oddział Wrocławski Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki (Wrocław, 6 8 X 2011) dedykowane pamięci Profesora Henryka Dziurli [Silesia Jesuitica. Culture and Art of the Jesuit Order in Silesia and County of Kłodzko 1580 1776. Proceedings of the conference organised by the Wrocław Branch of the Association of Art Historians (Wrocław 6 8 October 2011) dedicated to the memory of Professor Henryk Dziurla], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 371 379. Janina DZIK, reviewer: A. Włodarek (ed.), Skarby krakowskich wizytek. Katalog. Wystawa z okazji jubileuszu 400-lecia założenia zakonu Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny oraz fundacji klasztoru Sióstr Wizytek w Krakowie. Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie. Pałac biskupa Erazma Ciołka [The Treasures of the Cracow Visitation Sisters. Catalogue. Exhibition marking the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary and the foundation of the Monastery of the Visitation Sisters in Cracow. National Museum in Cracow. Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace], June July 2010, HM, 3, 2013, pp. 380 382. Mateusz GIGOŃ, reviewer: M. R. GÓRNIAK (ed.), Zakony i zgromadzenia zakonne na ziemi głogowskiej. Materiały z cyklu konferencji popularno-naukowych Z dziejów Kościoła katolickiego na ziemi głogowskiej zorganizowanych przez Towarzystwo Ziemi Głogowskiej oraz Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej w Głogowie w latach 2005 2008 [Religious Order and Congregations in the Głógów Region. Proceedings of the cycle of conferences, History of the Catholic Church in the Głogów Region, organised by the Głogów Region Society and the Catholic Intellectuals Club in Głogów in 2005 2008], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 367 370. 5.7. Conference reports Witold GUCA, Konferencja Interdyscyplinarnego Zespołu do Badań Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Świętego Krzyża, Debaty świętokrzyskie I, Kielce-Święty Krzyż, 24 25 V 2013 r. [Conference of the Interdisciplinary Team for the Study of the Holy Cross Cultural Heritage, Debaty Świętokrzyskie Holy Cross Debates I, Kielce Święty Krzyż, 24 25 May 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 414 416 Czesław HADAMIK, Drugi etap badań archeologicznych w obrębie pobenedyktyńskiego klasztoru Świętego Krzyża na Łyścu w 2013 r.: wirydarz wschodni. Wstępne wnioski i interpretacje [The second stage of archaeological works in the former Benedictine Abbey of the Holy Cross on Łysiec], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 323 334. Marcin JEWDOKIMOW, Międzynarodowa konferencja Memory, Culture and Religion, Warszawa, 15 V 2013 [International Conference Memory, Culture and Religion, Warsaw 15 May 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 413 414. Marcin JEWDOKIMOW, Międzynarodowa konferencja Religious Heritage and Tourism, Kowno, 217 X 2013 [International Conference Religious Heritage and Tourism, Kaunas, 17 October 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 418 419.

Witold KONOPKA, Sprawozdanie z konferencji Losy i znaczenie dziedzictwa po klasztorach skasowanych na obszarze Prus Zachodnich i Wschodnich oraz Pomorza, Przysiek, 7 9 XI2013 r. [Report on the conference The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in West and East Prussia and in Pomerania, Przysiek, 7 9 November 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 439 442. Sławomir KOŚCIELAK, Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji Losy dziedzictwa po klasztorach jezuickich skasowanych na obszarze Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów oraz jego znaczenie dla powstania i działalności Komisji Edukacji Narodowej (w 240. rocznicę kasaty zakonu jezuitów i powstania KEN), Jarosław, 11 14 VII 2013 r. [Report on the International Conference The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Jesuit Monasteries dissolved in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and its Significance to the Founding and Operation of the Commission of National Education (on the 240th Anniversary of the Suppression of the Jesuit Order and Founding of the Commission), Jarosław, 11 14 July 2013], HM, 3, 2013, s. 432 435. Katarzyna ROMANOW, Magdalena GAWROŃSKA, Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji Losy i znaczenie dziedzictwa po klasztorach skasowanych na obszarze Galicji pod rządami austriackimi (w 230. rocznicę rozpoczęcia kasat józefińskich w Galicji), Nowy Sącz, 17 19 X 2013 r. [Report on the International Conference The Fate and Significance of the Heritage of Monasteries Dissolved in Galicia Under Austrian Rule (on the 230th Anniversary of the Beginning of Josephinist Dissolutions in Galicia), Nowy Sącz, 17 19 October 2013], pp. 435 438. Waldemar ROZYNKOWSKI, Konferencja Klasztor dominikański w Toruniu. W 750 rocznicę fundacji, Toruń, 4X2013 r. [Conference The Dominican Monastery in Toruń. On the 750th anniversary of its foundation, Toruń, 4 October 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 416 417. 5.8. Preliminary research reports Andrzej BUCZYŁO, Sprawozdanie z wstępnej kwerendy w zesp. Generalne Dyrektorium.Departament Prus Nowowschodnich w dniach 9 13 IX 2013 r. [Report on preliminary research of the fonds Directorate General. Department of New East Prussia conducted on 9 13 September 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 511 512. Agnieszka FLUDA-KROKOS, Sprawozdanie z zakończenia prac nad dokumentacją i inwentaryzacją druków i archiwaliów pochodzących w części z dawnego klasztoru augustianów-eremitów w Książu Wielkim, znajdujących się w zakrystii miejscowego kościoła parafialnego [Report on the documentation and inventory of printed books and archival materials from the former Monastery of the Augustinian Hermits in Książ Wielki, now kept in the sacristy of the local parish church], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 513 516. Sławomir KOŚCIELAK, Sprawozdanie z kwerendy w Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz w Berlinie w dniach 26 30 VIII 2013 r. [Report on preliminary research conducted at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, on 26 30 August 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 444 450. Beata LORENS, Sprawozdanie z kwerendy w Centralnym Państwowym Archiwum Historycznym Ukrainy we Lwowie [Report on preliminary research at the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 516 548. Dorota MATYASZCZYK, Sprawozdanie z prac w okresie od lipca do listopada 2013 r. [Progress report for the period between July and November 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 549 552. Alina MĄDRY, Sprawozdanie z kwerendy w archiwum Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa w Warszawie w dniach 3 5 VII 2013 r. [Report on preliminary research conducted at the archives of the National Heritage Institute, Warsaw, on 3 5 July 2013], HM, 3, 2013, pp. 464 468.