Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of Technology Graduates 2013. summary of the study

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Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of Technology Graduates 2013 summary of the study

Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of Technology Graduates 2013 General Information The aim of the study has been to learn the opinions of university graduates on the study completed and to gain information on their present situation on the job market. The study was conducted in the period of January 2013- Februry 2013 in cooperation with the company PB Online The study comprised 625 graduates of 19 faculties and 1 college of Warsaw University of Technology Almost 37% of questionnaires were returned The study covered graduates of first- and second-cycle study who graduated in 2012 The study covered far more men (69%) than women (31%).

The vast majority of Warsaw University of Technology graduates are happy (answers rather yes or definitely yes are 89% of all answers). Only 13% of the respondents do not perceive themselves as happy. Czy generalnie uważasz się za osobę szczęśliwą/zadowoloną? 3% 10% 36% 51% zdecydowanie nie raczej nie raczej tak zdecydowanie tak

Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of STUDY AT WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY The respondents were asked to mark, on a 10-point scale, to what extent they are happy with their faculty of graduation. The average level of satisfaction with the faculty of graduation for the whole University is 7.31. Almost 60% of the Warsaw University of Technology graduates asked claim that they would choose the same faculty again. Nearly 18% of the respondents would take another decision and almost every fourth has no opinion on that subject. The greatest percentage of those who would choose the same faculty again are graduates of the Faculties of: Electrical Engineering (95%) and Mathematics and Information Science (94%).

STUDY AT WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Satisfaction of the respondents with graduation from Warsaw University of Technology is at quite a high level. 35% of them ranked it at the level of 9 or 10 (the highest level of satisfaction). Grades of 5 or below constitute 15% in total.

STUDY AT WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Almost every second respondent believes that having graduated from Warsaw University of Technology greatly increases his or her chances on the job market (47%) and more than one in five respondent stated that the positive influence is very significant (21%). Little influence of being a Warsaw University of Technology graduate is noted by only 5%, and very little by 3% of the respondents.

STUDY AT WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 3/4 of the respondents claim they would choose Warsaw University of Technology again and only 6% would not. 19% were unable to give an opinion.

Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 44% of the Warsaw University of Technology graduates asked at present work on the basis of a permanent job contract. On the basis of a civil contract work 22% of the respondents. (13% on the basis of a contract for mandate and 9% on the basis of a contract for specific work). 7% run their own business or are partners in a company. Every fifth respondent declared they do not work at present. To 10% none of the above pertains, which probably means they are part of the grey market and realise their professional activities in an informal way.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Warsaw University of Technology graduates found a job very quickly after graduation. Half of the respondents looked for a job shorter than one month, almost every third looked for a job longer than one month but shorter than 3 months. Only 18% could not find a job longer than three months. How long did you look for a job (permanent job contract, contract for specific work, for mandate)? 5% 7% 6% Krócej niż miesiąc Między 1 a 2 miesiące 12% 51% Między 2 a 3 miesiące Między 3 a 4 miesiące Między 4 a 6 miesięcy 19% Powyżej 6 miesięcy

Technology Graduates 2013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE EMPLOYED The respondents were also asked how they found their present job. Here they could give a few answers. The greatest percentage found a job by looking among friends or family (26%). 22% of the graduates sent their CVs to chosen companies. As many as 15% found a job through student job placements. One in ten was employed as a result of headhunter company actions. Other ways of looking for jobs were much less popular. Jak znalazłeś/znalazłaś swoją aktualną pracę? Szukając wśród znajomych i rodziny Przeglądając oferty w Internecie Wysyłając CV do konkretnych firm Szukając praktyk w firmach Firma headhunterska skontaktował/a się ze Inne Rejestrując CV na portalach pośrednictwa pracy Korzystając z pomocy Biura Karier Uczestnicząc w targach pracy Czytając ogłoszenia prasowe Przeglądając katalogi firm Korzystając z pomocy agencji pośrednictwa Korzystając z pomocy Urzędu Pracy 14,7% 10,4% 8,0% 5,8% 4,8% 3,1% 2,9% 1,9% 1,0% 0,2% 28,3% 26,3% 22,5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE EMPLOYED Most companies where the questioned graduates of Warsaw University of Technology are employed operate internationally (53%). Almost every third company operates in the whole area of Poland (35%), others are active locally or in the voivodship (12%). The vast majority of graduates work in the Mazowsze voivodship: 62% in Warsaw and 33% in other cities and towns in the voivodship. Among those employed 92% work in Poland, 5% in other European countries and nearly 3% work outside the European Union.

What is the sector of the company in which you are employed? Informatyka Architektura / Budownictwo Telekomunikacja Energetyka / Elektryka Badania i Rozwój Finanse i ubezpieczenia Produkcja / Przetwórstwo Doradztwo Lotnictwo / Kosmonautyka Handel / Marketing Geodezja i Kartografia Elektronika Chemia / Biotechnologia / Edukacja / Szkolenia Automatyka i Robotyka Administracja publiczna Media Ogrzewnictwo / Wentylacja / Usługi Transport / Logistyka Mechanika / Budowa Maszyn Ochrona zdrowia Ochrona środowiska Motoryzacja Spożywcza Petrochemia / Przemysł Nieruchomości Turystyka i Gastronomia Prawo Rolnictwo i Leśnictwo Inne 10% 6% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0,4% 0,4% 0,2% 8% 19% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of Technology Graduates 2013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE EMPLOYED The study has shown that WUT graduates mostly work in companies from the IT sector (19%). 10% of companies are from the sector of architecture / civil engineering, 6% - telecommunications, 5% - power / electrical engineering. 4% (per each sector) work in companies operating in the fields: Research and Development, finance and insurance, and 3% (per each sector) in the fields: consulting, aviation / aerospace, trade / marketing, geodesy and cartography, electronics, chemistry / biotechnology / pharmacy. Other sectors employ fewer respondents.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE EMPLOEYED Most respondents (87%) are employed as assistants or specialists (44.7% as an assistant or a regular employee and 42.5% as specialists or senior specialists respectively). Some of them are directors or run their own companies (in total 7%). 35% of the respondents employed on the basis of a regular job contract or a contract for specific work or for mandate use the knowledge gained in the course of study to a very large or large extent. Almost the same number (28%) use the knowledge to a small or very small extent.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE EMPLOYED Almost half (53%) of the respondents employed are very satisfied with their jobs (grades 8-10). 39% are quite happy (grades 4-7). The smallest percentage are people least satisfied (grades 1-3), 8% in total. 14.5% of the questioned employees have gross monthly earnings below 20000 PLN. The next levels are represented by every fifth or sixth graduate. One in ten graduates earns monthly from 50000 PLN to 70000 PLN. The next levels (over 70000 PLN) are represented by few people. Information on his or her monthly salary was not provided by 9% of the respondents.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE EMPLOYED 56% of people employed are considering opening their own business, 42% do not have such plans, while 2% of the respondents already have a company. Czy rozważasz założenie własnej firmy (umowa o pracę, umowa o dzieło, umowa zlecenie)? 2% 42% 56% Tak Nie Już posiadam firmę

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED The most frequently given reason for not having a job is continuation of education (as many as 61% of the answers - it needs to be borne in mind that first-cycle graduates also participated in the study). The second most popular reason is the lack of sufficient experience demanded by companies (41%). The third significant reason was lack of offers in line with the graduate s education (26%). Interestingly, it was also mentioned that companies did not meet the graduates expectations (8.6% of all answers). Jaka jest przyczyna, przez którą obecnie nie pracujesz? Kontynuuję edukację Szukam pracy, ale nie mam wystarczającego doświadczenia Szukam pracy, ale brakuje ofert zgodnych z moim wykształceniem Szukam pracy, ale nie znalazłem/ znalazłam firmy, która spełnia moje Nie szukam pracy Szukam pracy, ale nie mogę jej znaleźć ze względu na moją płeć Szukam pracy, ale nie mogę jej znaleźć ze względu na mój wiek 2,9% 2,1% 8,6% 6,4% 25,7% 41,4% 61,4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Present situation of the respondents on the job market vs. their activity during study As the study has shown, taking up a job during study positively influences chances of finding a job right after study. Regardless of the present form of employment, those respondents who worked during study are now more often employed than those who were not employed as students. The best in the category are those who run their own business. As many as 90% of them also worked during study. In the group of people who work on the basis of a permanent job contract. 85% of them worked during study. Similar results are noted for people who work on the basis of civil code contracts. There are no bigger differences amongpeople who work on the basis of different contracts. On the other hand, the greatest percentage of respondents who did not work during study are among those respondents who at present also do not work (39.3%) and also those who marked their status as none of the above (38.7%). Praca podczas studiów a aktualna sytuacja na rynku pracy Prowadzę działalność gospodarczą / jestem wspólnikiem w spółce Pracuję w oparciu o umowę o pracę Pracuję w oparciu o umowę zlecenie Pracuję w oparciu o umowę o dzieło Żadne z powyższych Aktualnie nie pracuję Tak, pracowałem/am podczas studiów 61,3% 60,7% 90,2% 85,0% 84,0% 83,1% 38,7% 39,3% 9,8% 15,0% 16,0% 16,9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nie pracowałem/am podczas studiów

Korzystając z poniższej listy określ, w jakim stopniu masz rozwinięte kompetencje. analityczne myślenie (umiejętność 1,0% 24,6% umiejętność przyswajania wiedzy 4,0% umiejętność pracy w zespole otwartość na zmiany komunikatywność samorozwój kreatywność 7,7% 8,0% 11,0% 6,2% 11,7% umiejętność stosowania 8,8% umiejętność radzenia sobie ze stresem umiejętność zarządzania sobą w czasie umiejętność współpracy z ludźmi z 14,7% 17,0% wiedza specjalistyczna związana z 7,8% 21,1% 40,5% 44,8% 47,2% 44,3% 51,5% 49,4% 54,7% 49,4% 47,8% 45,1% 58,7% 74,4% 55,5% 47,5% 44,8% 44,6% 42,2% 38,9% 36,5% 35,8% 35,2% 33,8% 33,4% Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of WUT Graduates 2013 COMPETENCES All respondents were asked to evaluate the level of development of their competences and the mark how much these competences are important on the job market in their opinion. Most people claimed that to the greatest extent they have developed the competence of analytical thinking (74.4%) and the ability to acquire knowledge (55.5%). samodzielność w sferze zawodowej / 19,8% 48,2% 32,0% umiejętność przekazywania wiedzy 17,0% 53,4% 29,6% posługiwanie się językiem obcym 27,8% 44,6% 27,5% autoprezentacja / wystąpienia publiczne 30,2% 46,6% 23,2% umiejętność zarządzania zespołem 29,9% 49,9% 20,2% umiejętność planowania i zarządzania 34,7% 49,3% 16,0% wiedza pozatechniczna związana z 44,3% 46,2% 9,4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1 - stopień najniższy 2 3 - stopień najwyższy

W jakim stopniu kompetencje te uważasz za istotne na rynku pracy analityczne myślenie (umiejętność posługiwanie się językiem obcym umiejętność radzenia sobie ze stresem umiejętność stosowania specj. umiejętność przyswajania wiedzy umiejętność zarządzania sobą w czasie komunikatywność wiedza specjalistyczna związana z samorozwój kreatywność umiejętność pracy w zespole autoprezentacja / wystąpienia samodzielność w sferze zawodowej / otwartość na zmiany umiejętność zarządzania zespołem Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of WUT Graduates 2013 COMPETENCES In the respondents view, the most important competence on the job market (grades 5 and 6) is the ability of logical thinking (85.3%). Apart from that the ability to use a foreign language (76%), to cope with stress (71.4%), to use specialist tools (computer programmes, technologies and procedures, specialist devices, preparing technical documentation) (69.5%), to acquire knowledge (69.5%) and specialist knowledge connected with the field of study (63.2%) are very significant. umiejętność planowania i zarządzania umiejętność współpracy z ludźmi z umiejętność przekazywania wiedzy wiedza pozatechniczna związana z 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1 - mało istotne 2 3 4 5 6 - bardzo istotne

Competence Required Possessed difference Ability to use a foreign language 2 15-13 Ability to cope with stress 3 10-7 Ability to plan and manage projects 14 18-4 Ability to manage their time 7 11-4 Ability to use specialist tools (computer programmes, technologies, procedures, specilist devieces, preparing technical documentation) 4 7-3 Self-presentation / public presentations 13 16-3 Independence in professional life / being proactive 12 14-2 Specialist knowledge connected with the field of study 8 9-1 Ability to manage a team 16 17-1 Analitycal thinking (ability to analyse, draw conclusions) Non-technical knowledge connected with economic, social and legal issues 1 1 0 19 19 0 Being communicative 6 6 0 Being creative 11 8 3 Ability to acquire knowledge 5 2 3 Ability to get knowledge across 17 13 4 Self-development 10 5 5 Ability to work in teams 9 3 6 Ability to cooperate with people from various cultures 18 12 6 Being open to change 15 4 11 Study Monitoring of Professional Careers of WUT Graduates 2013 COMPETENCES Thanks to additional analysis of the answers of WUT graduates to questions on competences, the ranking has been prepared on the abilities needed on the market and those of the graduates. As it turns out, the repondents - in relation to the market demands perceive in themselves their ability to use a foreign language and their ability to cope with stress as the weakest. They also see the neeed of improvement of the ability to plan and manage projects, ability to manage their time, ability to use specialist tools of self-presentation and public presentation and independence in professional life. Specialist knowledge connected with their field of study and ability to manage teams are competences that need improvement to the smallest degree.