Zarządzanie i Edukacja

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1 Zarządzanie i Edukacja Instrumenty skutecznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem Zarządzanie kapitałem ludzkim Zarządzanie finansami Edukacja społeczna NUMER 88 MAJ czerwiec 2013 ISSN X DWUMIESIÊCZNIK SZKO Y WY SZEJ IM. BOGDANA JAÑSKIEGO

2 Adres redakcji Dwumiesięcznik Zarządzanie i Edukacja ul. Elektronowa 2, Warszawa tel./fax (22) Redaktor naczelny dr hab. Kazimierz Korab, prof. Szkoły Wyższej im. Bogdana Jańskiego Rada naukowa dwumiesięcznika Zarządzanie i Edukacja Dr hab. Włodzimierz Bernacki, prof. UJ; prof. dr hab. Mirosława Czerny, UW; doc. PaedDr. Tomáš Jablonský PhD. prof. KU, v Ružomberku, prof. dr hab. Wołodymyr Jewtuch, Ukraińska Akademia Nauk; prof. dr hab. Romuald Jończy, UE we Wrocławiu; ks. dr hab. Jan Krokos, prof. UKSW; prof. dr hab. Ihor Hrabynskyi, Narodowy Uniwersytet Lwowski; Dr Marcin Kazimierczak, Uniwersytet Abat Oliba CEU, Barcelona; Prof. dr. hab. Anatolij M. Kołot Kijowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny; prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Kurek, UJ; prof. dr hab. Bożena Muchacka, UP w Krakowie; prof. dr hab. Jan Oleszczuk, UM w Lublinie; prof. dr hab. Marek Pawlak, KUL; prof. dr hab. Wanda Rusiecka National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; dr hab. Grażyna Skąpska prof. UJ, dr hab. Dr.h.c. prof. PhDr. Vojtech Slomski, PhD. ISM Slovakia v Prešove; Wojciech Sroczyński, prof. UPH Redaktor tematyczny Dr Małgorzata Stawicka Redaktor językowy Dr Jerzy Ryszard Suchocki, prof. Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) Sekretarz redakcji Anna Janus (tel ) Korekta Anna Janus Wszystkie artykuły są recenzowane Recenzenci ks. prof. dr hab. Stanisław Urbański (UKSW w Warszawie); dr inż. Jerzy Donarski (SWBJ w Warszawie); dr hab. Łukasz Popławski (UR w Krakowie) Dr.h.c. doc. PhDr. Pavel Czarnecki, (ISM Slovakia v Prešove) Prof. dr hab. Jewgienij M. Babosow (Narodowa Akademia Nauk Białorusi) Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo dokonywania w publikowanych tekstach skrótów i zmian ISSN X wersja referencyjna czasopisma: papierowa numer dostępny w wersji elektronicznej na stronie Skład, korekta, druk i oprawa: Oficyna Wydawniczo-Poligraficzna Adam

3 Spis treœci Instrumenty skutecznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem Irina Filippova, Victor Sumcov Social responsibility as an obligatory element of the institutional system Bogdan Miedziński Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu a zysk Zbigniew Pawlak, Andrzej Smoleń Wycena wartości przedsiębiorstw jako instrument skutecznego zarządzania profesjonalnymi klubami sportowymi.. 47 Kacper Rosa Zarządzanie społeczną odpowiedzialnością biznesu argumenty za i przeciw Małgorzata Stawicka Wpływ klastrów na konkurencyjność świadczeniodawców usług medycznych w Polsce Bartłomiej Zinczuk Biznes społecznie odpowiedzialny na przykładzie wybranych przedsiębiorstw Zarządzanie kapitałem ludzkim Mariusz Dobijański Kompetencje współczesnego dyrektora szkoły. Kierownik czy przywódca organizacji edukacyjnej? Martyna Michalak Indywidualny styl uczenia się jako predyktor elastyczności w zarządzaniu Cezary Tomasz Szyjko Wyzwania administracji publicznej w zarządzaniu zespołami ludzkimi w warunkach kryzysu

4 Zarządzanie finansami Zbigniew Klimiuk Inwestycje w sektorze finansowym na świecie w latach 90. i po roku Leszek Kędzierski Opłacalność a sprawność inwestycji finansowych przedsiębiorstw Jarosław Szewczyk Modelowanie transakcji sekurytyzacyjnych: od Collateralized Debt Obligation do Partially-Funded Synthetic CDO Edukacja społeczna Marcin Łuszczyk Informacja w Internecie a poszukiwanie adekwatnego systemu wartości Konrad Rokoszewski Metoda projektów jako wyraz zmiany w praktyce edukacyjnej polskiej szkoły. Wnioski z realizacji projektu Rozwój zainteresowań uczniów gimnazjum drogą do kariery Wanda Walkowiak Walka o zachowanie tożsamości narodowej poprzez tajne kształcenie gimnazjalne (na przykładzie gimnazjum w Wiśniewie) Hubert Wit Uczestnictwo, więzi i zaufanie cyfrowych tubylców, czyli socjologiczny opis kapitału społecznego ludzi młodych Noty o Autorach

5 R O Z P R A W Y I A R T Y K U Ł Y Irina Filippova Victor Sumcov Social responsibility as an obligatory element of the institutional system ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚĆ SPOŁECZNA istotnym elementem systemu instytucjonalnego Summary The institute of social responsibility is considered as mandatory addition of market and state institutes, since it reduces the transaction costs of the socio-economic system by eliminating discrimination in the relations. One of the most important missions of the state is the formation and development of the mechanisms of social control. Streszczenie Instytut odpowiedzialności społecznej stanowi konieczne uzupełnienie instytutów rynkowych i krajowych, ponieważ ma na celu zmniejszenie kosztów transkacyjnych systemu społeczno-gospodarczego. Wspomniany cel jest realizowany między innymi poprzez zapobieganie dyskryminacji w relacjach. Jednym z najważniejszych celów państwa jest tworzenie i rozwój mechanizmów kontroli społecznej. Słowa klucze: odpowiedzialność społeczna, instytut, kapitał społeczny, koszty społeczne, dyskryminacja, integracja społeczna.

6 6 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec Keywords: social responsibility, institute, social capital, social costs, discrimination, social integration. INTRODUCTION Theoretically the main goal of any human community is the social progress. It would seem logical assumption that every reasonable person will prefer to live in a more perfect society, with a high level of human development and whole system of social relations. The desire to live in a more perfect society should motivate individuals to create conditions of social progress. However, this goal is unattainable in a market economy, when every individual maximizes his own income that leads to antagonism of interests and social stratification. In these circumstances, the role of the state as a participant of social relations is to direct the activities of all other participants to achieve the main goal a social progress, that stipulates the unity of society, ie increasing the degree of social integration. Unattainability of full representation all the segments of population in the government is obvious today. As a result the principles of social organization that are declared and that are embodied in fact have a significant differences. As the result this forms such a type of social and labor relations that should be characterized as blatant discrimination. Social organism is formed, developed, and functioning in accordance with certain systemic principles, and the principles of integrity, development and ultimate goals are basic among them, because the compliance with these principles guarantees the existence of society as the disequilibrium system of active elements. Then individualism as a principle of social action should be limited institutionally. Thus the necessity arises for providing the observance the principle of social responsibility, that will be discussed further.

7 Irina Filippova, Victor Sumcov Social responsibility... 7 Review of publications Problems of self-organization of the modern society were considered and discussed by many outstanding scientists. Still the founders of utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill devoted their works to researching the problems of social order. Bentham saw a just social order in "the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people'" and JS Mill searched criteria of the public good in the concrete historically-social aspect. Current approaches to the definition of social responsibility (eg, SA 8000 or ISO 26000) as a whole tend towards to excessive generalization, commingling of deontological and axiological aspects and imprecise formulation of purposes. The reason is the lack of clear evaluation criteria. Presumably, in this sense, utilitarianism was closer to understanding the essence of social responsibility A stumbling stone is social responsibility all the participants of relationships in society, including the state, business and other citizens. The most discussed topic in science literature is corporate social responsibility (CSR). A number of authors consider CSR as a corporate commitment to contribute to the economic development of society, the welfare of workers and their families, etc. [Kotler & Lee 2005; Snider et al 2003]. Other researchers see this as a "fashion trend" in management [Crouch 2006] or ideological way to increase sales [Banerjee 2008] or manipulations with social opinion [Brennan & Binney 2008]. Some researchers write about changing a negative conception of CSR (do not make harm) by a positive one (do good) [Response 2007]. However, in the scientific literature, social responsibility is interpreted mainly as a corporate philosophy or ethics [Balatsky 2005; Lazorenko 2007; Nekhoda 2008], that eliminates the possibility of accurate assessment of its level for a particular organization. Thus, social responsibility is not considered as principle that is obligatory for observance, but is interpreted as the recommended a pattern of behavior. More, the social responsibility of state is not discussed enough to formulate some concrete recommendations.

8 8 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec OBJECTS AND PROBLEMS Social responsibility can not be considered as a kind of standard (SA 8000) or guidance (ISO 26000) until no clear measurable criteria, on the basis of which one can judge about the degree of conformity to this standard the real conduct of the organization or the state functionaries. But most importantly is ensuring the observance of the standards and of the principles set out in the guide. The very notion of «responsibility» means a system of measures applied to the «violators», as well as the personification of the second party of liability. The formulations «interested parties» that used in ISO 26000, implies plurality and variable composition of the participants, however, the social responsibility makes sense then and only then when it comes to society as a sole and permanent «interested party», that is the object of responsibility any citizen and each organization. Before promulgation any standard it is necessary to clearly formulate the aim of its creation or the targets that have to be achieved under the condition of its observance. According to the wording given in the ISO 26000, the aim of social responsibility is to promote sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society. In our opinion, the welfare of society as a goal may not be incorporated in the «sustainable development», since the aim of the development is the welfare of society. In another understanding the purpose this development will not be the progress. Thus, more correct, social responcibility is the way to ensuring the social progress including ecological safety, welfare of the society and increasing of creative potential the human and society at whole. A clear definition of the notion of «social responsibility» implies the existence of a system of measured parameters but not indistinct reasoning about the «rule of Law», since maneuvering in the framework of the existing legislative restrictions is a fairly routine for large corporations, not to mention the lobbying of those or other bills. Principles of social responsibility set out in ISO 26000, because of its generality, not only make it impossible to accurately characterize the level of CSR for organization, but also confuses notions of responsibility and control (the principle of accountability is clearly

9 Irina Filippova, Victor Sumcov Social responsibility... 9 refers to the last one). The principle of transparency relates more to the necessary conditions of the implementation of CSR, because transparency itself does not provide social progress. We can say that many authors [Klick 2009; Banerjee 2008] make attempt to 'reconcile' the Institute of private property with its complete opposite, ie the institute of social responsibility. This standard itself can be considered as a guide to the increase of the profit. But the social responsibility means, first of all, domination the interests of society above the interests of the individual. It means the readiness of economic entity to some additional costs, ie economically unwise behavior contradicting the principle of profit maximization. In the market economy the system of income distribution itself is a «socially irresponsible» and without changing the system it is impossible to achieve «ethical» behavior of economic agents. Thus, the purpose of this article is the clarification of the essence and meaning of the concept of «social responsibility» and elaboration the system of indicators of its level. research results The institute of social responsibility defines the commitments related to the rights and powers of decision-making, and in this sense it is strictly necessary complement of market institutions, which determine, in general, the status positions and proprietary rights of the entities. In fact, an institute of social responsibility provides the equalizing the rights the participants of the relationship: discriminated ones and others who discriminates against. Its formation is a prerequisite for social and economic equilibrium of the system and its development. At present time the social steadiness tightly bounds the economic equipoise. Social equilibrium means at least the absence of antagonism and the social tension that is unattainable under the discrimination one of the parties of relations. Institute of social responsibility is also a necessary complement the institution of state power since it provides non-discretionary control of the social reality.

10 10 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec Social efficiency of the state institutes ultimately expressed in the increment of social capital. It is characterized by three components: 1) the trends of state social policy; 2) the social strategy of big business; 3) variations of the symptoms of social dynamics. The last one includes the crime level, the number of suicides, indicators of mental health (in particular the level of alcohol and drug addiction), net migration (the list goes on to include the number of divorce rate, the average number of children in the family, etc.). There are three participants of the relations and three groups of indicators. Since social responsibility can be solely symmetrical, it is easy to foresee that, given the negative dynamics of the indicators the first and second groups, the dynamics of indicators the third group will be negative, too. We view social capital as a systemic quality that is dependent on social responsibility the participants of relations regulated by a mechanism of social control. It follows that the social efficiency of state institutes is expressed primarily in the increasing of social responsibility actors with decision-making powers, thus the most important function of the state is to ensure the formation and development of mechanisms of social control. As to discrimination and the rights of decision-making, according to the information of sociological service of the Ukrainian centre for economic and political researches named after A. Razumkov the population of Ukraine is quite clearly aware of its inability to exert influence on the course of events in the country and the policies of the authorities (Fig. 1).

11 Irina Filippova, Victor Sumcov Social responsibility Fig. 1. Assessment by respondents their own influence on the authorities and on the course of own life In our opinion, CSR must be seen in the coordinate system that reveals the essence of the relations the economic agents with the society. Such a system, in our view, is constituted by national factors of production and factor incomes (Fig. 2). In fact we are talking about the social responsibility of personified capital, that reveals itself not only through its influence on the dynamics of non-produced factors but in the dynamics of the unit weight of productive capital in the total volume of. Hence it follows, that the CSR is quite measured parameter of functioning of the capital, and its assessment is, per se, the assessment of the structure and volume of investments. The investments result is reflected in the improvement of working conditions, the increment the labour productivity and salary increase, as well as in reducing the harmful influence on the environment, if such takes place (Fig. 2). First of all, the investments should ensure the growth of labour productivity. This means that the degree of wear of the fixed assets can be considered as an indicator of the level of social responsibility of business. Thus, the ukrai-

12 12 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec nian situation is the illustration of full social irresponsibility of the business: this is evidenced by observable reduction in the volume of productive capital (Fig. 3), the decreasing of the labor potential [Shumskaya 2006] and the depletion of natural factors [Molozhanova 1999]. Fig. 2. Explication of interaction between the entrepreneur and the society through national production factors Control the process of reproduction and development of labour force as unique source of added value is the sphere of responsibility the state. Solely the legislatively forming mechanism of social control will compel entrepreneurs to take into account the conse-

13 Irina Filippova, Victor Sumcov Social responsibility quences of their activities to the society. This means that not only criterias and norms of social responsibility must be clearly defined but also the mechanisms of coercion to ensure compliance with the established norms. Fig. 3. Dynamics of wear of fixed assets in Ukraine Negative social dynamics in Ukraine [Sumcov & Filippova 2012; Filippova & Sumcov 2012(1,2); Filippova 2011 (1,2,3), 2012] is a result of low level of social responsibility of the state and business. Unbalanced institutional environment [Sumcov & Filippova 2010, 2011; Filippova & Balakchnin 2010 (1,2); Filippova & Sumcov 2011(1,2,3); Filippova 2012] appears in the fact that the negative informal institutions play a dominant role. One of the possible variants of legislative mechanism of social control may be the law 'On effective owner' that stipulates the forced termination of the activity in case of inconsistency with the criteria of socially efficient economic entity. The set of criterias of efficiency of economic entity should include the following: (a) providing the conditions for the reproduction of natural factors and labour potential; (b) the efficiency of utilization these factors. This effectiveness is estimated by the increasing the productivity of factors as a result of investments. At that, the ratio of profit / investment must meet a certain optimality criterion.

14 14 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec Thus, the social efficiency of an economic entity is determined by the volume of "pure" income (considering the direct and opportunity costs of the society) in the economic and non-economic expression that society receives from the inclusion of resources in the process of social production. Ronald Coase, and after him, and a number of other scientists considered the social costs only as so-called "external effects" (Coase) or 'externalities' (Samuelson). Concept of social costs is, in our understanding, inextricably linked to the concept of social progress that we see as a positive dynamics of social capital. In fact, in the market economy these costs are the direct result of the low level of social responsibility of economic entities [Filippova & Sumcov 2012 (2)] and low levels of social efficiency of state institutions [Sumcov & Filippova 2011 (1)]. In other words, social costs may be regarded as the "health problems" of social organism, and the symptoms of these problems are the growing level of suicides, crime, mental illness and alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Thus, the cause of increasing the social entropy is socially inefficient way of integrating humans, ie social technology. The last one is the essence of social capital as something what is produced and produces at the same time. In such aspect the social responsibility is the product of social technology and generates it. Its measurable results is seen in the dynamics of social costs. CONCLUSIONS By analogy with produced capital, social capital as the capital of symmetrical social responsibility is a technology of controlling the social reality: under other equal conditions, the wealth of society depends on the perfection of the technology. The state's role in the formation of social capital is decisive, since it is the participant of public relations that is responsible for the formation and development of a mechanism of social control and monitoring the social dynamics.

15 Irina Filippova, Victor Sumcov Social responsibility REFERENCES Balatsky E., social investment: patterns and paradoxes. The Economist. 1, Banerjee, S.B Corporate social responsibility: the good, the bad and the ugly. Critical Sociology, 34:1, Brennan L. and Binney W., Is it greenmarketing, greenwash or hogwash? We need to know if we want to change things. Partnerships, Proof and Practice International Non-profit and Social Marketing Conference, Proceedings, Paper18. Available at (accessed 20 November 2012). Crouch C., Modelling the firm in its market and organizational environment: methodologies forstudying corporate social responsibility. Organization Studies, 27:10, Fontenelle I.A., Global responsibility through consumption? Resistance and assimilation in theanti-brand movement. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 6:4, Garriga E. and Mele D., Corporate social responsibility theories: mapping the territory. Journal of Business Ethics, 53:1, Klick M., The political economy of corporate social responsibility and community development: a case study of Norway s Snøhvit Natural Gas Complex. FNI Report 1/2009. Available at (accessed 19 November 2012). Kotler P. and Lee N., Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. Chichester: Wiley. Lazorenko D., Corporate social responsibility in Ukraine: Expert Opinion. Stylos, 152 p. Molozhanova E., Indicators danger of pesticides in soil [materials science and practical conference.]. Kiev: Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology. n.b. L. Medved, Available at : (accessed 20 January 2009). Nekhoda E., The influence of corporate social responsibility for the development of employment. "The Economist". 1,

16 16 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec Response Understanding and responding to societal demands on corporate responsibility. Available at edu/v1/ibis/response_project/documents/response_finalreport. pdf (accessed 19 November 2012) Scherer A.G. and Palazzo G., Globalization and corporate social responsibility. In Crane A., McWilliams A., Matten D., Moon J. and Siegel D. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility: Oxford: Oxford University Press. Scherer A.G. and Palazzo G., The new political role of business in a globalized world a review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance, and democracy. Journal of Management Studies, 48:4, Shamir, R The de-radicalization of corporate social responsibility. Critical Sociology, 30:3, Snider J., Hill R., Ronald P. and Martin D., Corporate social responsibility in the 21st century: aview from the world s most successful firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 48:2, Sumcov V. and Filippova I., Ukraine: models of economic growth. [Formation of a market economy: a collection of scientific papers]. KNEU n.b. V. Hetman. Vol. 3, Sumcov V. and Filippova I., Deformation of institutional matrix in Ukraine. Lugansk, V. Dahl EUNU. 2(156), Sumcov V. and Filippova I., Social responsibility of the state in the context of market relations. [Formation of a market economy: scientific papers]. KNEU n.b. V. Hetman. Vol. 2, Shumskaya S., National wealth: methodological approaches and assessment for Ukraine. Economic Theory. 4, Filippova I. and Balakchnin H., 2010 (1). Institutional trap: the modeling of the labor market in Ukraine. [Formation of a market economy: a collection of scientific papers]. KNEU n.b. V. Hetman. Vol. 3, Filippova I. and Balakchnin H., 2010 (2). Models of the labor market in Ukraine. Lugansk, V. Dahl EUNU. 11 (153), Filippova I. and Sumcov V., 2011 (1). Alienation of labor in the economic system. [Materials of the conference "Formation and de-

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18 18 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec

19 R O Z P R A W Y I A R T Y K U Ł Y Bogdan Miedziński Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu a zysk Corporate social responsibility and profit Streszczenie Jednym z postulowanych kierunków rozwoju ruchu na rzecz CSR jest jego instytucjonalizacja. Stanowisko to wyraża się kontestacją zysku jako podstawowego celu przedsiębiorstwa i prowadzi do zastąpienia go celem rozumianym jako służenie społeczeństwu. Bezpośrednią konsekwencją tego stanowiska jest wdrażania konkretnych rozwiązań takich, jak audyty, powinności sprawozdawcze, standardy organizacyjne, stopniowo oplatających przedsiębiorstwa całą siecią biurokratycznych w istocie wymogów. Próbom instytucjonalizacji CSR towarzyszy deformacja tego ruchu przejawiająca się w coraz powszechniejszym podejmowaniu przez przedsiębiorstwa (zwłaszcza duże) działań kojarzonych z wartościami CSR, a następnie eksploatowaniu ich dla potrzeb zbytu produktów i pozycjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. W rezultacie, ruch na rzecz CSR, ulega stopniowo coraz głębszej erozji. Najbardziej spektakularnym bodajże przejawem deformacji gnębiących ruch na rzecz CSR jest faktyczne wykluczenie małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z populacji przedsiębiorstw zaangażowanych w ten ruch. Bardziej obiecującym kierunkiem rozwoju CSR niż instytucjonalizacja jest raczej powrót do korzeni ruchu na rzecz CSR, czyli zasad etycznych pozwalających wyzwolić człowieka od dominacji gospodarki nad jego życiem osobistym i społecznym. W tym kontekście ważnym impulsem dla odnowy ruchu na rzecz CSR są praktyczne zasady biznesu sformułowane przez Papieską Radę Iustitia et Pax.

20 20 ZARZĄDZANIE I EDUKACJA nr 88/2013 maj czerwiec Summary One of the proposed directions of CSR development is its institutionalization. This approach is reflected in opposition to regard profit as a basic objective of enterprise and leads to its replacement by the overriding goal of serving society. Such practices as audits, establishing reporting duties and organizational standards that gradually entangle whole enterprise with a net of bureaucratic obligations are the direct consequence of this approach. The attempts to institutionalize CSR are followed by deviation from this approach consisting in taking actions (especially in large enterprises) associated with CSR, but actually serving as tools for product sales or positioning of the company. As a result CSR tends to gradually erode. Most spectacular manifestation of CSR deviation is actual exclusion of SME from the group of enterprises involved in CSR. More promising way of development of CSR leads to the roots of the movement which are ethical principles allowing releasing of human entity from domination of business over personal and social life. The import stimulus for the renewal CSR are practical principles of business elaborated by Papal Council Iustitia et Pax. Słowa klucze: społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu (CSR), cel przedsiębiorstwa, zysk, instytucjonalizacja. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), goal of the enterprise, profit, institutionalization. Sformułowanie problemu Kategoria zysku sprawia ruchowi na rzecz społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (Corporate Social Responsibility CSR) duży kłopot. Ugruntowaną w naukach ekonomicznych rolę zysku przedsiębiorstwa jako jego celu podstawowego, ruch ten, zasadniczo biorąc, kontestuje. Zysk ujmowany jest jako jeden ze wskaźników efektywności przedsiębiorstwa lub, co najwyżej, jako jeden z jego celów, ale z zastrzeżeniem, że nie może to być cel najważniejszy.

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Instytucje gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce

Instytucje gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce Instytucje gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce lnstitutions for Market Economy. The Case ofpoland MARIA LISSOWSKA B 369675 WYDAWNICTWO C.RBECK WARSZAWA 2008 Contents Introduction 8 Chapter 1. Elements of Institutional

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PRACE NAUKOWE. Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu. Redaktor^, naukowi. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu Wrocław 2009

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WYDZIAŁ NAUK EKONOMICZNYCH. Studia II stopnia niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność INERNATIONAL LOGISTICS

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Tychy, plan miasta: Skala 1: (Polish Edition)

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Helena Boguta, klasa 8W, rok szkolny 2018/2019

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Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition)

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Adam Kozierkiewicz JASPERS

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Faculty: Management and Finance. Management

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aforementioned device she also has to estimate the time when the patients need the infusion to be replaced and/or disconnected. Meanwhile, however, she must cope with many other tasks. If the department

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Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydział Mechaniczny

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WYDZIAŁ NAUK EKONOMICZNYCH Studia I stopnia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność PROGRAM OF BACHELOR STUDIES Graduate profile Graduate has a general theoretical knowledge in the field

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Revenue Maximization. Sept. 25, 2018

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Global Marketing. on the study program: Management

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Cracow University of Economics Poland

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Cracow University of Economics Poland. Overview. Sources of Real GDP per Capita Growth: Polish Regional-Macroeconomic Dimensions 2000-2005

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Społeczna odpowiedzialność organizacji

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Zarządzanie i Edukacja

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Demand Analysis L E C T U R E R : E W A K U S I D E Ł, PH. D.,

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Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu podejście strategiczne i operacyjne. Maciej Bieńkiewicz

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing. on the study program: Management

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!850016! e-file If "Yes," complete Schedule A Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I If "Yes," complete Schedule C,

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Prof. Peter Nijkamp (Tinbergen Institute, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, 's-hertogenbosch, The Netherlands )

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What our clients think about us? A summary od survey results

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Institutional Determinants of IncomeLevel Convergence in the European. Union: Are Institutions Responsible for Divergence Tendencies of Some

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POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA. Wydział Zarządzania ROZPRAWA DOKTORSKA. mgr Marcin Chrząścik POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA Wydział Zarządzania ROZPRAWA DOKTORSKA mgr Marcin Chrząścik Model strategii promocji w zarządzaniu wizerunkiem regionu Warmii i Mazur Promotor dr hab. Jarosław S. Kardas, prof.

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Tworzenie zintegrowanych strategii miejskich. Creation of integrated urban strategies? the example of the Krakow Functional Area

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Cele kluczowe W dziedzinie inwestowania w zasoby ludzkie W zakresie wzmacniania sfery zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa

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Effective Governance of Education at the Local Level

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Eugeniusz Koś micki Zrównoważony rozwój w warunkach globalizacji gospodarki. Podstawowe problemy teoretyczne i polityczne

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Economic Survey 2018 Poland in the eyes of foreign investors

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Economic Survey 2018 Poland in the eyes of foreign investors

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Spis treści. Wprowadzenie... 13

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Organisation and organisational structures. dr hab. prof. AWF Jolanta Żyśko Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie www.zysko.

Organisation and organisational structures. dr hab. prof. AWF Jolanta Żyśko Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie www.zysko. Organisation and organisational structures dr hab. prof. AWF Jolanta Żyśko Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie The system model by Leavitt Structure Aims and objectives Technology (Administration)

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Community Work in a Decade of Crisis. Dr. Val Harris From Sostenga

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Weronika Mysliwiec, klasa 8W, rok szkolny 2018/2019

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Towards Stability Analysis of Data Transport Mechanisms: a Fluid Model and an Application

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Język angielski. Poziom rozszerzony Próbna Matura z OPERONEM i Gazetą Wyborczą CZĘŚĆ I KRYTERIA OCENIANIA ODPOWIEDZI POZIOM ROZSZERZONY CZĘŚĆ I

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