University of Applied Sciences. ECTS - Handbook of the Master Course Change Management in small and medium sized enterprises (SME)

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1 University of Applied Sciences ECTS - Handbook of the Master Course Change Management in small and medium sized enterprises (SME)

2 Contents A. Introduction... 3 A.1. Change Management in SME s An innovative Master Course... 3 A.2. Innowacyjne studia magisterskie o zarządzaniu zmianą... 4 B. Description of the Master Course Change Management in SME s (CHM)... 5 B.1. Brief description of the Course CHM... 5 B.2. Study objectives of the Course CHM... 5 B.3. Study contents of the Course CHM... 5 B.4. Employment opportunities for graduates of the Course CHM... 6 B.5. Course structure of CHM... 6 B.6. Module structure of the Course CHM... 6 B.7. Internationalization of the Course CHM... 7 B.8. Optional double degree programme with Akademia Morska Gdynia /Poland... 7 B.9. Curriculum of the study programme CHM... 8 B.10. Lecturers in the Course CHM B.11. Admission requirements for the Course CHM C. Detailed module descriptions of the Master Course Change Management in SME s...11 C.1. Modules in the first semester C.2. Modules in the second semester C.3. Modules in the third semester C.4. Modules in the fourth semester C.5. Modules of the third semester (relevant for double degree programme with Akademia Morska Gdynia) in Polish language D. General information about Hochschule Bremerhaven...37 D.1. Why to study at Hochschule Bremerhaven? D.2. Site Plan of Hochschule Bremerhaven D.3. How to travel to Bremerhaven? D.4. Application and selection procedure D.5. Important Facilities at Hochschule Bremerhaven E. Imprint and Copyrights

3 A. Introduction A.1. Change Management in SME s An innovative Master Course The economy is characterized nowadays by a far-reaching structural change and progressive globalisation processes. An upshot of these transformations is the necessity of adjustment within the companies, which requires, on the executive level, a competent and good handling of the business restructuring processes. The demands on management have especially increased in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME s), since strategic decisions in the development of these companies are mostly in the hands of just a few responsibility holders. This applies particularly to small and medium-sized companies, which are the growth motor of the German economy. The new master course Change Management in small and medium-sized enterprises at Hochschule Bremerhaven, University of Applied Sciences, focuses on the issues that arise from change processes. The concept of such an innovative course of study is designed to prepare students to fulfil demanding management activities. A special focus on the change processes in SME s makes these studies unique on the market of master courses. The distinctive feature of this course is its focus on key competences that enable students to design actively the change and internationalisation processes. The logical structure of the course includes the following issues: the understanding of change, change competences, and international aspects. The students will become acquainted with such subject matters as Structural Change and Adjustment, Entrepreneurship, Cultural Studies and Communication and Integration. Furthermore, a particular emphasis is placed on soft skills. On the basis of a broad knowledge of business administration principles and constructive discussions about modern management concepts with an international reference, the students will be systematically prepared to undertake varied and demanding management tasks in SME s, where business success depends on the employees qualifications. The growing demand for qualified managers in the small and medium-sized business sector increases due to the rising pressure of the international competition on the local structural change. The chances to find a job in a small and medium-sized enterprise are very good for the master course graduates. This sector offers a large employment potential and in many cases, creates more jobs than large scale enterprises. In addition, there are also opportunities to take over the management of existing businesses as an alternative to setting up one s own company. The Change Management master course has been accredited since March 2006 and introduced at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the winter semester 2006/2007 for the first time. It is a 2-year full-time course with a high level of practical content. There is a capacity of 20 study places available per year in order to grant the students personal supervision. The prospective students have to submit a first university degree (Diploma or Bachelor) with at least good (ECTS B) as an overall grade. Furthermore, the applicants have to pass a selection procedure. The master course is conducted in German (60%) and English (40%) language. Practical projects and in-depth study will be part of everyday schedule, the areas of interest include: tourism/services, food management and management of technology. In order to maintain an international character of the studies all classes in the third semester are conducted in English and all discussed issues have international character. Within the study programme there is also the option for a double Master degree with the Polish partner University Akademia Morska Gdynia. 3

4 A.2. Innowacyjne studia magisterskie o zarządzaniu zmianą Kształtowanie gospodarki w skutek daleko idących przeobrażeń strukturalnych oraz zaawansowanych procesów globalizacji zmusza przedsiębiorstwa do ciągłego przystosowywania się do zmieniających się warunków. To z kolei stawia kadry kierownicze przed wyzwaniem kompetentnego i rzetelnego nadzorowania procesów reorganizacyjnych firmy. Przede wszystkim, w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach (MSP) określanych mianem motorów wzrostu gospodarczego, w których strategiczne decyzje odnośnie rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa podejmowane są w głównej mierze przez nieliczne upoważnione podmioty, rosną wymagania wobec kadry kierowniczej. Nowe studia magisterskie Zarządzanie zmianą w sektorze małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Hochschule Bremerhaven poświęcają szczególną uwagę zagadnieniom wynikającym ze zmian zachodzących w otoczeniu zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym firmy. Koncepcja innowacyjnych studiów magisterskich ma przygotować studentów do podejmowania w przyszłości złożonych zadań kierowniczych. Szczególny nacisk kładzie się na zagadnienia związane z procesami zmian w MSP, co sprawia, iż studia te stanowią niespotykaną ofertę na rynku studiów magisterskich. Specyficzny charakter tych studiów stanowi precyzyjne ukierunkowanie treści nauczania na zdobywanie kluczowych umiejętności w kształtowaniu zmian i procesów międzynarodowych. Logiczny układ studiów koncentruje się na takich kryteriach, jak zdolność i kompetencje zmian oraz zagadnienia międzynarodowe, będące przedmiotem następujących wykładów: Zmiany strukturalne i dostosowawcze, Elementy zarządzania MSP, Studia kulturowe oraz Komunikacja i integracja. Ponadto, ważną rolę odgrywa przekazanie studentom umiejętności interpersonalnych tak istotnych w prowadzeniu firm. Rozległa wiedza z podstaw organizacji przedsiębiorstwa oraz rozważania na temat nowoczesnych koncepcji zarządzania, również w kontekście międzynarodowym, pozwalają na systematyczne przygotowanie studentów do trudnych i zmieniających się obowiązków w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach, których sukces w głębokiej mierze uzależniony jest od kwalifikacji pracowników. W ten sposób zamyka się koło na rynku pracy - rosnące zapotrzebowanie na wykwalifikowaną kadrę kierowniczą w sektorze średnich przedsiębiorstw zwiększa się wraz ze wzrostem międzynarodowej konkurencji na regionalne zmiany strukturalne. Obecnie istnieją bardzo dobre warunki na znalezienie pracy przez absolwentów szkół wyższych w sektorze małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, gdyż sektor ten, wykazuje duży potencjał zatrudnienia i tworzy wyraźnie więcej miejsc pracy aniżeli duże przedsiębiorstwa argumentuje profesor Simmet. Równocześnie istnieje możliwość objęcia stanowisk kierowniczych w istniejących firmach, co jest interesującą alternatywą wobec zakładania własnej działalności gospodarczej. Studia magisterskie Zarządzanie zmianą zostały akredytowane w marcu 2006 roku, a wprowadzone w Hochschule Bremerhaven w semestrze zimowym 2006/2007. Obejmują one dwuletnie studia dzienne ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnień praktycznych. Ilość miejsc na roku jest ograniczona do 20 osób tak, aby zapewnić indywidualną opiekę profesorską nad studiującymi. Kandydat ubiegający się o miejsce na studiach magisterskich powinien posiadać dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich lub wyższych z wynikiem co najmniej dobrym (ECTS B), ponadto musi pozytywnie przejść postępowanie rekrutacyjne. Językiem wykładowym jest w sześćdziesięciu procentach język niemiecki i w czterdziestu język angielski. Podczas zajęć wykonywane będą projekty, a studenci będą mogli pogłębić swoją wiedzę z zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem w następujących dziedzinach: turystyka/usługi, przemysł spożywczy, a także sektor technologii. Zapewnienie międzynarodowego charakteru studiów jest równie ważne jak przekazanie solidnej wiedzy i umiejętności praktycznych przyszłym menedżerom. Dlatego też na trzecim semestrze wszystkie zajęcia prowadzone są w języku angielskim, a poruszane zagadnienia mają wymiar międzynarodowy. Hochschule Bremerhaven umożliwia studentom wyjazdy zagraniczne w celu odbycia nauki w takich krajach jak Wielka Brytania, Francja, Hiszpania, Finlandia czy Polska. 4

5 B. Description of the Master Course Change Management in SME s (CHM) B.1. Brief description of the Course CHM The Master Degree Course Change Management (CHM) is a 2-year full-time Master course with a high level of practical content. It qualifies students for a wide variety of management tasks with a very high level of responsibility in small and medium-sized enterprises. The special focus of the Master course is on change processes. During the course students work on specific management topics and concepts with an international reference which enable them to plan and develop successful change processes. In the first year students acquire skills in areas of business administration at general management level in order to be in a position to make decisions on strategy, structures, systems and responsibilities. Key aspects of change are dealt with in the modules Structural Change and Adjustment, Competence Building in Change Management 1 and 2 and Communication and Integration. In addition to general themes, concrete applications and in-depth study of other topics are offered by way of example: Tourism/Services, Food Industry or Technology. This knowhow can be used in similarly structured sectors. Particular emphasis is placed on the teaching of key competencies, as these soft skills are of major significance for a qualified management function in small and medium-sized enterprises. The third term takes place exclusively in English. The fourth term centres on the Master Thesis. After successful termination of the Master course the students receive the academic degree of: Master of Arts (M.A.) B.2. Study objectives of the Course CHM The management of an enterprise nowadays faces completely new challenges. The only lasting feature in firms would seem to be change. Traditional business administration concepts cannot cope with the ensuing demand for adaptation and adjustment. It is far more the case that change must be managed by introducing fundamentally new and far-reaching approaches for business restructuring. This applies particularly for small and medium-sized companies which are the growth motor of economies. The double degree Master Course qualifies students for demanding management tasks and to show entrepreneurship in such enterprises. B.3. Study contents of the Course CHM On the basis of a broad knowledge of business administration principles, students in the Master course work on specific management topics and concepts which enable them to think entrepreneurial and to plan and develop successful change processes. The course teaches management competencies which answer the specific requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises. These expect from university graduates broad business administration skills which can immediately be put to concrete use so that they can integrate themselves as quickly as possible into the firm s working procedures and drive change processes forward. Overall, graduates are prepared for a wide variety of tasks with a very high level of responsibility. 5

6 B.4. Employment opportunities for graduates of the Course CHM Most business administration courses are oriented to the needs of large enterprises, although small and medium-sized companies offer far larger employment potential. In many cases, considerably more jobs are created in small and medium-sized firms than in large enterprises, not just in terms of absolute numbers but also as a percentage. The Master course targets this employment potential and growth rate whereby Change Management and Entrepreneurship are core topics since they fundamentally affect almost all small and medium-sized enterprises. The Master course graduate is a generalist who, in addition to his broad business administration know-how, also brings with him specific skills in Entrepreneurship and Change Management. In particular the necessity to drive structural change forward will lead to a further demand for young, qualified management personnel in small and medium-sized businesses in many regions. In addition, there are also opportunities to start up an own company or to take over the management of existing businesses as a successor. B.5. Course structure of CHM The double degree course is designed to take four terms. In the first year of studies students acquire skills in areas of business administration at general management level in order to be in a position to make decisions on strategy, structures, systems and responsibilities. The focus on international issues and the concentration on small and medium-sized enterprises play a particularly important role here. This know-how can be used in similarly structured sectors. Particular emphasis is placed on the teaching of key competencies. These soft skills are of major significance for a qualified management function in small and medium-sized enterprises. The third term at both institutions takes place exclusively in English language. The fourth term centres on the Master thesis. B.6. Module structure of the Course CHM 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester Elements of Management of SME 1 Elements of Management of SME 2 Competence Building in Change Management 1 Business Information Systems Structural Change and Adjustment Elements of Management of SME 3 Change management Application Area 1 Food Industry Change management Application Area 2 Tourism and Services Industry Competence Building in Change Management 2 Customer Relationship Management Change Management Application Area 3 Technology Industry Communication and Integration Cultural Studies Information Systems and E-Commerce Quality and Environment Electives 1 Electives 2 Master thesis 6

7 B.7. Internationalization of the Course CHM Internationalization is an essential dimension of the double degree Master course. This international focus is reflected in course units with a specific international orientation. At the same time, the international aspects of each topic in question are so far as they are relevant handled in all course components. The prospects resulting from studying at two Universities apply not just to a professional career in Germany and/or Poland but are also relevant to the general international employment market. B.8. Optional double degree programme with Akademia Morska Gdynia /Poland The double degree of Master of Arts in Change Management in SME s by Hochschule Bremerhaven and Change Management by Akademia Morska will be awarded to those students from both institutions, who have decided to study the complete 3 rd semester in the partner institution, pass all module examinations from the curriculum there and work out their Master thesis in the 4 th semester in English language in cooperation with referees from both partner Universities. The double degree award requires students from Hochschule Bremerhaven to: 1. Pass examinations of the modules of the first and second semester at Hochschule Bremerhaven (60 CP), 2. Pass all examinations of the modules in English language of the third semester at Akademia Morska Gdynia (30 CP) and 3. Submit, present and defend a Master report in English language with referees from Hochschule Bremerhaven and Akademia Morska Gdynia in the fourth semester (30 CP). The overall classification for students from both parties is based on the accumulation of grades received during the study programme and the final thesis. The valence factor according to the grades of the module examinations to the grade of the final thesis for the corresponding double degree programme is 75 to 25 at both Universities. 7

8 B.9. Curriculum of the study programme CHM S Modules and Subjects Teaching language (D) = German, (E) = English HW CP Type of exam Weight 1 Elements of Management of SME Corporate Rendering of Accounts (D) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,5 1 International Accounting (D) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,5 1 Elements of Management of SME Finance (D) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,6 1 Balanced Score Card (D/E) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,4 1 Competence Building in Change Management Cooperation (D) 0,67 P/R/H 0,33 1 Communication (D) 0,67 P/R/H 0,33 1 Managing yourself (E) 0,67 P/R/H 0,33 1 Business Information Systems Components of Business Information Systems (D) 2 K/M 0,29 1 Standard Software Systems (D) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,29 1 Workflow Systems (D) 1 P/H 0,42 1 Structural Change and Adjustment 5, Global and regional integration (E) 1,5 K/R/M 0,33 1 Organizational behaviour and Change Management (E) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,33 1 International Strategic Management (E) 2 K/R/M 0,33 2 Elements of Management of SME Human Resources Management (E) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,5 2 Marketing in SMEs (D) 2 K/R/H/P/M 0,5 2 Competence Building in Change Management K 1 2 Methods of Empirical Research (D) 2 2 Multi-Project Management (E) 0,67 2 Workshop Design (E) 0,67 2 Training, Coaching (E) 0,67 2 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) CRM Systems (D) 1 R/H 0,5 2 CRM (D) 1 K/R/H/P/M 0,5 2 Optional Module 1 (Electives 1)* to be fixed individually per study year 2 3 0,5 2 to be fixed individually per study year 2 3 0,5 2 to be fixed individually per study year 2 3 0,5 2 to be fixed individually per study year 2 3 0,5 2 Application Area 1 2, Project Food Management (D) 1 K/R/H/P/M 2 Business Models and Dynamics in Food Management (D) 1,5 K/R/H/P/M 2 Application Area 2 2, Cases in Tourism and Services (E) 1 K 2 Dynamics in the Tourism and Service Industry (E) 1,5 M/R 3 Application Area 3 2, Cases in the Management of Technology Companies (E) 1 K/H/R/P 3 Business Dynamics in the Technology Sector (E) 1,5 K/H/R/P 8

9 S Modules and Subjects Teaching language (D) = German, (E) = English HW CP Type of exam Weight 3 Communication and Integration Communicating Change (E) 1,5 K/P/R 0,5 3 Post-Merger Management (E) 1,5 K/M 0,5 3 Cultural Studies 3, Intercultural Management and Training (E) 2 K/R/M 0,55 3 Intercultural Marketing (E) 1,5 K/R/H/P/M 0,45 3 Information Systems and E-Commerce Management of Business IS (E) 2 K/M 0,28 3 Strategic IS Management (E) 2 R/H 0,36 3 Virtual Marketing and E-Commerce (E) 1 K/R/H/P/M 0,36 3 Quality and Environment 4 5 P/H/K/M/R 1 3 Quality Management (E) 2 3 Environmental Management (E) 2 3 Optional Module 2 (Electives 2)* to be fixed individually per study year to be fixed individually per study year Master thesis 8 30 Thesis 1 4 Master thesis incl. Defence 8 *Explanations: Within the modules Optional module 1 and Optional module 2 students select two of four and one of two courses provided, respectively. Additionally, students have to choose two of the following modules: Change Management in Food Industry (2 nd term) Change Management in the Tourism and Service Industry (2 nd term) Change Management in the Technology Industries (3 rd term) Frequency of the module: All modules are offered annually. A list of references will be announced at the beginning of each course. Abbreviations: CP Credit Point (1 CP equals 30 working hours) D Teaching language German E Teaching language English H Essay HW Teaching hours per week K Written examination L Teaching language M Oral examination P Study project R Presentation S Term E subjects taught in English language D subjects taught in German language WLP Workload hours of the compulsory lectures WLS Student self-study workload hours Fields: There are no specific pre-conditions, limitations or applicability of the module intended, unless the fields are filled out. 9

10 B.10. Lecturers in the Course CHM Names of Lecturers Prof. Dr. Tamara Fallscheer Prof. Dr. Gerhard M. Feldmeier Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lichtblau Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas Prof. Dr. Petra Milde Prof. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis Prof. Dr. Uwe Schikorra Prof. Dr. Heike Simmet Prof. Dr. Dieter Viefhues Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel Prof. Dr. Klaus Wilden Teaching Areas Application Project Food Management; Business Models and Dynamics in the Food Industry Global and Regional Integration; Intercultural Management, Political Economy/Lobbyism for SME Components of Business Information Systems; Workflow Systems; CRM Systems; Management of Business IS; Strategic IS Management Cooperation; Human Resources Management; Training, Coaching; Business Dynamics in the Technology Sector; Cases in the Management of Technology Companies; Communicating Change Organizational Behaviour and Change Management Post-Merger Management; International Strategic Management; Dynamics in the Tourism and Service Industry; Cases in Tourism and Services, Business start up-, Innovation- and Crisis Management Finance; Balanced Score Card; Quality Management; Environmental Management; Training QM Communication; Marketing in SME s; Methods of Empirical Research; CRM; Business Cases; Intercultural Marketing; Virtual Marketing and E-Commerce Business Standard Software Managing yourself; Multi-Project Management; Workshop Design Corporate Rendering of Accounts; Balance Sheet Analysis; Accounting Based Controlling B.11. Admission requirements for the Course CHM Prerequisites: A first university degree (Diploma or Bachelor) with at least 120 credit points in business administration subjects and at least "Good" (ECTS B, better than 2,3 in German grading) as an overall grade; Good English language skills corresponding to at least Level 2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or attendance abroad, in the framework of the previous university course, at a course in English; A Motivation Paper which shows convincingly the student s interest in the Master course and his/her own suitability; A successful participation in a written entry test with questions on basic knowledge on business administration topics which is essential for the Master course. Admission to the CHM course is in the winter term of a given year and is restricted to 20 study places. 10

11 C. Detailed module descriptions of the Master Course Change Management in SME s C.1. Modules in the first semester Elements of Management of SME s 1 Module Elements of Management of SME s 1 CP Module: 6 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Corporate Rendering of Accounts 1 Prof. Dr. Klaus Wilden D International Accounting 1 Mr Thomas Schaumburg D Objectives Students are expected to familiarize themselves with: Main features of the corporate rendering of accounts according to German Commercial Code (HGB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Comparison of corporate rendering of accounts according to HGB and IFRS Principles of the international rendering of accounts according to IFRS International balancing according to IFRS International valuation according to IFRS International income statement according to IFRS and Components of international rendering accounts according to IFRS Course contents Corporate rendering of accounts according to HGB Full consolidation of the affiliated companies according to HGB Consolidation of other, partly consolidated companies according to HGB Corporate rendering of accounts according to IFRS The principles of international rendering of accounts according to IFRS Balancing and valuation of fixed and current assets according to IFRS Balancing and valuation of equity capital and outside capital according to IFRS Income statement according to IFRS Cash flow statement according to IFRS Statement of changes in equity according to IFRS Appendix according to IFRS Segment reporting according to IFRS Learning methods Lectures with exercises Assessment / Grades Two written examinations, in Corporate Rendering of Accounts and International Accounting, count for 50% of the module grade each. Prerequisites for course participation Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies The module is applicable to the study course Food technology/food industry. 11

12 C.1. Modules in the first semester Elements of Management of SME s 2 Module Elements of Management of SME s 2 CP Module: 5 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Finance 1 Prof. Dr. Uwe Schikorra D Balanced Score Card 1 Prof. Dr. Uwe Schikorra D/E Objectives Solid financing and investment concepts determine a constant corporate development that is unaffected by crises. The companies have to face ever changing capital market and investment conditions. The students will deal with tasks, problems and resultant solutions within the bounds of the financial and investment management. A balanced scorecard is an important management system that helps the companies to firm up and transpose their strategies. For that reason the students should become acquainted with the importance, preparation, application and implementation of this strategic instrument. Course contents Finance: Innovative financing instruments Management of assets and liabilities structure National and international risk management Financial controlling Financial analysis Financial planning Capital budgeting Balanced Score Cards: Elements of the Balance Scorecard Implementation of the Balance Scorecard vision and strategy Development of the Balance Scorecard Company-wide extension of the Balance Scorecard Implementation of the Balance Scorecard Learning methods Lectures, exercises and project Assessment / Grades Written examination/ presentation/ essay/ study project/ oral examination Prerequisites for course participation None Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies 12

13 C.1. Modules in the first semester Competence Building in Change Management 1 Module Competence Building in Change Management 1 CP Module: 3 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Communication 1 Prof. Dr. Heike Simmet D Cooperation 1 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas D Managing yourself 1 Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel E Objectives The module shall enable the students to gather various personal, social and methodological key competencies that can be particularly useful and helpful in the context of organizational change. At the same time, the module prepares students for their possible future roles in supporting change and for the particular emotional and pedagogical requirements involved. Didactically, practical applications are given priority over theory. Course contents Communication: Principles of corporate communication in change management process Concepts of communication Development of sustainable networks Cooperation: Helpful and supportive cooperation Reciprocal cooperation in managerial relationships Conflict resolutions Cooperation styles Development of a beneficial corporate culture Managing yourself: Introspection reflection on one's self Setting one s own goals and priorities Plans and planning aids Effective and efficient time management Self-assessment Working in unstable organisations and under uncertainty Coping with frustration and stress Work-Life-Balance Learning methods Exercises or seminar Assessment / Grades Study project/ presentation/ essay Prerequisites for course participation None; Attendance at practice oriented units may be required. Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies The module is applicable within the scope of studium generale, if adapted to other target groups. 13

14 C.1. Modules in the first semester Business Information Systems Module Business Information Systems CP Module: 7 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Components of Business Information Systems 1 Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lichtblau D Standard Software 1 Prof. Dr. Dieter Viefhues D Workflow Systems 1 Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lichtblau D Objectives The students will gain solid knowledge of the structure of business information systems, their tasks and realization under the software-, distribution-, and safety-related aspects. They will also become acquainted with the state of the art in this field. Within the scope of the special field of business standard software systems the students will deepen their knowledge in selecting, implementing and using such systems. Moreover, they will acquire a general idea of workflow systems, learn about theoretical backgrounds and acquire practical methodological skills. Course contents Components of Business Information Systems: Standard software and individual software Architecture of component systems Integration of legacy systems Functional components of business information systems Distributed and mobile systems Safety-related aspects Business Standard Software Systems: Standard software requirements Characteristics of available standard software Specification and evaluation of standard software Introduction and customising of standard software Market review of standard software Description of selected standard software and introduction how to use them Workflow Systems: Business processes and workflow Process management Process modelling Process analysis Workflow management systems Learning methods Seminars with computer based exercises or study projects Assessment / Grades Components of Business Information Systems: written examination/ oral examination Standard Software Systems: written examination/ presentation/ essay/ study project/ oral examination Workflow Systems: study project/ essay Prerequisites for course participation None Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies The course Workflow-Systems can be applicable to the master course Medical Engineering and Economics. 14

15 C.1. Modules in the first semester Structural Change and Adjustment Module Structural Change and Adjustment CP Module: 9 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Global and regional integration 1 Prof. Dr. Gerhard M. Feldmeier E Organizational behaviour and change management 1 Prof. Dr. Petra Milde E International Strategic Management 1 Prof. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis E Objectives The students are to be prepared for their possible employment as managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME s). They will be able to analyze the SME demands, resulting from global and regional internationalisation efforts, develop and evaluate internationalisation strategies and apply change management methods in practice. Course contents Transnational globalisation and regional integration Origin, structure and organisation of regional integration Effects of regional integration on the macro-environment (structural change) and microenvironment of SME s Instruments used for analysis of the competitive environment of SME s Organisational-level analysis of SME s (structure, strategy, technology, corporate culture and corporate-political processes) Organisational change: levels, phases, processes Corporate-, unit- and group-related organisational concepts Change activities and change competencies within organizations Change management tasks (Information management, knowledge management, planning and control of change processes) Change Coaching: Employees will become advisors SME s as learning and lean organisation Critical success factors and potential for success of international prosperous SME s Alternative forms and processes of internationalization Strategies for internationalization in SME s Strategic management concepts for international SME s Learning methods Lecture and discussion Case studies Meetings with small and medium-sized enterprises and business incubators Participation in SME symposia organized by organizations dealing with business matters and trade associations Assessment / Grades Global and regional integration: written examination/ presentation/ oral examination Organizational behaviour and change management: written examination/ presentation/ study project/ oral examination International Strategic Management: written examination/ presentation/ oral examination Prerequisites for course participation Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies 15

16 C.2. Modules in the second semester Elements of Management of SMEs 3 Module Elements of Management of SME s 3 CP Module: 6 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Human Resources Management 2 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas E Marketing in SMEs 2 Prof. Dr. Heike Simmet D Objectives The target of this module is to familiarize students with basic principles of business management adjusted to the needs of managers of SMEs. The module focuses particularly on the soft factors of success. In a functional perspective, the issues of market-oriented business management such as personnel management will be discussed. Course contents Human resources- related aspects cover: Organisation and structure of HR management HR services and outsourcing Personal and cultural leadership Transformational leadership International Human Resources Management Employees in network organisations Cultural diversity management, culture-related aspects of leadership Corporate development and HR management Management development Marketing-related aspects cover: Conceptual approach of marketing Formulation of marketing concepts: environmental conditions, possibilities or necessities Distinctive features of inter-industry marketing concept formulation: services marketing, trade marketing, business to business marketing, start-up marketing Development and implementation of marketing concepts Learning methods Seminar, block seminar, study project Assessment / Grades Written examination/ presentation/ essay/ study project/ oral examination Prerequisites for course participation None Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies None 16

17 C.2. Modules in the second semester Application area 1: Change Management in Food Industry Change Management in Food Industry CP Module: 6 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Application Project Food Management 2 Prof. Dr. Tamara Fallscheer D ,5 Business Models and Dynamics in the Food Industry 2 Prof. Dr. Tamara Fallscheer D ,5 Objectives Getting to know the structures and developments within the food industry Characteristics of production, processing and trade of agricultural and processed food products Quality assurance and traceability requirements in food industry Special logistic requirements in the food industry Key focus is getting to know the current situation, in order to identify improvement potentials and to benefit strategically and operationally from the competitiveness of one s own company. During the course, the latest trends and developments of German, European and international market will be described, in order to illustrate an increasing focus of food economy on global aspects and international interdependencies in food industry Working on case studies in one or more selected food industry sectors and certain companies (food processing and/or food trade). The size of a project group depends on the complexity of the case studies The students are to learn how to perceive and analyze the structure of and developments within a sector by means of statistics and other figures The students should be able to assess current competitive situations of a company from the food industry with the help of available data and information materials and to put it into a global context of current economic processes According to corresponding models the students should be able to submit their proposals for maintaining or extending the competitive position of the companies that were discussed in case studies. They will learn to solve tasks independently, in a creative and holistic way. At the same time, they should act deliberate and responsible with regard to the entrusted company and its employees 17

18 C.2. Modules in the second semester Application area 1: Change Management in Food Industry (continuation) Course contents Partner and functions in the food industry Production characteristics of the agrarian raw materials: EU market classification system, WTO regulations, the structure of European agrarian economy, sales and operations structures in the agrarian economy, agriculture contract and its value for food processing plants Exemplary structure of food processing: description of the selected sectors on the basis of indices, in order to derive competitive position and future competitive potential from it Structure and development of the food trade: types of trade, key success factors for trade and strategic approaches for increasing competitiveness in food trade (e.g. strategy for internationalization) Case studies on one or more selected sectors and food processing companies of various sizes within this sector and food trade Introduction to recognition and interpretation of characteristic features within a food industry Introduction to classification of food processing companies into business sector context by means of indices and information from specialist publications Introduction to recognition of strategic potential of food-companies analyzed in the case studies Independent preparation and interpretation of data Independent classification and description of the selected sectors with reference to their current and future development, as well as opportunities and risks in the global environment Independent formulation of alternative strategies that should lead to improvements in the competitive position of the examined food-companies (food processing and/or food trade) Learning methods Lecture, study project/ seminar Assessment / Grades Written examination/ presentation/ essay/ study project/ oral examination Prerequisites for course participation Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies 18

19 C.2. Modules in the second semester Application area 2: Change Management in the Tourism and Service Industry Change Management in the Tourism and Service Industry CP Module: 6 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Dynamics in the Tourism and Service Industry 2 Prof. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis E ,5 Cases in Tourism and Services 2 Prof. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis E ,5 Objectives The main focus of the module is tourism and other services. It provides knowledge of tourismrelated customer segments, typical activities & market structures, value chains, business models and current challenges. The module aims to explore the similarities to and differences from other sectors, recognize patterns and apply knowledge from other economic contexts. This course aims at applying theory to practice. Course contents Dynamics of the Tourism and Service Industry: The course deals with typical and recurring patterns, which underline change-phenomena on the sector- and industrial level. The areas of interest include: vertical integration, outsourcing, eliminating trade levels and a market breakdown. Moreover the course covers such topics as old and new business models, network effects, technological and social influences over the change. Topics will be elaborated upon and discussed by means of case studies from tourism, service, media and entertainment industry. Cases in Tourism and Services: During the course the students should learn to work independently on strategic and operative problems within tourism, service, media and entertainment industry. Thereby, the course is closely related with the course Dynamics of the tourism and service industry that provides students with essential basics of the field. Apart form deepening their technical and sectoral knowledge, the students will gain competencies in systematic problem structuring and problem solving, preparing presentations and giving a speech, as well as team working. Learning methods Lecture/ discussion and seminar Assessment / Grades Written examination and/or oral examination, presentation Prerequisites for course participation None Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies The module is no precondition for participating in other subjects of the master course. 19

20 C.2. Modules in the second semester Competence Building in Change Management 2 Module Competence Building in Change Management 2 CP Module: 7 Course S Lecturer: L WLP WLS CP Methods of Empirical Research 2 Prof. Dr. Heike Simmet D Multi-Project Management 2 Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel E Workshop Design 2 Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel E Training, Coaching 2 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas E Objectives The module shall enable the students to gather various personal, social and methodological key competencies that can be particularly useful and helpful in the context of organisational change. At the same time, the module prepares students for their possible future roles in supporting change and for the particular emotional and pedagogical requirements involved. Didactically, practical applications are given priority over theory. Course contents Methods of Empirical Research: Fundamental approaches and methodological instruments of empirical research Qualitative and quantitative research approaches Development of a survey design Multi-Project Management: Overview of project management Identification and classification of new projects Time management and standardization of projects Measuring project progress using degrees of attainment Project aggregation Controlling of project progress, implementation, costs and effects Assessment of the current situation by means of traffic light status Report forms Air Traffic Control for project clusters and programs Steering and supervisory committees Roles and report hierarchies Software support Workshop Design: Basic principles of using workshops as a managerial instrument Preparing and carrying out workshops, making post improvement on workshops Training, Coaching: Training methods Principles of coaching and examples of use Selection of external trainers and coaches Learning methods Exercise or seminar Assessment / Grades Written examination/ study project/ presentation/ essay Prerequisites for course participation None, an attendance at the practice oriented units may be required Application and usage of the module/ single courses in other courses of studies The module is applicable within the scope of studium generale, if adapted to other target groups. 20


WYDZIAŁ NAUK EKONOMICZNYCH Studia I stopnia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność PROGRAM OF BACHELOR STUDIES IN Description The objective of the studies is to train an expert in international

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Global Marketing. on the study program: Management

PROJECT. Syllabus for course Global Marketing. on the study program: Management Poznań, 2012, September 20th Doctor Anna Scheibe adiunct in the Department of Economic Sciences PROJECT Syllabus for course Global Marketing on the study program: Management I. General information 1. Name

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WYDZIAŁ NAUK EKONOMICZNYCH. Studia II stopnia niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność INERNATIONAL LOGISTICS

WYDZIAŁ NAUK EKONOMICZNYCH. Studia II stopnia niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność INERNATIONAL LOGISTICS Studia II stopnia niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność INERNATIONAL LOGISTICS Description Master Studies in International Logistics is the four-semesters studies, dedicate

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WYDZIAŁ NAUK EKONOMICZNYCH Studia I stopnia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne Kierunek Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze Specjalność PROGRAM OF BACHELOR STUDIES Graduate profile Graduate has a general theoretical knowledge in the field

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing. on the study program: Management

PROJECT. Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing. on the study program: Management Poznań, 2012, September 20th Doctor Anna Scheibe adiunct in the Department of Economic Sciences PROJECT Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing on the study program: Management I. General information

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Negotiations. on the study program: Management

PROJECT. Syllabus for course Negotiations. on the study program: Management Poznań, 2012, September 20th Doctor Anna Scheibe adiunct in the Department of Economic Sciences PROJECT Syllabus for course Negotiations on the study program: Management I. General information 1. Name

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Faculty: Management and Finance. Management

Faculty: Management and Finance. Management Faculty: Management and Finance The name of field of study: Management Type of subject: basic Supervisor: prof. nadzw. dr hab. Anna Antczak-Barzan Studies level (BSc or MA): bachelor studies Type of studies:

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PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE. Negotiation techniques. Management. Stationary. II degree

PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE. Negotiation techniques. Management. Stationary. II degree Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Zarządzania PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE Nazwa przedmiotu Kierunek Forma studiów Poziom kwalifikacji Rok Semestr Jednostka prowadząca Osoba sporządzająca Profil Rodzaj

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing. on the study program: Administration

PROJECT. Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing. on the study program: Administration Poznań, 2012, September 20th Doctor Anna Scheibe adiunct in the Department of Economic Sciences PROJECT Syllabus for course Principles of Marketing on the study program: Administration I. General information

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PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o.

PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Miejsce odbywania stażu / Legal address Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw Stanowisko, obszar działania/

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Health Resorts Pearls of Eastern Europe Innovative Cluster Health and Tourism

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Auditorium classes. Lectures

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Spis treści. Wprowadzenie... 13

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Z-LOG-169I Zarządzanie usługami Service Management. Logistics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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Z-LOG-1070 Towaroznawstwo Commodity Studies. Logistics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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Logistics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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Evaluation of the main goal and specific objectives of the Human Capital Operational Programme

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Z-EKO-067 Negocjacje Negotiations. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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No matter how much you have, it matters how much you need

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SYLLABUS. Human Resources Management Nazwa jednostki prowadzącej przedmiot/department Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego Kod przedmiotu/course CODE

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KARTA PRZEDMIOTU WYMAGANIA WSTĘPNE W ZAKRESIE WIEDZY, UMIEJĘTNOŚCI I INNYCH KOMPETENCJI Wydział Mechaniczny PWR KARTA PRZEDMIOTU Nazwa w języku polskim: PRACA DYPLOMOWA I, II Nazwa w języku angielskim: Master Thesis Kierunek studiów (jeśli dotyczy): Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn Specjalność (jeśli

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Ontology-based system of job offers analysis

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KOMUNIKACJA W ŚRODOWISKU EUROPEJSKIM KOMUNIKACJA W ŚRODOWISKU EUROPEJSKIM S PE C JA L I Z AC JA N A K I ER U N K U F I LO LO G I A A N G I EL S K A Informacja ogólna Podstawowym celem kształcenia w specjalizacji Komunikacja w środowisku europejskim

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PROJECT. Syllabus for course Techniques of negotiations and mediations in administration. on the study program: Administration

PROJECT. Syllabus for course Techniques of negotiations and mediations in administration. on the study program: Administration Poznań, 2012, September 20th Doctor Anna Scheibe adiunct in the Department of Economic Sciences PROJECT Syllabus for course Techniques of negotiations and mediations in administration on the study program:

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Effective Governance of Education at the Local Level

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PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o.

PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Miejsce odbywania stażu / Legal address Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw Stanowisko, obszar działania/

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Course syllabus. Mathematical Basis of Logistics. Information Technology in Logistics. Obligatory course. 1 1 English

Course syllabus. Mathematical Basis of Logistics. Information Technology in Logistics. Obligatory course. 1 1 English Course syllabus Course name: Mathematical Basis of Logistics Study Programme group: i Cycle of studies: Study type: I cycle (bachelor) Full-time Study Programme name: Specialisation: ii Electivity: iii

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Z-EKO-380 Organizacja i zarządzanie Organisation and Management. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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WYDZIAŁ: PSYCHOLOGIA KIERUNEK: Lp. I Introductory module 3 Academic skills Information Technology introduction Intellectual Property Mysterious Code of Science Online surveys Personal growth and social competences in the globalizedintercultural

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Prof. Peter Nijkamp (Tinbergen Institute, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, 's-hertogenbosch, The Netherlands )

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Number of hours teaching hours practical classes. others 1

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Proposal of thesis topic for mgr in. (MSE) programme in Telecommunications and Computer Science

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Podstawy automatyki. Energetics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Full-time (full-time / part-time)

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Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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Osoby 50+ na rynku pracy 2013-1-PL1-GRU06-38713

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Odnawialne źródła energii. Renewable Energy Resources. Energetics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Odnawialne źródła energii. Renewable Energy Resources. Energetics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Odnawialne źródła energii Module name in English Renewable Energy Resources Valid from academic year 2012/201 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level of

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Mechanics and Machine Design 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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Probabilistic Methods and Statistics. Computer Science 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Probabilistic Methods and Statistics. Computer Science 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Metody probabilistyczne i statystyka Module name in English Probabilistic Methods and Statistics Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS

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3. Gaining a knowledge of the organization and management of tourist company in the sphere of small and medium-sized organizations.

3. Gaining a knowledge of the organization and management of tourist company in the sphere of small and medium-sized organizations. Nazwa przedmiotu/course TITLE Nazwa jednostki prowadzącej przedmiot/department Kod przedmiotu/course CODE Studia/DEGREE PROGRAMME Kierunek studiów/faculty Tourism and Recreation Economics Faculty of Physical

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Krytyczne czynniki sukcesu w zarządzaniu projektami

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EPS. Erasmus Policy Statement

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International Business - studia licencjackie i magisterskie

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ERASMUS + : Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes through Europe. SURVEY TO STUDENTS.

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Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

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Łukasz Reszka Wiceprezes Zarządu

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What our clients think about us? A summary od survey results

What our clients think about us? A summary od survey results What our clients think about us? A summary od survey results customer satisfaction survey We conducted our audit in June 2015 This is the first survey about customer satisfaction Why? To get customer feedback

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Praktyki zawodowe. Internship. Civil Engineering 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Full-time (full-time / part-time)

Praktyki zawodowe. Internship. Civil Engineering 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Full-time (full-time / part-time) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Praktyki zawodowe Module name in English Internship Valid from academic year 2014/2015 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level of education Studies profile

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PROGRAM STAŻU. IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw

PROGRAM STAŻU. IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Miejsce odbywania stażu / Legal address Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw Stanowisko, obszar działania/

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Automatic Control and Robotics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Full-time (full-time / part-time)

Automatic Control and Robotics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Full-time (full-time / part-time) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Algebra liniowa Module name in English Linear Algebra Valid from academic year 013/014 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level of education Studies profile

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Spedycja. Forwarding. Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Spedycja. Forwarding. Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Spedycja Module name in English Valid from academic year 2013/2014 Forwarding MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level of education Studies profile Form

Bardziej szczegółowo

Z-LOG-1067 Rachunek kosztów logistyki Logistics Costs Accounting. Logistics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Z-LOG-1067 Rachunek kosztów logistyki Logistics Costs Accounting. Logistics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Module name in English Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Z-LOG-1067 Rachunek kosztów logistyki Logistics Costs Accounting Subject

Bardziej szczegółowo

Financial support for start-uppres. Where to get money? - Equity. - Credit. - Local Labor Office - Six times the national average wage (22000 zł)

Financial support for start-uppres. Where to get money? - Equity. - Credit. - Local Labor Office - Six times the national average wage (22000 zł) Financial support for start-uppres Where to get money? - Equity - Credit - Local Labor Office - Six times the national average wage (22000 zł) - only for unymployed people - the company must operate minimum

Bardziej szczegółowo


LEARNING AGREEMENT FOR STUDIES LEARNING AGREEMENT FOR STUDIES The Student First and last name(s) Nationality E-mail Academic year 2014/2015 Study period 1 st semester 2 nd semester Study cycle Bachelor Master Doctoral Subject area,

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Suplement do dyplomu

Suplement do dyplomu Suplement do dyplomu Doświadczenia Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi Renata Figlewicz Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Kształcenia Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w liczbach 2 wydziały 10

Bardziej szczegółowo

Computer Science 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Computer Science 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Wprowadzenie do systemów geoinformatycznych Module name in English Introduction to Geoinformatic Systems Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN

Bardziej szczegółowo

Podstawy logistyki The Fundamentals of Logistics. Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Podstawy logistyki The Fundamentals of Logistics. Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Module name in English Valid from academic year 013/014 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Podstawy logistyki The Fundamentals of Logistics Subject Level of education

Bardziej szczegółowo

Z-EKO-011 Prawo gospodarcze Economic Law. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Z-EKO-011 Prawo gospodarcze Economic Law. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Z-EKO-011 Prawo gospodarcze Economic Law Module code Module name Module name in English Valid from academic year 01/013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level of education Studies

Bardziej szczegółowo


INSTYTUT EUROPEISTYKI WYDZIAŁ PRAWA, PRAWA KANONICZNEGO I ADMINISTRACJI Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II INSTYTUT EUROPEISTYKI WYDZIAŁ PRAWA, PRAWA KANONICZNEGO I ADMINISTRACJI Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II European studies at KUL About the studies European Studies (BA) and European

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Z-ZIP Równania Różniczkowe. Differential Equations

Z-ZIP Równania Różniczkowe. Differential Equations MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Z-ZIP-1002 Module name Równania Różniczkowe Module name in English Differential Equations Valid from academic year 2016/2017 A. MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Field of

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PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE. Management stacjonarne. II degree

PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE. Management stacjonarne. II degree Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Zarządzania PRZEWODNIK PO PRZEDMIOCIE Subject Field of study Form of Study Poziom kwalifikacji PSYCHOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT Management stacjonarne II degree Year 1 Term

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Z-EKO-418 Fundusze UE. EU Funds. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Z-EKO-418 Fundusze UE. EU Funds. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Z-EKO-418 Fundusze UE Module code Module name Module name in English EU Funds Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level of education Studies profile

Bardziej szczegółowo

Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc Twoje konto Wyloguj. BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to teachers

Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc Twoje konto Wyloguj. BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to teachers 1 z 7 2015-05-14 18:32 Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc Back Twoje konto Wyloguj BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to teachers Tworzenie ankiety Udostępnianie

Bardziej szczegółowo

Undergraduate Programme in International Relations Academic programme (2017/2018 edition)

Undergraduate Programme in International Relations Academic programme (2017/2018 edition) UPIR First-cyle (bachelor level) full-time degree programme 2017/2018 Year 1 ECTS credit (Total) Form / type of class Type of examination No. Of teaching hours Form of course 1 History of International

Bardziej szczegółowo

Tworzenie zintegrowanych strategii miejskich. Creation of integrated urban strategies? the example of the Krakow Functional Area

Tworzenie zintegrowanych strategii miejskich. Creation of integrated urban strategies? the example of the Krakow Functional Area ZRÓWNOWAŻONY ROZWÓJ OBSZARÓW MIEJSKICH W KRAJACH CZŁONKOWSKICH UE W LATACH 2014-2020 29 września 1 października 2015 r. Sesja warsztatowa - Zintegrowane Strategie Miejskie tworzenie i realizacja Tworzenie

Bardziej szczegółowo

Metodyki projektowania i modelowania systemów Cyganek & Kasperek & Rajda 2013 Katedra Elektroniki AGH

Metodyki projektowania i modelowania systemów Cyganek & Kasperek & Rajda 2013 Katedra Elektroniki AGH Kierunek Elektronika i Telekomunikacja, Studia II stopnia Specjalność: Systemy wbudowane Metodyki projektowania i modelowania systemów Cyganek & Kasperek & Rajda 2013 Katedra Elektroniki AGH Zagadnienia

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Network Services for Spatial Data in European Geo-Portals and their Compliance with ISO and OGC Standards

Network Services for Spatial Data in European Geo-Portals and their Compliance with ISO and OGC Standards INSPIRE Conference 2010 INSPIRE as a Framework for Cooperation Network Services for Spatial Data in European Geo-Portals and their Compliance with ISO and OGC Standards Elżbieta Bielecka Agnieszka Zwirowicz

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The shape of and the challenges for the Polish EO sector initial findings of the SEED EO project

The shape of and the challenges for the Polish EO sector initial findings of the SEED EO project The shape of and the challenges for the Polish EO sector initial findings of the SEED EO project Drugie Forum Obserwacji Ziemi Ministerstwo Rozwoju Warszawa, 4 lipca 2016 2 Zadania projektu Stworzenie

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Uchwała nr 248/2018 Senatu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu z dnia 28 listopada 2018 r.

Uchwała nr 248/2018 Senatu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu z dnia 28 listopada 2018 r. Uchwała nr 248/2018 Senatu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu z dnia 28 listopada 2018 r. w sprawie: utworzenia na Wydziale Inżynierii Środowiska i Gospodarki Przestrzennej anglojęzycznego kierunku

Bardziej szczegółowo

Recent Developments in Poland: Higher Education Reform Qualifications Frameworks Environmental Studies

Recent Developments in Poland: Higher Education Reform Qualifications Frameworks Environmental Studies 544524-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-PL-TEMPUS-SMHES Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Studies at Ukrainian Universities Recent Developments in Poland: Higher Education Reform Qualifications Frameworks Environmental

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PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O

PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O Miejsce odbywania stażu IBM, ul. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wrocław, Poland Stanowisko, obszar działania Młodszy Koordynator Zarządzania Bazą

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I webinarium 18.02.2015

I webinarium 18.02.2015 I webinarium 18.02.2015 Współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Współpracy Transgranicznej Republika Czeska - Rzeczpospolita Polska 2007-2013.

Bardziej szczegółowo

Z-ZIP-1008. Procesy produkcyjne. Production Processes

Z-ZIP-1008. Procesy produkcyjne. Production Processes MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Z-ZIP-1008 Module name Procesy produkcyjne Module name in English Production Processes Valid from academic year 2016/2017 A. MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level

Bardziej szczegółowo

Z-EKO-381. Polityka gospodarcza UE EU Economic Policy. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Z-EKO-381. Polityka gospodarcza UE EU Economic Policy. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Z-EKO-381 Module name Module name in English Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Polityka gospodarcza UE EU Economic Policy Subject Level

Bardziej szczegółowo

Gospodarka Elektroenergetyczna. Power Systems Economy. Energetics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Gospodarka Elektroenergetyczna. Power Systems Economy. Energetics 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Gospodarka Elektroenergetyczna Module name in English Power Systems Economy Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject Level

Bardziej szczegółowo

Form of study: Stationary studies Number of hours/week: 1, 1, 0, 1, 0. Course guide

Form of study: Stationary studies Number of hours/week: 1, 1, 0, 1, 0. Course guide Course unit tilte: Integrated Zintegrowane Systemy Zarządzania Field of study: Management and Engineering of Production Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji Type of course unit: obligatory Level of study:

Bardziej szczegółowo

Implementation of the JEREMIE initiative in Poland. Prague, 8 November 2011

Implementation of the JEREMIE initiative in Poland. Prague, 8 November 2011 Implementation of the JEREMIE initiative in Poland Prague, 8 November 2011 Poland - main beneficiary of EU structural funds - 20% of allocation within cohesion policy (EUR 67 bln) Over EUR 10 bln of NSRF

Bardziej szczegółowo

Załącznik nr 4 do Zarządzenia Nr.. KARTA KURSU. Kod Punktacja ECTS* 2. Koordynator Dr Stanisław Skórka Zespół dydaktyczny

Załącznik nr 4 do Zarządzenia Nr.. KARTA KURSU. Kod Punktacja ECTS* 2. Koordynator Dr Stanisław Skórka Zespół dydaktyczny Załącznik nr 4 do Zarządzenia Nr.. KARTA KURSU Nazwa Nazwa w j. ang. Architektura informacji Information Architecture Kod Punktacja ECTS* 2 Koordynator Dr Stanisław Skórka Zespół dydaktyczny Opis kursu

Bardziej szczegółowo

Unit of Social Gerontology, Institute of Labour and Social Studies ageing and its consequences for society

Unit of Social Gerontology, Institute of Labour and Social Studies ageing and its consequences for society Prof. Piotr Bledowski, Ph.D. Institute of Social Economy, Warsaw School of Economics local policy, social security, labour market Unit of Social Gerontology, Institute of Labour and Social Studies ageing

Bardziej szczegółowo

Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc Twoje konto Wyloguj. BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to students

Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc Twoje konto Wyloguj. BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to students Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc Back Twoje konto Wyloguj BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to students Tworzenie ankiety Udostępnianie Analiza (55) Wyniki

Bardziej szczegółowo

Sargent Opens Sonairte Farmers' Market


Bardziej szczegółowo

Z-EKO-049 Rachunkowość zarządcza Management Accounting. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical)

Z-EKO-049 Rachunkowość zarządcza Management Accounting. Economics 1st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Module name in English Valid from academic year 2012/2013 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Z-EKO-049 Rachunkowość zarządcza Management Accounting Subject Level

Bardziej szczegółowo

1 / 5. Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Robotyki. Mechatronic Engineering with English as instruction language. stopnia

1 / 5. Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Robotyki. Mechatronic Engineering with English as instruction language. stopnia Wydział: Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Robotyki Kierunek: Mechatronic Engineering with English as instruction language Poziom studiów: Studia I stopnia Forma i tryb studiów: Stacjonarn e Rocznik: 017/018 Język

Bardziej szczegółowo



Bardziej szczegółowo

Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Major (basic / major / specialist subject / conjoint / other HES)

Transport 1 st degree (1st degree / 2nd degree) General (general / practical) Major (basic / major / specialist subject / conjoint / other HES) MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code Module name Module name in English Valid from academic year 2013/2014 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Logistyka odnowy systemów technicznych Renovation Logistics of Technical

Bardziej szczegółowo

Brief description of the paper/report. Chain 90% 10% District

Brief description of the paper/report. Chain 90% 10% District Brief description of the paper/report Item Identification Card (IIC) Process Structure Design Produce Deliver Analyse and Understand Chain 90% 10% District Argument Supply Chain Planning Process. Proces

Bardziej szczegółowo


UCHWAŁA NR R SENATU UNIWERSYTETU EKONOMICZNEGO WE WROCŁAWIU z dnia 11 lipca 2019 r. UCHWAŁA NR R.0000.96.2019 U UNIWERSYTETU EKONOMICZNEGO WE WROCŁAWIU z dnia 11 lipca 2019 r. w sprawie zatwierdzenia programu i efektów uczenia się dla kierunku International Business na studiach pierwszego

Bardziej szczegółowo

Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia oraz kryteria oceny ofert. Części nr 10

Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia oraz kryteria oceny ofert. Części nr 10 Załącznik nr 1 do Ogłoszenia Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia oraz kryteria oceny ofert Części nr 10 Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Społecznych Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja wykładów dla studentów Uniwersytetu

Bardziej szczegółowo


OPIS PRZEDMIOTU/MODUŁU KSZTAŁCENIA (SYLABUS) Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia Nr 33/2012 z dnia 25 kwietnia 2012 r. OPIS PRZEDMIOTU/MODUŁU KSZTAŁCENIA (SYLABUS) 1. Nazwa przedmiotu/modułu w języku polskim Informatyka w biznesie 2. Nazwa przedmiotu/modułu

Bardziej szczegółowo



Bardziej szczegółowo

Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Karta przedmiotu. obowiązuje studentów rozpoczynających studia w roku akademickim 2013/2014

Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Karta przedmiotu. obowiązuje studentów rozpoczynających studia w roku akademickim 2013/2014 Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki Karta przedmiotu Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej obowiązuje studentów rozpoczynających studia w roku akademickim 013/014 Kierunek studiów: Budownictwo Forma sudiów:

Bardziej szczegółowo



Bardziej szczegółowo

Życie za granicą Studia

Życie za granicą Studia - Uczelnia I would like to enroll at a university. Wyrażenie chęci zapisania się na uczelnię I want to apply for course. an undergraduate a postgraduate a PhD a full-time a part-time an online I would

Bardziej szczegółowo



Bardziej szczegółowo

Call 2013 national eligibility criteria and funding rates

Call 2013 national eligibility criteria and funding rates Call 2013 national eligibility criteria and funding rates POLAND a) National eligibility criteria Funding Organisation National Contact Point National Center for Research and Development (Narodowe Centrum

Bardziej szczegółowo

MiBM_UiTI _BW_1/5. Balistyka wewnętrzna. Internal Ballistics

MiBM_UiTI _BW_1/5. Balistyka wewnętrzna. Internal Ballistics MODULE DESCRIPTION Module code MiBM_UiTI _BW_1/5 Module name Balistyka wewnętrzna Module name in English Internal Ballistics Valid from academic year 2013/2014 MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS Subject

Bardziej szczegółowo

Cel szkolenia. Konspekt

Cel szkolenia. Konspekt Cel szkolenia About this CourseThis 5-day course provides administrators with the knowledge and skills needed to deploy and ma Windows 10 desktops, devices, and applications in an enterprise environment.

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Czym są Partnerstwa Strategiczne? Piotr Wołejsza Akademia Morska w Szczecinie Kierownik projektów

Czym są Partnerstwa Strategiczne? Piotr Wołejsza Akademia Morska w Szczecinie Kierownik projektów Czym są Partnerstwa Strategiczne? Piotr Wołejsza Akademia Morska w Szczecinie Kierownik projektów More Academic Entrepreneurial Business Life Coach at European MELES Schools 2.0 Czym są Partnerstwa Strategiczne?

Bardziej szczegółowo



Bardziej szczegółowo

Monnet International School (IB School 1483) - LANGUAGE POLICY

Monnet International School (IB School 1483) - LANGUAGE POLICY Monnet International School (IB School 1483) - LANGUAGE POLICY Philosophy Monnet International School: students come from different cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds. We help them to learn and

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