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Rada do spraw cyfryzacji Zespół: Edukacja cyfrowa



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Institute of Electronic Systems Nowowiejska 15/19 00 665 Warsaw, Poland Phone: (+48-22 ) 825 37 09 Fax: (+48-22 ) 825 23 00 http://www. ise@ Edited by: Barbara Krawczynska

CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION...2 1.1. Mission and organization of the Institute...2 1.2. Board of Directors...2 1.3. Circuit and Signal Theory Division...2 1.4. Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division...2 1.5. Electronic Circuits and Systems Division...2 1.6. Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division...2 1.7. Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence...2 1.8. Statistical data...2 2. STAFF...2 2.1. Senior academic staff...2 2.2. Junior academic staff...2 2.3. Technical and administrative staff...2 3. TEACHING ACTIVITIES...2 3.1. Basic courses...2 3.2. Advanced courses...2 3.3. Special courses...2 3.4. International co-operation...2 4. RESEARCH PROJECTS...2 4.1. Projects granted by the University...2 4.2. Projects granted by Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology (MNiI)...2 4.3. Projects granted by international institutions...2 4.4. Other projects...2 5. DEGREES AWARDED...2 5.1. D.Sc. degrees...2 5.2. Ph.D. degrees...2 5.3. M.Sc. degrees...2 5.4. B.Sc. Degrees...2 6. PUBLICATIONS...2 6.1. Scientific and technical books, chapters in books, translations, editorships...2 6.2. Scientific and technical papers in journals...2 6.3. Scientific and technical papers in conference proceedings...2 6.4. Teaching aids...2 6.5. Other publications...2 7. REPORTS...2 7.1. Research reports...2 7.2. Other reports...2 8. PATENTS...2 8.1. Foreign patents...2 8.2. Home patents...2 9. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS AND MEETINGS...2 9.1. International conferences...2 9.2. Local conferences...2 9.3. Schools and seminars...2 9.4. Meetings...2 10. GUESTS IN THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS...2 11. AWARDS...2-3 -

- 4 -

From the Director of the Institute of Electronic Systems The Institute of Electronic Systems of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of WUT offers a wide range of opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. It offers also its technical and intellectual resources for the industry. Our teaching and research activities respond to the needs of today s electronics and computer engineering. The Institute offers courses, and opportunities for studying and research in: automatic measurement and test systems, microsystems, semiconductor and smart sensors, flow measurements, measurement and control systems for experiments in high-energy physics, neural networks and adaptive measurement systems, optoelectronic circuits for sensing and telecommunication, adaptive signal detection and estimation methods, modeling of radar disturbances, digital signal processing for radar systems, RF and microwave monolithic integrated circuits design and testing, design of software systems for VLSI integrated circuits, analogue and pulse electronic circuits and systems, microprocessor and digital systems, digital signal processing of biomedical signals, artificial intelligence methods, soft computing and fuzzy logic, photoacoustics. Our activities in these topics are hardware oriented and devoted to practical applications in medicine, radar, radio communication, distributed environment-monitoring systems, high energy physics experiments and others. The Institute has developed a network of modern teaching and research laboratories. It creates a strong basis for our staff to perform and fulfill research programs for the Polish industry and within the European research programs. The continuing programme of expansion and development of the Institute is driven by 10 professors (including 2 full professors), 3 associate professors and 38 assistant professors. 31 Ph.D. students sponsored and guided by the professors of the Institute, participate in research activities. In 2005 two of them obtained the Doctor degree (Ph.D.). Members of the Institute staff are devoted researchers. In 2005 they published 10 scientific and teaching books and book chapters, 111 journal papers and 72 papers in conference proceedings. Some of the professors are recognized worldwide as authorities and act as reviewers of papers submitted for publications in the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, on Circuits and Systems, on Measurements and Instrumentation and other international journals and conferences. For their outstanding achievements in research and teaching, academics of the Institute have gained 13 Awards of the Rector of the WUT. New research laboratory devoted to development of electronic measurement and control systems for TESLA linear collider at the Deutsches Electronen Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany is active in the Institute. These activities are performed under the long term FP6 European Project CARE Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe. Each year the Institute organizes the IEEE-SPIE Multi-Symposium on: Advanced Electronics and Photonics and on Digital Signal Processing and Radar Signal Processing in Wilga. This scientific event is devoted mainly for Ph.D. Students and young researchers. In 2005 over 200 participants presented their papers at the Symposium. - 5 -

The Institute co-organizes the annual National Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and Global Optimization. This Conference integrates academics and researchers from universities and science centers and is considered the most important scientific event in Poland in this subject. Professors of our Institute have been teaching 70 different courses. Many of teaching activities are performed in our well-equipped laboratories such as Electronics for High Energy Physics Laboratory, Bioengineering Laboratory, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, RF & Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits Laboratory and others. The Institute guides also activities of student research groups: Digital Signal Processing and Radar Systems Group and Electronics for High Energy Physics Group. During the TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting in Frascati, Italy (December 2005), the Institute of Electronic Systems was presented as a candidate for full membership. The Warsaw University of Technology membership in TESLA Technology Collaboration may result in participation in large European and worldwide research programs on accelerator development. Students who come to the Institute of Electronic Systems are joining a dynamic, expanding and lively institution, in which, I believe, we are managing to retain one of the long-standing traditions of our Institute, that of being the Institute with high standards for education and research and a friendly place with good relations between staff and students. Our developments are possible thanks to a strong involvement of the academic staff and administration. I appreciate this opportunity to express my cordial thanks to our staff, students and friends who identify themselves with our goals. I also hope that our achievements presented in this report will serve as a stimulation for new European and domestic industrial and research partners to initiate and exploit the Institute potential in education, research and engineering. The Director Professor Jerzy Szabatin, Ph.D., D.Sc. - 6 -

1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Mission and organization of the Institute In recent years, the teaching and research activities in the Institute of Electronic Systems have been focused on design, construction and maintenance of analogue, digital and mixed electronic systems and instrumentation, working in the range of low, high, microwave as well as optical frequencies. These systems are intended for many different applications in: measurement and control, radio - and telecommunication, bioengineering and radar, with broad use of digital, microprocessor and computer techniques and software engineering. Teaching and research activities of the Institute s staff are in the areas: of CAD systems for VLSI analogue, digital and mixed electronic circuits and systems, micro electro-mechanical systems, design and testing of RF and microwave monolithic integrated circuits for communication systems, computer controlled measurement systems, numerical methods, digital signal processing of radar signals, and of biomedical signals, analogue and digital filtering, neural networks, artificial intelligence, molecular (DNA) computing, semiconductor and smart sensors, flow sensors and flow measurements, optoelectronic metrology, non-linear fiber optics, optical fiber devices and optical fiber sensors. Traditionally, the Institute s professors teach basic electronic courses such as: Circuit Theory, Signals and Systems, Electronic Circuits and Systems, Basics of Electrical and Electronic Measurements, but the main teaching and research involvement of the Institute is in the advanced and modern areas of electronics and information technology presented above. In a two-stage teaching system of the Faculty, the Institute is responsible for a specialization Electronics and Computer Engineering. In many aspects these two areas of science and engineering have common fields. Staff members of the Institute are involved in most of the teaching activities for Electronics and Computer Engineering specialization, but also they teach and participate in other specializations. Like other Institutes of the Faculty, the Institute of Electronic Systems is structured into Divisions. The Institute incorporates four Divisions and one Independent Research Group: Circuit and Signal Theory Division incorporates three Research Groups: Research Group on Nonlinear Networks, Research Group on Digital Methods of Signal Processing, Research Group on Radar Signals Processing Systems. Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division incorporates one Research Group: Research Group on Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation. Electronic Circuits and Systems Division incorporates four Research Groups: Research Group on Electronic Analogue Circuits, Research Group on Digital Systems and Digital Signal Processing, Research Group on Pulse and Digital Equipment, Research Group on Biocybernetic Instrumentation. Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division incorporates five Research Groups: Research Group on Sensors, Research Group on Industrial Measurement Systems, Research Group on Automatic Test Systems, Research Group on Optoelectronic Circuits, Research Group on Internet Measurement Systems. Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence - 7 -

1.2. Board of Directors Till August 31, 2005 Director Deputy-Director for Research Deputy-Director for Academic Affairs Professor Janusz A. Dobrowolski Ph.D., D.Sc. Grzegorz Pankanin Ph.D. Jan Szymon Bober Ph.D. Since September 1, 2005 Director Deputy-Director for Research Deputy-Director for Academic Affairs Professor Jerzy Szabatin Ph.D., D.Sc. Room: 216 Phone: ( +48-22) 825 37 09, 0-22 660 7744 Fax: ( +48-22) 825 23 00 szabatin@ Professor Ryszard Romaniuk Ph.D., D.Sc. Room: 218 Phone( +48-22) 825 37 09, 0-22 660 5110 Fax: ( +48-22) 825 23 00 rrom@ Tomasz Starecki Ph.D. Room: 221 Phone: (+48-22) 825 75 44, 0-22 660 7730 Fax: ( +48-22) 825 23 00 tomi@ Deputy-Director for Technical and Administrative Affairs Barbara Janczak Krawczynska, M.Sc. Room: 220 Phone: (+48-22) 825 75 44, 0-22 660 7875 Fax: ( +48-22) 825 23 00 bkraw@ - 8 -

1.3. Circuit and Signal Theory Division Head: Jerzy Szabatin, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc. Room: 455 Phone: (+48-22) 825 46 39, 0-22 660 76 53 szabatin@ Staff: Jacek Kudrewicz, emeritus Professor, Jerzy Osiowski, emeritus Professor, Bohdan Butkiewicz, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc., Andrzej Wojtkiewicz, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc., Jan Szymon Bober, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Bogdan Galinski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Zbigniew Gajo, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Konrad Jedrzejewski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Krzysztof Kulpa, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Jacek Misiurewicz, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Marek Nalecz, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Anatolij Platonow, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Rafal Rytel-Andrianik, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Edward Sliwa, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Bozena Swidzinska, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Zdzislaw Michalski, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc., Jacek Falkiewicz, Assistant, Ph.D., Michal Piotrkowski, Assistant, M.Sc., (half time), Marek Rupniewski, Assistant, M.Sc., Kazimierz Skrzydelski, Technician, Elzbieta Styczek, Secretary. General Information The Circuit and Signal Theory Division deals with all aspects of circuit theory as well as modern problems of signal theory and digital signal processing. The staff of the Division delivers courses on this subject at basic and advanced level. Also a number of student's laboratories are realized as an essential part of these courses. Individual laboratories and diploma works are also conducted. The research and teaching activity of the Division is carried out in three groups: Research Group on Nonlinear Networks (Head Professor Bohdan Butkiewicz, 6 members and 2 Ph.D. Students) is involved in: Dynamics of nonlinear systems, Fractals in computer graphics, Fuzzy logic. The main interest is focused on applications of bifurcation theory and chaotic dynamics to investigation of mathematical models of selected electronic systems, e.g. the phase-locked loops. Fractals methods and particularly the idea of Iterated Functions System is applicated to compression of images and pattern recognition. - 9 - Research on fuzzy logic is devoted to fuzzy control theory and practice, fuzzy modeling and approximate reasoning methods. Theoretical works concern influence of different reasoning and defuzzification methods on control results as well as model construction and its exactness. Practical investigations are devoted to application of fuzzy microcontrollers and modeling of different physical and industrial processes. Research Group on Digital Methods of Signal Processing (Head Professor Jerzy Szabatin, 6 members and 5 Ph.D. Students). The main subjects of interest of the Group include: New methods and algorithms for digital signal processing (optimal filtering, detection, estimation, tracking), Adaptive signal processing and its applications in communications and metrology, Robust methods for signal estimation and classification, Wireless spread-spectrum communication systems. The main interest is focused on adaptive and robust methods of digital signal processing and their application to elimination of disturbances in DS CDMA systems, in array signal processing, as well as design of intelligent sensors with adaptively controlled sensitivity based on the idea of optimal fitted observation of signals. Research Group on Radar Signals Processing Systems (Head Professor Andrzej Wojtkiewicz, 6 members and 2 Ph.D. Students) is involved in: Digital signal processing of radar signals, Design and implementation of real time systems for processing massive data streams (more than 100 MB/s) with the use of the newest generation DSPs., Two dimensional signal processing in FMCW sea and land radars, Processing of radar images using SAR techniques, Passive and noise radars. In particular, the research activity of the Group is focused on design as well as hardware and software realization of digital systems for real time processing of radar signals with the use of signal processors, industrial computers and programmable logic. Research in radar applications is carried out in cooperation with industrial institutes.

1.4. Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division Head: Janusz A. Dobrowolski, Full Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc. Room: 250 Phone: 0-22 660 7669 JAD@ Staff: Adam Abramowicz, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Miroslaw Adamski, (on leave), Assistant Professor Ph.D., Krzysztof Antoszkiewicz, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Marek T. Faber, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Zbigniew Nosal, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Wojciech Wiatr, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Elzbieta G. Fistek, Senior R&D Engineer, M.Sc. Group profile: Monolithic microwave integrated circuits - analysis, design and testing, Microwave measurement techniques and systems, High frequency and microwave communication systems, Computer aided analysis and design of microwave circuits (active and passive). Historical note: The Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division was established in 1975 and, since then, has promoted 110 M.Sc. s and 15 Ph.D. s. Members of the Group have written more than 600 scientific papers and have taken active part in about 100 conferences. 65 research projects have been performed and many of them resulted in the unique microwave equipment fabricated by the Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division staff. Purpose: The Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division activities concern two main areas: education and scientific research. A comprehensive education program in the field of microwaves providing a coherent series of courses, discussions, seminars, independent studies or investigations leads to academic and professional degrees. The Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division als o offer courses in millimeter wave techniques, monolithic microwave integrated circuits and advanced measurement techniques for qualified professionals. The Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division conducts an extensive scientific and applied research within the microwave area and provides services in the design and development of a microwave communication equipment - such as receivers and low power transmitters in the frequency range up to 40 GHz. Main research topics: Modeling, design and testing of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (GaAs MMIC's) and Si CMOS RF IC for communication systems, Advanced computer aided measurements of microwave semiconductor devices (scattering and noise parameter extraction, methodology of measurements, computer-controlled test systems), Novel microwave filter structures (filters employing dielectric resonators and high temperature superconductors), measurements of DR parameters, theory of coupled transmission lines, Synthesis of low noise microwave amplifiers. Recent achievements: Development of a new design method for high quality tunable filters, Development RF receiver blocks in Si CMOS technology. - 10 -

1.5. Electronic Circuits and Systems Division Head: Leszek Opalski, Assistant Professor, D.Sc., Ph.D. Room: 258 Phone: 0-22 660 7989 zuise@ Staff: Andrzej Filipkowski, emeritus Professor, Tomasz Adamski, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc., Marek Czosnyka, Assistant Professor (on leave), Ph.D., D.Sc., Jan Ogrodzki, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc., Antoni Grzanka, Assistant Professor, D.Sc., Ph.D., Marian Bukowski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Aleksander Burd, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Stanislaw Jankowski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Boguslaw Kalinowski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Katarzyna Opalska, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Tomasz Owczarek, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Tomasz Starecki, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Wojciech Zabolotny, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Krzysztof Zamlynski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Antoni Fijalkowski, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc., Magdalena Szezynska, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D., (half time), Wojciech Zaworski, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc., Krzysztof Golofit, Assistant, M.Sc., (half time), Marcin Grajda, Assistant, M.Sc., Stefan Piechnik, Assistant (on leave), Ph.D., Wieslaw Byrski, Technician, Hanna Poplawska, Secretary, (half time). General Information There are two general areas of the research and teaching activities: Analysis and design of analogue and digital electronic circuits with strong emphasis on the properties of electronic components, Digital and analogue signal processing with strong emphasis on physiological and biomedical signals. Work of the Division is carried out in four research/teaching groups: Research Group on Electronic Analogue Circuits (Head - Professor Jan Ogrodzki, 6 members). The main research activities are related to various aspects of design of analogue, switch mode, mixed signal circuits and microsystems. Modeling, simulation and computer aided design of circuits and systems including electro-chemical microsystems. The Group has established co-operation with several European Centers and is participating in domestic as well as international research programs (e.g. Centre of Excellence COMBAT). Research Group on Digital Systems and Digital Signal Processing (Head Professor Tomasz Adamski, 6 members). The main research activities are related to: Electronic Circuits (digital and pulse circuits, PLL circuits, analogue/digital converters and data acquisition boards), Digital systems (cryptology, microprocessor systems, parallel processing algorithms and systems, multimedia technology), Digital signal processing (solving of illconditioned problems, algebraic methods in DSP and its application in digital systems, processing of stochastic signals), Computer-aided measurement systems (virtual instruments, spectral analyzers, correction of measurement systems based on DSP) and the problem of noise in electronic circuits and systems. Research Group on Pulse and Digital Equipment (Head - Tomasz Starecki Ph.D., 4 members). The main research activities are related to: Components, circuits and systems used in fast pulse technology, Analysis and design of wide-bandwidth sampling circuits, Modelling and simulation of analog (in particular fast switching) components, circuits and systems, Application of microprocessor technology in measuring equipment, Photoacoustics, Virtual instrumentation. Research Group on Biocybernetic Instrumentation (Head - Antoni Grzanka D.Sc., Ph.D., 5 members). The main research activities are related to: Computer methods and instrumentation for neurosurgical diagnosis, modeling and neuromonitoring with applications in postoperative intensive care, Data and signal processing and measurement methods for audiology, rhinology and foniatrics, Non-invasive acoustic methods for brain vessel diagnosis, The Group has established international co-operation with the Neurosurgery Department of the Cambridge University (UK). - 11 -

1.6. Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division Head: Ryszard Jachowicz, Full Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc. Room: 242 Phone: 0-22 660 7848 rsjach@ Staff: Jerzy Helsztynski, Emeritus Professor, Konrad Hejn, Professor, D.Sc., Ryszard Romaniuk, Professor, D.Sc., Jacek Dusza, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Kazimierz Jedrze jewski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Antoni Lesniewski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Grzegorz Pankanin, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Krzysztof Pozniak, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Slawomir Sobczak, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Zbigniew Wawrzyniak, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Jerzy Weremczuk, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Maciej Linczuk, Assistant, M.Sc., Grzegorz Tarapata, Assistant, M.Sc., Grazyna Gortat, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D., Jerzy Jedrachowicz, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D., Lech Lewandowski, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Jerzy Berlinski, Senior R&D Engineer, M.Sc., Tomasz Czarski, Senior R&D Engineer, M.Sc, Wieslaw Jasiewicz, Senior R&D Engineer, M.Sc., Slawomir Lada, Senior R&D Engineer, M.Sc., Michal Ramotowski, SeniorR&DEngineer, M.Sc, (half time), Jacek Sochon, Senior R&D Engineer, M.Sc., Boguslaw Sutkowski, Technician, Agnieszka Rutkowska, secretary, (till December 31, 2005) Research Group on Microsystems and Sensors (Head - Professor Ryszard Jachowicz, 3 members, 2 Ph.D.Students) conducts research in: Sensor design, modeling, simulation and sensor testing, Construction of microsystems and instruments for pressure, temperature, humidity and moisture measurements. The main interest of the Group is focused on semiconductor and smart sensors, protocols and interfaces for smart sensor communication, microsystems design and tests, wireless sensor interfaces. Research Group on Industrial Measurement Systems (Head - Grzegorz Pankanin Ph.D., 2 members) conducts research in designing and realization of measurement systems dedicated for specific industrial applications. In the area of Group interest: Sensors for physical quantities measurement (flow sensors, temperature and pressure), Signal processing systems, Data acquisition systems, results presentation and equipment control (pumps, valves, and heaters). Research Group on Automatic Test Systems (Head Professor Konrad Hejn, 4 members) conducts research in analogue to digital conversion techniques: Delta - sigma modulators, Highly efficient decimators, DSP algorithms, VXI/SCPI technology. VHDL modeling and simulation are the main topics of the research conducted. To provide a bridge between DSP theory and the physical world of analogue to the digital converter s circuit the Group is always at the center of interest. Research Group on Optoelectronic Circuits (Head Kazimierz Jedrzejewski Ph.D., 4 members) conducts research in: Optoelectronic metrology in laboratory and industry, Optical fiber technology, Solitons and nonlinear fiber optics, Optical fiber devices, Multicomponent and fluoride glass fibers, Optical fiber sensors, Image processing, Optical computing, Research Group on Internet Measurement Systems (Head Professor Ryszard Romaniuk 5 members, 6 Ph.D.Students) conducts research in: Distributed measuring systems and Electronics for HEP (High Energy Physics), Terabit Optical Internet, DWDM Systems. The Group cooperates closely with DESY (Hamburg), CERN (Geneva), FNAL (Batavia, Ill), Soltan Institute of Nuclear Problems and Institute of Experimental Physics of Warsaw University. The major research product of the Group is photonic/electronic control system for SRF accelerator, referred in the world bibliography to as the SIMCON (ver.2.1, 3.0, 3.1). The Group maintains several active web servers, and high power cluster with networked MatLab system. The Group has two laboratories: PERG Photonics and Web Engineering Research and ELHEP Electronics for High Energy Physics Experiments. - 12 -

1.7. Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence Head: Jan J. Mulawka, Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc. Room: 225 Phone: 0-22 660 5319 jml@ Staff: Jaroslaw Arabas, Assistant Professor Ph.D., Pawel Cichosz, Assistant Professor Ph.D., Piotr Wasiewicz, Assistant Professor Ph.D., Robert Nowak, Assistant, Ph.D. General Information The activities of the Artificial Intelligence Group include teaching and scientific research in the field of intelligent computational techniques. These are techniques developed for solving most demanding tasks which may require intelligence when they are performed by humans, and are particularly hard for computers. Most extensively studied families of such tasks include search, optimization, inference, and learning. Within each of them there are several more specific tasks and corresponding intelligent computational techniques, which have received significant interest both from scientists and practitioners. This corresponds to a technical view of artificial intelligence (as opposed to other views present in philosophy, psychology, or pop culture). The Group's research is particularly focused on the following fields: evolutionary computation: search and optimization inspired by natural evolution, inductive learning: automatic knowledge acquisition by generalizing training examples, reinforcement learning: automatic skill acquisition from rewards, data mining: discovering useful patterns in data and transforming them into predictive models, neural networks: learning in neurobiologically inspired networks of simple processing units, support vector machines: a statistical approach to machine learning, molecular computation: solving computational tasks using the "hardware" of DNA and molecular biology. Primary research goals are developing new algorithms with improved properties and investigating their most promising prospective applications. In particular, the Group has contributed e.g. novel evolutionary computation techniques, new theoretical results on the properties of evolutionary algorithms, several applications of evolutionary algorithms, neural networks and support vector machines to real-world optimization an modeling tasks, novel reinforcement learning speed-up techniques, experimentally verified molecular implementations of several basic combinatorial and logical operations. The scope of teaching activities of the Artificial Intelligence Group is even broader. There are courses covering nearly all major tasks and computational techniques within the field of artificial intelligence. Apart from the reseach topics listed above, which are also extensively taught, additional teaching topics include heuristic search, deductive inference, expert systems, game-playing, and nonlinear optimization methods. The Group also participates in basic computer science teaching, in particular in programming and databases.. - 13 -

1.8. Statistical data SPECIFICATION 2003 2004 2005 academic staff 65 65 66 full professors 4 3 3 professors 5 7 7 assistant professors 41 42 41 senior lecturers 7 5 7 lecturers 0 0 0 assistants 8 8 8 Ph.D. students 28 33 31 technical staff 9 10 11 administrative staff 9 9 9 space laboratories 932 m 2 1025 m 2 1025 m 2 library 54 m 2 54 m 2 54 m 2 offices of academic staff 1170 m 2 1170 m 2 1170 m 2 computers workstations 25 27 28 personal computers 350 365 405 library resources books (number of volumes) 7200 6787 6866 journals (number of titles subscribed to) 23 15 2 teaching activities basic courses 35 27 28 advanced courses 24 22 24 special courses 14 11 18 international projects 11 6 6 research projects granted by the University 57 44 37 granted by State institutions 4 11 15 granted by international institutions 5 6 8 other projects 10 6 7 degrees awarded D.Sc. degrees 2 0 0 Ph.D. degrees 3 2 2 M.Sc. degrees 41 39 39 B.Sc. degrees 52 35 36 publications sci.-tech. books 10 8 10 sci.-tech. papers in journals 57 76 111 sci.-tech. papers in conference proceedings 80 91 72 teaching aids 5 3 1 other publications 19 10 6 reports research reports 50 32 28 other reports 0 0 3 patents 1 5 conferences organized by the Institute (number of conferences) 3 3 3 organized by the Institute (number of participants) 180 250 250 others (number of conferences) 54 45 44 others (number of participants from the Institute) 93 96 117-14 -

2. STAFF 2.1. Senior academic staff Adam ABRAMOWICZ, M.Sc. (1982), Ph.D. (1993); Passive microwave circuits, Dielectric resonator and HTS filters, Microwave measurements of dielectrics; Assistant Professor; Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Divis ion; Senior Member IEEE, Vice-Chairman AP/AES/MTT joint chapter of the IEEE Poland Section (2003-), Member of the Editorial Board IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique and IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters; Listed in the Marquis Who s Who in the World 2001 edition and Marquis Who's Who in Business and Finance 2003 edition and Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2005 edition; [Edu.7], [Pro.4], [Pro.26], [Pro.48], [Pro.57], [M.Sc.37], [Pub.11], [Pub.122], [Pub.169], [Pub.193], [Rep.6], [Rep.7], [Rep.8], [Conf.24]; Miroslaw ADAMSKI, M.Sc. (1982), Ph.D. (1997); Microwaves, Frequency converters - modeling and simulation, Noise in circuits and systems, On wafer measurements; Assistant Professor (on leave); Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division; Member of IEEE (1998 -); Tomasz ADAMSKI, Ph.D. (1976), D.Sc. (1994); Electronic circuits and systems, Digital systems, Digital signal processing (ill-conditioned problems, stochastic signals), Cryptography; Professor; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Head of the Research Group on Digital Systems and Digital Signal Processing; Member of Polish Association for Automation, Robotics and Measurement; Member of the Signals, Systems and Electronic Circuits Section of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1996 - ); Member of the Science Committee of the International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES and International Conference on Information Networks and System Technology ICINAST; Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Conference of Electronics (2001 - ); Member of the Editorial Board of the Internet cryptographic monthly Security of IT; Scientific consultant of Polish computer security and cryptographic firms; [Ph.D.Student 9], [Edu.11], [Edu.28], [Edu.54], [Edu.59], [Edu.65], [Pro.9], [Pro.24], [M.Sc.4], [M.Sc.23], [Pub.1], [Pub.2]; Krzysztof ANTOSZKIEWICZ, M.Sc. (1972), Ph.D. (1983); Frequency synthesis and synchronization, Microwaves; Assistant Professor; Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division; [Pro.26], [B.Sc.26]; Room: 257 Phone: 0-22 660 77 10 aabr@ pl Room: Phone: AME@ pl Room: 248 Phone: 0-22 660 76 34 tadam@ Room: 255 Phone: 0-22 660 76 63 Kanto@ ; - 15 -

Jaroslaw ARABAS, M.Sc. (1993), Ph.D. (1996); Computer Science, Global optimization, Neural nets, Predictive control, Steam boiler control, Energy markets; Assistant Professor; Member of Faculty Council Committee on Faculty Organization (2005 -); Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; Head of the Organizing Committee of the National Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and Global Optimization; Member of the Program Committee of: Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature; Life Member of the Academic Tourist Club Maluch ; [Edu.21], [Edu.40], [Edu.53], [Pro.31], [Pro.68], [Pub.3], [Pub.123], [Pub.187], [Rep.1], [Conf.40], [Conf.60]; Jan Szymon BOBER, M.Sc. (1965), Ph.D. (1975); Circuit theory, Analogue filters; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Deputy-Director for Academic Affairs (1993 2005); Member of the Faculty Council (1980 2005); Chairman of the Faculty Council Committee on History and Tradition (1996-2005); Member of the Faculty Council Committee on History and Tradition (2005 - ); Chairman of the Faculty Alumnus Association (1991 - ); Member of the Dean's Advisory Board for Finances (1990 2005); Member of the National Foundation for Child Welfare (1989 - ); [Edu.1], [Edu.12], [Edu.55], [Edu.56], [Pub.5]; Marian BUKOWSKI, M.Sc. (1964), Ph.D. (1983); Electronics, Electronic Circuits; Assistant Professor; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Gold Cross of Merit (2004); [Edu.10], [Pro.19], [Pro.32]; Aleksander BURD, M.Sc. (1989), Ph.D. (2000); Fast analogue and digital pulse techniques, Assistant Professor, Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; [Edu.39], [Edu.49], [Pro.6], [Pro.20], [Pro.34],[M.Sc.18], [M.Sc.32], [B.Sc.10], [B.Sc.32], [B.Sc.35], [Pub.16], [Pub.17], [Pub.18], [Pub.103], [Pub.184], [Rep.24], [Rep.25], [Conf.5]; Bohdan BUTKIEWICZ, M.Sc. (1964), Ph.D. (1972), D.Sc. (2003); Fuzzy systems, Reliability theory, Control theory; Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Member of the IEEE (1991-); [Ph.D.Student 5], [Ph.D.Student 16], [Ph.D.Student 20], [Ph.D.Student 28], [Edu.27], [Pro.10], [Pro.25], [Pub.19], [Pub.127], [Pub.128], [Conf.15], [Conf.23]; Pawel CICHOSZ, M.Sc. (1994), Ph.D. (1998); Artificial intelligence, Machine learning; Reinforcement learning; Assistant Professor; Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; [Edu.44], [Edu.45], [Pro.31], [Pro.68], [M.Sc.6], [M.Sc.31], [Rep.1]; Marek CZOSNYKA, M.Sc. (1978), Ph.D. (1986), D.Sc. (1997); Biocybernetics and digital signal processing; Assistant Professor (on leave); Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; [Pub.25], [Pub.29], [Pub.68], [Pub.95], [Pub.104], [Pub.105]; Room: 231 Phone: 0-22 660 77 31 jarabas@ Room: 454 Phone: 0-22 660 77 30, jbober@ Room: 260 Phone: 0-22 660 73 36 mbuk@ Room: 270 Phone: 0-22 660 77 14 burd@ Room: 449 Phone: 0-22 660 53 14 bb@ Room: 231 Phone: 0-22 660 77 31 pcichosz@ Room: Phone: mczos@ - 16 -

Janusz A. DOBROWOLSKI, M.Sc. (1965), Ph.D. (1973), D.Sc. (1979), Professor title (1992); Microwave theory and techniques; Full Professor; Director of the Institute of Electronic Systems (1990 2005); Head of the Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division (1979 1983, 1985 ); Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Member of the Committee for Graduate Studies (1996 ); Member of Faculty Council Committee on Faculty Organization (1999-2005); Head of the Faculty Council Committee on Awards and Distinctions (2005 - ); Senior Member of IEEE (1992 ); Member of the Signals, Systems and Electronic Circuits Section of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1995 - ); Member of Microwaves Section of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1995 - ); Member of the Editorial Board for the WNT Circuits and Systems Series (1990 - ); Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (1985 - ); Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES; Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Microwave Conference MIKON; Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and Global Optimization; [Ph.D.Student 4], [Ph.D.Student 7], [Ph.D.Student 14], [Edu.17], [Edu.34], [Pro.4], [Pro.11], [Pro.26], [Pro.47], [Pro.48], [Pub.26], [Pub.31], [Pub.135], [Rep.4], [Rep.6], [Rep.7], [Rep.8], [Conf.35], [Conf.41]; Jacek J. DUSZA, M.Sc. (1975), Ph.D. (1986); Measurement and instrumentation; Assistant Professor; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; Member of the Polish Association of Electrical Engineers (1976 ); Member of the Polish Society of Sensor Technology (1993 ); [Edu.14], [Edu.72], [Edu.73], [Edu.80], [M.Sc.7], [M.Sc.38], [Pub.39], [Pub.47]; Marek T. FABER, M.Sc. (1970), M.Sc. (1975), Ph.D. (1980); Microwaves; Frequency Converters Modeling and Simulation, Noise in Circuits and Systems, RF CMOS Integrated Circuits; Assistant Professor; Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division; Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (USA) (1985 - ); Member of the Review Board of the European Microwave Conference (2003 - ), Senior Member of the IEEE (1992 ); Listed in the Who is Who in the World 2005 edition; The prize (distinction) of Gold Chalk for the best lecture (Electronic Circuits and Networks), awarded by students in 2005; [Edu.8], [Pro.26], [Pro.48], [Pub.6], [Pub.122], [Pub.136], [Rep.6], [Conf.44], [Award 18]; Antoni FIJALKOWSKI, M.Sc. (1960); Electronics, Radioelectronics, Electronic integrated circuits; Senior Lecturer; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Member of the Senate of Warsaw University of Technology (1981 ); Member of the Dean s Advisory Board for Finances; Member of the Senate Committee on Financial Policy (1990 - ); Member of the Rector s Committee on Restructuring Organisational Units of the Warsaw University of Technology (1990 - ); Member of Senate Revocatory Committee on Disciplinary Measures for Academic Teachers (2002 - ); [Edu.56], [Edu.62], [Edu.63]; Room: 250 Phone: 0-22 660 76 69 JAD@ Room: 236 Phone: 0-22 660 77 36 J.Dusza@ Room: 250A Phone: 0-22 660 78 76 mtf@ pl/~mtf Room: 328 Phone: 0-22 660 77 26 kuba@ - 17 -

Andrzej FILIPKOWSKI, M.Sc. (1954), Ph.D. (1963), D.Sc. (1972), Professor title (1980), Full Professor (1993); Emeritus Professor since October 2000; Electronics, Electronic Integrated Circuits; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Fellow of SEFI (Sociétée Européene pour la Formation des Ingénieurs); Fellow of IEEE (1981 - ); Polish Delegate to Sub-Committee for Higher Education (2001 - ); Member of the Polish ERASMUS Committee (2003 - ); Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES; Member of the Scientific and Organization Committee of the MIXDES Conference; Member of the Polish Electrical Engineers Association; Member of TNW (1989 - ); 1 st Degree Team Rector s Award in Scientific Achievements (2005); [Pro.19], [Pub.139], [Pub.140], [Award 5]; Zbigniew GAJO, M.Sc. in Electronics (1983), M.Sc. in Mathematics (1986), Ph.D. (1997); Digital signal processing, Robust estimation methods; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member of the IEEE (1991 - ); Division plenipotentiary for the institute library; V-ce Dean of the Faculty for Students Affairs (2002 2005); [Edu.6], [Edu.61]; Bogdan GALINSKI, M.Sc. (1964), Ph.D. (1972); Circuit theory, Analogue filters; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member Elected of the Faculty Council (2005 - ); Member of the Faculty Council Committee on History and Tradition (1996 - ); Member of the Joint Admission, Undergraduate, and Graduate Committee (1996 - ); Secretary of the Faculty Council Committee on Awards and Distinctions (2002-2005); [Edu.58], [Pub.5]; Grazyna GORTAT, M.Sc. (1965), Ph.D. (1979); Measurement and instrumentation; Senior Lecturer; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; [Edu.57]; Antoni D. GRZANKA, M.Sc. (1980), Ph.D. (1985), D.Sc. (2003); Biocybernetics and Medical Instrumentation; Assistant Professor; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Head of Research Group on Biomedical Instrumentation (2000 - ); Department of the Prevention of Environmental Hazards, Medical University of Warsaw; Member of International Committee on Objective Assessment of Nasal Airway (1996 - ); Member of IEEE (1997 - ); Member of Polish Society of Biomedical Engineering (1998 - ); Member of International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (1999 - ); Member of the Board of Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program in Poland; Gold Cross of Merit (2005); [Ph.D.Student 15], [Ph.D.Student 18], [Ph.D.Student 22], [Ph.D.Student 29], [Edu.32], [Edu.69], [Pro.12], [Pro.27], [Pro.38], [M.Sc.16], [M.Sc.22], [B.Sc.2], [B.Sc.19], [B.Sc.22], [Pub.30], [Pub.40], [Pub.41], [Pub.55], [Pub.80], [Pub.106], [Pub.144], [Pub.146], [Pub.147], [Pub.148], [Pub.156], [Pub.162], [Pub.172], [Pub.177], [Pub.178], [Pub.185], [Pub.186], [Conf.4], [Conf.8], [Conf.39], [Award 15]; Room: 247 Phone: 0-22 660 77 44 Fax: 0-22 825 23 00 filipk@ Room: 224 Phone: 0-22 660 74 80 zbyg@ Room: 224 Phone: 0-22 660 74 80 gal@ Room: 236 Phone: 0-22 660 77 36 gragor@ Room: 213 Phone: 0-22 660 76 23 antekg@ - 18 -

Konrad HEJN, M.Sc. (1966), Ph.D. 1976), D.Sc. (1999); Measuring systems; Professor; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Head of the Research Group on Automatic Test Systems; Member of the Faculty Council Committee of Faculty Education Affairs (1999 ); [Ph.D.Student 12], [Edu.19], [Pro.13], [Pro.28], [Pub.44], [Pub.58], [Conf.13]; Jerzy HELSZTYNSKI, M.Sc. (1952), Ph.D. (1963), D.Sc. (1981), Professor title (1994); Electronic and Optoelectronic Instrumentation; Emeritus Professor; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; Member of Optoelectronics Section of Polish Academy of Sciences (1977- ); Member of Polish Committee of Optoelectronics of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (1991- ); [Pro.16], [Pro.30], [Pro.43], [Pro.50], [Pub.51], [Pub.152], [Pub.197], [Rep.13]; Ryszard S. JACHOWICZ, M.Sc. (1969), Ph.D. (1973), D.Sc. (1981), Professor title (1996); Semiconductor sensors; Smart sensors; Microsystems; Full Professor; Head of Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division (1997 - ); Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Head of Research Group on Sensors and Microsystems (1975 ); Member of the Senate of Warsaw University of Technology (2002-2005); Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs (2002-2005); Member of the Faculty Council Committee on Academic Staff Development (2002-2005); Chairman of Commission for M.Sc. Degrees (1992 ); Member of Journal Program Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Metrologia i Systemy Pomiarowe (1994 ), Elektronika (1994 ); Senior Member IEEE (1981 -), Chairman of Instrumentation & Measurement Chapter, IEEE (1993- ); Chairman of the Microsystems and Sensors Commission Committee of Metrology and Instrumentation Polish Academy of Science (1993 -); Member of Metrology and Instrumentation Committee, Polish Academy of Science (1993 - ); Member of Steering Committee of the Conference Eurosensors (1992 -), Member of Editorial Board Journal Measurement Science and Technology (2003 - ), Institute of Physics Pub., UK (2003 - ); 1 st Degree Team Rector s Award in Scientific Achievements (2005); [Ph.D.Student 21], [Ph.D.Student 30], [Edu.13], [Edu.23], [Pro.14], [Pro.29], [Pro.39], [Pro.44], [Pro.55], [M.Sc.39], [Pub.46], [Pub.74], [Pub.111], [Pub.112], [Pub.149], [Pub.150], [Pub.171], [Pub.179], [Pub.183], [Pub.190], [Rep.11], [Conf.7], [Conf.10], [Conf.19], [Conf.26], [Conf.33], [Conf.64], [Conf.73], [Conf.75], [Conf.82], [Award6]; Stanislaw JANKOWSKI, M.Sc. (1970), Ph.D. (1980); Measurement and instrumentation; Assistant Professor; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Member Elected of the Faculty Council (2005 - ); Member of the Faculty Council Committee of Faculty Education Affairs (2005 ); Member of International Neural Network Society (1995 ); Member of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (1976 ); [Edu.47], [Edu.75], [Edu.76], [Edu.77], [Edu.80], [Pro.15], [Pro.45], [M.Sc.20], [M.Sc.21], [B.Sc.21], [B.Sc.24], [Pub.39], [Pub.47], [Pub.48], [Pub.77], [Pub.78], [Pub.79], [Conf.5], [Conf.16], [Conf.34]; Jerzy JEDRACHOWICZ, M.Sc. (1987), Ph.D. (2003); Measuring systems; Senior Lecturer; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; [Pro.13], [Pro.28]; Room: 244 Phone: 0-22 660 77 34 0-22 825 98 13 K.Hejn@ Room: 243 Phone: 0-22 660 76 56 Room: 242 Phone: 0-22 660 78 48 0-22 825 98 13 rsjach@ Room: 228 Phone: 0-22 660 55 89 S.Jankowski@ Room: 230A Phone: 0-22 660 55 85 Jjedrach@ - 19 -

Kazimierz P. JEDRZEJEWSKI, M.Sc. (1970), Ph.D. (1978); Electronics measurements, Optoelectronics, Fiberoptics; Assistant Professor; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; Head of the Research Group on Optoelectronic Circuits (1998 - ); Head of Electronic Measurements Fundamentals Laboratory (1990 ); Member Elected of the Faculty Council (2005 - ); [Pro.5], [Pro.16], [Pro.30], [Pro.43], [Pro.50], [B.Sc.3], [B.Sc.4], [Pub.12], [Pub.20], [Pub.21], [Pub.51], [Pub.73], [Pub.124], [Pub.152], [Pub.153], [Pub.195], [Pub.196], [Pub.197], [Pub.198], [Rep.12], [Rep.13], [Conf.16], [Conf.43], [Conf.44]; Konrad JEDRZEJEWSKI, M.Sc. (1995), Ph.D. (2000); Digital signal processing, Adaptive signal processing, Adaptive measurement systems, Analog-to-digital conversion; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; [Pro.46], [Pub.52], [Pub.154], [Conf.21]; Boguslaw KALINOWSKI, M.Sc. (1971), Ph.D. (1980); Circuits and systems, Digital systems, Microprocessor techniques; Assistant Professor; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Head of Electronic Circuits and Systems Laboratory; Krzysztof KULPA, M.Sc. (1982), Ph.D. (1987); Digital signal processing, Detection of radar signals; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member of the IEEE (1991 - ); Head of the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory; 2 nd Degree Individual Rector s Award in Engineering Education (2005); [Edu.37], [Edu.70], [Pro.1], [Pro.2], [Pro.49], [M.Sc.26], [M.Sc.30], [M.Sc.34], [B.Sc.12], [Pub.64], [Pub.65], [Pub.66], [Pub.67], [Pub.129], [Pub.130], [Pub.131], [Pub.132], [Pub.133], [Pub.141], [Pub.155], [Pub.157], [Pub.158], [Pub.159], [Pub.160], [Pub.161], [Pub.164], [Pub.181], [Rep.27], [Rep.28], [Conf.5], [Conf.6], [Conf.16], [Conf.17], [Conf.24], [Conf.27], [Conf.45], [Conf.57], [Conf.62], [Conf.63], [Conf.68], [Conf.69], [Conf.77], [Award 1]; Antoni LESNIEWSKI, M.Sc. (1970), Ph.D. (1980); Measurement systems; Assistant Professor; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; [Edu.14], [Pro.13], [Pro.28]; Lech LEWANDOWSKI, M.Sc. (1970), Ph.D. (1980); Electronics and optoelectronics; Senior Lecturer; Measurement Systems and Optoelectronics Division; [Edu.48], [Edu.64], [Edu.68], [Pro.16], [Pro.30], [Pro.43], [Pro.50], [M.Sc.12], [Pub.34], [Pub.51], [Pub.72], [Pub.73], [Pub.152], [Pub.153], [Pub.197], [Pub.198], [Rep.13]; Zdzislaw MICHALSKI, M.Sc. (1966); Senior Lecturer; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; [Edu.52]; Room: 245 Phone: 0-22 660 76 91 kpj@ Room: 223 Phone: 0-22 660 74 80 kala@ Room: 268 Phone: 0-22 660 78 47 kali@ Room: 447, 453 Phone: 0-22 66074 78 kulpa@ Room: 234 Phone: 0-22 660 74 10 Ales@ Room: 233 Phone: 0-22 660 77 41 llew@ Room: 449 Phone: 0-22 660 53 14 zm@ - 20 -

Jacek MISIUREWICZ, M.Sc. (1988), Ph.D. (1996); Digital signal processing, Programmable logic systems; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member of the IEEE (1991 - ); IEEE Poland Section Newsletter Editor (1998 - ); [Edu.60], [B.Sc.8], [B.Sc.30], [Pub.129], [Pub.130], [Pub.133], [Pub.141], [Pub.155], [Pub.164], [Rep.27], [Rep.26], [Conf.17]; Jan J. MULAWKA, M.Sc. (1971), Ph.D. (1976), D.Sc. (1985); Artificial Intelligence; Full Professor; Head of Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Member of the Polish Association of Electrical Engineers; Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and Global Optimisation; Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications; Honorary Editor of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications; [Ph.D.Student 1], [Ph.D.Student 2], [Ph.D.Student 6], [Ph.D.Student 13], [Ph.D.Student 31], [Edu.5], [Edu.41], [Pro.17], [Pro.31], [M.Sc.11], [M.Sc.27], [B.Sc.13], [B.Sc.28], [B.Sc.34], [Pub.109]; Marek NALECZ, M.Sc. (1984), Ph.D. (1991); Digital signal processing, Programming of signal processors; Assistant Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member of the IEEE (1991 - ); [Edu.38], [M.Sc.10], [Pub.168], [Rep.17], [Conf.58]; Zbigniew NOSAL, M.Sc. (1970), Ph.D. (1980); Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits, Low-noise amplifiers, Microwaves; Assistant Professor; Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation Division; Head of the Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits Laboratory; [Edu.9], [Pro.26], [Pro.48], [B.Sc.5], [B.Sc.27], [Pub.122], [Pub.136], [Pub.169], [Rep.6], [Rep.8]; Robert M. NOWAK, M.Sc. (1999), Ph.D. (2004); Software Engineering, Command and Control Systems, C++ Programming, Molecular Computing, Artificial Intelligence; Assistant Professor, Independent Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; [Edu.16], [Pro.31], [Pro.68], [Rep.1], [Conf.5]; Jan OGRODZKI, M.Sc. (1977), Ph.D. (1982), D.Sc. (1996); Electronics, Computer-aided design; Professor; Electronic Circuits and Systems Division; Member nominated of the Faculty Council; Member of the Faculty Council Committee on the Ph.D. Studies (2002 - ); Member of the Faculty Council Committee on History and Tradition of the Department, (2002-2005); Member of the Faculty Council Committee on the Staff Development (2005 - ); Chairman of the Commission in ISE for reception of grants; Member of IEEE and IEEE CS; Member of Jury of European Union Competition for Young Scientists (2000 - ); Member of the International Water Association (2005 - ); 1 st Degree Team Rector s Award in Engineering Education (2005); 1 st Degree Team Rector s Award in Scientific Achievements (2005); Gold Cross of Merit (2005); [Edu.4], [Edu.30], [Edu.31], [Edu.33], [Pro.6], [Pro.19], [Pro.32], [Pro.39], [Pro.55], [Pub.1], [Pub.7], [Pub.139], [Rep.25], [Conf.55], [Award 2], [Award 7], [Award 16]; Room: 453, 447 Phone: 0-22 660 74 78 mjacek@ Room: 225 Phone: 0-22 660 53 19 jml@ Room: 447, 453 Phone: 0-22 660 74 78 m.nalecz@ Room: 256 Phone: 0-22 660 76 63 Z.Nosal@ Room: 226 Phone: 0-22 660 77 18 R.M.Nowak@ Room: 209 Phone: 0-22 660 73 82 jogr@ - 21 -