Status Programme Implementation

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Green Industry Innovation Programme Poland Status Programme Implementation Katowice 17 March 2016

EEA and Norway Grants The history of the EEA Grants and Norway Grants dates back to 1994 when the EEA Agreement entered into force. The 5-years financial facility has been in place since 1994. In 2009-14 Norway Grants provides grants to 61 programmes in 13 EU member countries that joined in 2004, 2007 and 2013. EEA / Norway Grants total Norway Grants alone 1.8 billion (95% from Norway) 804 million (100% from Norway)

Norway Grants

Norway Grants in Poland Programme Programme Operator Total programme (million ) Energy efficiency and renewable energy Ministry of Environment 145 GREEN INDUSTRY INNOVATION Innovation Norway 20 Public health initiatives Ministry of Health 76 Cultural and natural heritage Ministry of Culture and National Heritage 80 Scholarships Foundation for the Development of the Education System 15 Research cooperation The National Centre for Research and Development 62.8 Decent work and tripartite dialogue Innovation Norway 3.1 Domestic and gender based violence Ministry of Labour and Social Policy 3.6 Schengen and cross border crime Ministry of the Interior 10 Judicial capacity building Ministry of Justice 14 Correctional services Central Board of the Correctional Services 13

Green Industry Innovation Norway Grants provides grants to GII-programmes in 8 countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Objective of the programmes Increased competitiveness of green enterprises, including greening of existing industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship Expected results Realisation of business opportunities for greening the economy Reduced production of waste and reduced air, water and soil pollution More use of environmentally-friendly technologies Increased green job creation and entrepreneurship

Innovation Norway Innovation Norway is Programme Operator or Donor Programme Partner in all 8 countries. Green Industry Innovation Role of Innovation Norway Romania 29,700,000.00 Programme Operator Hungary 22,880,000.00 Donor Programme Partner Poland 20,000,000.00 Programme Operator Slovakia 15,073,985.00 Donor Programme Partner Bulgaria 13,699,000.00 Programme Operator Latvia 11,328,000.00 Donor Programme Partner Lithuania 8,000,000.00 Donor Programme Partner Estonia 6,000,000.00 Donor Programme Partner

Assessment process 83 registered 72 eligible 36 shortlisted 30 awarded grant

Split between industries 9 % 13 % Manufacturing - metals 9 % Manufacturing - textile/leather 13 % 13 % 8 % Manufacturing - plastics Manufacturing - paper/wood Waste handling Printing 26 % 9 % Motor industry Hotels

Applicants by region 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 82 Long list 36 Short list 30 Approved

Geographical spread

Grant size 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 > 1 mln EUR 500 ths - 1 mln EUR < 500 ths EUR > 1 mln EUR 500 ths - 1 mln EUR < 500 ths EUR

State Aid categories 89% De minimis Regional R&D Training Environmental Consultancy 1% 2% 1% 6% 1%

Current status 715 000 of remaining funds allocated for additional activities Grant size: 30 000 100 000 Deadline for applications: 1 March 2016 14 application received for 1 100 000 Decision: 1 May 2016

Find out more on: Green Industry Innovation webp www.norwaygrants-greeninnov Financial Mechanism Office

Horizon 2020 next step for cooperation

HORIZON 2020 The biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever 80 billion EUR of funding available, 2014 2020 Equal and full participation rights for Norwegian companies The Norwegian contribution: 18 bn NOK over 7 years (2.25 bn EUR) The national objective: 2% return (of the total budget) represents an increase of 60% compared to FP7

HORISONT 2020 From research to retail Challenge based Thematic openness Focus on innovation and industial participation

7SOCIETAL CHALLENGES Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioecon. Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Europe in a changing world Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens

ENABLING AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES ICT Space Biotechnology Nanotechnologies Advanced manufacturing and processing Advanced materials

Title of the presentation Date # SME = EUROPE S NEW DARLINGS

SME-opportunities in Horizon 2020 H O R I S O N T 2 0 2 0 Research, reseach and innovation development activities For research intensive SMEs H O R I S O N T 2 0 2 0 SME Instrument for SMEs with business driven innovations near the market Fast Track to Innovation Reseach driven Market driven

Katowice, 17-18 March 2016 Polish-Norwegian Partnership in Projects Horizon 2020 support for innovation Aneta Maszewska Expert National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute for Fundamental Technological Research PAS W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP

What is Horizon 2020 and who can participate? Horizon 2020 European Union Framework Programme of a budget of 77 bln Euros dedicated to finance research, innovation and mobility projects coupling research from lab to market ; Horizon 2020 is targeted to research and industry: research institutes, univeristies, single researchers, innovative companies, SMEs, and other stakeholders; Administ ration INDUSTRY INNOVATION NGOs ACADEMIA CLUSTE RS 2

Horizon 2020 structure

Excellent science European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodowska- Curie Actions Research Infrastructure Frontier research of by the best individual teams Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation Opportunities for training and career development Ensuring Access to world-class facilities

Industrial Leadership Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Access to Risk Finance Innovation in SMEs ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space Levaraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation Fostering innovation and market uptake of all forms of innovation developed by SMEs

Societal challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive and refelctive societies Secure societies

Which type of projects are financed? Research and Innovation Actions - min. 3 partners from UE or Associated Countries, financial support up to 100% of eligible costs, EU contribution 2-5 mln Euros, projects duration 36-60 months; Innovation Actions - min. 3 partners from UE or Associated Countries, financial support up to 70% of eligible costs, EU contribution 5-10 mln Euros, projects duration 36-60 months; SME Instrument - single SME or consortia of SMEs, financial support up to 70% of eligible costs; Fast Track to Innovation- consortia between 3 and 5 partners with a leading role of industry, 70% of eligible costs; MSCA consortia and individuall actions of 100% eligible costs CSA, Frontier Research 7

2% budget 10% budget 88% budget

Fast Tract to Innovation Pilot Reduce time from idea to market ('last push') Increase participation of industry, first-time applicants, SMEs Stimulate private sector investment in R&I 9

Horizon 2020 from lab to market R I A I A F T I S M E E R C 10

Horizon 2020 PL-NO participation facts and figures Coordinated projects Country Participations EU financing Budget Norway 4 4 783 984,93 14 889 508,85 Poland 4 2 204 061,25 5 027 219,00 TOTAL 8 6 988 046,18 19 916 727,85 Based on e-corda 26.02.2016 11

Horizon 2020 PL-NO participation facts and figures Coordinated proposals Country Participations Requested EC financing Budget Norway 35 36 148 601,20 190 732 609,08 Poland 13 14 624 633,00 42 451 265,50 Suma końcowa 48 50 773 234,20 233 183 874,58 Based on e-corda 26.02.2016 12

Horizon 2020 PL-NO participation facts and figures Based on e-corda 26.02.2016 Common projects thematic areas Thematic area Participations BIOTECH 4 CAREER 5 ENERGY 20 ENV 10 FOOD 30 HEALTH 24 ICT 10 INFRA 28 NMP 3 SECURITY 15 SOCIETY 16 SPACE 7 TPT 8 OTHER 33 TOTAL 196 13


Offer of the NCP in Poland Our mission is to reinforce the position of Polish science and innovation on the international arena. To do this, we support participation in European research and innovation programs Horizon 2020, EURATOM and IMI2. Our free of charge services: Consultation, prescreeing of proposals Seminars, workshops, conferences Support on legal & financial issues Partner search Mentoring Support for incoming researchers 15

More on Horizon 2020 Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE Participant Portal 2020/calls/h2020-smeinst-1-2014.html#tab1 EASME Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Helpdesk 16

NATIONAL CONTACT POINT FOR RESEARCH PROGRAMMES OF THE EU Institute for Fundamental Technological Research PAS Aneta Maszewska Find us at Twitter: @kpk_pl 17

Katowice, 17-18 marca 2016 Bezpieczna, czysta i efektywna energia W programie Horyzont2020 Dr Maria Śmietanka, Aneta Maszewska Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP

Energia? Co się w tym mieści? Systemy niskoemisyjne Inteligentne sieci Odnawialne źródła energii Technologie nowej generacji Efektywność energetyczna Inteligentne miasta Paliwa alternatywne Bezpieczeństwo dostaw Magazynowanie energii Biopaliwa 2

Zamierzenia H2020 Przyczynianie się do niezawodnego, trwałego i konkurencyjnego systemu energetycznego w warunkach zmniejszających się zasobów, zwiększenia zużycia energii i w kontekście zmian klimatycznych. Odpowiedź na kryzys gospodarczy poprzez inwestowanie w przyszłe miejsca pracy i wzrost gospodarczego oraz wzmocnienie pozycji UE w świecie w zakresie badań, innowacji i technologii. 3

Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Główne cele programu Kamienie milowe transformacji energetycznej do roku 2030: co najmniej 40% redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych (w stosunku do roku 1990) co najmniej 27% udziału OZE w zużyciu energii co najmniej 27% poprawy efektywności energetycznej co najmniej 10% poprawa połączeń elektroenergetycznych Wynikające stąd priorytety: Moderacja potrzeb energetycznych Dekarboniacja gospodarki Większy wysiłek w zakresie badań, innowacyjności i konkurencyjności Zwiększenie udziału odbiorców w transformacji energetycznej Zwiększenie efektywności energetycznej (szczególnie w budynkach) Rozwój nowej generacji OZE Integracja OZE z sieciami energetycznymi (magazynowanie energii) Wprowadzanie na rynek nowych technologii i usług energetycznych Wspieranie innowacji społecznych Usuwanie barier technologicznych, promocja standardów

Budżet Horyzont 2020

Wyzwania społeczne 1. Zdrowie, zmiany demograficzne i dobrostan 2. Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe, zrównoważone rolnictwo, badania morskie i gospodarka ekologiczna 3. Bezpieczna, czysta i efektywna energia 4. Inteligentny, ekologiczny i zintegrowany transport 5. Działania w dziedzinie klimatu, efektywna gospodarka zasobami i surowcami 6. Europa w zmieniającym się świecie - Integracyjne, innowacyjne i refleksyjne społeczeństwa 7. Bezpieczne społeczeństwa ochrona wolności i bezpieczeństwa Europy i jej obywateli Budżet (EUR billion) 7.5 3.9 5.9 6.3 3.1 1.3 1.7

Konkursy 1. Efektywność energetyczna (EE) 2. Technologie niskowęglowe (LCE) 3. Inteligentne miasta (SCC) 4. Instrument MŚP i Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 5. Inne Ale tematów można szukać także w pozostałych obszarach 7

Budżet obszaru Energia (mln euro) Konkursy 2014 2015 2016 2017 Efektywność energetyczna Technologie niskowęglowe Inteligentne miasta Instrument MŚP 97 98 93 101 359 372 352 367 92 108 60 72 34 37 46 50 Inne 75 61 108 79 8

Podejście systemowe Rozwój nowych technologii Demonstracja w warunkach rzeczywistych Kontekst społeczny, ekonomiczny i prawny Integracja składników w inteligentny system Wsparcie wdrażania 9

Program pracy 2016-2017 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Efektywność energetyczna (25 tematów) Konkurencyjne technologie niskoemisyjne (36 tematów) Instrument MŚP Inne działania (64)

Konkursy 1. Efektywność energetyczna (EE) 2. Technologie niskowęglowe (LCE) 3. Inteligentne miasta (SCC) 4. Instrument MŚP i Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 5. Inne Ale tematów można szukać także w pozostałych obszarach 11

Efektywność energetyczna - EE Ogrzewanie i chłodzenie EE01 EE05 Obniżanie kosztów, zmniejszanie zapotrzebowania, lokalne zrównoważone i odnawialne źródła energii. Angażowanie konsumentów w zrównoważone zużycie energii EE06 EE09 Zrozumienie i wpływ na zachowania konsumentów, aktywacja konsumentów Budynki EE10 EE14 Eliminacja barier ograniczających efektywność energetyczną budynków Przemysł, usługi i produkty EE15 EE21 Likwidacja technologicznych i poza-technologicznych barier, aby podnosic efektywność energetyczną przedsiębiorstw Innowacyjne finansowanie inwestycji w obszarze efektywności energetycznej EE22 EE25 Likwidowanie luki międzye fundatorami projektów, a projektami 12

Najbliższe konkursy Call 2016 (M ) Energy Efficiency 93 Deadline 21 stycznia 2016 Deadline 15 września 2016

EE najbliższe konkursy EE-06 EE-09 EE-11 EE-13 EE-14 EE-16 EE-24 EE-25 EE-22 EE-21 Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy Engaging and activating public authorities Overcoming market barriers to deep renovation of buildings Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy buildings Construction skills Implementation of EU product efficiency legislation Making the energy efficiency market investible Development of innovative energy efficiency services Project Development Assistance (ERA-NET Cofund on industry and services)

Konkursy 1. Efektywność energetyczna (EE) 2. Technologie niskowęglowe (LCE) 3. Inteligentne miasta (SCC) 4. Instrument MŚP i Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 5. Inne Ale tematów można szukać także w pozostałych obszarach 15

Technologie niskowęglowe - LCE W kierunku zintegrowanego systemu energetycznego LCE01 LCE05 Technologie odnawialne LCE06 LCE23 Dekarbonizacja paliw kopalnych LCE24 LCE30 Społeczne, ekonomiczne aspekty systemów energetycznych LCE31 LCE32 Wsparcie rozwoju europejskiej przestrzeni badawczej w obszarze energii LCE33 LCE35 Zagadnienia przekrojowe LCE36 16

Energia odnawialna Fotowoltaika CSP skoncentrowana energia słoneczna Słoneczne ogrzewanie i chłodzenie Energia wiatrowa Energia z oceanów Energia wodna Energia geotermalna Kogeneracja RES integration in the system Badania podstawowe TRL<4 LCE-6 Zaawansowane badania TRL 3 5 LCE-7 Demonstracja TRL 5 7 LCE-9, LCE-10 LCE-11 LCE-12 LCE-13, LCE-14 LCE-15, LCE-16 LCE-17, LCE-18, LCE-23 Bio-/alternatywne paliwa LCE-8, LCE-22 LCE-19, LCE-20 Wprowadzanie na rynek LCE-21 LCE-21 17

LCE najbliższe konkursy LCE-01-2016- 2017 LCE-02-2016 Next generation innovative technologies enabling smart grids, storage and energy system integration with increasing share of renewables: distribution network 2016-04-05 RIA Demonstration of smart grid, storage and system integration technologies with increasing share of renewables: distribution system 2016-04-05 IA LCE-03-2016 Support to R&I strategy for smart grid and storage 2016-04-05 CSA LCE-32-2016 European Platform for energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities research 2016-04-05 CSA LCE-33-2016 European Common Research and Innovation Agendas (ECRIAs) in support of the implementation of the SET Action Plan 2016-04-05 RIA LCE-09-2016 Increasing the competitiveness of the EU PV manufacturing industry 2016-09-08 IA Solutions for reduced maintenance, increased reliability and extended life-time of LCE-13-2016 off-shore wind turbines/farms 2016-09-08 IA LCE-15-2016 Scaling up in the ocean energy sector to arrays 2016-09-08 IA LCE-19-2016- 2017 Demonstration of the most promising advanced biofuel pathways 2016-09-08 IA LCE-20-2016- 2017 Enabling pre-commercial production of advanced aviation biofuel 2016-09-08 IA LCE-22-2016 International Cooperation with Brazil on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels 2016-09-08 RIA 1

Konkursy 1. Efektywność energetyczna (EE) 2. Technologie niskowęglowe (LCE) 3. Inteligentne miasta (SCC) 4. Instrument MŚP i Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 5. Inne Ale tematów można szukać także w pozostałych obszarach 19

Inteligentne miasta SCC SCC1 Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects Cel: Rozwój i testowanie zintegrowanych innowacyjnych rozwiązań w dużej skali budynki, sieci energetyczne, transport, narzędzia ICT Stworzenie miast-przykładów dla regionów, danie szansy na replikację rozwiązań W każdym projekcie 3 miasta-przykłady (lighthouse cities) i minimum 3 miastanaśladowcy (follower cities) 20

MOŻNA SFINANSOWAĆ Integracja sieci Testowanie modeli biznesowych Rozwiązania ICT bazujące na otwartych systemach Szkolenia Analizy ekonomiczne Rozwiązania typu smart NIE MOŻNA SFINANSOWAĆ Zakup pojazdów Budowa tradycyjnych narzędzi ICT Konstrukcja budynków 2 konkursy: I termin zamknięcia: 5.04.2016 II termin zamknięcia: 14.02.2017 21

Konkursy 1. Efektywność energetyczna (EE) 2. Technologie niskowęglowe (LCE) 3. Inteligentne miasta (SCC) 4. Instrument MŚP i Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 5. Inne Ale tematów można szukać także w pozostałych obszarach 22

Dla przedsiębiorstw Instrument MŚP Fast Track to Innovation 23

Konkursy 1. Efektywność energetyczna (EE) 2. Technologie niskowęglowe (LCE) 3. Inteligentne miasta (SCC) 4. Instrument MŚP i Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 5. Inne nagrody i zamówienia publiczne Ale tematów można szukać także w pozostałych obszarach 24

Energia - gdzie jeszcze szukać tematów? Wiodąca pozycja w zakresie technologii wspomagających i przemysłowych zaawansowane materiały, nanotechnologie, ICT; Nowe Technologie i Technologie Przyszłości (FET); Infrastruktura badawcza; Granty ERC; Inne wyzwania społeczne klimat, transport, bezpieczeństwo 25

Poszukiwanie partnerów Bazy danych Komisji Europejskiej: Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Baza powstająca w ramach projektu C- Energy2020 Bazy projektów widać kto i co robi w danym temacie Spotkania brokerskie BĄDŹ WIDOCZNY, ROZMAWIAJ, NAWIĄZUJ KONTAKTY! 26

ZAPRASZAMY DO KONTAKTU KRAJOWY PUNKT KONTAKTOWY PROGRAMÓW BADAWCZYCH UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN Aneta Maszewska +48 508 101 008 dr Maria Śmietanka +48 502 052 239 27

Katowice 17.03.2016 Transport calls of Horizon 2020 R&I Programe for 2017 Prelegent: Zbigniew Turek W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP 1

Horizon 2020 2

Structure of Horizon 2020 3

Structure of Horizon 2020 4

Horizon 2020 Smart, green and integrated transport 5

6 Transport

More info about SC4 6339 mld - budget for SC4, including - JUs: - Clean Sky 2 - SESAR 2 - Shift2Rail - Fuel Cells & Hydrogen 938, 52 mln = budget for 2016-2017 Yearly calls One stage or two stage procedures for proposals * Work Programe for 2017 will be updated in Q2 2016 7

More info about SC4 6339 mld - budget for SC4, including - JUs: - Clean Sky 2 - SESAR 2 - Shift2Rail - Fuel Cells & Hydrogen 938, 52 mln = budget for 2016-2017 Yearly calls One stage or two stage procedures for proposals * Work Programe for 2017 will be updated in Q2 2016 0/wp/2016_2017/main/h2020-wp1617- transport_en.pdf 8

Budget for 2016-2017 calls 9

Budget for 2016-2017 calls 10

Structure of each call topic Specific challenge: Scope: Expected impact: 11

MG-3.2-2017: Protection of all road users in crashes Specific challenge: The continued introduction of active safety systems has the potential to reduce accidents. Nevertheless, the risk of collision and particular crash situations will still remain. An approach will be needed that will ensure improved crash safety in those circumstances. A number of societal trends add to this challenge such as the ageing population, an increase in the number of powered and non-powered two-wheelers and the introduction of green, light, sub-compact cars. An important step forward will be to develop fully integrated safety systems and deploy them so that they provide better protection for all road users. Emerging new vehicle types and the possible use of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) would need to be considered. The application of advanced safety features and the development of personal safety equipment can also be seen as ways to reduce fatalities and injuries to pedestrians, cyclists and riders of Powered Two Wheelers (PTWs). In addition, simulation tools (including new virtual human body models) will need to be developed to assess new safety systems and determine their effectiveness and potential impact. With respect to competitiveness, user protection has been an area where European industry has exhibited technology leadership, but this is now being increasingly challenged worldwide. 12

MG-3.2-2017: Protection of all road users in crashes Scope: Proposals should focus on one or several of the following aspects: Vehicle based systems such as: solutions for improved crash compatibility; optimisation of restraint systems by including pre-crash information; and methods and requirements to assess safety performance in traffic of extremely low-mass vehicles. Personal protection such as: development and testing of focused personal safety equipment for various road user categories, to warn them adequately and/or protect them in the most safety critical situations; and integrated assessment methods for the overall safety of road users and solutions that enhance their protection. Crash simulation such as: computationally efficient and robust crash simulation tools; implementation of virtual testing; and development of virtual human body models of road users and situations not currently available. Proposed actions should focus on fully integrated safety systems. Consideration should be taken of gender aspects such as body structure and stature and other demographic factors such as the disabled (persons of reduced mobility), ageing, obesity, etc. Participation of SMEs with proven experience in these areas is encouraged. Links with Member State initiatives in this area are encouraged. In line with the strategy for EU international cooperation in research and innovation, international cooperation is encouraged, in particular with industrialised countries (i.e. US, Japan, Canada, Australia) and emerging economies (primarily China, India, Brazil). Proposals should foresee twinning with entities participating in projects funded by US DOT to exchange knowledge and experience and exploit synergies. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 and 9 million each would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. 13

MG-3.2-2017: Protection of all road users in crashes Expected impact: By providing an integrated approach to safety systems, actions are expected to make a direct contribution to the reduction of fatalities and severity of injuries, as well as the number of injured persons. They will deliver measures that will make the 'triangle' of European road users, vehicles and infrastructure safer. In this way, actions are expected to contribute to important savings in the health system linked with the reduction of accidents and injuries. Proposers are expected to demonstrate how the project results will have a significant impact on road safety casualties and injuries and how they will make an effective contribution to the standardisation of products and testing techniques. A credible strategy is expected to demonstrate the future full scale manufacturing of critical products developed in the project in Europe. Call budget for topic: 14 mln. EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 4-9 mln per proposal Type of action: RIA Deadline: 26 Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19 Sep. 2017 (second stage) 14

Call - 2016-2017 Mobility for Growth 15

Aviation MG-1.2-2017: Reducing aviation noise (RIA) MG-1.4-2016-2017: Breakthrough innovation (RIA) MG-1.5-2016-2017: Identification of gaps, barriers and needs in the aviation research (RIA) Call budget for the topic: 80 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19th Oct. 2017 (second stage) 16

Waterborne MG-2.1-2017: Innovations for energy efficiency and emission control in waterborne transport (IA) MG-2.4-2017: Complex and value-added specialised vessels (IA) Call budget for the topic: 40 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19th Oct. 2017 (second stage) 17

SAFETY MG-3.2-2017: Protection of all road users in crashes (RIA) Call budget for the topic: 14 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19th Oct. 2017 (second stage) 18

Urban mobility MG-4.1-2017: Increasing the take up and scale-up of innovative solutions to achieve sustainable mobility in urban areas (IA) MG-4.2-2017: Supporting 'smart electric mobility' in cities (IA) Call budget for the topic: 22 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19th Oct. 2017 (second stage) MG-4.3-2017: Innovative approaches for integrating urban nodes in the TEN-T core network corridors (CSA) Call budget for the topic: 2 mln. Deadline: 01 Feb. 2017 19

LOGISTICS MG-5.2-2017: Innovative ICT solutions for future logistics operations (RIA) MG-5.4-2017: Potential of the Physical Internet (RIA) Call budget for the topic: 12 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19th Oct. 2017 (second stage) 20

INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS No topics open for 2017 21

INFRASTRUCTURE MG-7.1-2017: Resilience to extreme (natural and man-made) events (RIA) MG-7.2-2017: Optimisation of transport infrastructure including terminals (RIA) MG-7.3-2017: The Port of the future (RIA) Call budget for the topic: 37 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 19th Oct. 2017 (second stage) 22

SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND BEHAVIOURAL RESEARCH AND FORWARD LOOKING ACTIVITIES FOR POLICY MAKING MG-8.2-2017: Big data in Transport: Research opportunities, challenges and limitations (CSA) Call budget for the topic: 2 mln. Deadline: 01st Feb. 2017 MG-8.4-2017: Improving accessibility, inclusive mobility and equity: new tools and business models for public transport in prioritised areas (RIA) MG-8.5-2017: Shifting paradigms: Exploring the dynamics of individual preferences, behaviours and lifestyles influencing travel and mobility choices (RIA) Call budget for the topic: 7.5 mln. Deadline: 01st. Feb. 2017 23

Call - 2016-2017 Automated Road Transport 24

Automated Road Transport ART-01-2017: ICT infrastructure to enable the transition towards road transport automation (IA) ART-03-2017: Multi-Brand platooning in real traffic conditions (IA) ART-07-2017: Full-scale demonstration of urban road transport automation (IA) Call budget for the topic: 50 mln. Deadline: 26th Jan. 2017 (first stage), 27th Sept.. 2017 (second stage) 25

Call - 2016-2017 Green Vehicles 26

Call - 2016-2017 Green Vehicles GV-01-2017: Optimisation of heavy duty vehicles for alternative fuels use (IA) GV-04-2017: Next generation electric drivetrains for fully electric vehicles, focusing on high efficiency and low cost (RIA) GV-05-2017: Electric vehicle user-centric design for optimised energy efficiency (RIA) GV-06-2017: Physical integration of hybrid and electric vehicle batteries at pack level aiming at increased energy density and efficiency (IA) GV-07-2017: Multi-level modelling and testing of electric vehicles and their components (RIA) GV-08-2017: Electrified urban commercial vehicles integration with fast charging infrastructure (IA) GV-09-2017: Aerodynamic and flexible trucks (IA) GV-10-2017: Demonstration (pilots) for integration of electrified L-category vehicles in the urban transport system (IA) Call budget for the topic: 128 mln. Deadline: 01st Feb. 2017 27

Support to stakeholders 28 /index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=40 0&Itemid=370 29 m&id=400&itemid=370 3 30 m&id=400&itemid=370 31

Online partner profile form 32 m&id=400&itemid=370 33

NETWORKING AND BROKERAGE EVENT FOR 2017 TRANSPORT CALLS - within the framework of the TRA conference (Transport Research Arena) organized in Warsaw, Poland April 18 th -21 st 2016 ortcall2017/ 34

Thank you for attention Questions? Contact person: Zbigniew Turek e-mail: ul. Krzywickiego 34 02-078 Warszawa tel: +4822 828 74 83 fax: +4822 828 53 70 e-mail: 35

Katowice, 17-18 March 2016 Polish-Norwegian Partnership in Projects HORIZON 2020, Challenge 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Magdalena Głogowska Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP

Main pillars: Excellent Science 21,6 mld Industrial Leadership 15,04 mld Societal challenges 26,24 mld

Societal Challenge 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Objective: "to achieve a resource and water efficient and climate change resilient economy and society, the protection and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems, and a sustainable supply and use of raw materials, in order to meet the needs of a growing global population within the sustainable limits of the planet's natural resources and eco-systems."

Societal Challenge 5: focus for 2016-17 Increased emphasis on delivering innovative solutions Transformative agenda Systemic approach to innovation Unlocking private and public investment in future solutions Large-scale demonstration projects with replication potential

Societal Challenge 5: key objectives for 2016-2017 Climate action - Climate services - Low-carbon Europe - Arctic dimension Raw materials Mainstreaming water R&I Nature-based solutions: - for territorial resilience - for sustainable cities Systemic eco-innovation for a circular economy Sustainable growth by harnessing: - Earth observation data - Cultural heritage

2016-2017: Structure of the calls SC5 call 'Greening the economy' Contribution to cross-cutting calls: 'Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy' 'Smart and Sustainable Cities' Contribution to calls in other WP parts: 'Blue growth demonstrating an ocean of opportunities' (SC2) 'Sustainable Food Security Resilient and resource-efficient value chains' (SC2) 'Competitive low-carbon energy' (SC3; cross-challenge topic) SME Instrument call


...a new step Systemic Eco-Innovation Covering all forms of innovation Business models Whole value chain Governance Across all stages Multistakeholder Skills and education Finance

Circular Economy demonstrating the economic and environmental feasibility of the circular economy supporting systemic innovation to obtain a systems-wide transformation reorganising production & consumption to maintain or enhance the value of products, components, materials and resources throughout the value chain and the life of the products decoupling creation of wealth and jobs from resource consumption

...a new Focus Area: Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy Cross-cutting call Where you can find it? Horizon 2020 - Cross-cutting activities (Focus Areas) General introduction Circular Economy section What is inside? Description of Systemic Eco-innovation Topics for SC5 in 2017 total budget 70 M Topic descriptions Topics open: 8 Nov. 2016 First deadline: 7 March 2017

Water mainstreamed through WP 2016-2017, as part of the systemic approach harnessing strong potential for European industry to become global market leader continuity with 2014-2015 Focus Area call on Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe

Water Topics in call 'Greening the Economy' Total indicative budget for these topics in 2016: 4M Calls are already closed, but think of future ideas related to water!

Nature-based solutions inspired or supported by nature economic, social and environmental benefits and resilience systemic, resourceefficient locally adapted interventions more nature and natural features into cities and landscapes positioning Europe as world leader in innovation through nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions - how? EU framework and evidence base for cost-effectiveness and benefits of nature-based solutions co-design, co-implementation and upscaling of systemic, multi-purpose solutions through large scale demonstration projects, 'living labs' a market for nature-based solutions (demand and supply) innovative multi-stakeholder platform international co-operation on nature-based solutions to global challenges Sustainable cities through nature-based solutions Nature-based solutions for territorial resilience

Nature-based solutions - calls Topics on Sustainable cities through nature-based solutions are in cross-cutting call 'Smart and Sustainable Cities' Total indicative budget in 2017: 40M Topics on Nature-based solutions for territorial resilience in call 'Greening the Economy' Total indicative budget in 2017: 12M For both calls: Topics open: 8 Nov. 2016 First deadline: 7 March 2017

Cultural heritage for sustainable growth A more dynamic approach to cultural heritage, beyond mere conservation cultural heritage as a production rather than a cost factor and a strategic resource cultural heritage as a catalyst for regeneration, sustainable development, economic growth and quality of life European reference framework and robust EUwide evidence

Cultural heritage for sustainable growth Topics in call 'Greening the Economy' Total indicative budget for this topic in 2017: 10M Topic opens: 8 Nov. 2016 First deadline: 7 March 2017

Climate services building Europe's capacity to respond to and improve resilience to climate change strengthening significantly the nascent global market for demand-driven climate services addressing both climate change mitigation and adaptation needs

Towards a low-carbon Europe deepening the analysis of possible and costeffective trajectories for Europe to achieve its medium and long-term climate objectives maximising societal benefits and economic prosperity

Climate services and Towards a low-carbon Europe Topics in call 'Greening the Economy' Total indicative budget for these topics in 2017: 47M Topics open: 8 Nov. 2016 First deadline: 7 March 2017

Raw materials securing the EU's supply of primary and secondary raw materials through Research and Innovation

Raw materials: Rationale EU Policy - Raw Materials Initiative Aim: securing sustainable supplies of raw materials Non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials Integrated strategy List of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) - 20 CRMs in 2014 European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials EIP Pillars: Technology, Non-Technology Policy, International Cooperation EIP targets: Up to 10 innovative pilot actions - in WP 2016-2017! Substitutes for at least 3 applications of CRMs Regulatory framework for primary and secondary RM EU RM Knowledge base international cooperation strategy

Raw materials Topics in call 'Greening the Economy' Total indicative budget for these topics in 2017: 19,5M Topics open: 8 Nov. 2016 First deadline: 7 March 2017

Earth observation maximising the benefits for European citizens of the Earth observation infrastructure developing innovative services to support more sustainable production and consumption patterns and resilient societies completing the in-situ component of GEOSS and Copernicus enabling the sharing and full, open and unrestricted access to validated Earth observation datasets engaging with the private sector to leverage emerging technologies and develop services

Earth observation Topics in call 'Greening the Economy' (and in 2017 in call 'Sustainable Food Security Resilient and resource-efficient value chains') Total indicative budget for this topic in 2017: 15M Topic opens: 8 Nov. 2016 First deadline: 7 March 2017

Call 2017 Total indicative budget for this call in 2017: 80M Call opens: 20 September 2016 Deadline: 19 January 2017 Topic examples: SPIRE-07-2017: Integrated approach to process optimisation for raw material resources efficiency, excluding recovery technologies of waste streams SPIRE-08-2017: Carbon dioxide utilisation to produce added value chemicals SPIRE-09-2017: Pilot lines based on more flexible and down-scaled high performance processing SPIRE-10-2017: New electrochemical solutions for industrial processing, which contribute to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions

Partner search tool Horizon 2020: partner search tool for Societal Challenge 5 This tool supports potential applicants for the Horizon 2020 Work Programme of Societal Challenge 5 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials in finding partners and building a consortium for a project proposal. Just go to and you will find a short stepby-step information on how to register and how to post a partner offer or partner search. Furthermore, lots of useful information can also the found on the project website:

HORIZON 2020 Thank you for your attention! Find out more:

ZAPRASZAMY DO KONTAKTU KRAJOWY PUNKT KONTAKTOWY PROGRAMÓW BADAWCZYCH UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN Magdalena Głogowska Aneta Maszewska e-mail:,pl

(1) Climate services SC5-01 2016/2017: Exploiting the added value of climate services b) [2017] From climate serivce concepts to piloting and proof-of-concept: Research and Innovation Action; 1-etapowy [Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn: 07.03.2017] zalecane dofinansowanie do 1 projektu do 5 mln E;

(1) Climate services SC5-02-2017: Integrated European regional modelling and climate prediction system; Research and Innovation Action; 1-etapowy [Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn: 07.03.2017] zalecane dofinansowanie do 1 projektu do 13 mln E;

(1) Climate services SC5-04 2017: Towards a robust and comprehensive greenhouse gas verification system Research and Innovation Action; 1-etapowy Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn: 07.03.2017 zalecane dofinansowanie do 1 projektu do 10 mln E;

(2) Towards a low carbon Europe Research and Innovation Action; 1-etapowy Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn. 07.03.2017 Zalecane dofinansowanie do 1 projektu: 4-5 mln E (c) The risks and costs of climate change for Europe (2017)

(2) Towards a low carbon Europe SC5-07 2017: Coordinating and supporting research and innovation actions on the decarbonisation of the EU economy Coordination and Support Action; 1-etapowy Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn: 07.03.2017 zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu w granicach 2,5-3 mln E; Finansowanie utworzenia i działań trans-dyscyplinarnego panelu ekspertów (naukowcy, eksperci, projekty) w dziedzinie strategii dekarbonizacji;

(3) Nature-based solutions for territorial resilience SC5-08 2017: Large scale demonstrators on nature-based solutions for hydrometeorological risk reduction Innovation Action; 2-etapowy Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn: 1 etapu 07.03.2017, 2 etapu 05.09.2017 zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu min. 12mln E;

(5) Raw materials SC5-13 2016-2017: New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials Research and Innovation Action; 1-etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 3-7 mln E; Pod-temat c): New sensitive exploration technologies (2017) Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn: 07.03.2017

(5) Raw materials SC5-14 2016-2017: Raw materials Innovation actions Innovation Action; 2 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 8-13 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn. I etapu: 07.03.2017; Zamkn. II etapu: 05.09.2017 Pod-temat b): Processing of lower grade and/or complex primary and/or secondary raw materials in the most sustainable ways (2017)

(5) Raw materials SC5-14 2016-2017: Raw materials Innovation actions Innovation Action; 2 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 8-13 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn. I etapu: 07.03.2017; Zamkn. II etapu: 05.09.2017 Pod-temat c): Sustainable metallurgical processes (2017)

(5) Raw materials SC5-15 2016-2017: Raw materials policy support actions Pod-temat b): Good practice in waste collection systems (2017) ; ; Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 1.5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017

(5) Raw materials SC5-15 2016-2017: Raw materials policy support actions Pod-temat c): Optimising collection of raw materials data in member States (2017) Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 1.5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017

(5) Raw materials SC5-15 2016-2017: Raw materials policy support actions Pod-temat d): Linking land use planning policies to national mineral policies (2017) Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 1.5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017

(5) Raw materials SC5-15 2016-2017: Raw materials policy support actions Pod-temat e): EU network of mining and metallurgy regions (2017) Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 3 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017

(5) Raw materials SC5-15 2016-2017: Raw materials policy support actions Pod-temat f): EU network of regions on sustainable wood mobilisation (wood supply) (2017) Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 1.5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017;

(5) Raw materials SC5-16 2016-2017: Raw materials international co-operation Pod-temat c): International network of raw materials training centres (2017) Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE do 1 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017;

(6) Earth observation SC5-18 2017: Novel in-situ observation systems Research and Innovation Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE do 4-5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017;

(6) Earth observation SC5-19 2017: Coordination of citizens observatories initiatives Coordination and Support Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE do 1 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017;

SC5-21 2016-2017: Cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growth (b) Heritage-led rural regeneration (2017) (7) Cultural heritage for sustainable growth Innovation Action; 2 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE ok. 10 mln E Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn. 1 etapu: 07.03.2017; Zamkn. 2 etapu: 05.09.2017;

(7) Cultural heritage for sustainable growth SC5-22 2017: Innovative financing, business and governance models for adaptive re-use of cultural heritage, Research and Innovation Action; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE do 5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017;

(8) Support to policy and preparing for innovation procurement SC5-26 - 2017 : Pre-commercial procurement on soil decontamination CEL: Pre-Commercial Procurement; 1 -etapowy zalecane dofinansowanie 1 projektu przez KE do 5 mln E; Otw: 08.11.2016; Zamkn.: 07.03.2017; Opracowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań dla efektywnej dekontaminacji gleb; Stworzenie systemów, z włączeniem zagadnień standaryzacji, regulacji, certyfikatów dla usunięcia barier dla wprowadzania nowych rozwiązań na rynek; Generowanie nowych produktów, procesów i usług gotowych do wprowadzenia na rynek;

(8) Support to policy and preparing for innovation procurement SC5-28 - 2016 : Transformations to sustainability ERA-Net Cofound; 1 -etapowy Otw: 10.11.2015; Zamkn.: 08.03.2016; Temat dla instytucji finansujących naukę we współpracy z jednostkami naukowymi (w Polsce głównie dla NCBiR) CEL: Opracowanie nowych rozwiązań - dla ograniczenia zmian klimatu i dla celów globalnego zrównoważonego rozwoju Konieczne podejścia trans-dyscyplinarne

Katowice, 17-18 marca 2O16 SME Instrument FTI Pilot Action Aneta Maszewska Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP

Topics Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs Dedicated support to biotechnology SMEs closing the gap from lab to market Engaging SMEs in space research and development Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors Supporting SMEs efforts for the development deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system Small business innovation research for Transport and Smart Cities Mobility Boosting the potential of small businesses in the areas of climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Engaging SMEs in security research and development

Cut-off dates in 2016, 2017 SME Instrument - Phase 1 2016 24.02., 03.05., 07.09., 09.11. 2017 15.02., 03.05., 06.09., 08.11. SME Instrument - Phase 2 2016 03.02., 14.04., 15.06., 13.10. 2017 18.01., 06.04., 01.06., 18.10.

Grants / SME instrument Phase 1 SC5 SME Instrument Phase 1 (all cut-off 2014-2015) 400 350 356 300 250 200 150 198 121 Applicants Funded SME 100 83 68 64 57 52 48 46 44 50 0 24 17 16 8 28 25 24 23 23 22 19 19 18 18 15 15 15 13 13 12 1 4 4 1 4 7 4 1 1 1 3 4 3 1 1 8 7 71 41 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Italy Spain United Kingdom Hungary Germany Poland Netherlands Finland Slovenia France Sweden Denmark Portugal Slovakia Czech Republic Greece Bulgaria Ireland Estonia Croatia Israel Turkey Austria Belgium Norway Lithuania Serbia Romania Cyprus Latvia Ukraine Malta Montenegro Bosnia and Moldova (Republic of) Iceland Former Yugoslav Luxembourg

Grants / SME instrument SC5 SME Instrument Phase 2 (all cut-off 2014-2015) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 82 66 46 24 23 21 18 15 13 11 11 8 10 9 8 4 6 5 5 5 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 Count of Proposal Number Count of Funded

. Źródło: materiały EASME

Most of the non-selected proposals were: Too much focused on the project and not enough on the business opportunity; Not convincing when describing the company (you have to explain why your company will succeed and not your competitor); Not providing enough information on competing solutions; Having a too low level of innovation, planning to develop a product that already exists on the market; Proposing just an idea without any concept for its commercialization; Just trying their luck (the SME Instrument is not a lottery!). If you keep these 6 points in mind when drafting your proposal, you may have higher chances to succeed.

Fast Track to Innovation - Pilot Reduce time from idea to market ('last push') Increase participation of industry, first-time applicants, SMEs Stimulate private sector investment in R&I

Who are we looking for? Consortia of a limited size: min. 3, max. 5 partners All of the partners should be legally established in the EU or in a Horizon 2020 associated country*, and partners must be from at least three different eligible countries Consortia must be industry-intensive: either 2 out of 3/4 partners = private-for-profit or 3 out of 5 partners = private-for-profit or 60% of the budget of the proposal (=total estimated eligible costs) is to be allocated to private-for-profit entities but can be composed of partners of any type of legal entity ( industry, SMEs, first-time applicants ) EU funding sought cannot exceed EUR 3 million; 70% of funding for privatefor-profit entities (//innovation actions) And last but not least * A list of Horizon 2020 associated countries is available via this link.

the solution or innovation proposed must be relatively mature / close-tomarket already! Time-to-market: 36 months or less (from the moment of the start of the FTI pilot action!) Level of development ~ TRL 6 (for technological innovations), and similar level of maturity for the non-technological ones Further development (up to TRL 9 or equivalent for non-technological innovations) possible in a relatively limited amount of time, and underpinned by a technical and a commercial planning Ultimate objective: significant value creation at the EU level (and beyond) / hit the mar

What type of activities can be supported? Advanced and specific research and development activities Standard setting and advanced performance testing / piloting / demonstration activities Validation of solutions in real working conditions / certification Business model validation ~

FTIPilot-1-2015 Cut-off date 1-29/4/2015 Cut-off date 2-1/9/2015 Cut-off date 3-1/12/2015 YEAR TOTAL Number of proposals submitted: 269 231 403 903 Number of above-threshold proposals: 48 51 83 182 (20.2%) Number of retained proposals: 16 15 15 46 (25.3%) Number of projected beneficiaries 69 67 68 204 Number of SME beneficiaries 32 (46%) 35 (52%) 28 (41%) 95 (46.5%) Number of SME project coordinators Total EC contribution requested for submitted proposals: EU budget contribution to retained proposals: 9 (56%) 11 (73%) 7(46%) 27 (58.7%) 507.485.223 427.022.233 729.520.163 1.664.027.619 35.6 million 32. 7 million 30. 4 million 98.7 million

Country of establishment of proposal coordinators (2015 cut-off dates 27 EU MS + 8 ACs) 180 171 160 152 140 120 100 80 60 76 69 62 52 40 20 28 23 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 15 14 9 9 9 9 7 7 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Going forward 2016/2017 March 15, 2016 Intermediary call deadline / cut-off #4 June 1, 2016 Intermediary call deadline / cut-off #5 July 2016 Outcome of assessment (study) on first response to the call October 25, 2016 Intermediary call deadline / cut-off #6 First semester 2017 Full evaluation of FTI >> decision on future of FTI

Main weaknesses in submitted proposals The expected impact on partners' growth and innovation capacity are insufficiently described; Market and competition analysis are weak and limited; Financing plan to reach the market and expand the commercialization capacity is not discussed in detail; The commercialization activities are not presented to demonstrate how they intend to involve key stakeholders on the buy side; The value for money is not justified in detail; The financial aspects are underestimated within the review of risks; Management structure is assessed as generic; Lack of details in the description of deliverables and in risk mitigation plans.

ZAPRASZAMY DO KONTAKTU KRAJOWY PUNKT KONTAKTOWY PROGRAMÓW BADAWCZYCH UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN Magdalena Głogowska Aneta Maszewska

Introducing CEPPI By Maciej Supel, Wroclawskie Centrum Badań EIT+ Sp. z o o

LESSONS LEARNT The main goals are: Idea Consortium Budget Proposal

IDEA - ABOUT THE PROJECT Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities Birmingham (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Castelló & Valencia (Spain) and Wrocław (Poland) are joining efforts to look for more sustainable energy solutions through a pro-innovation procurement approach.

CEPPI TENDERS (POTENTIAL): Birmingham: Waste Strategy/ Refrigeration Units for Markets Budapest: Retrofitting of City Hall Castelló: Undecided Valencia: Public lighting/ Harbour area refurbishment Wrocław: Street Lighting

CEPPI OUTCOMES Save energy and increase production of renewable energy Capacity building in smart, sustainable and innovation procurement Policy implementation and closing the policyprocurement gap Creating market for innovative energy goods and services Replication and extension to other cities and public sector organisations in the same city or region

CONSORTIUM - WHO ARE WE? The Consortium consists of 9 European partners: Birmingham Budapest Castelló Valencia / InnDEA Wroclaw / EIT+ Jera Optimat STZ ICLEI European Secretariat

BUDGET Staff (person/months per Participant/WP) Travel (consortium meetings) Subcontracting

PROPOSAL 1. Excellence a) objectives b) relation to the work programme c) concept and approach 2. Impact 3. Implementation

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EUREKA & EUROSTARS Katowice, 17 March 2016

Norwegian clusters Horizon 2020 Katowice, 18 March 2016

Increased value-creation in regional clusters through long-term internal and external collaboration between companies, R&Dand educational institutions 2 3/24/2016 Lorem ipsum footer endres i footer

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Arena Norwegian Centres of Expertise Global Centres of Expertise Target group Immature clusters Mature clusters National position Mature clusters Global position Support periode 3-5 years 5-10 years Up to 10 years Annual support EUR 200.-300.000 EUR 500.-600.000 EUR 1 mill No. clusters 20 10 4-5 Selection Annual open competition clear criteria external evaluation panels

ARENA-SUPPORTED CLUSTERS 01.07.2015 1 2 1. Arctic Maintenance 2. BioTech North 3. Arctic Winter Adventures 4. Cod Cluster 5. Arctic Maritime Cluster 6. Mineral Cluster North 7. Oil&Gas Cluster Helgeland 8. Smart Water Cluster 9. Nxt Media 10. ikuben 11. Norwegian Rooms 12 LEGASEA 13. DesignArena 14. Norwegian Smart Care Cluster 15. Usus 16. Digin 17. Electric Mobility Norway 18. Subsea Valley 19. Oslo EdTech Cluster 20. Norwegian Fashion Hub 21. Heidner 22. i4plastics 13 11 12 10 22 21 19 1718 8 9 20 7 4 6 5 3 9 14 16 15 4 3/24/2016

NCE-SUPPORTED CLUSTER 01.07.2015 1. NCE Aquaculture 2. NCE Instrumentation 3. NCE Tourism 4. NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster 5. NCE Media 6. NCE Maritime CleanTech 7. NCE Culinology 8. NCE Eyde 9. NCE Micro-and NanoTechnology 10. NCE Smart Energy 11. NCE Systems Engineering Kongsberg 12. NCE Oslo Cancer Cluster 13. NCE Health Technology 14. NCE Raufoss 4 3 5 6 2 14 13 12 11 7 9 10 8 1 5 3/24/2016

GCE-SUPPORTED CLUSTER 01.07.2015 1. GCE Blue Maritime 2. GCE Subsea 3. GCE Node 1 2 3 6 3/24/2016

POLICY, FUNDING AND IMPLEMENTATION (2) Funding and instrutions Funding and instructions Reporting Implementation Program management Program advisory board 7

Program support to the clusters 8 3/24/2016

CLUSTER ORGANIZATION Steering Committee Partnership (partners and members Cluster managers Cluster organisation Hege Økland og Nils Aadland Maritime CleanTech West

PROGRAM SUPPORT Co-funding (50 %) Advisory services Knowledge and skills Networking Profiling 10 3/24/2016

PROGRAM SUPPORT ADVISORY AND COMPETENCE SERVICES Program Managers Arena NCE/GCE Contracts, strategic dialogues Funding, daily follow-up strategic dialogues, sector projects Cluster advisors IN Regional offices Sector experts Training/workshops Knowledge and learning R&D linkages Infrastructure Internationalisation strategies and projects Offices abroad Regional representatives Regional representatives

REGIONAL CLUSTER ADVISORS Mobilize/develop new initiatives Financing and advisory services for clusters supported by the program Regional development processes Regional learning arenas Support to the program

MAIN PROCEDURES AND EVENTS DURING THE YEAR Q4 Q1 Strategic dialogues Call for new clusters Cluster Managers meetings Norwegian Cluster Manager Forum Q3 Q2 Kick-off seminar new clusters Contracts and start-up Feed-back meetings applicants Proposals evaluated New clusters decided 13 24.03.2016

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 KEY FIGURES Core companies: Significantly higher growth in sales income and employees the first 3 years 658 Joint innovation projects 261 Joint intern. projects 428 Joint competence proj. 1863 companies (net new: 159) Each company: 14 new relations 331 R&D-institutions 35 Cluster projects EUR 16,5 mill. for co-financing of clusters EUR 3 mill. for program support 14 3/24/2016

MAIN LESSONS LEARNED A cluster program must adapt to new needs Annual strategic review > need for new instruments, new selection criterias, leaner procedures, etc Clear goals and targets throughout the whole program Program goals, selection criteria, baseline indicators, outcome and impact criteria must be consistent and procedures must be transparent. Program funding is not enought A wider set of support services is needed Clusters must be a part of a learning arena Clusters must be challenged 15 3/24/2016

CLUSTERS HORIZON 2020 Strong focus on research and innovation Arena for mobilisation of companies to Horizon 2020 Support easily available both within the clusters and through «good helpers» Innovation Norway plan to support Horizon 2020 advisers that will work within the clusters 16 3/24/2016

2016 Grażyna Buczyńska Enterprise and Innovation Department Cluster support measures implemented by PARP NORWAY GRANTS GREEN INDUSTRY INNOVATION PROGRAMME IN POLAND Katowice, 17-18 March 2016

Cluster support 1/4 Active role in shaping of the Polish cluster policy: PARP is a partner in development of system measures for cluster support founder of Polish Cluster Policy Group (2011-2012), co-author of the report Directions of Polish cluster policy until 2020, development of mechanisms for coordination of cluster support system, involvement in strategic planning and drafting operational documents, development of criteria and procedures for selection of Key National Clusters, collaboration with partner organizations. Active role in shaping cluster policy on European level:

Cluster support 2/4 Direct support for cluster management organisations 500 MM PLN: 1.64 MM Pilot Wsparcie cluster bezpośrednie support (łączna wartość: instrument 511,34 mln zł): 5 projects 2007-2014 1.8 MM 454 MM Innovation Express Measure 5.1 IE OP 55 projects 7 projects 53.9 MM Measure 1.4.3 EPD OP 17 projects

Cluster support 3/4 Indirect support: 11.42 MM PLN 2007-2013 Training programme to promote clustering Promotion of clusters and clustering 134 K Polish clusters and cluster policy 5.18 MM Documentation for Key National Cluster Contest and development of Cluster Management Standards Cluster Inventory in Poland 5.76 MM 324.25 K


PARP w projektach miedzynarodowych INNET (Networking of national / regional funding and innovation organizations for the involvement of SMEs in Technology-based innovation clusters in Europe) 2006-2009 6.FP TACTICS (Transnational Alliance of Clusters Towards Improved Cooperation Support ) 2009-2012 CIP NGPExcellence clusters Cluster Excellence In the Nordic Countries, Germany and Poland, 2010-2011 MIRRIS (Mobilizing institutional reforms for better R&I systems/institutions in Europe) 2013-2016 7.FP

Results of the PARP s activities In 2007-2014 PARP: carried out 111 calls evaluated about 51.500 applications for financial support signed about 17.000 agreements for total amount of 8,8 bn eur (36 mld PLN) Entrepreneurs have received almost 70 bn (70 mld) PLN for development. PARP s activities generate annually about 3% of total investment expenditure. Projects implemented by PARP created 5% increase of work place number in supported companies.


Key National Clusters (KNC) The first edition of KNC Competition May - June 2015 22 applications 7 KNC chosen: INTERIZON Pomorski ICT Cluster - Polish Aluminium Cluster - Metal Cluster - Mazovia Cluster ICT - Aviation Valley - Green chemistry Cluster - Wschodni Klaster Budowlany


Section 1. Organisation 2. Resources 3. Processes 4. Services for cluster members 5. External collaboration Cluster Management Standards 1.1. Organisational structure 1.2. Strategy plan 2.1. Financial resources 2.2. Infrastructure 2.3. Human resources and know-how 3.1. Marketing 3.2. Internal communication 3.3. Cluster growth 3.4. Smart growth compliance Subsection 4.1. External funding 4.2. R&D, innovation and technology transfer 4.3. Market development 4.4. Experience exchange, networking, matchmaking 4.5. Human capital development 4.6. Internationalisation 5.1. Collaboration with regional authorities 5.2. Collaboration with scientific and business support organisations 5.3. Collaboration with other cluster coordinators 5.4. Corporate visibility and recognition

Key National Cluster (KNC) - evaluation criteria I II III IV Fields (3) Subfields (6) Criteria (12) Indicators (34) Cluster development potential (achievements and experiences) Cluster potential to implement the Strategic governance strategy (cluster strategy) Formal criteria 2nd Stage criteria (Expert Panel) 1st Stage criteria Additional criteria 1: Cluster management 2: Cluster economic potential, innovation performance and international competitiveness 3. External collaboration 4. Cluster internationalization 5. Cluster economic impact 6. Cluster development strategy