through over away from across out of along into under round towards up down 4 PRONUNCIATION: /uː/ /aʊ/ /ɒ/ /əʊ/

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Voices Grmmr b perfect Czsu perfect używmy do mówieni o przeszłych doświdczenich, gdy nie wspominmy iedy dołdnie miły miejsce spell rules for pst prticiples (irregur verbs) znjduje się n stronie 9 Czsu pst continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre trwły przez jiś czs w przeszłości Często występuje on w tym smym zdiu rzem z czsem pst sple i zmi when (przed pst sple) i while (przed pst continuous) i służy wówczs do opisu czynności, tór był tłem d innych, róto trwjących czynności rzetwrzie ers Li t ed il n m c Worboo Exm uilder d Exm rctice pges Worboo li she ited c Grmmr exercises sell rules 9 ffirmtive negtive questions Czsu sple używmy do mówieni o nwych i zwyczjch short swers Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre odbywją się w chwili mówieni o nich question words Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre mją miejsce w momencie mówieni o nich resent continuous stosowy do mówieni o przyszłości Mondy Czsu continuous używmy również do mówieni o onretnych pch n przyszłość Czs continuous tworzymy w nstępujący sposób: podmiot + be + verb + - W pytich szy jest nstępujący: be + sject + verb + - Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Jeśli używmy czsu continuous do mówieni o przyszłości, stosujemy wówczs wyrżeni czsowe odnoszące się do przyszłości Fridy W rótich odpowiedzich nie powtrzmy już formy czsowni + - Mondy 9 Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Fridy Sturdy Sturdy Sundy Sundy 9 ctivities Zdie egzmincyjne : The US Fcts & Figures Indi Fcts & Figures Lost cities The US opution Wyz czsowniów nieregurnych (irregur verbs) znjduje się n stronie 9 History ffirmtive sple Interpret rtefcts Cpitl Officguges Currency negtive Internet domin The hottest! Zdie egzmincyjne continuous Vocbury plus The biggest! The windiest! Czsu sple używmy do mówieni o nwych i zwyczjch Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre mją miejsce w momencie mówieni o nich wwwethnologue com/show_countrysp?nme=us 9 Vocbury b & Vocbury plus 9 Grmmr b wwwmpl 9 t s oo ffirmtive Vocbury b Vocbury plus negtive w : ritin (Engld, Scotld d Wles) be go to continuous for future owtór czsów Vocbury Grmmr b & Grmmr exercises Revision Stdrd & Revision Extr Vocbury b Others re different from the pst sple of irregur verbs: plus West End The longest-runn musicl in London s W/won t używmy do mówieni o wydrzenich w przyszłości, co do tórych nie jesteśmy pewni, wiec są to tylo przypuszczeni e go to używmy do mówieni o pch i zmierzenich n przyszłośd Czsu continuous używmy również do mówieni o onretnych, ustlonych wcześniej pch n przyszłośd Stosujemy wówczs dodtowo oolicznii czsu odnoszące się do przyszłości pst Ht d The lets Lost cities future Choirs Choirs re very popur in ritin The trdition of chorl s beg in the th d th centuries when the first choirs strted in K s College, Cmbridge d Christ Church Cthedrl, Oxford Now choirs re more popur th ever Worboo Exm uilder pges wwwbetleslyricsrchivecom future Nietóre formy iesłowowe czsowniów nieregurnych stosowe w czsie perfect są tie sme j te używe w czsie pst sple n c Worboo ited n c Test Genertor sheited 9 First olish Edition lish ers Imges from Corbis, shetd / ImgeSource, Ltd / shetd / ixtl, shers ll ustrli c mi Li ted n wwwmpl Dicttions This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer motorbie Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser Fion uchline er s oo ited n c Interctive Cssroom ited n c Dicttions i Ey te some bd food t the resturt d now she s got j If you hve bite from insect, you should put some Trstion & Dicttion some food excit socife li ited n c Mówienie Worboo bl i Worboo sh e ited n c Revision Stdrd resent sple d continuous Uzupełnij zdi odpowiedni czsownimi It s my birthdy I m go to prty Specil dys the house d s m n t write letters in / itchen / is / The / the / dog / sitt these dolls / pstic F rin / Is / it /? stic bottles re very useful The () p is idel for rbish bins d pr benches elieve it or not, they recycle pstic (9) b _ into grden the / I m / t / moment / wor / not Liners of ddition d contrst Chec it out! Indi c) She loves red c) you never see her Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre mją miejsce w momencie mówieni o nich but 9 Vocbury b & Vocbury plus re you listen (you / listen) to me? Yes, I m (he / go)? To the sports centre, I thin (you / wer) to the prty? drgon costume (your to the concert? No, she isn t (your prents / cht) to? The neighbours (I / me) Yes, you re! Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Mondy 9 Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Fridy Fridy Sturdy Sturdy Sundy Sundy Zreśl włściwą formę I/You//We/They This model is mde from terrcott Terrcott is type of cy tht is moulded d then bed in the sun to hrden b rcheologists found these brcelets in Mohenjo-Dro They re mde from beds of semi-precious stones, so the owner of these brcelets ws probbly rich Jewellery lie this ws pssed down through fies c lie these hd my different uses: for drin wter d or hold speciquids roject Do project on rtefcts discovered in lost cities l Find some informtion bout three rtefcts Thin bout how people lived in the pce the rtefcts come from d me notes repre Use your notes to write three short texts bout the rtefcts d drw some pictures to ustrte the texts resent your mterils t your project on poster d show it to your cssmtes d techer 9 buy pet c t drin lcohol llowed to sty out te I m not (m not) You ren t (re not) We/You/They ren t -ed d - djectives noyed / noy bored / bor embrrssed / embrrss excited / excit frightened / frighten interested / interest buy surprised / surpris cigrettes worried / worry cv (re not) ice clb y st motor rc could llowed to smoe then You should me Tody ppointment to see your doctor couldn t I ve cut / bruised They / broen my rm / leg / fer I wsn t (ws not) / quite lot cle the It hurts bit You weren t (were not) floor wsn t (ws not) We/You/They weren t be home (were not) te must Vocbury plus te photos You shouldn t the IG DETE: Should irresponsible people py to be rescued? llowed to get tttoo You must / hve to me your bed fter c, c t, could d couldn t we use the We use mustn t when someth is prohibited surfbord flippers snorel wetsuit swm costume infinitive without to It doesn t hve the sme me s don t hve ors rber dhy y t you c drive cr in Spin to I thin t you c to drive cr in Spin tht people who ct irresponsibly You mustn t put the wsh mchine on (It s rescu should hve to py for the tch the sports equipment items the need pictures fter be llowed we use to with d prohibited) service Why should rescuers ris their lives I m llowed to sty out until twelve You don t hve to put the wsh mchine on to sve people who re not be sensible? (It isn t necessry) If the rescue services mde people py, fter must / mustn t we use the infinitive people wouldn t put themselves t ris without to You must leve the prty t eleven You must to leve the prty t eleven Dopsuj zdjęci do testów Loo t the tble on your worsheet tht you hve received from your techer d choose lost city I/You//We/ dventure sports isn t (is not) The rescue services often rely on volunteer stff d hve to rise money to py for equipment, vehicles d trin Rescue services cross the world sve I/You//We/They mustn t thousds of lives every yer They rescue people who hve hd ccidents or re Wter sports equipment victs of nturl dissters Other tes they hve to rescue people who hve We use c / c t, could / couldn t din(not) cted irresponsible wy We c use must or hve to for ogtion Chec the me of these words be llowed to for permission Grmmr b & Grmmr exercises Reserch wor five hours dy llowed to They Vocbury b negtive (= prohibition) History provide fresh wter c We/You/They were Grmmr b wwwmpl ISN 9---- do the iron? ffirmtive (= ogtion) I m go / go now See you tomorrow! We re hv / hve dinner now hve to Ogtion d prohibition: must / negtive Useful expressions mustn t d hve to / don t hve to I/You//We/ Interpret rtefcts ) continers, often used for food b) piece of jewellery tht goes round your wrist c) pce where people live together d) deep hole dug in the ground to provide wter e) the system of pssges for wter d wste in town or city f) m-mde object g) mixture of wter d erth Mohenjo-Dro h) bloc for build houses rzeczytj testy i zzncz prwidłowe odpowiedzi Mohenjo-Dro mes ) Mound of Indus b) Mountin of Deth c) Mound of the Ded The city is bout squre ilometres in size ) b) c) ny house wlls in First Street ) ren t there y more b) re st there c) re underground rcheologists found system of in the houses ) towns b) drins c) rods They mde from mud ) wlls b) wells c) brics Find out how my people in the US spe the follow lguges Go to: wwwethnologue com/show_countrysp?nme=us English: Spish: French: Russi: Germ: put When rcheologists discover rtefcts in their excvtions, they interpret them to understd how people lived in the pst ołącz wyrzy z ich definicjmi The lost city of Mohenjo-Dro The lost city of Mohenjo-Dro existed more th, yers go in the Indus Vlley in South si eople from the Indus Vlley Civilistion lived there between d 9 Dro mes Mound of the rcheologists thin tht more th, people lived there in the pst The city is bout squre ilometres in size The ruins of the city, in ist, re UNESCO World Heritge Site The windiest! The US is the country with the most torndoes in the world It hs more th, torndoes yer - four tes more th ll of Europe Torndoes re most common in spr d lest common in winter Most of the torndoes re in the centre of the US in re clled Torndo lley When did the first meric b open? How hot ws it in Deth Vlley on July th, 9? When re torndoes most common in the US? hve Mondy It s the speer s birthdy / Vlentine s Dy The speer is wit / wor in resturt Messge Jmes is invit Tony / Clive to celebrtion First Street First Street is the most fmous street in Mohenjo-Dro; it s ten metres wide in some pces ny of the house wlls re st std The people mde brics from mud d dried them in the sun They used the brics to build foundtions, wlls, builds d wells Le Superior is one of the Gret Les of the US It is fmous for be the biggest freshwter e in the world It is bout ilometres from west to est d ilometres from north to south Le Superior is lso the coldest d the deepest of the Gret Les Npisz zdi, używjąc w żdym z nich obu czsów: sple i continuous It is very cold tody but it isn t snow et We ren t wer witches costumes Jmes s fy lwys / usully hs celebrtions t izz oint Lost cities brcelet drins rtefct mud settlement well bric pots Extremes in the US The hottest! Deth Vlley is vlley in the Mojve Desert, Cliforni It is fmous for be the hottest pce in the US Deth Vlley lso holds the record for the hottest temperture recorded in the western hemisphere On July th, 9 it ws C Tht s hot! The biggest! It / be / very cold / tody / but / it / not snow dce rzesztłć zdi z ćwiczeni n przeczeni Ułóż pyti, wyorzystując wyrzy pode w nwisch Czsu continuous używmy również do mówieni o onretnych pch n przyszłość Jeśli używmy czsu continuous do mówieni o przyszłości, stosujemy wówczs wyrżeni czsowe odnoszące się do przyszłości W rótich odpowiedzich nie powtrzmy już formy czsowni + - eter is often / never te 9 osłuchj trzech widomości telefonicznych i zreśl włściwe słowo resent continuous stosowy do mówieni o przyszłości Czs continuous tworzymy w nstępujący sposób: podmiot + be + verb + - W pytich szy jest nstępujący: be + sject + verb + - Messge EXTR VOICES Messge c) we re go c) Wht wt you c) some specil foods c) is decorte c) I love me c) never goes c) m c) give b) She loves the red b) never you see her Lis / Ellie is go to study in Frce The longest river in the US is the Missouri River It is over, ilometres The biggest isld in the US is Hwii It hs re of more th, sq ilometres The highest wterfll in the US is Yosemite Flls in Cliforni The wter flls more th metres Fcts & Figures wwwmpl c) com b) we go to b) Wht do you wt b) some specil food b) decortes b) I love me b) goes never b) re giv ) She loves red Zdie egzmincyjne he US Fcts & Figures Cpitl d However English setches crry Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre odbywją się w chwili mówieni o nich ) you see her never lev Uzupełnij zdi odpowiednią formą continuous czsowniów z rmi We re wer witches costumes l rge try of They to the music Loo! The ct our pizz Crol the chocotes in the cupbord We gret te Czsu sple używmy do mówieni o nwych i zwyczjch short swers Revision Stdrd & Revision Extr opution questions Ellie / Ellie s mum is coo specil mel Internet domin Vocbury plus Why re you wer / do you wer my jcet? Te it off now! The dog is drin / drins lot of wter It s thirsty I m usully buy / usully buy funny s for my sister for her birthdy re you li / Do you lie this music? Npisz poprwną formę czsowni z ońcówą - leve go crry sit celebrte wtch cht study negtive Writ l On Tuesdy On Wednesdy On Thursdy On Fridy On Sturdy ffirmtive b) hv 9 ) giv go to the cinem Grmmr exercises sell rules 9 loo Vocbury b Moreover In ddition 9 They re hv prty / et specil food ctivities Lis is sty t Ellie s / Grce s house these eroples / pper b) to come ) I love m ) never go ) giv Sundy Thursdy On Mondy her / My / isn t / mother / gsses / wer c / luminium box / crdbord this bth / metl study / Is / now / she /? window / gss T question words ) come ) we re go to ) Wht you do wt ) some food specil ) is decort tidy house Wednesdy me ce No, he () to birthdy prties He isn t very socible! Oh well re you () Dwn? Yes, few of us (9) her wtch Wht bout you? I ve got her boo () Yes, () without boo Well, see you tomorrow then Yeh, bye! Sturdy Tuesdy OK () me to do? Well, Joe d ndy re m () d Dwn () the grden You c help her OK () decortions! Is l com with you? ri ri ri celebrte birthdy! y Uporząduj wyrzy, t by powstły poprwne zdi re you () to Dwn s prty tomorrow? Yes, of course Wht te does it strt? t twelve o cloc, but () over there t to help ri ri Fridy study English v l p Mondy b r h h r e t f s V l nt n s s h the / do / moment / Wht / they / re / t /? d () j _ Grmmr b Cumutive chec rzeczytj dilog i zzncz prwidłowe odpowiedzi ri ri rzeczytj, jie Nic m ply n njższy tydzień Uzupełnij zdi Specil dy: Npisz zdi, używjąc here in the north now! (rin, rin) tennis every dy, but I m not well (py, rest) resent continuous for future rrgements resent continuous newspper / pper newspper is mde of pper every weeend, but this (wor, not wor) lunch t the moment He lwys t one o cloc (et, et) We usully our homewor in the even, but this even we (do, not study) It lwys It I tody so I e st r Sundy t s to school, but tody he by bus (wl, go) She usully weeend she He Uzupełnij brujące litery w nzwch świąt Zznczone litery utworzą nzwę olejnego święt prize-giv M th s Uzupełnij zdi poprwnymi formmi czsowniów podych w nwisch the my friends birthdy crd your mother on It s Christms! Let s the tree We lwys our trditionl costumes dur the fests in our vilge He usully It s onfire Night Let s go d firewors! I lwys Do you Mother s Dy? Revision Extr Celebrtions: verb + noun I m (m) You re (re) s (is) We/You/They re (re) We use hve to for ogtion We use don t hve to when there is no ffirmtive mountin bi ogtion (ie when someth isn t prchut I/You//We/ necessry) roc clb They We use do/does in the negtive, questions d rollerst short swers I ws snowbord She doesn t hve to prepre dinner You were surf Do you hve to loo fter your sister? Yes, I do ws hs got more money fter the progrmme? thins tht liv on the isld wsn t esy? I/You//We/ They negtive short swers rzetwrzie Which prticipit: I/You We/You/They Yes, I/you do / No, I/you don t Yes, he/she/it does / No, he/she/it doesn t Yes, we/you/they do / No, we/you/they don t F Exm uilder d Exm rctice pges Do Does Do ffirmtive questions Regowie pisemne Do żdej sytucji dobierz odpowiednią recję Zreśl literę, l C odczs wizyty w biotece twoj oleż rozmwi przez telefon J zwrócisz jej uwgę n zchowie ciszy? You must switch on your mobile phone in the librry You shouldn t use your mobile phone in the librry C You left your phone in the librry J zpytsz olegę, czy ogląd progrmy relity re you wtch relity show? Did you wtch y relity shows yesterdy? C Do you ever wtch relity shows? Dowiedz się, czy twoj oleż potrfił pływć, iedy mił t Could you sw when you were eight? Were you swm t eight? C Did you sw eight yers go? T Worboo Regowie ustne Worboo contents Officguges worsheets 9 Czytie Currency worsheets irwor dwóch wybrych egzmincyjnego Słuchie Techer s Resource File Multi-level worsheets isie Słownictwo 9 C When did the first winner of op Idol win the progrmme? October th Februry 9th C Februry th Wht re Liz d D tl bout? relity show footbll mtch C sop oper Znjomość funcji języowych ILE Test Genertor Tests Multi-Rom Cstwys prdise islds oo Now she hs to wer bdge becuse she s got very bd Tests Multi-c C Where re nn d ry? sore throt Dicttions Vocbury b Vocbury plus Drmtic se rescue Richrd Neely d llyson Dlton survived for 9 hours in shr-infested wters while they were on div trip ner the Gret rrier Reef, ustrli The couple left their dive bot d drifted out to se The rescue services sent seven helicopters, three ples d six bots to serch for the couple, m the cost of the opertion high Neely d Dlton mde eqully high sum of money by sell their story to the press Some people suspected tht the couple were ly This is becuse they sold their stories to the press just hours fter their rescue The rescue services decided to orgize investigtion to find out wht relly hppened d they eventully decided tht the couple were not guilty Newsppers reported tht the couple did not follow the instructions from9 the dive instructors d behved in foolish wy, putt their lives t ris Some people thin tht the couple should contribute towrds the cost of their rescue Ktherine & Steve ilsborough 9 oo Worboo Exm uilder d Exm Writ pges bl i ited n c l ls o Worboo bl i Worboo ited n c Worboo Extr contents ICT Test Genertor udio files for the Listen tss Dicttions This udio contins ll the Dicttions d English Setches files from the Techer s Resource File US port Interctive Cssroom Tests Multi-c Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser Worsheet If there ws note cre, I d be hppy! 9s Universl Seril us (US) b I d do more for my sister if she ws nice to me 99 c firewll technology c If you got home te,(originl wht would your prents sy? 99 concept) d webcm e the word Wi-Fi f Wi-Fi zones irwor d If we won some money, we d buy house 99 Worsheet 9 e If my cousin lived in Engld, we d visit h 999 f Wht wouldyou hve, if you could buy yth? get Student Revision d I m go to get the newspper now Nme of pce with zones Loction / ddress e I got postcrd from Steve yesterdy Test Genertor Test Genertor ISN 9---- flsh drive (memory stic) b f Wht te w you get home tonight? Cover ges from Corbis/Fotochnels (girl), ImgeSource/ ML (boy, bridge, signpost), stoc/ml (cloc, the city), Mexico/Dve Cocburn (guitr) d firewll Find out bout Wi-Fi zones in your re d complete the tble below Use this informtion to help The Thin Frog is fmous resturt in with your project I need to get the bus t hlf pst six very old build in Cterbury Loo t the b My grdmother gets tired very esily pictures below d right, d red bout the Wi-Fi zones c You won t get prize for tht! history of the build cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser wwwmpl c bc-up file sheited 9 First olish Edition Trstion b flsh drive (memory/dt stic) with Second conditionl C you mtch the items on the left the dte they were invented? This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer Tests Multi-c df files of two complete exm-lie tests (przyłdowe zestwy egzmincyjne) t the bsic level ll the udio files should be listened to on pyer Wht re these ths used for, d which is the most useful, in your opinion? Voices Editble Word files d redy-to-print df files of ll photocopible tests designed for cssroom use (These include: Dignostic Test, Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Test) Worsheet ROJECT This Multi-ROM hs specy designed softwre so tht unique tests c be generted for use s: Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Tests This Multi-ROM contins: lish ers Dicttions Li ted n m c Voices_TG_L_Multirom_Onbodyindd Voices_DVD_L_Inyindd // : f I definitely don t wt to buy tht T-shirt 9// : Interctive Cssroom Fion uchline Write the words for the pictures d He probbly won t be in our css next yer cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser Digitl medi e erhps you ll be ble to go to meric soon ited n c Unit l into hote Used to hide mons b ybe we c go to the cinem tomorrow c You c probbly see the se from here s resturt Extr Converted This is definitely the best holidy I ve ever hd Revision Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser Reopened Vocbury dverbs of possibility d probbility This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer 9 Rebuilt s prison Occupied by the Kc b D d Destroyed by Vi riders mobile phone If I did voluntry wor in si, I d try meetquestions Muhmmd Yunus He hs done the lothistory of wor to Write to s Student bout of to The Thin Frog Use these sjects: f g reduce poverty in vilges in gdesh, d he got the Nobel ece rize in e His b lends Who / burnt smll mounts of money to poor women so tht theyby? c get ths to sell, or to use to me Wht turned into? clothes This wy, the women w probbly be/ ble to py the money bc Mr Yunus s b lso Wht rebuilt s?if I met Mr Yunus, I d sy th you to h pys for poor but intelligent students to go to/ university Why / left empty? for his efforts to reduce poverty d itercy When / first built? Who / bought by? s Student your questions d note his/her replies Complete the sentences with words in exercise : Who ws the build burnt by? : It wsofburnt by gryon the There is huge mount informtion pests in b You c downlod music onto your World Wide Web, I c send e-mils on my ptop from y room in the house d Ths to is tht you c wtch y progrmme you lie Use the informtion in the picture in exercise to swer Student s questions Reply with full tch the words in the box with the texts sentence d include dte ech te crossword TV guide hedline wether forecst : Who ws the build : It wshoroscope occupied by problem the sports section blog pge occupied by? K in d py it whenever you lie on your c You c contct friends by send e The gret th bout Websites, newsppers d mgzines b c d Write the informtion Student hs given you in the correct te order, in the picture in exercise Techer s oo Voices_Exms_L_Multirom_Onbodyindd ited n e f g h Tests Multi-c Tests Multi-Rom Css s 9// : c Test Genertor // :9 Voices_Dicttions_L_indd Voices_S_L_Css s booletindd wether forecst Dicttions Css s Ctherine Mceth Voices Do you now when the ustrli Volunteer Costgurd ssocition strted? wwwcostgurdcomu/homehtml ll the udio files for Listen tss should be listened to on pyer How my hours were the couple in the wter? Why did people suspect tht the couple did not tell the truth? Who orgized investigtion? The story of sil Should irresponsible people py to be rescued? Wht do you thin? I disgree Just becuse somebody mes bd decision d gets into trole it doesn t me they should hve to py to be sved Everybody hs the right to the sme services, not just sensible people! terils E ss s ILE 9 Css s Unit Extr ISN 9---- Dicttions This udio contins ll the Dicttions d English Setches files from the Techer s Resource File Test Genertor sheited 9 First olish Edition Cover ges from Corbis/Fotochnels (girl), ImgeSource/ ML (boy, bridge, signpost), stoc/ml (cloc, the city), Mexico/Dve Cocburn (guitr) udio files for the Listen tss ll the udio files c bethis listened to isoncopyright pyer record d cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser wwwmpl Worsheet 9 Tests Multi-c Dicttions This udio contins ll the Dicttions d English Setches files from the Techer s Resource File Tests Multi-c udio files for the Listen tss ll the udio files should be listened to on pyer Worsheet Editble Word files d redy-to-print df files of ll photocopible tests designed for cssroom use (These include: Dignostic Test, Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Test) df files of two complete exm-lie tests (przyłdowe zestwy egzmincyjne) t the bsic level C rzeczytj wypowiedzi trzech osób C dotyczące uczestnictw w progrmie Cstwys orz pyti ( ) dotyczące tych wypowiedzi Do żdego pyti dopsuj włściwą wypowiedź Wpisz odpowiednią literę w rtę obo żdego pyti Jedn wypowiedź psuje do dwóch pytń resent go home erly oo Worsheet Interctive Cssroom This Multi-ROM contins: This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser Cd This Multi-ROM hs specy designed softwre so tht unique tests c be generted for use s: Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Tests ll the udio files for Listen tss c be listened to on pyer Tests Multi-c osoby, tór mogłby wyonywć ten zwód Wyorzystj z ćwiczeni Whttest did Tom wtch st night? Ctherine Mceth Editble Word files d redy-to-print df files of ll photocopible tests designed for cssroom use (These include: Dignostic Test, Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Test) df files of two complete exm-lie tests (przyłdowe zestwy egzmincyjne) t the bsic level Voices This Multi-ROM contins: rcujcie w prch Wymieńcie się profimi i spróbujcie zgdnąć, tórego zwodu Wht doesn t mum wt her dughter to wtch? dotyczy żdy opis Test Genertor ll the udio files for Listen tss should be listened to on pyer Worboo Extr contents Voices Voices Test Genertor This Multi-ROM hs specy designed softwre so tht unique tests c be generted for use s: Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Tests Znjomość środów języowych Rozumienie testów pisych Zpoznj się z treścią zdi Usłyszysz dwurotnie pięć rótich testów N podstwie informcji zwrtych w ngriu w polecenich wybierz z podych Wybierz jeden zwód z rmijedną i npisz profil odpowiedzi Zreśl literę, l C order in the re The river is st ris bout per hour Hevy rin is expected until Fridy Worboo - Exm rctice Rozumienie ze słuchu ermission: c, could, be llowed to L ited TI Zzncz w testch wyrżeni/ zwroty, tóre wszują n to, że dy test psuje do onretnej pilot police officer nurse journlist techer ILE - be home erly don t hve to doesn t hve to don t hve to I li Lst night vy rin cused floods in the region Wter dmged my frms, rods d bridges lot of people do not hve electricity but no one ws evcuted I swered over emergency clls from the whole re the phone ept r ll Zdie egzmincyjne E ILE hs been wor ll dy help people d giv them wter? thins there ren t enough people to loo fter so my ptients? ptrolled the town d mde sure no one ws do yth egl? didn t sleep t ll becuse the phone ws r ll night? Ctherine Mceth I/You We/You/They Finld is the fifth rgest country in Europe but only lion people live there The first pression you get loo out of irple window is tht there re lot of trees d es with few smll towns However, Helsini, Tmpere d Turu re modern high-tech cities In Lpld, in the north, you c visit St Cus d meet thousds of reindeer Here you c lso experience white nights in summer, when dys re hours long There re plenty of ths you c do in Finld, eg you c go cycl, Which report is written by someone who: hve to hs to hve to negtive Zdie egzmincyjne rzeczytj recje prsowe ( C) dotyczące powodzi orz pyti dotyczące utorów recji ( ) Do żdego pyti dopsuj odpowiednią recję Wpisz literę w rtę obo żdego pyti Jedn recj psuje do dwóch pytń OLND GINST FLOODS I/You We/You/They Worboo Grmmr b oo n ffirmtive O TO CO I L E lish Ogtion: hve to / don t hve to H odreśl wyrzy/zwroty, tóre pomogły ci dopsowć profil osoby do włściwego zwodu CO Ctherine Mceth I m yers old I c fly rescue helicopters I m brve, hrd-wor d I rect quicly in stressful situtions TO Mówienie Which prticipit: rzeczytj profil osoby, tór szu prcy, i zstów się, j prc będzie d niej njbrdziej odpowiedni O excit socife Worboo contents firefighter soldier rescue worer doctor Czsu pst sple używmy do mówieni o wydrzenich, tóre miły miejsce w przeszłości Konstrucj zdi d wszystich osób jest t sm Czsownii regurne przyjmują ońcówę Vocbury b -ed Wyz czsowniów nieregurnych H E L Worboo Regowie ustne Regowie pisemne I 9 CO TO Słuchie Czytie H O isie Słownictwo Voices sheited 9 Cstwys prdise islds some food E L Znjomość funcji języowych rzeczytj poniższy test Nstępnie w prch i zstówcie się, dczego odpowiedzi n pyti są z treścią testu odreślcie frgmenty zwierjące poprwne odpowiedzi I - Znjomość środów języowych Rozumienie testów pisych 9 Zdie egzmincyjne Rozumienie testów pisych CO pilot police officer nurse journlist techer Exm uilder rzeczytj opisy dwóch zwodów Zdecyduj, tóry będzie njbrdziej odpowiedni d osoby z ćwiczeni efore the flight, you hve to greet pssengers, help them with their cots d bgs d show sfety instructions Dur the flight, you serve pssengers food d drins d me sure they re comfortble You must be t lest nineteen yers old You hve to wor long hours, loo for d help people in trole The job c be dgerous if the wether is relly bd, but generlly, it is quite sfe You need to me decisions very quicly Good hd-eye coordintion is lso necessry rcujcie w prch Zstówcie się, czym zjmują się osoby wyonujące poniższe zwody TO TI Rozumienie ze słuchu Worboo 9 - Voices sheited 9 pst continuous Zdie egzmincyjne oo Exm uilder Rozumienie testów pisych O firefighter soldier rescue worer doctor Znjomość funcji języowych / Znjomość środów języowych cffeine chocote exercise the Internet mobile phone shopp sugr wor negtive H Zdie egzmincyjne Rozumienie testów pisych ffirmtive pst sple ffirmtive Voices sheited 9 Voices Rozumienie testów pisych pst resent perfect: zdi twierdzące Voices sheited 9 Grmmr b Voices Voices Zdie egzmincyjne Rozumienie testów pisych Vocbury b Rozumienie ze słuchu Dicttions Techer s Resource File // : Multi-level worsheets worsheets irwor worsheets Trstion & Dicttion English setches wwwmpl ISN 9---- 9 Voices_S_L_Coverindd // :

Finl frontiers Unit contents Vocbury repositions of movement; extreme djectives Lguge Focus W d might; be go to; fi rst conditionl Ss Red: rticle, lefl et Listen: pls for trip Spe: tl bout future pls d intentions (holidys) Interction: boo room in hotel E Exm Writ: informl letter description of pce CLIL Science Tody dventure tourism Exm uilder Znjomość środów języowych uzupełniie lu, częściowe tłumczenie Vocbury repositions of movement tch the prepositions with the pictures GUESS Which e is the biggest? ) Le Superior in Cd/US b) Le il in Russi c) Le Victori in fric Which of these plets is the smllest? ) Sturn b) Venus c) Mercury RECYCLE Loo t the types of trsport Write sentence bout ech one cr bot ship spceship ple bus I trvel by cr every dy I ve never trvelled by spceship through over wy from cross out of long into under round towrds up down 9 Listen, chec d repet Red the descriptions d f the gps with the correct prepositions wy from into towrds out of When she finlly got to Mexico City, she got () _ the txi d strted wl () _ the hotel She lwys dremt of this journey d now relly wted to run () _ ll her problems d just enjoy the holidy! When she wled () _ the build, she sw how beutiful it ws perfect pce for ftstic holidy! cross round over long Mr Smith decided to go to S Frcisco He strted his journey in London First, he flew () _ Europe in jet ple Then he too ferry in ortugl to sil () _ the tltic Oce When he got to meric, he rented cr d drove () _ my motorwys ut when he finlly got to S Frcisco, he drove () _ the city for hour becuse he couldn t te the right turn! RONUNCITION: /uː/ /ʊ/ /ɒ/ /əʊ/ ) Listen d repet the different sounds /uː/ /ʊ/ /ɒ/ /ǝʊ/ into down long over b) 9 Listen d dd these words to the tble round bot through cross Your voice Wor in pirs s d swer the questions Wht s the highest mountin you ve ever clbed? Hve you ever run wy from someone? How long c you sty underwter? Wht s the best wy to trvel round the world? Wht pce on Erth would you lie to fly over? Vocbury plus Worboo p

Red From spin to outer spce! Imgine the scene you re on holidy, d you re loo out of the hotel window t mz view: plet Erth! Soon, this ide might not be science fi ction compy in rcelon hs got pls for the world s fi rst spce hotel ccord to director, Xvier Crmunt, the Gctic Suite hotel is go to open soon Six lucy lionires w hve the opportunity to be the fi rst guests This w be the most expensive hotel in the Gxy $ lion for three-dy holidy! Guests w get into spceship in the city before trvell into spce Then they ll go round the Erth every minutes, d see sunrises every dy They won t be ble to wl round they ll wer specil Velcro suits, d clb up the wlls lie Spiderm They won t be ble to hve bth until they get home, d us the toilet in zero grvity w be quite chllenge! ut how my people re go to hve enough money to visit the Gctic Suite? bout, people in the world re rich enough, but they won t ll wt to go Crmunt insists tht it w be the holidy of lifete The price includes eight-wee trin course on tropicl isld, where gctic tourists w lern everyth they need to now Tht ll surely be more luxurious th life in zero grvity! rcelon is not the only contender in the rce for spce tourism ritish d meric compies re lso pln to offer spce tourism before the end of this decde It might not be the relity tody, but perhps one dy, rs w be more popur th rbel! Red d listen Choose the best lterntive title for the text Spiderm d science fiction The holidy of lifete C The origins of the sor system Words in context Find words in the text d mtch them with the correct definitions g ccord to sunrise Velcro suit grvity insist luxurious contender ) suit fstened with pieces of mteril which stic to ech other b) in the opinion of somebody c) force tht mes objects fll to the ground d) very expensive d comfortble e) when the sun ppers in the sy erly in the morn f) someone who competes with others for someth such s prize g) to sy very firmly tht someth must hppen or must be done Red the text gin t these events in the correct order ) The tourists trvel into spce b) They return to Erth c) They get into spceship in rcelon d) The tourists go on trin course Decide if the sentences re true (T) or flse (F) Find evidence in the text The first spce hotel w probbly open in the ner future It won t be expensive to visit the Gctic Suite hotel It w te dy for the spce hotel to trvel round the Erth Visitors c wer their own clothes in spce The price of the holidy includes eight wees on tropicl isld ll Europe countries re pln to hve spce hotels in the future Your voice Wor in pirs s d swer the questions Do you thin spce hotels w be popur mong rich people? Would you lie to be spce tourist? Wht else could you do with $ lion? In your opinion, w hums colonise other plets in the future? CLIL Science Worboo p

Lguge Focus w d might Loo t the puzzle d put the words in the correct order to me sentences + sject WILL w/won t might/might not The _ (be/gctic Suite/w) expensive _ (won t/some people/wt) to go MIGHT infinitive without to _ (go/people/might) on holidy into spce in the future _ (not/might/be/it) science fi ction in the future Red the exmples in exercise d complete the rules We use / when we re sure tht someth is or isn t go to hppen in the future it is definite We use / when we specute bout the future it is possible The form is the sme in ll persons We don t use in the third person sur Complete the sentences with w / won t or might / might not d the verbs in brcets Someone from my school (become) stronut in the future I m sure tht someone (wl) on the moon gin one dy I (go) on holidy to the Gctic Suite hotel becuse it s too expensive eople (buy) s in the future becuse digitl music is becom more popur In, the Olympic Gmes (be) in Rio de Jeiro n thlete from my country (win) gold medl Your voice Write four true d one flse sentence us the words from boxes, d C Then wor in pirs Red the sentences to ech other d guess which sentence is flse I might go to Engld one dy I We My techer My prents go to Engld buy me cr trvel round the world get mrried hve exm give us homewor C tody soon next yer in yers one dy be go to Loo t the structure d the exmples Write he forms of the sentences Then choose the correct end of the rule below E GOING TO To form sentences we use: sject + be + go to + infinitive without to They re go to open the + He _ hotel soon They ren t go to wor there _? re they go to sty there? _ SHORT NSWERS Yes, they re No, they ren t Yes, _ No, _ We use be go to to tl bout: predictions bout the future / pls d intentions for the future Complete the dilogue with the correct form of be go to Congrtutions! You ve won holidy t the Gctic Suite hotel for you d friend Tom Hi, guess wht? I ve won gctic holidy I m go to trvel into spce! my Wow! Tht s mz! When () _ (you, go)? Tom In my Who () _ (you, te) with you? Wht bout me?! Tom Er, ctully, I () _ (s) my cousin He s very interested in spce trvel my Oh Tht s shme How long () _ (you, sty) in spce? Tom Only three dys ut I () _ (spend) eight wees on tropicl isld before tht We () _ (prepre) for the spce trip there my Tht sounds ftstic! Spe Imgine you ve won one of these holidys Wor in pirs s d swer questions bout the holidy Remember to use the question form of be go to Who / te with you? When / go? Wht / do there? How long / sty? How / prepre for the trip? Wht / wer? Who re you go to te with you? DESERT TREK RCTIC EXERIENCE EIJING REK

Listen Vocbury Listen to Chris tell his mum bout school trip d complete the informtion Extreme djectives Loo t the list of extreme djectives Chec their me in dictionry d mtch them with the norml djectives extreme djectives wful tiny huge boil freez fscint mz norml djectives hot big nice interest cold smll bd Listen, chec d repet Write swers to the questions us extreme djectives re the exm results bd? Yes, they re They re wful! Is it cold in the rctic in winter? Is it hot in the desert in summer? Is Russi big country? Is Luxembourg smll country? re the beches in Hwii nice? Ws the exhibition interest? The school is orgis trip to _ (viemore) The pce to sty is youth _ The cost of the trip is _ The te of the trip is _ The deposit to py is _ Listen gin d choose the correct swer Where re they go to be? ) in the mountins b) in city c) in vilge How my techers w be there? ) one b) two c) three How my students re go? ) only Chris, Richrd d ete b) bout c) bout Wht re the optionl excursions go to be? ) ice clb d Gsgow b) si d ice clb c) si d Gsgow Wht w the wether be lie? ) not very cold b) cold d freez c) quite cold d wet Your voice Wor in pirs s d swer the questions Hve you ever been on school trip? Where did you go? Wht did you do there? Rewrite Chris s postcrd with extreme djectives Hi Mum! I m hv / () nice te here in Scotld Yesterdy we sied down () big mountin The youth hostel is OK, but the showers re () cold! The nerest vilge is () smll but it s got shop, so I bought you this postcrd! See you soon, Chris S I miss your coo the food here is () bd! Your voice Wor in pirs s d swer the questions Wht is the most wful th you hve ever eten? Wht is the most fscint pce you would lie to see? Wht is the most mz country you hve visited? Which wether is worse for you: freez or boil?

Tody DVENTURE TRIS ntrctic cruise see huge icebergs wtch penguins d whles Join us on fscint trip to the world s most remote continent We ll trvel on specil ship clled the or Str First, your guide w meet you t the irport in uenos ires The or Str hs got gym, resturt d shop It crries bout pssengers, so you ll me lots of new friends Dur your journey to the South ole, you ll see some mz scenery If you re lucy, you ll lso see whles, sels d se birds If you ve got y questions, our tem of experts w be there to help you Every dy we ll go on excursions if the wether isn t too bd You ll see the tiny penguin chics if you visit in Februry You c lso spend fternoon t the boil hot sprs of endulum Cove There s lots of te to enjoy the trip becuse it s light for hours dy dur the ntrctic summer dventure tourism quiz ntrctic is ) oce b) continent c) country Did you now? If you choose this holidy, you won t be disppointed It s unique opportunity to visit the Erth s fi nl frontier, d once-in--lifete experience for lovers of dventure! Wht percentge of ntrctic is ice? ) % b) % c) 9% ntrctic is becom new tourist destintion! In the 9 to tourist seson, over, people visited the world s coldest continent ntrctic is in the ) north b) south c) est Wht do you now bout ntrctic? Red the quiz d choose the correct swers Then listen d chec Red the text d choose the best option The text is ) guideboo description of ntrctic b) dvertis leflet offer trips to ntrctic c) note bout ntrctic from encyclopedi Red the text gin d put sentences c into the correct gps in the text Then listen d chec ) If you re brve, you ll be ble to go for sw! b) One of our most popur trips is visit to the penguin colonies on Hlf Moon Isld c) Then you ll bord the ship in Ushui, the world s most southern city Words in context Find words d phrses in the text d mtch them with the correct definitions f remote to bord hot spr disppointed Which opinion do you gree with? Would you lie to go on this trip? Why?/Why not? the IG DETE Worboo p unique once-in--lifete ) pce where hot wter comes up out of the ground d forms pool where people c rex b) unhppy becuse someth tht you expected did not hppen c) someth tht is so specil tht it my hppen only once d) very specil, unusul or good e) to get onto ship, ircrft, trin, or bus f) fr wy from other cities, towns or people Your voice Wor in pirs Red the opinions d discuss the questions If tourism becomes more popur in ntrctic, people w destroy the frgile environment forever If people visit ntrctic, they ll see how beutiful it is d they ll wt to protect it

Lguge Focus First conditionl tch the situtions in the box with the consequences in the tble to me sentences Chec the swers with the text on pge if the wether isn t bd if you re lucy if you choose this holidy if you visit in Februry FIRST CONDITIONL We use the fi rst conditionl to tl bout possible future situtions d their consequences SITUTION,, CONSEQUENCE You ll see the penguins We ll go on excursions CONSEQUENCE you ll see whles you won t be disppointed SITUTION Red the sentences in exercise gin d swer the questions Is if lwys t the strt of the sentence? Which tense do we use in the if prt? Which tense do we use for the consequence? Do we lwys use comm between the two prts of the sentence? Circle the correct lterntives If the ship hits iceberg, someone rescues / w rescue you! You ll be cold if you don t / won t te lot of clothes We send / ll send you postcrd if we find postbox! If you hven t got / won t hve much money, you won t be ble to come The environment w suffer if too my people go / w go to ntrctic If you go on this holidy, you don t forget / won t forget it! unless Red the rule d rewrite the sentences with unless Unless is the sme s if not It lwys refers to the sitution prt of the sentence, not the consequence We never use not fter unless If you ren t brve, you won t go for sw = Unless you re brve, you won t go for sw If you don t go on this trip, you ll miss the opportunity = _, you ll miss the opportunity If he doesn t come on te, he ll miss the ship = _, he ll miss the ship Your voice Write consequences of these situtions If I get rich one dy, _ Unless I pss my exms, _ If it rins ter, _ If my friend clls me tonight, _ If we don t get y homewor, _ Unless old qulifies for the World Cup, _ oo corner Unit grmmr chec Circle the correct lterntives LOOK Surviv in the mountins Touch the Void is true story bout two friends clled Joe d Son They () re / s go to clb huge mountin in eru Joe d Son rech the top of the mountin, but then Joe hs ccident d bres his leg They () don t / won t survive () if / unless they get down quicly They might () die / to die in the mountins The two friends decide to sty together d they hold the sme rope Then, someth terrible hppens Joe flls d pulls the rope Son must me rpid decision If he cuts the rope, Joe () flls / w fll further If he () doesn t / won t cut the rope, they w both fll Son cuts the rope d he returns to the cmp lone He feels terrible couple of dys ter, he () s / m go to leve the cmp when he sees figure in the distce W Joe () return / to return? Listen d chec Touch the Void by Joe Spson 9

Exm Writ n informl letter description of pce Der Uncle Wim, s this is my st letter from the holidy in the US, I d lie to write bout the most mz pce I ve seen so fr of This pce is Deth Vlley, d it is ntionl pr in the sttes US the in pce coldest / hottest () the It s Nevd Cliforni d The scenery there is mz! it isn t The best te to visit Deth Vlley is in spr or utumn becuse ws ture temper too hot In summer it s boil the highest recorded c () C / C! There is rod tht goes through the pr, so you drive or cycle there in The most fmous pce to see is dwter Tht s the lowest point to down / up () go you If level the whole country it s m below se is There er dwt of view gret the top of Dte s View, you ll hve hotel in the vilge of Furnce Cree, where I styed for the night home I ll show you lot of pictures of Deth Vlley when I see you bc Kisses to unt Sus, Diel Red the letter bove d guess words in the text Compre your swers with prtner LOOK Liners of reson d result Loo t the letter gin d underline ll sentences with becuse d so in the letter Then complete the rules below We use _ to introduce result or consequence We use _ to give reson Join the two sentences with becuse or so Remember tht we don t use comm before becuse Zope hsn t got irport ll visitors rrive by trin or cr The beches in Lzrote in Spin re bc The isld is volcic It s boil in Greece in summer You ll need sun ht d sun crem It s lie desert in lt in summer It hrdly ever rins You c si in the lps in winter It s freez Thin bout mz pce you hve visited Wor in pirs s d swer the questions How c you trvel Wht is the nme of there? the pce? Wht c you see Where is it? there? Why is it specil? When is the best te Where c you sty? to visit? Writ l Do the exm ts below Zdie egzmincyjne Włśnie wróciłeś/wróciłś z wcji, n tórych zwiedziłeś/zwiedziłś jieś wyjątowe miejsce Npisz list do swojej cioci/swojego wuj z ustrlii Opisz: gdzie dołdnie byłeś/byłś; j jest tm pogod i j tm dojechć; gdzie możn się ztrzymć i co wrto zobczyć odpisz się jo XYZ Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w żdym z trzech podpuntów, pmiętjąc, że długość listu powinn wynosić od do słów Oceni jest umiejętność pełnego przezi informcji, spójność i logi wypowiedzi orz zres i poprwność środów języowych l letter Use the model in exercise d the questions in exercise to help you Write your letter Include swers to ll the questions Chec your writ: chec tht you ve written three prgrphs use liners becuse d so use t lest one exmple of the first conditionl TI Opisując jieś miejsce, podj wiele szczegółów dotyczących tego miejsc orz wyjśnij, dczego wybrłeś je do opisu odobnie postępuj w przypdu tworzeni opisu jiegoś zdrzeni l jiejś osoby _Voices_S_L_Uindd -- :

Lguge in ction oo room in hotel tch the pictures with the descriptions tch English words d phrses with their olish equivlents g ed d refst (&) din re dormitory en suite five-str twin room youth hostel ) poój wieloosobowy b) pięciogwizdowy c) schroniso młodzieżowe d) poój z dwom łóżmi e) z łzieną f) pensjont g) jdlni C THISTLE HOTEL is luxurious five-str hotel locted in the min street We offer stylish rooms, with three resturts d Thistle r From per person/night Lph HOUSE ED ND REKFST is beutiful vil ner the centre We offer en suite rooms with colour television rices per night/person EDINURGH YOUTH HOSTEL is locted in the hert of the city We offer en suite, privte sle d twin rooms, d dormitories From per person Luis wts to spend weeend in Edinburgh with his cousin tt He is phon one of the hotels bove to boo room Listen to the dilogue d swer the questions below Wht room doe wt to boo? How long i go to sty? How much i go to py? C he coo yth in the hotel? Which hotel i phon? Listen to the dilogue gin d f the gps with the correct words rctise the dilogue in pirs Hotel receptionist Good morn ()_? When would you lie to sty? Would you lie twin room or two beds in dormitory? OK, hg on minute I ll just chec it for you Yes, we hve room tht you d lie It w be ()_ Yes, we hve itchen d din re OK, tht s twin room, d the nme is Luis Domuez Ths for cll d we loo forwrd to your visit Luis Good morn I d lie to ()_ room Oh, I d lie to sty ()_, from ()_ I d prefer ()_ if tht s possible Right Hve you got pce where we could coo someth? Gret C I ()_, then? My nme is Luis Domuez d my phone number is + 9 Ths lot ye! Listen to my boo room in lph House nswer the questions below Wht ind of rooms re vible? How much do they hve to py per person? Do the rooms hve bthrooms? Is brefst included in the price? Trste the highlighted phrses into English I d lie to boo poój z dwom łóżmi ll our rooms re z łzieną Would you lie two beds w pooju wieloosobowym? We hve itchen d jdlnią refst jest wliczone w cenę I d lie to doonć rezerwcji Wor in pirs repre dilogue in which one of you wts to boo room while the other is receptionist Then chge your roles d prepre other dilogue

Self Chec repositions of movement tch the prepositions with the pictures d round down through towrds Extreme djectives b e up long Rewrite the sentences with the extreme djectives from the box mz freez boil tiny wful huge c f First conditionl Correct the sentences If he invites me, I go to the prty If he invites me, I ll go to the prty We won t py tennis if it rin If I get some money for my birthdy, I buy tht jcet My brother w lern English if he w move to London Unless the bus doesn t come, I ll hve to wl home If you hve problem, your techer w to help you I m hppy if I pss the test Cumutive grmmr 9 Circle the correct lterntives We styed t big hotel Our room ws smll The views were nice The food ws bd It ws cold t night It ws hot in the fternoon w d might Circle the correct lterntives More tourists w / won t go to ntrctic in the future It s becom very popur eople won t / might go on holidy in spce It s possible! I now I won t / w become stronut I don t lie fly I might not / w sty t this school It depends if my dd gets new job I m sure I might / w pss the test becuse I ve studied lot Engld w / might win the next World Cup Who nows? be go to ert Hi! It s ert here rt Hello! How s your trip? How () much / my plets hve you () visit / visited? ert Well, first, we () went / been to Venus d rs We ve been on plet Erth () for / since Tuesdy We () just hve / hve just rrived in London tody rt Relly? Wht s it lie? ert () Is / It s gret it s more interest () th / tht rs d Venus! rt Wht re you go () do / to do tomorrow? ert Well, I thin we (9) ll visit / visit uchm ce in the morn We might () to meet / meet the Queen! rt Hve fun! Don t forget to send me postcrd! Order the words to me sentences visit / I m / to / London / go go / study / We / to / ren t English / re / go / you / to / spe /? not / sty / I m / to / go / hotel / in / cold / go / be / to / It s it / Is / rin / go / to /? Totl score: Excellent! Very good! 9 Good 9 Fir oor

Exm uilder Znjomość środów języowych Decide wht prt of speech the words in the tble belong to Then write their bse form s in the exmple WORD SE FORM rgest (dj) rge Zdie egzmincyjne rzeczytj poniższy test W żdą luę ( ) wpisz odpowiednią formę jednego wyrzu z rmi Wymg jest pełn poprwność grmtyczn i ortogrficzn wpisywych wyrzów Jeden wyrz zostł pody dodtowo i nie psuje do żdnej lui boil slow love rel scene trin If you re () _ of nture d you don t wt to trvel to remote pce, te prt in y trip long the Czrn Hńcz river The trip tes pce in the north of old, so we never get () _ wether You don t need y specil () _ s we move () _ through mz () _ d beutiful forests If you choose this trip, you won t be disppointed! WORD SE FORM highest (_) _ nerest (_) _ freez (_) _ disppointed (_) _ si (_) _ crries (_) _ lucy (_) _ ntionl (_) _ decision (_) _ tourism (_) _ sunrises (_) _ Chge the bse forms of the words below into the required prt of speech SE FORM NEW WORD mze djective: mz visit noun ( person): _ trin (verb) noun: _ rel noun: _ boil djective: _ love noun ( person): _ scene noun: _ Choose the correct English trstion of the underlined prts of the sentences He looed round when he wysidł z smochodu got out of the cr / got from the cr yć może będzie zno It might be cold / It w be cold in the mountins te wrm jcet If you go there in winter, będzie przerźliwie zno it is freez / it w be freez there Who zmierzsz zbrć ze sobą re you go to te / re you t on the si holidy? I won t help you with English chyb że ty mi pomożesz if you help me / unless you help me with mths lese drive slowly wzdłuż tej ulicy long this rod / round this rod there re children py here If będziesz mił szczęście you w be lucy / you re lucy, you ll see beutiful birds on the y trip Wor in pirs Discuss your swers with prtner Decide which swer is correct d why Zdie egzmincyjne Tłumcząc zdi, pmiętj, że w języu giels nleży użyć czsmi zupełnie innej onstrucji niż w języu p; nie sugeruj się też liczbą wyrzów może się on różnić w obu języch rzetłumcz n języ gielsi pode w nwisch frgmenty zdń, t by otrzymć logiczne i grmtycznie poprwne wypowiedzi W żdym zdiu bruje msymlnie czterech elementów Wymg jest pełn poprwność ortogrficzn wpisywych frgmentów zdń If [wybierzesz te wcje], you w hve once-in--lifete opportunity to sw with dolphins [Możliwe, że nie zostę] in this hotel; it depends if they hve swm pool I love be here in ris; [odwiedziłm już] four museums! If we choose the wy through Itly, [będziemy jechć przez] lot of tunnels in the mountins I [nie zmierzm] to visit Egypt there re so my tourists there d the wether is boil! We w go to the bech d hve sw [chyb że będzie pdło] TI

Extension tch words with words g to me expressions Then trste the expressions into olish bord hot once-in--lifete remote unique Velcro zero ) tmosphere b) opportunity c) suit d) ship e) continent f) grvity g) spr Trste the words d phrses in brcets into English (Według) scientists, the driest pce on Erth is ntrctic If you choose to visit olish mountins in utumn, you (nie będziesz rozczrowy) You c see the most beutiful (wschód słońc) if you go to Norwy in the summer Our techer of English often (nleg) tht we lern whole phrses, not just sle words Wht is the (njbrdziej lususowy) hotel in the world? Michele chmn is the first femle (dydtą) in the rce for the meric presidency Most people gree tht nowdys urj l-rb hotel in Di is the () _ hotel in the world If you decide to come here, you ll find Jcuzzi in every room d Rolls-Royce to drive you round the city Enjoy the () _ opportunity of hv lunch t height of meters in l Munth resturt d dmire the wonderful views You won t be () _! For the () _ experience of hot () _ d mz scenery, visit the lue Lgoon Iceldic Sp () _ to tourists, so in the wrm se wter of bout C is lie be on other plet with little or zero () _ The wild scenery d cle ir w me you feel rexed d hppy Red the dvertisements for different hotels Complete the texts with the correct forms of the words from exercises d Wor in pirs Discuss which of the pces in exercise you would lie to visit d why roject mz pces to sty in old Wor in groups of three or four Serch the Internet or the medi to loo for informtion on mz hotel or other pce to sty in old repre short tion bout it Choose the dvtges of the hotel d the most interest ths bout it resent your project to the css Then te css vote d decide which hotel would be the most interest to visit Do you feel lie gett wy from everyth? () _ ple d come to li! The tmosphere on this (9) _ isld w help you rex d hve good te Sty in your own privte vil, d enjoy dinner under the strs d beutiful () _ in the morn

ccident (n) /ˈæsɪd(ə)nt/ wypde ccord to /əˈɔː(r)dɪŋ ˌtuː/ według (ogoś, czegoś) T cross (prep) /əˈrɒs/ przez (np przez pustynię) T long (prep) /əˈlɒŋ/ wzdłuż T mz (dj) /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ ftstyczny, zdumiewjący T wy from (prep) /əˈweɪ ˌfrəm/ dleo od T wful (dj) /ˈɔːf(ə)l/ oropny, strszny T bd (dj) /bæd/ zły ed d refst (&) (n) /ˌbed ən ˈbrefəst, bi: ənd bi:/ pensjont below (prep) /bɪˈləʊ/ poniżej T big (dj) /bɪɡ/ duży bord (v) /bɔː(r)d/ wsidć (n połd sttu, smolotu) T boil (dj) /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ uplny crry (v) /ˈæri/ przewozić chic (n) /tʃɪ/ pislę T cold (dj) /əʊld/ zny colonise (v) /ˈɒlənɪz/ olonizowć, osiedć contender (n) /ənˈtendə(r)/ dydt, uczestni onursu cove (n) /əʊv/ ztocz cruise ship (n) /ˈruːz ˌʃɪp/ stte wycieczowy Deth Vlley /ˈdeθ ˌvæli/ Dolin Śmierci depend (v) /dɪˈpend/ zleżeć (od czegoś, ogoś) desert (n) /ˈdezə(r)t/ pustyni destintion (n) /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ cel podróży din re (n) /ˈdɪnɪŋ ˌeəriə/ jdlni disppoint (v) /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/ rozczrowć disppointed (dj) /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ rozczrowy dormitory (n) /ˈdɔː(r)mɪtri/ poój wieloosobowy down (prep) /dʊn/ w dół, n dole est (n) /iːst/ wschód en-suite (dj) /ɒn ˈswiːt/ z łzieną (o pooju) excursion (n) /ɪˈsɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n/ wyciecz exhibition (n) /ˌesɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n/ wystw T fscint (dj) /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ fscynujący figure (n) /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ postć finl frontier (n) /ˌfɪn(ə)l frʌnˈtɪə(r)/ ostteczn gric five-str hotel (n) /ˈfɪv stɑː(r) həʊˈtel/ hotel pięciogwizdowy frgile (dj) /ˈfrædʒɪl/ delitny, ruchy T freez (dj) /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ lodowty, mroźny gctic (dj) /ɡəˈlætɪ/ gtyczny gxy (n) /ˈɡæləsi/ gty grvity (n) /ˈɡrævəti/ grwitcj gym (n) /dʒɪm/ s gnstyczn; siłowni T hot (dj) /hɒt/ gorący hot spr (n) /ˈhɒt ˌsprɪŋ/ gorące źródło T huge (dj) /hjuːdʒ/ ogromny, olbrzymi iceberg (n) /ˈɪsˌbɜː(r)ɡ/ gór lodow Iceldic (dj) /ˌɪˈslændɪ/ isldzi insist (v) /ɪnˈsɪst/ nlegć T interest (dj) /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ ciewy, interesujący T into (prep) /ˈɪntu:/ do (np wsidć do smochodu) leflet (n) /ˈliːflət/ ulot luxurious (dj) /lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs/ lususowy min street (n) /ˈmeɪn ˌstriːt/ główn ulic ntionl pr (n) /ˌnæʃ(ə)nəl ˈpɑː(r)/ pr nrodowy USEFUL EXRESSIONS I d lie to boo twin room I d lie to me reservtion When would you lie to sty? ll our rooms re en suite refst is included in the price T słownictwo obowiązujące n teście nture reserve (n) /ˈneɪtʃə(r) rɪˌzɜː(r)v/ rezerwt przyrody T nice (dj) /nɪs/ miły, przyjemny north (n) /nɔː(r)θ/ północ once-in--lifete (dj) /ˌwʌnsɪnəˈɪfˌtɪm/ przydrzjący się rz w życiu T out of (prep) /ˈʊt əv/ z (np wysidć z smochodu) outer spce (n) /ˌʊtə(r) ˈspeɪs/ przestrzeń osmiczn over (prep) /ˈəʊvə(r)/ nd penguin colony (n) /ˌpeŋɡwɪn ˈɒləni/ oloni pwinów post box (n) /ˈpəʊst ˌbɒs/ srzyn pocztow rpid (dj) /ˈræpɪd/ ngły remote (dj) /rɪˈməʊt/ dlei, odległy rent (v) /rent/ wynjmowć, wypożyczć rope (n) /rəʊp/ lin T round (prep) /rʊnd/ doooł, woół scenery (n) /ˈsiːnəri/ pejzż, sceneri se level (n) /ˈsiː ˌlev(ə)l/ poziom morz sel (n) /siːl/ fo T smll (dj) /smɔːl/ mły so (v) /səʊ/ ąpć się, moczyć się south (n) /sʊθ/ południe the South ole /ˌsʊθ ˈpəʊl/ biegun południowy southern (dj) /ðiː ˈsʌðə(r)n/ południowy (o ierunu) spce hotel (n) /ˌspeɪs həʊˈtel/ osmiczny hotel spceship (n) /ˈspeɪsˌʃɪp/ stte osmiczny stte (n) /steɪt/ st (w US) sty the night /ˌsteɪ ðə ˈnɪt/ przenocowć stylish (dj) /ˈstɪlɪʃ/ stylowy suite (n) /swiːt/ prtment (w hotelu) sun crem (n) /ˈsʌn riːm/ rem do opli sun ht (n) /ˈsʌn hæt/ pelusz przeciwsłoneczny sunrise (n) /ˈsʌnˌrɪz/ wschód słońc T through (prep) /θruː/ przez (np przez tunel) T tiny (dj) /ˈtɪni/ drobny, mluti tourism (n) /ˈtʊərɪz(ə)m/ turysty T towrds (prep) /təˈwɔː(r)dz/ w ierunu (czegoś) trin course (n) /ˈtreɪnɪŋ ˌɔː(r)s/ urs szoleniowy tropicl isld (n) /ˌtrɒpɪ(ə)l ˈɪlənd/ wysp tropiln twin room (n) /ˈtwɪn ˌruːm/ poój z dwom łóżmi T under (prep) /ˈʌndə(r)/ pod unique (dj) /juːˈniː/ unilny, wyjątowy T up (prep) /ʌp/ do góry, w górze Velcro suit (n) /ˈvelrəʊ ˌsuːt/ strój zpiny n rzepy view (n) /vjuː/ wido void (n) /vɔɪd/ próżni, pust volcic (dj) /vɒlˈænɪ/ wuliczny west (n) /west/ zchód whle (n) /weɪl/ wieloryb youth hostel (n) /ˈjuːθ ˌhɒst(ə)l/ hostel, schroniso młodzieżowe Ch ciłbym/chciłbym zrezerwowć poój z dwom łóżmi Ch ciłbym/chciłbym doonć rezerwcji W j terminie chciłby /chciłby i przyjechć? Wszystie pooje mją łzienę Śnidie jest wliczone w cenę

Grmmr b Czsu perfect używmy do mówieni o przeszłych doświdczenich, gdy nie wspominmy iedy dołdnie miły miejsce spell rules for pst prticiples excit socife (irregur verbs) znjduje się n stronie 9 Czsu pst continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre trwły przez jiś czs w przeszłości Często występuje on w tym smym zdiu rzem z czsem pst sple i zmi when (przed pst sple) i while (przed pst continuous) i służy wówczs do opisu czynności, tór był tłem d innych, róto trwjących czynności Mówienie rzetwrzie Which prticipit: lish ers Li t ed il n m c Exm uilder d Exm rctice pges Worboo li she ited c Grmmr exercises sell rules 9 ffirmtive negtive questions Czsu sple używmy do mówieni o nwych i zwyczjch short swers Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre odbywją się w chwili mówieni o nich question words Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre mją miejsce w momencie mówieni o nich resent continuous stosowy do mówieni o przyszłości Mondy Czsu continuous używmy również do mówieni o onretnych pch n przyszłość Czs continuous tworzymy w nstępujący sposób: podmiot + be + verb + - W pytich szy jest nstępujący: be + sject + verb + - Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Jeśli używmy czsu continuous do mówieni o przyszłości, stosujemy wówczs wyrżeni czsowe odnoszące się do przyszłości Fridy W rótich odpowiedzich nie powtrzmy już formy czsowni + - Mondy 9 Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Fridy Sturdy Sturdy Sundy Sundy 9 ctivities Zdie egzmincyjne : The US Fcts & Figures Indi Fcts & Figures Lost cities The US opution Wyz czsowniów nieregurnych (irregur verbs) znjduje się n stronie 9 History ffirmtive sple Interpret rtefcts Cpitl Officguges Currency negtive Internet domin The hottest! Zdie egzmincyjne continuous Vocbury plus The biggest! The windiest! Czsu sple używmy do mówieni o nwych i zwyczjch Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre mją miejsce w momencie mówieni o nich wwwethnologue com/show_countrysp?nme=us 9 Vocbury b & Vocbury plus 9 Grmmr b wwwmpl 9 t s oo ffirmtive Vocbury b Vocbury plus negtive w : ritin (Engld, Scotld d Wles) be go to continuous for future owtór czsów Vocbury Grmmr b & Grmmr exercises Revision Stdrd & Revision Extr Vocbury b Others re different from the pst sple of irregur verbs: plus West End The longest-runn musicl in London s W/won t używmy do mówieni o wydrzenich w przyszłości, co do tórych nie jesteśmy pewni, wiec są to tylo przypuszczeni e go to używmy do mówieni o pch i zmierzenich n przyszłośd Czsu continuous używmy również do mówieni o onretnych, ustlonych wcześniej pch n przyszłośd Stosujemy wówczs dodtowo oolicznii czsu odnoszące się do przyszłości pst Ht d The lets Lost cities future Choirs Choirs re very popur in ritin The trdition of chorl s beg in the th d th centuries when the first choirs strted in K s College, Cmbridge d Christ Church Cthedrl, Oxford Now choirs re more popur th ever Worboo Exm uilder pges wwwbetleslyricsrchivecom red the frgment of rdio progrmme below decide if sentences true ( ) or flse (F) future Nietóre formy iesłowowe czsowniów nieregurnych stosowe w czsie perfect są tie sme j te używe w czsie pst sple I m yers old I c fly rescue helicopters I m brve, hrd-wor d I rect quicly in stressful situtions Compre your notes d discuss your swers with prtner n c Worboo ited n c Test Genertor sheited 9 First olish Edition lish ers Imges from Corbis, shetd / ImgeSource, Ltd / shetd / ixtl, shers ll ustrli c mi Li ted n wwwmpl Dicttions This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer motorbie Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser Fion uchline er s oo ited n c Interctive Cssroom ited n c Dicttions Ey te some bd food t the resturt d now she s got If you hve bite from insect, you should put some li ited n Trstion & Dicttion isie Słownictwo dwóch wybrych egzmincyjnego 9 Słuchie Worboo Regowie ustne Czytie c Worboo bl i Worboo sh e ited n c write letters Indi ffirmtive crry Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre odbywją się w chwili mówieni o nich c) we re go c) Wht wt you c) some specil foods c) is decorte Czsu continuous używmy do mówieni o czynnościch, tóre mją miejsce w momencie mówieni o nich c) I love me c) never goes c) m c) give b) She loves the red c) She loves red b) never you see her c) you never see her Chec it out! Extremes in the US The hottest! Le Superior is one of the Gret Les of the US It is fmous for be the biggest freshwter e in the world It is bout ilometres from west to est d ilometres from north to south Le Superior is lso the coldest d the deepest of the Gret Les The windiest! re you listen (you / listen) to me? Yes, I m (he / go)? To the sports centre, I thin (you / wer) to the prty? drgon costume (your to the concert? No, she isn t (your prents / cht) to? The neighbours (I / me) Yes, you re! Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Mondy 9 Tuesdy Wednesdy Thursdy Fridy Fridy Sturdy Sturdy Sundy Sundy Zreśl włściwą formę I/You//We/They This model is mde from terrcott Terrcott is type of cy tht is moulded d then bed in the sun to hrden b rcheologists found these brcelets in Mohenjo-Dro They re mde from beds of semi-precious stones, so the owner of these brcelets ws probbly rich Jewellery lie this ws pssed down through fies c lie these hd my different uses: for drin wter d or hold speciquids roject Do project on rtefcts discovered in lost cities l repre Use your notes to write three short texts bout the rtefcts d drw some pictures to ustrte the texts resent your mterils odpisz się jo XYZ Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w żdym z trzech podpuntów, pmiętjąc, że długość e-mi powinn wynosić od do słów Oceni jest 9 Find some informtion bout three rtefcts Thin bout how people lived in the pce the rtefcts come from d me notes t your project on poster d show it to your cssmtes d techer 9 l emil Use the model in exercise d the questions in exercise to help you questions pełnego przezi informcji, spójność i logi umiejętność theśrodów curriculum wypowiedzi orz cross zres i poprwność języowych Grmmr b wwwmpl Write your emil Include swers to ll the ISN 9---- Loo t the Loo box How do you sy the words in purple in olish? oo Chec your writ: use the perfect to tl bout how long you ve used the website write bout dvtges in one prgrph, d disdvtges in other prgrph use some liners of contrst d ddition Wor in pirs tl t bout your fvourite websites s d swer the questions below 9 Wht s the nme of the website? How long hve you used it? How often do you use it? Wht do you use it for? Wht re its dvtges? Wht re its disdvtges? bl i Vocbury b Vocbury plus ited n c noyed / noy bored / bor embrrssed / embrrss excited / excit frightened / frighten interested / interest buy surprised / surpris cigrettes worried / worry could llowed to smoe then You should me Tody ppointment to see your doctor couldn t Vocbury plus te photos You shouldn t the IG DETE: Should irresponsible people py to be rescued? llowed to get tttoo Worboo Exm u der d Exm Wr t ng pges How my hours were the couple in the wter? Why did people suspect tht the couple did not tell the truth? Who orgized investigtion? bl i Worboo ited n c Worboo Extr contents Dicttions This udio contins ll the Dicttions d English Setches files from the Techer s Resource File US port Interctive Cssroom Tests Multi-c Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser Worsheet If there ws note cre, I d be hppy! 9s Universl Seril us (US) b I d do more for my sister if she ws nice to me 99 c firewll technology c If you got home te,(originl wht would your prents sy? 99 concept) d webcm e the word Wi-Fi f Wi-Fi zones irwor d If we won some money, we d buy house 99 Worsheet 9 e If my cousin lived in Engld, we d visit h 999 f Wht wouldyou hve, if you could buy yth? get Student Reopened R d I m go to get the newspper now Nme of pce with zones Loction / ddress e I got postcrd from Steve yesterdy Test Genertor lish ers Dicttions Li ted n m c Voices_TG_L_Multirom_Onbodyindd Voices_DVD_L_Inyindd // : d He probbly won t be in our css next yer e erhps you ll be ble to go to meric soon f I definitely don t wt to buy tht T-shirt Revision Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser 9// : Interctive Cssroom cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser Fion uchline ited n c Rebuilt s prison c You c probbly see the se from here This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer 9 U Used to hide mons b ybe we c go to the cinem tomorrow s resturt Converted into hotel dverbs of possibility d probbility This is definitely the best holidy I ve ever hd Test Genertor ISN 9---- flsh drive (memory stic) b f Wht te w you get home tonight? Cover ges from Corbis/Fotochnels (girl), ImgeSource/ ML (boy, bridge, signpost), stoc/ml (cloc, the city), Mexico/Dve Cocburn (guitr) d firewll Find out bout Wi-Fi zones in your re d complete the tble below Use this informtion to help The Thin Frog is fmous resturt in with your project I need to get the bus t hlf pst six very old build in Cterbury Loo t the b My grdmother gets tired very esily pictures below d right, d red bout the Wi-Fi zones c You won t get prize for tht! history of the build cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser wwwmpl c bc-up file sheited 9 First olish Edition Trstion b flsh drive (memory/dt stic) with Second conditionl C you mtch the items on the left the dte they were invented? This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer Tests Multi-c udio files for the Listen tss Wht re these ths used for, d which is the most useful, in your opinion? Voices df files of two complete exm-lie tests (przyłdowe zestwy egzmincyjne) t the bsic level ll the udio files should be listened to on pyer Worsheet ROJECT This Multi-ROM hs specy designed softwre so tht unique tests c be generted for use s: Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Tests Occupied by the K D Destroyed by Vi riders If I did voluntry wor in si, I d try meetquestions Muhmmd Yunus He hs done the lothistory of wor to Write to s Student bout of to The Thin Frog Use these sjects: reduce poverty in vilges in gdesh, d he got the Nobel ece rize in His b lends Who / burnt smll mounts of money to poor women so tht theyby? c get ths to sell, or to use to me Wht turned into? clothes This wy, the women w probbly be/ ble to py the money bc Mr Yunus s b lso Wht rebuilt s?if I met Mr Yunus, I d sy th you to h pys for poor but intelligent students to go to/ university Why / left empty? for his efforts to reduce poverty d itercy When / first built? Who / bought by? s Student your questions d note his/her replies : Who ws the build burnt by? : It ws burnt by gry pests in Use the informtion in the picture in exercise to swer Student s questions Reply with full sentence d include dte ech te : Who ws the build occupied by? : It ws occupied by the K in Ctherine Mceth ICT Test Genertor Editble Word files d redy-to-print df files of ll photocopible tests designed for cssroom use (These include: Dignostic Test, Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Test) Do you now when the ustrli Volunteer Costgurd ssocition strted? wwwcostgurdcomu/homehtml Worboo Voices This Multi-ROM contins: u um u Should irresponsible people py to be rescued? Wht do you thin? ll the udio files for Listen tss should be listened to on pyer h Richrd Neely d llyson Dlton survived for 9 hours in shr-infested wters while they were on div trip ner the Gret rrier Reef, ustrli The couple left their dive bot d drifted out to se The rescue services sent seven helicopters, three ples d six bots to serch for the couple, m the cost of the opertion high Neely d Dlton mde eqully high sum of money by sell their story to the press Some people suspected tht the couple were ly This is becuse they sold their stories to the press just hours fter their rescue The rescue services decided to orgize investigtion to find out wht relly hppened d they eventully decided tht the couple were not guilty Newsppers reported tht the couple did not follow the instructions from9 the dive instructors d behved in foolish wy, putt their lives t ris Some people thin tht the couple should contribute towrds the cost of their rescue Używj spójniów, by olejne zdi w teście łączyły się ze sobą logicznie i grmtycznie o I disgree Just becuse somebody mes bd decision d gets into trole it doesn t me they should hve to py to be sved Everybody hs the right to the sme services, not just sensible people! Drmtic se rescue Ktherine & Steve ilsborough -ed d - djectives sty out te You must / hve to me your bed fter c, c t, could d couldn t we use the We use mustn t when someth is prohibited surfbord flippers snorel wetsuit swm costume infinitive without to It doesn t hve the sme me s don t hve ors rber dhy y t you c drive cr in Spin to I thin t you c to drive cr in Spin tht people who ct irresponsibly You mustn t put the wsh mchine on (It s py for the rescu should hve to p tch the sports equipment items the need pictures fter be llowed we use to with d prohibited) service Why should rescuers ris their lives I m llowed to sty out until twelve You don t hve to put the wsh mchine on to sve people who re not be sensible? (It isn t necessry) If the rescue services mde people py, fter must / mustn t we use the infinitive people wouldn t put themselves t ris without to You must leve the prty t eleven You must to leve the prty t eleven Dopsuj zdjęci do testów Loo t the tble on your worsheet tht you hve received from your techer d choose lost city drin lcohol llowed to We/You/They ren t The rescue services often rely on volunteer stff d hve to rise money to py for equipment, vehicles d trin Rescue services cross the world sve I/You//We/They mustn t thousds of lives every yer They rescue people who hve hd ccidents or re Wter sports equipment victs of nturl dissters Other tes they hve to rescue people who hve We use c / c t, could / couldn t din(not) cted irresponsible wy We c use must or hve to for ogtion Chec the me of these words be llowed to for permission Grmmr b & Grmmr exercises Reserch c t I m not (m not) You ren t (re not) cv (re not) ice clb y st motor rc I wsn t (ws not) / quite lot cle the It hurts bit You weren t (were not) floor wsn t (ws not) We/You/They weren t be home (were not) te must negtive (= prohibition) History provide fresh wter I/You//We/ dventure sports isn t (is not) We/You/They were Interpret rtefcts ) continers, often used for food b) piece of jewellery tht goes round your wrist c) pce where people live together d) deep hole dug in the ground to provide wter e) the system of pssges for wter d wste in town or city f) m-mde object g) mixture of wter d erth Mohenjo-Dro h) bloc for build houses rzeczytj testy i zzncz prwidłowe odpowiedzi wor five hours dy buy pet I ve cut / bruised They / broen my rm / leg / fer ffirmtive (= ogtion) I m go / go now See you tomorrow! We re hv / hve dinner now c llowed to They Vocbury b Ogtion d prohibition: must / negtive Useful expressions mustn t d hve to / don t hve to I/You//We/ When rcheologists discover rtefcts in their excvtions, they interpret them to understd how people lived in the pst ołącz wyrzy z ich definicjmi The lost city of Mohenjo-Dro The lost city of Mohenjo-Dro existed more th, yers go in the Indus Vlley in South si eople from the Indus Vlley Civilistion lived there between d 9 Dro mes Mound of the rcheologists thin tht more th, people lived there in the pst The city is bout squre ilometres in size The ruins of the city, in ist, re UNESCO World Heritge Site First Street First Street is the most fmous street in Mohenjo-Dro; it s ten metres wide in some pces ny of the house wlls re st std The people mde brics from mud d dried them in the sun They used the brics to build foundtions, wlls, builds d wells Mohenjo-Dro mes ) Mound of Indus b) Mountin of Deth c) Mound of the Ded The city is bout squre ilometres in size ) b) c) ny house wlls in First Street ) ren t there y more b) re st there c) re underground rcheologists found system of in the houses ) towns b) drins c) rods They mde from mud ) wlls b) wells c) brics Find out how my people in the US spe the follow lguges Go to: wwwethnologue com/show_countrysp?nme=us English: Spish: French: Russi: Germ: put Mondy It s the speer s birthdy / Vlentine s Dy The speer is wit / wor in resturt Messge Jmes is invit Tony / Clive to celebrtion Lost cities brcelet drins rtefct mud settlement well bric pots The US is the country with the most torndoes in the world It hs more th, torndoes yer - four tes more th ll of Europe Torndoes re most common in spr d lest common in winter Most of the torndoes re in the centre of the US in re clled Torndo lley When did the first meric b open? How hot ws it in Deth Vlley on July th, 9? When re torndoes most common in the US? hve W odpowiedzi n onurs ogłoszony przez portl internetowy npisz e-mil, w tórym opiszesz swoją ulioną stronę internetową odj nstępujące informcje: j to stron i do czego ją wyorzystujesz, jie są jej zlety; jie są jej wdy Deth Vlley is vlley in the Mojve Desert, Cliforni It is fmous for be the hottest pce in the US Deth Vlley lso holds the record for the hottest temperture recorded in the western hemisphere On July th, 9 it ws C Tht s hot! The biggest! Npisz zdi, używjąc w żdym z nich obu czsów: sple i continuous It is very cold tody but it isn t snow et We ren t wer witches costumes Jmes s fy lwys / usully hs celebrtions t izz oint Zdie egzmincyjne The longest river in the US is the Missouri River It is over, ilometres The biggest isld in the US is Hwii It hs re of more th, sq ilometres The highest wterfll in the US is Yosemite Flls in Cliforni The wter flls more th metres Fcts & Figures Cpitl It / be / very cold / tody / but / it / not snow dce rzesztłć zdi z ćwiczeni n przeczeni Ułóż pyti, wyorzystując wyrzy pode w nwisch Czsu continuous używmy również do mówieni o onretnych pch n przyszłość Jeśli używmy czsu continuous do mówieni o przyszłości, stosujemy wówczs wyrżeni czsowe odnoszące się do przyszłości W rótich odpowiedzich nie powtrzmy już formy czsowni + - eter is often / never te 9 osłuchj trzech widomości telefonicznych i zreśl włściwe słowo resent continuous stosowy do mówieni o przyszłości Czs continuous tworzymy w nstępujący sposób: podmiot + be + verb + - W pytich szy jest nstępujący: be + sject + verb + - Messge EXTR VOICES Messge Lis / Ellie is go to study in Frce Ellie / Ellie s mum is coo specil mel c) com b) we go to b) Wht do you wt b) some specil food b) decortes b) I love me b) goes never b) re giv ) She loves red lev Uzupełnij zdi odpowiednią formą continuous czsowniów z rmi We re wer witches costumes l rge try of They to the music Loo! The ct our pizz Crol the chocotes in the cupbord We gret te Czsu sple używmy do mówieni o nwych i zwyczjch short swers ) you see her never Why re you wer / do you wer my jcet? Te it off now! The dog is drin / drins lot of wter It s thirsty I m usully buy / usully buy funny s for my sister for her birthdy re you li / Do you lie this music? Npisz poprwną formę czsowni z ońcówą - leve go crry sit celebrte wtch cht study questions Writ l negtive Revision Stdrd & do the exmextr ts below Revision wwwmpl On Mondy On Tuesdy On Wednesdy On Thursdy On Fridy On Sturdy Grmmr exercises sell rules 9 opution Vocbury b & Vocbury plus 9 They re hv prty / et specil food Officguges Lis is sty t Ellie s / Grce s house Internet domin English setches b) hv 9 ) giv go to the cinem in / itchen / is / The / the / dog / sitt he US Fcts & Figures b) to come ) I love m ) never go ) giv Sundy Thursdy her / My / isn t / mother / gsses / wer the / I m / t / moment / wor / not ctivities question words ) come ) we re go to ) Wht you do wt ) some food specil ) is decort tidy house Wednesdy me ce I ve got her boo () Yes, () without boo Well, see you tomorrow then Yeh, bye! Sturdy Tuesdy OK () me to do? Well, Joe d ndy re m () d Dwn () the grden You c help her OK () decortions! Is l com with you? No, he () to birthdy prties He isn t very socible! Oh well re you () Dwn? Yes, few of us (9) her wtch Wht bout you? ri ri celebrte birthdy! y re you () to Dwn s prty tomorrow? Yes, of course Wht te does it strt? t twelve o cloc, but () over there t to help ri ri ri Fridy study English v l p Grmmr b Cumutive chec rzeczytj dilog i zzncz prwidłowe odpowiedzi ri ri Mondy t rin / Is / it /? stic bottles re very useful The () p is idel for rbish bins d pr benches elieve it or not, they recycle pstic (9) b _ into grden Vocbury plus every weeend, but this (wor, not wor) here in the north now! (rin, rin) tennis every dy, but I m not well (py, rest) rzeczytj, jie Nic m ply n njższy tydzień Uzupełnij zdi Uporząduj wyrzy, t by powstły poprwne zdi these eroples / pper Vocbury b b r h h r e t f s V l nt n s s h to school, but tody he by bus (wl, go) lunch t the moment He lwys t one o cloc (et, et) We usully our homewor in the even, but this even we (do, not study) It lwys It resent continuous for future rrgements m n Specil dy: these dolls / pstic s t s study / Is / now / she /? c / luminium box / crdbord this bth / metl Uzupełnij zdi poprwnymi formmi czsowniów podych w nwisch She usully weeend she He the house d I tody so I e st r Sundy the / do / moment / Wht / they / re / t /? d () j _ window / gss He usully the my friends birthdy crd your mother on Uzupełnij brujące litery w nzwch świąt Zznczone litery utworzą nzwę olejnego święt resent continuous Npisz zdi, używjąc newspper / pper resent sple d continuous Uzupełnij zdi odpowiedni czsownimi It s Christms! Let s the tree We lwys our trditionl costumes dur the fests in our vilge Specil dys prize-giv M th s do the iron? We use hve to for ogtion We use don t hve to when there is no ffirmtive mountin bi ogtion (ie when someth isn t prchut I/You//We/ necessry) roc clb They We use do/does in the negtive, questions d rollerst short swers I ws snowbord She doesn t hve to prepre dinner You were surf Do you hve to loo fter your sister? Yes, I do ws Revision Extr Celebrtions: verb + noun It s my birthdy I m go to prty It s onfire Night Let s go d firewors! I lwys hve to short swers rzetwrzie I m (m) You re (re) s (is) We/You/They re (re) negtive Yes, I/you do / No, I/you don t Yes, he/she/it does / No, he/she/it doesn t Yes, we/you/they do / No, we/you/they don t hs got more money fter the progrmme? thins tht liv on the isld wsn t esy? I/You We/You/They Mówienie Which prticipit: Revision Stdrd Do you Mother s Dy? Do Does Do Regowie pisemne excit socife I/You//We/ They questions Yours fithfully, Lue Medows You c tl to ll your friends t the T F sme te Some people hve hd problems with The list of ths you c get ddicted privcy setts to is lmost unlited It s free to use Dvid thins tht lcohol d drug It s very esy to use ddictions re gett more common loo Liners of ddition d contrst underline the words or phrses red the sentences d complete the rules with from exercise which helped the words in purple the correct swer Moreover Moreover, it s free to use In ddition, this is very esy to use d everyone Listen to other frgment c be cretive progrmme decide which option However, However there re lso some disdvtges correct e notes to help you ebo hlped me eep in touch with people, but I sometes thin I spend too much te on correct swer the computer! ) sychologists d psychitrists gree tht _, _ d _ re liners of people c get ddicted to the Internet ddition They give one more exmple or rgument b) Some psychologists d psychitrists gree _ d _ re liners of contrst tht people c get ddicted to the Internet They lin two contrstive ides _, _ d _ re used t beginn of sentence, while _ d _ re used in the middle of sentence worsheets Cstwys prdise islds some food Do żdej sytucji dobierz odpowiednią recję Zreśl literę, l C odczs wizyty w biotece twoj oleż rozmwi przez telefon J zwrócisz jej uwgę n zchowie ciszy? You must switch on your mobile phone in the librry You shouldn t use your mobile phone in the librry C You left your phone in the librry J zpytsz olegę, czy ogląd progrmy relity re you wtch relity show? Did you wtch y relity shows yesterdy? C Do you ever wtch relity shows? Dowiedz się, czy twoj oleż potrfił pływć, iedy mił t Could you sw when you were eight? Were you swm t eight? C Did you sw eight yers go? Currency worsheets irwor C 9 C When did the first winner of op Idol win the progrmme? October th Februry 9th C Februry th Wht re Liz d D tl bout? relity show footbll mtch C sop oper newspper is mde of pper sore throt i j Techer s Resource File Multi-level worsheets Where re nn d ry? ILE Test Genertor Tests Multi-Rom C Now she hs to wer bdge becuse she s got very bd Tests Multi-c rcujcie w prch Wymieńcie się profimi i spróbujcie zgdnąć, tórego zwodu Wht doesn t mum wt her dughter to wtch? dotyczy żdy opis Worboo contents Dicttions Write the informtion Student hs given you in the correct te order, in the picture in exercise E ss s ILE 9 Css s Unit Extr ISN 9---- udio files for the Listen tss Dicttions This udio contins ll the Dicttions d English Setches files from the Techer s Resource File Test Genertor sheited 9 First olish Edition Cover ges from Corbis/Fotochnels (girl), ImgeSource/ ML (boy, bridge, signpost), stoc/ml (cloc, the city), Mexico/Dve Cocburn (guitr) Worsheet 9 ll the udio files c bethis listened to isoncopyright pyer record d cintosh/linux: Mount the (if necessry) d open the file mhtm in web browser wwwmpl Editble Word files d redy-to-print df files of ll photocopible tests designed for cssroom use (These include: Dignostic Test, Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Test) df files of two complete exm-lie tests (przyłdowe zestwy egzmincyjne) t the bsic level Tests Multi-c Dicttions This udio contins ll the Dicttions d English Setches files from the Techer s Resource File Tests Multi-c udio files for the Listen tss ll the udio files should be listened to on pyer Worsheet Interctive Cssroom This Multi-ROM contins: This is Multi-ROM You should listen to the udio on norml pyer Windows: This is utorun If the ppliction does not strt utomticlly, nvigte to your ROM drive (usully D:) d open the file mhtm in web browser rzeczytj wypowiedzi trzech osób C dotyczące uczestnictw w progrmie Cstwys orz pyti ( ) dotyczące tych wypowiedzi Do żdego pyti dopsuj włściwą wypowiedź Wpisz odpowiednią literę w rtę obo żdego pyti Jedn wypowiedź psuje do dwóch pytń oo Worsheet This Multi-ROM hs specy designed softwre so tht unique tests c be generted for use s: Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Tests ll the udio files for Listen tss c be listened to on pyer Tests Multi-c osoby, tór mogłby wyonywć ten zwód Wyorzystj z ćwiczeni Whttest did Tom wtch st night? pilot police officer nurse journlist techer Editble Word files d redy-to-print df files of ll photocopible tests designed for cssroom use (These include: Dignostic Test, Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Test) df files of two complete exm-lie tests (przyłdowe zestwy egzmincyjne) t the bsic level Voices This Multi-ROM contins: Der Editor, I ve just red rticle bout young people s fvourite websites in your mgzine d I d lie to write bout one website I relly lie It is socil networ site clled ebo I ve used it since I ws, d I ve hd my own ccount for bout yer I use this site to communicte with ll my friends One dvtge of ebo is tht you c tl to ll your friends t the sme T F te Moreover, it s free to use so it s cheper th us the mobile phone In ddition, this site is very esy to use d everyone c be cretive I ve Exm uilder Exmorctice put up lot of pictures d d drws my pge,pges d some of my friends hve uploded videos too However, there re lso some disdvtges with this ind of website Some people hve hd problems with privcy setts For exmple, there ws girl who invited her friends to prty d then hundreds of people turned up d destroyed her prents house ebo hlped me eep in touch with people, but sometes I thin I spend too much te on the computer! order in the re The river is st ris bout per hour Hevy rin is expected until Fridy dvid vid Thompson: When most people thin of ddict, they probbly gine drug ddict or lcoholic However, the truth is you c get ddicted to lmost yth, to exercis, for exmple, or gett t, which Loo t the sentences below d is lredy clled torexi Of course, the most common decide if they describe dvtges ddictions re those connected with nicotine, lcohol or disdvtges of us socil d drugs, but we re see more d more cses of networ sites then red the emil d chec your swers teengers becom ddicted to the internet d mobile phones These re definitely serious problems nowdys I spend too much te on the computer! Ctherine Mceth Cd Test Genertor ll the udio files for Listen tss should be listened to on pyer Znjomość środów języowych Rozumienie testów pisych Zpoznj się z treścią zdi Usłyszysz dwurotnie pięć rótich testów N podstwie informcji zwrtych w ngriu w polecenich wybierz z podych Wybierz jeden zwód z rmijedną i npisz profil odpowiedzi Zreśl literę, l C Worboo Extr contents Voices Voices Test Genertor This Multi-ROM hs specy designed softwre so tht unique tests c be generted for use s: Unit rogress Tests, Revision Tests d End-of-Yer Tests - Exm rctice Rozumienie ze słuchu Znjomość funcji języowych Worboo TI Zzncz w testch wyrżeni/ zwroty, tóre wszują n to, że dy test psuje do onretnej ffirmtive go home erly L - be home erly don t hve to doesn t hve to don t hve to Techer s oo I ited Lst night vy rin cused floods in the region Wter dmged my frms, rods d bridges lot of people do not hve electricity but no one ws evcuted I swered over emergency clls from the whole re the phone ept r ll oo ILE I/You We/You/They CO li hs been wor ll dy help people d giv them wter? thins there ren t enough people to loo fter so my ptients? ptrolled the town d mde sure no one ws do yth egl? didn t sleep t ll becuse the phone ws r ll night? hve to hs to hve to negtive Finld is the fifth rgest country in Europe but only lion people live there The first pression you get loo out of irple window is tht there re lot of trees d es with few smll towns However, Helsini, Tmpere d Turu re modern high-tech cities In Lpld, in the north, you c visit St Cus d meet thousds of reindeer Here you c lso experience white nights in summer, when dys re hours long There re plenty of ths you c do in Finld, eg you c go cycl, Which report is written by someone who: Zdie egzmincyjne Exm Writ n emil fvourite website ILE I/You We/You/They ermission: c, could, be llowed to resent ffirmtive Ctherine Mceth Ogtion: hve to / don t hve to Zdie egzmincyjne OLND GINST FLOODS odreśl wyrzy/zwroty, tóre pomogły ci dopsowć profil osoby do włściwego zwodu rzeczytj recje prsowe ( C) dotyczące powodzi orz pyti dotyczące utorów recji ( ) Do żdego pyti dopsuj odpowiednią recję Wpisz literę w rtę obo żdego pyti Jedn recj psuje do dwóch pytń E rzeczytj profil osoby, tór szu prcy, i zstów się, j prc będzie d niej njbrdziej odpowiedni Worboo Grmmr b oo n Ctherine Mceth Worboo Worboo contents firefighter soldier rescue worer doctor Czsu pst sple używmy do mówieni o wydrzenich, tóre miły miejsce w przeszłości Konstrucj zdi d wszystich osób jest t sm Czsownii regurne przyjmują ońcówę Vocbury b -ed Wyz czsowniów nieregurnych Voices sheited 9 Voices_Exms_L_Multirom_Onbodyindd Dicttions Css s ited n c Tests Multi-Rom Css s Tests Multi-c Test Genertor // :9 9// : Voices_Dicttions_L_indd Voices_S_L_Css s booletindd TO O Worboo Regowie ustne Regowie pisemne H 9 Voices sheited 9 E Słuchie Czytie L isie Słownictwo I Cstwys prdise islds some food CO TO Znjomość funcji języowych E - Znjomość środów języowych Rozumienie testów pisych 9 Zdie egzmincyjne rzeczytj poniższy test Nstępnie w prch i zstówcie się, dczego odpowiedzi n pyti są z treścią testu odreślcie frgmenty zwierjące poprwne odpowiedzi L Worboo 9 TI Rozumienie ze słuchu pilot police officer nurse journlist techer Exm uilder Rozumienie testów pisych I - rzeczytj opisy dwóch zwodów Zdecyduj, tóry będzie njbrdziej odpowiedni d osoby z ćwiczeni efore the flight, you hve to greet pssengers, help them with their cots d bgs d show sfety instructions Dur the flight, you serve pssengers food d drins d me sure they re comfortble You must be t lest nineteen yers old You hve to wor long hours, loo for d help people in trole The job c be dgerous if the wether is relly bd, but generlly, it is quite sfe You need to me decisions very quicly Good hd-eye coordintion is lso necessry rcujcie w prch Zstówcie się, czym zjmują się osoby wyonujące poniższe zwody H O perfect Zdie egzmincyjne oo Voices sheited 9 pst continuous Znjomość funcji języowych / Znjomość środów języowych Exm uilder Rozumienie testów pisych CO firefighter soldier rescue worer doctor cffeine chocote exercise the Internet mobile phone shopp sugr wor negtive TO Zdie egzmincyjne Rozumienie testów pisych ffirmtive pst sple ffirmtive O Voices Rozumienie testów pisych pst resent perfect: zdi twierdzące H Grmmr b Voices Voices Zdie egzmincyjne Rozumienie testów pisych ) Internet ddiction my led to depression b) Depression my led to Internet ddiction ) Some people my turn to drugs when they c t use the Internet b) Some people my strt drin when they c t use the Internet ) Dvid Thompson is probbly medicl doctor b) Dvid Thompson is probbly psychologist Wor in pirs decide if people c get ddicted to the ths in the box Which of these ddictions could be the most dgerous? Vocbury b Rozumienie ze słuchu Voices Exm uilder Dicttions Techer s Resource File // : Multi-level worsheets worsheets irwor worsheets Trstion & Dicttion English setches wwwmpl ISN 9---- 9 Vo ces_s_l_cove ndd