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A C T A Z O O L. C R A C O V. 3 1 2 7 6 8 7 7 0 6 K R A K Ó W, 3 0. V I. 1 9 8 8 Festschrift for Marian Młynarski Zbigniew S z y n d l a r Two new extinct species of the genera Malpolon and Vipera (.Reptilia, Serpentes) from the Pliocene of Layna (Spain) [W ith 8 text-figs] Dwa nowe kopalne gatunki z rodzajów Malpolon i Vipera (Reptilia, Serpentes) z plioceńskiego stanowiska Layna w Hiszpanii A b s tr a c t. Fossil m aterial from the Middle Pliocene (MN 15) of Layna (Province of Soria, Spain) contains remains of at least 5 different snake taxa, belonging to the families Colubridae, Elapidae and Viperidae. Two of them, Malpolon mlynarskii sp. n. and Vipera maxima sp. n., dom inant in the snake fauna, are described in detail. Malpolon mlynarskii sp. n. is regarded as a sister species of the living M. monspessulanus. Vipera maxima sp. n. probably belongs to the russellï complex of the genus Vipera. The composition of the L ayna assemblage dem onstrates th a t the extant snake fauna appeared in the Iberian Peninsula later than the Middle Pliocene. I. INTRODUCTION The locality of Layna (also known as Cerro Pelado) is situated in the Spanish province of Soria, north-east of Madrid. Numerous remains of terrestrial vertebrates coming from this site have been described in several papers by various authors; these descriptions were summarized in a report by A g u ir r e et al. (1981). The age of the fauna from Layna is Middle Pliocene (Mammalian Unit MN 15). A preliminary report on the snake fauna from Layna was given by J a e n and S a n c h iz (1985); according to these authors, snakes are represented by four different taxa, namely Coronella sp.,... a probably new species of the colubrid genus Malpolon 1, N aja cf. naja, and Vipera sp. The snake material from Layna consists of about 200 disarticulated precaudal vertebrae (most of them extensively damaged) and an almost complete braincase. Most vertebrae belonged to large snakes; they are referred here to three different genera: Malpolon (Colubridae), Vipera (Viperidae), and cf. Naja (Elapidae). Only the two former snakes are described below in detail.

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