Pingwinaria 2005. Polska Grupa Użytkowników Linuxa

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Pingwinaria 2005 Polska Grupa Użytkowników Linuxa

Komitet Organizacyjny: Andrzej Boczek Agnieszka Bohosiewicz Krzysztof Leszczyński Ewa Marczyńska-Goldstein Konrad Wawruch Program i redakcja: Paweł Kot Maja Królikowska Krzysztof Leszczyński Konrad Wawruch Sponsorzy: Patroni medialni: Wsparcie techniczne: Druk publikacji: Piotr Strzelczyk

Drodzy uczestnicy, Po raz kolejny spotykamy się w Krynicy, tym razem w innym ośrodku. Po raz kolejny jest wiosna. O wiośnie można pisać długo, z mniejszym lub większym sensem, wszyscy w końcu lubimy kiedy się zieleni, świat ma inne wymiary, no a życie zaczyna płynąć wreszcie należycie. Zatem trzeba sprężyć ciało, do Krynicy 1 ruszyć śmiało, bo na ból i gorączki kreski dobry jest Żywiecki Beskid 2. Możemy tak długo, ale napiszmy coś o samym spotkaniu. W tym roku, prelegenci dopisali. Pierwszy raz rozważaliśmy na poważnie zrobienie sesji równoległych, zdecydowaliśmy jednak, że nie. Nie da się tak poustawiać referatów, żeby duża grupa słuchaczy nie chciała być na obu naraz. W efekcie sesje równoległe stają się coraz bardziej prostopadłe, co nie wychodzi konferencji i samemu Euklidesowi na dobre. Wychodząc na przeciw zeszłorocznym uwagom, będziemy się starać nienapakować programu, tak żeby zawsze pozostało wystarczająco dużo czasu na pytania, przerwę. W końcu Pingwinaria to nie szkolenia, tylko zlot, i przede wszystkim powinien być czas na spotkania. Wracając do wiosny, bo o Wiośnie można bez końca. Dwa zloty, Pingwinaria organizowane przez PLUG i Jesień Linuksowa współorganizowane między innymi przez PLUG odbywają się zawsze na południu Polski w okresach Równonocy. O ile pora wydaje się być optymalna trudno byłoby zorganizować zlot w czasie lata, kiedy połowa uczestników jest na innej półkuli, to wydaje się, że północ Polski jest wyraźnie pokrzywdzona. Należałoby może rozważyć przeniesienie Pingwinariów gdzieś bliżej morza (Bałtyckiego) lub przynajmniej bliżej centrum. Pisząc te słowa, myślę, że chyba nikt aż do tego miejsca nie doczyta bo chyba prawie nikt wstępniaków nie czyta, zatem pierwsza osoba, która zauważy ten fragment może się zgłosić do organizatorów po nagrodę. Nagroda raczej nie będzie bardzo cenna, ale warto się zgłosić, choćby po to, żeby ucieszyć nas faktem doczytania, pomimo szalejącej wiosny i hormonów z nią związanych. Doczytanie aż dotąd może ponadto zaoszczędzić przykrości związanych z wczesnym wstawaniem, nie jest prawdą, że planujemy zrywać was w piątek na poranną gimnastykę, jak napisaliśmy w Agendzie. 1 Z tą Krynicą to jest licentia poetica, gdyż oryginalne słowa nie nadają się dla młodzieży 2 ditto

Kolofon Wszystkie prace związane z przygotowaniem publikacji do druku zostały wykonane wyłącznie w systemie Linux. Skład został wykonany w systemie TEX z wykorzystaniem, opracowanego na potrzeby konferencji środowiska redakcyjnego, opartego na formacie M E X. Teksty referatów złożono krojem QuasiPalladio, opracowanym przez Bogusława Jackowskiego, Janusza Nowackiego i Piotra Strzelczyka na podstawie fontu Palladio, opracowanego przez Hermanna Zapfa i udostępnionego przez firmę URW++. Tytuły referatów złożono krojem Antykwa Toruńska, opracowanym przez Janusza Nowackiego na podstawie rysunków Zygfryda Gardzielewskiego. Pingwin na okładce pochodzi z materiału filmowego Jacka Jopka. Jackowi dziękujemy za udostępnienie zdjęć, a pingwinowi za cierpliwe pozowanie.

14 00 15 00 obiad 15 30 16 00 organizatorzy Otwarcie oficjalne Program Pingwinariów czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2005 16 00 17 00 Krzysztof Leszczyński Świat Parserów................................................19 16 00 17 00 Jarek Miszczak Dlaczego Python jest lepszy od XSLT............................23 18 00 19 30 kolacja 19 30 Grzegorz Borowiak Atak Nosferatu z Kosmosu

Program Pingwinariów piątek, 8 kwietnia 2005 5 10 6 00 Organizatorzy Pobudka, gimnastyka obowiązkowa o wschodzie Słońca 9 00 9 45 śniadanie 10 00 10 45 Adam Mańczuk Systemy na dłoni..............................................2f 11 00 11 45 Marcin Gabrowski Integracja komórki, palmtopa, laptopa 12 00 12 45 Jacek Konieczny Technologie publish-subscribe dla XMPP.........................37 13 00 14 45 obiad 15 00 15 45 Jakub Kulesza KickStart szybkie odtwarzanie serwerów opartych o system operacyjnych RedHat/Fedora...................................3D 16 00 16 45 Irek Szcześniak, Maciek Sobczak Wydajność użycia funktorów z biblioteką STL języka C++..........42 17 00 17 45 Tomasz Zieliński Tworzenie wieloplatformowych aplikacji bazodanowych przy użyciu wxwidgets i SQLite............................................4D 18 00 19 30 kolacja 19 30 PLUG Walne Zebranie PLUG, I termin 20 00 PLUG Walne Zebranie PLUG, II termin

9 00 9 45 śniadanie Program Pingwinariów sobota, 9 kwietnia 2005 10 00 10 45 Rafał Szcześniak Ewolucja backendu kont użytkowników w Sambie................53 11 00 12 00 HP Prezentacja 12 00 13 00 Novell Prezentacja....................................................09 13 00 15 00 obiad 15 00 15 45 Grzegorz Janoszka Linux jako ruter...............................................57 16 00 16 45 Piotr Bolek I/O i IPC w TEX-u.............................................62 17 00 17 45 Marek Michałkiewicz Linux w urządzeniach WLAN na przykładzie RTL8181............69 18 00 19 45 kolacja 20 00 Tomasz Barbaszewski, Adam Dawidziuk, Krzysztof Młynarski Wdrażanie Open Source panel dyskusyjny......................77

9 00 9 45 śniadanie Program Pingwinariów niedziela, 10 kwietnia 2005 10 00 10 45 Dawid Kuroczko Świat w SQL..................................................82 11 00 11 45 Robert Skubij Samba w małych i średnich firmach..............................87 12 00 12 45 Tomasz Torcz Desktop search: nowa wojna przeglądarek?.......................92 13 00 14 00 obiad

Getting to Know Open Enterprise Server Novell As one investment analyst firm stated, We believe Linux is among the most powerful and disruptive emerging technologies in the world today. While Linux and the open source community looks appealing, many organizations still have many questions before they are willing to adopt Linux within their IT infrastructure. With years of experience in understanding the needs of enterprise customers, Novell is committed to answering these questions to ensure that all customers can benefit from all that Linux and open source have to offer. Supporting open source is nothing new to Novell. We ve been providing some of the benefits of open source to enterprise customers for a few years now. With NetWare 6 we focused on services, not just the kernel. We also included various components like Apache and Perl. With Nterprise Linux Services we delivered many traditional NetWare-only services on Linux. The acquisitions of Ximian and SUSE showed further commitment to providing open source and Linux based solutions to enterprise customers. With Open Enterprise Server 1, expected to ship by the end of 2004, we are bringing that experience and key technologies together. Why Open Enterprise Server? What is in Open Enterprise Server? 1

0A Novell Value for NetWare Maintenance or Upgrade protection Customers Value for Earlier NetWare Customers What about my Applications? Application Platform Alternative to Microsoft What do you think about Open Enterprise Server? Why Open Enterprise Server? Within Open Enterprise Server, customers will have choice and flexibility previously unavailable from a single product. They will be able to deploy just the services that they need. Additionally, Open Enterprise Server provides an alternative to current platform options. Why is Novell delivering Novell Open Enterprise Server, you ask? Many enterprises are now seeing the value that the open source community can bring to them. Through Open Enterprise Server, Novell addresses many of the concerns these customers may have. Many technology innovations from the open source community can now be available to better meet the needs of enterprise customers. Within Open Enterprise Server, customers will have choice and flexibility previously unavailable from a single product. They will be able to deploy just the services that they need. Additionally, Open Enterprise Server provides an alternative to current platform options. Many analyst firms have articulated various reasons why enterprises have only found limited uses for Linux. These reasons may be lack of access controls and security, poor directory integration, difficult migration processes, poor management tools and lack of desktop interoperability. Open Enterprise Server addresses these concerns by combining the best of enterprise networking technologies with the best of the open source community Novell Open Enterprise Server. Open Enterprise Server is a secure, highly-available platform that provides proven file, print, networking, and application services in an open environment. Unlike other server platforms that either force vendor lock-in or are not sufficiently supported for the enterprise level customer, Open Enterprise Server incorporates the best from both open source and enterprise networking leaders. Open Enterprise Server combines NetWare 2, the long-standing leader of secure, file, print and network management services, and SUSE LINUX 3, a leading open platform for delivering business level applications. Open Enterprise Server even includes directory synchronization capabilities, so you can integrate your systems, shipping with drivers that synchronize identity information between NT domains, Active Directory and edirectory. Additional drivers are available to integrate various other applications and directories. Only Novell is included in Gartner s magic quadrant for meta directory technology. Together, customers get common management tools, directory enabled services and an entire ecosystem of support backed by Novell. Open Enterprise Server provides a networking foundation where Novell NetWare and SUSE LINUX coexist and interoperate within your infrastructure. Using integrated 2 3

Getting to Know Open Enterprise Server 0B upgrade and migration utilities, you can select the platform mix that is best suited for your needs. Moreover, common management utilities enable you to manage both platforms using the same tools, which simplifies daily administration. Encompassing both the NetWare and SUSE LINUX platforms, Open Enterprise Server delivers some of the best technologies and services developed by the open source community, as well as fully developed enterprise services that routinely solve business problems for enterprise customers. Novell has a long-standing history of offering secure, scalable and reliable services for enterprise level customers. Open Enterprise Server continues to deliver solutions to this level of customer. The addition of SUSE LINUX to Open Enterprise Server brings the best of Open Source and Linux to the mix as well. What is in Open Enterprise Server? Open Enterprise Server is a platform comprised of seasoned, enterprise-ready technologies along with many enhancements. Specifically Open Enterprise Server includes: All current NetWare services along with the latest NetWare kernel. Additionally, new enhancements/services are under development to improve what is available in NetWare. Everything you know in NetWare now will be in Open Enterprise Server and more. All SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 services and 2.6 Linux kernel (Intel-based x86 platform). SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9, expected to ship this summer, will be included in Open Enterprise Server. Many Novell Nterprise Linux Services 1.0 services and future enhancements under development. The majority of services currently found in Nterprise Linux Services 1.0 that run on SUSE LINUX will be incorporated into Open Enterprise Server. Additional services to run on top of SUSE LINUX are also in development. Integrated common management tools. This is the glue that integrates these technologies together and provides an environment where they can coexist and work together to provide valuable services and solve business problems. Open Enterprise Server includes some new features that are in development. Those that are under development and expected to become part of Novell Open Enterprise Server are: Novell Storage Services (NSS) 4 on Linux NetWare volumes running on Linux means you can choose a mix of delivering file services on both NetWare or Linux, or migrate your NetWare volumes over to just SUSE LINUX servers. Shared ifolder 5 capabilities between Windows and Linux clients. This newly architected ifolder using the Mono 6 standard means that this latest version of ifolder will run on SUSE LINUX on the server side, but will also have a new Linux desktop client. This means Windows clients will be able to synchronize to the server and then to other Linux desktops and vice versa. Users can maintain multiple ifolders and share them with others. 4 5 6

0C Novell Common management tools (imanager 7 for NetWare or Linux) You will be able to use imanager to manage either NetWare or SUSE LINUX servers. Clustering 8 capabilities on either NetWare or Linux NetWare servers can failover to other NetWare or SUSE LINUX servers, or SUSE LINUX servers can failover to other SUSE LINUX or NetWare servers. Improved Virtual Office 9 Management Enhancements to Virtual Office management simplifies and consolidates the management of Virtual Office and Virtual Teams. Common Information Model (CIM 10 ) CIM architecture allows management data to be delivered through any number of third-party management tools. For companies already using CIM supported management tools for other portions of their technology architecture, they can now manage Open Enterprise Server, whether it be a NetWare or SUSE LINUX. Specific imanager plug-ins will be developed using the CIM framework. Those plug-ins that are planned are for system health monitoring and storage, and possibly others. Future versions of Open Enterprise Server will include many more. Standards-based package management (RPM 11 ) for NetWare This popular open source update tool ensures you are running the latest updates to our platform. We also include the Red Carpet Daemon 12 for both NetWare and Linux. Mapped drive support for Linux from a Novell client Allows those who use the Novell client to access storage resources on a SUSE LINUX server. iprint 13 client on Linux desktop. In addition to already available Microsoft desktop support, Linux desktop users can now have point and click installation of printers, greatly easing the workload of technical staff who support print related issues. Migration and upgrade utilities. You get to choose the best mix of platform technologies. Open Enterprise Server provides the migration and upgrade utilities to make sure migrations and upgrades are smooth. Integrated directory management simplifies workload through role-based management. 7 /am1ox4u.html#am1ox4u 8 9 10 11 12 13\#ajsbc2o

Getting to Know Open Enterprise Server 0D Value for NetWare Maintenance or Upgrade protection Customers As a NetWare customer, you know how important NetWare is to your infrastructure. You have trusted it for years to provide you with enterprise-level file, print and networking services. While many applications have been developed for NetWare, currently the majority of application development is on the Linux platform. And, through SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9, you will get the latest 2.6 Linux kernel and have For companies who are looking for an alternative to Microsoft technologies, Novell Open Enterprise Server, and particularly SUSE LINUX, provides a solid foundation for a complete server to desktop alternative. the ability to run numerous business applications developed to run on Linux. This is in addition to the many NetWare, J2EE, or Apache applications you could already run on NetWare. Additionally, Novell directory and clustering technology means you can securely control access to those services and ensure they are available at all times. For companies who are looking for an alternative to Microsoft technologies, Novell Open Enterprise Server, and particularly SUSE LINUX, provides a solid foundation for a complete server to desktop alternative. With Open Enterprise Server, customers don t need to rip out their existing infrastructure. Many of the services can be added as needed, on either a NetWare or SUSE LINUX server. NetWare customers who are familiar with Novell s management tools will be able to leverage their current skill set to manage SUSE LINUX servers as well. Heads Up: If you are a NetWare customer who is current on maintenance and upgrade protection, you are now entitled to run SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 (Intel-based x86 platform) for the same number of user licenses you have for NetWare. This promotion offers you an excellent opportunity to experiment with Linux in your IT environment. And it puts you on the path to get Novell Open Enterprise Server automatically when it ships at the end of the year 14. Value for Earlier NetWare Customers If you are only licensed for earlier versions of NetWare and have no maintenance and upgrade protection, Open Enterprise Server will provide you all the features and benefits that are currently available in the latest version of NetWare, and more. (For more info about the features in NetWare 6.5, see Upgrading your Business to NetWare 6.5 15. Long-time NetWare customers have trusted NetWare for years to provide them with enterprise-level file, print and networking services. If you upgrade now to NetWare 6.5 with maintenance and upgrade protection as part of your contract, you will be entitled to run SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 (Intel-based x86 platform) for the same number of user licenses you have for NetWare. With Open Enterprise Server, customers don t need to rip out their existing infrastructure. Many of the services can be added as needed, on either a NetWare or 14 15

0E Novell SUSE LINUX server. NetWare customers who are familiar with Novell s management tools will be able to leverage their current skill set to manage SUSE LINUX servers as well. Heads Up: NetWare customers with active maintenance or upgrade protection can deploy SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 immediately at no additional cost. In addition to SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8, you can receive: NetWare 6.5 Novell Nterprise Linux Services 1.0 Novell Open Enterprise Server Indemnification If you re running an older version of NetWare, become current on maintenance or upgrade protection today. Once you re current, you will realize the benefits of this promotion and discover the value that Linux provides your business 16! What about my Applications? For many organizations it s all about applications. Your decision on which Your decision on which platform to choose for your platform to choose for your networking infrastructure may be driven by which networking infrastructure platform is needed to support your critical business may be driven by which applications. You ve heard that Linux is gaining platform is needed to support as a solid application platform but you support your critical still have some questions: business applications. Is Linux a viable alternative to Microsoft? What about Open Source applications? How do I deploy them? Do I need to consider a separate application server outside my networking infrastructure servers? There are some applications that still some applications that only run on Microsoft, what do I do? Open Enterprise Server provides some answers to these questions. Open Enterprise Server provides very strong application support and is a real alternative to other platforms available today. Within Open Enterprise Server you have SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server (Intel-based x86 platform) and the ability to deploy many applications that are certified on this platform. The open source community provides many applications that run on the AMP (Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP) foundation. You can also deploy any number of J2EE applications, and with the open source Mono architecture, you will be able to run any Microsoft.Net application on Linux. With this broad range of application support, you have many choices and more flexibility to provide the application services that support your business. What if your only choice is to run a Microsoft application? Even in this situation, Open Enterprise Server can help by supporting that application through a scaleable, secure and reliable storage environment for application data. 16

Getting to Know Open Enterprise Server 0F Application Platform Open Enterprise Server includes the complete code set for SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for Intel-based x86 hardware. Open Enterprise Server includes the complete code set for SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for Intel-based x86 hardware. With SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 you have a leading Open Source application platform. Software vendors are aligning much of their development around the Linux platform and many business level applications are currently certified to run on SUSE LINUX Oracle, SAP, Sybase, BMC, VMWare, CA, Veritas and others. Also, much of the new software development is devoted to Linux, even more so than on Microsoft. SUSE LINUX is not new to the industry. With over 12 years of doing business and having delivered the first commercial distribution of Linux, SUSE LINUX is a seasoned platform and is ready for the enterprise. SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 is also the first distribution to meet the latest government security requirements. The Common Criteria (CC) Common Access Protection Profile (CAPP 17 ). Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 3+ provides a relatively high level of assurance that the evaluated system will properly foil unauthorized access attempts while allowing valid, authenticated users access to system resources. The recent certification is seen to be closing the gap between enterprise and open-source products with respect to security accreditation. While Open Enterprise Server includes the Intel-based x86 version of SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9, SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 is also available separately on a total of 8 different hardware architectures. This is because SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 supports Universal OS. If you need Linux on multiple architectures, Novell can meet your needs. (Open Enterprise Server includes SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for the Intel-based x86 platform). A growing number of application vendors develop software, business applications and vertical solutions based on SUSE LINUX. This number is continuing to grow rapidly. These vendors agree to check their developments in regular intervals for functionality and performance. Numerous hardware vendors also support the SUSE LINUX operating system. A list of certified applications for SUSE LINUX is available 18. 17 18 /applications/index.html

10 Novell Alternative to Microsoft If you are looking for an alternative to Microsoft as your application platform, SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server, which we just talked about, is an obvious alternative, however, you have even more choice with Open Enterprise Server. Open Enterprise Server includes an integrated version of the Apache Web server to replace Microsoft IIS. Open Enterprise Server includes a commercially licensed version of MySQL to replace Microsoft SQL. Additionally Open Enterprise Server supports Posgres SQL, another popular open source. You have many alternatives available to you. Now you can protect against viruses and security breaches, minimize patching and updating your system, forget licensing problems, maintain your choice of who you partner with, create solutions based on open standards and have a more reliable, yet open environment. Open Enterprise Server includes support for Perl, PHP, Python and Java Server Pages. Popular scripting tools to replace Microsoft Active Server Pages. With open source Mono architecture, you can deploy application on Linux. Additionally, Open Enterprise Server supports varying levels of Java and even includes a dedicated Web application server in the form of the Novell extend Application server. You have many alternatives available to you. Now you can protect against viruses and security breaches, minimize patching and updating your system, forget licensing problems, maintain your choice of who you partner with, create solutions based on open standards and have a more reliable, yet open environment. Not only do you have a large collection of enterprise applications that run on SUSE LINUX platform, you also have the ability to deploy numerous applications and scripts from the open source community. Within Open Enterprise Server you can deploy Apache, the most prominent Web server, MySQL, the leading open source database, and Perl/PHP and Java, all popular scripting formats. You can deploy these technologies on either NetWare or SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server. You now have a broad range of choice and flexibility when it comes to delivering services to users in your organizations. Productivity on Linux: Making your Applications Work The primary purpose of the IT staff is to ensure that workers in the organization remain productive and have access to the information and services they need to do their jobs. Productivity is key, so you may have some questions about how adopting Linux into your environment may disrupt productivity. These are some of the questions that Open Enterprise Server addresses: Novell has years of experience in providing industry leading networking services on NetWare. Now that experience is brought over to the Linux world to provide you true choice and flexibility. How do we provide a consistent experience for both our Windows and Linux desktop users?

Getting to Know Open Enterprise Server 11 How do we make our users productive from the road and home? Help desk costs are killing us. It would save us a ton of money if end-users could help themselves! Can we do it? How do bring all of our user information, applications and services together into one, consistent place? I can never find anything! Novell has years of experience in providing industry leading networking services on NetWare. Now that experience is brought over to the Linux world to provide you true choice and flexibility. Networking services in Open Enterprise Server include Virtual Office, Virtual Teams, advanced file and print services and Linux desktop support. With Open Enterprise Server, users can: Easily work from anywhere all they need is a browser Automatically create team collaboration environments Locate people and information anywhere in the organization Have all their data backed up Have easy access to a secure file system Painlessly set up printers in a matter of seconds Have a complete Windows or Linux desktop environment Let s look at these services in a bit more detail. Virtual Office Virtual Teams eguide (Corporate Directory) Novell ifolder Novell iprint Seamless File Services Integration and Interoperability Novell Storage Services on Linux Novell Storage Services Visibility Support for both Windows & Linux Desktops Making Your Network Even More User Friendly Security Identity Synchronization Self Service Identity

12 Novell Virtual Office Knowledge workers are increasingly using the Internet for real-time collaborative tasks, such as product design, mergers and acquisitions, and scientific or analytical research. Common to all of these tasks is the need to employ spontaneous messaging, data sharing and task-specific applications within a close-knit working community. End users become much more productive, as these personalized work spaces become virtualized, allowing the work experience to follow the user. Productivity is significantly End users get access to Virtual Teams, personal files from anywhere, point and click printing, a corporate directory to locate anyone in the organization, email, personal browser favorites, and even have access to online business applications. magnified as self-help measures are introduced into this workspace. Virtual Office 19 can be deployed on either a NetWare or SUSE LINUX Server. End users get access to Virtual Teams, personal files from anywhere, point and click printing, a corporate directory to locate anyone in the organization, email, personal browser favorites, and even have access to online business applications. All this to help improve their personal productivity. Virtual Teams Globalization and network connectivity are driving more enterprises to conduct work across time, space and cultural boundaries. This means that an increasing amount of the mission-critical work of the enterprise is being conducted in the context of the virtual team a dispersed group of workers with shared purposes, accountabilities and work activities, who collaborate using technology-mediated communication systems and processes. Team members using Virtual Teams 20 as their virtual meeting place have access to news, discussions, secure Internet chat, resource/file sharing, calendaring, team links, and team management capabilities. eguide (Corporate Directory) Locating individuals in the organization can be a challenge, unless of course you use Novell eguide 21. eguide is a Web-based application that lets you easily and quickly search for user information from a number of LDAP-enabled sources, including Novell edirectory. Novell eguide is written in Java and works on any platform, including NetWare, Windows NT, UNIX, and Linux. eguide is also integrated with Virtual Office and can automatically be installed if you deploy Virtual Office. Novell eguide provides a single location to search for the names you need to know and helps you communicate more effectively than ever before. eguide also automatically generates organizational charts. 19 /h4r4bw6c.html 20 /am58esd.html 21

Getting to Know Open Enterprise Server 13 The eguide user interface allows you to find the person you want to communicate with and then choose the best tool for the job, such as e-mail, instant messaging, or video conferencing. You can also define a personalized look for the Web-based client. Novell eguide provides a single location to search for the names you need to know and helps you communicate more effectively than ever before. eguide also automatically generates organizational charts based on the hierarchy in the directory structure. People are able to see what department an individual works in and can also locate any of their peers. From an individual s eguide listing you can get further information about the individual from their public web page. This internal web page will automatically list the teams he or she is associated with, and will also list any links they want to share with the organization, as well as files they want to post for others to access. Novell ifolder How often do people in your organization transfer files from one machine to another by sending themselves e-mail attachments? How certain are you that people in your organization are backing up the important information stored on their hard drives? How difficult is it for you to replace critical files when laptops are lost or stolen? Or transfer those files to a new computer? Novell ifolder 22 makes it easy for you to: With Novell ifolder you no longer need to e-mail files to yourself or save them to a disk: your files are up-to-date on all the machines that you use. Keep files synchronized across all the different machines people use Automatically keep files backed up on the network Access, manage and store your information. Offline, online, all the time. Your files are only a browser away Restore information when computers are lost, stolen or upgraded Winner of the 2003 Codie Award for Best Storage Software, Novell ifolder is a simple and secure storage solution that can increase user productivity by enabling people to back up, access and manage their personal files from anywhere, at anytime. Here s how it works. Once you have installed Novell ifolder, you simply save your files locally, as you have always done, and Novell ifolder automatically updates the files on a network server and delivers them to the other machines you use. For example, you can save a file at the office and Novell ifolder automatically transfers the file to your home computer. With Novell ifolder you no longer need to e-mail files to yourself or save them to a disk: your files are up-to-date on all the machines that you use. To maintain data integrity and ensure you have the latest version of your files, Novell ifolder seamlessly synchronizes the contents of all of your Novell ifolders, no matter which of your computers you may be using. This is possible because computers that use Novell ifolder communicate regularly with the Novell ifolder server, ensuring that the most current information is distributed to all computers that use Novell ifolder. If you make a change to any of your personal files, Novell ifolder 22

14 Novell locates the changes you made and only communicates the changed data to the server and your other computers. With ifolder, users can be productive from any location and you can finally protect the elusive data that resides on desktops and laptops. Yet another way that Open Enterprise Server helps you eliminate business risk. Novell iprint With Novell iprint 23 you can provide location-based Industry stats list printing printing that is unmatched in ease-of-use. Industry problems as accounting for stats list printing problems as accounting for nearly nearly 20% of all IT support 20% of all IT support calls. With iprint, users can calls. With iprint, users easily set up their own printers, and your support can easily set up their own costs are greatly reduced. printers, and your support iprint lets mobile employees, business partners, andcosts customers are greatly access reduced. printers from a variety of remote locations using existing Internet connections. Whether users are working in an office building, telecommuting from home, or attending a sales meeting in another country, iprint ensures that they can print documents quickly, easily, and reliably. Using a Web browser, users point to a Web page that displays the available printers. By clicking a printer, the iprint Client is installed (if not installed previously), the printer s driver is downloaded, and a printer is created in the user s Windows* Printers folder, enabling the user to send documents to the printer from any application on the desktop. Using iprint, mobile users no longer need to contact a busy network administrator to find out a printer s name, context, and the required printer driver. Instead, mobile users work within a Web browser to locate nearby printers using iprint s default printer list or maps created by the administrator. Companies can also lower communication costs by reducing the need to fax documents between offices; instead, companies can use their existing Internet connections to print documents to remote printers. Seamless File Services Integration and Interoperability Whether a user is on a Linux desktop, a Windows desktop or using a browser, they want to have easy and clear access to important files, regardless of where they may reside within the network. With Novell file services, users can have a single combined view of networked files, even if the files reside on a Linux, Windows or NetWare server. File services 24 within Open Enterprise Server take the Whether a user is on a Linux desktop, a Windows desktop or using a browser, they want to have easy and clear access to important files, regardless of where they may reside within the network. complexities out of accessing files on different servers and ensure that each platform coexists nicely and end users have simplified views and access to what they need. 23 24