KONTAKTY. APJ - wysyłaj paczki do Polski i z Polski do Anglii z firmą APJ - str

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1 Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY NR.8 LUTY 2015 MSM NAJWIĘKSZA HURTOWNIA SPOŻYWCZA W ANGLII str.12 GDZIE NA IMPREZE-GDZIE SZUKAĆ PRACY-MIESZKANIA-OGŁOSZENIA MATRYMONIALNE - OFERTY PRACY Wydanie luty : 200 ludzi do pracy - strona 6 - nie podoba ci sie na Połnócy pracuj w Lincoln - UWAGA-kredyty bez zabezpieczeń - str.7 - meble prosto z Polski - str.5 OFERTY PRACY: - praca sprzatanie - str. 8 i 13 - praca kierowcy - str. 9 i 16 i 20 - praca magazyny - str. 14 i 15 - praca spawacze - str praca kucharze - str.19 Skup samochodów uszkodzonych bez opłat.tel thomas.jasiakiewicz@gmail.com APJ - wysyłaj paczki do Polski i z Polski do Anglii z firmą APJ - str AUTOHOLOWANIE TOMASZ JASIAKIEWICZ


3 3 PAGE MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY KONTAKTY CIEKAWOSTKI Zmiany w NHS Koniec dobrych relacji Odkąd NHS został stworzony lekarze rodzinni (GP) działają jako strażnicy usług medycznych, gdyż to oni kierują pacjentów do odpowiednich specjalistów oraz klinik. Oznacza to, że między pacjentem a lekarzem powstała szczególna więź. W ramach reform lekarze mają coraz większą kontrolę nad lwią częścią budżetu, NHS, więc mogą zdecydować, jakie usługi lokalne powinny być finansowane. W teorii fakt, że lekarze są blisko pacjentów sugeruje, iż to właśnie lekarze lepiej wiedzą, jak pieniądze powinny być wydane. Niestety, perspektywa trzymania ręki na pieniądzach spowodowała, że relacje pacjent-lekarz mogą ulec zmianie na gorsze. Sondaż Ipsos Mori dla Brytyjskiego Towarzystwa Medycznego potwierdza, że prawie trzy czwarte lekarzy obawia się tego. Twierdził on, iż pacjenci mogą stać się podejrzliwi, jeśli lekarz nie da im tego, czego chcą. Pacjenci mogą uważać, iż GP starają się zaoszczędzić pieniądze, kosztem zdrowia swoich podopiecznych. Sektor prywatny To jest problem, który wywołał najwięcej kontrowersji w propozycji nowych reform. Krytycy twierdzą, że reformy będą prowadzić do prywatyzacji służby zdrowia przekazując najbardziej opłacalnych usługi prywatnym firmom, co w efekcie zdestabilizuje NHS. Zwolennicy zmian uważają, że szanse dla sektora prywatnego są mocno przesadzone. Mówią, że jeśli firmy mogą zapewnić lepsze usługi, będzie to z korzyścią dla pacjentów gdyż zwiększą się standardy w całym sektorze. Oczywiście, firmy prywatne są już mocno zaangażowane w zapewnienie opieki NHS. Pod rządami Partii Pracy zostały zaproszone do składania ofert na kontrakty do realizacji operacji nie awaryjnych, takich jak protezy biodrowe i kolanowe. irmy prywatne są również mocno zaangażowany w opiece psychiatrycznej. W ciągu ostatniego roku, rząd koalicyjny zachęcał sektor prywatny do większego zaangażowania się w usługach społecznych. Szacunki wskazują, 1 na każde 20 wydanych na usługi zdrowotne trafia do dostawcy spoza NHS, to zarówno firmy sektora prywatnego oraz organizacje charytatywne. Nowe placówki Jedną z naczelnych zasad reform było krok w celu poprawy koordynacji opieki dla osób z chorobami przewlekłymi. Są to choroby, na które nie ma lekarstwa takie jak cukrzyca, demencja, itp. Zamiast okazjonalnego leczenia szpitalnego pacjenci potrzebują długoterminowego wsparcia z wykorzystaniem wielu różnych usług. Zbyt często jednak, taka opieka nie jest dostępna i pacjenci trafiają do szpitali z powodu cierpienia lub nagłych przypadków. Lepsze planowanie może zapobiec takim problemom - dowody wskazują, iż jedną trzecią hospitalizacji można było uniknąć. Aby to osiągnąć potrzebne jest powstanie zintegrowanych przychodni, które będą mogły zaoferować szeroką gamę usług z opieki rehabilitacyjnej. Zdrowie publiczne Bardzo często pomijana jest część reform zdrowia publicznego. Określenie to obejmuje wszystko, co zapobiega chorobom i przedłuża życie, a więc także promowanie aktywności fizycznej i lepsze diety, jak również pomoc w rzuceniu palenia. Odpowiedzialności w tym zakresie zostaną przekazane do samorządu terytorialnego. Uważa się, że samorządy będą lepiej wpływać na życie ludzi poprzez swoje uprawnienia w zakresie planowania, edukacji oraz rekreacji. Oto kilka nowosci z nowych reform: W ramach reform, dyrektorzy zdrowia publicznego, którzy pracowali dla podstawowej opieki funduszy zdrowia zostaną przeniesieni do władz lokalnych. Będą również uzyskać budżet wydzielony z 3 mld funtów, reszta samorządu natrafi na poważne cięcia. Samorządy już wprowadziły zakazy palenia w pobliżu placów zabaw, siłowni na świeżym powietrzu, parków oraz terenów zielonych. Największa zmiana to brak zmian Być może najbardziej zauważalne rzeczą jest fakt, że wprowadzone zmiany nie będą drastyczne - przynajmniej w krótkim okresie. To może się wydawać niewiarygodne, biorąc pod uwagę ilość uwagi, jaką zmiany przyciągnęły. Reformy, w dużej mierze dotyczyły od struktury zarządzania. To oczywiście nie oznacza, iż to, co się dzieje nie jest istotne. Innymi słowy NHS, zatrudniający 1, 4 mln pracowników oraz setki różnych organizacji, jest trochę jak supertankowiec - zmiana kierunku nie jest natychmiastowa twierdza politycy. Ale czy beda inne zmiany coz chyba nie w roku wyborczym. Jacek Jurasz

4 KONTAKTY BIZNES CHCESZ ZAOSZCZĘDZIĆ Możesz sam prowadzić sobie księgowość do 15 pracowników. Opłata tylko 5 funtów na miesiąc na stronie polecanej przez urząd skarbowy - wejdz na strone www. sam wystawiasz peyslipy dla pracowników i program sam wysya do inland revenue - co 3 miesiące program sam liczy Vat - po całym roku program sam rozlicza firme. Masz jakiś problem dzwonisz na infolinie. Boisz sie rozliczenia na cały rok korzystac z pomocy księgowej MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY 4 PAGE PAMIETAJ Jeśli chcesz otworzyć firme w Anglii nie musisz mieć od razu Spółki LTD. Po co ci większa odpowiedzialność i wieksze opłaty.! Mając self emloy możesz zatrudniać pracowników - rejestrujesz sie wtedy jako pracodawca oraz pamiętaj bedąc na self employ możesz uzyskać numer Vatu. Jako self employ możesz - prowadzić Polski Sklep, warsztat samochodowy, krawiectwo, hurtownie, firme samochodowa, firmę sprzątajacą i wszystkie inne usługi. Możesz mieć klikanaście firm a rozliczasz je tylko raz na rok. Chcesz być pracodawcą i zatrudniać mając firme self employ wypenił wniosek. rejestracja self emloy zajmuje 10 minut wchodzisz na strone i klikasz na Register a new business for tax and National Insurance Zaczynasz prowadzić biznes zacznij od self employ a pózniej jak widzisz ze zarabiasz, zmień na ltd DANE O BEZROBOCIU W ANGLII: Unemployment fell by 58,000 to 1.91 million in the three months to the end of November, according to the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures. PRACA W PRZEDSZKOLU BUTTERFLY CHILDREN: POLSKO-ANGIELSKIE PRZEDSZKOLE W MBUTTERFLY CHILDREN: POL- SKO-ANGIELSKIE PRZEDSZKOLE W MIDDLETON POSZUKUJE PANI DO PRACY NA STANOWISKO- NURSERY ASSISTANCE- KWALIFIKACJE ORAZ DOŚWIADCZENIE W PRACY Z DZIEĆMI MILE WIDZIANE! WYMAGANA ZNAJOMOŚĆ JĘZYKA AN- GIELSKIEGO. JEŻELI PRACA Z DZIEĆMI TO TWOJA PASJA ORAZ POTRAFISZ WSPÓŁPRACOWAĆ W GRUPIE ZAPRASZAMY SERDECZNIE!! PRIVATE DAY NURSERY: BUTTERFLY CHILDREN 86 ROCHDALE ROAD M24 2QA MIDDLETON TEL: KOM: annawyskbutterfly@gmail.com The number of people claiming Jobseeker s Allowance in October fell by 29,700 to 867,000, the ONS said Dear Madam/ Sir, we are a Polish Company Cobico Ltd and we edit a free newspapaer with advertisements for Polish People in UK. The name of our newspaper in KONTAKTY. It is issued one monthly and is freely distributed around the North England and North Wales. We report widely on activities within the Polish Community and more. You can advertise and read interesting articles in our newspaper. Where you can find KONTAKTY - in many different busy places: churches, schools, schops, polish restaurant, and many other places Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych oraz zastrzega sobie prawo do skrótów i redakcyjnego opracowania tekstów przyjętych do druku. Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść reklam i ogłoszeń.wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Materiały zawarte w czasopiśmie nie mogą być wykorzystane w jakiejkolwiek formie i w jakikolwiek sposób bez pisemnej zgody Wydawcy. WYDAWCA: Cobico ltd- Unit 77 - Cariocca Business Park 2 Sawley Street - Manchester - M40 8BB MANAGER PROJEKTU - Jacek Jurasz SKLAD I GRAFIKA - Sebastian Urbanski REDAKTORZY - Joanna Stanowicz, Magdalena St Karolina W, Anna W, Piotr Stylczak REKLAMA - tel polishecho@googl .com PRENUMERATA!!! DOSTAWA BEZPOŚREDNIO POD TWOJE DRZWI 12 wydań to jedyne 20 funtów i pocztą wysyłamy, każde wydanie


6 MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY 6 PAGE SZUKASZ PRACY? Ambitions Personnel ma prace tymczasową i na pełen etat w całym Lincolnshire w największych brytyjskich firmach. Obecnie poszukujemy: pracowników produkcji osoby z uprawnieniami na wózki widłowe pracownikow magazynow Zalety: Regularne godziny pracy godzinne zmiany, nocki Zarobki od na godzine w zaleznosci od pracy i zmian Szanse na umowe na stale Natychmiastowy start Aby dowiedziec sie wiecej, skontaktuj sie prosze z jednym z naszych biur. Biurem w Lincoln Biuro w Bostonie Biuro w Wisbech Odwiedz nasza strone w internecine

7 7 PAGE MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY KONTAKTY BUSINES POLONEZ-POLSKI SKLEP UWAGA POTRZEBUJESZ GOTÓWKI W ANGLII A NIE MASZ HISTORII KREYDTOWEJ ALE MASZ W ANGLII PRACE - MOZESZ DOSTAC KREDYT Czy pracujący za granicą mają szansę na kredyt gotówkowy? Zanim bank udzieli finansowego wsparcia wnioskującemu o nie, najpierw sprawdza wysokość jego miesięcznych dochodów i wiarygodność kredytową. Problem pojawia się wówczas, gdy przyszły kredytobiorca jest zatrudniony poza granicami naszego kraju. Czy pracujący za granicą mają jakąkolwiek szansę na kredyt gotówkowy w Polsce? Kredyt gotówkowy dla pracujących za granicą jeszcze do niedawna był praktycznie nierealny do zdobycia. Wraz z upływem czasu, postępującą europeizacją państw należących do Unii Europejskiej i rosnącą skalą polskiej emigracji, rodzime banki zaczęły zauważać potrzeby klientów na obczyźnie, którzy wsparcia finansowego szukają w Polsce. Zagraniczne umowy śmieciowe Mimo że kredytobiorca otrzymujący wynagrodzenie poza granicami kraju nie jest wymarzonym klientem dla instytucji finansowej, nie stoi też na straconej pozycji. Przede wszystkim trzeba zaznaczyć, że szanse na kredyt w Polsce mają jedynie osoby zatrudnione w innym państwie na umowę o pracę. Przy umowie o dzieło lub umowie-zleceniu nadzieje na pozytywne rozpatrzenie wniosku kredytowego trzeba szybko porzucić. Problemy w uzyskaniu kredytowania przy dochodach z umów śmieciowych mają bardzo często nawet Polacy pracujący w kraju, a dokładając do tego jeszcze pracodawców zagranicznych, próby zdobycia finansowania są skazane na porażkę. A co jeśli wnioskodawca jest sam sobie szefem, czyli prowadzi własną działalność gospodarczą - za granicą? Obecnie tego typu samozatrudnienie akceptuje tylko jedna instytucja - Deutsche Bank. Praca w UE daje największe szanse na kredyt Swoje szanse na kredyt gotówkowy w Polsce pracujący za granicą zwiększają wówczas, gdy firma ich pracodawcy zarejestrowana jest w jednym z krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Niemniej każdy bank posługuje się własnymi procedurami wliczania zdolności i oceny wiarygodności klienta, dlatego te same wynagrodzenia mogą być w różny sposób postrzegane - w jednym banku nasze zarobki wystarczą, w innym będą zdecydowanie za niskie, dlatego poszukując korzystnej oferty powinniśmy złożyć wnioski kredytowe w kilku instytucjach finansowych. Wymagane dokumenty Wśród banków akceptujących zagraniczne dochody wymienić należy m.in BNP Paribas, BPH, Getin Bank, Nordea, PKO BP oraz Euro Bank, przy czym ten ostatni zawęża grono potencjalnych kredytobiorców do marynarzy, pilotów i członków załogi pokładowej samolotów. W sprawie wniosku warto również udać się do Getin Banku, który na swojej stronie internetowej zapewnia, że do każdego klienta (w tym pracującego za granicą) podchodzi indywidualnie. Oferty poszczególnych banków dość znacznie różnią się w kwestii formalności. Większość instytucji wymaga od kredytobiorcy dostarczenia POLONEZ - polski sklep w LEEDS 9 Middleton park Circus Ls10 4LU Codziennie PN-SAT Niedziela tłumaczeń przysięgłych poszczególnych umów, a to z kolei przekłada się na dodatkowe koszty, jakie będziemy musieli ponieść, chcąc uzyskać finansowanie. Należy jednak wiedzieć, że nie wszystkie banki będą wymagać tłumaczonych poświadczeń naszego zatrudnienia czy wyciągów z konta. Nie chcąc wydawać pieniędzy na tłumacza możemy powyższe dokumenty dostarczyć w oryginale. Taką możliwość zapewniają m.in. BNP Paribas, BPH, Euro Bank i Getin Bank. Z nasza firma mozesz wziasc kredyt na zlotych i zlotych dzwon Helena

8 KONTAKTY PRACA SPRZATANIE MANCHESTER photo/msp.money.pl part time relief cleaning operative Company-Hardman Cleaning Services Location-UK-NW-Widnes Industries-Other/not classified Job type-part time less than 30 hours Salary per hour Hardman Office & Commercial Cleaning Ltd are looking for a part time cleaning operative to cover for sickness and holidays on early morning contracts at sites in the Widnes area, hours are mainly between 6.30 and 9.00 am during the working week. Rates of pat are 6.80 per hour. Duties include vacuuming, mopping, polishing, cleaning desks, cleaning toilets & kitchens and any other cleaning duties as required. There will be opportunities of more regular hours in the future for the right applicant. As the hours are on a as and when basis please check how this will affect any benefits that you may be getting before you apply. Please apply by including a CV if possible to. hardman2@ntlworld.com Cleaning Operative Company - JMS Cleaning Services (UK) Ltd Location - UK-NW-Stockport Job type - Part time less than 30 hours Years of experience - 1+ years Career level None-Education Level CSE or equivalent Salary-9.00 per hour Job reference code STOCKPORT Experienced Cleaning Operative to clean at a Bakery on Saturday mornings. General cleaning duties required: Mopping, Emptying Bins, Cleaning Toilets, Dusting, Wiping Surfaces etc. Saturday morning for 4 hours, 8am to 12 noon. sent cv- jobs@jmscleaningservicesuk.co.uk Mobile Cleaning Operative Company - Westgrove Group Location -UK-NW-Manchester Industries- Security and surveillance Salary per hour The Westgrove group is an award winning national provider of bespoke dual service security and cleaning solutions, specialising in high profile corporate offices, commercial premises, shopping centres and football stadia. We are currently looking for a Mobile Cleaning Operative in the Manchester area. You will contracted to 0 hours per month MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY You will be covering a portfolio of sites within a 50 mile or 1hr radius of home with travelling expenses paid. Main Duties: - Cleaning of offices - Cleaning toilets - Floor cleaning including mopping, vacuuming, sweeping and carpet cleaning - Emptying bins throughout the centre and car parks - Cleaning glazing and framework - Radio use - Cleaning stairwells - Use of specialist cleaning equipment Essential Requirements - Cleaning experience is preferred but training will be provided - Flexible Key Competencies: - Verbal and written communication skills - Professional personal presentation - Customer service orientation - Attention to detail - Excellent standard of cleanliness - Enthusiastic attitude To apply for this position, please send your CV to recruitment@westgrove.co.uk and put the name of the position and site in the subject heading Site Cleaning Manager Industries Business services - other Salary per hour Site Cleaning Supervisor required for prestigious site in Central Manchester. Reporting to your Area Manager your duties are to lead and motivate a team of staff to undertake daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Arrange cover as and when required. Hours of work Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm. *IMPORTANT* when applying please forward your CV and covering letter and include GM01 in the subject header. sent cv- abatchelor@servest.co.uk The Cleaning Works Mobile Domestic Cleaners (House cleaning teams required up to 8.50 per hour Spring Cleans/One Offs) Company- The Cleaning Works Location -UK-NW-Bolton Industries Personal and household services Job type - Part time less than 30 hours Years of experience - 2+ years Salary per hour Excellent hourly rate to be discussed at interview depending on experience Hours of Work-Flexitime-Job Sharing Sub-contracting Experienced, reliable cleaner/s required to undertake one-off spring cleans in the Bolton area. You must be able to clean to a very high standard and take pride in your work. Ideally you may already be working as part of a team of 2 or 3 people and one of you will have to have a valid UK driving licence and access to a car. Hours will vary but you will be working between 9am- 4pm Monday to Friday. Plenty of hours available for the right candidates especially leading up to Christmas. Hours to suit between 9am to 4pm Monday - Friday Excellent hourly rates are offered ranging from per hour. We expect all the cleaners to provide their own cleaning products and equipment and this will be discussed at interview at our Bolton office. Please send a CV or an with your work history or covering letter/ to: bolton@thecleaningworks.co.uk This is a self employed vacancy Cleaning Operative Company-Westgrove Group Location-UK-NW-Knutsford Industries Security and surveillance Salary per hour The Westgrove group is an award winning national provider of bespoke dual service security and cleaning solutions, specialising in high profile corporate offices, commercial premises, shopping centres and football stadia. We are currently looking for a Cleaning Operative at a car show room in Knutsford. You will be contracted to 5 hours per week, working five days a week from 9am - 10am. Main Duties: - Cleaning of showroom - Cleaning toilets - Floor cleaning including mopping, vacuuming and sweeping. - Emptying and cleaning bins throughout the showroom. Use of specialist cleaning equipment Essential Requirements - Cleaning experience is preferred - Experience using cleaning machinery - Flexible Key Competencies: - Verbal and written communication skills - Professional personal presentation - Customer service orientation - Attention to detail To apply for this position, please send your CV to recruitment@westgrove.co.uk and put the name of the position and site in the subject heading Relief Cleaning Operatives Company Consultant Services Group Ltd (Cleaning) Industries Personal and household services Job type-part time less than 30 hours Salary-6.50 per hour Job reference code R01105/REL Experienced, reliable Relief Cleaning Operatives are required to carry out general cleaning duties at our clients premises on Norsley Trading Estate, Little Hulton. You must be flexible with regards to working hours as you will be covering for holidays and sickness so therefore must also be available at short notice as and when required. Please be aware that there are no guaranteed hours with this position. Workings hours are various shifts throughout the day. Uniform provided. To apply, please your CV and quote reference R01105/ REL on your application. IT IS IMPORTANT TO QUOTE THE REFERENCE NUMBER AS WE HAVE MANY JOBS ADVERTISED AND FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR DETAILS NOT BEING PASSED ON. Application methods - send cv James.Shaw@shopdirect.com Night Cleaning Supervisor Company Consultant Services Group Ltd (Cleaning) Location UK-NW-Oldham Industries Personal and household services Job type - Full time Salary per hour Experienced, reliable Night Cleaning Supervisor is required to carry out general cleaning duties along with supervisory duties at our clients premises located on Linney Lane, Shaw. Previous Supervisory experience essential. Working hours are 9.30pm am Monday to Friday. Uniform provided. To apply please your CV and please ensure you quote reference R01077/SUP on your application. PLEASE NOTE THAT IS IT IMPORTANT TO QUOTE THE REFERENCE NUMBER AS WE HAVE MANY JOBS ADVERTISED AND FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR DETAILS NOT BEING PASSED ON. Job reference code R01077/SUP Application methods james.shaw@shopdirect.com PAGE PRACA - różne zawody KRAWCOWA eamstress / tailor Location-UK-Yorkshire-HUDDERSFIELD Industries Clothing and textile manufacturing Salary-7.00 per hour A seamstress / tailor needs to learn special skills and acquire knowledge of how to make and mend clothing. They have to do alterations, sew hems, fix tears, mend zippers and apply buttons. It s common for them to work within a tailor shop on a job-by-job basis or with other businesses that deal with clothing, such as dry cleaning shops that offer sewing services. Seamstresses / tailors might also work with highly specialized garments, such as bulletproof vests or medical correctional devices sent cv - maneers@hotmail.com Care Worker Location-UK-NW-Salford Industries-Healthcare services -Salary per h We are looking for a enthusiastic care work to join our nursing and dementia home in Salford. The ideal candiate must be able to take responsibility for their own work whilst still being able to work as a team. They must be of a caring nature and want to give time and attention to the residents whilst keeping a professional and calming manner at all time. The ideal candidate must be able to work shifts and weekends and nights. In return we will give full training, good rate of pay and chance of career progression. sent cv - paul@gncare.co.uk Care Assistants Needed in Stretford Location-UK-NW-Stretford Staffing/employment agencies Salary per hour per hour, Benefits: Full Training Available-Health Care Assistant Flexible Shifts- Weekday/weekend/days/ nights Competitive Rates plus Holiday pay Local Care Force is a leading Recruitment business supplying Nursing and Care Homes across the Stretford Area. Due to an unprecedented demand from our clients we urgently need to recruit experienced Care Assistants in the Stretford area. Applicants will be available to undertake temporary work in the Stretford area. This work is based within Nursing/Residential homes, caring for elderly clients suffering with dementia. It is essential that you have at least 6 months paid experience within a care environment. You will have previously completed all mandatory training (that can be refreshed if required free of charge). Main duties Supporting clients with personal care such as washing, bathing, dressing, toileting and grooming. Ability to use moving and handling equipment such as hoists. Assisting clients by serving food and feeding at meal times. Senior Carers will be expected to administer medication. Cleaning duties including ironing, hovering and laundry will be required especially on nights. Organising and facilitating activities. Occasionally liaising with external agencies. Skills and Attributes Minimum 6 months paid experience in a care environment Enthusiasm and a real passion for elderly care. Reliable and hardworking Flexible and adaptable Excellent communication both verbal and written All candidates must be willing to undertake and pay for a DBS check. sent cv ronnie@localcareforce.co.uk

9 9 PAGE MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY KONTAKTY KIEROWCY MANCHESTER FLT Reach Driver Company-Careermakers We are currently looking for 7.5 Ton drivers for our clients based around Manchester, Middleton, Oldham and Rochdale, (apply if you can work in any of these locations and further afield) Must have: 7.5 Ton license Cpc card Digitaco sent cv - zak@career-makers.co.uk Reach FLT Driver Industries-Transport and storage - materials Salary=7.50 per hour Warehouse Operatives with FLT Must hold Reach Licence and have experience Must be willing to convert to a VNA Licence. Various shifts available including 6am-2pm and 2pm until 10pm Immediate starts available Or send a CV to nicola@astarrecruitment.co.uk Immediate Start FLT Drivers Industries-Travel, transportation and tourism Salary-8.00 per hour Warehouse Operatives with FLT Must hold VNA Licence and have experience Various shifts available Immediate starts available Or send a CV to applications@astarrecruitment.co.uk PRACA Please sent cv - warrington@adrnetwork.co.uk Home Delivery Driver * Company-Cousins Furniture Store Limited Industries Retail-Job type Full time Salary-7.44 per hour Hours for this position hours per week, Tuesday - Saturday. Home delivery driver required for a large furniture retailer. Duties will entail deleivering furniture to customers houses. Ideally experienced in this line of work but full training could be provided. Must have tachograph experience. sent cv - mike.walsh@cousinsfurniture. co.uk tonne driver/assembler (nights out) wanted Immediate starts!! Careermakers are urgently seeking 7.5 tonne drivers with experience of making multiple deliveries. The work will involve delivery and assembly of office furniture to customers. Training will be provided but some furniture assembly experience is desired. Max 10 drops per day on night out runs (night out allowance and evening meal provided). The work will be regular and long-term, possibly leading to full-time with the client. Uniforms will be provided for the successful candidate. We pay 7.50 per hour for this work with lots of hours available. This work is to start immediately. send your cv with a covering letter to sent cv - Zapraszamy na zakupy do Polskiego sklepu 41 St Petersgate - Stockport SK1 1DH oraz godz. otwarcia: Pon.-Sob Nie Bank holidays: Polski Sklep Gabi to sklep dla Kazdego i na Kazda kieszen :) Szeroki wybor produktow oraz niskie ceny zapraszaja do zakupow. 3 razy w tygodniu dostawy wedlin oraz swiezego miesa prosto z polskiej rzezni. Jestesmy otwarci na Panstwa propozycje. Polskie warzywa i owoce, alkohol, transfery pieniezne oraz punkt wysylek paczek do Polski. Zapraszamy!!! Czy chcesz powrocic do sylwetki sprzed ciazy? Czy chcesz nabrac masy miesniowej? Czy poprostu nabrac energii zyciowej i witalnej..?.. i zaczac nowy dzien z pelnym witamin i mineralow sniadaniem! Czy moze planujesz dorobic w wolnym czasie? Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych o kontakt: Dorota HGV Class 1 C+E Drivers Required Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Salary per hour ADR Network are currently recruiting drivers for the Culina site in Middleton. We require Class 1 C+E drivers for deliveries to retail outlets. Up to 6 drops per day with a possability of going from temp to perm. Day and evening shifts are available. Some experience of driving articulated lorries in the UK is required and no more than 6 points on your licence. DD,DR,IN endorsements are not accepted. Drivers looking to supply services to ADR Network will be given the opportunity to work flexibly across a number of local contracts. Rates quoted are typical of the rates paid by our approved contractors. Each payment model has different tax, National Insurance and contributory benefit implications. If you require more information, you should seek independent advice. zak@career-makers.co.uk FLT Reach Driver Company-Prime Time Recruitment Job type Full time Salary per hour I am looking for a number of warehouse operatives with valid a FLT Reach license. These positions are temporary to permanent with good rates of pay and various shifts available. Immediate starts available provided you can provide copies of your licenses sent cv- matthew.robinson@primetime.co.uk

10 MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY 10 PAGE ATRAKCYJNE OFERTY PRACY W BIURZE - MANCHESTER 10 th Floor, 3 Hardman Street The Spinningfields Manchester, M3 3HF 10 th Floor, 3 Hardman Street The Spinningfields Manchester, M3 3HF Biuro ksiegowe PLG Accountants Ltd. z siedziba w Manchester Biuro ksiegowe PLG Accountants Ltd. z siedziba w Manchester poszukuje osobe poszukuje osobe na stanowisko data input clerk. na stanowisko data input clerk. Praca jest w pelnym wymiarze godzin od 9 00 do Praca jest w pelnym wymiarze godzin od 900 do 1700 od od poniedzialku do piatku. Do obowiazkow pracownika nalezalo bedzie samodzielne ewidencjonowanie zdarzen gospodarczych w bazie danych. - dokladnosc we wprowadzaniu danych do systemu, - dbalosc o szczegoly, - biegla znajomosc programu Excel oraz Word, Otwartość na wiedzę i osobowość pracownika ukierunkowana na odpowiedzialność za rzetelne i terminowe wykonywanie powierzonych mu obowiązków ma dla nas podstawowe znaczenie. Doswiadczenie na podobnym stanowisku bedzie mile widziane. Zainteresowane osoby, prosimy skladac swoje CV na adres info@plgaccountants.com poniedzialku do piatku. Do obowiazkow pracownika nalezalo bedzie samodzielne ewidencjonowanie zdarzen gospodarczych w bazie danych. Najwazniejszymi kryteriami, kryteriami, jakie musi posiadac jakie musi kandydat posiadac sa: kandydat sa: - dokladnosc we wprowadzaniu danych do systemu, - dbalosc o szczegoly, - biegla znajomosc programu Excel oraz Word, - biegla - znajomosc jezyka jezyka angielskiego. angielskiego. Otwartość na wiedzę i osobowość pracownika ukierunkowana na odpowiedzialność za rzetelne i terminowe wykonywanie powierzonych mu obowiązków ma dla nas podstawowe znaczenie. Doswiadczenie na podobnym stanowisku bedzie mile widziane. Zainteresowane osoby, prosimy skladac swoje CV na adres info@plgaccountants.com Biuro ksiegowe PLG Accountants Ltd. z siedziba w Manchester poszukuje osobe Biuro ksiegowe PLG Accountants Ltd. z siedziba w Manchester poszukuje osobe na stanowisko credit controller. na stanowisko credit controller. Praca jest w pelnym wymiarze godzin od 9 00 do Praca jest w pelnym wymiarze godzin od 900 do 1700 od od poniedzialku do piatku. Wynagrodzenie na tym stanowisku to rocznie. poniedzialku do piatku. Wynagrodzenie na tym stanowisku to Do obowiazkow pracownika nalezalo bedzie odzyskiwanie niezaplacony faktur od rocznie. Do obowiazkow pracownika nalezalo bedzie firm lub osob prywatnych. odzyskiwanie niezaplacony faktur od firm lub osob prywatnych. Jeżeli potrafisz taktownie sie komunikowac i chcialbys pracowac w firmie ksiegowej ta praca może nalezec do Ciebie. Jeżeli potrafisz taktownie sie komunikowac i chcialbys pracowac w firmie ksiegowej ta praca może nalezec do Ciebie. Najwazniejszymi kryteriami, jakie musi posiadac kandydat sa: Najwazniejszymi kryteriami, jakie musi posiadac kandydat - znajomosc obslugi komputera, sa: - znajomosc obslugi komputera, - dbalosc o szczegoly, - dbalosc o szczegoly, - zorganizowanie, - zorganizowanie, - biegla znajomosc jezyka angielskiego. - biegla znajomosc jezyka angielskiego. Otwartość na wiedzę i osobowość pracownika ukierunkowana na odpowiedzialność za rzetelne i terminowe wykonywanie Otwartość na wiedzę i osobowość pracownika ukierunkowana na odpowiedzialność za rzetelne i terminowe wykonywanie powierzonych mu obowiązków ma dla nas podstawowe znaczenie. powierzonych mu obowiązków ma dla nas podstawowe znaczenie. Doswiadczenie na podobnym stanowisku bedzie mile widziane. Zainteresowane osoby, prosimy skladac swoje CV Doswiadczenie na podobnym stanowisku bedzie mile widziane. Zainteresowane osoby, prosimy skladac swoje CV na adres info@plgaccountants.com na adres info@plgaccountants.com info@plgaccontants.com info@plgaccontants.com WYŻSZA SZKOŁA STOSUNKÓW MIĘDZYNARODOWYCH I AMERYKANISTYKI Zapraszamy na studia zaoczne lub online do Warszawy: - licencjat i magister - uczysz sie przez internet przylatujesz tylko na zaliczenie Ciekawe kierunki: - zarządzanie, - stosunki miedzynarodowe - brokerstwo informacji - bardzo ciekawy kierunek - dyplomacja i służba zagraniczna KONTAKT: Polska Przerwałeś studia w Polsce może warto je dokończyć na naszej uczelni.

11 11 PAGE MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY KONTAKTY PRACA SPAWACZE Welder / Fabricator Location-UK-NW-Greater Manchester Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Education Level AS levels or equivalent Salary per hour Per Hour Location: Manchester. M 24. Role: Welder / Fabricator Salary: per Hour Shift: 8-4:30 Mon To Thursday (4:00pm Fri ) THE COMPANY :Based near Middleton my client manufactures machinery guarding and enclosures in their Safety Systems Division. From standard fittings to bespoke tailor made systems using their latest CAD technology. THE ROLE They are looking for a Welder / Fabricator who is experienced in:- Mig - Tig welding. Various materials - mainly stainless steel and mild steel Some Jig work Reading engineering drawings The ability to work on their own initiative THE IDEAL CANDIDATE - Experienced in Mig and Tig welding - Experienced in fabrication - Flexible and helpful attitude This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to progress into a modern progressive workplace.. sent cv @jobs.recruitive. com Skilled Welder An opportunity exists within the Welding Dept of our client based in North Manchester for a Skilled Welder. The job will involve mostly TIG welding components in Stainless steels, Nickel Alloys, Titanium Alloys and Aluminium Alloys. Brazing will also be part of the requirement. All welding will be to a aircraft standards with most parts beign x-rayed on completion. The job will require working to close tolerances and you must have a good understanding of welding specifications and NAD- CAP requirements. You will also at times be required to carry out some sheet metal work tasks within your capabilities and a flexible approach is essential in this role. Some aerospace experience is preferred but not essential. sent cv - helen@elservices.co.uk Coded Welder Company-Russell Taylor Location-UK-NW-Liverpool Salary per hour + overtime rates We are currently looking for 2 coded welders with current codes in flux core welding. This work is looking to start ASAP working 12 hour days and will be a minimum of 2 weeks work, however dependant on the candidates the work may continue on to another project. Both candidates must have copies of there current FCAW codes and previous experience of working on vessels.night shifts may also be available. ent cv - charlotte@russell-taylor.co.uk MIG WELDER Company-Proactive Personnel Ltd Location-UK-NW-Liverpool MIG Welder required for a start in the New Year, previous experience is essential, any welding codes would be an advantage but not essential. Day to day duties will include, Structural Steel work and Architectural metal wok and general fabrication work. If you would like to apply for the role please send an up to date CV to Daniel Boyd or James Hing to the following address james.hing@ proactivepersonnel.net or daniel.boyd@ proactivepersonnel.net Welder Fabricator/Plater Location-UK-Yorkshire-West Yorkshire Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Education Level GCSE / Scottish or equivalent Salary per hour The company is an award winning structural steel fabricator and have the advantage of being well established and grounded in the industry. Due to continued expansion and full order books, they require an experienced Welder Plater/Fabricator to join the manufacturing team. Successful applicants will : Have experience MIG welding in mild and stainless (previous or current codings an advantage) Be able to fully interpret engineering drawings and fabricate a workpiece from start to end Have previous experience welding and fabricating staircases, balustrades and steel structures. Duties include Fabrication and welding of steel stairs, balustrades, walkways and steel structures. Cutting, shaping and joining of metal in the welding of stringers Prepare and select materials prior to welding processes Grinding and cleaning work Read accurately and follow engineering instructions and drawing sent cv @jobs.recruitive.com Welder / Fabricator Location-UK-Southern-Ashford Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Salary per hour per hour Our client are looking to recruit additional welder / fabricators to join their existing team. Candidates should have experience of MIG welding process, welding and fabricating architectural steelwork, gates, railings, staircases etc. Long term, ongoing position for the right candidate.- sent cv - labour@torussupply.co.uk POLSKIE NOWE BIURO W CENTRUM W CENTRUM MANCHESTERU NOWE BIURO W CENTRUM Chancery Place MANCHESTERU 50 Brown Street! Manchester, Chancery M2 Place 2JG 50 Brown Street!!! Manchester, M2 2JG!!!!!!! MANCHESTERU Tel , rejestracja samozatrudnionych i firm w HMRC i Companies House -pełna -rejestracja księgowość samozatrudnionych dla prowadzących i firm w działalność HMRC i gospodarczą Companies House i firm -rozliczenia -pełna księgowość VAT, rejestracja dla prowadzących VAT -rozliczenia działalność roczne gospodarczą podatku i firm dochodowego -rozliczenia od VAT, osób rejestracja fizycznych VAT i prawnych -rozliczenia roczne podatku -księgowość dochodowego dla pracujących od osób fizycznych w ramach i CIS prawnych -pomoc -księgowość przy pisaniu dla pracujących listów, skarg, w ramach wniosków, CIS itp. -tłumaczenia -pomoc przy pisaniu listów, skarg, wniosków, itp. info@mbaccounting.org -tłumaczenia Tel , info@mbaccounting.org

12 MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY Konsulat Generalny RP Manchester One. 51 Portland Street. Manchester M1 3LD 12 PAGE Mieszkasz na terenie Liverpoolu PAMIETAJ O TYM Nowe godziny przyjęć interesantów: poniedziałek 13:00 17:00 wtorek 11:00 15:00 środa 11:00 15:00 czwartek 11:00 15:00 piątek 11:00 15:00 Uwaga! Konsulat nie przyjmuje interesantów w święta polskie oraz brytyjskie. Przypominamy, że w celu załatwienia sprawy w urzędzie należy uprzednio zarezerwować termin spotkania w systemie Osoby odbierające dokumenty paszportowe nie mają obowiązku umawiania się na wizytę. Dokumenty te można odbierać w wyżej wymienionych godzinach. Dokumentem gwarantującym możliwość wejścia do konsulatu jest otrzymane od pracownika konsulatu potwierdzenie złożenia wniosku paszportowego. Tel: (0) Faks: (0) manchester@msz.gov.pl W sytuacjach nagłych, wymagających pilnej interwencji konsula poza godzinami pracy placówki możliwy jest kontakt pod numerem telefonu: (dla dzwoniących z Wielkiej Brytanii) lub (dla dzwoniących z innych krajów) Jest to numer interwencyjny służący tylko i wyłącznie do zgłaszania spraw wyjątkowych, np. wypadków losowych i spraw kryzysowych. Polski Telefon Zaufania dla Ofiar Przemocy w Rodzinie działa pod numerem Głównym zadaniem projektu jest umożliwienie Polakom doświadczającym przemocy w rodzinie poufnego kontaktu, podczas którego będą mogli porozmawiać w ojczystym języku o swojej sytuacji oraz uzyskać informacje o dostępnej im pomocy. Polski Telefon Zaufania dla Ofiar Przemocy w Rodzinie działa w środy od do oraz we wtorki od do Planowane jest wydłużenie czasu działania telefonu, a aktualne informacje na ten temat można znaleźć na stronie internetowej Jesli nie masz pieniedzy na jedzenie, ogrzewanie lub ubranie I jestes w bardzo trudnej pozycji finansowej mozesz skorzystac z takiej oto formy pomocy.:pomoc jest ograniczona i liczba dotacja bedzie limitowana. Aby skorzystac z pomocy trzeba miec wiecej niz 16 lat oraz w wiekszosci przypadkow pobierac benefity lub gdy czekasz na przyznanie: Income Support. Income based Job Seekers Allowance. Income related Employment and Support Allowance, or Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit only). Oraz nie miec finansow na podstawowe srodki utrzymania. Aplikowac o taka pomoc mozna od poniedzialku do piatku w godzinach 8:00-20:00 dzwoniac pod numery telefonow: lub Wypłata przyznawana jest w formie voucheru wysylanego em lub smsem I mozna ja zrealizowac w Paypointach na terenie miasta. Kwota jest uzalezniona od indywidualnych potrzeb osoby zglaszajacej.

13 13 PAGE MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY KONTAKTY PRACA SPRZATANIE LIVERPOOL Hardman Cleaning Services part time relief cleaning operative Company-Hardman Cleaning Services Location-UK-NW-Widnes Industries-Other/not classified Job type-part time less than 30 hours Salary per hour Hardman Office & Commercial Cleaning Ltd are looking for a part time cleaning operative to cover for sickness and holidays on early morning contracts at sites in the Widnes area, hours are mainly between 6.30 and 9.00 am during the working week. Rates of pat are 6.80 per hour. Duties include vacuuming, mopping, polishing, cleaning desks, cleaning toilets & kitchens and any other cleaning duties as required. There will be opportunities of more regular hours in the future for the right applicant. As the hours are on a as and when basis please check how this will affect any benefits that you may be getting before you apply. Please apply by including a CV if possible to sent cv - hardman2@ntlworld.com Cleaning Operative Location-UK-NW-Skelmersdale Industries Retail-Job type Full time Salary-6.50 per hour The Westgrove group is an award winning national provider of bespoke dual service security and cleaning solutions, specialising in high profile corporate offices, commercial premises, shopping centres and football stadia. We are currently looking for a Cleaning Operative at The Concourse Shopping Centre, Skelmersdale. You will be contracted to 18.5 hours per week. Cleaning Operative (Shopping Centre) - Cleaning shopping mall - Cleaning staff toilets - Floor cleaning including mopping, vacuuming, sweeping, carpet cleaning. - Emptying bins throughout the mall and car parks - Cleaning glazing - Cleaning framework - Radio Use - Cleaning before and during trading hours. - Use of specialist cleaning equipment. Essential Requirements - Cleaning experience is preferred - Must be able to travel to the centre during heavy snowfalls in winter. - Experience using cleaning machinery - Available to cover holidays and sickness. Key Competencies: - Verbal and written communication skills - Professional personal presentation - Customer service orientation - Attention to detail Further Information: - Generous bonus scheme - Health care benefits - Pension benefits - Uniform supplied. Please send your CV to recruitment@westgrove.co.uk with the job title and site in the subject heading CLEANING OPERATIVE Location-UK-MID-Burton upon Trent Industries-Retail Job type-part time less than 30 hours Years of experience-1+ years Salary per hour 15 HOURS PER WEEK 5 DAYS MONDAY - FRIDAY 6.30AM AM Duties include vacuuming, buffing floors,polishing, cleaning staff toilets and all other related tasks. Applicants must have previous cleaning ex APJ Transport REKLAMA GAZETA 264x164 2 Strony.ai lpi :55:39 Process CyanProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess Black perience, as well as good written communication skills as will be reading dilution charts for chemicals. All job applicants will need to provide documentation which demonstrates their ability to work in the UK. marie.morgan@officecare.co.uk Cleaning Operative- Chester Company-Solo Service Group Location-UK-NW-Chester Industries Business services - other Job type Part time less than 30 hours Cleaner required, 15 hours per week, Monday-Sunday (6 days out of 7 on a rota basis to include 6.50 (Temporary/Cover Role) Duties will include sweeping, mopping, dusting, polishing, cleaning toilets, emptying bins and all other related task as required. To apply, applicants sent cv vacancies@soloservicegroup.com Cleaning Operative Company-Oltec Group Location-UK-NW-Warrington Job type Full time Salary per hour Job reference code JG - BW Application methods A position has arisen as a Cleaning Operative working for a prestigious client in Warrington. Candidates must have a smart and presentable appearance and have excellent communication skills. Experience essential. Duties include general cleaning duties, vacuuming carpets and upholstery, dusting, polishing and emptying bins. Benefits include Simply Health Plan and Legal Helpline. Succesful candidate will be flexible regarding hours, although hours of work will mainly be Tues, Wed, Thurs 7.30am - 10am and Friday 1pm - 3pm, totalling 9.5 hours per week. This is a part time post. To apply, please send a CV. Oltec Group are an equal oppurtunities employer. s.robinson@oltecgroup.com PROMOCJA NA PACZKI DO POLSKI PACZKA DO 31,5 KG ZAPŁACISZ TYLKO 16,99 TRANSPORTUJE paczki do Polski wyślesz ze strony paczki do Anglii wyślesz ze strony KONTAKT: PL UK info@expresspaczkowy.pl

14 KONTAKTY JOB-PRACA MAGAZYNY Warehouse Cleaner Company-Capital Outsourcing Group Ltd Job type-part time less than 30 hours Salary per hour Capital Outsourcing Group is seeking a part time cleaner on behalf of our client in Middleton, Manchester. Hours will be Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm You must be available for 1 week Monday-Friday 1.30pm-7.30pm for training, after this you will commence weekend hours as above. Your responsibilities will be to clean offices/work rooms/corridors break room/canteen facilities toilet facilities any other cleaning required The ideal candidate will Be available for immediate interview and start Have previous experience of cleaning in a warehouse environment Have knowledge of health and safety in a warehouse environment Be able to perform repetitive tasks to a high standard Be able to manage your own time and ensure targets are met Please apply by and include a CV and contact details and include Cleaner in the subject header. UK-NW-Liverpool Industries sen cv - kimberleighm@coguk.com Warehouse Packer Wholesale trade/import-export Career level-entry Level Salary per hour We currently require w Heads Recruitment Location-UK-NW-Rossendale Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Job type=full time Salary= per hou A number of positions are available for Warehouse Packers for a successful and growing company in the Haslingden area. You must be able to work within a team and unsupervised. Previous experience working in a factory environment would be advantageous. The role is a temporary ongoing position. The hours of work are from 8.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Please apply by sending your CV to b3@heads-uk.com Permanent Warehouse Staff Location-UK-NW-Warrington Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Salary per hour GBP7.21 Per Hour Igloo are looking to recruit 50 Permanent Warehouse staff to work at our hub in Warrington Guaranteed a minimum of 40 hours per week, working on morning and afternoon shifts. No previous experience is required as full training and inductions will be provided. All you need is a checkable work history. Immediate interviews and starts are available. To book your place, please call us now. We will require the following documentation during the recruitment process: A Passport or Full Birth Certificate Proof of National Insurance Proof of address The position is working in a busy parcel sorting hub, loading and unloading parcels on and off trunk vehicles. Canteen facilities and parking are available on site. Rates of pay start at 7.21 p/h rising to 7.33 p/h after 6 weeks. There is also a 0.20 p/h attendance bonus and overtime will be payable after 160 hours every 4 week period. ccrayden.362cadb3.0@applythis.net MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY warehouse loaders Company=Pendle Personnel Ltd Location-UK-NW-Accrington Years of experience-2+ years Career level Entry Level Salary per hour Our client is looking to recruit warehouse loaders for their warehouse operation you will be on your feet all day loading and carrying items to and from the warehouse and loading Arctic wagons with product loading properly and previous loading experience is necessary as this product ids high value. you will have previous warehouse loading experience and be able to be active in the role lifting up to 25KG will be necessary this is a physically demanding role and an immediate start for the right candidates to apply send your current cv to n.whittaker@pendlepersonnel.co.uk immediate starts for the right people Warehouse Picker Company-Cat Resourcing Location=UK-NW-Warrington Years of experience Less than 1 year Career level-none Salary per hour We are looking for various candidates for immediate packing roles to join our very busy client in the Appleton, Warrington WA4 area. Packing small items in a busy warehouse. Candidates must be able to learn quickly. Items will be picked using hand held scanners. After interview, you will be required to complete a trial. Pay: 6.50 Monday to Friday Weekends 6.60 Hours across 7 days hours; 6am-3pm-3pm-11pm 8am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday Candidates must be able to travel to this location.please check transport. Full training given prior to start of employment. sent cv - warringtonjobs@catresourcing.co.uk Warehouse Apprentice - Burton on Trent PLEASE DO NOT CALL the ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION AS- SOCATION, AS THIS IS SEPERATE FROM EDA LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT RECRUITMENT This is an apprenticeship. The employer has given assurance the apprenticeship is government funded for ages Full training will be provided 12 month fixed term contract leading to a permanent position for the right candidate Hours 8.00am-5.00pm Mon - Fri Working within this very busy electrical branch, your main duties will be:checking goods in picking and packing customers orders booking in stock from suppliers putting stock away on the shelves keeping the warehouse clean and tidy arranging returns to suppliers of faulty goods deadline with couriers loading vans Working on the trade counter Serving customers gaining and keeping up to date with product knowledge Location-UK-MID-Burton upon Trent Industries-Other/not classified Education Level GCSE / Scottish or equivalent Salary per week Job reference code EDABOT Application methods sent cv michelle@edarecruitment.co.uk WAREHOUSE PACKER & POST ROOM ASSISTANT - Company-Wirral Discount Supplies Ltd Location-UK-NW-Ellesmere Port Industries-Retail Education Level 14 PAGE GCSE / Scottish or equivalent Salary-7.75 per hour We are a local appliance spares business looking for help with the daily running of our busy packing room. Suitable candidates will have: Good GCSE grades or equivalent including Maths and English. PC experience using Word, Excel & Windows plus good typing skills. Previous warehouse & packer experience and current forklift truck licence (desirable) Knowledge of Health and Safety best practice Excellent time keeping, reliability and attention to detail (essential). Flexibility with working & be prepared to work extra hours. Good numeracy, writing, grammar and communication skills, as will be working on own initiative and also as part of a small team. You will be working with orders received via the internet, packing & posting daily orders, keeping accurate files & records, liaising with courier & Royal Mail driver, loading wagons, plus some stock control duties. This is a role which requires the ability to work quickly and accurately within a fast paced environment. Hours: Monday-Friday / 42.5 hours / 8am-5pm. Saturday work required (1 in 3) plus some bank holidays. Four weeks holiday a year. Please apply in person (ideally) with CV and covering letter, outlining why your skills and experience match the role description. Please ask for: Laurence Nixon, Wirral Discount Supplies Ltd, Unit 1, Cedab Road industrial Estate, Ellesmere Port. CH65 4FE. Tel: (0151) sent cv - laurence@spares2gouk.com Dispatch/ Warehouse Co-ordinator Location-UK-NW-Wigan Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Salary per hour My Client based in Wigan are looking to recruit a Dispatch co-ordinator to start asap for a 3 month temporary assignment. Hours and Salary Monday - Friday 9am-5:30pm Paz Rate: per hour Duties Working in the warehouse, collating orders ready for distribution. Orders will be mainly payroll software and stationary orders.no heavy manual work required, orders collated will be paper based. Please apply directly or forward any relevant CV s to lucy. thistlewood@reedglobal.com Warehouse Packer Company = Prime Time Recruitment - Northwich Location = UK-NW-Northwich Job type -Full time Salary = per hour Our client is looking for warehouse packers to help cover a busy period on a temporary basis. There will be more work through out the year. The Job includes packing, counting & collating into boxes and pallets. No experience is needed as full training is provided. The Hours are 9-5pm / 6pm / 7pm - covering increased work. Please send your CV Application methods charlotte.jones@cordantrecruitment.com Warehouse Staff Location-UK-NW-Burnley Industries-Wholesale trade/import-export Career level Entry Level- Salary per hour Hours of Work Overtime Shift work We currently require warehouse staff to work for our large client, immediate starts available. You will be working within a busy and target driven distribution environment, duties include Picking stock items whilst operating hand held scanning devices, packing items ready for dispatch and loading and unloading orders ready for store and customer deliveries. This is a temporary on-going contract initially with a view of becoming permanent for the right candidates. Our client currently work various shift systems. sent cv burnleyjobs@catresourcing.co.u

15 15 PAGE KONTAKTY JOB-PRACA MAGAZYNY Warehouse Pickers Salary per hour Currently looking for experienced order pickers to work within a busy warehouse environment. Duties will include picking in a timely fashion using pick guns, palatalizing, stacking and wrapping pallets, working within a team as well as an individual, adhering to the company health and safety rules and other general warehouse duties. The company work rotating shifts 6am-2pm and 2pm-10pm and candidates must be able to work both shifts, overtime will be available and you are expected to work OT to suit the business needs sent cv wojciech.palac@heads-uk.com Warehouse Storeperson Company Platinum Batteries (Europe) Ltd Location - UK-NW-Manchester Industries- Automotive sales and repair services Job type - Full time Salary - 15, per year Platinum Batteries (Europe) Ltd are looking for a switched on, hard working, happy faced storeperson. Typical duties in this role include - Mainly order picking, Inbound/Outbound FLT work, Dealing with old core units, Refreshing of voltage levels, Replenishing pick faces. Hours of work are Mon to Fri 10.00am until 7.00pm (No Sat or Sun) and the position is based at our Trafford Park Head Office. It may be an advantage to you if you have worked in a face paced order picking environment before and currently hold a current driving and FLT licence No previous knowledge of automotive batteries needed but be prepared for manual handling. sent cv Logistics@platinumbatteries.co.uk Warehouse Driver materials and supplies; operating a forklift and ability to drive a 7.5T VEHICLE Duties: * Plans supply and material requirements by studying production schedule; scheduling deliveries to production area. * Retrieves supplies and materials by studying specifications; locating and verifying supplies and materials; secures pallet on truck; moves pallet to production location. * Maintains inventory in production area by anticipating and tracking usage. * Monitors inventory by reporting discrepancies. * Clears production area by securing and moving finished pallets; moving empty pallets. * Documents actions by logging movement of supplies, materials, and finished goods. * Maintains safe work environment by watching out for foot traffic; following standards and procedures; complying with legal regulations. * Keeps forklift operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; maintaining supplies; performing preventive maintenance; calling for repairs. * Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunitie. * Accomplishes warehousing and organisation mission by completing related results as needed. Application methods send cv ashraf@josephinternational.co.uk Warehouse Man/Sawer Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries-Manufacturing - other Years of experience-1+ years Career level Entry Level Salary-17, , per year Taskmaster Resources LTD are currently looking for an experience Warehouseman with Saw Experience. This is a temp to perm role for the right candidates. The main duties include operations of a CNC Saw, picking of goods for the Saw, loading sheet metal and removal of cut panels. Hours will be Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 5pm but candidates could also be asked to cover the afternoon shift on occasions (1pm- 9pm) The ideal candidate must have good knowledge of maths and willingness to learn new skills. Counterbalance/Reach FLT licence would be advantageous but not essential. Candidates must also have good initiative to work unsupervised but also work part of a team. Previous experience within a similar role is WIELKA PROMOCJA 2 dekodery HD plus jeden dekoder zadzwoń po szczegóły desired but on-going training will be provided. To apply for this position, please send your CV to Leanne Maskill at Taskmaster Resources LTD sent cv - lmaskill@tmrec.com Warehouse Loaders Location-UK-Yorkshire-Doncaster Salary per hour We are requiring experienced warehouse loaders for our client based in Doncaster. The successful applicant must be physically fit as the role entails heavy lifting all day in teams so you must also be a team player. The hours are 6-3 Monday and Tuesday-Friday 6-4. Send your cv to doncaster@temps-ltd.co.uk Production/Warehouse Supervisor Location UK-Yorkshire-Doncaster Industries - Staffing/employment agencies Job type Full time Salary per hour GBP per hour + Overtime Opportunities Reporting to General Manager A manufacturer of a variety of types of doors have an immediate position for a Production/Warehouse Supervisor to join their expanding manufacturing department in Doncaster. Main role & responsibilities: Responsible for the manufacture of made to order products. Assist in developing a focused & responsive team that delivers a high quality product on time to meet our customer demand. Lead & motivate a team where production is orientated around skilled assembly. Provide clear direction to ensure Production targets are met whilst continually reviewing working practices. Be able to drive improvements in efficiency & quality output in coaching style management. Role requires excellent organisation, time management and attention to detail skills. Experience in joinery/timber is preferrable and supervisory experience essential Hours of work are 39 hours per week, Monday to Thursday with some overtime on on Friday/Saturday as and when required. Hourly rate Wages paid weekly. sent cv Alex @applythis.net Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries-Wholesale trade/import-export Salary-Negotiable depending on experience Warehouse person required. Must have driving licence, and experience of driving 3.5 tonne vans (or equivalent) a benefit. Duties include goods in, picking goods, loading vans and some delivery of goods. We also have trade counter so must have good people skills. Working Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.30pm. We have a yearly bonus scheme. Position is based in Morley. sent cv kath.robinson@stearn.co.uk Warehouse 7.5t Driver Location-UK-Yorkshire-Huddersfield Industries-Manufacturing - other Years of experience 1+ years Career level None-Salary per hour Hours of Work Fixed term contract Job Purpose: Keeps production supplied by retrieving

16 KONTAKTY PRACA KIEROWCY Yorkshire hnhn Rental Assistant/Driver Location-UK-Yorkshire-Wakefield Industries-Rental services Job type--full time Years of experience - 2+ years Career level - Experienced (Non-Manager) Education Level GCSE / Scottish or equivalent Salary - Bonus Scheme Job reference code- wakefield Rental Assistant/Driver required for busy Car & Van Rental Company based in Wakefield. Duties to include dealing with customers both face to face and by telephone, taking and processing bookings and occasionally assisting with deliveries and collections.. Ideally candidate will have some customer focused retail experience and be computer literate. Experience is not essential as full training will be given to the right candidate. Will need to hold a full licence. Hours of work are Monday to Friday 8.00 until and Saturday 8.00 until Wages are negotiable dependant upon age and experience and we also offer a sales/performance related bonus scheme. If interested please CV to lorraine@minsterselfdrive.co.uk quoting ref WAKE/1: Counterbalance FLT Driver Company - Travail Employment Group Location - UK-Yorkshire-Bradford Job type - Full time Salary per hour THE CLIENT:Our well-established Wyke based manufacturing client can offer a role as a temporary Counterbalance FLT Driver. THE JOB-Within the role of Counterbalance FLT Driver you will be required to work within an extremely busy and fast paced environment. You must be able to work under pressure and have the ability to manage your own time efficiently. CRITERIA:You must hold a valid Counterbalance Forklift Truck License that has been renewed in the past 3 years and Safety Boots that are in good condition. BENEFITS & SALARY: You will be required to work rotating shifts Monday Friday; 6am-2pm and 2pm-10pm; this role is an ongoing temporary position. The hourly rate starts at 6.56 and after successfully completing 12 weeks of work your pay will increase to WHAT NEXT: Travail Employment Group LTD is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy. Travail has been established since 1977 and has over 30 branches nationwide. Our Huddersfield branch was opened in 1995 and has specialist consultants who each deal with different market segments. To apply for this or other similar roles in Huddersfield, Halifax, Elland, Brighouse, Dewsbury or Batley area, sent cv - job@travail.org.uk Cat C+E Night Driver Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries- -Transport and storage - materials Job type - Full time Salary per hour Hours of Work Overtime Shift work Application methods We urgently require Class 1 night drivers.the role will involve shifts work MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY from Monday to Friday with start times from 6pm - 8pm daily for around 12 hours per night. It will involve night trunking to docks from our local company based in Leeds, with some trailer swopping. Great rates of pay of p/h + overtime after 8 hours. Self employed drivers are welcome!! sent cv - callum@clearlinksolutions.c.uk Class 2 HGV Multi drop driver Location- UK-Yorkshire-Bradford Industries-Food and beverage production Salary per hour Hours of Work-Overtime We urgently require Class 2 Multi drop drivers for day deliveries, the role will be on-going and could lead to a permanent position the role will involve 3am starts 5 days out of 7 and you would be required to loading your own waggon before you go out on your route given and all routes are up to 18 drops per day and will to either supermarkets, shops or cash and carry s around the north and south of the Yorkshire and surrounding areas, experience in multi drop would be advantageous digi card and cpc card required great rates of pay and overtime rates after 8 hours daily 8.50p/h to 11p/h also premium rates for weekends call now sent cv - gavin@clearlinksolutions.co.uk FLT Driver Counterbalance Company-SLA Employment Solutions Ltd Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries-Staffing/employment agencies Salary per hour Our client based in Leeds, West Yorkshire is looking to recruit an FLT COUNTERBALANCE DRIVER. This is a temporary on going vacancy and may lead to permanent for the right candidate.you must hold a Counterbalance Licence which has been refreshed in the last 3 years and have previous warehouse experience. Duties will include preparing orders ready for despatch, labelling, loading/ unloading wagons, etc. Hours are 6am 2pm Monday to Friday, however this may move to a 2-10pm shift Monday to Friday, once training is complete. Rate of Pay: Early Shift 7.10 per hour, Late Shift 8.17 per hour. sent cv - sla.employment@btinternet.com Experienced FLT Counterbalance Driver Evenings/Nights Company-Logical PS Driving Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Salary per hour Hours of Work Flexitime-Overtime Logical Personnel Solutions Urgently require 2 x FLT counterbalance drivers, one to work an afternoon shift 2pm until 10pm and one to work a night shift 10pm until 6am. Duties include - Working in an extremely busy, and fast paced warehouse, you will be responsible for unloading lorry s, moving pallets around the warehouse, loading of wagons ready to go out on the road, wrapping pallets, and labelling pallets up correctly. You will work efficently, quickly, and precisely and you will work well under pressure. Applicants, must have recent, relevant experience in a similar role, you will have previous experience of working in a fast paced, busy warehouse on an FLT, and will of worked within health and safety guidelines, you will have all relevant FLT licences with refreshers etc. A short 1 hour assessment will be required for our client to see your skills on the FLT and explain the warehouse rules, should you be successful and happy with the role, you will then be offered a position, you must be prepared to start work as soon as the next working day. To Apply for this position, please send your CV to georgea.emmett@logicalps.com CPCS Roller driver / Grounworker Company-Search Consultancy Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Salary per hour We require an experienced groundworker with a CPCS Ride on Roller ticket to work on a new construction site in Holbeck, Leeds. Duties will include all aspects of groundworks including paving/ flagging & kerbing and driving the Roller as an when required. Requirements; - Valid CPCS card - Must be able to provide atleast 2 relevant work references - Must have own PPE. sent cv - wayne.smart@hotmail.co.uk PAGE GREEN LIGHT RECRUITMENT Company-Green Light Recruitment Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Recruiting of behalf of our client, Green Light Recruitment require experienced 7.5 tonne multi drop Drivers with full CPC and a digital tachograph for a permanent role in Leeds. Our client is one of the leading independent parcel courier companies in West Yorkshire based in central Leeds. Due to rapid company expansion, they currently have vacancies for experienced drivers to work in the West Yorkshire area. Experience and a good knowledge of the Leeds and Wakefield, Bradford areas is preferable but not essential as full training will be provided. Package includes excellent rate of pay, bonus scheme, overtime, and uniform provided. For insurance purposes, you must have held your 7.5 tonne licence for two years, have no more than 6 points on your licences and have driven for a minimum of 180 days in the past two years. To apply for this role, send an to pauld@greenlightrecruitment.co.uk PCV DRIVERS Company - Just Coach Drivers Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries - Travel, transportation and tourism Job type Full time Career level Experienced (Non-Manager) Salary - 15, per year 4 weeks holiday and Bank Holidays Commencing 1st March Interviews to be held in February. MUST hold a Full PCV Manual Licence,Digital Tachograph and CPC. You will need a Disclosure Scotland or CRB as appropriate. A Passport will also be required. To drive coaches and buses for our clients all over the UK. You must have a minimum of 2 years experience and be able to do Coach Tours,Service work, Private Hire and some School work. You will be required to keep your vehicle clean at all times both inside and out. sent cv - nancy@wts.co.uk HGV/LGV CLASS 2 (C) DRIVERS - DAYS Company-Ocean City Recruitment Limited Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Salary per hour Job Reference: 004/Leeds/1911. Ocean City Recruitment Ltd OCR are working with Yusen Logistics UK Ltd out of their depot in Stourton, Leeds. We require 4 x Class 2 HGV drivers to assist on this contract on an ongoing basis. Duties will involve between 8 and 12 deliveries per day to retail outlets or small distribution centres. Goods will either be palletised and/or white goods so will involve heavy moving of large fridge freezers and other large items. Start times are 0600 until finish, approx 10 hour shifts but can be up to 12 hours on the busier days. Any drivers who have previously worked for any Yusen depot and/or have had inductions with this client, are particularly encouraged to contact us. Candidates must be reliable, punctual and possess good communication skills and be able to provide excellent customer service and really go that extra mile. With recent experience of driving Class 2, you should have no major endorsements on your licence. In return, you can expect ongoing work, as well as permanent prospects, competitive rates of pay, opportunities to increase earnings and ongoing incentives and bonuses in return for loyalty and commitment. Ocean City Recruitment Limited are operating as an employment business. sent cv - leeds@ocean-city.co.uk drivers needed 14tn Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries-Construction - residential & commercial/office Salary per hour Hours of Work Temporary contract Fixed term contract I am currently looking for a 14 tonne 360 operator to start work in the Leeds area. You must have a valid CPCS card and onsite experience. This is a good opportunity to get on with a large contractor with the chance to move site to site with them. The work is ongoing and the rate of pay is per hour. If interested sent cv - nick@trade-force.co.uk

17 17 PAGE KUCHARZE Manchester Weekend Cook Company-Mayfield Residential Home Location-UK-NW-Sale Industries-Healthcare services Job type-part time less than 30 hours Years of experience-1+ years Education Level-Vocational (e.g. NVQ/SNVQ) Hours of Work Weekend cook required for residential care home for up to 24 elderly residents. Experience of cooking in a Residential Care is not essential but would be beneficial. Your main tasks as a cook would include: Preparing, cooking and presenting food in line with requirements of residents and regulations Must be able to prepare home cooked food Ensuring kitchen is kept clean and maintained in accordance with regulations and home requirements and following relevant hygiene, health and safety guidelines Helping to ensure appropriate stock levels Completing relevant documentation Experience in preparing food for elderly people required. Relevant NVQ or equivalent preferred. sent - cv - nadia.carney@mayfieldcare.com Cook Location-UK-NW-Sale Industries-Healthcare services Career level None-Education Level Professional qualification/accreditation Salary-Exceeds National Minimum Wage Job reference code Cook - L Temporary contract Full Time Cook required for care home in Sale. Hours Seasonal, 40 hours per week to include weekends.the successful candidate will work in Cooking good quality nutritious meals for 17 residents. Adherence to strict hygiene and cross infection policies and completion of kitchen Cooks Fish and Chip shop. The successful applicant will be involved in preparing and serving documentation. DBS will be paid for by employer. To start immediately--=. Please send your CV to food on a daily basis and using a till and handling cash each day. Will need good customer admin@karahouse.co.uk service, a basic knowledge or previous experience would be preferred but is not necessary as Cook Company-The Buxton inn full training will be given. Location-UK-NW-Hyde A basic Food Hygiene certificate would be preferred.to apply: CV to ross.owen@ Industries-Food and beverage production Job type bourne-leisure.co.uk Part time less than 30 hours Salary-Competitive Cook required, duties include cooking, preparing, and cleaning the Cook kitchen, making sure allergens are not present, and also responsible for Location-UK-NW-Stockport making orders. Industries-Healthcare services Part-time hours with the potential for overtime. Job type-part time less than 30 hours sent cv- Infoatthebuxtoninn@gmail.com Years of experience-1+ years Career level Fish & Chip Shop Team Member (Cook s) None-Education Level Location=UK-NW-Blackpool Vocational (e.g. NVQ/SNVQ) Industries-Hotels and lodging Salary-6.50 per hour Hours of Work Salary-Meets National Minimum Wage Applicants must be able to oversee the busy Hours of Work kitchen duties within a small unit working with residents who have mental health needs. Duties include food preparation, cooking, serving both hot & cold food & documentation (logging food temperatures/complying with hygiene etc) Other duties will be assisting existing support staff. The successful applicant must have the ability to get along with others and work well within our team of dedicated staff. Main objectives are to maintain high standards of care within the homes. Induction period and ongoing training provided. DBS will initially be funded by the company. sent cv - gary@carefirsthomes.com Ortodoncja w Victoria Dental Manchester tel Ponadto posiadamy szeroki wybór aparatów stalych czyli założonych na zębach pacjenta na okres leczenia.aparty te są aparatami standardowymi, leczenie trwa około 2-3 lata i wizyty kontrolne są co 6 tygodni. Aparaty metalowe tradycyjne z ligature elastyczna Aparaty kosmetyczne szafirowe. Aparaty kosmetyczne ceramiczne Oferujemy rownież najnowszejsze zamki samoligiturujace typu Damona, ktore mogą być metalowe lub ceramiczen. Aparaty te skracają znacznie czas leczenia do okresu 1-2 lat i wymagają wizyt kontrolnych co tygodni. Aparty te sa bezpieczniejsze dla pacjentów gdyż przesuwaja zeby z uzyciem znacznie mniejszej siły. Oferujemy system Insignia gdzie indywidualne zamki są ustawiane dla każdego pacjenta komputerowo w laboratorium. Oferujemy samolitigujace kosmetyczne zamki Damona. Oferujemy rownież leczenie aparatami dojezykowymi jak Incognito lub STB firmy Ormco

18 MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY 18 PAGE Dzwoń tanio do Polski z każdej komórki w Wielkiej Brytanii. Wyślij smsa o treści ECHA wedlug stawek na numer w tabeli niżej i zostanie pobrane 5 lub 10 funtów i z tego bedzie pobierana oplata gdy dzwonisz do Polski 1.7 pensów lub 2 pensy. Pózniej wybierz i numer docelowy Stawki połączen do innych krajów: Niemcy : doladowanie 5 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy doladowanie 10 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy LITWA : doladowanie 5 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny - 7 pensy komorka - 64 pensy doladowanie 10 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka - 54 pensy SLOWACJA : doladowanie 5 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy doladowanie 10 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny -2 pensy komorka pensy Stawki połączen do innych krajów: Czechy : doladowanie 5 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy doladowanie 10 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy RUMUNIA: doladowanie 5 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy doladowanie 10 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny - `.2 pensy komorka - 8 pensy USA : doladowanie 5 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny pensy komorka pensy doladowanie 10 funtow - taryfa: na stacjonarny -1.1 pensy komorka pensy

19 19 PAGE KONTAKTY PRACA KUCHARZE Yorkshire Cook in Charge Company-Chartwells Location-UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Industries- Restaurant/food services Job type - Full time-career level Manager (Manager/Supervisor of Staff) Education Level-CSE or equivalent Salary per hour Pension - Hours of Work Term-time working- 8.00/hour Our Company vision is Great People, Great Service, Great Results and we believe your contribution is crucial to the success of the business. To achieve our vision we live by the values of Integrity, Team work, Passion, Can-Do and Responsibility The Position-Working 35 hours per week, Monday to Friday 46 Weeks per Year, term time only with flexibility as and when the business requires We have a great opportunity for a Cook in Charge to join and lead our team in an educational establishment in Leeds. As an experienced Cook ibn Charge, you will already know that culinary expertise sits at the heart of who we are. The role of Cook incharge is to ensure fantastic food and exceptional service is provided, whilst managing the P&L accounts. The ideal candidate will have experience of running a kitchen and delivering fantastic food to the highest quality. As Cook in Charge you will be responsible for: Managing and Supporting their team Catering for breakfast, mid morning break lunch and hospitality in a & Primary School Managing budget-stock Ordering Training and motivating staff Building an excellent relationship with the client The Person-A can do attitude - Able to motivate staff Able to take ownership and drive the team forward, whilst embracing change Understanding of the business with the ability to suggest and make changes for the benefit of the unit and the client Passionate about food-adaptable and flexible Always striving to make a difference The Benefits-Compass Group UK & Ireland offers excellent career and development opportunities, as an organisation that s proud of its great people, we believe in the opportunity to recognise and share success, that s why we offer a competitive salary, pension scheme and life assurance and company discounts.in addition, this role offers free car parking, uniforms and the opportunity to progress within the company.please note that due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be contacted within 7 working days sent cv - paula.stubbs@compass-group.co.uk Nursery Cook Location - UK-Yorkshire-Bradford Part time less than 30 hours Career level-experienced (Non-Manager) Education Level Professional qualification/accreditation Job reference code COOK1 We are looking to employ a nursery cook for a 30 place nursery. Part Time, hours per week. Main duties are: To prepare and cook healthy meals for children ages 0-5 years. To plan menus alongside the Manager. To monitor stock and prepare a shopping list for the Manager to order the food. To keep the kitchen clean, tidy and be responsible for the hygiene in the kitchen. To attend any training required. To be responsible for the Safer Food, better business file. Applicants must: Have a current Food Hygiene and First Aid certificate or be willing to do training. Have experience of working in the food industry. Be flexible. Have excellent time keeping skills. Be a team player. Desirable:NVQ qualification or equivalent. Knowledge/ experience of Health and Safety Procedures. Knowledge of Allergens. Applicants must be available for interview on Monday 23rd February. sent cv - sunnysidebradford@gmail.com cook/chef Location-UK-Yorkshire-Pudsey Industries-Restaurant/food services Job type-part time less than 30 hours Career level - Experienced (Non-Manager) Education Level GCSE / Scottish or equivalent Salary-6.50 per hour. We are a small but very busy coffee shop, we are looking for someone to work alongside the chef, this person must have experience of working in a busy kitchen and be reliable, flexible and able to work weekends, The person will be responsible for preparing and cooking food to a high standard, having a good knowledge of health and safety, cleaning of kitchen equipment and general health and hygiene.- sent cv - fay83@fsmail.net Cook Company Polka Dot Playcentre Location UK-Yorkshire-Leeds Salary per hour Enthusiastic and experienced Cook required for busy playcentre in Garforth on the outskirts of Leeds with immediate start. This is a fast paced environment and the role involves preparing / cooking a variety of simple dishes, both hot and cold, to a high standard from an existing menu alongside all general kitchen duties and party prep. Essential requirements are: Excellent hygiene standards Excellent organisational and time management skills Enthusiastic and reliable with good time keeping A good understanding of wastage and costings and a Level 2 Food Hygiene qualification would be a very good advantage Approximately 40 hours per week, includes alternate Saturday / Sunday. Wage dependent on experience between per hour Sent CV to claire.polkadotplaycentreltd@yahoo.co.uk POLSKIE BIURO W BRADFORD & MANCHESTER KIEROWCY & BURNLEY MANCHESTER FLT Reach Driver OFERUJEMY : Tłumaczenia ustne i pisemne Księgowość Ubezpieczenia Hipoteki Prawnik/ Notariusz Testamenty/ Benefity/ Zasiłki Długi w UK Odszkodowania KURSY/ SZKOLENIA KLUB NETWORKINGOWY SZKOŁA JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO Zdobądź z nami brytyjski paszport: Location-UK-NW-Salford We are currently looking for a flt driver for a large warehouse in the Manchester area, the ideal candidate will; ADRES: Bradford Oakwood Court Business Centre City Road BD8 8JY Telefon stacjonarny: +44 (0) Telefon komórkowy: +44 (0) info@krystynaczerwinska.com

20 KIEROWCY LIVERPOOL 360 Excavator Driver Location UK-NW-L14 Industries - Staffing/employment agencies Job type - Full time Education Level GCSE / Scottish or equivalent Salary per hour 12 Per Hour We require a 20T 360 Excavator Driver in Liverpool to start on a Earthworks Project on the 2nd February. Main duties will be offloading materials and unloading wagons. Successful applicant will have a valid CPCS Card and be able to provide at least two checkable working references. sent cv @jobs.recruitive.com Location - UK-NW-Liverpool Industries - Staffing/employment agencies Job type - Full time Ride on Roller Operators Liverpool Area Must Have Blue CPCS Card Good Site experience On Going Contracts Excellent Rates Of Pay Ride on Roller Driver Advertised on behalf Fastrac Resourcing solutions Ltd Please send CV to jason@frsjobs.co.uk Job type Full time KONTAKTY JOB-PRACA MIESIĘCZNIK KONTAKTY Counterbalance FLT Driver Location - UK-NW-Liverpool Job type - Full time Salary per hour Hours of Work Flexitime-Overtime AM2PM Recruitment Ltd Liverpool L24 Counterbalance FLT Drivers AM2PM Recruitment Speke-Garston AM2PM are Recruiting on behalf of our client, a large warehousing company based in Speke. We require Counterbalance FLT drivers for temp to perm contract. You must be able to provide us with a Counterbalance license certificate per hour Different shifts are available Immediate Starts and Permanent positions are available for the right candidates sent cv - danny@am2pm.uk.com FLT Driver Reach and Bendi Licence Company-Partners Location - UK-NW-Wigan Job type --Full time Salary per hour FLT Driver ( Reach Licence and Bendi Licence) Salary: 7.00ph Based: Ashton in Makerfield We are seeking FLT drivers with a current FLT Reach and Bendi licence for our client based in Ashton in Makerfield. Due to an increase in workload, they are seeking an additional Warehouse Operative to join their existing team. Duties will include picking stock, goods in and unloading stock. You will have good levels of numeracy, be able to work at a fast pace and work on your feet. This is a temporary role initially. Applicants will ideally have warehouse or manufacturing experience and must have a current Reach and Bendi licence certified by a registered provider. You will be hard working, enthusiastic and reliable. Hours of work this is a day shift. This is a temporary vacancy.to apply please your CV using the link provided. Candidates who meet the above criteria will then be contacted for further discussion and interview. sent cv- karenjones@partnerus.co.uk Ton Driver Location - UK-NW-Skelmersdale Construction - residential & commercial/office Job type - Full time Salary - Weekly Pay Hours of Work We are currently looking for 7.5 Ton drivers for our clients based around Manchester, Middleton, Oldham and Rochdale, (apply if you can work in any of these locations and further afield) Must have 7.5 Ton license Cpc card Digitaco Location-UK-NW-Salford Job type Full time Application methods Phone: zak@career-makers.co.uk Driver/Labourer We require a Stores person / driver / Labourer to start 16th February for a 14 Week Contract. Must have full clean UK driving License and Valid CSCS card. The work is physically demanding as you will be required to pick windows and doors from the storeroom s and deliver them on site in Skemersdale. Must have checkable references start date is 16th February. To apply please sent cv Bromak on or send CV s to PAGE 7.5t Driver Location-UK-NW-Ellesmere Port Transport and storage - materials Driving Force Recruitment Ltd Job Title 7.5t Driver Location Ellesmere Port Salary Negotiable THIS VACANCY IS ON A TEMP/PERM CON- TRACT, FULL TIME JOB FOR THE RIGHT CAN- DIDATE Our client, who transports stationary and office furniture, require a 7.5t Cat C1 Driver. Ideal candidate Must have smart and tidy appearance, good customer service skills and looking for a long term opportunity. Training will be given to the right candidate. Applicants must hold valid LGV Cat C1 licence, Digi Card, CPC Card. Due to insurance liability we cannot accept drivers who have IN, DD or DR Endorsements. sent cv ellesmereport@driving-force.co.uk Shunter driver Company-Great Bear Distribution Location-UK-NW-Merseyside Industries-Energy and utilities Job type--full time Salary-23, per year Must hold a full LGV class 1 licence and full CPC certificate. Main duties include yard shunting and some occasional road use between sites. Uniform is provided. 46 hours per week nights only 7pm 7am 4 on, 4 off. 23,600pa plus overtime.20 days annual leave. To apply please CV to Vinnie Greco sent cv - vinnie.greco@greatbear.co.uk t Driver Company-DK Associates Ltd Location-UK-MID-Burton upon Trent Industries Transport and storage - materials Salary per hour Are you a 7.5t driver looking for regular work in the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area? DK Associates are looking for 7.5t drivers to fill a variety of roles with excellent rates of pay and a variety of shift patterns. You must hold a valid 7.5t License and have a Digi card and Driver CPC qualification. sent cv - jaimew@dk-recruit.co.uk The Best Connection Group Ltd Location-UK-NW-Runcorn Years of experience 1+ years-career level Experienced (Non-Manager) Salary per hour Hours of Work-Overtime Temporary contract Our client in Preston Brook, is looking to recruit experienced Man Up, VNA, Counter Balance & Reach drivers for exciting new opportunities in a recently opened warehouse. Duties will include: Stock replenishment Order picking Loading / Unloading Preparing pallets ready for despatch The hours for these roles are Monday to Thursday & Friday. These positions are potentially Temp 2 Perm opportunities for the right candidates. To apply for these positions, please call The Best Connection on and ask for the Industrial desk or send your CV to warrington@ thebestconnection.co.uk This advert has been placed on behalf of The Best Connection Group Ltd, which is acting as an Employment Business. Successful applicants will be contracted to The Best Connection Group Ltd under a contract of employment. sent cv warrington@thebestconnection. co.uk

PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o.

PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Miejsce odbywania stażu / Legal address Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw Stanowisko, obszar działania/

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Working Tax Credit Child Tax Credit Jobseeker s Allowance

Working Tax Credit Child Tax Credit Jobseeker s Allowance Benefits Depending on your residency status (EU citizen or not) there are various benefits available to help you with costs of living. A8 nationals need to have been working for a year and be registered

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Tychy, plan miasta: Skala 1: (Polish Edition)

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Goodman Kraków Airport Logistics Centre. 62,350 sqm available. Units from 1,750 sqm for immediate lease. space for growth+

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THE RAIL RATES valid from 1st October 2015

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PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O

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PROGRAM STAŻU. IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw

PROGRAM STAŻU. IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o. Miejsce odbywania stażu / Legal address Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wroclaw Stanowisko, obszar działania/

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SSW1.1, HFW Fry #20, Zeno #25 Benchmark: Qtr.1. Fry #65, Zeno #67. like

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PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O. Miejsce odbywania stażu IBM, ul. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wrocław, Poland

PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O. Miejsce odbywania stażu IBM, ul. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wrocław, Poland PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM GSDC SP.Z.O.O Miejsce odbywania stażu IBM, ul. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wrocław, Poland Stanowisko, obszar działania Młodszy Koordynator w Departamencie Zarządzania

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MaPlan Sp. z O.O. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż / Company name IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Sp z o.o.

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No matter how much you have, it matters how much you need

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Financial support for start-uppres. Where to get money? - Equity. - Credit. - Local Labor Office - Six times the national average wage (22000 zł)

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DO MONTAŻU POTRZEBNE SĄ DWIE OSOBY! INSTALLATION REQUIRES TWO PEOPLE! 1 HAPPY ANIMALS B09 INSTRUKCJA MONTAŻU ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Akcesoria / Fittings K1 M M1 ZM1 Z T G1 17 szt. / pcs 13 szt. / pcs B1 13 szt. / pcs W4 13 szt. / pcs W6 14 szt. / pcs U1 1 szt. / pcs U N1

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

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INSTRUKCJE JAK AKTYWOWAĆ SWOJE KONTO PAYLUTION INSTRUKCJE JAK AKTYWOWAĆ SWOJE KONTO PAYLUTION Kiedy otrzymana przez Ciebie z Jeunesse, karta płatnicza została zarejestrowana i aktywowana w Joffice, możesz przejść do aktywacji swojego konta płatniczego

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Karpacz, plan miasta 1:10 000: Panorama Karkonoszy, mapa szlakow turystycznych (Polish Edition)

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DO MONTAŻU POTRZEBNE SĄ DWIE OSOBY! INSTALLATION REQUIRES TWO PEOPLE! HAPPY ANIMALS RW08 INSTRUKCJA MONTAŻU ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Akcesoria / Fittings K M M ZM ZW G 0 szt. / pcs W szt. / pcs B szt. / pcs szt. / pcs W U 8 szt. / pcs 4 szt. / pcs U N szt. / pcs Ø3 x szt. /

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Cel szkolenia. Konspekt

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www.irs.gov/form990. If "Yes," complete Schedule A Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part

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Wojewodztwo Koszalinskie: Obiekty i walory krajoznawcze (Inwentaryzacja krajoznawcza Polski) (Polish Edition)

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New Hire Form - Poland

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Dolny Slask 1: , mapa turystycznosamochodowa: Plan Wroclawia (Polish Edition)

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APPLICATION FORM. Overseas Criminal Record Check POLAND

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DO MONTAŻU POTRZEBNE SĄ DWIE OSOBY! INSTALLATION REQUIRES TWO PEOPLE! 1 HAPPY ANIMALS SZ11 A INSTRUKCJA MONTAŻU ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Akcesoria / Fittings K1 M M1 ZM1 Z G1 szt. / pcs 0 szt. / pcs B1 6 szt. / pcs 6 szt. / pcs W6 0 szt. / pcs U1 19 szt. / pcs U 50 szt. / pcs

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Because location matters+

Because location matters+ Goodman Warsaw Logistics Centre 26,643 sqm available from Q4 2016 26,838 sqm for development Because location matters Goodman Warszawa Logistics Centre Natolin k. Grodziska Mazowieckiego, Warszawa Najlepsze

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POLAND TENDER. Zamieszczanie ogłoszenia: obowiązkowe. Ogłoszenie dotyczy: zamówienia publicznego. SEKCJA I: ZAMAWIAJĄCY

POLAND TENDER. Zamieszczanie ogłoszenia: obowiązkowe. Ogłoszenie dotyczy: zamówienia publicznego. SEKCJA I: ZAMAWIAJĄCY POLAND TENDER Złotów: Usługi kominiarskie wykonywane w budynkach administrowanych przez Miejski Zakład Gospodarki Lokalami w Złotowie Numer ogłoszenia: 422442-2009; data zamieszczenia: 09.12.2009 OGŁOSZENIE

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ARABIAN HORSE GALA 2017, JANÓW PODLASKI, POLAND ARABIAN HORSE GALA 2017, JANÓW PODLASKI, POLAND PROGRAM OF EVENTS AUGUST 11 th -14 th, 2017 AUGUST 11th, 2017 (Friday) Warsaw 9:00 am Bus departure from Warsaw Polonia Palace Hotel to 12:00 noon Bus departure

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Patients price acceptance SELECTED FINDINGS

Patients price acceptance SELECTED FINDINGS Patients price acceptance SELECTED FINDINGS October 2015 Summary With growing economy and Poles benefiting from this growth, perception of prices changes - this is also true for pharmaceuticals It may

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Ilona B. Miles website Terms of Use (ewentualnie: Service)

Ilona B. Miles website Terms of Use (ewentualnie: Service) Ilona B. Miles website Terms of Use (ewentualnie: Service) 1. The owner of the website Ilona B. Miles is Success Solutions LLC, Sonaty Street 6/1108, 02-744 Warsaw, Tax Identification Number: 5213689531,

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Your bridge to opportunities+

Your bridge to opportunities+ Goodman Wrocław IV 64,000 sqm warehouse space in strategic location Your bridge to opportunities+ Goodman Wrocław IV Wrocław, ul. Kwiatkowskiego Goodman Wrocław IV Wrocław, Kwiatkowskiego Street Zbliż

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Raport bieżący: 44/2018 Data: g. 21:03 Skrócona nazwa emitenta: SERINUS ENERGY plc

Raport bieżący: 44/2018 Data: g. 21:03 Skrócona nazwa emitenta: SERINUS ENERGY plc Raport bieżący: 44/2018 Data: 2018-05-23 g. 21:03 Skrócona nazwa emitenta: SERINUS ENERGY plc Temat: Zawiadomienie o zmianie udziału w ogólnej liczbie głosów w Serinus Energy plc Podstawa prawna: Inne

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KONTAKTY POLSKIE BIURA KSIĘGOWE: - MANCHESTER - str. 9 - LIVERPOOL - str.15. POLSKIE PRZEDSZKOLE W LIVERPOOL ZAPRASZA - str. 19 Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY NR.13 JULY MSM NAJWIĘKSZA HURTOWNIA SPOŻYWCZA

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An Empowered Staff. Patty Sobelman

An Empowered Staff. Patty Sobelman An Empowered Staff Patty Sobelman The misconception Istnieje pewien mylny pogląd, że dobry lider There is a misconception that a good leader upoważnia swój personel. empowers their staff. The truth Prawda

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Goodman Kraków Airport Logistics Centre. Units from 1,750 sqm for immediate lease. space for growth+

Goodman Kraków Airport Logistics Centre. Units from 1,750 sqm for immediate lease. space for growth+ Goodman Kraków Airport Logistics Centre Units from 1,750 sqm for immediate lease space for growth Goodman Kraków Airport Logistics Centre ul. Komandosów 1, 32-085 Modlniczka Goodman Kraków Airport Logistics

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I webinarium 18.02.2015

I webinarium 18.02.2015 I webinarium 18.02.2015 Współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Współpracy Transgranicznej Republika Czeska - Rzeczpospolita Polska 2007-2013.

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BAZIE KWALIFIKACJI ZAGRANICZNYCH BAZIE KWALIFIKACJI ZAGRANICZNYCH O przewodniku Niniejszy przewodnik zawiera informacje na temat kwalifikacji uzyskanych zagranicą i porady na temat ich nostryfikacji. Dowiesz się jak korzystać z bazy danych

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Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 1

Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 1 Angielski bezpłatne ćwiczenia - gramatyka i słownictwo. Ćwiczenie 1 Przetłumacz na język angielski.klucz znajdziesz w drugiej części ćwiczenia. 1. to be very busy być bardzo zajętym Jestem teraz bardzo

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National Insurance contributions. We need some more information (potrzebujemy pewnych dodatkowych informacji) Inland Revenue

National Insurance contributions. We need some more information (potrzebujemy pewnych dodatkowych informacji) Inland Revenue Inland Revenue National Insurance contributions Centre for Non-Residents Room BP1301 Benton Park View Newcastle Upon Tyne NE98 1ZZ United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 191 22- Fax: +44 (0) 191 22- Textphone:

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www.irs.gov/form990. If "Yes," complete Schedule A Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part

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Space tailored for your logistics+

Space tailored for your logistics+ Goodman Sosnowiec Logistics Centre 22,588 sqm of warehouse space for development Space tailored for your logistics+ Goodman Sosnowiec Logistics Centre ul. Logistyczna 1, 41-200 Sosnowiec Magazyn szyty

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Job Title - Zawód Description - Opis Salary - Wynagrodzenie

Job Title - Zawód Description - Opis Salary - Wynagrodzenie ORION GROUP RECRUITMENT SERVICES Lista ofert pracy Job Title - Zawód Description - Opis Salary - Wynagrodzenie Shift Maintenance Engineer - Inżynier konserwator/mechanik Konserwacja, naprawy maszyn w firmie

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PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Polska Sp. z o.o.

PROGRAM STAŻU. Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Polska Sp. z o.o. PROGRAM STAŻU Nazwa podmiotu oferującego staż IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Polska Sp. z o.o. Miejsce odbywania stażu ul. Muchoborska 8, 54-424 Wrocław Stanowisko, obszar działania Delivery Compliance

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Życie za granicą Studia

Życie za granicą Studia - Uczelnia Chciałabym/Chciałabym zapisać się na studia. Wyrażenie chęci zapisania się na uczelnię Chciałabym/Chciałabym zapisać się na. studia licencjackie studia magisterskie studia doktoranckie studia

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Blow-Up: Photographs in the Time of Tumult; Black and White Photography Festival Zakopane Warszawa 2002 / Powiekszenie: Fotografie w czasach zgielku

Blow-Up: Photographs in the Time of Tumult; Black and White Photography Festival Zakopane Warszawa 2002 / Powiekszenie: Fotografie w czasach zgielku Blow-Up: Photographs in the Time of Tumult; Black and White Photography Festival Zakopane Warszawa 2002 / Powiekszenie: Fotografie w czasach zgielku Juliusz and Maciej Zalewski eds. and A. D. Coleman et

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Surname. Other Names. For Examiner s Use Centre Number. Candidate Number. Candidate Signature

Surname. Other Names. For Examiner s Use Centre Number. Candidate Number. Candidate Signature A Surname Other Names For Examiner s Use Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature Polish General Certificate of Secondary Education June 2015 Unit 4 46854 Writing Tuesday 16 June 2015 9.00 am

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Installation of EuroCert software for qualified electronic signature

Installation of EuroCert software for qualified electronic signature Installation of EuroCert software for qualified electronic signature for Microsoft Windows systems Warsaw 28.08.2019 Content 1. Downloading and running the software for the e-signature... 3 a) Installer

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KONTAKTY. Skup samochodów uszkodzonych i bez opłat. tel. 07977333355 thomas.jasiakiewicz@gmail.com

KONTAKTY. Skup samochodów uszkodzonych i bez opłat. tel. 07977333355 thomas.jasiakiewicz@gmail.com Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY NR.5 2014 GDZIE NA IMPREZE-GDZIE SZUKAĆ PRACY-MIESZKANIA-OGŁOSZENIA

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Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc magda.szewczyk@slo-wroc.pl. magda.szewczyk@slo-wroc.pl. Twoje konto Wyloguj. BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to students

Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc magda.szewczyk@slo-wroc.pl. magda.szewczyk@slo-wroc.pl. Twoje konto Wyloguj. BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to students Ankiety Nowe funkcje! Pomoc magda.szewczyk@slo-wroc.pl Back Twoje konto Wyloguj magda.szewczyk@slo-wroc.pl BIODIVERSITY OF RIVERS: Survey to students Tworzenie ankiety Udostępnianie Analiza (55) Wyniki

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RECREATION ZONE Fall-Winter www.centremeredith.ca RECREATION ZONE Fall-Winter 2017-2018 Program Sports program Cultural program Day camp $10 /person 6 New! Semi Private Learn to Skate Lessons: Adults Interested in learning how

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Adult Education and Lifelong Learning

Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Adult Education Centers can provide a number of courses many of which are free to the learner. For information on the courses they provide visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/

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Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition)

Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Piotr Maluskiewicz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Miedzy

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KONTAKTY JAK ZAWSZE DUŻU OFERT PRACY. APJ - wysyłaj paczki do Polski i z Polski do Anglii z firmą APJ - str. 21

KONTAKTY JAK ZAWSZE DUŻU OFERT PRACY. APJ - wysyłaj paczki do Polski i z Polski do Anglii z firmą APJ - str. 21 Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales NR.7 styczen 2015 GDZIE NA IMPREZE-GDZIE SZUKAĆ PRACY-MIESZKANIA-OGŁOSZENIA

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Bardziej szczegółowo

Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition)

Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Miedzy legenda a historia: Szlakiem piastowskim z Poznania do Gniezna (Biblioteka Kroniki Wielkopolski) (Polish Edition) Piotr Maluskiewicz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Miedzy

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HURTOWNIA SPOŻYWCZA W ANGLII Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY NR.17 listopad GDZIE NA IMPREZE-GDZIE SZUKAĆ

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Employment. Number of employees employed on a contract of employment by gender in 2012. Company

Employment. Number of employees employed on a contract of employment by gender in 2012. Company Im not found /sites/eneacsr2012.mess-asp.com/themes/eneacsr2012/img/enea.jpg Employt Capital Group is one of the largest companies in the energy industry. Therefore it has an influence, as an employer,

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KONTAKTY. SYLWESTER W MANCHESTER Str. 2. Skup samochodów uszkodzonych bez opłat. tel. 07977333355 thomas.jasiakiewicz@gmail.com

KONTAKTY. SYLWESTER W MANCHESTER Str. 2. Skup samochodów uszkodzonych bez opłat. tel. 07977333355 thomas.jasiakiewicz@gmail.com Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY NR.6 Listopad 2014 GDZIE NA IMPREZE-GDZIE

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list formalny wysyłamy do osób na oficjalnym stanowisku i osób, których dobrze nie znamy i nie utrzymujemy z nimi kontaktów

list formalny wysyłamy do osób na oficjalnym stanowisku i osób, których dobrze nie znamy i nie utrzymujemy z nimi kontaktów Jak napisać list formalny po angielsku? list formalny wysyłamy do osób na oficjalnym stanowisku i osób, których dobrze nie znamy i nie utrzymujemy z nimi kontaktów towarzyskich; takie listy muszą być napisane

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USB firmware changing guide. Zmiana oprogramowania za przy użyciu połączenia USB. Changelog / Lista Zmian

USB firmware changing guide. Zmiana oprogramowania za przy użyciu połączenia USB. Changelog / Lista Zmian 1 / 9 Content list / Spis Treści 1. Hardware and software requirements, preparing device to upgrade Wymagania sprzętowe i programowe, przygotowanie urządzenia do aktualizacji 2. Installing drivers and

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17-18 września 2016 Spółka Limited w UK. Jako Wehikuł Inwestycyjny. Marek Niedźwiedź. InvestCamp 2016 PL

17-18 września 2016 Spółka Limited w UK. Jako Wehikuł Inwestycyjny. Marek Niedźwiedź. InvestCamp 2016 PL 17-18 września 2016 Spółka Limited w UK Jako Wehikuł Inwestycyjny InvestCamp 2016 PL Marek Niedźwiedź A G E N D A Dlaczego Spółka Ltd? Stabilność Bezpieczeństwo Narzędzia 1. Stabilność brytyjskiego systemu

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Key Info. Some white chocolates are taken out of the box. There are now 30 chocolates in the box. The number of white chocolates has halved.

Key Info. Some white chocolates are taken out of the box. There are now 30 chocolates in the box. The number of white chocolates has halved. Key Info A box contains dark, milk and white chocolates. There are twice as many milk chocolates as dark chocolates. There are 36 chocolates in the box. Some white chocolates are taken out of the box.

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A new window to the East+

A new window to the East+ Goodman Lublin Logistics Centre 17,000 sqm of modern logistics space A new window to the East Goodman Lublin Logistics Centre ul. Metalurgiczna 62, 20-234 Lublin Nowa, wysokiej jakości powierzchnia magazynowa

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Surname. Other Names. For Examiner s Use Centre Number. Candidate Number. Candidate Signature

Surname. Other Names. For Examiner s Use Centre Number. Candidate Number. Candidate Signature A Surname _ Other Names For Examiner s Use Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature Polish Unit 1 PLSH1 General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014 Reading and

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KONTAKTY. ----------------------------------------------------------- Zwolnienie lekarskie - nowe przepisy str. 3

KONTAKTY. ----------------------------------------------------------- Zwolnienie lekarskie - nowe przepisy str. 3 Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY NR.11 maj MSM NAJWIĘKSZA HURTOWNIA SPOŻYWCZA

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KONTAKTY. Profesjonalne angielskie biuro księgowe CIEKAWE OFERTY PRACY : LIPIEC 2014

KONTAKTY. Profesjonalne angielskie biuro księgowe CIEKAWE OFERTY PRACY : LIPIEC 2014 Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales KONTAKTY LIPIEC 2014 GDZIE NA IMPREZE-GDZIE SZUKAĆ

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